IRC log for #asterisk on 20170613

00:12.01*** join/#asterisk Micc (
00:12.39MiccAnyone have experience with adtran ta904 connecting to asterisk? I'm having a problem where it can't dial out unless I set insecure=port
00:15.08SamotYou mean dial out through the Adtran through Asterisk?
00:19.10*** join/#asterisk infobot (
00:19.10*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.16.0 (2017/05/30), 11.25.1 (2016/12/08), Standard: 14.5.0 (2017/05/30); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
00:19.31MiccIf I'm using qualify
00:19.39SamotUnless Asterisk is told for some reason to drop a resgistration...
00:19.50SamotIt will be registered until it fails quality
00:19.53MiccI've been doing this for years. it works great.
00:19.58Miccregistration of 120 seconds.
00:19.59SamotSo it will go UNREACHABLE first.
00:20.05SamotYou're missing the point.
00:20.06Miccso if they die, I'll know withinn 2 minutes.
00:20.32SamotAnd what happens in those 2 minutes when they die
00:20.38SamotAnd Asterisk still thinks they are alive?
00:20.46Miccyes it send the call there.
00:20.51Miccand it times out
00:22.15SamotSo if you have no insecure setting..
00:22.35SamotThat means it's going to want to match the IP, Port and it will auth the user for an inbound call to you.
00:22.47MiccSo lets say I used an IP instead of dynamic, then it's even less secure as someone could guess their ip even if they were offline.
00:23.01SamotWell they could get their creds just as well
00:23.13SamotWe can play the "what if they does this" security game all day long.
00:23.20SamotThey can spoof a MAC
00:23.24SamotThey can spoof an IP
00:23.28SamotThey can get the creds
00:23.59MiccI want them to auth for an inbound call.
00:24.05Miccbut I don't think adtran does that.
00:24.13SamotYes it does
00:24.28SamotAsterisk is the one that has to challenge the Adtran
00:24.43SamotAdtran sends an INVITE, Asterisk either sends back a 18X to show progress
00:24.51SamotOr it sends back a 401 to challenge the Adtran
00:25.05SamotWhich in turn will send back the INVITE with the auth digest.
00:25.09Miccwell without insecure=port asterisk ignores the invite packet for some reason
00:25.20Samotsip show debug on
00:25.23infobotpastebin is, like, a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
00:25.27SamotShow an inbound call this happens on
00:26.00MiccThey are gone for the day. I'll have to get a sip debug tomorrow.
00:26.47SamotAsterisk + Adtran works just fine.
00:27.19SamotIs the Adtran behind NAT?
02:20.17*** join/#asterisk genpaku (~genpaku@
02:23.53a|3xi'm having real problems building asterisk in docker container
02:24.47a|3xit appears to have problems downloading pjproject.tar.bz2 as part of the make process (--with-pjproject-bundled flag)
02:25.08*** join/#asterisk newtonr (~newtonr@2602:306:3688:1880:7c51:e28f:2543:2a61)
02:25.08*** mode/#asterisk [+o newtonr] by ChanServ
02:25.42SamotWhat problms?
02:25.45SamotWhat problems?
02:25.52a|3xit says retrying download, then fails
02:26.01SamotDoes it actually connect?
02:26.08SamotDoes it resolve the domain name?
02:26.20a|3xit freezes up for a while
02:26.32SamotThat flag just tells it to do what you would do next manually
02:26.37SamotAs part of the install process.
02:26.47Samotie, go download pjproject and install it
02:27.21a|3xwell this is a script that gets executed
02:27.34SamotThat does the same thing you would do manually
02:27.42SamotGo and download pjproject and then install it
02:28.09a|3xthe thing is, i tried my own version and had the same exact problem, i had to make another script that built pjproject outside of asterisk build process
02:28.23a|3xi want to figure out what is causing this problem
02:28.42SamotYou get that it's trying to download the bz2 file like you would with a wget?
02:28.54a|3xthis is not an internet connection issue from inside the docker container or dns issue, because the script does curl calls and they work
02:29.07SamotThat's fine.
02:29.14SamotBut do you understand what I am saying?
02:29.28a|3xobviously something is different
02:29.37SamotCan you download it manually?
02:29.51SamotCan you do a wget and pull pjproject?
02:30.13a|3xi am sure i can from host
02:30.21a|3xlet me try from inside the container
02:30.44Samotwget <-- That's basically what it's doing.
02:30.50SamotBut probably getting 2.6
02:30.57SamotThat's it
02:31.32a|3xits downloading 2.4, why do you say its 2.6?
02:31.46SamotBecause 2.6 is the latest version.
02:31.54a|3xlooks like its extra slow, maybe it is timing out
02:31.54SamotThat's an old download link I had for some old docs.
02:33.17a|3xi am going to claim this is a problem with asterisk makefiles
02:33.39SamotSo fully downloaded pjproject with a manual wget?
02:33.49a|3xlooks like it is 2.4
02:34.03Samot10:31:53 PM S<Samot> Because 2.6 is the latest version.
02:34.10Samot10:32:01 PM S<Samot> That's an old download link I had for some old docs.
02:34.31a|3xoh i see
02:34.44Samot2.6 is the latest version of pjproject
02:34.51SamotChange 2.4 for 2.6 in that link
02:34.55SamotAnd see if you can get it
02:35.08a|3xactually i tried to build asterisk 13 with this dockerfile and it was using a different version of pjproject and it still failed in the same exact way
02:37.52a|3xso the download works fine from the host
02:38.03SamotBut not from the docker?
02:38.15Samotor container..
02:38.39a|3xi created a temp container from the intermediate image and got into it
02:38.42a|3xi get
02:38.43a|3xbash: wget: command not found
02:38.51a|3xso it must be using something else to download
02:39.03a|3xmaybe curl
02:39.04SamotSo the actual container you're trying to build Asterisk on can't get it?
02:39.46Samotyum install wget
02:39.50a|3xi get this
02:39.51Samotor apt-get install wget
02:40.04SamotBased on the OS you are using.
