IRC log for #asterisk on 20170504

00:14.37*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
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00:19.44*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.15.0 (2017/04/07), 11.25.1 (2016/12/08), Standard: 14.4.0 (2017/04/07); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
00:28.32*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:41.04*** join/#asterisk UncleKiwi (~UncleKiwi@unaffiliated/unclekiwi)
00:43.24UncleKiwihi there, i am running asterisk 11.24.1 and when i dial my all numbers i get audio. But when i change to 4G ( its a android softphone) all calls except the voicemail work
00:43.29UncleKiwiits strange
00:47.06*** join/#asterisk Download-Fritz (
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01:17.01*** join/#asterisk viro (~viro@unaffiliated/viro)
01:19.58*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
01:21.40UncleKiwiit seems to be the audio that asterisk plays ie tt-monkeys
01:22.06UncleKiwibut not calls passed through via FXO
01:25.59drmessanoDo you have nat=yes set for the extenson?
01:26.03UncleKiwithe calls also look different from the perspective of torch on the router between the two ( asterisk and the softphone ) the ones that have audio bria has a single src port, but the failing ones have two different src ports but same dest ports
01:26.51drmessanoDo you have nat=yes set for the extension?
01:26.58UncleKiwiyes i do
01:27.14drmessanoWhat kind of router do you have?
01:28.55drmessanoIP > Firewall > Service ports
01:28.56drmessanoDisable SIP
01:29.52UncleKiwiyes makes no difference - i ahev played with tha on and off
01:34.59UncleKiwiits strange that there seems to be two streams when it fails
01:35.13UncleKiwiand one bidirectional one when it works
01:36.24UncleKiwii can see from rtp debug thast asterisk is sending audio > port 26990 and I can see that it is being sent to the soft phone on this port
01:38.03UncleKiwibut the audio in the opposite direction back to asterisk has a different src port than the first stream but same dest port
01:38.14drmessanoThis is BRIA on Android?
01:39.33drmessanoDo you have a Account > Account Advanced > Network Transveral?
01:39.47drmessanoWhat is it set to?
01:39.50Download-Fritzdoes somebody know how to achieve an "session-timers=refuse" equivalent (chan_sip) with chan_pjsip? Even though I have "timers=no", the server still responds to UPDATEs with OK
01:40.36UncleKiwirport wifi and rport mobile and im using stun mobile and stun for wifi
01:41.01drmessanoWhat about "Outbound Mobile"?
01:41.08drmessanoDoes that exist?
01:41.23UncleKiwiits off
01:41.44UncleKiwiwhat does that do ?
01:41.47drmessanoI have both RPORTs, Both Outbounds, DNS SRV, and STUN WIFI checked
01:41.53drmessanoRest disabled
01:41.54drmessanoand no issues
01:42.12UncleKiwiok i will now try ...
01:42.13drmessanoThe Outbounds are the NAT=YES equivalent for the client
01:42.32drmessanoand you need to disable that STUN Mobile
01:48.14UncleKiwimmm same deal
01:48.25UncleKiwiits really odd
01:49.04UncleKiwibecause its only the vm and when i get asterisk to play for example tt-monkeys
01:49.33UncleKiwinot calls that are made or recieved via the FXO devices
01:50.03UncleKiwiand if i join any remote wifi it is fine also
01:50.17*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
01:50.24UncleKiwijust when using mobile i get this strang fault
01:51.49UncleKiwiwhgat version should i be running
01:52.22UncleKiwi11 or 13
01:52.35UncleKiwii have typically been running 11
01:53.54drmessanoIts either your carrier or BRIA settings
01:54.34UncleKiwiit just seems odd that some calls are treated differently
01:54.37UncleKiwito others
01:55.06UncleKiwias far at the audio stream
01:59.26UncleKiwithank you
02:02.54UncleKiwidrmessano: have you defined your rtp start and end on the bria app ? or is that set to 0 and 0
02:03.48UncleKiwiadvanced settings > media options
02:03.57*** join/#asterisk degantyll (
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02:34.57UncleKiwiif i enable a dnat rule the audio stream starts ...
