IRC log for #asterisk on 20170803

00:10.26*** join/#asterisk Kaian (~kaian@
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01:51.25darkunderlordlvlinux: nope, sorry.
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02:59.14darkunderlordfinally got my main server from 11 to 13 and chan_sip to chan_pjsip. :) Hopefully all goes well tomorrow morning. /me keeps fingers crossed
03:00.32avbdarkunderlord: :) congratulations. any perks that you have noticed?
03:00.46darkunderlordARI, is the one i'm the most excited about.
03:01.03darkunderlordman I can't wait to code some ish for htat
03:01.29avbari yes
03:01.35avbwhats about chan_pjsip? :)
03:01.58avbany benefits in comparison with chan_sip?
03:02.20darkunderlordoh, not really, but I do want to allow people to use iphone sip client, and other phones on the same extension. The 1 to many is nice about pjsip
03:02.21avbmaybe its time for me to move as well
03:02.37avboh, they finally made that happen
03:02.45avbthis is indeed nice
03:02.56darkunderlordso now my work phone, cellphone sip client, and home phone on VPN can't have same extension. :)
03:03.02avbi hope nat handling is not broken :)
03:03.14darkunderlordno idea, I don't have that issue. :)
03:04.04darkunderlordnow I want to find out what's cool and new in 15 that isn't in 13 :)
03:04.23avbis still with 11 :)
03:04.36darkunderlordthough I do have one more site that is still on 11. But now that I've worked the kinks out, it'll be easier hopefully
03:05.05darkunderlord11 is good, but I just really wanted to keep up with versions, and moreso get the ARI hotness
03:05.45avbwell, keep us updated if you will find something new :)
03:06.20avbwere happy like a baby when found out about new hangup handlers
03:22.41Samotavb: What do you mean?
03:23.20SamotCDR specs redone, ARI, PJSIP and there are other things, including fixes.
03:23.29SamotLike 11 is done.
03:23.36SamotNo more updates or fixes.
03:25.17SamotWill 11 continue to work? Of course, it sure has. Can you still run 11 and it will work, of course.
03:25.46SamotBut the days of "Oh man, I hope they fix this or add that in 11" passed last year.
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08:30.39dnitHi I am using AMI originate action to dial some number
08:31.00dnitthe moment I bridge the above channel, I get OriginateResponse failure.
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09:59.11defsworkif I have a call recording that includes bad call quality from the incoming caller side, can the data issue only exist of the caller side outwards ?  I.e. could it be affected by the endpoint side network ?
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11:32.10dnitdefswork: Yes it could be only at the incoming side only.
11:33.15defsworkjust trying to debug this issue
11:33.33dnitYou should look for jitter and loss %
11:35.36defsworkcan you see that on very old asterisk (1.4) ?
11:36.10dnitI though you had raw packet capture.
11:37.44defsworkis there a 1.4 equiv of show channelstats ?
11:38.01defswork(don't ask why still on 1.4 - it's a vendor supplied solutions :| )
11:39.08*** join/#asterisk catphish (~charlie@unaffiliated/catphish)
11:40.07catphishdoes the queue application always call all agents at the same time, or can it retry in a staggered manner? the reason for my question is that i want to set a very long timeout, but i want devices to be retried immediately if they were previously busy
11:43.48defsworkI've turned on rtcp stats
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12:58.44[TK]D-Fendercatphish, "strategy" <- that is what it can do + queuerules.conf
12:59.31[TK]D-Fenderdnit, guess we'd have to see your actual attempt
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14:25.44*** join/#asterisk ryan42 (
14:26.29ryan42hi all. i have a strange problem i can't seem to solve. I am using asterisk with aastra 6869i phones. when i place outbound calls, after a few seconds, the 'name' part of the call onscreen gets filled with CID:<my outbound did>
14:26.50ryan42this makes it so that all the outbound call log entries show that instead of the actually-dialed number
14:27.10ryan42i can't quite figure out where this is comign from or how to make it stop happening
14:27.13darkunderlorddamn I'm so pissed. Third time trying to do my upgrade from 11 to 13 and all hell breaks loose. No rhyme or reason either. I'm thinking it has more to do with my phones (cisco 525g2) than asterisk. Can't even see errors on asterisk side. Not a good day.
14:30.00ryan42ahh i think i finally found it
14:30.15SamotWhat problem are you have with the Cisco 525?
14:30.19ryan42"Display CallerID on Calling Phone" -- a FreePBX thing.
14:31.23Samotryan42: Your phone display has nothing to do with the CDR results.
14:31.43Samotryan42; My phone displays both the number I am calling and the callerID it is calling from...
