IRC log for #asterisk on 20170727

00:15.17*** join/#asterisk juvenal (
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02:36.23igcewielingmutters something about zombie werewolves,
02:36.37*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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02:55.40*** join/#asterisk tcpdump (sid47591@gateway/web/
02:56.16tcpdumpHello everyone.
02:56.41tcpdumpAnyone know a good diagram or doc that explains the architecture of a basic PBX/asterisk setup
02:57.02voipmonkBasic ?  - explain
02:57.05tcpdumpSpecifically all of the components such as  a TURN server, asterisk server, etc.
02:57.26voipmonkgoogle images asterisk pbx
02:57.55voipmonknot all implementations require a TURN server
02:58.19lorsungcutcpdump: do you have a specific concern?
02:58.53tcpdumplorsungcu: not really, just trying to figure out the pieces, what they do, etc.
02:59.20lorsungcuthat's entirely up to you
02:59.42voipmonkwhat are you looking to do with asterisk ?
02:59.46lorsungcufigure out what it is you want to do and start doing it. usually you'll figure out what's needed as you go.
02:59.51tcpdumpIm just trying to wrap my head around the concept at a high level, then drill into the different pieces.  I was hoping get some guidance into what a basic setup looks like.
03:00.31lorsungcuyou dont need more than a server running asterisk
03:00.40tcpdumpI know what I want. I want a remote server that facilitates audio/video conference calls. All clients will be remote to the server.
03:01.33voipmonkhow many conferences and how many people per type of conference?
03:01.41SamotAsterisk doesnt support video confbridges
03:01.51SamotSo there is that
03:02.09tcpdumpSo it will be on the WAN, in Amazon for instance, and all clients will be able to connect and call each other from anywhere, so long as they have Internet.
03:02.38SamotIf video conf is a deal breaking requirement, Asterisk is not the solution.
03:02.41tcpdumpvoipmonk: at any given time there will never be more than one to one on a call, but there may be many calls.
03:02.45*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
03:03.00tcpdumpI see Samot .
03:03.15tcpdumpAre you aware of any other ip conference solutions that do video?
03:03.25SamotEven then, i wouldnt recommend AWS
03:03.35Samotthere are a few
03:03.36lorsungcutcpdump: skype works p. good
03:03.58tcpdumpSamot: yea, that was an exmaple. Likely wont be aws.
03:04.09tcpdumplorsungcu: yea, needs to be a private solution though.
03:04.15tcpdump3cx huh?
03:04.17tcpdumplemme google that.
03:04.31SamotIts licensed.
03:04.44SamotSo you are going to spend $$$
03:05.03tcpdumpAh, is that basically a paid version of freepbx?
03:05.06SamotYou need voice license and video conf license.
03:05.15SamotNot at all
03:05.16voipmonkhave a look at  you can use existing asterisk trunks  - FREE
03:06.01lorsungcuits a masonic tax evading thing
03:06.04lorsungcuyou wouldnt understand
03:06.37*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
03:07.26tcpdumpAnyone used 3CX before?
03:07.31tcpdumpThey pretty good?
03:08.05SamotLike i said...$$$$
03:09.11SamotYou need to research
03:12.51*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
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03:14.16Samot3CX might be out of price range but Asterisk does not have the video conf support you require.
03:15.14lorsungcuthe "must be private" but "hosted on AWS" requirement is a little bizarre
03:32.12*** join/#asterisk juvenal (
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06:47.21*** join/#asterisk snadge (~snadge@unaffiliated/snadge)
06:47.43snadgejust playing around with asterisk 14, as you do.. looks like the split cdr bug with respect to the hangup handler has been fixed
06:47.59snadgewhich is great
06:48.13snadgenow i just need to figure out why CDR(dst) is being set to "s" instead of the destination number ;)
06:57.34snadgebecause a macro is overwriting it.. if i bypass the macro, it works as expected
07:01.25*** join/#asterisk Samael28 (~Samael28@
07:03.48snadgethat can be put off until tomorrow ;)
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08:49.02_8bitsIs there a way to use only one GoToIfTime if you want to use it from jul 1 to aug 14 as example?
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09:06.13jbrouwersHello, is ARI always supposed to send out an event when a call recording stops? ie either RecordingFinished or RecordingFailed?
09:07.01jbrouwersI am looking at my logs, and I got 2439 RecordingStarted events, but only 378 RecordingFinished events.
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09:21.18*** join/#asterisk dinesh85 (2e8c3fea@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:21.54dinesh85Hi, can someone tell me if it is possible to configure asterisk for priority based call handling? Example: When a same extension is dialed by two users(User A & User B), that User A has more priority than User B. This mean if there is an existing call from User B to an extension, and if User A dials the same extension, the call from User B has to be terminated, and continue with the call from User A.
09:28.00*** join/#asterisk TandyUK2 (~admin@
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09:51.27*** join/#asterisk dnit (673399be@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:54.25dnitHi When I bridge my agent inbound channel to another channel , my agent logs out.
09:56.53*** join/#asterisk Cory (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory)
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13:16.30[TK]D-Fenderdinesh85, you'll have to do some external scripting to look at the calls to determine If they are bridged with someone of a lower class
13:17.24[TK]D-Fenderdinesh85, Likely using AMI to look at whatever channel is currently bridged with your target and looking at its channel variables for a value you'd set BEFORE it dialed them which would be set to indicate their priority
13:18.02[TK]D-Fenderthen via AMI you'd disconnect them if appropriate and you could resume nrmal dialplan to set the priority for this channel and then be free to dial on in.