02:35.01UncleKiwihow interesting
02:38.10UncleKiwiis there a security risk with having for example 50udp ports dnat'd to the asterisk box ?
02:38.32UncleKiwieg 10000-10050
02:39.10UncleKiwior is that a bad idea
02:40.26[TK]D-FenderYou're supposed to be forwarding RTp to your server.....
02:40.43[TK]D-Fenderotherwise they bounce
02:41.48UncleKiwimmm i have never needed to until i place clients outside of the nat router
02:42.11UncleKiwii have never needed to open ports if i am registering to a sip provider also
02:43.20UncleKiwiinfact just with a dnat to the asterisk box 5061-tcp i was able to get it almost 100% of the time working correct with remote clients
02:43.58UncleKiwibut it seems i need to create a dnat for the rtp ports
02:44.22UncleKiwiyou seem to be saying that is normal practice ?
02:45.47[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> You're supposed to be forwarding RTp to your server.....
02:45.48[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> always
02:45.58UncleKiwiok thanks
02:46.03*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~NiHola@unaffiliated/liuyan)
02:48.59LiuYani'm wondering, is there a "station board" which connect analog phone to asterisk, and make analog phone works with asterisk ?  This will make us migrating from traditional PBX to asterisk more easily if there's such board existed.
02:49.21[TK]D-FenderSIP Gateway <-
02:49.36[TK]D-Fenderyes.  Dozens of models to choose from
02:49.47[TK]D-Fendera ATA ... with a lot of ports
02:50.30[TK]D-FenderIf it's odd to see a PBX that is using all analog phones as "traditional"
02:51.00[TK]D-FenderMost PBX's used special phones offering special features for the central PBX
02:53.29LiuYan[TK]D-Fender: lol, true. Our PBX brand is Harris which it's company doesn't exist anymore, it DO offering special feature via a 'digital phone' >>  odd to see a PBX that is using all analog phones as "traditional"
02:54.04LiuYan[TK]D-Fender: Thanks, I will have a look at that.  >> SIP Gateway
02:54.55[TK]D-Fenderhow many ports do you need?
02:57.02LiuYan[TK]D-Fender: Probably around 100.
03:02.48*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
03:03.41LiuYan[TK]D-Fender: Thanks, Looking at it now, also I found a local manufacture here:
03:04.10[TK]D-FenderOpenvox is typically considered cheap junk
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03:07.53LiuYan[TK]D-Fender: Maybe, but price is reasonable, we have several boards of openvox right now, so far no problem (not heavily using though)
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03:12.49Download-Fritzcould someone with knowledge about SIP Session Refreshing please have a brief look at this?
03:13.27Download-FritzJust want to know if the Asterisk server's OK is the correct reaction to the UPDATE. The BYE is likely a provider server screwup, but just want to make sure the Asterisk server is doing fine
03:18.36*** join/#asterisk Kaian (
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03:51.45drmessanoReally?  No RTP ports forwarded?
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08:24.32polysicshello! Is anyone running 14 on Docker for Mac? I have a few issues with ports and I'd like to figure out if I am just wasting time :)
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10:22.13*** join/#asterisk Eloy_ (~Eloy@
11:19.12Martin`polysics: I'm running in docker on a NAS. If that works it should also run on mac :)
11:19.45polysicsMartin`: what network setup do you use? net=host or something else?
11:20.04Martin`in asterisk?
11:20.25Martin`oh on docker
11:20.31Martin`hmm I believe that is what I did
11:23.54Martin`docker instance just uses the host ip :)
11:27.09Martin`I've created a while a ago a config with the gui, now I've no gui anymore, but the config is a mess :P
11:31.01Martin`mybe I go to rewrite the config when I've time, :)
11:39.10*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
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12:30.56RaccoonMP3 PATENT EXPIRED -- Seen on LAME-dev (mp3 encoder) mailing list. "[Lame-dev] MP3 patents expired; Fraunhofer/Technicolor end licensing program --- now redirects to "
12:36.05*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
12:41.52polysicsdumb question: does pjsip have a "sip reload"? :D
12:44.19Tsunamskiissues.asterisk states the following: module reload
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16:51.33polysicshey! does annyone know if it is somehow possible to use streaming TTS with Google Cloud Speech on Asterisk?
