IRC log for #asterisk on 20170629

00:20.25*** join/#asterisk infobot (
00:20.25*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.16.0 (2017/05/30), 11.25.1 (2016/12/08), Standard: 14.5.0 (2017/05/30); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
01:41.24*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
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06:23.24*** join/#asterisk goga (c1697e02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:25.28gogaHello. Need help with voicemail.conf in asterisk. TODO: send messages about voicemail to telegram channel. Problem: added mailcmd with custom script, but it not passing variables like ${VM_DUR} to script. Any help?
06:29.43gogaAsterisk 13.15.0 FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p1
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07:53.07*** join/#asterisk goga (c1697e02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:54.36gogaHi again. I've lost connection with freenode. Did I missed some answers about args for mailcmd in voicemail.conf?
07:56.33lorsungcugoga: mailcmd doesnt get those variables, afaik
07:56.55lorsungcuwhat i do is compose the email with those variables exposed somehow, then parse it out in a mailcmd script
07:57.04lorsungcuif mailcmd does expose them, i'd love to know about ti
07:57.29*** part/#asterisk StucKman (~mdione@
07:57.35gogaSo i have to deliver mail to local box and parse it?
07:57.57lorsungcuyou could do that, i just pass the entire message into my script and do it there
07:58.43gogaThank you for your advice.
08:01.59*** join/#asterisk Onyx47 (
08:03.16Onyx47hello, does anyone know if there's a syntax that will make the new autohints functionality work when using AEL for dialplans? The parser doesn't like me just putting autohints=yes in there...
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10:45.40pawieckiHi, I know it's maybe not 100% on topic, but I need some tips with DECT. I have this old KWS6000 system, with ~60 Base stations and ~90 Handsets. It wasn't deployed in a proper way, and my job now is to fix some minor errors. Right now I'm looking to re-do the sync chain, to have it's source in the middle of the system and better sync tree. It's a multi-level building, and I'm not sure how to plan it - make it floor-by-floor or jump-around-the-best-sig
10:45.42pawieckinal-strength chain type? If you have some experience with this sort of thing, any advice would be appreciated.
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11:55.03*** join/#asterisk dunderproto (
11:55.19dunderprotoWhat are some benefits of running your own sip server as opposed to getting free accounts?
11:56.08SamotA lot.
11:57.06dunderprotoSamot: Would you be able to point me to a website that explains the benefits? I'm considering setting up a personal server for conference calls of ~1-5 people
11:58.30SamotIf you just want to use it for conference services, just use Asterisk.
12:03.09*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
12:16.28dunderprotoSamot: Might asterisk be excessive for just personal use?
12:20.52*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
12:23.07[TK]D-Fenderdunderproto, excessive is up to you
12:24.31[TK]D-Fender<dunderproto> What are some benefits of running your own sip server as opposed to getting free accounts? <- this question doesn't work really
12:25.19[TK]D-Fenderdunderproto, * is a PBX & telephony toolkit.  A "free account" is a service of some kind.  * processes calls, it is not itself a "service"
12:27.34dunderproto[TK]D-Fender: true, I understand your point. I guess I mean, would it be worthwhile to learn how to set up asterisk myself...but perhaps this is a question I have to answer myself
12:29.52[TK]D-Fenderdunderproto, indeed.  describe your initial goal more clearly
12:32.23dunderproto[TK]D-Fender: I currently have a sip provider that lets me place public telephone calls, which I use everyday for work. I connect with a softphone on my laptop. However, recently I needed to get sip accounts for at least 2 people for group calling. So, I need to create at least 2 SIP accounts for them. I have no idea how telephony works, as you can probably perceive from my sometimes illogical
12:34.13dunderprotoI'm wondering if I should 1) search for a free sip provider, like linphone or ostel, or 2) set up my own sip server. I'm leaning towards the second because it sounds like fun
12:35.02[TK]D-Fenderlast I heard linphone was a softphone, not a provider.
12:35.21dunderproto[TK]D-Fender: they are indeed a softphone, but they also offer free accounts I think
12:35.49[TK]D-FenderYour #2 doesn't make sense.  Again, Asterisk does not give you service
12:36.39dunderproto[TK]D-Fender: Ah.
12:36.53[TK]D-FenderLike comparing a cellular phone company's PLAN ... to a cell PHONE.
