IRC log for #asterisk on 20170622

00:00.34sawgoodnice you  have fast and quick eyes, sir!
00:00.50SamotIt requires scrolling back, searching, looking
00:00.53SamotSome of the times.
00:02.02SamotIs this a device making a call?
00:02.22oh4I have a small business with only two extensions. current provider is local ISP and we have voip. however, they don't offer SIP capabilities. how can I leverage Asterisk to be able to still use my org's phone number while gaining the ability of SIP so that I can tie it to my ticketing software
00:02.50Samotoh4: You'll need to talk to your provider.
00:04.02oh4I did...they don't offer SIP or anything other than what we have. So I am wondering if I should install Asterisk's and port my number over to a VOIP provider that also offers SIP
00:04.36SamotBecause if they don't offer SIP services, then their services will interfere with your PBX.
00:05.15oh4I have to research which providers offer SIP that are good providers
00:05.46oh4is it possible to have the same extension ring both a physical phone and soft phone using SIP?
00:06.04SamotIt's Asterisk
00:06.11SamotKinda one of it's main things.
00:08.03oh4Ok, so if I install Asterisk, then all I need to do is find a provider that offers VoIP and SIP, right?
00:08.23SamotYou're confusing the two.
00:08.33SamotThey are a SIP trunk provider.
00:08.38SamotThat's what you are looking or.
00:08.40SamotThat's what you are looking for.
00:10.49oh4Ah, it's one or the other
00:11.43SamotVoIP is just Voice over IP
00:12.00SamotHowever, it also generally describes a level of service.
00:12.27SamotVoIP is the equivalent of regular phone service.
00:14.14oh4Samot: awesome...thanks for the info...I'll do some research and get a phone for testing :)
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00:21.26*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.16.0 (2017/05/30), 11.25.1 (2016/12/08), Standard: 14.5.0 (2017/05/30); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
00:23.43*** join/#asterisk puzzola (~puzzola@unaffiliated/puzzola)
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01:29.44*** join/#asterisk volga629 (~bendersky@2001:470:1d:ccd:5966:4f2d:d60d:bb6)
01:30.13volga629Hello Everyone, why on  console when I type get
01:30.23volga629Connected to Asterisk 13.9.1 currently running on pbx00 (pid = 22208)
01:30.23volga629pbx00*CLI> \U+6067\U+606B\U+6072\U+6065\U+606B\U+6067
01:30.38volga629it not actual commands
02:21.13*** join/#asterisk skywayskase (~skywayska@
02:26.19SamotWhen you do you get that?
03:21.40*** join/#asterisk skywayskase (~skywayska@
03:22.00*** join/#asterisk boris_t (~boris_t@
03:27.52volga629when I log in to console
03:27.59volga629asterisk -rvvvv
03:28.37SamotWell, I've never seen that.
03:28.48volga629same here are
03:28.49SamotYou may want to try and update Asterisk.
03:29.04Samot13.9.1 is a little behind in the releases.
03:29.26volga629that last stable on f25 server
03:29.40SamotNo. 13.9.1 is not the latest stable release.
03:29.54volga629no but on f25 yes
03:29.58SamotIt may be for some repo you are using..
03:30.14volga629no just fedora repository
03:30.52SamotIt's a Fedora package which is out of date.
03:31.20volga629but in general all works no problem that only console think
03:31.32SamotDoes the console work?
03:31.56volga629it works in term of log in to console
03:31.56SamotThe Asterisk console not working properly is a bit of a red flag.
03:32.09SamotBut you can't issue any commands?
03:32.16volga629but I don't see what I type
03:32.34SamotBut does the command work when you hit enter?
03:32.40volga629any press on keyboard give me those \U+6067
03:32.53SamotIf you type "sip show peers"
03:33.00SamotDoes it show the sip peers?
03:33.06volga629yes it fill the line with \U+6067
03:33.07SamotRegardless of what it echoes on the screen...
03:33.23volga629then only ctrl +c
03:33.41SamotSo you log in..
