IRC log for #asterisk on 20170515

00:01.24[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Let alone your DISABLING your attempt to force chan_sip, letting it CONTINUE... and then showing what happens when you try to do it MANUALLY
00:01.47hdon_yeah i did not understand that sentence but i was afraid to ask what you meant
00:02.22hdon_anything else? i want to make sure i get it right.
00:02.41[TK]D-Fender1 step at a time
00:02.52hdon_do you want me to comment out the whole line so there is no directive referencing
00:03.05hdon_i could even delete the line if having the comment is troubling to you
00:03.07[TK]D-FenderHow about purge entirely?
00:12.29[TK]D-FenderShould take all of 30 seconds to have new results...
00:20.40*** join/#asterisk infobot (
00:20.40*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.15.0 (2017/04/07), 11.25.1 (2016/12/08), Standard: 14.4.0 (2017/04/07); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
00:21.16[TK]D-Fenderwatches some paint dry...
00:21.24SamotNo clue.
00:44.03[TK]D-FenderAnd 40 minutes later....
00:46.42*** join/#asterisk jchillerup (
00:47.15jchillerupHi, I'd like to run a dialplan function from the console. Is that possile to just ... "do"?
00:47.30[TK]D-FenderDialplan apps need to be called by a running channel
00:47.36[TK]D-FenderWhat specific ones were you looking at?
00:48.00[TK]D-FenderOriginate a Local channel
00:48.04jchillerupI want to send a SIP SIMPLE message to a handset, triggered by an external script
00:48.17[TK]D-FenderOr use a call file
00:48.32jchillerupI figured out how to originate a voice channel, is it like that?
00:48.51[TK]D-FenderExcept you are using a Local channel;
00:49.11jchillerupok, I'll have a look
00:49.38jchillerupAnother way would be to have my script connect by SIP to asterisk and send the SMS as if it were another phone
00:50.06jchillerup.. buuut I'd like to avoid that
00:51.38*** join/#asterisk DivideBy0 (~DivideBy0@unaffiliated/divideby0x0)
00:51.38*** mode/#asterisk [+o DivideBy0] by ChanServ
00:51.58jchillerupCallfiles look like they could slve the problem, thanks
00:52.16[TK]D-FenderThat or AMI Originate would be the top 2 ways
00:57.37jchillerupit's easy to create a file with Python, I think I'll look into that, thanks!
00:58.02[TK]D-FenderIf you're triggering from the local FS itself that would do jsut fine
00:58.25*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:58.28jchillerupI am
00:58.44jchillerupI want to send an SMS when a sensor connected to the computer picks up a signal
01:11.56*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
01:17.04SamotHuh, still nothing?
01:17.11SamotOK then.
01:26.00*** join/#asterisk hdon__ (
01:26.31hdon__hi again. so, LOADABLE_MODULES CPP macro was undefined. this explains a bit. i enabled it with menuselect. now i can load :)
01:27.57hdon__now though i see udp 5060 coming in, but nothing in asterisk console at level 5. what's the highest verbosity level that makes any difference? it seems to let me set it up to 999999 if i want.
01:28.31[TK]D-Fenderverbose != SIP
01:28.48[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on" <------------
01:28.52hdon__thanks [TK]D-Fender
01:30.29hdon__so i see SIP REGISTERs coming in with tcpdump, but i don't see any output in asterisk console after "sip set debug on" -- the asterisk process seems to be listening on port udp/5060 though
01:31.28[TK]D-Fenderthen it's not reaching * if that's what chan_sip is listening on
01:31.50[TK]D-Fenderwhich smells like FIREWALLS
01:31.54jchillerupIt worked, [TK]D-Fender. Ended up using AMI because there was a Python bniding for it. Thanks
01:32.43hdon__i'll stop asterisk and see if netcat receives the packets
01:33.54[TK]D-Fenderwonders why he isn't hearing "I'm going to dump my firewall rules NOW and prove it"
01:34.41Samothdon__: netstat -nlu
01:34.48SamotShow that it is listening on the proper ports.
01:34.58hdon__Samot: yeah i did that :)
01:35.07SamotYou did?
01:35.09Samotyou showed it?
01:35.16SamotI don't see a link for this.
01:35.17hdon__it looks like netcat is not receiving these packets, so maybe it actually is my firewall
01:35.28hdon__Samot: sorry i did it on my own. no need to share. i can troubleshoot my own firewall.
01:35.52SamotWell then you can troubleshoot this whole thing.
01:38.34hdon__and now i am registered :)
01:38.54hdon__Samot: yeah i can. i just thought coming here would be beneficial. might learn something i wouldn't have just stumbled onto that way.
01:39.15hdon__or, idk, just make internet friends
01:40.16hdon__shouldn't my asterisk be listening on some port for RTP? i only see it listening to SIP (5060)
01:40.28SamotRTP doesn't listen.
01:40.37SamotThe ports are assigned when they are needed.
01:40.41hdon__ahh ok
01:40.44hdon__thanks Samot
01:40.55hdon__is there a configuration setting for a range of ports to be assigned for RTP?
01:40.59SamotYou don't know the RTP ports of the other side until they tell you
01:41.31hdon__this one?
01:42.13SamotWhatever you have setup now is beyond basic.
01:42.26SamotYou're going to need to setup and configure the other .conf files.
01:43.34hdon__that is my next step. just got "Hello world" :)
01:49.50hdon__does anyone make games with asterisk?
01:56.23[TK]D-FenderSomeone did a tic-tac-toe game
01:56.43[TK]D-FenderAnd I suppose you could could some of those telemarketer torture samples as games as well
01:57.31[TK]D-Fender<hdon__> is there a configuration setting for a range of ports to be assigned for RTP? <- yes, there is even a suggestive config file expressly for that...
02:01.10*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
02:03.43hdon__is there any anti-spam community in the voip world like there is in the email world?
02:03.46*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
02:04.29[TK]D-Fenderthat has little to do with "voip".
02:04.51[TK]D-Fenderthat would be callerid's from places that are known telemarketers, etc
02:04.59[TK]D-FenderAnd that sort of thing is Googleable
02:05.19hdon__well, i guess i mean SIP specifically
02:05.50hdon__i imagine it's not practical to just open a SIP port up to the public Internet, but i do it with SMTP every day
02:06.23hdon__spamassassin can check for known spammers using DNS, for example
02:06.31*** join/#asterisk boris_t (
02:06.59[TK]D-Fenderwell noone tracks IP's for SIP that way
02:07.12SamotThere are a few voip blacklists...