14:32.05SamotPretty helpful when I realize, "Oh crap, I'm calling out from the wrong line"
14:32.30ryan42eh i guess i can see the purpose but here it is breaking the call logs pretty badly on this device
14:32.45SamotWhat call logs?
14:32.50SamotHow are they breaking the call logs?
14:33.01SamotThe phone has nothing to do with what ends up in the CDR
14:33.02SamotAt all.
14:33.10ryan42it is a display issue
14:33.13SamotOutside of the digits it presents.
14:33.23SamotWhat type of phone?
14:33.41ryan42the phone prefers to show CNAM data in the outbound call log if it is provided
14:34.08ryan42since asterisk/freepbx was populating CNAM for all the outbound calls as CID:<outbound CID> all the outbound calls look the same
14:34.10SamotYou mean the phones call log?
14:34.23SamotOK, helps to be specific.
14:35.17SamotSorry, The aastra 6869i is not displaying the numbers that were dialed in it's "Dialed Number" history?
14:35.58SamotThe Aastra's internal call history when it comes to the numbers it's dialed..and how those are displayed on the phone..
14:36.06SamotIs an Aastra thing.
14:36.13SamotNot an Asterisk/FreePBX thing.
14:36.50[TK]D-FenderHard to say
14:36.58[TK]D-FenderWe'd have to actually look at the call to be sure
14:36.59dnitWhat exactly does ChanSpy does ? Can I spy a single channel from an agent , so that agent is able to hear to that channel as soon as it is created ?
14:37.05ryan42ok. i found the setting to fix it though, so i'm okay now
14:37.09SamotWhat does that have to do with the call history on the phone?
14:37.16[TK]D-FenderBut "looking" never seems to be a solution on the table much these days
14:37.34[TK]D-Fenderdnit, Does exactly what it says it does.
14:37.37SamotBut how does the call log on Asterisk....
14:37.41ryan42When set to true and when CONNECTEDLINE() capabilities are configured and supported by your handset, the CID value being transmitted on this call will be updated on your handset in the CNAM field prepended with CID: so you know what is being presented to the caller if the outbound trunk supports and honors setting the transmitted CID.
14:37.50SamotHave anything to do with how the phone stores the dialed digit history and displays it?
14:37.54[TK]D-Fenderdnit, you spy on a channel.  What option does it have?  The instructions tell you
14:38.13Samotryan42: CONNECTEDLINE() shows the Presence of the destination CALLED
14:38.33dnitYes I read all the instructions but failing to get it to work. :(
14:38.34Samotryan42: So if I call Gary's extension...
14:38.40SamotIt tells me "Gary is Busy"
14:38.50SamotOr "In Meeting"
14:38.54[TK]D-Fenderdnit, Try following them then.  That usually helps...
14:39.14SamotWell in that case
14:39.22SamotThe Presence status would be "Insane"
14:39.44Samot'Gary is Insane. You sure you want this conversation?"
14:39.50ryan42this only really affects calls outside our organization
14:40.43ryan42anyway, setting the above setting to no seems to make it work as desired so everything is good now.
14:40.44SamotSo the CDRs are correct?
14:40.49[TK]D-Fendercontinued description is worthless alternative to actually looking #justsayin
14:40.55SamotThe actual call history at FreePBX/Asterisk is correct?
14:41.09SamotThe only issue is the phone's internal history?
14:41.16ryan42the CDRs were never the issue. they were and are correct
14:41.34SamotSo this is an issue with Aastra's display and internal history?
14:41.39ryan42i just needed Asterisk/FreePBX to stop passing CID:<outbound DID> as the CNAM
14:41.49SamotWhat CNAM?
14:41.54SamotPassing it WHERE?
14:41.56ryan42the CNAM filed of the caller ID
14:41.57ryan42to the phone
14:42.17ryan42its telling the phone that the name of the person I'm calling is literally CID:outbound DID
14:42.20SamotWhat does it pass when you make an "internal" call?
14:42.29ryan42internal calls were and still are fine
14:42.36ryan42the setting only affects calls routed over a trunk
14:42.38SamotWhat does it show the caller on their phone?
14:42.57ryan42now it just shows the number dialed, and not CID:foo
14:43.10ryan42before it was showing CID:foo as the name of the person being called
14:43.43ryan42because the call history on the aastra devices perfers to show CNAM if the data is there, it was showing CID:foo for all outbound calls (and not the number called)
14:43.43SamotBut when you call 1NXXNXXXXXX instead of keeping that on the display...
14:43.53SamotIt's showing YOUR own CallerID?
