IRC log for #asterisk on 20170725

00:02.31*** join/#asterisk bhans (~bhans@unaffiliated/bhans)
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05:52.19*** join/#asterisk Aljone (
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07:41.27*** join/#asterisk FarhaadN (~Farhad@
07:43.05FarhaadNhi, i want to change "Root console verbosity" in asterisk 14 , when i change it in cli by this command :"core set verbose 0" and close cli and again enter to cli , "Root console verbosity" change to 3
07:44.29*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
07:46.49*** part/#asterisk FarhaadN (~Farhad@
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10:52.51*** join/#asterisk pawiecki (
10:52.56pawieckiCan I pickup a call from certain extension, just like with default *8 but specifying extension, so if there ae many calls, the right one is picked up? I've read about **<exte> but I can't find it documented for asterisk.
11:08.14*** join/#asterisk dnit (71c11f6e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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13:48.29darkunderlord_pawiecki, I believe you can. You'd have to program it into your dialplan.
14:10.32*** join/#asterisk wdoekes (
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16:07.09darkunderlord_quiet in here today :D
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16:41.25lvlinuxpawiecki: are you still here? I have dialplan that does that if you'd like to see it.
16:43.00lvlinuxexample: My extensions are all 4 digits and start with a 1, like 1604, 1203, etc:
16:43.12lvlinuxexten => _*81XXX,1,SET(GLOBAL(PICKUPMARK)=${EXTEN:2})
16:43.22lvlinuxsame => n,Pickup(${EXTEN:2}@PICKUPMARK)
16:43.31lvlinuxand that's it!
16:45.49*** join/#asterisk DanB (
16:59.06darkunderlord_@lvlinux, I'd like to see that
17:00.00darkunderlord_finally about to get into ARI. looking at PHPARI.
17:09.49*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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19:41.46igcewielingDoes anyone know of a SSL Cert provider which does not start harassing you to renew 6 months before it expires?
19:42.27darkunderlord_would letsencrypt free ones work for you?
19:42.40darkunderlord_I use those for website and it's awesome of the free price
19:43.00igcewielingI doubt it, but I'll check.
19:43.20*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
19:43.25igcewielingthe CA needs to be trusted by the browser with no cert or ca installation on the browser.
19:43.36darkunderlord_igcewieling, it is!
19:43.39SamotLet's Encrypt wants you to update every 90 days
19:43.49darkunderlord_Samot, that can be automated
19:43.50SamotAnd wants access via port 80 to server.
19:43.57igcewielingThat should be banned by international law! 9-|
19:44.17darkunderlord_it helps to have 80, but I think you can make it temporary
19:44.27SamotBut most CA issuers will ask or should let you set when to get expiration/renewal notices.
19:44.32darkunderlord_it all depends on how igcewieling wants to use it I guess :)
19:44.50SamotDude, standard certs are like under $10/year.
19:45.21darkunderlord_yeah but the automation and lack of needing to enter card info each year is nice. You just won't get the high level cert
19:45.28darkunderlord_but that is expensive anyhow
19:45.32igcewielingdarkunderlord_: not with Asterisk.    Mainly SMTP/SSL and HTTP/SSL
19:45.33SamotThat's well worth not spending my time jerking around with some free thing that needs me to interact or setup automation
19:45.51darkunderlord_to each his own. But if you pay, digicert is nice
19:46.15igcewielingCompanies forget when you piss off your customers they stop being customers.
19:46.44igcewielingwaves bye to RapidSSL Online
19:47.05darkunderlord_digicert support is awesome too if you ever run into issues, etc.
19:48.08igcewielingHeh, Digicert $175/year per Cert.  That is a tad more than I expected.
19:49.10darkunderlord_google is doing certs too aren't they?
19:50.39darkunderlord_igcewieling, you didn't say cheap, you just said didnt' bother you :)
19:51.40igcewielingI didn't expect 10x times the cost. 9-|    Maybe I'll give RapidSSL a dedicated e-mail address and route it to /dev/null
19:52.14darkunderlord_give LetsEncrypt a look if you haven't. Up to you, but good to know what it can offer.
19:52.19lorsungcunamecheap doesnt bother you
19:52.22lorsungcutheyre $9/year
19:52.29lorsungcucant believe im doing this in two channels
19:53.40igcewielinglorsungcu: thanks.  I switched to them for my personal domain a month or two ago.   The previous registrar took 4 week to reply to a support request.
19:54.25lorsungcuive had zero problems with them, probably bought 50 certs this year alone heh
20:13.51*** join/#asterisk sawgood1 (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
20:15.26sawgood1Q: is there a way to "flush" the AOR (for) chan_pjsip endpoints using the Asterisk CLI?  because I have 3 PJSIP phones which will no longer register (after a simple reboot)  ... Asterisk CLI is reporting "PJSIP has exceed 3 max"
20:16.41sawgood1I could increase the max registrations from 3 to something like 5 or 6, but that beats the point (because) these are the only 3 endpoints on the system right now
20:21.38darkunderlord_sawgood1, good question. I've not seen that either. Have you restarted the asterisk server (not sure if you rebooted server or phones, etc)
20:22.13darkunderlord_or do a reload of the pjsip
20:22.35sawgood1darkunderlord_: right: after letting the phones and PBX just "sit" doing nothing for 10 min or so (I relooked) and I saw the 3 phones went back and registred
20:22.39sawgood1on their own ...
