IRC log for #asterisk on 20170728

00:17.24*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
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04:54.19tcpdumpIs it normal for a VOIP client to spam your stun server over and over with binding requests about once per second?
04:55.59snadgeim going to say probably not
04:58.57tcpdumpHmm   looks like its sending an empty "change request"
05:37.52*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:01.06drmessanoit's not normal to run a Stun server
06:01.08drmessanoSo there's that
06:02.17tcpdumpdrmessano: define "normal"?    Apple uses a STUN server for facetime.
06:02.40tcpdumpSo does Google for hangouts and Duo
06:02.53drmessanoSure.. because for them, one size fits all
06:03.26drmessanoI don't know anyone using a Stun server in production for Asterisk clients.. It's extremely rarely ever needed, if ever
06:04.03tcpdumpIm reading a doc that says to put configuration changes in  "chan_sip" .  Is that referencing the main sip.conf file, or is that located elsewhere?
06:05.10tcpdumpSo just anywhere in the body thats not a peer or client?
06:05.15tcpdumpThanjs drmessano
06:05.26drmessanoNo, there are sections
06:05.30drmessanoWhat are you trying to do?
06:05.43lorsungcu> put configuration changes
06:06.12drmessanolorsungcu: Useless straight guy
06:06.18tcpdumphmmm, i did a find, and I don't see any sections titled "chan_sip" in the sip.conf, thats why I ask.
06:06.24drmessanoThere isn't
06:06.26drmessanoSo again
06:06.31drmessanoWhat are you trying to do
06:08.33tcpdumpconfigure ICE/TURN/STUN support:
06:08.41tcpdumpFollowing that page.
06:08.53*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
06:09.23drmessano[general] section of sip.conf
06:09.39drmessanoor per peer, as it states
06:09.59*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
06:10.36drmessanoand the stunaddr option goes in rtp.conf
06:10.59tcpdump"and can be enabled inside chan_sip both globally"  - thats what confused me.
06:11.02tcpdumpGot it, so general.
06:11.05tcpdumplet me fix that
06:15.47tcpdumpHmm, any idea how to troubleshoot why it's not including it in the INVITE packets?  I made sure all the config matched that doc.
06:17.29drmessanoDid you reload chan_sip and rtp?
06:19.27tcpdumpyes, and when that didn't work I just restarted asterisk completely.
07:26.54*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
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08:05.29dnitI am bridging my agents channel with outgoing call to give access of outgoing call's early media to my agent.
08:07.31dnitI am using a hangup handler while bridging my agents channel and outgoing calls channel , so that when the outgoing call hangs up my agent lands up into the holding bridge ( using BridgeWait ).
08:08.17dnitBut just before the hangup handler is invoked my agent logs out.
08:39.04*** join/#asterisk Samael28 (~Samael28@
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14:22.16darkunderlordanyone know a quick way to test all phones on a system to see if they have DND set on the phone itself? I'm using SPA525G2's from Cisco FYI
14:23.34SamotBecause it can be set both at the PBX level and the phone level.
14:23.35lorsungcuCould script that with sipp
14:23.37SamotDepending on the phone.
14:23.43SamotYou can call them all
14:23.52lorsungcuBasically the only way
14:24.07SamotThat will just return a 480 Busy
14:24.28[TK]D-FenderAnd should to it pretty instantly
14:25.16SamotBut just looking for 480 Busy's could return a false positive.
14:25.46[TK]D-Fenderif there are no calls going on for the devices that's pretty much solid
14:26.08SamotThis would need to be done at night
14:26.17SamotOr when there are no users at their phones to guarantee this.
14:26.25SamotBut then again...
14:26.31SamotThey could be on DND at night.
14:26.45SamotBut if I'm not on a call and I see a weird call come in..
14:26.53SamotI could just hit "Reject" on my phone..