02:40.35Kobazso, i got my 1.8 to start up finally.  not sure what happened earlier, but astdb was corrupted again
02:41.32Kobazso i'm doing some performance testing on 1.8 versus 11.  one call, one mixmonitor.  1.8 overall cpu usage is around 4%.     pbx_thread occasionally uses 6% of one core, and do_monitor occasionally uses 6% of one core
02:41.48Samota|3x: Is this CentOS 7?
02:42.27a|3xFROM debian:jessie
02:42.42a|3xso i got wget installed
02:42.46a|3xin the container
02:42.47SamotDid you do install_prereq?
02:42.48a|3xlets see if this helps
02:43.07a|3xwell im using someone's container so no
02:43.21a|3xwhat does that mean
02:43.24Kobazin 11, one call, one mixmonitor,  overall cpu usage is around 11%  pbx_thread is hovering at a constant 6% and do_monitor is hovering at a constant 6%
02:43.46SamotSo basically the step that makes sure all the prerequisite services are installed.
02:44.04SamotLike bison, wget, patch and any other utilities, etc that would be needed.
02:44.06a|3xwell supposedly this guy did it in this script
02:44.23KobazSamot: still think it's bad ram?
02:45.31Kobazhigher load per-call in asterisk-11 from doing the same tasks 1.8 is doing, and equal number of calls, = higher overall cpu usage
02:45.39Kobazwhich is *exactly* what i was seeing, and reporting earlier
02:45.46Samota|3x: Just because he didn't run it the docker script doesn't mean he didn't install all the prereqs first.
02:46.56SamotAnd how did you get 1.8 to start up again?
02:47.23KobazSamot: with all the killing/restarting 1.8, the astdb file didn't get written properly
02:47.55SamotSo it started locking up the DB because you were killing and restarting Asterisk?
02:47.59KobazSamot: and then when ast_db starts initalizing, it locks up, and then the locks are held on init, and then ast_db_put(), ast_db_get() will lock up as well
02:48.08SamotOr did the DB lock up and you started killing and restarting Asterisk?
02:48.24SamotWhich came first?
02:48.31SamotThis is a chicken and egg scenario.
02:48.36Kobazasterisk crashed and restarted earlier today
02:48.56SamotAnd then it started locking up?
02:48.57Kobazi don't know for sure, but i think it's safe to say that earlier crash is what corrupted the db
02:49.12SamotWhy didn't you mention that earlier?
02:49.28SamotWhen it needed to be fixed in minutes not days.
02:49.47Kobaztrust me, i was trying a bajllion things while we were chatting
02:50.09Kobazbut you were too busy fighting with me about upgrading and going out and buying a new machine to focus on actual problem details
02:50.15Samot"Asterisk crashed and DB started locking up on restart"
02:50.22Samot^^ Would have made it a lot faster to deal with
02:50.26Kobazi didn't know *what* was going on at the time
02:50.33Kobazlike i said, if i knew what the root cause was, i would have fixed it
02:50.46SamotYou knew it crashed
02:50.50Kobazthe problem is, i already tried wiping astdb and restarting
02:50.56Kobazand it still wasn't starting
02:51.03Kobazbut too many other things were going on at the same time
02:51.05SamotAnd you didn't mention that either.
02:51.11Kobazwatchers kicking in, restarting asterisk, asterisk failing, restarting again
02:51.27Kobazand agian, you were too busy fighting with me on my method of fixing this problem
02:51.37SamotSo yeah, you got us. It's probably not a RAM issue
02:51.38Kobazand preferred to say that the machine is failing
02:51.42SamotIn light of new information.
02:51.48SamotThat would have made a difference hours ago.
02:52.00Kobazi already knew about possible astdb corruption earlier
02:52.01SamotYou didn't give us ALL the INFORMATION
02:52.05Kobazand worked to resolve it
02:52.05SamotYou did
02:52.06SamotWe didn't
02:52.13SamotBut you kept asking how to fix your damn issue
02:52.20SamotWithout telling us all the freaking details.
02:52.36Kobazbut when you are going for others to help
02:52.44Kobazdo you know 100% of all the details, of every thing?
02:52.49SamotYou tell them all the details so they can help probably...
02:52.50Kobazdo you have a ram dump of the system in your head?
02:52.56Kobazno, obviously you dont
02:52.58SamotBut things like "system crashed"
02:53.09Samot"I don't know why it's doing it?"
02:53.14Samot"Did this just start?"
02:53.21SamotThat was basically what it was
02:53.26SamotYou didn't say it crashed earlier
02:53.33SamotEven when we asked "when did this start?"
02:53.35Kobazyou didn't ask either
02:53.41SamotYes we did
02:54.39Kobazi'm just saying, stop assuming things that don't make sense to assume
02:54.46Samot5:05:20 PM <Kobaz> it wasn't an issue a day ago
02:54.47Samot5:05:30 PM <drmessano> Kobaz: and nothing changed?
02:54.47Samot5:05:32 PM <Kobaz> nope
02:54.48*** join/#asterisk newtonr_ (
02:54.48*** mode/#asterisk [+o newtonr_] by ChanServ
02:55.00SamotYes, something changed. It crashed
02:55.03Kobaza crash isn't a 'change' necessarily
02:56.23SamotYou win.
02:56.27SamotYou're right.
02:56.37Kobazi don't need to be right
02:56.44SamotGiving half the details of what happened to your system before it shit itself while asking for help, that's cool.
02:57.08Kobazi'm just pointing to the attitude and assumption of fault, was not helpful whatsoever
02:57.26a|3xso looks like i was right
02:57.34SamotSo you decided to come back in here and shove it in our faces?
02:57.35a|3xthere is a problem in makefiles
02:57.49SamotAdulting at it's finest.
02:57.50a|3xsomebody should probably fix this
02:58.11Kobazyou're not getting the point
02:58.14Kobazoh well
02:58.45a|3xdownload command with wget installed: /usr/bin/wget -q -O- --timeout=5
02:59.00a|3x5 minutes?
