IRC log for #asterisk on 20170730

00:12.28*** join/#asterisk _nexxus_ (
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05:26.54iheartlinuxI'm getting a: (cause 20 - Subscriber absent) on a server of mine. The problem only appears when the vps first starts up. I restart asterisk, the error goes away, and am able to make calls. Any ideas?
05:27.42drmessanoNot without a whole log to go with it
05:27.45drmessanoOne line is one line
05:30.01iheartlinuxadded debug to logger, rebooted
05:38.53SamotThat is filled with garbage that actually makes it harder to see the call and/or routing issues.
05:39.38Samotiheartlinux: drmessano said log not debug. It meant "asterisk -rvvvvvvvvv"
05:39.54drmessanoLooks like there's an invite before the user is even registered
05:40.09SamotWell it looks like a lot of things trying to register.
05:40.10drmessanoThere's no error here
05:40.15SamotIt's there
05:40.31drmessanoThe VPS is started up
05:40.31SamotWell the log is there
05:40.40drmessanoThere's a fucking error Subscriber Absent
05:40.42SamotIf it's really an error...
05:40.42drmessanoTHEN the register
05:40.46drmessanoThats not an error
05:40.50SamotThat I get
05:41.08drmessano*Expected behavior*
05:41.36drmessanoThe subscriber
05:41.38drmessanoIS absent
05:42.03drmessanoCan't send a call to someone that isn't registered yet
05:42.21*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
05:42.31drmessanoThere's no error here
05:42.33drmessanoIt's normal
05:42.37drmessanoNot a problem
05:42.40drmessanoNothing to see here
05:42.45iheartlinuxright, but the scriber (my provider) never registers, until restart of asterisk
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05:43.04iheartlinuxbut it does register at that point
05:43.08iheartlinuxsame config
05:43.09SamotLike it should.
05:43.13drmessanoLike it should
05:43.14SamotWhat's the issue?
05:43.28SamotYou restarted the VPS
05:43.31SamotAsterisk started u p
05:43.39iheartlinuxit registers only after restart of asterisk
05:43.39SamotYour trunk registered to your provider...
05:43.45SamotWhat restart?
05:43.54SamotVersus what exactly?
05:44.00SamotStopping it?
05:44.04iheartlinuxif I boot the vps, asterisk starts up automatically with openrc
05:44.26drmessanoand you're trying to make a call
05:44.41drmessanoBefore the fucking engine has even gotten to the point of registering
05:44.42iheartlinuxI get the scriber absent until I restart asterisk itself again
05:44.44SamotBefore the trunk is able to register.
05:44.46drmessanoBefore the fucking engine has even gotten to the point of registering
05:44.56iheartlinuxIt won't register
05:45.13iheartlinuxat all until restart of asterisk after the initial reboot of the vps
05:45.20iheartlinuxno matter how long I wait
05:46.05drmessanoThen you need to have Asterisk wait for the network
05:46.12drmessanoYou're not showing us that part
05:46.25drmessanoI dont know WTF openrc is
05:46.32SamotIt's a Gentoo thing
05:46.35drmessanoBut you need to wait on the network before Asterisk starts
05:46.41SamotIt's an init script handler
05:46.50drmessanoI fucking hate Gentoo
05:46.54drmessanoSo yeah
05:47.11SamotSo it's not even the standard Gentoo system init
05:47.21SamotIt's some project on Gentoo
05:47.26drmessanoiheartlinux: Have it wait like 30 seconds after startup
05:47.33drmessanoThen start Asterisk
05:48.52iheartlinuxopenrc has efectively two run levels, boot & default
05:49.02drmessanoI dont care
05:49.10iheartlinuxmy network is on boot (ie eth0) asterisk is at default
05:49.20drmessanoStill not enough then
05:49.26SamotThis is an initialization issue.
05:49.37drmessano30 seconds
05:49.46drmessanoor switch to like CentOS or something that actually works
05:50.03drmessanoLiterally anything else
05:50.05drmessanoEven Slackware
05:50.23iheartlinuxI run this same image on other vps's. something just got lost in translation
05:50.25drmessanoThis is 100% an init issue
05:50.39SamotAre they all Gentoo?
05:50.43drmessanoWell, this isn't ###gentoo
05:50.45iheartlinuxmaybe so, been running this image for 2 years
05:50.45SamotRunning OpenRC?
05:50.46drmessanoSo idk
05:51.01SamotSo you have this issue on multiple Gentoo servers running OpenRC
05:51.06drmessanoidk.. i've been not running Gentoo for 12 and never had this problem
05:51.09iheartlinuxnot at all
05:51.23iheartlinuxjust this image
05:51.29drmessanoBut it's 100% an init issue
05:51.34drmessanoSo delay the startup
05:51.36drmessanoand try it
05:51.37iheartlinuxI understand that
05:52.06drmessanoLets not argue for hours about what it's not.  Delay the startup.  If that fixes it, work your way back
05:52.12drmessanoThis isn't an Asterisk issue
05:53.52SamotYes, it's an actual channel.