12:37.07[TK]D-Fender* != service
12:37.18[TK]D-Fender* can be like an answering machine FOR your service
12:37.34[TK]D-FenderYou still have to have service from somewhere to contact the real world
12:38.02dunderprotoI just need from sip account to sip account, so I don't need the public telephone network
12:38.32[TK]D-FenderThink of what companies use as a "phone system".  Menus for callers, voicemail, corporate directories, multiple phones as inside "extensions", conferencing,
12:39.02Samotdunderproto: This sounds more like you need a conference call services more than a PBX
12:39.10[TK]D-FenderSo just for you to talk free amongst a few people you will give access to?
12:39.35[TK]D-FenderAnd they'll use a SIP device of their own that you'd give them connection info for?
12:39.37dunderproto[TK]D-Fender: Yes, I just need a way to call,, and simultaneously
12:39.47dunderprotothey'll use their smartphones running linphone or csipsimple
12:39.50[TK]D-FenderOk, * can do that
12:39.57dunderprotoSamot: Yes, I think perhaps I am not in the right place
12:40.08Samotdunderproto; Asterisk can do this
12:40.21SamotThe real question is, what you need to do with the conf. calls....
12:40.27SamotIs it for fun or is it business?
12:40.35dunderprotobusiness, so reliability is important
12:40.42SamotThen in this case..
12:40.49SamotI'd suggest paying for a service.
12:40.56SamotWhile installing Asterisk, learning it....
12:41.05[TK]D-FenderIf you want to get off the ground fast and think you might want to learn, but maybe slower and later you could start with a distro that installs a fully ready installation of * + a GUI to manage the basics
12:41.08SamotAnd then moving to it when you are comfortable with it and understand it.
12:41.37SamotJumping straight into it to solve a business need with ZERO knowledge or experience...bad.
12:41.45SamotIt will be a bigger PITA for you than you think.
12:41.55SamotIf you need a solution now, pay for a service.
12:41.59SamotBut install Asterisk.
12:42.00SamotLearn it
12:42.11SamotGet it working to a point you understand it and can deal with it..
12:42.15SamotThen use it.
12:42.23[TK] <- get their latest stable distro and install it and it cen get your basics without having to learn the heavy parts right away.
12:42.34dunderproto[TK]D-Fender, Samot: Thanks for your advice. That really helps. I will do some research
12:42.36SamotThat would be the way to go to learn.
12:42.58[TK]D-FenderAnd then as you're ready you can extend it with a bit of your own custom call processing, and decide if you want a completely DIY setup after
12:44.01*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
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12:59.27dunderprotoMight Kamailio be better suited for my needs?
12:59.43SamotIt doesn't do media.
13:00.09dunderprotoYou mean, it doesn't handle video? Or it doesn't handle voice? I only need voice, not video
13:01.15SamotIt doesn't handle media
13:01.30SamotMedia = audio and video
13:01.37dunderprotoah, I see
13:01.42dunderprotoSamot: Thanks
13:03.04*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
13:04.15[TK]D-FenderFreePBX is your best starting point
13:19.16*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
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13:38.22*** join/#asterisk klaxa|work (
13:42.13klaxa|workhi, this may be quite the newbie question: when i run asterisk -x "core show channels concise" it shows two connections if there is one call ongoing and i've been wondering for a while what the difference between "Dial" and "AppDial" is
13:42.25klaxa|workand i can't really find stuff with google
13:42.44klaxa|workis there like a glossary of terms used in asterisk? i feel very lost trying to read the docs
13:42.53klaxa|worki'm not good with phones
13:48.31[TK]D-FenderEach leg is a channel
13:48.54[TK]D-FenderDial() is an app that places a call (creating a new channel) and bridges upon answer
13:49.28klaxa|workwhat is "app" in this context?
13:49.45fileAppDial is just a name that Dial() fills in on any outgoing calls it creates
13:49.47newtonrThose two pages will help a little bit
13:50.30[TK]D-Fenderthe AppDial() in there is because that channel was created by a Dial().  This was not a channel that simply arrived at your server and is executing dialplan of its own
13:51.05[TK]D-Fenderthe calling end is the one that is executing dialplan and may continue on afterwards, etc
13:52.06klaxa|workhmm okay, that made it a bit cleary, still kinda fuzzy to me, i'll first read those pages and if i'm still confused try to come up with good questions, thanks!
13:54.11*** join/#asterisk irc08153 (d9f7dd51@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:55.25irc08153sip show peers, shows IP-PROVIDER-153333757558                                N             5064     OK (29 ms), but tcpdump shows "15:42:30.018532 IP askoziapbx.local.5060 > SIP: REGISTER SIP/2.0" Why?
13:55.46irc08153not honoring the port
13:57.32Samotirc08153: Is the PBX behind NAT?