03:33.46SamotWeird characters show up
03:33.51SamotYou can't hit enter?
03:34.00SamotAnd put in a command?
03:34.16SamotA broken Asterisk Console is not something to just leave
03:34.23*** join/#asterisk saint__ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
03:34.23SamotIt's a red flag.
03:34.33lorsungcuor its a badly configured putty
03:34.43volga629is this possible asterisk started with wrong parameters or locale issue ?
03:34.55SamotWhat SSH client are you using?
03:34.56volga629I am not use windows for my workstation
03:34.57lorsungcuvolga629: can you find a different ssh client
03:35.20volga629I tried terminator and gnome terminal
03:35.25volga629same think
03:38.59SamotThat sounds pretty spot on.
03:39.20volga629yes looks like right no
03:39.31volga629lorsungcu thank you
03:40.37SamotSo if it's a libedit version issue and Fedora 25 only has one version available, you're stuck.
03:40.48volga629I am going test libedit in lab tomorrow see if this fix the issue, but still need go over change management to apply it in prod
03:40.56lorsungcuyou're never stuck when you're on fedora
03:41.04lorsungcubecause that means you have the option to stop using fedora
03:41.05volga629yes possible, but I can back port from f26 build
03:41.06SamotWell no.
03:41.18Samotread that post..
03:41.22volga629if it was fixed
03:41.25lorsungcuor m'distro  as i like to call it
03:41.31SamotSo far it shows that a specific version of libedit works.
03:43.17volga629we use fedora server and fc for long time rock solid ones in while  issue like this is showing up, but call processing and functionality is not affected
03:43.33SamotHey, by all means continue using it.
03:43.40SamotJust have no support.
03:43.59SamotBecause you won't be able to debug or do anything via the Asterisk CLI for anything on that server.
03:44.18volga629yes that why need fix it :-)
03:44.28lorsungcui have faith in you volga629
03:45.13volga629that our repo for production
03:45.33volga629that where are goes staff which 100% works
03:45.47volga629for VoIP
03:45.54lorsungcudont want to know where your staff goes bud
03:46.09SamotThere's no libedit RPM in there..
03:46.42Samotrpm -qva|egrep 'asterisk|libedit'
03:46.51Samot^^ Straight from the post lorsuncgu linked.
03:46.56SamotShow the output of that command
03:46.58infobothmm... pastebin is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
03:47.52volga629no yet, but it will as soon as I  will figure out what the fix
03:48.01SamotI mean do it now.
03:48.07SamotShow what version of stuff you have.
03:48.11volga629just reading post
03:48.15SamotLike libedit
03:48.29Samotrpm -qva|egrep 'asterisk|libedit' <-- Do that and show the output
03:50.45SamotOK and as that post shows, that's going to be an issue
03:50.54SamotBecause of your libedit version.
03:51.05SamotWorks: libedit 20150325_3.1-2 <-- That's what fixes it according to that post.
03:51.19Samotlibedit-3.1-16.20160618cvs.fc25.x86_64 <-- What you have
03:51.44volga629yes need downgrade
03:51.54SamotIf you can.
03:51.55volga629that I need test in lab
03:52.08SamotIf F25 can run that version of libedit.
03:52.16SamotIf it's available for it.
03:52.17volga629in order to downgrade I need rebuild rpm with right version
03:52.37drmessanoWhy are you using Fedora for a PBX?
03:53.03drmessanoThat too
03:53.23volga629that our build real time
03:53.29volga629of asterisk
03:53.41drmessanoNONE of the targets for most PBX packages are going to be based on Fedora releases
03:54.18lorsungcufuck i wonder if i have kahlua
03:54.29lorsungcui feel like not remembering thursday
03:55.03drmessanovolga629: Switch to CentOS or Debian and come back
03:55.11drmessanoEven Ubuntu Server is fine
03:55.38drmessanoI guess what I am saying is
03:55.46lorsungcuor stop being a pussy and use arch
03:55.54drmessano"This is the latest in the Fedora Repos" is very LOLCOPTER
03:57.06drmessano13.9.1 almost makes you feel like they don't care which version of ASTERISK is in their CONSUMER DESKTOP distro
03:58.17volga629ok version they  refer in post is 3.1-14.20150325cvs.fc24
03:58.23drmessanoYou can also add repos to get current packages for CentOS, I think
03:58.31drmessanoYeah move to 14
03:58.48volga629no 14 not LTS
03:58.56drmessanoI know
03:59.00drmessanoDid you see the "lol"
03:59.17SamotSo yeah, 3.9.1 over a year old.
