IRC log for #asterisk on 20170608

00:22.29*** join/#asterisk infobot (
00:22.29*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.16.0 (2017/05/30), 11.25.1 (2016/12/08), Standard: 14.5.0 (2017/05/30); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
00:25.38*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
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03:32.48bimbohello, what is the purpose of listing preferred codecs in order with allow in chan_pjsip (allow=!all,g729,alaw)
03:34.04bimbosorry, nevermind, wrong question
03:34.08SamotBecause that's how codecs work.
03:34.15SamotRegardless of the SIP stack.
03:35.52bimboSamot: yeah, I was not thinking about transcoding here, so that was a bad question
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08:18.13tlpresearchHello, I need some help making calls via Asterisk (on public IP) between soft SIP phones on 3G networks. Call OK but no audio. Thanks.
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13:03.51qakhanall, i have weird problem with sip trunk registeration. it stop working suddenly.
13:04.16SamotHow did it stop working?
13:05.05qakhanwhen i restart the asterisk services, sip trunk registers but after 30 - 60 second it show registration sent
13:05.23SamotShow it
13:05.25infobotit has been said that pastebin is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:05.56*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:09.21SamotI mean the actual SIP debug showing the REGISTER attempts.
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13:27.57SamotAlright then.
13:32.39*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
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14:14.52davlefouhi, how can i use this numbre : +33....
14:15.20qakhanSamot here is sip debug
14:15.59[TK]D-Fenderdavlefou, Use it.
14:16.38[TK]D-Fenderqakhan,  Contact: <sip:s@>
14:16.45[TK]D-FenderYou're sending them your PRIVATE IP for the contact
14:16.50[TK]D-Fenderscrewed up your NAT config
14:17.41qakhanif i disable all DIDs in the [allinbound] context then there is no problem with sip trunk registration. it register after every 45 sec
14:18.12[TK]D-FenderNo peer or dialplan has ANY impact on your registration
14:18.13qakhanbut as i allow single DID to receive calls, registration problem
14:18.37[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> qakhan,  Contact: <sip:s@> <------------------------------------
14:18.40qakhan[TK]D-Fender NAT setting on asterisk server?
14:18.46[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> qakhan,  Contact: <sip:s@> <------------------------------------
14:19.05qakhanbut i never setup nat setting on server.
14:20.31davlefou[TK]D-Fender, is it possible to use + in dialplan?
14:21.03qakhan[TK]D-Fender my * server is not over the internet, its local usage only. all LAN users
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14:23.33qakhanhere is successfull registration when i disable DIDs in context
14:24.03SamotContact: <sip:s@> <-- Still using a PRIVATE IP
14:24.59qakhanbut how its working then
14:25.10qakhani am not using NAT on server
14:25.53Samot[Jun  8 10:13:33] NOTICE[9644]: chan_sip.c:15347 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #29)
14:25.56Samot^^ First off
14:26.11SamotI asked you over an hour ago to show a restart and the FIRST attempt after the restart
14:26.36SamotBut that clearly shows there were 28 other attempts to register or wait for a reply from Vitelity
14:26.58SamotThe fact you are sending them a private IP means they are most likely sending replies back to an unroutable IP over the Internet
14:27.29qakhanno. i was tesing that thing which i told you
14:27.42qakhandisable DID in context
14:28.00qakhanif you say NAT where is it ? on there server?
14:28.02Samot9:09:28 AM <Samot> I mean the actual SIP debug showing the REGISTER attempts.
14:28.02Samot10:15:27 AM Q<qakhan> Samot here is sip debug
14:28.16Samot^^ At what point did you say you were doing anything?
14:28.42SamotYour PBX is not behind NAT?
14:29.15qakhanbehind a router
14:29.15SamotYes, it is behind NAT?
14:29.28SamotSo you are sending Vitelity your LAN IP
14:29.35SamotInstead of your WAN IP
14:29.52qakhanbut there was no change on router side
14:30.07SamotThat is what is happening.
14:30.16SamotDoes Asterisk have the proper network settings?
14:31.15qakhani am having an other server with different sip trunk account with vitelity.
14:31.29SamotI don't care about the other server.