13:57.58irc08153yes, but the tcpdump was taken from the pbx itself
13:58.21SamotP-PROVIDER-153333757558                                N             5064     OK (29 ms) <-- 5064 is the port the other side is listening on
13:58.25SamotNot you.
13:58.52SamotThey register to you on 5060 because that's what you are listening on
13:59.02SamotTheir device/system is listening on 5064.
13:59.07SamotNot uncommon.
13:59.14irc08153yes, but i should address the register to port 5064
13:59.24SamotIt's THEIR port.
13:59.35SamotThey are telling Asterisk, send stuff to this IP and Port
13:59.50SamotJust like you told the device send stuff to Asterisk on this IP and port.
14:00.05[TK]D-Fenderirc08153, those 2 things have nothing to do with each other
14:00.19[TK]D-Fenderirc08153, One is a PEER.  The other is a REGISTER
14:00.30[TK]D-Fenderirc08153, they are 5000% separate from one another
14:01.22[TK]D-Fender<irc08153> yes, but i should address the register to port 5064 <- go fix your register string
14:01.42irc08153"<Samot> Their device/system is listening on 5064."
14:01.45irc08153for what kind of packages?
14:02.00[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> <irc08153> yes, but i should address the register to port 5064 <- go fix your register string
14:02.12igcewielingirc08153: are you on windows or linux?
14:02.47[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling, simple config mistake.  Let him fix it
14:03.02irc08153i want to understand it, and dont have to fix anything
14:03.19[TK]D-Fenderit's not sending to the port you want because you didn't tell it to
14:03.24irc08153everything is working and fine
14:03.51*** join/#asterisk bford (d8cff501@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:04.14[TK]D-FenderIt's sending to 5060 and you asked why it wasn't sending to 5064...
14:04.21igcewielingirc08153: now you know the port shown in "sip show peers" isn't very useful.
14:04.22[TK]D-FenderThat'd be because you didn't tell it to
14:04.40igcewielingmove on with your life.
14:04.48irc08153funny guys
14:07.02irc08153so to register my numbers at provider, i see "askoziapbx.local.5060 >" i would expect port 5064
14:07.44irc08153as defined in sip.conf register => "....":"..."
14:07.57irc08153isnt that the "destination" to register?
14:08.01igcewielingirc08153: the provider is listening on port 5060, why would you want to connect to 5064?
14:09.24irc08153i dont get it, why register =>... is defnied with port 5064 when the register package itself is DST Port 5060
14:09.58igcewielingirc08153: I don't know why asterisk isn't using your bad setting.
14:10.29igcewielingmaybe you forgot to issue a reload after making the change?
14:11.13irc08153so we agree, if yo u set in sip.conf register => "....":"..." - the register package itself should also go to port 5064 right?
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14:11.59igcewielingirc08153: assuming the stuff you are hiding it correct, then yes it should send to port 5064
14:12.22igcewielingDid you issue a "sip reload" or "core reload" after making changes to sip.conf?
14:12.23irc08153ok, thats all i wanted to know as i assumed a bug in the pbx gui
14:12.40irc08153its askozia as you should have seen by the hostnames
14:12.58irc08153i wanted to verify a bug
14:13.01igcewielingdamnit, bamboozled again!   Very little of what I said applies when using Asterisk GUIs.
14:13.11irc08153doesnt matter
14:13.31irc08153you guys make me smile
14:13.35SamotSorry man
14:13.40SamotWe don't know how they have done the PBX
14:13.46irc08153i dont want any support, just want to verify my thoughts
14:13.47SamotWhich means what we say may not apply.
14:13.57irc08153it feels like battling in here all the time
14:14.01*** join/#asterisk ruied (~ruied@
14:14.07SamotDoes want  you to register on 5064
14:14.17SamotThat's the port they use?
14:14.31irc08153why are you al lthe time questioning setups? i asked simple questions about registration process and ports
14:14.46SamotIf you put the ;port it will go to that port
14:14.50SamotSo what is the issue?
14:15.28irc08153that its present in sip.conf but not honored, so my assumptions are correct, if it's there and "loaded" it should register at dst port 5064 not port 5060 as it does right now
14:15.39irc08153so now i can adress that/forward that to askozia support
14:15.42Samotasterisk -rvvvvv
14:15.47Samotsip set debug on
14:15.52SamotShow  register attempt to them
14:15.59infobothmm... pastebin is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:16.55igcewielingSamot: his issue appears to be that he set the register line to register to 5064, but it still registers to 5060.