02:07.13[TK]D-FenderSo you identify your own threats and block them
02:07.13hdon__mmm.. ok thanks
02:07.19[TK]D-Fenderor restrict to known hosts if you can
02:07.21SamotVery few.
02:07.53SamotThere are a lot of lists that exist with known "bad" User Agents
02:08.22SamotBut even with SMTP..
02:08.40SamotIf an area of the world that is known to be bad hombres don't need access..
02:08.43SamotDon't give it.
02:08.45SamotAt all.
02:08.59SamotI doubt there is any reason for China to be in your sytems.
02:09.02SamotOr Russia.
02:09.13SamotOr any of that part of the world that is known for being naughty.
02:10.23SamotYes, in the case of SMTP spamassassian will catch things...
02:10.38SamotBut why waste resources catching things that you could have stopped at the front door.
02:11.35hdon__well, i feel like my local telephone company works with other companies worldwide to make sure numbers are reachable and still deal with abuse complaints. no system is perfect but they do a pretty good job. but maybe my cellphone isn't reachable from china... hmm...
02:11.59SamotThat has nothing to do with YOUR server.
02:12.17hdon__i know one of the numbers i have through vitelity at work gets a lot of spam calls. the number used to belong to another local company and we get SEO and similar spam on that number a few times a day
02:12.43SamotAre you talking about no-call blacklists
02:12.49[TK]D-Fenderat this point, yes
02:12.57SamotOr actual blacklists that stop people that get into your server
02:13.04hdon__well when i was reading through the asterisk sample configs i was googling some acronyms i didn't know
02:13.04[TK]D-Fenderbecause the calls are from the PSTN through his provider
02:13.05SamotBecause one isn't really "security"
02:13.10hdon__and when i came across enum i got really interested
02:13.30[TK]D-Fenderenum = waste
02:13.34hdon__how come?
02:13.53[TK]D-FenderWant random fuckers actuall calling your IP directly?
02:14.08[TK]D-FenderTHAT is an invitation to attack
02:14.16hdon__[TK]D-Fender: well, so is having a phone number, isn't it?
02:14.18[TK]D-Fender"Hey, here's a server!"
02:14.22hdon__or do you mean to attack asterisk itself?
02:14.43SamotThere is a different between people calling your number through the PSTN
02:14.45hdon__i feel like plenty of services are exposed over the internet and when vulnerabilities are found, they are patched
02:14.51[TK]D-FenderYou well nobody phoning me is going to have an IP to SSh against me or try to hack a SIP peer password to pass toll fraud through me
02:14.54SamotAnd doing SIP URI calling.
02:14.57[TK]D-FenderSo no... NOT the same
02:15.01hdon__Samot: hmm... what is the difference?
02:15.13hdon__please enlighten me :)
02:15.14[TK]D-FenderFucker has my IP and know's I'm running a SIP server
02:15.17[TK]D-Fenderthose get hacked
02:15.32[TK]D-Fendersome twit with my cell phone number isn't going to magically commit toll fraud against me and hack my servers
02:16.08hdon__[TK]D-Fender: yeah that's a real possibility. but i feel like, there are lots of risky services open to the public internet. security is a never ending battle but that isn't a reason to give up all hope :(
02:16.19[TK]D-FenderPlease use common sense when comparing the difference of someone having a PHONE NUMBER, cs knowing the IP to your server and that you are running one
02:16.39[TK]D-FenderI'm saying your comparison was completely invalid
02:16.45hdon__you're right
02:16.53[TK]D-Fenderand I did NOT say "don't run an open service" either
02:17.07[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> So you identify your own threats and block them
02:17.12[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender> or restrict to known hosts if you can
02:17.25hdon__that's what i do at work because our operational requirements allow me to use whitelists
02:17.36[TK]D-FenderSo if you can... that sounds like a good start
02:17.50hdon__but i'd like to imagine a world where i don't have to use the pstn all the time
02:19.55hdon__so if we aren't talking about exploiting a vulnerability in asterisk or your configuration and committing toll fraud or other privilege escalation attacks
02:20.17*** join/#asterisk genpaku (~genpaku@
02:20.26hdon__is spam the only threat remaining?
02:21.58[TK]D-Fender<hdon__> but i'd like to imagine a world where i don't have to use the pstn all the time <- Does the rest of the planet all do VoIP with the ability to call random IP's?
02:22.11[TK]D-Fenderso while that's a nifty thought, it is SO not happening.
02:22.20SamotPublic Switched Telephone Network
02:22.28Samot"Switched" being the key word there.
02:22.36SamotAs in "switching" between carriers.
02:22.49[TK]D-Fenderhdon__> is spam the only threat remaining? <- spam is vague here
02:23.03hdon__i don't believe that the reasons that the planet isn't as relaxed about SIP as it is about SMTP is for completely practical reasons
02:23.15[TK]D-FenderSpam is typically just an unwanted contact.  That typically isn't a THREAT, just a NUISANCE
02:23.37SamotSPAM is pointless.
02:23.40hdon__mmm.. ok so eliminating spam then, are there other threats?
02:23.45SamotThat has nothing to do with securing SMTP
02:23.46SamotAt all
02:23.58SamotJust like blocking callerids has nothing to do with securing SIP
02:24.12[TK]D-Fender<hdon__> mmm.. ok so eliminating spam then, are there other threats? <- anything trying to contact your server that you don't want could be considered a threat
02:24.33SamotThis is now about securing a machine that is on the public Internet
02:24.35[TK]D-FenderLook they're trying to brute force my SSH port!
02:24.43[TK]D-FenderLook they found I'm running SMTP too!
02:24.45hdon__[TK]D-Fender: but what form could that threat take? accepting that we have already tallied spam (a nuissance) and privilege escalation attacks (toll fraud, gaining other system access) what remains?
02:24.51[TK]D-FenderLook, what's this AMI port open?
02:25.08SamotSQL is open
02:25.18SamotLet's try a SQL injection to get access...
02:25.32SamotLet's see if they are filtering their SQL requests right...
02:25.35[TK]D-FenderThre are wonderful DOCS about securing your system.
02:25.38[TK]D-Fenderyou should go read them
02:25.48[TK]D-Fenderand learn what *'s interfaces are and how to secure them
02:26.03hdon__Samot: i think the utility of open SIP service is lower than open MySQL service, personally. there might be someone out there who thinks differently, though.
02:26.15[TK]D-FenderSIP, AMI, SSH are ht first 3.  Any other service you know you're running are more
02:26.21[TK]D-FenderAny other * channel drivers you run.