02:59.10a|3xdownload commadn without wget installed: /usr/bin/curl -Ls --max-time 60
02:59.13a|3x60 seconds
02:59.35a|3xthat server is so slow, it fails with curl
02:59.47a|3xwhy even have a timeout there?
02:59.56SamotFor a response?
03:00.00Kobazanyway, the *real* point of all of this
03:00.03SamotThere should be a response in 5 seconds.
03:00.23a|3xthe thing that it fails with curl
03:00.24Kobazis that asterisk-11 indeed does have a performance problem on this system, and it's software based
03:00.25SamotNot sure why it's set to 5 seconds, never looked but never had an issue.
03:00.53a|3xthis is an obvious problem, its timing out with curl unreasonably
03:01.34SamotWell for cURL that's that max time for the transfer.
03:01.46a|3x60 seconds?
03:01.54a|3xits not enough it would seem
03:02.19SamotI'm not sure if that is a pure timeout
03:02.34SamotOr if that's a timeout after a connection is established.
03:03.15a|3xi ran the curl command, it is working but VERY slow
03:03.35a|3xit is transferring data
03:03.38SamotWell that sounds like a network/throughput issue with the container and/or host
03:03.53a|3xno actually, i did it on host and it is extra slow on host too
03:04.07SamotI said "and/or" host
03:04.18a|3xso the problem is these timeouts
03:04.19Samotnetwork/throughput issue
03:04.24a|3xwho put them there and for what purpose?
03:04.28a|3xseems bad practice
03:04.34SamotSo it doesn't hang forever.
03:04.55a|3xwell 5/60 seconds is not forever
03:05.03a|3xwhat if im on dialup
03:06.40SamotThat's a silly question.
03:07.16Samot"I'm installing my PBX system over dialup on the Internet."
03:07.31SamotAnyone said that to you, you would stare at them funny
03:08.42a|3xit should theoretically work
03:08.48a|3xthis timeout thing is a bit silly
03:09.58SamotWell, if it was a big enough issue it would have been reported.
03:10.00SamotAnd fixed.
03:10.15SamotIt's been like that for a while.
03:10.23a|3xmaybe that server got overloaded recently
03:11.37SamotI don't know. I just grabbed it in like 20 seconds
03:11.54a|3xyou must have a transparent cache with your isp
03:12.12a|3xi have direct vpn to a vps without any of the isp nonsense
03:12.25SamotThat was one of my VMs in the cloud
03:12.26SamotNo NAT
03:12.33SamotNo ISP
03:12.43a|3xmaybe my vps provider peering sucks
03:12.51SamotI will accept that it could be a remote issue
03:12.59SamotIf you will accept it could be a local issue
03:13.45a|3xeverything else works fast for me
03:16.07*** join/#asterisk newtonr (
03:16.07*** mode/#asterisk [+o newtonr] by ChanServ
03:23.47drmessanoKobaz: Care to share the output of 'dmidecode --type memory' with us?
03:36.11Kobazso i have umm
03:36.31Kobaz12 channels going, 6 are being recorded
03:36.33Kobaz90% cpu
03:37.06Kobazthe pbx_outgoing_exten() threads are each using 13-20% cpu on the core they are on
03:37.39drmessanoWhat are you giving me here
03:37.52Kobazhehe sorry... context
03:37.56Kobaztesting load in asterisk-11
03:38.01Kobazon this machine i'm having a problem with
03:41.59a|3xSamot, hopefully i did this right
03:42.44Kobazswitching between 1.8 and 11 does not make astdb happy
03:50.02*** join/#asterisk miltux (
03:52.36Kobazdrmessano: same test, 6 mixmonitors going, 12 channels total, 30% cpu
03:52.48Kobazdrmessano: really basic B2BUA generating media, and mixmonitoring
03:53.16Kobazasterisk-11 is using 3 times the cpu versus 1.8 on this test
03:53.47drmessanoKobaz: I dont like the fact that dmidecode isn't show info on your RAM.  This sounds like knockoff RAM that's showing its ass under load..
03:54.14drmessanoWhich is literally where all the money should have been spent on a box using a RAMDisk
03:54.39Kobazi'll definitely get this replaced with 32 gigs of good stuff rather soon
03:55.46Kobazi'm going to try a BUILD_NATIVE on 11
03:57.31drmessanoYour Berkeley DB corruption earlier absolutely could and should have pissed off that Asterisk instance.. I've dealt many times with ASTDB corruption.  But the extent of the "pissing off" on newer metal, and your Ast 11 results all point to an underlying problem.  There's a bottleneck.
04:00.36Kobazi would be interested in some profiling to see where asterisk-11 uses that much more cpu
04:10.42[TK]D-Fender11 = dead
04:10.52Kobazyeah almost
04:10.56[TK]D-FenderYou shouldn't upgrade from dead stuff ... TO dead stuff
04:11.06Kobazbut it's similar enough to 1.8 that our platform doesn't need major rewriting
04:11.07Samot11.25.1 is the last release.
04:11.41[TK]D-FenderSounds like you're going to stretch out how long you're going to get screwed and left in the dust
04:11.44SamotUnless some major security bug is found between now and the end of Oct.
04:11.45[TK]D-FenderBad business move
04:12.07Kobaznot necessarily
04:12.11[TK]D-FenderSure it is
04:12.18[TK]D-FenderAlready not bug fixes
04:12.30[TK]D-FenderAnd a few months to not even security fixes
04:12.45[TK]D-FenderAnd you're losing out on actual new features
04:12.50Kobazyeah, a bit
04:12.56Kobazmany of which we don't really need right now
04:13.00Kobaza lot of 'nice to have's
04:13.06Kobazit's not that i don't want to migrate
04:13.16Kobazthere's just a million other pressing things driving business
04:13.46[TK]D-FenderIf you're already about to migrate just go all the way and save yourself from having to do it again before long
04:13.57Kobazwell our stuff already supports 11
04:14.02Kobazso migrating is easy enough
04:14.03[TK]D-Fenderand sitting like an open target as soon as a vulnerability pops up
04:14.22Kobazbut the non-easy part is solving the performance problems
04:14.34Kobazi did start work on migrating to 12/13 a while back
04:14.47Samot12 is way dead
04:14.55SamotIt was a Standard release.