14:16.56irc08153its already clear from tcpdump
14:17.09SamotI want to see a full debug
14:17.09irc08153no reason to add additonal overhead
14:17.20SamotI want to see the full REGISTER packet from Asterisk.
14:17.56SamotWell you can show it now.
14:18.03SamotOr you can contact their support and show it to them.
14:18.06SamotEither way.
14:18.08Samotyou're showing it.
14:19.10irc08153seriously? tcpdump is a few layers lower
14:19.16irc08153what do you expect, its in sip debug also port 5060
14:20.03igcewielingirc08153: sip set debug on shows us how ASTERISK sees the packets, not the OS.
14:20.22SamotShow your peer settings and mask the secret. With the register string.
14:20.46[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling, we're backwards
14:20.47[TK]D-FenderReliably Transmitting (NAT) to
14:20.54SamotI was going to cover that
14:20.57[TK]D-FenderWe're talking DST PORT here
14:20.59SamotI wanted to see the peer settings
14:21.06[TK]D-Fenderpeer = IRRELEVENT
14:21.09igcewielingI could ask what version of Asterisk he is using and mess everything up.
14:21.50irc08153thank you guys for verifying my thoughts, time for askozia to jump in
14:22.08[TK]D-Fenderthis is entirely on your register string
14:22.21Samot10:20:24 AM <Samot> Show your peer settings and mask the secret. With the register string.
14:22.49[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> peer = IRRELEVENT
14:22.50irc08153that comes from the askozia gui, thats nothing touchable by users
14:23.07[TK]D-Fenderand is the line it made RIGHT?
14:23.16[TK]D-FenderIf not, then it's their problem
14:23.27igcewielingSo, what version of Asterisk does this GUI use?
14:23.27[TK]D-Fender(assuming you did everything you were supposed to from your end)
14:23.56*** join/#asterisk pawiecki (
14:26.11pawieckiHi, I know it's maybe not 100% on topic, but I need some advice. I have this old KWS6000 DECT system, with ~60 Base stations and ~90 Handsets. It wasn't deployed in a proper way, and my job now is to fix some minor errors. Right now I'm looking to re-do the sync chain, to have it's source in the middle of the system and better sync tree. It's a 3 floor building, and I'm not sure how to plan sync chain - make it floor-by-floor or jump-around-the-best-s
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14:26.13pawieckiignal-strength type? If you have some experience with this sort of thing, any advice would be appreciated.
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14:33.37Samotpawiecki: I don't think you're going to get a bite no matter how many times you cast the line.
14:34.05SamotThat's a very specific type of setup with a very specific set of hardware.
14:34.51SamotEven then, you're hoping someone has not used used KWS6000's but have dealt with sync chains.
14:41.50pawieckiSamot: yeah i know, sorry for repeating. It's pretty well documented on how to deploy it from the grounbd up, but not really on how to make changes to a working system, that's not setup right.
14:42.22SamotOh the repeating wasn't an issue.
14:42.50SamotYou asked _hours_ ago, so really it was fine.
14:43.02SamotI was just saying that you'll probably not get a bite.
14:43.25SamotIt's a very narrow field you're looking in.
14:45.31SamotIf I knew anything about those devices, I'd help but I've never used them.
14:45.54pawieckiThey seem to be rare here too.
14:47.42[TK]D-FenderThis is *.  Asking about some DECT toaster .... is like trying to order a Bic Mac from Wendy's.
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14:52.08pawiecki[TK]D-Fender: thanks sir, you just made me hungry. Anyway, no more offtopic from me :)
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15:20.17*** join/#asterisk Alonzo (6cb077da@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:21.56Alonzohello everyone, i was wondering if anyone knew of a simple way to make a dialplan pattern that would accept calls from +1NPANXXXXX, 1NPANXXXXXX, and NPANXXXXXX without having to make separate dialplans for each type?
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15:33.02igcewielingAlonzo: you could do it in 2 patterns, but not 1.
15:34.41Alonzowould one pattern handle +1NPANXXXXXX and 1NPANXXXXXX?
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15:35.52igcewielingsorry, yes
15:36.46Alonzoi see, i will give that a shot. Thank you for the assistance
15:36.52igcewielingOn my dialplans I simply have 3 lines
15:37.12igcewielingsilly to make things more complicated
15:38.45Alonzothe problem is that we have over 10K DIDs and we have separate entries to handle each type of incoming DID (+1,1, neither) and it really slows down reloads. I was trying to see if we could remove a large portion of entries by optimizing the dialplan pattern
15:39.14Alonzofrom what you suggested that will help already
15:39.43igcewielingexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(1${EXTEN},1)
15:39.59[TK]D-Fender<igcewieling> sorry, yes < -no
15:40.12igcewielingexten => _+NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(1${EXTEN:0},1) etc.