14:31.30qakhanthat sever is on the same network
14:31.32[TK]D-Fender<qakhan> [TK]D-Fender my * server is not over the internet, its local usage only. all LAN users <- YOU ARE REGISTERING TO A PROVIDER
14:31.38SamotDoes Asterisk have the proper network settings?
14:31.41SamotTHIS box.
14:31.43SamotNot another box.
14:31.44[TK]D-Fenderit does't
14:32.25SamotI have a tech onsite about to do a 96 room cut over at a hotel.
14:32.34SamotI don't have time for this.
14:33.05[TK]D-Fender<qakhan> if you say NAT where is it ? on there server? <- your SERVER is behind a NAT ROUTER and is telling the PROVIDER the WRONG ADDRESS
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14:40.24davlefouis it possible to have an action in this case: rejected because extension not found in context?
14:41.03[TK]D-Fenderdavlefou, What kind of action?
14:42.23[TK]D-Fender<davlefou> [TK]D-Fender, is it possible to use + in dialplan? <- you can MATCH it.  It's a charater like any other
14:43.00davlefousome message ou call en agi to analyse the number.
14:44.46[TK]D-FenderThere is nothing to "analyze"
14:44.52[TK]D-Fenderyou aren't accepting the call
14:45.01[TK]D-FenderWhat is hard to understand about that messag?
14:45.12[TK]D-FenderCall came in looking for a match for that number
14:45.16[TK]D-FenderYou don't HAVE a match
14:46.05davlefouif have _+.,1,AGI..., it should work?
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14:46.28[TK]D-FenderDid you TRY?
14:51.41davlefou[TK]D-Fender, i have no result, did i made an mistake?
14:52.09[TK]D-FenderAre you showing anything useful?
14:52.20[TK]D-FenderWhere do I see the actual attempt?
14:52.28[TK]D-FenderProof that dialplan is there and ready?
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14:55.30davlefouit seems works:  NoOp("SIP/david-00000001", "Cas +: +33")
14:55.44davlefou[TK]D-Fender, Thanks!
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15:14.00davlefou[TK]D-Fender, it work! Thanks for your help!
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15:39.27davlefou[TK]D-Fender, is it possible to use mail?
15:40.31[TK]D-FenderI've mailed all sorts of letters and boxes in my life
15:40.43[TK]D-Fenderso ... I think that's a "yes"
15:41.47davlefoui want to say, use adress mail for launch an call in dialplan asterisk.
15:42.11[TK]D-FenderDo you know how to " launch an call in dialplan asterisk."?
15:42.53davlefounot to tape 04xxxx but to call them!
15:43.56davlefouin my soft phone et asterisk ll find the good number via an agi.
15:43.58[TK]D-FenderNothing you are saying makes any sense
15:44.26[TK]D-Fenderyou are presenting broken pieces of sentences and not communicating a clear & complete idea or question
15:47.21davlefouNormaly we use phone number to call some one. But i have en list of number and mail au people, it should be possible to launch un call with taping courriel and asterisk will be able to change in real number.
15:49.08Kuunsiso, you want asterisk to do some email-to-number-mapping?
15:49.19Kuunsishould be possible, go write some agi scripts :)
15:49.21davlefoui have receive the mail and copie un soft phone to call. Is it more clear my ideas?
15:49.32davlefouKuunsi, yes!
15:49.44Kuunsiwait, why do i havae a second u
15:50.04Kunsi.. fixed
15:50.42davlefouKunsi, Agi script is not difficulte but is possible tout have an dialpan take that?
15:50.56[TK]D-Fenderdavlefou, did you TRY/
15:51.16[TK]D-FenderdaYou seem to have a serious issue just DIALING something and LOOKING
15:51.17davlefouYes, i made _.@.
15:51.38Kunsiin dialplan, you match for s or i (don't remember), then call agi script with called "number", then use returned number to actually dial
15:51.47[TK]D-Fender<davlefou> Yes, i made _.@. <- nothing after the first "." matters
15:55.33davlefou@ don't work but the word seems ok.
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16:12.09*** join/#asterisk gravspeed (~gravspeed@
16:12.53gravspeedso it seems like every other morning i get someone grinding on my hosted server... but the logs do not contain the ip address
16:13.08gravspeedi get lines like these: NOTICE[1265] chan_sip.c: Call from '' to extension '00046812410886' rejected because extension not found in context 'from-sip-external'.