04:14.57Kobazyeah, like i said, way back
04:15.19SamotThe one reason, the driving reason, to update...
04:15.43Kobazyou don't have to convince me
04:15.46Kobazi know it's a good idea
04:15.49Kobazi just can't do it right now
04:15.59SamotWell you'll find you have the time..
04:16.05Kobazi can't allocate 100 hours to migrate our platform this very moment
04:16.07SamotWhen everything shits the bed, you have no support
04:16.10SamotAnd lose customers.
04:16.22Kobazso far i've been pretty self sufficient
04:16.30Kobazit's once in a blue moon i run into a difficult problem
04:16.37Kobazand i generally have backup plans
04:16.45SamotWhat was today's?
04:16.59Kobaza difficult problem, with a shitty backup, but it got solved
04:17.21Kobazwell, not 'difficult' per say, just time consuming to fix
04:17.25Kobaz1.8 is running again
04:17.31Kobazand i have to see why it crapped out in the first place
04:17.38drmessanoYou exposed a major problem with the underlying system
04:17.46Kobazwhich is?
04:17.48drmessanoThat fuckage shouldn't have killed the box
04:17.57drmessanoOk forget it
04:18.10Kobaztalking about the 'memory problem'?
04:18.20Kobazso far that's not been proven yet
04:18.42drmessanoWe discussed the RAM issue.. You have some cheap ass RAM in the box.. and any time you have a "boo boo", it's going to show its ass
04:19.12drmessanoThat dmidecode you pasted looks like knockoff RAM
04:19.24drmessanoYou dont cut corners on RAM for a RAMDisk, ever
04:19.25Kobazit could very well be, i don't have notes on the exact ram that was put in here
04:19.32drmessanoYou dont need noties
04:19.33drmessanoYou dont need notes
04:19.35drmessanoYou showed me
04:19.43Kobazi showed you blank model numbers
04:19.56drmessanoMissing data
04:20.25drmessanoAre you not seeing the pretty little trees here?
04:20.26Kobazand you have proof that missing data == ... something
04:20.30Kobazsounds like a logic failure there
04:20.42Kobazyou have an educated guess
04:20.44Kobazbut not proof
04:20.54drmessanoI know from years of experience that missing data is function of knockoff/cheap RAM.  It's quite common.  You can also google it.
04:21.01drmessanoIt's not a guess
04:21.07Kobazthat's very well a possability
04:21.14drmessanoYour "Asterisk is broken" is more of an actual guess
04:21.50Kobazand what proof do you have that the possible knockoff/cheap ram is causung my particular issue
04:22.09SamotWhat proof do you have that it's not?
04:22.11Kobazyou don't have to convince me to replace the ram, i already talked to the customer aabout putting in brand new 32gigs
04:22.14Kobazthat's not the issue
04:22.27KobazSamot: I don't, and therein lies the problem
04:22.38Kobazthere's proof of *nothing*
04:22.45SamotExpect experience.
04:22.48Kobazi really fail to see why you think otherwise
04:23.10Kobazthere's assessments, best guesses, educated guesses, informed decisions
04:23.11drmessanoKobaz: How is this level of militant contrarianism solving anything?  You've obviously decided this is an Asterisk issue, so run with it.  Good luck.
04:23.18Kobazbut there is no conconlusive proof
04:23.35Kobazi've not decided anything
04:23.51Kobazbut *my* expert experience is pointing to an asterisk problem
04:24.09Kobazbecause i've gone through this a number of times, and it *has* been an asterisk problem, and i've fixed it
04:24.12*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
04:24.27SamotWait, I forgot if this was asked..
04:24.37SamotHow many Asterisk boxes have you admin'd over the years?
04:24.48Kobaztwo dozen, handling several thousand phones
04:24.51Kobazit's not a huge number
04:24.56Kobazbut i've ran into a lot of problems
04:25.00Kobazvery odd, off the wall stuff
04:25.01SamotI have a 150 right now
04:25.05SamotThis moment.
04:25.17Kobazi have WEIRD edge cases
04:25.24Kobazthat i don't find information anywhere else
04:25.25SamotNo less that 25 at any given time over 10+ years
04:25.45Samotdrmessano is quite the Asterisk whore himself.
04:25.56SamotWhen tell you this stuff..
04:25.59Kobazi helped Leif Madsen write the documentation on local channels because people didn't know what was going on half the time
04:25.59SamotWe've experienced it
04:26.03SamotWe know what has happened.
04:26.20Samotso when you ask what proof?
04:26.23Kobazand i have my own experiences on seeing various things, that you probably have not, due to my use cases
04:26.24SamotBattle wounds
04:26.33SamotWe've been fscked by it ourselves.
04:26.37Kobazeveryone has
04:26.42Kobazand everyone has their tunnel of experience
04:26.48Kobazthat doesn't always overlap with others
04:26.51SamotOurs is a little bigger and longer
04:26.53Kobazsome of it does, some of it doesn't
04:27.30Kobaznow you're just turning it into a pissing contest
04:27.41Kobazi can tell you about the years and years i've spend doing X and
04:27.42SamotIt's called wisdom and experience.
04:28.09Kobazit doesn't help a whole lot, when the problem your facing is potentially a new edge case
04:28.56drmessanoKobaz: When are your problems not new 'edge cases' or 'corner cases' and a result of implementation?
04:29.01Samot"potentially new" is hard to label something on software that's been dead for 3 or 4 years.
04:29.14Kobazthis is just so pointless
04:29.30Kobazi've run into many problems that were not documented on the issue tracker
04:29.37SamotSo I have.