14:43.59ryan42it was
14:44.06ryan42now it isn't
14:44.31ryan42the setting that affects this....
14:44.33ryan42When set to true and when CONNECTEDLINE() capabilities are configured and supported by your handset, the CID value being transmitted on this call will be updated on your handset in the CNAM field prepended with CID
14:45.39SamotTurn it off.
14:45.48ryan42i did that
14:45.53SamotBecause while it seems Aastra supports it, you don't like how it functions.
14:46.08SamotI do not have this issue on snom, Polycoms or Cisco SPAs.
14:46.32SamotTheir call history is just fine despite the CONNECTEDLINE() details being passed back.
14:46.58SamotAnd I do have some Aastra's that were BYOD by clients and they don't seem to have this issue either.
14:47.13SamotSo I'm going to go back to this is an Aastra thing.
14:47.22SamotProbably a configuration setting for the phone.
14:47.25ryan42here's a BR i found about it that led me to the solution: <>
14:47.44Samotryan42: You should really be in #freepbx for this.
14:48.04SamotSince you are dealing with pre-generated dialplan that you don't control.
14:48.19ryan42if i have any issues in the future i'll go there first; thanks.
14:48.20SamotAnd in here, the help will be to actually make changes at the wrong level for FreePBX.
14:48.21[TK]D-FenderAnd we're not looking at YOUR call so everything is hypotheitcal nonsense until then
14:48.38SamotWhat would you like to see in the call TK?
14:48.39[TK]D-FenderShow where it is happening
14:48.53SamotAnd how will that show the call history on his phone?
14:48.57[TK]D-FenderSomeone else's blood test doesn't do me any good at all...
14:48.59SamotAnd what the phone is displaying?
14:49.11[TK]D-FenderIt'll prove if */FreePBX was TOLD to set it <-
14:49.20SamotAnd then?
14:49.30[TK]D-FenderAnd then I can start giving a shit and seeing if that can be changed
14:49.31SamotBecause if he disable CONNECTEDLINE() sounds like it goes away
14:49.57ryan42it is definitely a freepbx thing
14:50.05[TK]D-FenderI don't see a call
14:50.07ryan42sorry, should have asked about it there; but i have it working now
14:50.10SamotSo what?
14:50.17SamotNot everything is solved with a call log.
14:50.19[TK]D-Fenderand this should be taken over to the appropriate channel
14:50.27[TK]D-FenderSolved, no.  Proven, yes
14:50.46darkunderlordI'm googling, but anyone do any capacity and functionality testing with tools? My own spot testing works fine, but when everyone comes in, ish goes sideways.
14:50.47[TK]D-FenderDon't  give me a diagnosis without an EXAM taking place
14:50.51[TK]D-Fenderthat's nonsense
14:51.17Samotryan42: Show him a call log.
14:51.47[TK]D-FenderTake this to #freepbx first
14:51.52[TK]D-Fenderand continue there.
14:51.56[TK]D-FenderIt should never have started here
14:52.22*** part/#asterisk ryan42 (
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14:54.38dnitInfro about how I am using ChanSpy
14:54.42dnitand the error too
14:55.18[TK]D-FenderERROR[6961]: chan_pjsip.c:2166 request: Unable to create PJSIP channel with empty endpoint name
14:55.32[TK]D-FenderWell you're never getting off the ground in the first place
14:55.39[TK]D-FenderForgetting chanspy you aren't calling OUT
14:55.45[TK]D-FenderAnd it's telling you directly you screwed up
14:56.00[TK]D-FenderUnable to create PJSIP channel with empty endpoint name <-
14:57.51dnitSorry I did not understand, I am trying to make the PJSIP channel to spy on the channel SPY_ON_CHANNEL
14:58.39[TK]D-FenderWell you didn't call your channel properly
14:58.49[TK]D-Fender"spying" isn't the problem
14:59.08[TK]D-FenderYou failed to provide something that could be dialed
15:09.08*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
15:11.03dnitThanks, will look into it.
15:18.52dnitI have been trying to do this for few weeks but failing with all the tools / applications I tried.
15:19.05dnitSomething or otherthings breaks.
15:19.15dnitI have a simple requirement.
15:19.26dnitThere are agents logged in.
15:19.46dnitWhenever the system makes an outgoing call.
15:19.56dnitWhenever the  * makes an outgoing call.
15:20.09dnitWe assign an agent to this call.
15:20.56[TK]D-Fenderrewind all of that
15:21.12[TK]D-Fenderbecause all of this back-story does nothing until you even have a clue how to DIAL.