02:26.25[TK]D-Fenderall the usual suspects
02:26.37hdon__i'm not trying to secure my system, i just want to know why the idea of open sip isn't exciting to everyone... i watched the phone companies in the US do terrible things and becoming independent of them would give me great satisfaction
02:26.52SamotYou're not.
02:26.55[TK]D-FenderWho is everyone?
02:27.01SamotUnless you become one yourself.
02:27.07[TK]D-Fenderhow much of the general population even knows what SIP *is*?
02:27.16[TK]D-FenderDon't get all "dreamer" on us
02:27.25[TK]D-FenderGeneral population knows nothing about SIP
02:27.29SamotThe idea of open SIP is as appealing as open SMTP
02:27.32SamotOr SSH
02:27.45SamotOr anything else that would leave my system open for fuckery.
02:27.49[TK]D-Fenderand the only thing that would allow "open sip" to be a thing is ENUM
02:27.54[TK]D-Fenderwhich right now is just a vecro of attack
02:28.38hdon__Samot: well, SMTP has a huge community dedicated to fighting the threat of spam, and they actively utilize other technologies like DNS to route email globally, but for telephony, as long as we want our phone numbers, we seem stuck with the ILECs
02:29.19[TK]D-FenderYes, and Joe Blow isn't running his own MAIL SERVER.  So again, a failed comparison
02:29.22hdon__[TK]D-Fender: oh, i see. you mean that if you publish on ENUM you become a target?
02:29.31[TK]D-FenderJoe Blow isn't reunning his own SIP SERVER either
02:29.34hdon__[TK]D-Fender: no but he has more choices for email than he does for phone
02:29.38SamotSPAM isn't an ATTACK
02:29.44[TK]D-Fenderit's a business and enthousiast thing
02:29.59SamotSPAM is junk mail.
02:30.01SamotThat's it
02:30.18Samot<--- 23 years in hosting
02:30.26[TK]D-FenderNot "hey, this asshole has SSH access now! rm -rf"
02:30.37[TK]D-Fendermissed a slash in there
02:30.48SamotHaving a SPAM filter isn't the same as having a secure SMTP service running.
02:30.58hdon__Samot: if it isn't dealt with it can be crippling to an organization, just like with snailmail. it's a DOS attack against human resources.
02:31.09[TK]D-FenderThese are shitty comparisons
02:31.11SamotIt's the last wall
02:31.27[TK]D-FenderStop comparing things that have no right to be compared
02:31.30hdon__man, you guys are intense
02:31.42Samot10:30:17 PM S<Samot> <--- 23 years in hosting
02:31.43hdon__i feel like i should be wearing pads and a helmet
02:31.48SamotI kinda know how this works.
02:31.59SamotSo going on about SPAM is pointless.
02:32.07SamotBecause it's not SECURITY
02:32.39SamotThe emails about the Prince in Nigeria are annoying...
02:32.44SamotBut only bad if you fall for it
02:33.04SamotThe _GUY_ in Nigeria actively trying to use you as a SMTP relay = BAD
02:33.05[TK]D-FenderYou can't compare "I got a piece of junk mail" to "hacker cracked a SIP device # and password and passed $3000 of calls through my server and now I'm getting billed by my provider and they're threatening to sue if I don't pay"
02:33.26[TK]D-FenderSee the difference?
02:33.33[TK]D-FenderGetting potentially massive bills?
02:33.48SamotTelemarketer calls are annoying
02:34.04SamotThe guy in Nigeria trying to call the rest of the world through your PBX = BAD
02:34.41[TK]D-Fendera $3000 phone bill is a lot different than "Click here for your free vacation" appearing in my e-mail inbox
02:34.54SamotSo the "Hey we're not getting annoying calls" validation doesn't cover "Why did we get a $3K phone bill?"
02:35.08[TK]D-FenderLet us know when the concept of what "fucked" looks like is starting to register :)
02:35.33[TK]D-FenderAnd then you begin to understand why Joe Blow doesn't run SIP servers either
02:35.47[TK]D-FenderConsidering how many people can't handle a smart phone either
02:35.58[TK]D-FenderThis isn't consumer stuff
02:38.23hdon__man i'm feeling really down now
02:39.44hdon__when i was a kid and the Intenret was new, there were all these companies to choose from
02:40.03[TK]D-FenderYou can choose any Comcast / TWC you want!
02:40.23drmessanoChoice in provider.. all those shitty providers
02:40.32[TK]D-FenderAjit Pai <- Go yell at him
02:40.39drmessanoWith banks of modems and who-knows-what behind it
02:40.50drmessanoThe world was not a better place
02:41.05hdon__in Pittsburgh, the newly rebranded Verizon was the local ILEC. Verizon DSL was charging $29.95/month for a 728kbps/128kbps ADSL line to customers. Verizon was charging Verizon DSL $15/month/customer for the privilege of access to the ILEC office.
02:41.13drmessano"I remember when I could still get scurvy"
02:41.30hdon__my ISP was Telerama, and they offered the same ADSL package for $45/month. another company, Nauticom, offered the same package for $46/month.
02:41.43drmessanoand where are they now?
02:41.43hdon__Verizon was charging Telerama and Nauticom $30 and $31 per month per customer, respectively
02:41.47SamotI had to do the same.
02:41.55SamotBecause of ATT
02:42.02hdon__drmessano: because we let the phone companies and cable companies remain in power when they should, by all rights, have been destroyed
02:42.04SamotATT was leasing DSL lines to me.
02:42.16SamotAnd selling those same lines also.
02:42.22SamotBut cheaper than me..
02:42.27drmessanoForcing the phone companies to open up their lines
02:42.28SamotBecause I still had to pay THEM.
02:42.31drmessanoDumbass move
02:42.46drmessano"I know you built it, but we're forcing you to lease it now"
02:43.05drmessanoJust cause to tell the govt to go fsck themselves
02:43.07hdon__Samot: yes. that seems to me to be a violation of the obligations of the common carriage
02:43.23hdon__drmessano: we gave AT&T a government sanction monopoly
02:43.33hdon__drmessano: those lines were not just theirs, they were ours as well
02:43.54drmessanoHere we go with the socialism
02:44.06drmessanoNot everything belongs to the people, comrade
02:44.11[TK]D-FenderDon't worry, not only do you have no shoice they can now sell your private data to #whomevertheyfeellike
02:44.22hdon__[TK]D-Fender: yeah isn't that wonderful :(
02:44.35[TK]D-FenderBut wait, there's more!