04:29.45SamotFlip that
04:29.57Kobazso there's always potentially new edge cases
04:30.09drmessanoor bad RAM
04:30.19Kobazi download the first X.0 release of every asterisk
04:30.28drmessanoor cheap RAM implemented into a number of boxes over time
04:30.30Kobazthe first thing that happens within the first 15 minutes of using it
04:30.32Kobaz...i crash it
04:30.40SamotOn purpose?
04:30.46Kobazi'm doing something i need to do
04:30.50Kobazand asterisk doesn't like it
04:30.52Kobazso i fix t
04:30.54SamotOn purpose?
04:31.02Kobazwell, i don't 'crash it on purpose'
04:31.06SamotI have yet to roll out an Asterisk box that has done that
04:31.07Kobazi'm tryiung to accomplish a task
04:31.09Kobazand asterisk crashes
04:31.12SamotWhat type of task?
04:31.24SamotDude, I've run Asterisk at CLECs
04:31.30KobazSamot: things like briding nested levels of local channels
04:31.33SamotWhat are you doing that I haven't?
04:31.39Kobazyou have a BASIC use case
04:31.45Kobazyou route calls from A to B
04:31.50Kobazi develop call center software
04:32.02SamotTIER I CARRIER
04:32.02Kobazstill basic use case
04:32.08SamotCall Centers where our customers
04:32.11Kobazyou're routing calls from point A to point B
04:32.21SamotWe did hosted voice
04:32.27Kobazso does everyone else
04:32.29SamotRing Groups
04:32.32Kobazso does everyone else
04:32.33SamotThe same shit you're doing
04:32.40Kobazdo you have a custom call center platform that does *not* use app_queue?
04:33.00Kobazif you use local channels the way i do, you would have crashed asterisk as well
04:33.01SamotSo you're asking me if I took Asterisk and raped it?
04:33.13SamotBecause that's dumb.
04:33.19SamotAsterisk wasn't my only solution.
04:33.28Kobazright because your use case doesn't need it, it's 'dumb'
04:33.29SamotWe got the solutions we needed
04:33.41SamotNo, when Asterisk couldn't do the shit we needed
04:33.44SamotWe got stuff that DID
04:33.48drmessanoSays the guy dismissing everyone elses statements
04:34.00Kobaznot everyone's statements
04:34.06Kobazjust the ones that don't have a basis in fact
04:34.09SamotInstead of trying to hammer a square peg into a round hole.
04:34.18Kobazinstead of fixing the crash bug in asterisk
04:34.20Kobazyou use product X
04:34.22Kobazgood for you
04:34.30SamotBut we don't have that crash bug
04:34.32Kobazoh, i almost forgot, you don't crash asterisk
04:34.38SamotBecause we didn't modify Asterisk at the core
04:34.43SamotWe didn't do shit to CAUSE IT
04:35.05Kobazyour logic is epic fail
04:35.12Kobazi really don't understand why you don't see that
04:35.25SamotSo you don't use what ASterisk provides for queues
04:35.32SamotBut then blame Asterisk for crashing.
04:35.39SamotYou tinker with the motor
04:35.40Kobazbecause i'm using asterisk as an app platform
04:35.44SamotThen blame the manufacturer
04:35.52Kobazwriting perl AGI, is not 'tinkering with the motor'
04:36.10SamotYou just said you'r enot use app_queues for queues
04:36.13KobazAGI, Local Channels, stealing a bridged peer from music on hold, etc etc
04:36.21SamotYou're doing it "your own way"
04:36.23Kobazis not 'tinkering with the motor'
04:36.25Kobazmy own way
04:36.26SamotAnd then complaining it doesn't work
04:36.28Kobazusing the asterisk toolkit
04:36.32SamotAnd it's Asterisk's fault.
04:36.36Kobazof course it is
04:36.40SamotOf course.
04:36.47Kobazwhen there's a null pointer dereference in chan_sip
04:36.50SamotNever the developer making the shit
04:36.51Kobazit's MY application's fauly?
04:36.59SamotIs it?
04:37.01SamotI don't know
04:37.03SamotI haven't seen it
04:37.06SamotI can't judge.
04:37.09Kobazyou're not a developer
04:37.12Kobazso you can'
04:37.15Kobazn't judge
04:37.16SamotYes, I am.
04:37.42Kobazwho'se fault is it when chrome crashes
04:37.52SamotDepends on what happened.
04:37.55Kobazand you back trace, and it's in chrome's main.c
04:37.56SamotSometimes it's mine
04:37.58Kobaznot a library
04:38.01SamotSometimes it happens.
04:38.02Kobaznot the operating system
04:38.08Kobaznot some 3rd party plugin
04:38.12KobazCHROME crashes
04:38.15SamotI just restart chrome.
04:38.19Kobazblame the html page
04:38.31Kobazblame the wrong tool
04:38.32SamotI have crashed chrome with bad code
04:38.33Kobazthat's fine
04:38.34SamotAnd Safari
04:38.36SamotAnd Firefox
04:38.39Kobaz'bad code'
04:38.39SamotWith MY bad code
04:38.52SamotI didn't blame Chrome.
04:38.59Kobazand bad use code shouldn't crash your platform
04:39.06Kobazthe platform needs to handle that
04:39.07Kobazbut you'
04:39.12Kobazyou're not going to ever see that
04:39.14Kobazso this is pointless
04:39.18SamotSays the guy running 6+ hardware.
04:39.22Kobazasterisk is a general purpose toolbox for the world to see
04:39.35ChannelZI'm not sure who to root for.
04:39.56Kobazif the tool breaks when you're trying to use it for its *intended* purpose
04:40.01Kobazyou sure as shit blame the tool
04:40.19SamotIf app_queues breaks, I blame Asterisk.
04:40.28SamotIf my custom queue app breaks..
04:40.32SamotI blame who was responisble.
04:40.34Kobazif my AGI Call Center breaks Astersk
04:40.36Kobazi blame asterisk
04:40.37SamotWhich could be me.
04:40.51KobazIf my AGI Call center blows up and throws negative numbers on the reporting
04:40.54SamotSo you don't take responsibility for anything.
