IRC log for #asterisk on 20170731

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06:24.06_8bitsIs there any other way to make "Dial another peer if first one is offline" logic besides queue?
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12:32.48*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (~GavrielC@
12:34.56gavimobilehavent used my pbx in a while and not sure why but my outgoing google calls arent working. im using simon gsgw's paid $5 gateway. can someone give me a hand please?
12:37.12gavimobilei may have not added a 1 before the number. here is the debug with the 1
13:01.41*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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13:21.42Samotgavimobile: Google Voice is dead. Google announced it's death in February. It died June 26th.
13:23.43SamotNeed to find an alternative.
13:26.57*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
13:27.16gavimobileSamot: June 26th 2017?
13:27.55gavimobileSamot: also, what features are not working, because incoming IS and has been working
13:28.08SamotXMPP connectors.
13:28.18SamotThe thing that makes connecting to them possible.
13:28.20gavimobileSamot: i said i was using gvgw
13:28.25gavimobilethat doesnt use xmpp
13:28.31SamotCome on dude.
13:28.47SamotThere has been one way to connect to Google Voice
13:28.58SamotThat service is someone running that module FOR YOU
13:29.09SamotAnd acting as the SIP to XMPP gateway
13:29.40gavimobileSamot: i see. so right now gv outgoing isnt working for anyone?
13:29.57SamotProbably not. They been slowing letting it die.
13:30.10SamotXMPP node dies, they don't fix it
13:30.13gavimobileSamot: that i know, which is why i left motiff and moved to gvgw
13:30.26SamotAnd as of June 26th they are official dead.
13:30.37gavimobilethats pretty recent. crazy
13:30.37SamotSo there may be some lingering ones that might work but it is done.
13:30.56gavimobileSamot: and does incoming use xmpp as wel?
13:30.57SamotThey've been announcing the death of GV for over a year
13:31.15SamotThey finally put a date to the death in February.
13:31.23gavimobileSamot: ohhh, my incoming workings because gvoice is forwarding to my free ipcomm did number
13:31.48gavimobileso that wouldnt use xmpp, correct?
13:31.49SamotRight, Google Talk/Hangouts are still working
13:31.56SamotSo those run Google Voce.
13:31.59gavimobileSamot: thanks...
13:32.03SamotInternally Google Voice works.
13:32.07gavimobiledo you have a official link from google
13:32.16SamotAs long as it is on the gmail network and no third party connectors.
13:32.32SamotI don't have the link from the announcement sent almost 7 months
13:32.50gavimobilealso, does the asterisk community have any leads?
13:33.13gavimobilemaybe i should invest in a magic jack. i have a pcie analog card
13:40.47*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:42.43igcewielinggavimobile: get an account at an ITSP and get on with your life.
13:43.18igcewielingI use Vitelty, but there are dozens of them.
13:43.50*** join/#asterisk averythomas (
13:59.01gavimobileigcewieling: i live over seas. i dont make much calls to the us.
13:59.24gavimobilei do need to call my parents every so often which is why i like google voice.
13:59.39gavimobilewhat about whatsapp, has anyone been able to create a sip trunk with whatsapp
14:00.03gavimobilegavimobile: nevermind, scratch that out.
14:00.39SamotWhy don't you just ship them an ATA that registers to Asterisk?
14:00.49SamotThen just call them via the local extension?
14:01.00Samot$0 call.
14:01.24gavimobileits extra clutter that my mom will not be happy about
14:01.31gavimobileshe can always call on whatsup
14:01.44SamotWell Whatsapp does not work with SIP
14:02.12gavimobileim thinking something along the lines of magic jack pro to a pcie card
14:02.44SamotI mean if your mom doesn't have space for a 6"x6" device
14:02.58SamotSure, spend way more time and money getting a free calling solution in place.
14:03.06gavimobilei have the card
14:03.29SamotSo time to make it work
14:03.34SamotMoney to pay for MagicJack
14:03.47SamotLike I said, spend way more time and money to get a free calling solution in place.
14:04.01gavimobileSamot: im open for suggestions
14:04.13gavimobilei do like the comfort to be able to call other american numbers
14:04.19SamotI just gave the best one for free overseas calls
14:04.27SamotThen you need a US service.
14:05.29*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-zgwhicgzdcrhgfmt)
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14:06.42gavimobileis there a service like magic jack but for less?
14:08.37*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~imcdona@
14:09.39SamotI have no idea.
14:09.44SamotI don't use those services.
14:11.08[TK]D-FenderHow much is MagicJack charging and how much do you need?
14:13.38*** join/#asterisk bford (d8cff501@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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14:29.14igcewielingI pat about $2/month and $0.09/min, how much cheaper do you need?"
14:35.50[TK]D-FenderI think your /min is a bit off...
14:36.07igcewieling9 cents per min
14:36.20igcewielingsorry, you are right
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14:56.31libardiSorry :)
15:05.46*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
15:31.51drmessano09:30:14 <gavimobile> Samot: that i know, which is why i left motiff and moved to gvgw
15:32.12drmessanoSo you're paying $5 a month to someone to basically do exactly what you were doing
15:32.59drmessanoNm.. one time fee
15:33.04drmessanoBut still
15:33.11drmessanoThey were using XMPP just the same lol
15:33.27Samot9:28:58 AM <Samot> That service is someone running that module FOR YOU
15:33.27Samot9:29:09 AM <Samot> And acting as the SIP to XMPP gateway
15:33.42SamotBut yeah, that was the actually reply to me pointing that out.