02:44.37drmessanoExcept that's so incorrect
02:44.41hdon__drmessano: there's some middle ground between a kleptocracy and socialism, friend
02:45.00SamotTelephone service is a PUBLIC UTILITY
02:45.08SamotIt needs some RULES
02:45.44SamotConsidering it crosses state and international boundaries.
02:46.08[TK]D-Fenderit SHOULD have some rules
02:46.24[TK]D-Fenderbut that goes out the door when they legislate your rights away.
02:47.06[TK]D-FenderBut you've still got guns right?   Yeah!  Fat lot of good they'll do when you have no rights left to fight for! :)
02:47.39Samothdon__: You realize there are two types of carriers right?
02:47.47SamotILECs and CLECs
02:47.47[TK]D-FenderI believe George Carlin said it best "They aren't rights if they can be taken away.  They're 'Priveledges'."
02:47.49hdon__Samot: ILEC and CLEC?
02:47.57SamotAnd you know what those are right?
02:48.05SamotILECs were the result of the 80's breakup
02:48.06hdon__when i was a kid we used to open up ma bell's phone cans and borrow people's phone lines to make prank calls
02:48.13hdon__i was very interested in it then
02:48.21SamotCLECs was the results of the 90's
02:48.24hdon__but i kinda had a loss of interest after my ISP closed its doors
02:49.49SamotWhen I was with the CLEC, CenturyLink and ATT were the ILECs
02:49.59SamotWe had to lease from them.
02:50.04SamotAnd we paid for it.
02:50.27SamotSo even though they were competing with us, they're still making money off us.
02:51.50SamotAnd in turn, smaller providers leased lines from us.
02:52.49hdon__i assume the rates they gave you were not very competitive
02:52.53hdon__when was this?
02:53.08SamotI left 3 years ago.
02:53.14SamotSo recent.
02:53.29SamotWhen it came to the data portion, yes.
02:53.38hdon__what services did your customers offer to their customers?
02:53.42SamotIt was hard to be competitive..
02:53.46SamotBut the voice side of it..
02:53.52SamotWe were very competitive.
02:54.06SamotWhatever they needed.
02:54.14SamotData, Voice, DC services...
02:54.22hdon__what's DC service?
02:54.25SamotData Center
02:54.32hdon__oh, hm
03:02.05drmessanoHonestly, if you're not deleting your browsing history every hour, you're just asking for it
03:07.03[TK]D-FenderDoesn't matter when it's cataloged live at your ISP and then sold to the highest bidder.  They aren't taking it off your PC itself...
03:07.28drmessanoAs far as you know
03:11.04[TK]D-FenderThey just do that to be thorough :p
03:11.10[TK]D-FenderBecause you know ... redundency
03:11.59drmessanoThey're not selling it to third parties
03:12.13drmessanoUsing it for selling targeted ads, yes
03:12.22drmessanoAd insertion is what they are after
03:12.43drmessano"They might use this history but - to tailor ads - but they do not sell it to third parties."
03:14.01drmessanoTechDirt had a good piece on it as well
03:16.17[TK]D-FenderSince when does your provider insert ads on you?
03:16.27[TK]D-FenderSomeone else is getting that info
03:17.19drmessanoThey've always had that ability
03:17.57[TK]D-FenderThere is a difference between you clicking through other sites that track vs snooping it at source
03:18.10[TK]D-FenderYou're removing even the intermediary
03:18.18[TK]D-Fender(of being random sites)
03:18.24[TK]D-Fenderand shoving that directly to your provider
03:19.57[TK]D-FenderAnd the language of that entire link was "do not" vs cannot
03:20.17[TK]D-FenderIt is riddled with weasel-out language across the board
03:20.41[TK]D-Fenderow, they're not opt-ins, but they're opt-outs. And also they say that they do not and will not sell people's individual browsing history. They might use this history but - to tailor ads - but they do not sell it to third parties.
03:20.47[TK]D-Fendernothing about CANNOT
03:22.00[TK]D-FenderAnd there was a nice inversion of opt-in vs opt-out
03:22.06[TK]D-FenderThat who thing was just twisted
03:23.39drmessanoISPs do not need to sell the data.  They can just as easily insert themselves in the process because when the CDN's are built up on their networks.  This opens the doors for them to serve the ads.
03:23.51drmessanoWhich is going to be very lucrative for them
03:24.04drmessanoand doesn't require them to turn over that data to anyone
03:25.05[TK]D-FenderYes but that is all vague crap about "don't have to" vs "can't"
03:25.37drmessanoWhy sell it to a third party if they WANT to use it themselves, which they already stated they DO
03:25.56[TK]D-FenderBecause they can, and can profit in additional ways
03:26.03drmessanoI guess it's easier to be paranoid than to look at the actual business case
03:26.05drmessanoSo whatever
03:26.18[TK]D-FenderThere is business if they can sell it outside as well
03:26.52[TK]D-FenderIf you let them then they will find a way to profit off it and sell to anywhere.
03:34.19*** join/#asterisk jetlag (~jetlag@
03:39.31SamotNaw, it's media buys to them.
03:39.53SamotThere's no need to actually sell the data if they decide to insert ads in content.
03:40.28SamotThe conversion ratios will be in their favor.
03:42.17drmessanoIt's literally what they've begged for, for years
03:42.22hdon_drmessano: i browse habitually in incognito mode
03:42.41SamotEverything you do is a data point.
03:42.49SamotIn the eyes of marketing.
03:43.16drmessanoJust like the idiots that think Netflix isn't in bed with the ISPs
03:43.28drmessanoThe ISP's run fucking CDN's for them
03:43.28hdon_[TK]D-Fender: drmessano: the ISP doesn't insert the ads (usually; there are some exceptions) but they will link up with existing internet advertising technology to deliver ads targeted based partly on info taken by your ISP
03:43.36drmessanoINSIDE THEIR NETWORKS
03:43.44drmessanoThe only one that doesn't is Hulu
03:43.49drmessanoBecause of licensing
03:44.49hdon_drmessano: that may be so, but i can firewall off a CDN, or MITM myself to get CDN content from another source. i'm not in favor of CDNs either. or facebook tracking pixels.