05:54.08drmessanoIf it's some little shit thing
05:54.12drmessanoand has an IRC channel
05:54.24drmessanoThere must be a need for people to argue for hours about it
05:54.31drmessanoSo that's unfortunate
05:55.06SamotShrug, I had no idea what openrc was until it was mentioned tonight
05:55.15drmessanoThis is why I stick to stock tools for production
05:56.59SamotUsually those stock tools are up somewhere..
05:57.02SamotWhere they are safe.
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07:35.10iheartlinuxdrmessano Samot thanks for the point in the right direction, fixed the asterisk init script pretty easily
07:35.43drmessanoI bet you weren't waiting for the network
07:35.52iheartlinuxI'm sure
07:35.57Gullibaer@Samot many thanks for your help, with the new certificate it works, so it was really an issue with the cert. Clients can connect via TLS, but the first one of the two error lines are still there, the other one changed to a warning message. further investigation from my side need to be executed.
07:36.57iheartlinuxfor some reaon this time around openrc was starting asterisk too close to the network
07:44.20drmessanoI dont understand "close"
07:44.21drmessanoI mean
07:44.30drmessanoMost init systems have dependencies
07:44.45drmessanoSo you can't tell this one to wait until the network is up?
07:45.04drmessanoSeems basic
07:45.35drmessanoMaybe Gentoo needs systemd.. that part at least works
07:45.47iheartlinuxmy network was in "boot", asterisk was @ the front of "default" (rc3)
07:46.06iheartlinuxnot enough time, like you said
07:47.45iheartlinuxyes the network was "started" prior to asterisk starting up, but just too soon i suppose
07:47.59drmessanoThats generally why modern init systems don't rely on weighting
07:48.29drmessanoBecause timing things is dumb.. Having actual dependencies is the way to go
07:48.48drmessanoYou get a faster, newer machine, and suddenly shit's starting too fast
07:48.59iheartlinuxthere are dependencies, and "net" is one within asterisk
07:49.04iheartlinuxinit script
07:49.20iheartlinuxlike I said the network was "up"
07:49.54iheartlinuxI don't understand it either really. my net card is configured with a static ip
07:50.08iheartlinuxso there's no waiting on dhcp or anything
07:51.21iheartlinuxI just told asterisk to start last by adding an "after" statment to the depend() section
07:58.12iheartlinuxgentoo is systemd now by default
07:58.35iheartlinuxI use Funtoo which is OpenRC by default
07:59.49drmessanoSo even worse, a fork of Gentoo?
07:59.59drmessanoDo you hate life?
08:00.09iheartlinuxNo not really,
08:00.33iheartlinuxDaniel Robbins (founder of Gentoo) started Funtoo
08:01.00iheartlinuxPolitical disagreement with the Gentoo Jedi Council :)
08:01.36drmessanoI never understood why Gentoo even needed to exist, so whatever
08:01.49iheartlinuxsource based
08:02.18iheartlinuxconfigure script options
08:03.19iheartlinuxno need to ask some dev to include some desired feature for some package, diy
08:03.57drmessanoI understand the claims
08:04.07drmessanoBut I don't see the practicality of it
08:04.42drmessanoI've never met a Gentoo user that didn't spend all their time making shit work
08:05.00iheartlinuxgentoo yes, broken more often
08:05.01drmessanoI would rather have a distro I can use
08:05.10iheartlinuxfuntoo, "just works"
08:05.19drmessanoNot buying it
08:05.29iheartlinuxI've used both
08:05.34drmessanoSame premise
08:06.13iheartlinuxPersonal testimony, everyone's free to have opions
08:06.18*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
08:07.29drmessanoBasically, I prefer to be a lame asshole that spends his time on applications and not optimizing the OS
08:07.44drmessanoSo binaries are fine
08:08.02drmessanoSome things I do build from source
08:08.04drmessanoLike Asterisk
08:08.15drmessanoBut I don't need a custom kernel, ever
08:08.19drmessanoNot worth it, ever
08:08.42iheartlinuxI've never not used a custom kernel
08:08.51iheartlinuxMy first distro was LFS
08:09.05iheartlinuxnot really a distro though
08:09.19iheartlinuxFound Gentoo after circa 2002
08:09.29drmessanoMakes it harder to replicate in production if you're building everything custom
08:09.52iheartlinuxyeah true, but you learn so much more
08:10.19drmessanoI don't need to keep learning over and over.. I would prefer to use
08:11.18drmessanoBut I also don't modify the ECM on my car
08:11.29drmessanoI feel like the factory had the right idea
08:11.33drmessanoI'd rather drive
08:12.03iheartlinuxmaybe so, but linux was started as a "custom" thing
08:12.16iheartlinuxto run on the computer of some geek
08:12.59drmessanoI understand the lineage.. my experience predates Linux
08:14.27drmessanoBut I don't think Linus created Linux with the intention that everyone was going to sit around all day recompiling their kernel like watching paint dry
08:14.58drmessanoI suspect he wanted people to use it, not just build it over and over
08:15.06iheartlinuxmodern hardware brother, mine compiles in 2 mins
08:15.39drmessanoand I get 2 mins more work done in that time
08:15.43iheartlinuxI'd agree with you if we were stuck with 386's
08:16.33drmessanoSo you've graphed these massive performance improvements that justify the time you consistently spend on it?