15:34.26drmessanoI guess I didn't make enough money off GV while it lasted
15:34.37drmessanoGood god.. All I had to was act as a faux gateway
15:34.45drmessanoto do*
15:35.00fileremembers when someone ran a call center off Google Voice
15:36.12drmessanoI think the lack of information/misinformation that circulated during its lifespan was sad
15:36.15drmessanoSuch as
15:36.29drmessano"The XMPP stuff in Asterisk doesn't work, use my SIP gateway"
15:36.37drmessanoWell, the OLD modules didnt work
15:36.56drmessanoBut hey, needed to start somewhere
15:37.07drmessanoI never had any problems with the new ones
15:37.22drmessanoBut paying someone $6 to
15:37.28drmessanoOh god.. I just realized
15:37.45drmessanoPaid $6 to act as a Google Proxy
15:38.27drmessanoBut yeah
15:38.48drmessano"Obi-Hai has a backdoor into Google"
15:39.15drmessano"They can't talk about it.. NDA and all"
15:39.41drmessanoBest and worst thing that ever happened to telephony
15:51.18*** join/#asterisk mub (~jub@unaffiliated/mub)
15:59.17RovingWriterfile, i too ran a call center off of GV
15:59.39RovingWriterfor 3 months, then switched to flowroute once we were making $ haha
16:00.02SamotYeah, I never would.
16:01.14RovingWriteri didn't have many options. funds were super tight hah
16:01.22RovingWriterbut it worked for 3 months pretty well.
16:03.38fileGoogle frowns upon it if the abuse logic detects it.
16:04.27drudge`i been using questblue or something for sip trunks, its not bad
16:08.37SamotI just would never put a call center on something as unstable as GV.
16:08.44SamotThat has no ToS
16:08.49SamotNo SLA
16:08.59SamotIn fact, no guarantee that service would work.
16:09.26drmessanoRovingWriter: How did you have a call center but no budget for the actual "call" part?
16:09.38SamotThere is that.
16:09.49drmessanoI hate when people say "no budget"
16:10.01SamotIt was like back in the day
16:10.02drmessanoIt's a lie, basically
16:10.07SamotWhen people would want free email
16:10.18SamotThen complain how they were losing $10,000 because the free service wasn't working
16:10.58drmessanoIf you don't have a budget for the "cost of doing business" stuff, you shouldn't be in business
16:11.12SamotPutting a call center on something like GV is like being a VoIP provider using GV.
16:11.28SamotPeople are paying you for expectations of service...
16:11.32drmessanoThere are a lot of things I would LIKE to have
16:11.37drmessanoImprovements, even
16:11.47drmessanoBut that GV thing is just being cheap
16:11.50SamotNot that they are paying you for some free service that has not guarantees.
16:11.53drmessanoTrying to rip off Google
16:12.33drmessanoLike my coworker that doesn't want a 3rd AP at home
16:12.41drmessanobut can't wee-fee all over
16:12.49drmessanoJust got a $600 TV
16:12.55drmessanoNo budget for a 3rd AP
16:13.07SamotNot even the $30 for the new little mini?
16:13.10drmessanoNo, "doesn't want to buy it"
16:13.24drmessanoThat's single band
16:13.30SamotOh well
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16:13.35Samot'Cuse me.
16:13.50drmessanoDoes 2.4 work in your place?
16:14.03SamotBut I have dual.
16:14.05drmessanoIt doesn't in his place
16:14.06drmessanoAt all
16:14.10SamotSo yeah
16:14.18SamotSo $45 for the dual?
16:14.18RovingWriterdrmessano, so the call center was 100% remote, people working at home by calling into the PBX and hotdesking in.
16:14.33drmessanoRovingWriter: .... so?
16:14.36SamotRovingWriter: That has nothing to do with the calls getting to the PBX.
16:14.44SamotAnd the guarantee that the users can make those calls
16:14.57SamotYou could have 50 agents signed in...
16:14.58RovingWriterSamot, it wasn't for business uses
16:15.00drmessanoSamot: Well, he's not gonna pay $45.. but not much more after markup for setting it up
16:15.15SamotYou have a non-business use call center?
16:15.18drmessanoA call center not for business uses?
16:15.27RovingWriterit was for a charity thing.
16:15.39drmessanoHow is that not "business use"?
16:16.02drmessanoSorry, English is my first language
16:16.26drmessanoBut I think you're confusing non-profit and not-business
16:16.44Samot11:59:39 AM <RovingWriter> for 3 months, then switched to flowroute once we were making $ haha
16:16.53drmessanoI missed that
16:16.57SamotSo it was non-business, charity
16:17.03drmessanoBut making money
16:17.08RovingWriteryes, after 3 months we had raised some $$ and switched to flowroute to make calls
16:17.19RovingWriterthen after 6 more months had met goal, and closed it
16:17.20drmessanoBut I think you're confusing non-profit and not-business <---
16:17.38RovingWriterperhaps, i am not properly using correct wording
16:17.52Samot100% of all those usage charges..
16:17.58SamotFor a Non-Profit are tax writeoffs
16:18.11SamotSo going with a free service for a non-profit doesn't benefit anyone
16:18.53RovingWritersure, if you have the $$ to do it differently, you do. I didn't.
16:19.09RovingWriterwasn't even a lot of $$ needed, but still more than I could do alone at the time
16:19.38RovingWriteri don't even know why we're arguing about this, lol
16:19.49SamotAt first this was "call centers on GV"
16:19.54SamotWhich I said,  I wouldn't do.