13:21.21*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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17:11.42*** join/#asterisk atotclic (~Atotclic@unaffiliated/atotclic)
17:12.34atotclichello, buenas tardes
17:14.05atotclichelp!! I can not configure snmp
17:14.57SamotWrong channel?
17:16.14atotclicSamot: this cannel is asterisk
17:16.32atotclicproblem with module
17:16.40SamotOK, that's different.
17:16.55atotclicmodule is loaded
17:17.30atotclicsnmpwalk not response
17:18.40atotclicSamot: sorry my english
17:18.49Samot^^ That's the best I can offer. I don't use SNMP with Asterisk.
17:21.38atotclicSamot: thank you, but it does not work
17:26.06atotclicasterisk version 14.6.0
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18:15.58atotclicCannot adopt OID in STERISK-MIB: astChanState ::= { astChanEntry 23 }
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18:30.26tcpdumpanyone know of a guide to help understand the exten => values in the config?
18:31.34infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
18:32.37SamotI take it video conference is no longer a requirement?
18:41.55shanthtcpdump: where are you stuck?
18:42.04shanthtcpdump: im probably a few days ahead of you
18:42.48*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
18:47.11tcpdumpshanth: thanks - im just trying to find a page or man that explains  the structure and function of these config values: exten => 6001,1,Goto(6002,1)
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18:48.13shanthah yeah best bet is to start reading one of the asterisk book resources tcpdump
18:48.31shanthlots of them go over in detail how the dialplan works, it's kind of the heart of asterisk
18:48.45tcpdumpits called a dial plan
18:48.46tcpdumpgot it
18:48.56tcpdumpnow i know what to google. :)
18:49.48[TK]D-FenderNo need to google
18:49.56[TK]D-Fenderthere's a book.  You've been linked to it already
18:55.15SamotSo again, video conferencing is not a requirement anymore?
18:55.37SamotBecause yesterday this was about a audio/video conferencing solution.
18:56.58Samottcpdump: Have your requirements changed? Because if not, my statement from yesterday still stands. Asterisk will not do video conferencing at this time.
18:57.30tcpdumpSamot: no - however, video seems to be working just fine.
18:57.38SamotIn conference?
18:57.41tcpdumpI can't tell you why - but it is.
18:57.47SamotThere is a difference between a video call and a conference call?
18:57.55SamotHow are you conferencing these video calls?
18:58.02tcpdumpI need video calls
18:58.05tcpdumpnot conference.
18:58.16SamotThat's not what you said yesterday.
18:58.19tcpdumpI suppose maybe I never had that right then?
18:58.35SamotAsterisk will support video calls..
18:58.44SamotBut not video conference bridges.
19:01.21Samotfile: Now I'm curious. Can Asterisk support "3-Way" or "N-Way" video calls?
19:01.50shanthalso tcpdump if you are in such a mood there exists a cheap udemy course for $10 that covers a lot of dialplan  basics in video format. i found it helpful
19:02.00fileConfBridge currently supports 1 channel being the source of video, it is then sent to the other participants
19:02.13shanthsince i am now administrating an asterisk system as of monday i needed to get up to speedquickly
19:02.24SamotBut what about 3-way video calls?
19:02.42SamotNo bridge, just at the phone/client doing it. Like an audio call...
19:03.10filethat's up to the client.
19:03.23fileto Asterisk those are separate calls, the mixing and display is client side
19:03.38SamotThat's why I thought.
19:06.52*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:b18:581:10:e9fb:1d7b:8525:910b)
19:08.42Samottcpdump: So if all you need is video calls or at least one video call in the bridge that everyone else can stream. Asterisk is fine.
19:09.12Samottcpdump: I just want to make sure you don't spend time banging away at Asterisk to realize it really doesn't do what you need.
19:09.45tcpdumpSamot: I apologize man, for being so ignorant.  This is a whole new world to me.
19:10.00SamotNo need for that.
19:10.11tcpdumpYea, I only ever need a single video call, not a conference.
19:10.17SamotLike I said, I just want to make sure you understand what it does compared to what you require.
19:10.25SamotClarifying the requirements isn't a bad thing.
19:10.27tcpdumpI do recall asking for the other, not realizing the difference.
19:10.49SamotThen yes, Asterisk supports video calls.
19:10.55SamotSo it can do what you are looking for.
19:11.28tcpdumpYea, I have it up and mostly working - I just have a few other little quirks to iron out, and I think thy're starting to make sense. :)
19:13.55*** join/#asterisk RovingWriter (~rubble@unaffiliated/rovingwriter)
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19:55.03tcpdumpSo it looks like when a user registers it sends a REGISTER, that gets a 401, then it sends a second register with the nonce from the 401 response and gets registered the second time?
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20:11.09dadrcthat's what's supposed to happen, yeah
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22:29.50darkunderlordi have no freaking idea, but trying to set my 13 server live and when dialing certain numbers I'm getting the demo-congrats. I've looked/searched my extensions.conf and demo isn't even in there....
22:33.11rmudgettWhat about the default extensions.ael or extensions.lua?  Have you removed them if you aren't using them?
22:35.34darkunderlordhmm maybe accidentiall
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