IRC log for #asterisk on 20170729

00:51.00*** join/#asterisk tehgooch (tehgooch@unaffiliated/tehgooch)
01:06.23*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
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01:30.07*** join/#asterisk elcontrastador (~textual@
02:04.11lorsungcushanth: personal preference
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03:31.16*** join/#asterisk iheartlinux (
03:49.10*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
04:09.38*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
04:51.41*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@2600:1700:d0a1:85a0:e8e2:8316:4796:6cbe)
05:16.20*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
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06:58.02*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
07:20.43*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
08:25.46*** join/#asterisk Asterisco (
08:25.48Asteriscohi! :)
08:26.15Asteriscois possible share the same extension for two different phone number?
08:27.02Asteriscocan i use goto?
08:42.52*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
08:53.34*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
09:29.43*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
09:46.33*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
09:47.41*** join/#asterisk karelk (~karel@
09:58.59*** join/#asterisk atotclic (~Atotclic@unaffiliated/atotclic)
10:14.51*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
10:27.14*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
13:42.30*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
13:48.57*** join/#asterisk DanB (
14:14.34*** join/#asterisk almostworking (~almostwor@unaffiliated/almostworking)
14:28.05*** join/#asterisk Gullibaer (
14:32.53GullibaerHello everybody, i got an issue with TLS connection between a client and the server, i'm using CHAIN_SIP. I got he following errors in the console window:
14:32.53Gullibaer[Jul 29 15:53:51] ERROR[8520]: tcptls.c:645 handle_tcptls_connection: Problem setting up ssl connection: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)
14:32.53Gullibaer[Jul 29 15:53:51] WARNING[8520]: tcptls.c:731 handle_tcptls_connection: FILE * open failed!
14:32.53GullibaerAny ideas what I can do ? Certificate is a self signed one.
14:33.33SamotYou have a bad file or configuration
14:34.39Gullibaerif i check it openssl s_client -connect IP:PORT -showcerts it looks good
14:35.03Gullibaerif i change to UDP everything works
14:35.32SamotBecause your issue is with the TLS cert or the TLS config.
14:35.39SamotSo not using TLS, will basically work.
14:36.16GullibaerI created the cert with the help of ast_tls_cert
14:38.34Gullibaerwhat else could I have to check to find the issue
14:39.28Samotshow you peer config
14:40.45SamotDude, pastebin
14:40.55Gullibaerups sorry
14:40.57SamotDon't flood with config lines
14:43.49SamotThat's the full file?
14:44.16Gullibaerno just some parts of iy
14:44.29SamotSo you have [general] in there?
14:44.39SamotYou have a [general] section.
14:45.04SamotIs that the full peer configuration for 1000?
14:45.08SamotBecause it is lacking
14:45.35Gullibaeryes thats it for now, what is lacking there ?
14:46.24SamotWell there's no encryption settings for RTP
14:46.41SamotMost clients don't like a TLS transport and then insecure RTP
14:47.02Gullibaerok that's a good point
14:47.08SamotBut that's outside of this
14:47.13SamotYou still have an issue with the cert.
14:47.18SamotAsterisk cannot open it
14:47.32SamotAll permissions for the files and directories are correct?
14:48.15Gullibaeryes they are correct files and folder has group and owner set to asterisk and 600
14:51.53SamotYou have the openssl-devel package right?
14:52.06SamotAll the proper openssl stuff?
14:53.46GullibaerI think so, how to check that
15:00.13SamotLook at the packages you have installed?
15:02.00Samotopenssl version -a <--what does that show?
15:02.29GullibaerOpenSSL 1.1.0f  25 May 2017
15:02.57SamotThere should be multiple lines
15:08.32SamotAt this point I'd drop the $6-$9 for a CA cert.
15:08.51SamotBecause, really, self-signed is a pain.
15:09.27GullibaerI get a real cert for free from Let's Encrypt
15:09.51Gullibaerbut i want to test it first  internally
15:09.54SamotJust another pain in the ass.