16:20.02SamotThen you expanded your story.
16:20.13SamotBut all I'm saying is next time..
16:20.17SamotThere are benefits you missed out on.
16:20.22SamotBoth you and the non-profit.
16:20.33RovingWriteryes, i agree, thats why i moved it as soon as we couled
16:21.11RovingWriteri know what you are saying. spend the $$ you didn't have to do it in the most ideal way possible to start
16:22.56SamotActually, no.
16:23.05SamotSee non-profits still function like a normal business.
16:23.16SamotThey cannot do it / make/ have profits from it.
16:23.42SamotBut they can have "administrative costs" i.e. the cost of doing business.
16:24.06SamotUtilities (like phone service), staff payroll...
16:24.17SamotAll those are write-offs
16:24.30SamotYou donating phone service would have benefited you
16:24.38SamotIt would allow them to mark that service as a donation.
16:24.58SamotAll around it benefits doing it right way.
16:26.00*** join/#asterisk karelk (~karel@
16:26.30RovingWriterhere's, i'll expand a bit on the situation so you can poke at it a bit more. maybe it will clarify it a bit. I have a son who is now 3 years old. when he was born, he had a stroke as being born. then the seizured came. every few days.... broke me financially... like, almost homeless status. I have to stay home with him 24/7. so I picked up programming in order to be able to make $$ while at
16:26.30RovingWriterhome. because his seizures happen every 2 weeks now, and there is no real way to detect them or when they will happen, i reached out to a company called 4 paws 4 humanity. they train service dogs to detect things like seizures, and all sorts of stuff.... they quoted me $15k for the dog.... so I, while juggling all the medical bills, copays, rent, food, oxygen machines, rescue meds, etc...
16:26.30RovingWritersetup a cloud based * install on digitalocean (i know, I shouldn't run it in the cloud either), and linked it to GV... then friends and family linked their phones to it via sip clients, and we called animal shelters, and asked for small donations in order to raise the $$ to buy the dog.
16:26.55SamotThere's nothing wrong with it being in the cloud
16:27.03RovingWriterso, overall, nothing was technically done right in the situation.
16:27.16SamotThen this wasn't a non-profit.
16:27.27SamotThis was "gofundme" style.
16:27.45SamotSo not a call center.
16:27.50SamotNot a non-profit.
16:27.59SamotSo OK, GV not a bad choice.
16:28.24RovingWriteri guess i consider it a call center a bit because there were around 15 people calling out at some times
16:28.57SamotI guess.
16:29.09RovingWritersuper loose definition i suppose.
16:29.25SamotThat's like all the parents in a girl scout troop using Asterisk to make calls for selling cookies
16:29.38SamotThan the parents using their cell phones.
16:31.57SamotSorry, I work in Telecom. So saying you ran a "call center on GV" is triggerish for me.
16:32.22SamotSaying that you used GV and ASterisk so you and 15 friends could raise $$ for a dog...
16:32.30SamotThat makes complete sense.
16:33.07RovingWriteri suppose, yeah. its like me saying I'm a mechanic because i swapped a clutch in my car
16:33.08RovingWriteri can see that
16:33.29SamotIf you walked into a room of mechanics...
16:33.41SamotNot backyard
16:33.48SamotAnd started talking about things like that
16:34.11SamotWithout the qualifier of "backyard", yes you would probably have the same reaction by someone.
16:34.43RovingWriteryeah, i can see that
16:35.26SamotBecause in the bad of their heads they are thinking "Why is this pro talking like a hobbyist?"
16:36.14SamotBelieve me, professionals are probably the biggest hobbyists about shit...
16:37.34SamotI've used Asterisk for home stuff in various ways over the years.
16:37.41SamotNothing I would ever do professionally..
16:37.42RovingWriterI have built a legit call center since then though too ;)
16:37.59SamotAnd would you use GV for a legit call center?
16:38.08SamotSee our point
16:38.17RovingWriteryes of course
16:38.30RovingWriteri wasn't defending it as a good choice
16:38.37RovingWriterat least i hope that wasn't coming off
16:39.00SamotWell for a legit call center no...
16:39.05SamotBut for what you did
16:39.08SamotYeah, it was fine.
16:40.02RovingWriterraised $21k in 9 months. 3 of which were on GV. I should go back through CDR and see if we did better after switching, haha
16:40.17SamotWell it was outbound
16:40.22RovingWriteryeah it was
16:40.40SamotDoing better after switching would mean you just got your sales pitch down.
16:40.53SamotThe difference is inbound.
16:40.56RovingWriterwell, there was a lot of "hello? i can't hear you"
16:41.01RovingWriterbefore switching
16:41.17RovingWriterlike... 1 in 20 calls probably
16:41.28SamotEveryone was remote
16:41.36SamotNAT and god knows what crap routers
16:41.36*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
16:41.40RovingWriterlotsa variables
16:42.09SamotBut inbound call centers are the more common place.
16:42.09ghost75does * support 3way authentication with sip?
16:42.36Samotghost75: If you mean multiple contacts/AORs then yes with the Chan_PJSIP driver.
16:42.55ghost752 passwords for 1 sip account
16:43.06SamotWhy would you need that?
16:43.20ghost75provider needs it :<
16:43.38SamotOne for inbound and one for outbound?
16:43.50ghost75no, for registration
16:43.50SamotThat would be the only way they would "need it"
16:44.06SamotThere is no "two password" registration method
16:44.29ghost75i found only 3cx has it
16:45.15SamotThat's because it's not a SIP standard
16:45.23SamotAnd they are a proprietary system.