03:59.34SamotNice keeping up with releases for your distro, Fedora.
03:59.41drmessanoIts fucking FEDORA
03:59.42SamotThey must love FreeSwitch through.
03:59.47lorsungcuthey were very busy
03:59.48drmessanoGreat for desktop, dont run a PBX on it
03:59.49lorsungcuupgrading libedit
04:00.02SamotThe have FreeSwitch versions from only a couple months ago.
04:00.06volga629most distro fail security audit and pen test except fedora so you can
04:00.14drmessanovolga629: What role does Gnome play on a PBX?
04:00.18SamotWhat security audit?
04:00.26volga629for the company
04:00.35drmessanoSomeone didn't run them correctly
04:00.38drmessanoor idk
04:00.40SamotSo an internal audit?
04:00.57drmessanovolga629: What role does Gnome play on a PBX?
04:00.59volga629internal and external for clients
04:01.02drmessanoIs it nice having a desktop?
04:01.06SamotThat someone probably designed on Fedora.
04:01.13SamotSo it's not a "real" audit.
04:01.46volga629it real with penetration test and all procedures
04:01.58lorsungcudid your staff do the penetration
04:02.04SamotYes but your company made it
04:02.06drmessanovolga629: If you're honestly going to tell me something like CentOS or Debian failed an Audit that Fedora passed, you're off your fucking rocker
04:02.11SamotIt's YOUR audit
04:02.12volga6293 party security company
04:02.17drmessanoThis dog don't hunt
04:02.20lorsungcuit was a threesome penetration?
04:02.29SamotIf Fedora was the only OS that could pass a security audit...
04:02.35SamotIt would be used a lot more.
04:02.44*** join/#asterisk elguero (
04:02.46drmessanoNothing against Fedora at all
04:02.56drmessanoBut it's not designed for what you're spewing
04:03.34drmessanoFedora is not "super hardened Linuxbox"
04:03.37lorsungcui want this just for the inside door panels
04:04.30volga629that all about perception
04:04.44drmessanoFacts, not perception
04:04.59lorsungcuvolga629: im on your side on this one
04:05.01lorsungcubecause i dont care
04:05.03lorsungcubut of all things
04:05.05drmessanovolga629: You've lied to us before about your audits
04:05.06SamotSo you want use Asterisk 14 because it's not LTA
04:05.09SamotSo you want use Asterisk 14 because it's not LTS
04:05.09lorsungcupenetration testing is not much about perception
04:05.13drmessanovolga629: You've lied to us before and other things
04:05.13SamotOnly has a 1 year life..
04:05.30SamotBut Fedora, that releases OS versions yearly, that's cool?
04:05.41drmessano^ Good point
04:06.15volga629is something released  are you upgrading right a way ?
04:06.35volga629or older get deprecated ?
04:06.55drmessanoWe dont use Fedora
04:07.00drmessanoSo cant answer
04:07.08drmessanoNot for a PBX anyway
04:07.52drmessanoThis idea is so retarded that austic kids are stealing its lunch money
04:08.54drmessanovolga629: Question
04:09.00SamotFedora had less market share THAN MINT in 2016
04:09.01drmessanoSince Fedora passed this audit
04:09.08Samotcome on
04:09.20drmessanoHow does your AUDIT handle all the unnecessary services installed with Fedora
04:09.51volga629I am talking on server OS not DESKTOP.  OK any way lorsungcu thank you for point me out move on
04:10.04lorsungcunp good luck freindo
04:11.04drmessanovolga629: Fedora is not a server distro
04:11.35drmessanoNot in the biblical sense
04:11.51drmessanoThats why RHEL/CentOS exists
04:11.54SamotHey, they've had a server OS for 4 years.