14:26.59SamotWhich will send back a BUSY
14:27.16[TK]D-Fenderthat's the "instant" part
14:27.34[TK]D-Fenderif it takes 2 seconds to ACK that you don't want it then that should be able to be judged
14:27.44[TK]D-FenderAlso many phones won't send a ringing back in that case
14:27.50[TK]D-FenderYou'd have to confirm with your model
14:28.36SamotBottom line there is no "easy" way
14:28.48SamotOr "quick"
14:29.49darkunderlordok thanks
14:30.11*** join/#asterisk bford (d8cff501@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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14:30.22darkunderlordguess I could script to hit all phones and look at XML. Just hoped it was easier and less brute force :)
14:31.29SamotProblem with DND is, phones have that feature.
14:31.43SamotDirectly on the phone which DND's the _entire_ phone
14:31.53SamotAnd there are feature codes that do DND at the PBX level.
14:32.18SamotSo unless you've programmed your phones to remove the default DND option and set a softkey DND to use feature codes...
14:32.28SamotYou will have to call the phone.
14:32.36SamotOtherwise, you could just look at the hints.
14:33.12SamotBecause the feature codes for DND will change the state of the device in the hints.
14:50.57*** join/#asterisk stefanauss (~stefanaus@
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15:02.47*** join/#asterisk _8bits (
15:02.54_8bitshello, what does this line         same => n,GoToIf($[ "${CALLERID(num):0:1}" = "1" ]?dial:hangup)
15:03.02_8bitsI can't call from 200 to 114 extension
15:03.25igcewielingThat matches the first digit of the callerid.
15:03.53igcewieling200 doesn't start with 1 so calls from 200 would not match
15:03.59_8bitsHow can I check two options
15:04.04_8bitsi mean if it matches 1 or 2
15:04.29_8bitsI mean how to do it like that :D
15:05.02igcewielingput in another line to match the 2nd one.
15:05.10igcewielingwhy not stop matching on CallerID?
15:05.45_8bitsBut if first like will be true it will go to hangup instantly
15:06.54igcewielingthen set the 3rd line to a hangup.
15:21.53lvlinuxAnybody have an idea why I would be consistently getting one way audio? I can hear the remote party but they can't hear me. My firewall/router (pfSense) is showing the ports are connecting fine (and I captured the RTP stream on it and my voice was there in the stream). Pastebin of SIP debug here: Asterisk is behind NAT but is setup for external media addresses etc. as it
15:21.59lvlinuxshould be.
15:22.21igcewielingdisable direct medial
15:22.26lvlinuxMultiple providers give the same result.
15:22.42lvlinuxI believe it is disabled but I'll make sure.
15:23.46lvlinuxyup it's disabled
15:24.51lvlinuxAnd I've done all the standard pfSense modifications (static NAT ports, etc, forwarded RTP ports to Asterisk box, etc.)
15:25.11lvlinux(which is what the article says to do)
15:25.24SamotSo your IP phone and ASterisk are on the same network?
15:25.49SamotAnd when do you have audio issues?
15:25.52SamotOn inbound calls?
15:26.25lvlinuxoutbound---i haven't tested inbound as I don't receive them, just outbound.
15:26.39SamotSo you can hear the callee
15:26.46SamotBut the callee cannot hear you?
15:27.03SamotBuy a real router
15:27.10SamotGet rid of pfSense
15:27.16SamotAnd your problem will go away
15:27.23SamotBecause this is OUTBOUND
15:27.37SamotThis is your PBX sending the audio to the PSTN
15:28.10SamotAnd pfSense's "outbound NAT" is pure garbage.
15:28.15lvlinux??? I don't see how a different router would make any difference unless pfSense just isn't forwarding outbound RTP (which it says it is).
15:28.24SamotWhat forwarding?
15:28.27lvlinuxpfSense outbound NAT is fine when you mess with it and get it off the defaults.
15:28.39SamotPBX sends packet to Router, router sends packet to PSTN
15:29.07SamotNo outbound audio means your RTP isn't either leaving your network
15:29.15lvlinuxThe state tables show the proper ports being used to (that match the SDP).
15:29.16SamotOr not making to the destination
15:29.30Samotor making it to the destination with information is doesn't understand.
15:29.54SamotYou need to call your provider then.
15:30.05SamotYou need to confirm they are getting your audio
15:31.38igcewielinglvlinux: if you are using chan_sip, pastebin the [general] section.
15:31.46lvlinuxIt's pjsip
15:32.08Samotpjsip set logger on
15:32.11lvlinuxWhen I make a call with my phone registered to an Asterisk box that is out on the internet, everything works fine.