16:45.47SamotAnd it only works with their softphone client.
16:46.21ghost75telekom sip account needs that in order to register
16:46.34SamotWhat do they need?
16:46.34ghost75otherwise only ip based
16:46.38SamotWhat did they send you?
16:46.48SamotBecause there is no two password auth mech for SIP
16:46.50ghost75they send nothing, this is germany :>
16:48.14ghost75is telekom also offering sip in US ?
16:48.58SamotI have no clue
16:49.42SamotBut SIP auth is based on the user:secret:domain
16:49.53SamotNot user:secret1:secret2:domain
16:50.28*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
16:50.38ghost75maybe its some "extra" field
16:50.59SamotWithout seeing their creds/settings they sent for you to program your PBX with..
16:51.01SamotNo idea.
16:51.04SamotIt could be.
16:51.11*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
16:51.13SamotCould be they want the fromuser= set to something different
16:51.19ghost75basically the second pw is just email address
16:52.31ghost75auth-id and user-id maybe?
16:52.50SamotSo yes, that is completely possible.
16:53.07ghost75 cause here they state this
16:53.08SamotBut still only one secret-
16:53.43SamotWhy does the 3CX configuration have to be involved?
16:54.38Samot3Way Authentication <-- This is a Non-thing.
16:54.52SamotThat just means "User AuthID for authorization"
16:55.15ghost75its misleading
16:55.34SamotFirst, you are looking at how to setup a completely different PBX system with their service.
16:55.36SamotSo yes.
16:55.50SamotInstructions and setting names in 3CX will not match Asterisk.
16:56.05SamotNor would the probably match another PBX systems
16:56.11*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
16:56.15SamotYou need to find the Asterisk instructions for their service.
16:56.38SamotAnd not try to use a different PBXes instructions
16:56.40ghost75they dont care about other services than their own :>
16:56.55SamotThe provider?
16:56.55ghost75german telekom
16:57.22SamotA provider should/could have instructions on how to connect many different PBX systems to their service.
16:57.43SamotThat is a document explaining how to connect a 3CX PBX to their service.
16:57.50SamotNow that's great if you have a 3CX
16:57.57SamotAnd also one that is 5 years old
16:58.06SamotBecause that's how old v10 is.
16:58.26SamotIt's not even a supported version of that PBX.
17:00.17SamotThis is someone who apparently has made the service work on Asterisk using Chan_PJSIP, no instructions for Chan_SIP
17:00.31SamotBut you know, that was like the second link in my google search
17:00.45SamotSorry first
17:01.53SamotThis was the second,
17:02.01SamotWhich has actual configs for Chan_SIP.
17:02.39Samotputs up the LMGTFY "out to lunch" sign.
17:03.51ghost75just asked for that 3way thing :)
17:04.09ghost75so now its clear that its just authuser
17:05.07SamotBut you were trying to figure how what 3CX setting equaled what in Asterisk.
17:05.38Samottelekom germany asterisk setup <-- In Google, those were the top two links.
17:07.19RovingWriterSamot, here ya go, only pics I have:
17:15.15*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
17:18.23tcpdumpGM everyone.
17:20.17tcpdumpSo - question:  What exactly is WebRTC in comparison to SIP?   Is it just a SIP client, or is it something a bit different?
17:20.57SamotIt uses Web Sockets to make the SIP connection.
17:21.10SamotEither the WSS or WS transports.
17:22.10SamotIt is to facilitate browser based SIP clients.
17:24.07*** join/#asterisk Gullibaer (
17:24.20SamotI can't remember but file will probably know. Is DTLS needed when doing just WS or is it only for when you use WSS?
17:24.40SamotI'm shaking on that since I've only ever done it via WSS and DTLS was needed.
17:24.45fileWebRTC requires DTLS.
17:25.01SamotSo you need to get a cert for it as well
17:25.24fileWebRTC itself is two parts: a set of standards (ICE, STUN, TURN, DTLS, SDP, some other things) and an interface the browser provides via Javascript to use things
17:26.12SamotWith the right client and configuration, it's pretty decent.
17:28.53*** join/#asterisk Maliuta_ (maliutamat@gateway/shell/
17:30.06*** join/#asterisk bananapie (
17:30.53bananapieIs there a way from asterisk manager to find a channel based on a variable value without having to load all the channels and do a get variable on each ? Like SQL : SELECT ChannelName FROM Asterisk WHERE SomeVariable = 'SomeValue' ?
17:31.32SamotNot that I am aware of
17:31.42SamotSince those variables are attached to their channels
17:31.52igcewielingbananapie: Manager, not an AGI script?
17:32.02bananapieManager, not an AGI script.
17:32.26SamotManager needs to know the channel is it managing
17:32.30bananapieI am originating a call via manager, and I want to wait for the call to end. The call uses a local channel, so when answered, the local channel is optimised out.
17:32.33SamotWith the channel id
17:32.42igcewielingIt would be trivial when using AGI.
17:32.46bananapieI don't want to use events ( too much volume ) and /n messes up transfers.
17:32.52bananapieit would be.
17:33.27SamotSo Leg A of the Local channel makes the call...
17:33.51SamotWhen the destination answers, Leg A drops and switches to Leg B
17:33.54bananapieI originate to Channel Local/someextension@somecontext, and that local channel calls a SIP peer
17:33.59SamotWhich is bridged to the other channel.