15:10.10SamotWell, Asterisk cannot open/read your cert.
15:10.15Gullibaerso you guess it is something with the self signed cert
15:10.16SamotFor whatever reason.
15:10.24SamotI have no clue.
15:10.32SamotBut even after you get this to work..
15:10.36Gullibaerok thanks for your help
15:11.13SamotYou have to push that cert to any phone/device that you want to use it with. Or at least make them look at the CA.
15:12.06Gullibaerok i'll try it with a created Let's Encrypt cert, thanks have a nice weekend
16:14.22*** join/#asterisk stefanauss_ (
16:15.12*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
16:23.14*** join/#asterisk Asterisco (
16:29.23Asteriscowhen i do a call... i would play a wav file
16:29.37Asteriscoif i type #1 the call start
16:29.44Asteriscoelse end
16:30.17Asteriscois possible do it with exten => _3X,n,Background(/web-asterisk/asterisk/audio/1234)
16:31.05SamotSo that will play the file when some dials 3X
16:31.15Samot30, 31, 32, 33, 34, etc
16:31.29Asteriscoexcuse me
16:31.46Asteriscoi forget the .
16:32.06Asteriscoexten => _3X.,n,WaitExten(2)
16:32.28Asteriscohow can i lungh the call?
16:32.38Asteriscoexten => 1,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@0952830345)
16:32.41Asteriscois right?
16:32.51Asteriscohow can i do the call?
16:32.53Asteriscoexten => 1,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@0952830345)
16:32.56Asteriscois right?
16:33.13Asteriscohow can I do it?
16:33.18SamotAsterisco: You seriously need to hire someone.
16:33.26SamotOr start learning on your own.
16:33.36SamotThis is beyond cross a "help" line.
16:33.40AsteriscoSamot.. i'm learnign :\
16:33.44SamotYou're not
16:33.45Asteriscoi know it
16:33.57SamotYou're asking us to check your work _every_ step of the way
16:34.00SamotThat's not learning
16:34.08Asteriscois not a work
16:34.11SamotWrite your dialplan
16:34.15SamotTest your calls
16:34.18SamotRead your logs
16:34.30Asteriscoi'm doing it for fun
16:34.32SamotTry to figure out why it is not working how it should.
16:34.38Asteriscois true..
16:34.50Asteriscoi do it also for work
16:34.55SamotThat doesn't mean you should take up multiple peoples time with this silliness.
16:34.57Asteriscobut i'm joking with asterisk
16:35.05SamotGO LEARN
16:35.34SamotDon't come in here all the time with a single line of code and go "Does this work?"
16:35.51*** join/#asterisk atotclic (~Atotclic@unaffiliated/atotclic)
16:36.14SamotCome in here and go "I am trying to do X, I followed Y steps but I keep getting Z and I expect A to happen"
16:36.25SamotThen SHOW what you did
16:36.44SamotBuild it, try it, try to fix what is broken then ask for help
16:37.02SamotDon't show us each puzzle piece and go "Does it fit here?"
16:37.31atotclicsolved, problem with snmp permission agent/master
16:37.49atotclicsrwxr-xr-x  1 asterisk asterisk    0 Jul 29 06:15 master
16:37.57Asteriscoexten => s,1,Answer
16:37.57Asteriscoexten => s,2,Background(thanks) ; "Thanks for calling. Press 1 for sales, 2 for support, ..."
16:37.57Asteriscoexten => 1,1,Dial(SIP/sales)
16:37.57Asteriscoexten => 2,1,Dial(SIP/support)
16:38.01Asteriscoexcuse me
16:38.16Asteriscobut this is a dialplan that i've found... where is the error to my dialplan?
16:38.56infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:39.30SamotStuff like this has been pointed out to you in the past.
16:39.41SamotYou have to start retaining this information and learning.
16:39.53atotclicAsterisco: if press 1 goto 1 if press 2 goto 2
16:39.55SamotYou have actually devolved during all this.