04:11.56SamotThey got it.
04:12.05drmessanoIts Fedora desktop
04:12.12drmessanoMinus a fed packages
04:12.12lorsungcuFedora Server is a short-lifecycle, community-supported server operating system....
04:12.24drmessano^ That
04:12.49drmessanoIt's hobbyist level
04:13.13drmessanoIts training wheels for RHEL
04:13.18SamotIt probably passed a Fedora "security audit" and that's why everything else fails.
04:13.38drmessano"Does it have FreeIPA"?
04:13.48drmessano"Does this have FreeIPA"?
04:14.09drmessanovolga629: I dont even think you have audits
04:14.22SamotIn 20+ years of doing this..
04:14.27drmessanoAfter that 18 hour session where you trolled samot in FreePBX until his eyes bled
04:14.31drmessanoI trust nothing you say
04:14.33SamotNot once has Fedora been a server suggestions.
04:14.35SamotNot once has Fedora been a server suggestion.
04:14.37drmessanoExcept that you have Fedora server
04:14.55SamotNot even for web/email hosting..
04:15.04SamotOr as a database server
04:15.25lorsungcuvolga629: none of any of that is distro specific. this is linux. it's a bunch of shit piled up as high as you can make it without it falling over
04:15.28drmessanovolga629: Your short-lifecycle community supported server distro doesn't have recent Asterisk packages
04:15.32drmessanoYoure fucked, basically
04:15.51volga629drmessano who does ?
04:16.15drmessanoBut you passed the audit that your Teddy Ruxpin and Ragetty Ann Doll ordered
04:16.15SamotNo one really.
04:16.20drmessanoSo you win
04:16.20volga629or you compile all by hand wit ./configure ?
04:16.29SamotYes, you can do a source install
04:16.33drmessano./configure doesn't compile anything
04:16.54drmessanoFFS it's called "make"
04:17.04volga629source install  impossible to upgrade in prod that FAIL
04:17.04Samot./configure just sets the parameters.
04:17.11drmessanoHow do you even Linux, buddy
04:17.36drmessanovolga629: I wasn't even suggesting source.. so don't get your panties in a wad
04:17.45drmessanoand stop pretending all these other people are controlling what you do
04:17.53drmessanoYou pulled that shit in #FreePBX
04:17.57lorsungcuyou cant upgrade source in production?
04:18.01drmessanoYOU obviously are making the decisions
04:18.13drmessanoSo stop pawining it off on GI JOE and She-Ra
04:18.27SamotShe-Ra was a skank.
04:18.28SamotYou know it.
04:18.34drmessanoId hit it
04:18.41SamotIn a minute.
04:18.44SamotBut still a skank.
04:18.50SamotNot high class like Tela
04:18.54SamotOr the Sorceress.
04:18.55drmessanoA bad, naughty skank
04:18.59drmessanoNeeding a spanking
04:19.02SamotI'd ruffle her feathers.
04:19.18drmessanoTela was kinda freaky
04:19.26drmessanoI'da hit that twice
04:19.35drmessanoOnce from each side.. knowwhaimean
04:19.59SamotYou'd probably do Orko too.
04:20.03SamotYou're that kind of freak.
04:20.13drmessanoThere was that O
04:21.00SamotYeah yeah...
04:21.04drmessanoso vulva, I suggest finding a new distro.. and then some repos where someone is maintaining packages
04:21.08drmessanoThey are out there
04:21.10SamotWe know, you like to get your power swords together...
04:28.26*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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04:54.51volga629ok problem solved
04:55.25drmessanoDid you reaudit it?