17:34.02igcewielingbananapie: You could save the info in a database table when the channel is created, then search it as you normally would.
17:34.08SamotLocal is a two leg channel
17:34.12SamotIt is outbound first
17:34.19bananapieyea, I did that. exten => answer,n,Set(DB(OriginateChannel/${MY_CALL_ID})=${CHANNEL})
17:34.22bananapiebut something went wrong.
17:34.27SamotAnd when the destination answers, it becomes inbound.
17:34.40bananapieok. I'll keep playing with the database. I think that the solution is there, just need some tinkering.
17:34.41bananapiethanks :)
17:34.50SamotLike the destination was the one to originate the call.
17:34.51tcpdumpSo, I think you inadvertantly answered my second question file .  I was under the impression that a STUN/TURN server together was a ICE (much like Elastic Search, Kibana, Logstash is ELK) but it seems that ICE is a different protocol all together?
17:35.37fileit's a separate thing which uses STUN and TURN underneath
17:35.53tcpdumpI see.
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18:03.11shanthhaving a hard time figuring out how to make the timeout extension work
18:03.35shanthshouldnt this jump to timeout after 5 seconds?
18:04.22shanthalso tried with WaitExten with no luck
18:04.34Samotsame => n,Wait(100) <-- that's how long to wait
18:04.37SamotIn seconds.
18:04.51SamotSetting a variable TIMEOUT doesn't do anything.
18:05.18Samotn,WaitExten(5) <-- Wait for input for 5 seconds
18:05.26SamotThat will trigger the t extension.
18:05.55shanthlet me try that
18:10.24shanthSamot if i call and press nothing, it doesnt jump to time out, it only jumps to timeout if i enter a partial entry and wait
18:10.28shanthis that expected?
18:11.58SamotWaitExten(5) is just a response in 5 seconds.
18:12.02SamotRegardless of length
18:12.26SamotAt that point that i extension comes into place.
18:12.44SamotIf what they sent doesn't match
18:12.54shanthif no response is given after WaitExten is the proper thing to do proceed tdo the next step or jump to timeout?
18:13.26SamotWaitExten is "Wait X seconds for DTMF input"
18:13.42SamotIf not DTMF input and 5 seconds passes, it's a timeout
18:13.58SamotIf there is DTMF input and there is nothing to match, invald
18:14.01SamotIf there is DTMF input and there is nothing to match, invalid
18:14.05shanthit's not jumping to timeout, it's going straight to the next step which is hangup
18:14.13igcewielingMost of the time I use Read
18:14.39shanthit should be going to timeout, playing goodbye and hanging up, it's just going to hangup which is under WaitExten, why is that?
18:14.54SamotShow it
18:14.59Samotasterisk -rvvvvvvvvvv
18:15.01infobotpastebin is, like, a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:15.06SamotNot the dialplan.
18:15.09SamotThe actual call
18:15.12SamotThe attempt
18:15.12shanthi will paste it
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18:17.33shanthare you sure that you aren't supposed to set timeout variables? i mean they dont seem to do anything but idk
18:18.40igcewielingshanth: you've read the output of "core show function TIMEOUT"?
18:18.55Samotshanth: Is this dialplan define in a context?
18:19.03SamotOr is just in the dialplan?
18:19.13shanthit's in a context
18:21.20igcewielingof course you need to set a timeout.
18:21.48igcewielinghere is a sample IVR,  but for an older version of Asterisk.
18:22.28SamotWaitExten(5) <-- Wait 5 seconds before TIMING OUT
18:22.36shanththat's not what it's doing though samot
18:22.41SamotI understand that
18:22.46SamotI think it's the dialplan
18:22.54SamotChange same=> to exten =>
18:23.25SamotThe only time the global TIMEOUT is used is if you just do WaitExten()
18:23.34SamotWith no timeout option.
18:24.33igcewielingThere are three timeouts which can be set (four if you count WaitExten)
18:25.13SamotThat is your issue
18:25.27SamotIt will never follow through to the t if there is a hangup before it
18:25.35SamotOr the i
18:26.14igcewielingmore sample IVRs to use as samples:
18:26.28SamotThat's just a snippet
18:26.45SamotBut that code handles 1800 call batches and works just fine.
18:26.57Samotby 1800, I mean 1,800 calls
18:27.02SamotNot 1-800
18:27.05shanthlet me try yours
18:27.22SamotDrop the hangup
18:27.24shanthmine wont dial now, hmm
18:27.28SamotShow it
18:27.32SamotShow what you changed
18:30.36shanthjust redoing it samot
18:31.34SamotThat's it.
18:31.38SamotRight there
18:31.59shanthok it works now as long as nothing follows WaitExten
18:32.10SamotDid you press 1?
18:32.20SamotShow what you did
18:32.28shanthsure, sec
18:33.10[TK]D-FenderLooks like it's working fine
18:33.13SamotWell wait..
18:33.19SamotDid you make two tests or just one?
18:33.34Samot"as long as nothing follows" implies two tests.
18:33.37shanthif anything follows waitexten and it reaches timeout it just goes to the next step
18:33.37SamotSo I want to clarify
18:33.59[TK]D-FenderShow us the call to match
18:34.07shanthworks now :) i will paste call
18:34.16SamotThis is also incomplete.
18:34.34SamotYou have nothing handling invalid DTMF responses
18:34.50SamotNor do you have anything to handle valid DTMF responses.