15:21.41[TK]D-FenderIf you can't dial the guy properly in the first place the resot of this won't mean anything
15:22.34dnitI am able to dial
15:22.42[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Unable to create PJSIP channel with empty endpoint name <-
15:22.46[TK]D-FenderIt begs to differ
15:23.08dnitThis is a part of something else I was trying to accomplish.
15:23.27dnitI just want my agent to hear the early media of the outgoing call.
15:23.46dnitBut I don't have an agent unless the dial begins.
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15:24.19dnitMeans I don't know which agent has to be assigned to this call unless Dial is reached in dialplan
15:24.20eric_hilldnit, you want the agent to hear the call before the agent is connected to the call?
15:24.47dnitNo I want the agent to hear to the outgoing call before it is picked up.
15:25.05eric_hillSo call the agent first.
15:25.17eric_hillWhen the agent picks up, place the outgoing call.
15:25.54dnitThis is what I can't do. because unless the outgoing call is placed. I don't have the agent
15:26.14[TK]D-FenderStop saying "agent"
15:27.29eric_hillChannel goes to your internal extension.  When that extension answers, the active call is sent to Context/Extension, which can be an outside number.
15:27.39[TK]D-Fender<dnit> We assign an agent to this call.
15:27.50[TK]D-FenderYou effectively could be making that determination at the same time
15:28.03[TK]D-Fenderso there is no excuse to not knowing them right from the start
15:28.21eric_hill^ what TKD said.
15:32.38dnitagent is assigned to call once it is dialled, this business decision I cannot take,
15:33.01eric_hill*how* is the agent assigned.
15:33.34eric_hillrandom?  latest clock-in time?  nearest birthdate?  lowest social security number?
15:34.19dnitCurrently we set a varible via AMI on the outgoing channel, so when the outgoing calls channel is answered we rring the agent.
15:34.53dniteric_hill agent is chosen based on users score / and other factors . this is tricky.
15:34.59eric_hillso your called party will hear the agent's phone ringing.
15:35.22eric_hillEvery call has two legs
15:35.35eric_hillEven if one of those legs is asterisk.
15:35.51dnitNo agent is already logged in. I use AgentRequest(agentnum) here.
15:36.43dnitSorry about that "ring the agent" part
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15:38.31eric_hillAn agent being logged in is orthognal to an agent being on the phone
15:40.10eric_hillAnd until the outside call is delivered to an agent, you aren't going to send anything to an agent.
15:40.23*** join/#asterisk d00gster (~d00gster@unaffiliated/d00gster)
15:43.46dnitOk so a basic question, lets say I called an external endpoint via Dial(PJSIP/${Number}@External_SIP_trunk) , now as soon as the channel for call is created. How can I make my agent spy on this channel.
15:46.27eric_hillUsing on-the-phone agents is incompatible with calling Chanspy since no dialplan event occurs.
15:47.58eric_hillI would like to hold the hammer in my left hand and have the nail inserted into the board by using my right hand not holding a hammer.
15:48.34[TK]D-Fenderdnit, have them call chanspy....
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16:22.11drmessano11:38:32 <eric_hill> An agent being logged in is orthognal to an agent being on the phone
16:22.24drmessanoeric_hill: Thanks for reminding me how stupid I am
16:24.10eric_hillNot calling anyone stupid....
16:24.58SamotYou used a mathy word.
16:25.14eric_hilloh.  lol.  sorry about that.
16:25.35drmessanoeric_hill: I had to google it
16:25.39drmessanoand even then
16:25.42eric_hilltakes off propeller hat with "i math" written on it.
16:26.15eric_hillI just meant that those two concepts are two different directions from each other.  Logged in or not does not mean on the phone or not.
16:26.34SamotI know what it means.
16:26.38drmessanoHad you said "Perpendicular" or "Tacos", I would have been "RIGHT ON!"
16:26.48drmessanoBut instead
16:27.18eric_hillTACOS!  Woot!  It's about lunch time.
16:27.34SamotI mean having a large and wide vocabulary is awesome.
16:27.35drmessanoeric_hill: In the south, we just say "Oh, it's not square"
16:27.48SamotBut this is a rule about using big words when little ones can do the job.
16:28.00drmessanoIf I said "Orthogonal" to someone, I would be shot
16:28.09drmessanoor hear "You sassin me, boy"
16:28.10SamotKnow your audience.
16:28.28eric_hillI'll read up.
16:29.09eric_hillI work with a bunch of engineers.  They use lots of big words, and an insane number of abbreviations.
16:29.12drmessanoNo Kindle edition?