16:13.45gravspeedhow can i make asterisk log the ip so fail2ban can block them
16:14.18gravspeedcurrently i am retrieving the ip from voipmonitor pcaps
16:14.27gravspeedand blocking manually with iptables
16:14.30davlefougravspeed, you need to put fail2ban, what linux and asterisk did you use?
16:14.38gravspeedi'm using fail2ban
16:15.06gravspeedit's an old hosted box that needs to die... v1.6.2.10
16:15.36gravspeedlogs for those type of hits dont' contain the ip address, therefore fila2ban can't do anything about it.
16:16.06[TK]D-Fender1.6.2 does not include enough to catch them
16:16.20[TK]D-FenderYou have to upgrade to get that info
16:16.43gravspeedi was looking at logger.conf and i didn't see anything... i guess that explains why
16:16.58[TK]D-Fenderyou are LETTING that hit the dialplan
16:17.06[TK]D-Fendermake amatch and deal with it there
16:17.26gravspeedhmm... you might be on to something there...
16:17.56[TK]D-Fenderor take the next step and stop allowing un-authed calls in the first place
16:18.11gravspeedreally i need to make some time and get the last 3 clients off this pos
16:18.36gravspeedi didn't design this one.. i inherited it and it is a strange bird...
16:19.14gravspeedsometimes the numbers that i see are actually valid numbers, but if they aren't authenticated they get the not found in context error
16:20.26gravspeedi think that's how this one controls who can make long distance calls...
16:22.39gravspeedit's kinda fun to watch, it's all controlled by sql tables, the queries fly by in the cli
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16:39.07jruncan pjsip's logger be instructed to log by endpoint/contact/*
16:42.13[TK]D-Fenderpjsip<tab> <--------------
16:42.28[TK]D-Fenderfollow the command list...
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16:50.47jrun[TK]D-Fender: i have, 'pjsip set logger <tab>' on gives on/off
16:51.17jrun...and host
16:52.07jrunok that's it; i think :) thanks
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16:58.30jrunwhat makes pjsip to send some contacts as <sip:ip_addr:port> in some INVITES and <sip:user@ip_addr:port> in others?
16:59.35jrunchan_sip seems to never send the <sip:ip_addr:port> format
17:00.50fileif it's a registered device, then we use whatever they have told us
17:01.05jrunwe have a phone (with pjsip stack in fact) that seems to ingore those INVITES that have Contact in <sip:ip_addr:port> format
17:01.09fileotherwise we will use the URI provided for a contact in the configuration, or in the Dial string
17:05.16jrunfile: nat is in play so in this cas a registered device is sending Contact: <sip:user@private_ip:port> in its INVITE
17:06.18fileIf rewrite contact is enabled we update the host and port portion
17:07.08jrunthat's the initial INVITE in fact. device gets an Unauth, hang on...
17:07.32fileInitial invite?
17:08.11jrunthe very first INVITE from device to the server
17:08.24jrunwell, i see that again it send private_ip in the second invite.
17:08.33jrunwith Authorization:
17:09.30fileI don't understand what you are referring to then, I thought you meant an outgoing INVITE
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17:14.35jrunfile: may i pm you?
17:15.14fileFor what reason?
17:16.22fileI don't accept PMs for that. It doesn't allow anyone else to help and the results aren't searchable.
17:18.38jrunthis works, but when same device (293 extension in the logs), with another account though, talks to our other server with chan_sip, outbound calls behave strangly.
17:19.18jrunin the sense that the called extension rings, call it picked up but on the calling device nothing happens (no ongoing call counter).
17:19.47jrunthe only diff we have seen is the Conctact: header so in a sense i'm not sure if that actually is the source of problem.
17:19.58fileI'm still confused. What am I looking at, and why are you now talking about chan_sip?
17:20.56jrunwe have phone from yealink, Yealink SIP-T58, with two acocunts on it.
17:21.39jrunon account is on asterisk 11 with chan_sip and other account (the one you're looking at in the logs) is on asterisk 14 with chan_pjsip.
17:22.25jrunit works with pjsip but not chan_sip in the way i explained above. inbound calls to the phone with chan_sip also work.
17:23.33jrunsorry explaining it a bit off i guess. does what i said make sense?