04:40.55Kobazi blame my call center
04:41.04Kobazput the right blame in the right place
04:41.11SamotWhich is never you.
04:41.22SamotDo you have a CCNA?
04:41.25Kobazyou're completely missing the point
04:41.40Kobazwhy do i need a CCNA to develop software applications
04:42.04drmessanoThat was never implied
04:42.05SamotIf your point is, the blame goes towards the responsible party for an issue..
04:42.07SamotI get that
04:42.16Kobazdrmessano: it may have, just shortcutting it
04:42.20SamotIf your point is, that responsible party is never you...that's BS
04:42.22drmessanoNo, it wasnt
04:42.37Kobazresponsible party
04:42.50Kobazyour OS crashes, well it might be the kernel, or the hardware
04:42.51SamotIt's never you, it's Asterisk.
04:42.56SamotI don't know
04:42.57Kobazapplication crashes, well it's probably the application
04:42.59SamotI would have to look.
04:43.02Kobazcould still be hardware
04:43.07Kobazbut, probably still the app
04:43.12SamotDepends, are you fucking with the application?
04:44.08Kobazif by 'fucking with the application', you mean 'developing a module that uses components in a way they were intendeed'
04:44.09Kobazthen yes
04:45.03Kobazfirst run out of the box with asterisk 11.0, I was using Bridge() and attended transfer
04:45.05Kobazcrashed asterisk
04:45.15SamotLet me ask you a simple question...
04:45.19Kobazis that 'fucking with the application'.... no
04:45.22SamotNon- Asterisk related...
04:45.27Kobazyou're supposed to be able to use all these tools together
04:45.33Kobaza few released later, that bug was fixed
04:45.37Kobaznow it works
04:45.51SamotWhen you design an app, roll it out and then there's a bug. Who's fault is the bug?
04:46.11Kobazit's the fault of SANTA CLAUS
04:46.30Kobazwhat are you trying to prove here
04:46.37Kobazyes, it's my fault if i have a bug in MY CODE
04:46.39SamotI'm asking a simple question.
04:46.48Kobazmy app causes asterisk to crash
04:46.51SamotSo not Asterisks or Chromes or anything else you used?
04:46.54Kobazthat's no longer 'my fault'
04:47.04Kobazasterisk wasn't supposed to crash
04:47.07Kobazit's never supposed to crash
04:47.08Kobazbut it does
04:47.19SamotNever is strong.
04:47.23SamotIt would like to never crash
04:47.27SamotBut shit happens and it does
04:47.30SamotSo does everything
04:47.35SamotNo one wants their software to crash
04:47.42KobazOS is never supposed to crash, hardware is never supposed to
04:47.47Kobazdoesn't mean it wont
04:47.55Kobazsupposed is the intended result
04:48.00SamotHow would you handle someone taking this stance with your app?
04:48.13SamotThat your app should be able to do X and it doesn't so it's your apps fault.
04:48.18Kobazi would fix as many bugs as i was aware of
04:48.27SamotWhat if it wasn't a bug?
04:48.39SamotWhat if they were trying to do something that it wasn't designed for?
04:48.39Kobazif someone clicks a button on my app and it locks up the system
04:48.43Kobazit's my apps fault
04:48.55Kobazif it's not designed for, the system shouldn't allow it
04:49.00Kobazin the ideal world
04:49.10Kobazand obviously that's not always the case, but a good goal to shoot for
04:49.18Kobazthat's what error handling is all about
04:49.23SamotOh by the way
04:49.27SamotAs you are a developer
04:49.30Kobazmaking sure your app is NOT going to follow instructions it can't handle
04:49.31SamotARI is pretty slick
04:49.39SamotWould make what you're doing  A LOT easier.
04:49.44SamotI'm guessing.
04:49.44KobazYeah, i'm sure ARI will be pretty awesome
04:49.52Kobazwill get there eventually
04:50.06a|3xdeadlocks in multithreading cannot be fixed actually
04:50.10SamotSo basically..
04:50.14SamotYour bitch right now is
04:50.21SamotYou have an old took kit
04:50.26Samottool kit
04:50.28SamotThere's a new one
04:50.34a|3xit's impossible to predict some deadlocks
04:50.36SamotThat has something just for what you are doing..
04:50.42SamotAnd you are "getting to it"
04:51.48Kobaza|3x: yeah, there's definitely many possible issues, and not everything can be fixed, but a best effort of avoid catastrophy is a good plan
04:53.15a|3xif your data structure causes a deadlock somehow, it's not the fault of the developer
04:55.18Kobazi need to sleep
04:55.55Kobazthe overall, 10,000 foot view
04:56.05Kobazthat i'm sure everyone can agree on (except for Samot)
04:56.36Kobazis that you shouldt not be able to crash asterisk by using Dialplan,AGI,ARI,ETC or any public-facing application protocol
04:56.57Kobazthat's the entire premesis of this whole hour long discussion
04:57.15Kobazand if you DO crash asterisk, it's a bug in asterisk
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04:57.38Kobazi think that's pretty cut and dry, and just about every developer would agree with that
04:57.56a|3xis it a segfault or something else?
04:58.11Kobazsegfault, sure... to be specific
04:58.50a|3xif its a segfault then its pretty bad but not necessarily asterisk fault
04:59.02a|3xdo you have a backtrace?
04:59.39Kobazi had an assumption in there
04:59.57Kobazif you crash asterisk and the backtrace is showing that asterisk code died, then yes, the bug is in there
05:00.13a|3xnot necessarily actually
05:00.23a|3xit could be one of the system libraries that caused it
05:00.31Kobaza|3x: this was more of a general discussion, and i have lots of back traces, but now i have so many, and off of so many builds, i need to start over on that
05:00.55a|3xits really hard to debug that stuff
05:01.29Kobaza|3x: i'm talking about a cut and dry failure, in the stack trace that clearly shows like, ast_db_put, seg fault,
05:01.34Kobazetc. stuff like that
05:01.47Kobazif it's a library call, sure.. the bug is probably somewhere else
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07:27.46ChannelZI have made my selection.