04:55.32volga629In lab built older version and all goo
04:55.34drmessanoYou changed the system, obviously
04:55.36volga629sudo dnf downgrade /home/volga629/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/libedit-3.1-14.20150325cvs.fc25.x86_64.rpm /home/volga629/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/libedit-devel-3.1-14.20150325cvs.fc25.x86_64.rpm
04:55.42volga629not production
04:55.45drmessanoYou're super handy with yum
04:55.58drmessanoRemember when you broke that other box with it and didn't tell anyone for like 8 hours?
04:56.04volga629we never change production on fly
04:56.13drmessanoBut you did?
04:56.16volga629change management
04:56.40drmessanoYeah, but what about that FreePBX box?
04:56.58volga629I never do in any changes in prod before do in staging lab
04:57.16drmessanoSo that whole day was a lie?
04:57.29drmessanoGot it
04:57.40Samotstarts to twitch
04:58.07volga629drmessano what you talking about ?
04:58.25drmessanoAre you volga629?
04:59.31volga629FreePBX box issue with  asterisk version,  I downgraded in maintenance window and issue when a way in SDP all info correct
05:00.29drmessanoDidnt understand a word of that, but cool
05:00.50drmessanoIni Kamoze, friend
05:01.10volga629which was 14.4
05:01.16drmessanoOh I know
05:01.20volga629I downgraded to 14.3
05:01.28volga629and issue when a way
05:02.00SamotOh yeah.
05:02.03drmessanoSo you're not the same guy from #FreePBX?
05:02.04SamotIt was that simple.
05:02.12drmessanoWho spent like 18 hours on this
05:02.25drmessanoSomeone is using your nick when you're gone
05:02.28drmessanoBetter report it
05:03.23drmessanoTime to run an Audit
05:03.46volga629drmessano nobody  catch the issue that point until we downgraded in staging lab next day, that whole point.
05:04.10lorsungcui think i caught it
05:04.31drmessanovolga629: The channel is actually logged
05:04.43drmessanoWould you like the link?
05:04.43SamotSo is my brain.
05:06.42volga629Everybody was says rebuild the system in crew up  and how bad I am, but my short memory not allow me to remember and move on
05:07.31SamotDid I spend 18 hours on a lab server?
05:07.36SamotOr a production server?
05:07.46drmessanoTo be fair, you forced a yum update
05:08.03SamotI want to know what type of server this was...
05:08.09drmessano^ volga629
05:08.20SamotBecause now, if it was 18 hours of "urgency" for a lab server..
05:08.20drmessanoWas this a lab or production box?
05:08.25SamotYou should leave IRC.
05:08.36drmessanovolga629: Was this a lab or production box?
05:08.37volga629issue  observed in prod, but  it never got changed until next day after we downgraded  the lab and tested
05:08.55SamotHow did you not test this in the lab first.
05:09.04SamotBecause it would have broken the shit out of the lab server...
05:09.08SamotSo you didn't.
05:09.09drmessanoOr at least run audit.exe
05:09.27SamotYou forced a yum update when you shouldn't have on a production server.
05:09.33SamotThen lied about it.
05:09.44drmessanovolga629: Is this your boss?
05:09.48SamotYou can claim you "forgot" or "short memory" doesn't change it.
05:10.10drmessanoIs that guy your boss?
05:10.11SamotI have no idea what a spacewalk update is
05:10.33lorsungcuvolga629: are you on the ISS
05:10.49volga629all system and configuration is maintained by spacewalk
05:10.58drmessanoSamot: Teddy Ruxpin's stripper name is "spacewalk"
05:10.58SamotOh and this
05:11.04SamotWasn't your fault.
05:11.09SamotNot your responsibility.
05:11.11SamotSo yeah.
05:11.44volga629no it is after this event only manual updates is applied after test
05:13.19lorsungcuyou guys dog on him but tbh hes demonstrated a more complete understanding of his systems than like 90% of people that wander into #freepbx
05:15.01drmessanolorsungcu: I have a very gud grasp of mah fedoras
05:15.53drmessanolorsungcu: I deploy them all as Dockers using Puppet and Symphony, which are converted to Kuberentes before I distribute them across my Proxmox farm.