15:32.17igcewielingI'd try with chan_sip.   Most of the docs out there will assume chan_sip.
15:32.21lvlinuxYes i did the pjsip logger on---that's what the pastebin is.
15:34.30lvlinuxHere it is again:
15:34.47SamotNow do: rtp set debug on
15:34.49SamotMake a call
15:34.58SamotLets see if RTP is being sent to like it should be.
15:35.13lvlinuxit is
15:35.13lvlinuxi did that and saw the RTP both directions
15:35.23SamotCall your provider.
15:35.30SamotYou need to confirm they are setting the audio
15:35.55lvlinuxI also did a packet capture on the firewall, took the capture file, opened it in wireshark, and heard my voice out of it.
15:36.16lvlinuxBut this happens with two separate providers.
15:36.32igcewielingWith chan_sip, I'd expect to see  messages like <--- Transmitting (NAT) to ---> when NAT is involved.
15:36.50SamotWhat is the direct_media setting on the trunk?
15:37.14lvlinuxIt's also on the endpoint configs too.
15:37.42SamotShow a debug of the call going to the other provider.
15:37.46SamotThat has the same issue.
15:38.27SamotProviders like DIDLogic, etc are generally "media agnostic"
15:38.34lvlinuxI'll have to wait till I get back to the PBX and phone to do that.
15:38.42SamotAnd send it straight through to the upstream carrier they are using.
15:38.52SamotAnd sometimes those providers have the same upstream carriers.
15:39.15lvlinuxYes, and the sip debug showed everything sending properly as far as I could tell.
15:39.16SamotYou could be in a situation where both your providers are sending you to the same upstream.
15:39.29SamotSo you need to look at the SDP in both calls.
15:39.45lvlinuxThe other provider that I've tried is, which proxies the media though.
15:39.56SamotDoesn't handle.
15:40.08lvlinuxno? I thought they did.
15:40.30SamotProxy does not mean handle.
15:40.42SamotIt means I proxy it through so it all looks like it comes from the same place.
15:40.55SamotSo instead of you have 15 media IPs because of all my carriers...
15:40.57SamotYou have 1
15:41.01SamotMy proxy IP
15:41.21lvlinuxah, k.
15:41.41SamotThat being said, if their proxy is setup right
15:41.53SamotThey should have an rtp log
15:42.07SamotThat shows the RTP/RCTP packets being sent.
15:42.12SamotWhat ports, etc were in use.
15:42.18SamotIf there were drops, etc
15:42.21SamotSo that is a bonus.
15:43.48lvlinuxk I guess when I get back I'll try a checking the debug on a call and see if there's any difference. And if not, I'll have to get in touch with one of the providers. I hate contacting the providers like pulling teeth though...
15:44.16SamotWell with issues likes this, yes.
15:44.27SamotBecause they basically become MiTM for you.
15:44.46SamotThe issue could be with the upstream
15:44.54SamotBut the upstream won't work directly with you
15:45.01SamotAnd you can't send stuff directly to the upstream
15:45.09SamotSo they have to play middle man
15:45.40lvlinuxI may try some other providers too and see if I can get any of them to work.
15:46.04SamotBut since this has pfsense involved.
15:46.09lvlinuxMight be a good idea to test with an Asterisk box I have on a VPS too, and see if it gets RTP from me.
15:46.27SamotYour packets could be sent with bad data and the upstream is just ignoring them.
15:46.59lvlinuxwhat do you mean by "bad data"? What could pfSense be doing that buggers up RTP??
15:47.00*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
15:47.10SamotNot sending the packet correctly
15:47.40SamotSo the upstream may look at it and go "oh this doesn't belong here" and drop it.
15:47.44Samotor who knows
15:48.10SamotIn my experience, pfSense is not the router to use for SIP solutions.
15:49.46lvlinuxHmm, I've had great success with it elsewhere. I hope that's not the case, as I really like some of the features it offers.
15:51.06SamotWell at this point, any issues on Asterisk have been ruled out.