16:57.12[TK]D-FenderNever ask a question you can have Google answer instantly with 1/3 the # of words...
17:02.51*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
17:07.07*** join/#asterisk skywayskase (~skywayska@
17:10.36igcewieling1Sorry, Asterisk, I've found a new love: Arduino 8-)
17:29.07lorsungcualright cool
17:29.36polysics[TK]D-Fender: "streaming" is the keyword there, ie. using hte chunked transfer
17:29.42polysicswhich Google might not even offer
17:29.52polysicslooking at it, I am not even sure Google has an API :D
17:29.59polysicsso s/Google/Watson/
17:31.09polysicsthough I am not even sure streaming matters - those APIs are pretty fast
17:31.23polysicsbut I think streaming would be audibly better
17:46.01*** join/#asterisk libardi (~libardi@
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17:48.04polysicsI will also ask another question I had earlier: is anyone running Asterisk inside a Docker container on Docker for Mac?
17:48.10polysicsit looks like it has a lot of issues
18:18.21dan_jHi. If a callee uses a dymanic feature which uses agi to transfer a caller, is it possible to maintain the callee's channel and continue the dynamic feature dialplan?
18:19.11dan_jOr does the Transfer application always terminate the caller's channel?
18:26.17*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
18:28.28sawgoodHi: question: using Asterisk 13: using FXO lines (analog):  When a call arrives to the Asterisk PBX from the FXO line (and) rings the phone (but there is no answer) and the call desired to then leave back out the PBX (call forwarding) (to the cell of the staff member) ..... is it at all possible to script Asterisk (to make that 2nd) call out (using the same) phone line as the line the call
18:28.28sawgoodcame in on (with something like) "3-way calling"?
18:29.48sawgoodgo back out (for) call forwarding (on the same) FXO channel as it "came in" on (with) the phone company service called "call waiting" or "3-way calling" (I ask this) because I know of a PBX that does do this ... (might be the only one) one the market that does???
18:33.22sawgoodTalkSwitch PBX (now Fortinet) did this with their patented servcie called, "same line connect" (if you had) only 1 FXO in your PBX (you could) make two phone calls .... (without) the telco servcie of "3-way calling"
18:39.36[TK]D-Fenderif you use an interface you can flash to do this with, yes
18:39.45[TK]D-FenderDAHDI can.
18:40.01[TK]D-FenderI've never heard of any SIP gateway offering it
18:47.39sawgoodthanks ... FLASH key (on an older) analog phone (I've done that) ....
18:51.22sawgoodback in the day: when SIP was much more rare: people had early on IP PBX units which took FXO lines only (and) sometimes only had 1 or 2 lines in their system for everyone to share ....
18:52.07sawgoodhaving the PBX use the same line to make that 2nd call out (helped) keep the system open for incoming calls, etc .... (I'm going) to ask the customer to consider a digital trunk because their phones are SIP too ...
18:52.54[TK]D-Fenderthat doesn't matter
18:53.03[TK]D-Fenderchanging lines is for line's sake
18:53.31[TK]D-Fendernot just because local handsets are SIP
18:53.38sawgoodright on ...
19:08.01*** join/#asterisk matt_ (
19:08.21matt_does anybody know if its possiable to change sip settings in the dialplan ?
19:08.27matt_for just that channel what?
19:09.03sawgoodmatt_: do you mean in sip.conf?
19:10.00matt_sawgood: no in extensions.conf
19:10.34matt_sawgood: so I have canreinvite=no set in [global] but I would like to set it to =yes for a single exten
19:11.24fileyou have canreinvite=no... where...
19:11.34matt_file: in sip.conf [global]
19:11.37sawgoodmaybe if you had that extension in its own context in (sip.conf)
19:12.03filethat's the only way.
19:12.08matt_sawgood: theres no authentication on this machine, its setup to just accept calls from the internal and deliver them to internal hosts
19:12.19matt_*from the internet
19:12.36matt_file: humm, ok thanks
19:15.32matt_humm, unless I can set the networks with hosts I want to stay inline for as localnet='s and say only reinvite if the destination host isn't in the localnet's list?