05:16.09drmessanoI have 5 layer testing
05:16.19lorsungcuso far im not hearing anything about an audit
05:16.48drmessanodev, dev-dev, dev-test-dev, production-dev, and Dad
05:17.00drmessanoThe final stage is determined by my allowance
05:17.11drmessanoand also if he backs up his car into my fucking rack again
05:18.08drmessanoIM TELLIN MAHM
05:19.49volga629I am just  put note here are if somebody run into the problem, this version libedit-3.1-14.20150325cvs.fc25.x86_64.rpm fix the issue. I will do more testing tomorrow
05:20.17volga629I will post it after that in my repo
05:24.48drmessanoNone of us use Fedora server
05:24.49drmessanoBut thanks
05:25.00drmessanoMaybe the community college can use it
05:25.11lorsungcui'll post it on the bulletin at school
05:25.14lorsungcusee if anyone bites
05:25.22drmessanolorsungcu: thx
05:36.43*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (~LKNnet@2607:fea8:d1f:ffcb:11e0:707c:2961:d41e)
05:49.37drmessanoI'm glad we agree
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10:12.09DanQuinneydoes anyone know if it's possible to get * to store the queue_log in MySQL rather than the flat file?
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10:17.57DanQuinneyWe don't use realtime, but cdr's are logged using adaptive odbc, so something similar for queues would be ideal
10:18.14DanQuinneyotherwise I'll have to stick with parsing the static files
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10:44.14pawieckiDanQuinney: i'm not sure, but what about this:
10:49.36pawieckiDanQuinney: also this:
10:49.43pawieckibasically 1 minute of googling
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10:51.15DanQuinneyYes, but they're both using realtime - which isn't something I wanted to use :)
10:51.45pawieckioh, then sorry, didn't check that.
10:53.00DanQuinneyWe experienced a number of crashes when using realtime with v13, almost certainly due to us using it with dial plans but I don't like to be bitten more than once :)
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15:14.03igcewielingDanQuinney: I'd suggest using rsyslog, but I suspect that would not work.
15:15.15DanQuinneyI could listen to the events using AMI and enter them into a database
15:15.33DanQuinneyassuming the events are generated for queues (I've not actually looked at this method)
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15:18.19igcewielingCentralized logging is tougher than it looks. 8-|
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19:30.09robmalI've got a small issue with realtime queue log, specifically with addmember/removemember - these events don't update the log when the member is logged in/out, only after i check if they are by i.e. running queue show. So like a Schrodinger queue member, while pause events appear instantaneously (disregarding if the member is a member or not, but that's not the problem right now). Asterisk version 13.7, if
19:33.57robmalThe only difference is that i run a macro to login/out and the pauses just use odbc directly.
19:36.05robmalWell, not odbc, pausemember and odbc.
19:36.08robmalBut still.
19:54.10robmalMoving everything from the macros directly to the extension didn't help.
19:54.49robmalThe queue members gets populated ok, but the log seems to wait for something :-/
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20:22.46volga629Hello Everyone, pjsip realtime give SQL warning in console
20:22.48volga629[Jun 22 15:22:02] WARNING[15521]: res_config_odbc.c:117 custom_prepare: SQL Prepare failed![SELECT * FROM ps_contacts_**** WHERE id LIKE ? ORDER BY id]
20:23.07volga629any suggestions ?
20:24.12volga629I pushed rpms fix for libedit in fedora server
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21:40.33iheartlinuxPJSIP: started with pjproject-2.6, but had to roll back to 2.5.5. Asterisk was crashing when placing internal calls.
21:42.24DanQuinneyiheartlinux: are you building pjsip yourself or letting asterisk do it as part of the install? I'm using * 13.15 with pjsip 2.6 without issues
21:45.29iheartlinuxI'm on 3.15.1. I'm using the external source as that is the way the gentoo ebuild is written.