03:44.50drmessanoLast I checked Hulu couldn't... I know they can't actually preload content on users devices, still.  Maybe they fixed the CDN problem
03:45.05hdon_so i've got a question
03:45.08drmessanohdon_: You can't "Firewall off a CDN"
03:45.15drmessanoI don't even know what that means
03:45.17hdon_it seems that i can set up a server to serve AGI
03:45.42drmessanoEverything you do online comes from a CDN
03:45.52lorsungcuno some of it comes from yuor mom
03:45.59SamotShe's a CDN
03:46.09drmessanoCould be
03:46.17hdon_do i understand correctly that for AGI, Asterisk will connect some stream socket and begin sending and receiving data?
03:46.41SamotWhat are you trying to do?
03:46.45hdon_or is it more like CGI where it launches a new process?
03:46.54SamotBesides look at shiny stuff to ask questions about?
03:47.00hdon_Samot: that's basically it
03:47.48SamotAGI is just another way to run system commands within dialplan.
03:48.43SamotLike run a php script to query a database to playback a certain MoH for the caller based on various data points.
03:49.00hdon_okay that sounds fun, but not with PHP, please :p
03:49.38SamotI'm sure you're as informed on PHP as on SMTP and this.
03:49.50drmessanoYeah fuck PHP
03:49.54drmessanoSo insecure
03:50.02SamotIt's awful.
03:50.16SamotI remember when things were done in BASIC
03:50.17drmessanoI actually browse with PHP turned off
03:50.26drmessanoNot getting my guns
03:51.14hdon_oh i see. FastAGI supports a socket.
03:51.32drmessanoFastAGI(TrumpsTaxReturns.php) is where it's at
03:51.50SamotAll of that only matters if you're actually doing something that requires it.
03:52.01drmessanoI use sockets for everything
03:52.03SamotYou really should start by just getting the conf files setup right.
03:52.14SamotThat's what you're wife tweets.
03:52.16drmessano3/4" drive mostly
03:52.49drmessanoI know they don't teach "Dictionary" in Saskatoon
03:53.35SamotPictionary is the main course.
03:53.54drmessanoHonestly, not at all surprised
03:54.00hdon_Samot: oh, yeah. i remember you guys saying there was stuff wrong with my configuration. but i don't remember what. it seems to be working for basic calling and basic dialplans work.
03:54.23SamotThat silly thing that handles tones.
03:54.32hdon_i'll read the sample
03:54.43drmessanoProbably best to delete that file
03:54.53drmessanoAlong with System32
03:54.54SamotDoesn't even have it
03:54.59SamotSo he's good.
03:55.25hdon_is... this to localize rings and tones played on the line?
03:55.42SamotDude, not going to give you a class on this.
03:55.49SamotThere is numerous documentation about this.
03:56.11SamotYou've been in this channel long enough..
03:56.20SamotSome of these questions should have even needed to be asked.
03:57.24SamotOne of the benefits of channels like this is that when you're in them long enough...
03:57.34SamotYou actually can start to learn shit you didn't know before.
03:57.53SamotBy actually absorbing the knowledge being laid down.
03:58.26drmessanoSamot: Really, can you just shut up and teach me about AGI's please.  Also, please be Perl specific.. PHP is insecure and archaic.
03:58.44SamotFuck PERL
03:59.10drmessanoCan I use a Perl AGI to hide my calling history?
03:59.31lorsungcuwhats wrong with perl
03:59.49drmessanolorsungcu: Nothing.. it's 100x better than PHP
03:59.58drmessanolorsungcu: Can you teach me
04:00.14drmessanoOk, start now please
04:03.21drmessanoReminds me of that time a friend asked me "Can you show me how to quote Python"
04:03.38drmessanoand I was all like "What do you mean EWWW?  I don't like SPAM!"
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06:13.31RomanDcozHi All, Is there any way we can deduct duration in database realtime like call running and every minute minute deduction ? Is it possible via Module. If not , can any one have idea how to achieve it ?
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08:13.35alpha_Hello all...what does it mean by "woken up" calls in sipp testing?
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10:50.52Dirk23Hey guys. I Try to connect a SIP Client to asterisk throug 3 Routers and we wonder wich Ports need to be configured in the firewall. untill now we only have enabled these rules in the firwall:
10:50.52Dirk23Asterisk UDP ANY -> SIP Client UDP 5060
10:50.54Dirk23SIP Client UDP ANY  -> Asterisk UDP 5060
10:51.08Dirk23do we need any other Ports or protocols?
10:54.37TandyUKudp ports [whatever you use for RTP] if you want audio
10:55.08Dirk23by now i cant see the Client trying to connect to asterisk (in CLI)
10:55.15TandyUKi doubt asterisk will try connecting to the client on port 5060
10:55.35TandyUKclient > Asterisk on 5060,  server will respond to whatever port was used to initiate it (posibly natted)
10:55.39Dirk23are those udp ports for RTP somewhere in the config?
10:55.53Kunsiin rtp.conf
10:55.57TandyUK10000-20000 for us
10:56.03TandyUKnot sure if thats default
10:56.33Dirk23found it, thank you. RTP 10000-20000
10:56.46Dirk23so any other ports?
10:57.00Dirk23is there no TCP connection?
10:58.46TandyUKnot by default
10:59.04TandyUKnot unless youre using tcp/tls afaik
10:59.18Dirk23ok, no tls here
10:59.31Dirk23so only UDP 5060 and 10000-20000
11:00.10Dirk23i wonder why the client is not registering with asterisk then.
11:04.18TandyUKtcpdump and analyse it/
11:04.33TandyUKor sngrep, voip-monitor, homer, etc etc
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11:19.03alpha_TandyUK: what does it mean by "woken up" calls in sipp testing?
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13:43.42SamotSo based on what happened over the weekend, I'm just going to put this little quote out there for those that think "upgrading" is a waste "Infected computers appear to largely be out-of-date devices that organizations deemed not worth the price of upgrading".
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13:54.57TandyUKdoesnt surprise me one bit
14:00.37SamotMicrosoft did release a patch after that NSA leak.
14:00.45SamotSo like almost two months ago.
14:00.57SamotAnd they had to release another patch for it on Friday when it started to happen.
14:01.14SamotBecause it was to fix the people who didn't patch before.
14:02.04SamotSo far as I can tell most have responded to that NSA debacle from a little while back...
14:02.14SamotReleasing updates and patches to things...
14:02.23SamotAll the consumers really did was bitch.
14:06.28TandyUKtbh I have no sympathy for anyone still on XP
14:06.53TandyUKthe fact this bug affected 7/8 as well is another matter
14:08.41SamotThat was part of Microsoft's bitch..
14:08.53SamotAnd a well deserved one...
14:09.07Samot*They* didn't know about it.