20:23.15sawgood1this is not the 1st time this has happened though (its like) if I reboot the phones (I'm not sure) if they will re-register on that "shared" extension
20:23.25darkunderlord_whenever I reboot my asterisk service, I find it good to do a sweep of my network to reboot the phones so that forces a reregister
20:24.04sawgood1so, the 3 phones (all share) x1000 (and) individually all 3 have their own x101 style extension as well ..
20:24.29sawgood1the x101  registers fine each and every time (after a reboot), but that shared x1000 (none of the 3) can re-register at times
20:24.30darkunderlord_luckily I use Cisco phones and they can be rebooted by hitting each phone with /admin/reboot request
20:24.37*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
20:25.03sawgood1nice ... I like using SIP notify with Yealink too
20:25.49darkunderlord_I've been wondering if an unregister setting could be set so that the phone alerts that it's going offline. I'd like to hear what others have to say. Perhaps what file has to say? ;)
20:27.08darkunderlord_read what sawgood1 said about this phones not unregistering, and needing to flush current registrations..
20:27.28darkunderlord_I've ran into that max contacts issue. Easy thing is to up the amount, but is there a better way?
20:28.38lorsungcudarkunderlord_: you could script that simply with asterisk, or many phones have hooks you can point to things like that.
20:29.02drmessanoor um
20:29.17drmessanoStop using limiting AORs as a security feature
20:29.46fileafaik people just bump it up
20:29.58drmessanoIf I have 3 phones
20:30.06drmessanoand a 3 AOR limit
20:30.11drmessanoand one drops
20:30.19lorsungcuyes, i agree thats silly.
20:30.23drmessanoThere's a window for a "rogue hacker person" to register
20:30.26drmessanoSo WTF
20:30.34drmessanoThats not a security feature
20:30.34filean option could be added to drop the old one... but that may or may not be right
20:30.42fileyeah, it's not meant as a security thing
20:31.09darkunderlord_could there be a qualify like I think Chan_sip had where it knows when a phone goes away?
20:31.54filealready exists, and it could be used to make the logic more intelligent
20:32.29sawgood1yeah I left it at 3: never changed it: since I only have 3 phones
20:32.43drmessanoSo make it 6
20:32.50sawgood1out of the blue: the phones re-registered ...
20:33.06darkunderlord_that works, but of course seems to defeat a purpose of even having a max contacts option. :D
20:33.09filere-registering won't exceed the count
20:33.09sawgood1but it took a long time and Asterisk was reporting "max contacts" reached
20:33.14drmessanodarkunderlord_: Which is what?
20:33.25drmessanoWe already stated it's NOT a security feature
20:33.27fileit is what seems to be a new registration that will exceed it
20:33.45darkunderlord_maybe we set reregister on the phones to more frequent?
20:34.11darkunderlord_file, yeah I've seen that after rebooting a phone, it won't come back on the network if max contacts is hit
20:35.25igcewielingdarkunderlord_: maybe the NATing router the phone is behind changed the source port, that might make Asterisk think it is a new registration, not a re-registration of an existing contact.
20:35.43darkunderlord_igcewieling, nope, all is on the same network segment
20:35.47darkunderlord_no NATing
20:36.27darkunderlord_easy fix is to up the maxcontacts. Just seems there is a cleaner more secure way
20:36.44drmessanofile: This is clearly a bug.. It looks like chan_pjsip is actually correctly applying maxcontacts, and we can't have any of that, for security and stuff
20:37.27drmessanoI might suggest changing the logic to use max contacts as a suggestion
20:37.45drmessanoBut not actually apply it
20:40.38*** join/#asterisk clarjon1 (~clarjon1@unaffiliated/clarjon1)
20:42.45sawgood1is there a max to Max contacts?
20:43.04sawgood1I left it a 3 ... and I'll try to see if I can use say like 10 or 20
20:43.36rmudgettI think the reason the phones cannot register is because the old registrations still exist.  When they expire, then the phones can reregister.
20:43.41sawgood1to bad this didn't exist:  Asterisk CLI:>  pjsip flush aor
20:44.01rmudgettIt sort of does.  The registrations are stored in astdb.
20:44.26sawgood1@rmudgett: nice ... if it happens again, I'll run: pjsip show endpoints (and) see if the old stuff is stil listed
20:44.55rmudgettI think that should be "pjsip show contacts"
20:45.51darkunderlord_but what if it does exist how do you clear it? I'll be going live with a new version upgrade the next day or two and that could help alot.
20:46.15rmudgettAs to flushing the aor/contacts, you could remove them from the astdb using "database deltree"
20:49.25sawgood1database command from the Asterisk CLI (nice one)
20:49.30sawgood1good one @rmudgett
20:49.49sawgood1I'll practice using that next time: I do that from time to time: to turn OFF a DND button!
21:07.38*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
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22:52.30*** join/#asterisk shanth (62b67ee2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:53.15shanthtrying to set a curl opt to ignore a self signed cert, does the curl opt need to go on the same line as the curl call or a different line?
22:58.46Samotexten => s,n,CURLOPT(ssl_verifypeer)=0,Set(user_auth=${CURL(${CALLERID(num):1,10}&destination_did=${CALLED_NUMBER}&custo
22:58.46Samotmer_account_number=1&customer_zip_code=12345)})  < That's not how dialplan works at all
22:59.05SamotSo yes, it does need another line since it will be the next priority
23:07.16shanthis this correct Samot
23:16.40salviadudshanth, so that thing never dials anywhere?
23:17.23shanthcustomer enters id and zip code, then that data is used for a curl call salviadud
23:17.47salviadudNever done it myself, can't help you there.
23:19.49SamotSo what's the issue?
23:24.57shanthit was erroring out about the ssl cert being self signed Samot

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