19:16.00fileI don't believe the reinvite code checks that
19:16.21sawgoodsorry I don't know ...
19:16.26matt_ok cheers
19:18.02matt_maybe create another machine on a different public ip that always reinvites, and just let it reinvite to the existing machine if it needs to
19:19.40*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (~philip@
19:19.59asteriskmonkeyheya, been a while since i used this channel :P
19:20.16asteriskmonkeyis there a dialplan syntax checker out yet for vi/notepad++ etc?
19:20.53*** join/#asterisk tripleslash (~triplesla@unaffiliated/imsaguy)
19:21.02[TK]D-Fendervi yes IIRC
19:21.26asteriskmonkey[TK]D-Fender: you have link for formatted?
19:22.01[TK]D-FenderFeel free to google for others
19:22.04asteriskmonkeyah sweet thanks
19:23.56TheGallopingFoxdoes asterisk win awards for having the most amount of config files for a single application? :P
19:24.36filewe could take vast amounts of functionality away...
19:24.49TheGallopingFoxno, leave them :)
19:24.58matt_lol, i start with no configs and just add the ones I need
19:25.19asteriskmonkeyyou already do
19:25.31TheGallopingFoxi disabled a few things in modules.conf then just added all the configs, there are no errors or warnings in my log
19:25.32asteriskmonkeyany large scale operation is opensips/karmailio doing most of work lol
19:25.50asteriskmonkeyah yeah its got alot of kit in default build :)
19:26.04*** join/#asterisk tripleslash (~triplesla@unaffiliated/imsaguy)
19:26.21TheGallopingFoxi think its nice having all the configs in place so you have a idea what asterisk can do
19:27.35TheGallopingFoxi just did this /etc/asterisk  ls -1 | wc -l
19:27.41TheGallopingFox111 configs!!!!
19:27.42*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
19:28.33TheGallopingFoxim pretty sure asterisk can do just about anything :)
19:28.36polysicsI think a superminimal config is asterisk.conf, modules.conf, logger.conf (oddly does not boot otherwise), extensions.conf and your channel driver(s) like pjsip.conf
19:28.52matt_TheGallopingFox: cool, i got 20 :) and you dont need the -1
19:29.24igcewieling1TheGallopingFox: on my systems there are 31 config files in /etc/asterisk
19:29.34TheGallopingFoxto have a super minimal configs you need to disable a lot of stuff in modules.conf to stop errors and warnings in the logs
19:29.40drmessanoI would prefer if Asterisk had one 4MB config file
19:29.47drmessanoEasy to scroll
19:29.58matt_polysics: is pjsip better than standard asterisk sip? ive never use it
19:30.36drmessanoTheGallopingFox: You dont have to compile or autoload ANY of those modules
19:30.44drmessanoSo basically, you're doing it wrong
19:31.01polysicsmatt_: there are many reasons why they switched, mostly regarding the fact that chan_sip has become unmaintainable
19:31.09drmessanoOnly load the modules you need = Few config files
19:31.12TheGallopingFoxi do have this turned on: autoload=yes
19:31.21drmessanoThat loads ALL
19:31.26TheGallopingFoxohhh hell
19:31.38drmessanoEverything you've crapped into the modules directory during install
19:31.43polysicsI would not say pjsip is "better"
19:31.45drmessanoLike MGCP and other horrible things
19:32.12polysicshow do you load JUST pjsip and manager modules? pjsip is composed of a few things
19:32.13drmessanoSo basically, "What do you think will happen if you compile ALL modules and then load ALL of them?"
19:32.18[TK]D-FenderIn most ways it is better
19:32.23igcewieling1I don't know if pjsip is better, but I know the documentation for pjsip with Asterisk is a lot worse than docs for chan_sip.
19:32.34matt_polysics: ok cool, might take a look
19:32.46[TK]D-FenderSupports multiple registrations, multiple contacts, multiple transport bindings, etc
19:32.50polysicsok, so, "I would not say" is wrong, "I do not know if it is better but experts know and they say it is"
19:33.19polysicswhich one of the pjsip_* modules is "just pjsip"?