16:40.13SamotWe started with peering to PBXes with IAX trunks
16:40.17Asteriscoyes i know..
16:40.23SamotTo not knowing how to write dialplan.
16:40.32Asteriscobut ho can i past {exten} value?
16:40.39SamotYou can't
16:40.47SamotThat value is the DIGITS SENT
16:41.08SamotSo if they press 1 then ${EXTEN} is 1
16:41.16Asteriscook :)
16:41.29SamotIf you send them to s in the context
16:41.30Asteriscothere is a solution ..right?
16:41.34Samot${EXTEN} is s
16:41.51SamotYou know where you want to send them?
16:42.02SamotWhat device you want the call to go to when they press 1?
16:43.50Asteriscoi would send tha call to @0952830345
16:44.51Asteriscothis is my outgoing line
16:45.56SamotBut WHERE
16:46.17Asteriscois a voip line
16:46.20SamotIs that the number?
16:46.25SamotOr is that the trunk?
16:46.47Asteriscoif i call 33339876543 i want call trhought @0952830345
16:46.54Asteriscois the trunk!
16:47.05SamotSo where are you sending the call on that trunk?
16:47.25SamotI press 1 where does it dial to out that trunk?
16:47.49Asteriscoif i press 1 i want call with trunk @0952830345
16:47.51Samot12:32:52 PM A<Asterisco> exten => 1,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@0952830345) <-- This is what you want?
16:47.58Asteriscoelse hungup the line
16:48.08SamotWTF IS ${EXTEN} supposed to be?
16:48.12Asteriscoso i call 1 throught @0952830345
16:48.48Samot1 is not routable over the PSTN
16:49.07Asteriscono :)
16:49.16Asteriscoi need call 3339876543
16:49.16SamotWhen they press 1 are they going to a PHONE connected to the PBX
16:49.21SamotSo then...
16:49.29SamotWTF should be there instead of ${EXTEN}
16:49.41Asteriscoa variable?
16:50.15SamotIf they press 1, you want it to dial 3339876543 out your 0952830345 right?
16:50.33Samot12:47:51 PM S<Samot> 12:32:52 PM A<Asterisco> exten => 1,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@0952830345) <-- This is what you want?
16:50.49SamotSo I will ask again, ^^^^^^^^^ WHAT DO YOU REPLACE ${EXTEN} WITH THERE?
16:51.36Samot${EXTEN} IS WRONG
16:51.44SamotBecause it will be set to 1
16:51.44Asteriscoi know :\
16:51.57SamotSo that will dial 1@0952830345
16:52.01SamotBut that's not what you want right?
16:52.10SamotYou want to dial 3339876543?
16:52.21SamotSo should you be using the ${EXTEN} variable at all there?
16:52.29SamotWhat should you be using IN PLACE OF IT?
16:52.37SamotConnect the dots
16:52.42SamotYou can do it
16:52.54Asteriscoi'm thinking and searching :D
16:53.47SamotCome on. You want to dial 3339876543 out @0952830345....
16:54.36SamotI can't believe this.
16:54.44SamotYou have the dial string in front of you
16:54.56SamotYou want to dial a specific number
16:54.58AsteriscoSamot i need call all numbers that start with _3X.
16:55.16Asterisconot a specific number
16:55.34SamotThen I guess you need to catch the actual inbound number in a variable and pass it through the dialplan
16:55.35Asteriscoi need the number that the user have call
16:55.47Asteriscoif i call 3339876543
16:56.05Asteriscoi call  3339876543 after that i've pressed 1
16:56.15Asteriscoyes :)
16:56.21Asteriscoi've tell you
16:56.36SamotIn pieces and not in order.
16:56.37Asterisco<Asterisco> a variable?
16:56.51SamotYou didn't EXPLAIN it had it be DIFFERENT numbers
16:57.03SamotYou gave me a specific number and said "If they press 1 it goes there"
16:57.16Asteriscowas only an exeple :D
16:57.17SamotYou need to store the original DID dialed
16:57.28SamotThen use that variable later in the dialplan
16:57.32SamotSo again
16:57.33infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:57.45SamotLook how to store variables and call on them
16:57.46Asteriscook ... the original DID dialed
16:59.34SamotQuestion though..