14:09.55SamotThis was one of the "Oh the Gov found it, put in in their back pocket and ssshhhh"
14:10.29SamotNow a bug, that could have been fixed years ago, is released.
14:10.55SamotDoes it impact Win 10? Probably not originally because there was no Win 10 when it was originally found.
14:11.20SamotHowever, I did get an update pushed over the weekend.
14:11.32SamotSo that means two months ago it didn't hurt Win 10.
14:11.45SamotBut now, they've found how it does hurt Win 10.
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14:40.59StucKmanwhat happens if I told A* to reload the dialplan and there's an error on it? a syntax error, for instance...
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14:42.07[TK]D-FenderDepends on the syntax error
14:42.15[TK]D-Fenderit will reload ever line it can
14:42.40StucKmanso it will laod a partial dial plan?
14:42.48[TK]D-Fenderif the formatting is wrong for priority, etc, then the line will be skipped.  If it's anywhere from the app onward that will only produce a run-time failure
14:43.45StucKmanand is thre a way to make A* parse the dialplan and report any errors without loading it?
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14:45.43StucKmanmore or less what Apache does, ofr instance...
14:46.29mTeKWhat would make a inbound call that I pickup still ring another extension
14:46.42[TK]D-FendermTeK, Show us the call
14:46.56[TK]D-FendermTeK, and provide a proper description.
14:47.05mTeKI am new to this phone stuff so sorry
14:47.18mTeKI don't really know how.'
14:47.33[TK]D-FendermTeK, including what kind of dialplan flow you set up that would dial from one to the next in the first place
14:47.44[TK]D-FenderThis is your diapla... you set it up...
14:48.53[TK]D-Fender* CLI.
14:48.59[TK]D-Fendershow us the complete call attempt at verbose 10
14:49.05mTeKI didn't change any dial plans, just what ever freepbx made for default.
14:49.08[TK] <-
14:49.19[TK]D-FenderYou need to be asking in #freepbx then
14:49.23[TK]D-Fenderit is not supported here
15:01.20mTeKFigured you say that...
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17:05.36alpha_file: how many calls can an asterisk system on 512, 1 core server handle in general? gtjoseph kharwell putnopvut Qwell rmudgett seanbright skrusty wdoekes
17:06.08alpha_i tried using sipp for load testing but couln't analyze report
17:06.16SamotWhat are you trying to do?
17:06.21alpha_What is the meaning of woken up calls in there?
17:06.29SamotJust figure out what that server itself can do?
17:06.38SamotOr what you need to actually get?
17:06.41alpha_Samot: like?
17:06.58alpha_I need to know how many simultaneous calls my server can handle
17:07.03SamotAre you stuck use 512MB RAM and 1 CPU?
17:07.16alpha_Samot: yes for now
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17:07.21SamotIf that's the case, what else is it doing?
17:07.30SamotJust registering endpoints and handling calls?
17:07.58alpha_Samot: yes
17:08.12gtjosephmedia, even if not transcoding, will probably be the bottleneck.
17:08.18[TK]D-FenderDepends on a lot more than that
17:08.19SamotSo calls comes in, goes straight to the end point?
17:08.20gtjosephcan you do direct media?
17:08.47SamotNo IVRs or recordings being played back?
17:10.28alpha_[TK]D-Fender: can't sipp testing do that?
17:10.45SamotHow many endpoints do you have?
17:11.07[TK]D-FenderDo what?  You haven't provided server speed, arch type info, call processing expectations or anything els
17:11.19[TK]D-FendereThat's like saying "I have a car, how fast can it go?" and not offering anything
17:11.22Samot512MB RAM, 1 CPU.
17:11.27alpha_[TK]D-Fender: I just want to know how many concurrent calls my system can handle...
17:11.33SamotBut no details on CPU speed.
17:11.36SamotJust a single core.
17:11.47Samotalpha_: Not many
17:11.54alpha_Samot: [TK]D-Fender lets not go with cpu to find is my question.
17:11.54SamotHow many endpoints will you have?
17:11.58[TK]D-FenderHow many do you NEED it to handle?
17:12.12[TK]D-Fender<alpha_> Samot: [TK]D-Fender lets not go with cpu to find is my question. <- it MATTERS
17:12.31[TK]D-FenderThis kind of low-detail questioning is a waste of time
17:12.38alpha_endpoints ~ one to one..
17:12.43SamotHOW MANY
17:12.51drmessanoalpha_: Are you going to put this box on the public internet?
17:13.11SamotLike 2? That's fine.
17:13.16Samot50? No.
17:13.24drmessanoIf so, bang, you're dead
17:13.36SamotThat server is not going to do much.
17:13.47drmessanoYou can't get SIPp to do anything meaningful because you're KILLING IT
17:13.49SamotLow memory, 1 core SPU
17:13.51alpha_how to find how much..
17:13.59drmessanoLike killing the SIP stacks
17:14.01drmessanoLike killing the SIP stack
17:14.05alpha_if i can test if it can handle jsut 2 calls...its fine
17:14.07drmessanoBecause not enough horsepower
17:14.11alpha_but how to test?
17:14.13SamotIf you don't know how many users/endpoints you will have this is pointless.
17:14.25[TK]D-Fender<alpha_> but how to test? <- place calls
17:14.30drmessanoIf its grey, throw it away
17:14.41alpha_i tried placing calls from sipp [TK]D-Fender
17:14.48SamotHow many?
17:14.50drmessanoSIPp is going to KILL IT
17:14.55[TK]D-FenderYou haven't stated speed
17:15.02[TK]D-Fenderhow many calls do you NEED to supoprt?
17:15.09drmessanoUnless you have it turned way the fuck down to nothing
17:15.30Samot$5 says this is an attempt to sell VoIP on a shitty machine.
17:15.36SamotNo idea of how many endpoints
17:15.45SamotNo idea of how many calls need to be supported
17:16.05drmessanoalpha_: You need to answer TWO questions, FAST
17:16.11drmessanoHow many phones?
17:16.16drmessanoHow many concurrent calls?
17:16.23alpha_[TK]D-Fender: actually, the calls i need to support is not fixed...but how many calls a 512, 1 core system can handle for now is my thing
17:16.43drmessanoThats an UNANSWERABLE question
17:16.47alpha_drmessano: exactly, how many concurrent calls my system can handle? how to test?