15:40.44igcewieling[TK]D-Fender:  : _[+1]NXXNXXXXXX won't work?
15:40.58[TK]D-Fender[] <- single digit list of possible values
15:41.10igcewielingcorrect.  match leading + OR leading 1
15:41.16[TK]D-Fender<Alonzo> would one pattern handle +1NPANXXXXXX and 1NPANXXXXXX?
15:41.22[TK]D-FenderAnd his request had a one in BOTH
15:41.23igcewielingIm not trying to match +1
15:41.36[TK]D-FenderHis + was optional
15:41.41[TK]D-FenderNot the same length
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17:20.53Alonzoigcewieling: It appears that that pattern doesn't work. I am getting "rejected because extension not found in context " messages with +1NPANXXXXXX invites. Do you think there is a tweak that can be made to it?
17:24.39[TK]D-FenderYou need separate patterns
17:24.59[TK]D-Fenderat least 1 line per pattern with a Goto() as he gave you a sample for
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18:12.17hdonhi all :) does channel variable inheritance occur when a channel is instantiated or are they synchronized between channels until they are destroyed?
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18:18.14hdonthanks file
18:18.20hdoncool nick
18:19.58hdonwhen does asterisk write to the CDR?
18:23.02[TK]D-Fenderwhen the call is done
18:23.29[TK]D-Fenderthere is a rule that can be set to determine if that happens as "h" gets called (or similar), or until the absolute end
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19:43.55drmessano14:18:20 <hdon> cool nick
19:43.57drmessano^ No
19:44.05drmessanoThe coolest nick is 'nick'
19:44.39drmessanoPlus, there's a rule about feeding file's ego and stuff
19:44.55drmessanoApparently he can be fed muffins, but not compliments
19:45.01drmessanoSuper old rule
19:46.05fileI don't have time for ego feeding
19:48.03drmessanofile: Understood, BTW cool nick
19:48.47SamotMy ancestors owned a nick.
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21:59.03rp_Has anyone had an issue with including context's in another context? I'm running Asterisk 13.13.1 and do have some troubles with including context's in another context in my dialplan. I do only see the problem if it's a normal "all digit" extension. If the included extension starts with a * it does work as planned. Any ideas regarding my issue?
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22:14.15[TK]D-FenderInclues work
22:14.26[TK]D-FenderI've never  a single but in this thing before
22:14.57[TK]D-FenderYou've done something wrong.  Show us your dialplan and a call and we'll show you where
22:15.01infobotextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
22:16.34rp_[TK]D-Fender: Comming up
22:20.42rp_[TK]D-Fender: You can find what I think is relevant here:
22:21.09rp_I cna dial *31* or *99* but I can't dial 8000
22:24.30rp_[TK]D-Fender: You find a test call here:
22:29.55salviadudrp_, your last line should be Hangup() but it says Hanup()
22:30.11salviadudNot that it will fix your main problem though
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22:32.15Samotexten => _X.,n,GotoIf($["${ODBC_ANONYM-LOOKUP(${CALLERID(num)},C030995)}" = "1"]?features,*31*${EXTEN},1) <-- What is there an * before the ${EXTEN}?
22:33.04SamotOh I see how you're doing it, it was at the bottom.
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22:37.32SamotWhere's the RealTime dialplan to look at?
22:39.30[TK]D-Fender[Jun 30 00:06:21]     -- Executing [8000@C030995-phones:1] Set("SIP/C030995-01884651-00000047", "CENTRALID=C030995") in new stack
22:39.35[TK]D-FenderI see 8000 dialed...
22:40.27Samot[Jun 30 00:06:21]     -- Executing [8000@outbound:1] Dial("SIP/C030995-01884651-00000047", "SIP/8000@production-sw1-s01") in new stack
22:41.45[TK]D-FenderWhere do I see 8000 failing?
22:43.01SamotWell [outbound] is the only context not shown in the pb's. And there are calls to RT dialplan..
22:43.17Samot6:37:35 PM S<Samot> Where's the RealTime dialplan to look at? <-- So back to my question...
22:44.25Samot[Jun 30 00:06:21]     -- Executing [8000@outbound:1] Dial("SIP/C030995-01884651-00000047", "SIP/8000@production-sw1-s01") in new stack <-- And how come the debug ends here? What is the dial attempts and results of that call?
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23:34.44hdondrmessano, :3
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