08:16.34iheartlinuxand if I didn't have a package/source manager like portage
08:16.42drmessanoYou have an ROI for all that tweaking?
08:16.56iheartlinuxyes absolutely
08:17.08drmessanoCool, post it somewhere
08:17.28iheartlinuxI have a custom ITSP image
08:17.33drmessanoTime spend vs Productivity gained
08:18.30iheartlinuxI don't spend alot of time compiling
08:18.59drmessanoOk, but surely you have something to show for the performance gained from these optimizations
08:19.14drmessanoSomething tangible
08:19.31iheartlinuxI understand that's what Daniel put in the FAQ, but that's not why I use a source based distro
08:24.53iheartlinuxthese days hardware is ample, so who cares about performance gains from tweaking gcc optimization and processor flags. Scripting is what I care about. and like you compile asterisk form source, portage does that for me for every package on my system once. changes can be system wide or package by package. those changes can be move/copied from system to system. so really it saves me time. I don't have to
08:24.55iheartlinuxthink about it too much.
08:29.39iheartlinuxIf my shit was breaking all the time because of stupid Gentoo Devs, I'd be on Ubuntu in a heartbeat
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14:24.52sunatseahi room i am having an issue i need the caller to receive 180 and 183 , no matter the order.. but right now asterisk is only sending 180 without a 183
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14:34.06SamotHow is that an issue?
14:38.18Samotsunatsea: ^^^
14:39.28sunatseaSamot: i would like to send a 180 and 183
14:40.27SamotWho are the "callers"?
14:40.36sunatseame in this example
14:41.13SamotSo you want you want make a call out to the PSTN and then have it send back a 180 and then a 183?
14:41.35sunatseai'm making a call to an extension on asterisk
14:41.46sunatseabut i want to deliver 180 and 183 to the user who makes the call , not just 180
14:41.54SamotBut why?
14:42.03SamotAre you actually going to deliver early media?
14:42.17sunatseabecause otherwise the user wouldn't hear a ring tone in some cases
14:42.35SamotBy default Dial() using the r option
14:42.53SamotWhich is ringback.
14:43.05sunatseaah i'm not using that
14:43.34SamotBut if you want a 183
14:43.42SamotYou need to do Progress() before Answer()
14:44.54sunatseaI do use Progress() to send ringing
14:45.03SamotBut again, r is a default Dial() option
14:45.54SamotAre you saying you're not hearing any ringing when you call another extension?
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19:02.51shanth__any good asterisk reads outside of and the asterisk definitive guide 4th edition?
19:03.09SamotThe Wiki and the sample configs.
19:03.27shanth__any good structured books Samot?
19:03.44Samot4th Edition.
19:03.52shanth__right, outside of that :)
19:03.57SamotThere are no recent publications that cover the advances of 12+
19:04.12shanth__running certified 11
19:04.28SamotYou really shouldn't.
19:04.42shanth__what should i run?
19:04.53SamotCertified doesn't not get updated like the Standard/LTS versions..
19:05.10SamotCertified requires a support agreement with Digium to get updates.
19:05.19shanth__oh whoops
19:05.31SamotYou should be running 13 LTS or 14 Standard, the regular downloads.
19:05.36shanth__good to know
19:05.46shanth__i will rebuild my install in the vm
19:06.02shanth__is the syntax more or less the same Samot? in the newer version of asterisk
19:06.26SamotHowever, that 4th Edition book covers 90% of what is available in the current versions.
19:06.35shanth__that's great
19:06.36SamotDialplan is dialplan.
19:06.56shanth__i've been poking through extensions.conf on peoples github pages and finding ideas here and there
19:06.57SamotThe only difference with that book and the current versions are changes that came in 12+
19:07.10SamotSo you should read the wiki for the Version 12 stuff
19:07.17SamotThat introduces PJSIP
19:07.27SamotAnd a new CDR specification
19:07.37SamotAmong other things.
19:07.49shanth__is it better to use pjsip over chan sip?
19:08.04SamotThat's a personal decision.
19:08.20shanth__ah, not sure what the difference is in what they do yet
19:08.28shanth__didn't know about it until just now heh
19:08.36SamotChan_SIP is what has been around forever.
19:08.47SamotIt's kinda hit the glass ceiling..
19:09.17SamotPJSIP is the newer driver that expands on what Chan_SIP does..
19:09.27shanth__very nice
19:11.25shanth__i just recently setup lenny pbx for telemarketers
19:11.29shanth__it's pretty great
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20:29.41shanth__when im compiling asterisk, does anyone know what file the make options are being saved to? im trying to copy them and save them for later. i tried to use git to track the changes but it said no file was changed. very confused
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20:48.49shanth__nvm think i found it in a file called menuselect.makeopts
20:51.07shanth__looks like git ignores that by default hehe The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files:menuselect.makeopt
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