18:34.59SamotSo right now every response is invalid and has not place to go
18:35.13shanththis is just a test but yes i will add for invalid Samot
18:35.40SamotOK that test doesn't show a response
18:35.48[TK]D-Fender-- Timeout on SIP/101-00000029, going to 't'
18:35.48SamotSo it hit the timeout
18:35.51[TK]D-Fenderjust like it should
18:35.54shanthmy goal was to make it jump to the timeout if nothing was pressed, and it did now
18:36.13shanththe hindrance was having a step after WaitExten, if you put something there it ignores timeout apparently and goes to the next step
18:36.16[TK]D-FenderSo basically yuo just finished following the instructions
18:36.17SamotBut now let's make sure the goal of pressing something works
18:36.30shanthyeah let me add some stuff and try again
18:36.32[TK]D-Fenderit doesn't
18:36.38[TK]D-FenderIt jumps to "t" if there IS a (t)
18:36.59shanthif i put a step after WaitExten [TK]D-Fender it does not jump to t
18:37.02SamotThat's his original dialplan.
18:37.14[TK]D-FenderIt doesn't jump BECAUSE there is no "next priority"
18:37.27SamotIt was hitting the Hangup() before hitting t
18:37.38[TK]D-FenderIT shouldn't touch it period if there's a valid target
18:37.45Samot^^ There's the  call that showed it
18:37.56[TK]D-Fenderand "t" was actually there?
18:38.05[TK]D-Fenderit existed, properly coded?
18:38.09SamotI just gave you the dialplan and the log
18:38.15SamotYes it was there
18:38.17shanthyes because it worked if i hit a partial entry it jumped to t
18:38.18[TK]D-Fenderso many mismatched snippits
18:38.22[TK]D-Fenderhard to glue this together
18:38.23shanthlol yep
18:38.32SamotLook at my last two links
18:38.36SamotOriginal dialplan
18:38.37[TK]D-FenderPeace-meal is a crappy way to do things.
18:38.38SamotOriginal call
18:38.47SamotThat's where it started
18:38.52[TK]D-FenderAnyway I suppose it feels natural to be able to continue if that's the case
18:38.59[TK]D-Fenderso take your pick
18:39.01shanthyeah makes sense
18:39.10shanthkinda of a nice thing to know but infuriating if you dont know
18:39.11[TK]D-Fenderalso Playback() is often not a great idea for this
18:39.22shanthwas just a test but i agree
18:39.32SamotOnly if you want them to hear the whole thing and not interrupt it
18:39.43[TK]D-Fenderwell if there's a "t" exten what would "more lines" give you?  What would be the point?
18:39.48[TK]D-Fenderit's SUPOPSED to jump
18:39.48shanthSamot can you post your thing that handles 1,800 calls again?
18:40.01[TK]D-Fendereither to match your dial, fail to do so, or timeout period
18:40.49[TK]D-Fenderthat code has nothing to do with voluem
18:40.56[TK]D-Fenderand I see it right there in the scroll-back
18:40.56SamotJust build from that
18:41.20[TK]D-FenderAnd add an invalid handler
18:41.20SamotThat right there will timeout after 5 seconds with no response
18:41.25SamotOr accept 1 as a valid response
18:41.30SamotWork from there
18:41.35SamotAdd the invalid handler
18:41.43SamotAnd any other "valid" matches
18:45.09bananapieIs there a dialplan app that would stop the dialplan until asterisk is done 'optimising out' local channels? WaitForAllOptimisations ?
18:45.12SamotFor the record when there is more dialplan after WaitExten(2) (in this case) it will continue
18:46.31shanththanks for the help Samot, going to lunch
18:47.06[TK]D-Fenderbananapie, No, and that makes no sense
18:56.14bananapieI did this : ExecIf($["${TOLOWER(${CUT(CHANNEL,/,1)})}" = "local"]?Wait(1)) and copy/pasted it 3 times. It worked. ( I am working with origination here )
19:24.27[TK]D-FenderI don't optimize out at all
19:24.38[TK]D-FenderI like controlling the full flow beginning to end
19:27.14robmal^ serious plumber is serious
19:28.14[TK]D-Fenderrobmal, I work in a plumbing distribution company :)
19:28.28robmalI know ;-)
19:45.03klowjoined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge     <- this means someone's RTP has joined a call right?
19:45.20klowIm trying to figure out which peers were involved in audio on a call that happened a few days ago
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22:24.54shanthim trying to read a balance due using SayDigits but it reads 0.00 as zero zero zero, is there an easy way to make it read that as Zero Dollars and Zero cents?
22:25.38SamotUse those recordings
22:25.49SamotThere should be default recordings.
22:26.02shanthdo i need to chop up the variable Samot?
22:26.20SamotYou would have to look at them all and see what is there
22:26.32Samotand if you can use what is there instead of SayDigits
22:26.38shanththere is no built in good way to handle reading currency?
22:26.55shanthlike SayCurrency?
22:27.06SamotWhich currency would it say?
22:27.10SamotIn what format?
22:27.16SamotThat's why people make language packs.
22:31.28lorsungcushanth: that sort of thing is easy to script outside of asterisk
22:31.46lorsungcuand pass back in whatever you want to read formatted how you need it
22:37.27RovingWriterI'd google this, but I'm not quite sure what it is called... but... some people use PTSN, some use VOiP, some use T1's or whatever.. what are those called?
22:37.58RovingWriterI might not be asking that question very well
22:39.44RovingWriteror is it purely PTSN vs VoIP?
22:42.40wabbitsits purely pstn vs voip
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22:42.56wabbitsmaybe your question is tdm vs sip?