17:25.27filethe device acknowledged that we told it it was answered
17:25.48filethe only thing of note is that we sent a re-invite to one with an internal IP address inside
17:25.53filedo you have direct media disabled?
17:26.22fileI don't see anything else of note
17:26.31fileyou could really simplify the scenario to isolate it though
17:26.46fileie: originate a call to the remote side send it to a playback
17:26.57fileand for inbound just send it to a playback
17:27.04fileif both of those work then you've isolated it further
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17:33.45jrunfile: this is the chan_sip logs:
17:34.37jrunnote the Contact sent from asterisk in OK
17:35.37filethat is the Contact for Asterisk
17:35.41filehow it wants to be reached for subsequent requests
17:35.59filewith or without username is valid there, doesn't matter
17:36.31jrunbut same step in pjsip Contact: is in <sip:ip_addr_of_server:port> format. no 'user@' portion.
17:37.09fileit's up to the implementation what it puts there, in the case of PJSIP it doesn't put a user there - and it doesn't need there to be one there
17:37.50fileyou need to further isolate things like I said
17:38.18jruni was wondering if i could do the same with pjsip (chan_sip is production, rather not touch it). that would confirm the bug in device's firmware.
17:40.04jrunso device calls in but destination is a playback? i'm not clear what you mean by remote side? all extensions are on the same pbx.
17:40.22fileyes, destination is a playback
17:40.30filedon't call another device
17:40.37filethat discards bridging and the separate call and simplifies the scenario
17:40.44jruni see
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17:45.17jrunwell, Echo doesn't even pick up
17:45.35filedon't do Echo
17:45.51fileyou can't do Echo because in order to send through NAT Asterisk has to know the source IP address and port of your media
17:46.08fileit also doesn't Answer if I remember right
17:46.10filedo Playback
17:46.26fileand also provide your pjsip.conf configuration
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18:59.01jrunSaydigits ?
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19:09.39ttbakiatwoamDoes anyone have experience with AMD? I am having issues getting it to detect humans it always thinks the call is a machine
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19:41.44jrunfile: playback also fails with chan_sip. is this media related?
19:41.57fileentirely possible
19:42.00*** part/#asterisk FrozenFire (~FrozenFir@pdpc/supporter/active/frozenfire)
19:42.16jrunalthough, on the device we don't get pass the Calling stage.
19:45.27jrundevice sends an ACK after receiving the OK from server though
19:47.30filethe SIP communication is fine
19:47.53fileyou'd need to examine the RTP side, confirming the values in the SDP are correct, looking at rtp set debug on
19:47.53jrunreason for BYE from server is just finishing the playback i guess however there is no media stream
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19:54.52jrunrtp debug logs go where? just the connected console?
19:55.29jruni'm getting everything but the rtp logs after doing 'rtp set debug IP'
19:56.32filethey go to the console
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20:01.45jrundead silenc !
20:02.24jruni have two devices on this nat and when i enable debug for the public ip i only get packets from the working device
20:02.42jrunso media session never gets established i guess
20:03.29[TK]D-FenderYou should be looking at the SIp debug from * CLI, not external
20:03.39[TK]D-FenderIt shouldn't be a guess.
20:05.30jruni'm looking at it from within the console
20:05.44jrunold dev works fine, rtp packets come and go.
20:06.21*** join/#asterisk Micc (
20:07.04MiccHow much info is in the patch files? I'm currently using 14.3.0, could I just apply the 14.4.0 and 14.5.0 patch files and I would have the 14.5.0 complete source?
20:07.34MiccI've made a few of my own changes, I'd rather not have to make those changes to the new source.
20:07.53MiccBut I understand that patches my not apply because of my changes.
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20:32.46MiccI got it, had to go from 14.3.0 to 14.3.1 then 14.4.0 14.4.1 then 14.5.0
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20:48.44CrowX-Can I ask an ari specific question here?
20:49.00CrowX-cause there's no one active on asterisk-ari atm
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22:03.36rrittgarnin Dialplan is there a way to unset a variable, or set it's value to null?
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22:06.53rrittgarnjust tried that and then when i print the value of the variable i get '' (two single quotes)
22:07.22Samotor var=
22:08.13rrittgarnthat did it
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