17:16.49[TK]D-Fender<alpha_> [TK]D-Fender: actually, the calls i need to support is not fixed...but how many calls a 512, 1 core system can handle for now is my thing<alpha_> [TK]D-Fender: actually, the calls i need to support is not fixed...but how many calls a 512, 1 core system can handle for now is my thing <- SPEED matters. what you DO diuring that call matters.
17:16.50drmessanoHow many calls do you NEED to support?
17:16.57[TK]D-FenderYour information is USELESS.
17:17.04[TK]D-Fenderthose 12 numbers mean NOTHING
17:17.05drmessanoI see what this is
17:17.11drmessanoHe wants to sell these boxes
17:17.19drmessanoand wants to know how many calls he can advertise
17:17.19Samot1:15:29 PM S<Samot> $5 says this is an attempt to sell VoIP on a shitty machine.
17:17.24[TK]D-FenderStop asking when we're missing all of the IMPORTANT information.
17:17.31drmessanoHe's trying to figure out what to sell
17:17.32drmessanoFuck this
17:18.01drmessanoGo buy real boxes
17:18.06alpha_[TK]D-Fender: lets go from beginning...which tool or what way would you use to check how many concurrent calls an asterisk system can handle?
17:18.07drmessanoand come up with real numbers
17:18.08drmessanoand sell them
17:18.13*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
17:18.24Samotalpha_: 10 is probably the best.
17:18.26SamotThat's it
17:18.30SamotIf you're lucky
17:18.42SamotAs long as it's doing NOTHING else.
17:18.47alpha_Samot: how to show to my CIO, it can handle 10?
17:18.53alpha_Samot: that's my only que
17:18.58SamotYou can't.
17:18.58drmessanoI would sell it as 20
17:19.11SamotYou need to know what is actually happening on the box.
17:19.20alpha_Samot: like?
17:19.31SamotRecording playbacks
17:19.35drmessanoDisk I/O
17:19.49drmessanoAre these RPis?
17:19.50SamotAll the shit that is going to require RESOURCES
17:20.11[TK]D-Fender6 or 12.  Because that's the standard for selling bagels.
17:20.24alpha_Samot: so, my question is lame? anyway, any way i could reach some range also? in figure by someway?
17:20.24drmessano[TK]D-Fender: 11 if it's a jewish deli
17:20.28[TK]D-FenderPBX's are counted in bagels.
17:20.46Samotalpha_: I can't support his.
17:20.46alpha_Nobody is believing me it can handle 10 by just words. Samot
17:20.49Samotalpha_: I can't support this.
17:21.00SamotIt's clear you don't understand VoIP
17:21.11drmessano13:20:47 <alpha_> Nobody is believing me it can handle 10 by just words. Samot  <-- WHICH IS WHAT YOU ARE ASKING FOR
17:21.17drmessano"HOW MANY CAN I SUPPORT?"
17:21.21SamotI can in no way encourage anything that results in your selling this as a service.
17:21.22[TK]D-FenderYou keep leaving out processor speed, and call processing.  These make 5000% of the difference as to what your server can handle
17:21.35[TK]D-FenderYour question is GARBAGE without this information
17:21.44drmessanoand without testing
17:21.53[TK]D-FenderARCH MATTERS
17:22.05[TK]D-FenderEVERYTHING matters
17:22.11alpha_[TK]D-Fender: so, any tool to test this? or it needs multi diminsion consideration?
17:22.16drmessanoShow us which Alibaba box you're going to be selling
17:22.20[TK]D-FenderPLACE FUCKING CALLS <-
17:22.21drmessanoThen we can look
17:22.34[TK]D-FenderThere are pages showing OTHER PEOPLES RESULTS
17:22.42[TK]D-FenderCompare to THEM and stop wasting our time
17:22.58drmessanoSorry, AliExpress
17:23.00alpha_[TK]D-Fender: till now, i have been using linphone which can call only once at a time....any other option to place multiple calls?
17:23.06[TK]D-FenderYou refuse to give us proper information?  then we don't have an ANSWER
17:23.10SamotAlso, Small Business Support can be found in #freepbx
17:23.40drmessano^ Important info
17:23.45drmessanoBecause you'll want a CRM next
17:23.54[TK]D-Fenderalpha_, SIPP offers a lot of testing options.  Go ask THEM hw to use it.  We don't support it here
17:24.26[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, I'm sensing a cultural rice dish deployment any moment now...
17:24.34alpha_[TK]D-Fender: I am not specific to sipp....any way to place many calls at once on asterisk is fine
17:24.53[TK]D-Fenderalpha_, Use one * box to call the other
17:24.58[TK]D-Fendercheck your server load
17:25.08[TK]D-Fendercheck call stats while they run
17:25.19[TK]D-FenderORIGINATE local channel calls between them
17:26.12alpha_[TK]D-Fender: one * box to call the other okay,,,will check that
17:26.39SamotAnd then..
17:26.49SamotOnce you figure out how many calls it can do while doing nothing else...
17:26.54alpha_anyway, if it doesn't sound stupid...for now can i say 512,1 core system can handle not more than 10 calls....just in general
17:26.55SamotSetup devices
17:27.00SamotThat do stufff
17:27.05wabbitsalpha_ use a freeswitch box to generate the calls
17:27.08SamotAnd then see what happens.
17:27.23alpha_wabbits: will see that . thanks
17:27.24SamotBecause it takes resources to do this crap
17:27.29[TK]D-Fender<alpha_> anyway, if it doesn't sound stupid...for now can i say 512,1 core system can handle not more than 10 calls....just in general <- DEPENDS ON OTHER THINGS
17:27.42[TK]D-FenderYour question is POINTLESS without the missing information
17:27.42igcewielingYou will find there are so many variables the only way to see how many calls a server supporrts is to TRY it.
17:27.44[TK]D-FenderSTOP ASKING
17:27.47drmessanoYoure missing the whole point of any of this and reaching for a metric
17:27.54drmessanoProviding no info
17:28.02drmessanoTell him 10
17:28.06alpha_what info should i provide?
17:28.07drmessanoYou may or may not go out of business
17:28.08igcewielingI have a 16 core system which handles 100 calls at the same time.
17:28.11drmessanoWe told you
17:28.14SamotEverything we've been asking for
17:28.17drmessanoScroll up and come back
17:28.19SamotHow many phones?
17:28.30SamotAnswer that
17:28.38SamotHow many phones will connect to the system?
17:28.41alpha_1 phone.
17:28.45*** join/#asterisk newtonr (
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17:28.47SamotAre you fucking kidding me?
17:28.52drmessano1 phone?
17:28.57drmessanoHow does THAT work?