22:43.04wabbitsRovingWriter ^
22:43.28wabbitsor tdm vs rtp?
22:45.20RovingWriterbasically, ptsn or voip are the only real options, right?
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22:45.40wabbitseven the pstn is using voip in the core now
22:45.42RovingWriterand things like t1, t3, stuff like that, are just the transport?
22:46.31wabbitspstn = public switched telephone network, regardless of technology used.
22:47.28RovingWriterand that is what, a big network that AT&T, southwest bell, verizon, those guys, all manage together?
22:47.51wabbitsits all the phone companys in the world
22:48.19RovingWriterexcept the VOIP guys. but they still hand off to the PTSN people, at some point
22:48.27wabbitsmost do
22:48.40RovingWriterand PTSN also has to have a way to get into VOIP networks.
22:49.25RovingWriterwell, someone owns all the phone # blocks, and when u call a phone #, surely there is a lookup somewhere, that tells the switch where to route the call to.... yes?
22:49.34RovingWritereach telco has their own blocks of #'s i assume
22:49.46wabbitsI give up
22:50.39wabbitsvoip = voice over Internet procotol
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22:50.56wabbitsthat is used inside the pstn and outside of it.
22:51.21wabbitsthe pstn is many technologies
22:51.55wabbitsvoip could be h.323 or sip or iax
22:51.55SamotRovingWriter: What are you trying to figure out?
22:52.06RovingWriterSamot, just how it works, really
22:52.35RovingWriteri do understand the VOIP part...
22:52.52SamotWhat work?
22:52.57wabbitsI don't think you understand the pstn part either
22:52.58SamotHow what works?
22:53.06SamotThe PSTN?
22:53.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
22:53.08RovingWriterno, I don't understand the PSTN part either
22:53.23SamotLike wabbits said Public Switched Telephone Network.
22:53.29wabbitsgrabs popcorn
22:53.31SamotSo carriers can switch calls between them.
22:53.39RovingWriterok, it used to be the case that when someone wanted to make a phone call, they call an operator, and say "i want to talk to Jimmy Job in Tulsa, OK"
22:53.50SamotIn the old days, nice ladies would answer your call and asked where you wanted to be connected to
22:53.57RovingWriterand the operator would physically take the copper wires out of a switchboard, and connect to Jimmy Job's
22:53.58SamotThey where "switching" the call.
22:54.10SamotNow it's all done with software.
22:54.18RovingWriteryupyup, but now, this is done mechanically or software wise
22:54.34SamotWhat do you mean "mechanically"?
22:54.41SamotWires or something is still involved.
22:54.48SamotHardware is still involved.
22:54.55SamotThings need to be wired, connected...
22:55.39RovingWriterI think I get it. It's way less complicated than I had imagined.
22:55.48SamotCanada and the US use the North American Number Plan
22:55.56SamotWhich denotes the 10 digit numbers
22:56.15SamotThe NANP is run by Neustar.
22:56.22SamotWho control who gets what blocks
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22:56.34SamotTheir SPID assignments
22:56.39SamotAnd the LRNs.
22:57.25SamotWhen you make a phone call the carrier looks at their internal routing..
22:57.28RovingWriterok, that's one of the big questions i had, was who controls the number blocks
22:57.44SamotIf the number is not owned by them they lookup the LRN to find out where it routes to
22:59.31RovingWriterso much like how the internet works too
22:59.41RovingWriternot exactly, but somewhat like
23:00.08SamotCarriers need to interconnect with each other.
23:00.28SamotIf you're on ATT and want to call Windstream but ATT doesn't have a direct connect with them..
23:00.42RovingWriterit may have to route through someone else
23:00.44SamotThen it has to go out some place ATT does that can send it to Windstream
23:00.53RovingWriteryeah, makes sense
23:01.09SamotIt's why certain locations are cheaper than others.
23:01.21RovingWriterso the telco's all bill each other, and then they pass those costs on to the customer
23:01.56SamotIt cost money to send calls back and forth
23:02.03SamotJust like data on the Internet
23:02.04RovingWriterand voip is cheaper, because the phone companies at that point, don't have to maintain a network, really
23:02.10RovingWriterat least, not a big part of the network
23:02.22SamotIt's cheaper because of the transport method.
23:02.32SamotThe phone company no longer has to run phone wires to your house
23:02.47SamotThey don't have to connect those wires at junction boxes...
23:02.50SamotOr anything else
23:03.02SamotAnd for the most part their connection to the PSTN is over IP
23:03.05SamotWhich is cheaper.
23:03.20RovingWriterand I'm not sure if this helps much, but the bandwidth is much less... 64k vs ~10k
23:03.25RovingWriternot sure if that plays much of a role
23:03.33SamotWhat bandwidth?
23:03.38RovingWritercall bandwidth
23:03.46SamotDepends on the codec.
23:03.53RovingWriternormal pots lines, from what I know, take 64k, regardless
23:03.57Samotulaw is 64K before overhead
23:04.11Samotulaw = standard codec for PSTN
23:04.21Samotor alaw
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23:05.03RovingWritergotcha. i get it all better now. thanks Samot
23:10.17RovingWriterman Neustar also does TLD's
23:10.38RovingWriterseems like that company can single handedly destroy a lot of stuff haha
23:11.06SamotYeah, kinda why the government is involved.
23:11.21SamotThey answer to the FCC in the US and their counterpart in CA
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23:11.34_carmexanyone wanna help a dummy out?