16:59.55SamotIf I am dialing 3339876543 and I get routed to your PBX
17:00.13SamotHow does pressing 1 allow me to dial back out to 3339876543 because I've already gotten there.
17:02.29Asteriscoexten =>_3X,n,Set(chiama={EXTEN})
17:02.46Asteriscoexten => 1,n,Dial(SIP/${chiama}@0952830345)
17:02.50SamotWell close
17:02.57SamotYou're missing the $ in {EXTEN}
17:03.00SamotBut again...
17:03.07Asteriscooh yes
17:03.08SamotHow will this work?
17:03.18Samot12:59:55 PM <Samot> If I am dialing 3339876543 and I get routed to your PBX
17:03.52SamotThen why are you dialing the exact same number back out when I press 1?
17:03.58SamotHow does that make sense?
17:04.07SamotWhy are you dialing a number from the PBX that routes to the PBX?
17:04.17Asteriscoexten => _3X.,n,Background(/web-asterisk/asterisk/audio/1234)
17:04.17Asteriscoexten => _3X.,n,WaitExten(2)
17:04.18Asteriscoexten => _3X.,n,Set(chiama=${EXTEN})
17:04.18Asteriscoexten => 1,n,Dial(SIP/${chiama}@0952830345)
17:04.43SamotWaitExten should be after you set the variable.
17:04.43Asteriscowhy not?
17:04.50Asteriscoah ok
17:04.51SamotOtherwise they could press DTMF before the variable is set.
17:04.56SamotSince WaitExten WAITS
17:05.06Asteriscoexten => _3X.,n,Background(/web-asterisk/asterisk/audio/1234)
17:05.07Asteriscoexten => _3X.,n,Set(chiama=${EXTEN})
17:05.07Asteriscoexten => _3X.,n,WaitExten(2)
17:05.07Asteriscoexten => 1,n,Dial(SIP/${chiama}@0952830345)
17:05.14SamotYou're still not answering my question
17:05.18Asteriscoor better before background?
17:05.27SamotWTF are you dialing out to the same DID that got the person TO THE PBX?
17:05.44SamotThat makes NO SENSE
17:05.56Asteriscohave a sense
17:06.10SamotIf the provider is routing that number to your PBX
17:06.23SamotHow are you dialing to it from the PBX and expect it to actually go somewhere?!
17:06.31Asteriscobecouse in the background wave file i ask if the user would really call throught a trunk that have a cost superior
17:06.53Asteriscoi've two trunk
17:06.55SamotYou're not understanding...
17:06.57SamotSO WHAT
17:07.02Asteriscothe first with call inlimited free
17:07.13Asteriscothe second i pay 10 cent/minute
17:07.20Samot3339876543 <-- YOUR PROVIDER ROUTES THIS TO YOUR PBX
17:07.42SamotSo how can you DIAL IT FROM YOUR PBX?
17:07.51SamotAnd expect it to go somewhere ELSE?
17:07.59AsteriscoSamot hold on
17:08.07Asteriscoexten => _3X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@9001)
17:08.14Asteriscothis is my trunk with free cals
17:08.21SamotIt doesn't MATTER
17:08.26SamotThe number ROUTES TO THE PBX
17:08.29Asteriscoafter if it is busy...
17:08.37Asteriscoexten => _3X.,n,Background(/web-asterisk/asterisk/audio/1234)
17:08.38Asteriscoexten => _3X.,n,Set(chiama=${EXTEN})
17:08.38Asteriscoexten => _3X.,n,WaitExten(2)
17:08.38Asteriscoexten => 1,n,Dial(SIP/${chiama}@0952830345)
17:08.46SamotThat's not how it works
17:08.50SamotYou are completely wrong.
17:08.55Asterisco?!?!?!?!? why?????