15:51.17SamotYou say that at the router you hear audio
15:51.22SamotBut that's at the router
15:51.25Samotinternally still
15:51.53SamotNot after it has been handled for outbound traffic, setting the packet to show it is behind NAT, etc, etc.
15:52.16SamotYou need to see what is happening after the packet is routed to the Internet
15:52.33SamotSo yeah maybe setting up a VPS and seeing if you have the same issue...
15:52.55lvlinuxThe capture I did was on the WAN interface of the router, so it _should_ have been what was actually sent out, but who knows.
15:54.15lvlinuxBut yeah, I already have Asterisk on a VPS that I'm using for something else, so I'll see if it gets audio from me too.
15:55.04lvlinuxIf it was the router though, you'd think that doing a direct call from the SIP phone directly registered to the provider (without going through mky Asterisk box) would have the same problem.
15:55.40lvlinuxI guess I'll pick it back up tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestions.
16:01.52*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
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16:10.03lorsungculvlinux: station to staiton calls are ok
16:17.44*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
16:32.42*** join/#asterisk Asterisco (
16:33.01Asteriscosomeone could help to understand the queues
16:33.41Asteriscois necessary use it?
16:33.42SamotHire someone
16:34.03SamotNo they are not
16:34.13Asteriscoexten => 0951111111,n,Dial(SIP/11&SIP/12&SIP/13&SIP/14,60,m(musica-attesa))
16:34.24Asteriscoif i use this
16:34.42Asteriscoall phones ring.. so the first operator could answer to the phone?
16:35.29SamotHave you tried it?
16:35.37Asteriscobut if i recive 5 calls?
16:36.10SamotAll five calls get sent to all the devices
16:36.29SamotThey either answer or dont
16:37.27Asteriscoif the first 4 operator are speaking to the phone...
16:37.41Asterisco....and 5 person call nothing could respond
16:37.53[TK]D-Fender<Asterisco> is necessary use it? <- of course not
16:38.05Asteriscoso, after about 30 seconds when the operator #3 close his call...
16:38.20Asteriscocould take phone #5
16:38.24SamotIt will ring them until timeout or answer
16:38.33[TK]D-Fenderthey ring IMMEDIATELY
16:38.38[TK]D-Fenderit will NOT retry
16:38.47SamotSo now
16:38.57Asteriscoso nothing could respond to the call?
16:39.08[TK]D-FenderWhoever CAN wring will ring
16:39.14[TK]D-Fenderwhoever DOES answer answers
16:39.40nibbierhi. So somehow I don't have the numer a caller dialed natively, so I need to extract it form some sip header (Set(DN=${SIP_HEADER(TO)})). This is very sad, as I can't work with all these nice dialplan features like patternmatching any more, as this does not match on ${DN} but the dialed number (${EXTEN}?). can i work around this?
16:40.32[TK]D-Fenderafter breaking it off
16:40.39[TK]D-Fenderthen your normal extens can continue
16:40.53nibbierbut this wont work with pattern matching?
16:40.58Samotnibbier: thats going to get the full header
16:40.59[TK]D-Fenderit will
16:41.10SamotYou need to strip the unneeded stuff
16:41.31nibbieryes, I do that already, just didnt paste :)
16:41.40SamotThe <sip:
16:41.50*** join/#asterisk atotclic (~Atotclic@unaffiliated/atotclic)
16:41.50SamotAnd everything after @
16:41.55nibbier[TK]D-Fender: every time I ask a question here, you immediately give me the answer. awesome, thanks :)
16:42.03[TK]D-FenderYou're welcome
16:43.11nibbierSamot: i cut at the @ and am only interested in the last 3 digets... so all set. thanks also!
16:43.49RovingWriter[TK]D-Fender is da real MVP
16:47.17igcewielingMajor Vicious Personality?
16:57.05*** join/#asterisk aljone (~androirc@
16:57.39drmessanoigcewieling: Do you ever get tired of trolling?
16:57.47drmessanoAsking for a friend
17:02.50tcpdumpWhat's the most common audio codec for SIP in asterisk?
17:07.54*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a01:c844:1046:820:efb2:5e13:74f1:8c37)
17:08.49tcpdump1. Of course I have to make sure my client has the g711 codec, I'd assume?  2. If Im editing my peer config, and I add allow=g711, and allow=ulaw, it will prefer them in the order I put them in the config, if I understand that right?