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17:15.35lvlinuxI just scored 2 Hex Lite PoE Mikrotik routers for $25 each. :-D  Also looking into VyOS/Vyatta as it appears to meet my needs as well.
17:17.42learathThat's pretty awesome.
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17:18.36SamotRB750UPr2's ?
17:21.16SamotGood price.
17:21.34lvlinuxyes used
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18:01.31sakhiHello, is the Linphone application the one that support g729 for free?
18:01.51SamotThe softphone doesn't require the license.
18:02.03SamotThe PBX/media server does.
18:02.34sakhiSamot: thanks
18:08.48[TK]D-FenderBoth do
18:09.01[TK]D-FenderAny device that has to encode or decode is subject
18:09.12[TK]D-Fender(where/when the patent applies)
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18:29.06overyanderi recently updated centos on my * box. one of the updates was the kernel... now i'm getting an error when trying to us meetme that the dahdi pseudo device can't be found.
18:29.41overyanderthe version of asterisk is 11.2.1. do i need to just recompile dahdi and install again or is there something else i can do to fix this?
18:30.16overyanderif i need to recompile and install, can i use any current version of dahdi or do i have to use a specific version that's compatible with * 11.2.1?
18:32.34rmudgettYou would need to recompile dahdi since dahdi has a kernel module and is sensitive to kernel updates.
18:33.21salviadudoveryander, if you are using meetme, but you do not have dahdi devices, you should be using confbridge instead.
18:33.40overyanderconfbridge != meetme
18:34.06salviadudIt's similar...
18:34.20overyanderrmudgett, that's what I was thinking. will any version of dahdi work or is there a specific one that will work best with this older version of *?
18:34.45[TK]D-Fenderjust try the one you have
18:35.05rmudgettI don't know.  You could start with the version you have now.
18:35.12overyanderi don't have the source of the original one i used.
18:35.48overyanderwas just going to download the tarball and go through config/make/makeinstall then reboot
18:36.00[TK]D-Fenderthen go DL another
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19:06.54Samotconfbridge > meetme
19:06.59Samotmeetme == deprecated
19:07.52SamotSo when suggesting confbridge over meetme it is because confbridge != meetme due to it being the replacement and better.
19:09.06Samot1) It doesn't require DAHDi
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19:33.46Samotfile, et al: The schedule graphic needs to be updated to reflect the v15 update. FYI.
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19:36.05lvlinuxIs asterisk 15 not going to be an LTS release?
19:36.16lvlinuxThe download page says "Standard"
19:36.38fileit isn't
19:36.44fileSamot: comment on the page
19:37.35SamotI guess I never created an account
19:37.52SamotNot that I've really needed to submit an Asterisk ticket.
19:40.59SamotDoes that mean the LTS on odds is changing or will it be standard until 17?
19:42.15[TK]D-Fenderpretty sure he just it isn't "standard"
19:42.18[TK]D-FenderThus is LTS
19:42.30[TK]D-Fenderand no indication of that pattern changing so far...
19:42.42Samotv15 was changed from TLS to Standard yesterday
19:42.48SamotIn the release schedule.
19:43.14Samot15.xStandard2017-10 (tentative)2018-10 (tentative)2019-10 (tentative)
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19:43.30Samoter LTS..
19:43.42SamotNot TLS.
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19:46.16drmessanoYep, and it looks like 13 was extended
19:48.02drmessanoI'm good with that.. 13 is the bees knees
19:48.52SamotYeah, I mean 14 has been pretty solid for me.
19:49.13drmessanoRight, but it's not L-T-S
19:49.17SamotBut I only use it where I need to use that new Dial string feature.
19:49.22drmessanoand we know how important acronyms arwe
19:49.23drmessanoand we know how important acronyms are
19:50.08drmessanoI prefer to run a solid E-L-T-S-L-O-L stack
19:50.12SamotIf 15 is just as solid as 14 then I'll jump to it where needed.
19:52.09[TK]D-FenderI don't recall any branch not being "solid" in vaguely recent times
19:52.17[TK]D-Fenderist just a question of LTS or not
19:52.41drmessanoReally it gets no better than the Asterisk-FreePBX-Apache-PHP-MySQL-Enterprise Stack
19:52.45drmessanoAFAPME for life
19:53.06drmessano[TK]D-Fender: There is no question.  It's been answered
19:53.59drmessanoAFAPME LTS = 2019
19:55.51SamotFor what I need 14 to do...
19:55.53SamotIt's solid.
19:56.25drmessanoBut that's old AFAPME
19:59.33drmessanoNo, that's the old stack
20:00.01SamotThat was such a good movie.
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