17:09.09Samot3339876543 <-- Any one can dial that number right?
17:09.13SamotI could dial it, correct?
17:09.19SamotAnd I will get your PBX, correct?
17:09.43SamotSo how can you DIAL that exact same number out another provider?
17:09.56SamotYou realize they are going to send that CALL RIGHT BACK TO THE PBX
17:10.05SamotBecause that's where the f'ing number is routed to
17:10.20Asteriscoi'm confused :'(
17:10.35Samot3339876543 <-- You can't call your own number from yourself.
17:10.38SamotIt's a LOOP
17:11.04SamotIf 3339876543 routes to your PBX
17:11.18SamotThat's where EVERY CALL will GO
17:11.20Asteriscoi call _3X. numbers from @0952830345
17:11.24SamotNo matter WHO you send it out from.
17:11.28Asteriscowhere is the loop?
17:11.56Samot3339876543 < THIS
17:12.06SamotIf I call that number right now, I will be sent to your PBX
17:12.17SamotYour PBX will play a recording and ask if I want to do something
17:12.19SamotI will PRESS 1
17:12.50SamotYour dial string will then do 3339876543@0952830345 which will send the OUT to the PSTN
17:13.02SamotThe PSTN will then ROUTE IT BACK TO YOU
17:14.01SamotIf your trying to offer some sort of cheap routes, calling card service type deal...
17:14.16SamotThey need to ENTER the number they WANT to call AFTER the call your number.
17:15.49ttaylorAsterisco: No to butt in here, but you really need to gain a basic understanding of how things works.
17:16.13ttaylorI have to give Samot credit that they have been willing to enguage with you, but the majority here are not going to hold your hand.  Do some research on your own!
17:16.18Asteriscosamot is not a pstn
17:16.22Asteriscois a voip trunk
17:16.28Asteriscoa ISP
17:16.48SamotIt's how CARRIERS pass CALLS between THEM
17:17.11SamotIt's how they know that 3339876543 should go where IT GOES
17:19.02SamotA person cannot call YOUR number and then hit YOUR PBX and some how magically dial that SAME number from the PBX and get it to go SOMEWHERE ELSE
17:19.33SamotIf you are offering some calling card or cheap route service...
17:19.38SamotThey have to call the SERVICE numer
17:19.45SamotThen ENTER their destination number
17:19.48SamotThen you CALL THAT
17:20.12AsteriscoSamot exuse me
17:20.20Asteriscois an outgoing call
17:20.33SamotWhat is an outgoing call?
17:20.37Asteriscoi call a number that start with 3 number
17:21.00Asteriscois not an incoming call :)
17:21.10SamotHow is it not an incoming call?
17:21.16SamotHow is the CALL GETTING TO THE PBX?
17:21.35Asteriscook nothing
17:21.40Asteriscoi don't understund
17:21.43SamotIs it coming from a phone registered to the PBX
17:21.49SamotAn extension on the PBX?
17:21.59Asteriscoof course
17:22.01SamotOr is someone dialing a PHONE NUMBER to reach the PBX?
17:22.13Asteriscois an internal
17:22.20Asteriscoregistered in PBX
17:22.28SamotThat is NOT what you INDICATED AT ALL during this
17:22.49Asteriscoi've tell it??
17:22.52dethaawards Asterisco the month's award for worst explanation of a situation
17:23.11AsteriscoAnyone in my office
17:23.12SamotAnyone that has been following this....
17:23.24Asterisconot in the world
17:23.30SamotHas it not sounded like this was an Inbound call from the PSTN to his PBX?
17:23.37SamotThat he was trying to route back out?
17:23.40dethaQuite so
17:23.43SamotOr was I the only one thinking this?
17:24.16SamotAsterisco: You need to hire someone.
17:24.16dethaThere is a language barrier by the looks of it, but that was not explained
17:24.32SamotYou've been in here for weeks now asking little question
17:24.37Samot"Does this work" "Should I do this"
17:24.48SamotAnd you are not showing any attempts of this stuff failing
17:24.51Asteriscook excuse me for my english
17:24.55SamotYou are giving half the details.