07:27.57ChannelZI am rooting for Giant Meteor
07:33.45drmessanoFor what?
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07:35.35ChannelZfor the winner of the conversation that was taking place earlier.
07:36.01drmessanoThat conversation had no winners
07:36.47ChannelZNow you see why I was rooting for Giant Meteor to come end it all
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08:32.13Onyx47Hi all, anyone knows if it's possible to properly track the status of a WSS endpoint? I'm using Asterisk 14.5 + PJSIP + SIP.js 0.7.8 and contact status is always "Unknown"
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10:29.46Onyx47never mind, seems like you have to specify the qualify interval explicitly in PJSIP which I forgot to do...
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11:25.05f00bar80what's the difference between using a Voip GSM gateway and simply forward cell-phone calls to a voip sip number ?
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12:25.40f00bar80ppl anybody there?
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12:38.17[TK]D-Fenderf00bar80, difference is pretty obvious
12:52.19f00bar80[TK]D-Fender, a bit of detailed clarification if you don't mind
12:53.25f00bar80[TK]D-Fender, I'm asking for a personal usage getting rid of roaming costs
12:55.20f00bar80[TK]D-Fender, which benefits i'll get over simply forwarding my cellphone number to lets say a skype number
12:57.47[TK]D-FenderThose 2 things ar EXACTLY what they sound like
12:57.59[TK]D-FenderI don't understand why this is even a question
12:58.55[TK]D-FenderIf you have a GSM GATEWAY then you have a box which could be located local to your server and IT has a GSM radio & SIM in it and it is just like your cellphone except it sends the call to your server
12:59.05[TK]D-FenderHOW it does this depends on why the OTHER connection is on it
12:59.14[TK]D-FenderPretty obvious for #1
12:59.18[TK]D-Fenderfor #2 well ...
12:59.27[TK]D-FenderHow is that description also not blatantly obvious?
12:59.35[TK]D-FenderIf you forward your cell... then you forward your cell
12:59.55[TK]D-Fenderif you send to an ITSP then obviously the are going to send you that call over the internet
13:00.26[TK]D-Fenderthat has all the obvious costs associated to the ITSP and uses your internet bandwidth
13:00.44[TK]D-FenderSo ... why is this a question?
13:00.50[TK]D-Fenderthey are EXACTLY like what they sound like
13:02.18[TK]D-Fender<f00bar80> [TK]D-Fender, I'm asking for a personal usage getting rid of roaming costs <-
13:02.36[TK]D-Fenderdoes FORWARDING cost you money?  You should know that answer already
13:03.09[TK]D-Fenderoption #1's answer is also pretty obvious
13:03.15[TK]D-Fenderit is functionally a cell phone
13:03.18[TK]D-Fenderthat's all
13:03.20[TK]D-Fenderend of story
13:03.50[TK]D-FenderSo if it is in location X then that's how you are billed by your provider
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13:09.25f00bar80[TK]D-Fender, it's gonna to be forwarding an overseas number to a skype U.S nunber , technically wise .. there'll be a difference in call quality and stability ?
13:10.35[TK]D-FenderGo call that # from any other phone.
13:10.37[TK]D-Fenderthat's your answer
13:10.56[TK]D-FenderYou're not thinking about what this actually it.
13:11.07[TK]D-Fenderyour cell carrier gets the call and they jsut send it forward
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13:11.38[TK]D-Fenderwireless tech is not even involved in a forward
13:11.40f00bar80[TK]D-Fender, so what then a gsm gateway will do in such case
13:11.56[TK]D-FenderIt does exactly what it says it does
13:12.05[TK]D-Fenderand I already answered that
13:12.27[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> I don't understand why this is even a question
13:12.27[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> If you have a GSM GATEWAY then you have a box which could be located local to your server and IT has a GSM radio & SIM in it and it is just like your cellphone except it sends the call to your server
13:12.27[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> HOW it does this depends on why the OTHER connection is on it
13:13.00f00bar80[TK]D-Fender, ii'm a bit confused , both waws the call is forwarded to a U.S number isn't it ?
13:13.36[TK]D-FenderYour description didn't start out saying anything about skype or a US number
13:13.40[TK]D-Fenderyour description is BAD
13:13.50[TK]D-Fenderyou need to pclearly communicate what you are doing
13:13.54[TK]D-Fenderthe WHOLE picture
13:14.16[TK]D-FenderYou asked about the difference between a GSM gateway & forwarding a cell to an ITSP
13:14.32f00bar80[TK]D-Fender, the gateway when sending the call to the server , how this is different or not regarding the call being forwarded from my local number to a skype number
13:14.34[TK]D-Fendernone of this said anything about some SECOND leg of a call involving anything else
13:15.01[TK]D-FenderHow is that a question?
13:15.13[TK]D-FenderIf you forward then your server isn't even INVOLVED
13:15.33[TK]D-Fenderit's not GOING to your serverwhy are you comparing those 2 things at all?
13:15.46[TK]D-FenderForward a cell to skype means NO SERVER INVOLVED.
13:16.22[TK]D-Fenderthe other... means you have a BOX WITH A SIM.... your server ... and then however you want to call the other end
13:16.39f00bar80[TK]D-Fender, actually i'm a bit confused regarding how the incoming call to the local line , will reach the destination if it's a U.S number
13:17.02[TK]D-FenderIf what's a US number?
13:17.09[TK]D-Fenderyour description is still very bad
13:17.46f00bar80[TK]D-Fender,, the U.S number is the other end receiving the call
13:18.06[TK]D-Fenderthese are *2* different calls
13:18.21[TK]D-Fenderif it hits your server
13:18.30[TK]D-FenderIf you forward then there is NO server involved
13:18.32f00bar80[TK]D-Fender, the local cellphone is gonna to make a call to what in first place ?
13:18.37[TK]D-FenderDo you understand this?
13:18.51[TK]D-Fenderyour CELL COMPANY get the call
13:18.54[TK]D-Fenderwe don't give a shit about them
13:18.58[TK]D-FenderTHEY get the call..