21:47.06iheartlinuxDanQuinney: I could/might rewrite the ebuild to take advantage of the bundled pjsip, but honestly I was just trying to get (& learn) pjsip up and running.
21:48.59DanQuinneyAh, I stuck with the bundled version as it undergoes testing with that particular * version
21:49.07DanQuinneyOne less thing to bite me
21:49.08iheartlinuxLate last night I ran across someone's post that had the same problem. I did read where asterisk/digium had patched 2.6
21:49.36iheartlinuxWasn't sure if they had patched it upstream. I did wonder though about the bundled ver.
21:49.59filethe bundled version has backports which aren't yet in a PJSIP release, and patches which are for the bundled process itself (disable certain things)
21:51.14iheartlinuxI built mine with g700 gnutls gsm & ssl; Is that correct?
21:51.50filewe don't use the audio stack in it, so those are of no consequence to Asterisk
21:51.54file(g711 and gsm)
21:52.07iheartlinuxthat's what I was thinking
21:52.10filegnutls is a core PJSIP thing we shouldn't care about
21:52.12filesame for ssl
21:52.34iheartlinuxso I can disable all of those. thanks
21:54.05filewell, I mean, if you want to use TLS you'd probably want it
21:56.57iheartlinuxfile: ok cool tnx
22:23.16iheartlinuxfile, so chan_pjsip in menuselect is the bundled pjsip right?
22:24.35iheartlinuxok tnx
22:33.07kunwon1i tried building pjsip separately before i tried the bundled version and ran into endless headaches
22:33.16kunwon1when building with bundled pjsip, everything just worked
22:34.08kunwon1i don't think there are any distro package maintainers who do an acceptable job with asterisk, on my asterisk servers i build asterisk/pjsip from source
22:37.39salviadudkunwon1, I believe gentoo does a good job
22:37.59salviadudBut you will probably need to get into modules.conf to set them up just right
22:38.22kunwon1gentoo isn't appropriate for a production environment
22:38.31kunwon1but that's a religious argument i won't get into
22:38.49iheartlinuxI run "funtoo" in production. works great
22:44.01salviadudreligious, hehe
22:44.07iheartlinuxSometimes running the latest version of "some package here" is the best way to go. But if the latest "code" isn't ready/stable, keep running the stable version. Thats the beauty of gentoo, stability on a package-by-package basis. I'm the maintainer of my system, not some remote dev who doesn't know my business.
22:44.23salviadudI'm running 11.25.1 on centos 7
22:44.42salviadudI'd rather run it on gentoo, but I didn't look into sangoma card overlays soon enough
22:45.16salviadudYou can customize it so that you get the right version of kernel, and packages, so it all depends on you I guess.
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22:47.33iheartlinuxBut if you work for some corporation, you don't have a choice. luckily I do
22:48.03salviadudiheartlinux, that depends as well.  My boss knows as much about linux as Donald Trump knows about healthcare.
22:48.15salviadudSo, it was up to me.
22:48.54salviadudI rather talk about musiconhold though
22:48.56iheartlinuxBut you want to please him as much as possible. So that means "stable" and someone else to blame if something goes wrong
22:49.26salviadudRecently added the battletoads pause music, and that ikea music from fightclub.
22:49.32salviadudAs moh selections
22:49.53salviadudiheartlinux, I agree, you want 0 crashes and lotsa uptime.
22:51.12iheartlinuxMy customers are small businesses, who also don't know, and just want "stuff" to work. But that's my sales pitch. I do for them what corps pay $$$ to guys like us to do.
22:52.49iheartlinuxTrue I am running asterisk 13.15.1. Which works well for me. I started on 13. about a year and a half ago. I've been pleased with it's stability.
22:53.19iheartlinuxThe only down time I've experience was due to my own mistakes.
22:53.36iheartlinuxor some network in atlanta :)
22:54.12iheartlinuxflowroute did go down hard once a couple of months ago
23:16.52iheartlinuxcool, modified asterisk ebuild to use pjproject-bundled
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