17:25.10SamotBut either this is for your job and you're trying to build a service
17:25.16SamotOr like you said this is just for fun for you...
17:25.19SamotEither way...
17:25.31SamotYou need to start doing this on your own. This is quite abusive of peoples times
17:25.33SamotYou need to start doing this on your own. This is quite abusive of peoples time.
17:25.47Asteriscothis is a chat
17:25.58SamotThis is a community support channel for Asterisk
17:26.03Asteriscoif i can help someone i help him
17:26.08SamotWhere people VOLUNTEER their time to help people.
17:26.09Asteriscoyes is true
17:26.12SamotYou are abusing it.
17:26.29Asteriscoexcuse me
17:27.16SamotTK and I have spent hours upon hours trying to bang the simplest of knowledge into your head and it doesn't stay.
17:28.06Asteriscothere was language problems...
17:28.08Asteriscoi'm sorry
17:28.18SamotI accounted for that three weeks ago
17:28.20SamotWhen this started
17:28.25SamotThis is beyond that
17:28.36SamotIt doesn't matter if I was speaking to you in Italian..
17:28.48Asteriscoi've started to ask question 30June
17:28.49SamotThis is still foreign to you.
17:29.03SamotRight almost 30 days ago
17:29.20SamotI figured there was a language barrier issue when you started asking questions.
17:29.32SamotI've spent 20+ doing phone support for people across the world
17:29.41SamotI'm very well aware of language barriers
17:30.23SamotI even said then, you need to hire someone
17:30.41SamotSomeone that can speak Italian and English and has an understanding of Asterisk who can help you learn.
17:30.58SamotI said that 3 weeks ago
17:30.59AsteriscoSamot I'm stupid...
17:31.03SamotI've been saying it since.
17:31.07SamotI never said you were stupid
17:31.12Asteriscobut i've do a lot of thing in this month
17:31.14SamotI said you need to learn this.
17:31.24Asteriscoi've 2 server asterisk connected
17:31.30SamotWe know.
17:31.31Asteriscoi've a good dialplan
17:31.38SamotBut that's ok
17:31.52SamotWe've corrected your dialplan numerous times
17:31.53Asteriscoi'm joking to lern other feature
17:32.03Asteriscoyes is true
17:32.14SamotSo you do not have good dialplan.
17:32.15Asteriscoyou've corrected it
17:32.22Asteriscobut i've lerned a lot of thing
17:32.25SamotBecause it is still being corrected.
17:32.35SamotBut you need to keep learning and learn from those corrections.
17:32.49SamotWhy did we correct it? What was the reasons we gave for the correction?
17:32.54SamotYou have to retain this stuff.
17:32.59SamotMake notes if you have to.
17:33.00Asteriscoi tell you
17:33.03Asteriscothis is a chat...
17:33.10Asteriscoif i can help someone i help him
17:33.24Asteriscoi hope that someone could help me
17:33.30SamotWe HAVE BEEN
17:33.43SamotDown to the point we have HELD YOUR HAND
17:34.32SamotThis is like a kid that wants to ride their bike without training wheels
17:34.35SamotBut still can't do it
17:34.55SamotSo in order to do it, the dad has to hold the bike steady and run along side while the kid peddles.
17:35.05SamotSo the kid feels like he is riding the bike without training wheels
17:35.08Asteriscois true
17:35.17SamotBut the reality is, the dad is doing the work
17:35.25Asteriscobut i remember you that you speak english very well
17:35.33SamotBecause it's my first language.
17:35.38Asteriscothe book that you send me
17:35.40Asteriscois in english
17:35.49SamotYou can look to see if it is in Italian.
17:35.56Asteriscomy first language is not english
17:35.57SamotIt may have translations.
17:35.58Asteriscobut italian
17:36.02SamotI get that
17:36.11SamotThe book is online
17:36.17Asteriscoi speak with you in english and not in italian...
17:36.18SamotBrowsers can translate.