17:29.14SamotGet out.
17:29.24drmessanoOh I get it
17:29.29alpha_Samot: its simple system for demo...not a huge one
17:29.32drmessanoSingle agent
17:29.46drmessanoCall Queue
17:29.57drmessano10 calls in queue
17:30.00drmessano1 agent answering
17:30.03SamotIf you're lucky
17:30.21drmessano"How many calls can we queue per agent"
17:30.28igcewielingy'all could simply ignore stupid questions and idiot users.
17:30.31drmessanoSo they ship a shitty box to the agent
17:30.45drmessanoWhich is a local queue
17:30.51drmessanoand just route calls there
17:30.55drmessanoScammer shit
17:31.13Samotalpha_: You are pretty much on your own with this.
17:31.28SamotI won't encourage or support it.
17:31.31alpha_drmessano: Samot maybe i thought sipp can do all and it turned out no...
17:31.31drmessanoIs this based in the Philippines?
17:31.42drmessanoThis call scamming
17:31.44alpha_drmessano: :D does that matter?
17:31.50drmessanoMost of them are
17:31.58SamotIt does.
17:32.04drmessanoIs it?
17:32.29[TK]D-Fenderalpha_, Did you even LOOK?
17:32.36[TK]D-FenderYES it can stress test an * system
17:32.55[TK]D-FenderYuo offer no details so your questions are POINTLESS.
17:33.11[TK]D-FenderGo learn how to use SIPP, or provide better information
17:33.19[TK]D-FenderOtherwise nobody will have a proper answer.
17:33.32drmessano^ Better idea
17:33.59alpha_[TK]D-Fender: I did the sipp test...and result in above, that result is not what i was searching for?
17:34.08drmessanoI wonder if this is auto warranty calls
17:34.16[TK]D-Fenderalpha_, What does that result TELL you?
17:34.16drmessanoor outright IRS scams
17:34.38drmessanoSince he refused to answer me about the philippines '
17:35.03drmessanoThat will work fine for your scamming
17:35.11drmessanoHope they dont chop your fingers off
17:35.25alpha_[TK]D-Fender: that was my question at the first sentence since i to interpret this sipp result
17:35.25zafif he's in fact scamming, i hope they do
17:35.37drmessanozaf: 90%
17:35.44[TK]D-Fenderalpha_, This is not #sipp .  We don't support it
17:35.50[TK]D-FenderGo ask THEM
17:35.51drmessano1 agent
17:35.59drmessano"How many calls in the 1 queue"
17:36.06[TK]D-FenderYou are providing us no information, and asking us about somebody ELSE'S product
17:36.07drmessanoWhat else could it be?
17:36.14drmessano100% they are taking calls for a scamming job
17:36.17SamotWhat does 1 agent need 4.9 CPS?
17:36.20SamotThat's insane.
17:36.44drmessanoThere's been a whole slew of guys to come through here doing the same thing
17:36.48zafmy aunt passed away yesterday, found out she had brain atrophy and her mind had been going for a while. found in her bank records, so far, $3400 in money she paid to scammers who took advantage of her illness
17:36.53alpha_[TK]D-Fender: /sipp -sn uac -d 2000 -s 6001 <IP> -l
17:36.53alpha_10 -mp 5606
17:37.09alpha_2sec duration, 10 concurrent call places...
17:37.12igcewielingthis is too sad.
17:37.15*** part/#asterisk igcewieling (
17:37.30drmessanoTell your boss 10 calls in the queu
17:37.31drmessanoTell your boss 10 calls in the queue
17:37.42drmessanoHave fun scamming people
17:37.51alpha_drmessano: :)
17:38.05drmessanoMaybe just get the fuck out
17:38.14alpha_[TK]D-Fender: its 10 calls in queue then.
17:38.21drmessano10 calls
17:38.24drmessanoGood luck
17:38.55drmessanoMay your parties always have ample lemons
17:39.05alpha_not trying to scam...just situation hit up to do this * load testing :)
17:39.19drmessanoIs this based in the Philippines?
17:39.33alpha_drmessano: nope
17:39.34zafhis reverse dns is nepal...
17:39.43*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
17:40.20drmessanoSo different motivation
17:40.54drmessano1 phone, multiple callers + queue is definitely some contact center solution for remote agents
17:41.03drmessanoSmall cheap boxes
17:41.21drmessanoNot the first one to do it
17:42.15alpha_drmessano: so, what should i be doing? you got my point i think
17:42.52SamotWe're not helping.
17:43.36alpha_Samot: thanks for what you helped.
17:49.26drmessanoI did get your point.  You should be seeking a career change
17:49.33drmessanoand getting chain mail for your hands
17:52.18alpha_drmessano: :) yep, happens when a guy working on it is dead and you have to handle it in less time.
17:53.18alpha_with no idea before
17:54.02alpha_drmessano: anyway, thanks for your time...will go through pbx and placing calls from * suggested from above...
18:12.49*** join/#asterisk jfindley (~jfindley@
18:14.04jfindleyHello! If I have asterisk listening for sip traffic on all interfaces, will traffic received on an interface without an assigned IP address ever make it into the dialplan?
18:16.05sekiljfindley: good one
18:17.04*** join/#asterisk n3ob_ (
18:20.54jfindleyYeah, I thought so. Situation is NICs 1 and 2 are used for SIP/RTP and NIC 3 has a bunch of SIP/RTP traffic mirrored to it, including the traffic from NICs 1 and 2
18:21.03jfindleyif NIC 3 doesn't have an IP address, will asterisk listen to it anyway?
18:22.04drmessanoIf theres no socket, its not listening
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19:10.52nickaugustcan I make the custom CEL spit of the extension where a call is actually parked on PARK_START? I can't seem to find it in the docs and PARKEDAT doesnt seem to work there
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19:44.28rkninjaHi everybody, I am on FC25 installation with uname Linux 4.10.14-200.fc25.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed May 3 22:52:30 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux, I have installed asterisk 13.9 with dnf and now facing issue while running asterisk : Below is the error
19:44.40rkninjaInconsistency detected by dl-tls.c: 74: _dl_next_tls_modid: Assertion `result <= GL(dl_tls_max_dtv_idx) + 1' failed!
19:45.10rkninjaI will appreciate any workaround as have been struggling for two days.
19:46.35rkninjaI have also tried downloading source asterisk-14.4.0 and tried to compile , its throwing error while make : /usr/lib64/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
19:46.49rkninjaSo I cant run asterisk in both the cases, please help
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