17:09.18drmessanoThere is no "g711"
17:09.29*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
17:09.45drmessanoulaw and alaw are g711u and g711a
17:10.03drmessanoso allow ulaw and allow alaw
17:10.33drmessanoand "preferred order" is simplifying it greatly
17:10.46drmessanoAre your clients foreign?
17:13.30tcpdumpno, so just ulaw.
17:13.32tcpdumpIn the US
17:16.21*** join/#asterisk LunaLovegood (~alice@
17:17.03drmessanoDont even bother with alaw then
17:17.57LunaLovegoodHow do I make Asterisk forget a pjsip contact? I've tried setting max_contact=0 in the aor and it doesn't remove the old one.
17:18.23*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@2600:1700:d0a1:85a0:e8e2:8316:4796:6cbe)
17:23.06lorsungcuLunaLovegood: reload the module?
17:23.44LunaLovegoodmodule reload
17:23.48LunaLovegooddoesn't work
17:23.56lorsungcudoesnt work or doesnt remove contact
17:23.57LunaLovegoodunless you mean a full unload, then load?
17:24.04LunaLovegooddoesn't remove contact
17:24.13lorsungcui kind of expected that
17:24.19lorsungcui think you need to wait for it to drop off
17:24.26LunaLovegoodyeah i guess
17:24.30lorsungcuor maybe you can qualify it?
17:24.50LunaLovegoodtried that, even with qualify_frequency=2
17:24.55*** join/#asterisk karelk (~karel@
17:25.08LunaLovegoodit just stays Unavailable
17:25.13LunaLovegoodbut it doesnt remove it
17:25.45LunaLovegoodoh well, I'll just create a new endpoint/aor for it
17:34.15*** join/#asterisk atotclic (~Atotclic@unaffiliated/atotclic)
18:08.43igcewielingwhen using chan_sip, the command is "sip unregister X" where X is the peer name.   pjsip should have something similar.
18:14.19SamotLunaLovegood: pjsip show endpoints
18:14.32SamotThis will show all the endpoints and their AORs
18:14.48Samotpjsip show aors <-- will show aors
18:15.09Samotpjsip show contacts <-- will show the contacts of the aors
18:36.23*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@2600:1700:d0a1:85a0:e8e2:8316:4796:6cbe)
18:56.30*** join/#asterisk jpsharp (
18:58.27jpsharpI've got a pair of grandstream phones talking to Asterisk over TLS.  They seem to be getting into a registration pissing contest.  Whichever phone has registered last can make calls, the other one gets "username mismatch.  have X, digest has Y" where X is the SIP ID of the other phone.  What config am I missing somehwere?  Both phones are set to "nat=force_rport,comedia".
19:04.13*** join/#asterisk atotclic (~Atotclic@unaffiliated/atotclic)
19:09.42atotclicsnmp asterisk not work
19:11.28*** join/#asterisk stefanauss (~stefanaus@
19:16.05darkunderlordok I have a weird one.....I do fax detection and it takes about 6 seconds to successfully detect on the PRI I'm using. Here is my part of the dialplan I use.  I have alot of customers that apparently are getting a fast busy signal at 7 and less seconds. I'm not specifically answering the call right away, and for some reason think that I tested doing that and it worked better not doing the answer. Anyone run
19:16.06darkunderlordinto this kind of thing?
19:26.53*** join/#asterisk atotclic (~Atotclic@unaffiliated/atotclic)
19:28.46igcewielingI thought fax detection required the channel be answered first.
19:29.05*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
19:29.21darkunderlordapparently no. :)
19:30.49darkunderlordI think if I answer first and then wait 6 seconds, it'll make them hear silence. That's usually worse
19:31.01*** join/#asterisk sekil (
19:31.15igcewielinganswer, run the ringing app
19:31.47darkunderlordI would, but I've had people complain and not stay on the phone after 3 rings, fake or not. People suck, but when they are customers.....
19:32.43darkunderlordIf they would let me put an IVR in the beginning, then It would start playing that and eventually detect the fax.