17:36.33Asteriscoand there are any book in italian that explain asterisk
17:36.45SamotThe book is online
17:36.51SamotBrowsers can translate.
17:36.54Asteriscotry to take an italian book
17:37.09Asteriscogoogle translate can translate it in english
17:37.13SamotI get the translation will be rough because of structure and other factors
17:37.16SamotBut come on..
17:37.40SamotI've muddle through Russian, Italian, French and other languages online with translators for things in the past.
17:38.36SamotYou can list all the reasons/excuses in the world to why you can't do this
17:38.40SamotOr why it is so hard
17:38.47SamotSome may even be valid
17:38.57SamotBut like they say, if there is a will there is a way
17:39.14SamotIf you really want to learn this stuff, you find a way around the barrier.
17:40.32SamotThe help that we provider, any of us in here, is based on experience.
17:40.51SamotThe experience of trying and breaking things,  A LOT.
17:41.18SamotI have caused many of systems to lose their minds over the years while I learned.
17:41.21*** join/#asterisk xous (~xous@unaffiliated/xous)
17:41.34SamotI've broken a lot of things over the years.
17:41.44SamotIn some cases very, very important things.
17:41.46SamotEveryone has.
17:41.59xousjust don't get caught!
17:42.17xousfix it before people notice
17:42.22xousdo it in a planned window.
17:42.29SamotNot the point.
17:42.44SamotThe point is you are going to break shit while you learn.
17:42.54SamotJust like how you fall off your bike when learning to ride it
17:43.01xousbut it
17:43.07SamotYou can either sit on the ground and cry over the fall
17:43.09xousis best not to do it in production if possible :)
17:43.20Asteriscois true :)
17:43.25xousand make sure you learn from the mistake
17:43.26SamotOr you can get up and figure out why you fell and try not to do it again
17:43.40Asteriscoi lern from my mistake :)
17:44.01Asteriscothe problem is when a people do a lot of things
17:44.49xousheh. When I train some people I generally set some rules that are not to be broken
17:44.56SamotWell yeah
17:45.01SamotThere are always those
17:45.02xousi.e. don't fuck with core shit
17:45.10SamotBut sometimes there aren't people to do that
17:45.10xousunless you are 100% sure you know what you are doing
17:45.56xousthere are lot of things that carry over from one skillset to another
17:46.10xousi.e. don't fuck with production if you don't know what you are doing
17:46.21xousand yeah that rule gets broken all the time
17:46.34xousbut you should be aware of why it's a rule and know that you are doing something stupid
17:46.52SamotBackup your shit
17:47.06xousunderstand how shit *should* work
17:47.18xousit's very hard to troubleshoot something when you don't know what *should* be happening
17:47.44xousI hate voice but it's part of my job.
17:47.52xousso I generally take known good pcaps
17:47.59xousphone provisioning, phone registering, etc
17:48.06SamotVoice is my job
17:48.46xousnetworking is my preferred profession but somehow I end up supporting voice along with it.
17:49.18SamotI do networking but mainly because it is to facilitate voice
17:49.54xousI generally find myself at a hosted voip provider doing all the networking shit
17:50.05xousbut people rarely will let me just do networking
17:50.26xousI've seen some really nasty networks
17:51.12SamotWell since most of the providers I've worked at/run where only 3-4 people....
17:51.16xousone provider here is using horribly old switches in their voip core
17:51.16SamotOr less..
17:51.29SamotI've pretty much had to do it all.
17:51.44xousheh. last provider I worked for we more or less build from scratch
17:51.48xousbought a metaswtich
17:51.50Samot95% of the time over the last 20 years or so, it's just been me
17:51.56xousbuild a ISP network
17:52.07SamotISP/Data Center/Voice/Network
17:52.15SamotSales, Billing, Support, Products
17:52.19xousI refuse to deal with voip over internet
17:52.36SamotSo then how do you do it now?
17:52.48xousall private circuits
17:53.29xouscustomer wants 20-30 phones?