23:11.48SamotI thought I had been.
23:11.57_carmexone more dummy then ;)
23:12.00Samotgets RovingWriter some burn cream.
23:12.29_carmexi migrated from one provider to Twilio annnnnd.... i keep getting error 404. I've been googling for 2 days.... nothing
23:12.37RovingWriterhaha ;)
23:13.11Samot_carmex: For inbound calls?
23:14.11SamotSo you try to make a call and they return a 404?
23:14.21SamotShow it
23:14.25Samotasterisk -rvvvvvvvvvv
23:14.28Samotsip set debug on
23:14.30infobotsomebody said pastebin was a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
23:14.42_carmexone minute
23:15.01_carmexi actually have it configured for flowroute (as a test) and it still didn't work
23:20.01[TK]D-FenderLooking for 2029950542 in default (domain asterisk)
23:20.05[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
23:20.10[TK]D-FenderMeans exactly what it says
23:20.21_carmexyeah, but idk why it says it
23:20.24SamotNo matching peer for '202' from 'localip:39982'
23:20.33[TK]D-FenderLooking for 2029950542 in default (domain asterisk) <-------
23:20.51SamotContact: "202" <sip:202@localip:39982;transport=udp>
23:20.52[TK]D-Fendercall is landing in [default] ... an you have NO MATCH
23:21.02Samotc=IN IP4 localip
23:21.23[TK]D-FenderNo matching peer for '202' from 'localip:39982' <- And you don't have a peer that even matches the sender as being a declared section of your sip.conf
23:21.37SamotThis call isn't even making past Asterisk.
23:21.41*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-zgwhicgzdcrhgfmt)
23:21.46SamotIt's not even attempting Flowroute or Twilio
23:21.58SamotIt can't even auth the device making the call
23:22.11[TK]D-Fenderwell ... it IS being accepted, it jsut fails plan "B" for also having no extension defined to match it that way
23:22.30SamotDid you change your local IP to "localip"?
23:22.33_carmexokay, part of the problem may be that i scrapped the original extensions.conf
23:22.40SamotBecause that's an issue if you didn't.
23:22.42_carmexSamot, yeah i took out my IPs
23:22.49Samot_carmex: Please don't
23:22.54SamotIt is VERY misleading
23:24.37_carmexsorry. LocalIP is the softphone; asterisk is the server
23:25.10Samot7:20:51 PM S<Samot> Contact: "202" <sip:202@localip:39982;transport=udp> <-- That is misleading
23:25.22SamotIt makes it look like the softphone isn't sending the proper information
23:26.13_carmexmy fault.
23:26.23_carmexthe phones and server are not on the same network
23:26.48shanthis there a way to make Read accept a minimum number of digits. trying to make a payment ivr and wanting to make things like expiration date a minimum of 4 digits
23:28.12_carmexSamot, the context part of sip.conf is where it points to [default] right?
23:29.11RovingWritersooo, LRN is like DNS for phones?
23:30.18RovingWriteryou can move the # to any datacenter, but the LRN will still tell you how to get there?
23:30.41SamotYou can move numbers to carriers.
23:30.53SamotAnd the LRN will tell you which carrier to send the call to.
23:30.57RovingWriterroger that
23:32.22[TK]D-Fendershanth, No.  Get your input and validate it
23:32.39[TK]D-Fendershanth, "core show application read" <- will tell you what you can do with it.
23:40.01_carmexwhere it says "looking for xxxxx in default" what is telling it to look in default?
23:40.20_carmexand is default the [default] in extensions.conf?
23:41.06[TK]D-Fenderit looks there because that where that part of sip.conf told it to go
23:41.17[TK]D-FenderYou didn't match a defined peer so it took the general setting
23:41.19_carmexthat's what i thought, but i'm not really an expert
23:41.20*** join/#asterisk TandyUK2 (~admin@2a02:13a0:a006:1:b4f8:8786:220b:5d0f)
23:41.24infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
23:41.35_carmexbut my sip.conf doesn't specify a [default]
23:42.20[TK]D-FenderI did not say there was a SECTION named that
23:42.31[TK]D-Fenderthat is the CONTEXT it is set to go to
23:42.40[TK]D-Fendercontext= <-----------------------
23:43.25_carmexright, that's what i mean
23:43.45[TK]D-Fenderthat line is clealy not being used
23:43.57_carmexi see that :D
23:44.17_carmexthe only other context line is for the inbound
23:44.28[TK]D-Fenderit's not matching ANY section you defined
23:44.41[TK]D-FenderPerhaps it hasn't sunk in yet...
23:44.52[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender> You didn't match a defined peer so it took the general setting
23:45.25[TK]D-Fender"but I have a [fred]" <- doesn't matter, it didn't match.  Anything in there means nothing to this call.
23:45.53[TK]D-Fenderit falls to [general] as it's even being accepted without a match (which is pretty insecure)
23:48.10*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@2a02:13a0:a006:1:b4f8:8786:220b:5d0f)
23:51.28_carmexidk what just happened, but it looked like it was flooded and now i'm getting 403 Forbidden :|
23:53.58[TK]D-FenderFlood wouldn't have anything to do with that
23:54.02[TK]D-Fendernot match is no match
23:54.40_carmexyeah, sorry. i'm not really tracking. i'm not exactly sure what you mean by "it" when you say it's not matching
23:57.26[TK]D-Fender* looks at the caller and goes "I don't KNOW you"
23:59.30wabbits_carmex the inbound call does not match anything in the dialplan.

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