19:32.53darkunderlordbut they are having meetings on whether to let me do that or not. LOL
19:33.07darkunderlordit's an old scrap and steel business that is oldschool and wants a human answering
19:41.49jpsharpI think I figured it out.  I didin't have a "type" entry in my realtime database.
19:41.51igcewielinga better solution is to use a dedicated fax number.
19:42.56*** part/#asterisk jpsharp (
19:46.11darkunderlordwell Ringing and then wait for 7 seconds only takes 2 rings. I'll try that I think. Thanks
19:46.51RovingWriteri wonder how many people use realtime from database
19:47.04RovingWriterits not documented very well, but, i have made it work before.
19:47.12darkunderlordI use realtime
19:47.19darkunderlordwith mysql
19:47.30RovingWriteryeah thats what i did it with before too
19:47.46RovingWriterdo u put your dialplan in there too?
19:47.48darkunderlordwhy are you wondering then? :)
19:48.00darkunderlordI'd think more people use realtime than not. Config files suck
19:48.15darkunderlordalthough, I don't use config realtime, just my peers, etc
19:48.32RovingWriteri would think that too, but its documented so poorly that I imagine more people use config files
19:55.33darkunderlordyeah the config files are just easier, but when it comes to the shear number of peers, it's easier for that.
19:57.21RovingWriteryeah, for my realtime stuff i still do dialplan in config file
21:06.14shanthi have install festival on ubuntu trusty, but there is no festival_server binary. how do i get festival to run as a server?
21:09.15shanthah nvm it was in man page :)
21:10.17shanthfestival --server
21:15.45drmessanoPeople still use Festival?
21:21.15RovingWriterwhats better, drathir?
21:21.20RovingWriterer, drmessano
21:25.47drmessanoGoogle TTS
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21:37.34shanthjust for testing stuff without making recordings drmessano
21:37.46shanthbut i'll check out google tts for sure
21:38.13drmessanoFestival is shit
21:38.18shanthyeah it is haha
21:38.32drmessanoSo just skip it
21:38.33shanthworks for what im doing plus it's already installed
21:38.56shanth$cust just wants a demo of something and $boss said use festival
21:39.21shanthi will install google tts on my dev box though
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21:40.10shanthwhat application do i use if i want to give the user time to enter a key after hearing some options?
21:45.00RovingWritergoogle TTS never really worked well for me. as in, when I try to use it, I just get long dead air
21:45.17RovingWritershanth, WaitExten(x)
21:46.17shanththanks RovingWriter
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21:52.30RovingWriterno problemo
21:53.09drmessanoI never had a problem with it
21:53.17drmessanoWhen did you try Google TTS?
21:54.03RovingWriteroh like 2 years ago haha
21:54.30drmessanoYeah, that's not such a great reference.. Come on
21:54.58RovingWritergot a "howto" you use to set it up?
21:57.57RovingWriteryeah, thats the one i used.
21:58.36RovingWriterwhen i use it in the dialplan, its just dead air.
21:58.44RovingWriterand no debug output anywhere
21:59.53drmessanoOh hang on
22:00.10drmessanoYou need that.. uses the Speech API
22:00.43RovingWriterwhat? i dont need to recognize speech :P
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22:01.01RovingWriterI need to go the other way
22:01.11RovingWritertext to speech :")
22:04.00drmessanoI thought there was a new Google TTS that uses the newer public API
22:04.08drmessanoThat's apparently the other way
22:08.12SamotI'm testing Watson in the next couple of days
22:09.27SamotBecause that will do both TTS and STT
22:10.07SamotAnd it appears to send back pcm 8k format streams so perfect.
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22:24.33shanththe more asterisk i learn i think this really isn't so bad
22:30.38drmessanoshanth: In a few weeks you'll be ready to spin up your own broken-as-hell distro
22:30.44drmessanoThen you know you've made it
22:30.53drmessanoSorry, I shouldn't say a couple weeks
22:31.02drmessanoYou seem like a fast learner
22:31.05drmessanoMaybe a week then
22:32.22RovingWriterbeen playing with this watson thing now since Samot mentioned it. I like it.
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22:38.50shanthany reason to use NoOp over Verbose?
22:40.05RovingWriterhow can I get OGG to be within 'core show file formats' ?
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