17:53.57xousbuy a 100M L2 service back to the datacenter and sell the 100M internet over it along with the voice
17:54.00xousQoS on both ends
17:54.08xous4 hour SLA
17:54.22xousthen I generally throw in a xDSL or something for backup
17:55.00SamotStill at the LECs mercy
17:55.06xousyeah but I got a 4 hour SLA
17:55.11SamotMore so the ILECs mercy.
17:55.15xousand a commit on bandwidth
17:55.15SamotYeah, I get that
17:55.31SamotI have had those too.
17:55.31xousover internet you are fucked
17:55.35Samot1 hour SLA
17:56.00SamotOne of those.
17:56.15xousif there is an issue anyway heh.
17:56.37xousAt home my phone is over internet and I've never really had an issue
17:56.54Samot90% of the service I've dealt with over the years, right over the public Internet
17:57.47xousI do the opposite.
17:57.57SamotI've got hotels out in BFE no where running 6M/.8Kbps DSL with 6-8 lines no issue
17:58.00xoushad a small number of over internet home phones
17:59.35SamotWell I've been doing ITSP/CLEC stuff for over a decade..
17:59.46SamotAs I said 90% of the service was over public Internet
17:59.53SamotAnd in some cases across the world.
18:00.20SamotI provided a VoIP carrier in the UK, Gradwell with a high amount of their US presence for a long time.
18:00.43SamotI've provided US presence for providers in India
18:01.22SamotAre there problems over the public Internet that exist, yes.
18:01.26SamotBut guess what..
18:01.34SamotThere are problems over private circuits too.
18:01.55SamotI've had plenty of private circuits in "Chronic" status with ILECs.
18:02.35xousmeh can't charge a premium for what everyone else does
18:02.38SamotPeople can sit here and talk about the perils of SIP or SIP over the public Internet....
18:02.45xousand if the customer buys internet from us it costs almost nothing
18:02.45SamotBut at the same time..
18:03.01SamotPRI/T1 circuits are just as problematic.
18:03.19xousif copper is degraded
18:03.27SamotOh for various reasons.
18:03.28xousI find nobody does QoS
18:03.40SamotI've worked at LECs.
18:03.41SamotI know.
18:04.02SamotSimple as "Opps, we didn't have this marked so we gave that circuit to someone else...sorry!"
18:04.13xoushad that happened
18:04.23SamotThere are various reasons to a circuit being bad
18:04.27SamotNot just degraded copper
18:04.30SamotF2 pairs
18:04.39SamotConnectors, all of it
18:05.24SamotI've sat at the LEC watching the T1 we put in for SIP service only go up and down
18:05.28SamotNever stay stable...
18:05.42SamotAnd I'm like, "Just let them use their Comcast Internet"
18:05.45SamotIt's F'in VOIP
18:06.02Samot"Well blah blah QoS, public Internet issues...just bad"
18:06.12xousmy favorite is to do a highend circuit with a cheap internet circuit for backup
18:06.26xousand use an IGP for fail over
18:06.26SamotSo yeah.
18:06.43xouswith the right timers customers don't notice
18:06.46xouseven on a call
18:06.47SamotI've watched T1/PRI circuits shit the bed while the VoIP over Comcast or other public Internet was rock solid.
18:10.13SamotI have made VoIP work on some really, really horrible Internet and/or network conditions.
18:11.30SamotIn case where they have said "Vonage couldn't make it work, RingCentral couldn't work"
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18:13.56SamotI actually like those customers.
18:15.47SamotBecause then I start getting random emails or calls like "Hey Joe over at Company X sent me your way because he said you made their stuff work when others couldn't. We're in the same boat, can you do the same?"
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20:00.28TandyUKAsterisco ask you damn question, dont pm random people who joi nthe channel
20:11.49drmessanoAsterisco: WTF
20:22.49TandyUKi told him to register his nick
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21:11.35wwalkeranyone know of a module for asterisk which will let you listen for a specific tone (e.g. 1000 Hz)?
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