13:19.02[TK]D-Fenderwhat do THEY do with it?
13:19.07[TK]D-Fenderthat is what matters
13:19.29[TK]D-FenderYou THEy forrward to that US number ... then you have NO server in the middle
13:19.33[TK]D-FenderDo you understand this?
13:19.54f00bar80[TK]D-Fender, yea... suppose this is the scenario ....:
13:19.56[TK]D-FenderPlease confirm otherwise there is no point in continuing to talk about it.
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13:20.35[TK]D-Fenderif you have a GSM box then that acts like a DUMB PHONE.  If that box is REMOTE from your provider then they consider it "roaming".
13:20.46[TK]D-FenderWHERE is that gateway going to be physically located?
13:21.21f00bar80[TK]D-Fender, i got a call on my local cell-phone , i want to be able to get this call on my U.S number using a gateway , how this is gonna to happen and which costs i'm gonna to be charged for
13:21.46[TK]D-FenderI already answered this 3 times now
13:22.04[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender> if you have a GSM box then that acts like a DUMB PHONE.  If that box is REMOTE from your provider then they consider it "roaming".
13:22.31[TK]D-Fenderthen how are you going to call OUT?
13:22.37[TK]D-FenderYOU have to choose your method
13:22.52f00bar80[TK]D-Fender, the gateway is located locally same as my cellphone network is located
13:23.00[TK]D-FenderYour description is still SHIT.  You aren't stating HOW you are going to call that other number
13:23.15[TK]D-FenderHOW are you going to call that other number? <--------------------------
13:25.05[TK]D-FenderYou can't determine a COST if you don't define the RULES.
13:25.07f00bar80[TK]D-Fender, i'm assuming the gateway should be doing that , switch the call from gsm to skype lets say .. sorry a but confused in that
13:25.41[TK]D-FenderSounds like you didn't even LOOK at one yet
13:26.07[TK]D-FenderShow me one that speaks "skype"
13:26.59f00bar80[TK]D-Fender, something like this , is what i'm thinking of
13:28.14[TK]D-Fenderthat isn't just a "gateway"
13:28.20[TK]D-Fendera gateway is a SINGLE device
13:28.30[TK]D-Fenderthis is a picture with *3* servers
13:31.10f00bar80[TK]D-Fender, but this is what i'm actually after
13:31.38[TK]D-FenderYou just said "skype" for the other end
13:32.01[TK]D-Fendernowhere did you say you want ANOTHER device with a GSM interface in some OTHER location
13:33.05[TK]D-Fenderthat site described Location1 with a GSM interface & server.  That side gets a call and sends to server @.  Server 2 takes the call and calls OUT using ANOTHER GSM interface with its own SIM card.
13:33.17[TK]D-Fenderthat's *2* SIM cards involved
13:33.50[TK]D-Fenderyou asked about the difference between a SIMPLE cell forward (NOTHING like this at all), and a SINGLE server
13:34.08[TK]D-FenderYour description sounds NOTHING like that site
13:34.19[TK]D-FenderAnd you aren't making things any clearer
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13:35.32f00bar80[TK]D-Fender, k  my fault osrry , but let me just ask, how basically the call is sent to the server
13:35.55TandyUKhands [TK]D-Fender a cookie, and a valium
13:36.56[TK]D-FenderWHICH SERVER
13:37.10[TK]D-Fenderyou aren't confirming how MAY are actually needed
13:37.16[TK]D-Fenderyour description does not MATCH
13:37.26f00bar80[TK]D-Fender, that's the origin for my question actually , difference between a simple call forward and a call being sent to a server
13:38.23f00bar80[TK]D-Fender, " a call sent to server 1 "
13:39.46[TK]D-FenderYou need to fix your description for your ENTIRE scenario
13:40.02[TK]D-FenderI am not trusting the mess you have presented so far
13:42.01[TK]D-Fenderfinds it ironic how many people come to a PBX toolkit channel without the ability to COMMUNICATE themselves.
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14:45.13Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: aye
14:47.16Kobazany you guys ever do any integration with skype for business
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14:48.22[TK]D-FenderI think I helped one person do it before
14:48.44SamotIf I recall, it was a bit painful.
14:51.38[TK]D-FenderI used the SIP gateway and it worked fine
14:51.55lvlinuxDo they still support that?
14:52.57lvlinuxyeah looks like they do---I thought they had axed it but evidently not.
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15:16.51Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: yeah, sip gateway.. there's also this massive microsoft API thing with office 365 and all that jazz
15:16.58Kobazavaya ip office has a skype for business full integration
15:17.02Kobazi haven't seen it up close
15:17.10craigifyisn't skype for business formerly Lync or Linc?
15:17.34SamotThe MS voice solution has gone through many names
15:18.03SamotAnd they are all pretty crap.
15:23.05[TK]D-Fender<craigify> isn't skype for business formerly Lync or Linc? <- no
15:23.25SamotTechnically no.
15:23.32SamotThey retire the old one and bring up the new one.
15:26.21SamotWell actually, yes.
15:26.33SamotSpeech got pushed to the Office Communications
15:26.58SamotOn 11 November 2014, Microsoft announced that in 2015, Skype for Business would replace Lync
15:27.56drmessanoLync and SFB are the same product, just renamed
15:28.11drmessanoWe run both in the same enterprise.
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15:34.55hdonhi all :) does asterisk connect metrics on how long it takes to initiate a call with remote SIP servers?
15:35.11hdonor is that something i should consider writing into my dialplan?
15:36.12[TK]D-FenderNothing useful you can see in the dialplan
15:36.38[TK]D-FenderI'm not sure of any way to see the pre-call, and ack to compare
15:44.02hdonhmm... ok, thanks [TK]D-Fender
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18:54.34r1ppaCan someone knudge me in the right direction, trying to control what my Polycom display shows, like user list directory, etc
18:55.27r1ppais it features.cfg? I keep finding info to setup background image thats it, I need control of softkeys, maybe put their extension in a corner..
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