19:33.26igcewieling1my modules.conf
19:33.42fileigcewieling1: can you clarify how it is worse? just that chan_sip has more?
19:33.46igcewieling1I use Asterisk 11, of course.
19:33.55polysicsyou have to use noload?
19:34.02polysicsoh, with autoload
19:34.05*** join/#asterisk Micc (
19:34.09polysicsisn't it faster to not autoload? :D
19:34.10igcewieling1file: There is a lot more documentation and community knowledge for chan_sip.
19:34.21MiccI've just upgraded my server to asterisk 14.3.0 from 13.7.2 and I'm getting a strange error whenever I'm using mixmonitor to record a call.  Unable to translate to format wav49, source format slin
19:34.33TheGallopingFoxdo i need to specify load => for each module i require instead of load all ?
19:34.52drmessanoThere's a lot of INCORRECT documentation for chan_sip too
19:34.57Miccthe call comes in using ulaw which I'm guessing asterisk converts to slin or something internally.
19:35.00matt_Micc: i mixmonitor to alaw but then all my calls are alaw
19:35.02drmessanoI would say 75% of it is old and outdated
19:35.16drmessanoand more like 99% of chan_pjsip documentation is actually correct
19:35.23drmessanoSo quality vs quantity
19:35.33polysicsanything on voip-info looks wrong.
19:35.38Miccmatt_, this used to work fine in asterisk 13. I feel like I must be missing a module or something.
19:35.45drmessanoeverything on voip-info is supect
19:36.06drmessanoThey've done an AMAZING job with the Asterisk Official docs
19:36.11MiccI really like recording into WAV since it's small and easy to convert to mp3 on the back end. I don't really want to have to change all of that.
19:36.20drmessanoFew reasons to look past those to other sources
19:36.21matt_Micc: maybe, not sure tbh, maybe not linked against a library? try writing to a filename of something.ulaw and see what happens
19:36.27drmessanoESPECIALLY with PJSIP
19:36.57drmessanoSure, there are more and varied EXAMPLES other places
19:37.02matt_humm, did I just start a flame war :/
19:37.05matt_runs away
19:37.10drmessanoBut I use the Asterisk Docs when I want to be CORRECT about usage
19:37.28asteriskmonkeyand i though opus was still the trigger word :P
19:37.43drmessanoNobody is arguing about anything
19:38.01matt_drmessano: are you sure?
19:38.12drmessanoI don't see anyone arguing
19:38.19polysicsasteriskmonkey: WHO SAID OPUS???
19:38.40TheGallopingFoxis there a simple way to find out what config requires what module?
19:38.51drmessanoI made a statement about pjsip docs being less prolific, but actually correct in almost all cases
19:39.14drmessanoand chan_sip docs being much more widespread, but mostly outdated
19:40.19asteriskmonkeywhy didnt iax make it big :(
19:40.28drmessanoBecause it wasn't needed
19:40.37drmessanochan_sip got much better
19:40.51drmessanoSo people stopped using IAX as an excuse
19:40.59Miccok, so I can record to .wav but not to .WAV
19:41.17Miccam I missing something like format_wav49?
19:41.27drmessanoAsterisk 1.6.x.x put the nails in IAX2's coffin.. So much chan_sip work
19:41.38Miccyes, yes I am.
19:42.02Miccno, there is no such thing. shit.
19:43.23MiccI still have a couple customers that prefer using IAX
19:43.34igcewieling1IAX didn't make it big because everyone uses SIP and nobody added support for IAX to their products, except Zoiper
19:43.44matt_Micc: humm, I didn't think .WAV was a different format to .wav tbh
19:44.00igcewieling1If polycom or Cisco supported iax, I suspect it would be far more popular.
19:44.07matt_igcewieling1: I use IAX, i use it internally but I use SIP for internet things
19:44.17Miccmatt_, wav is uncompressed I believe and WAV is compressed. in asterisk the formats are wav and wav49
19:44.29matt_Micc: ahh ok
19:44.59igcewieling1matt_: a number of years ago I had significant issues with IAX, since it provided me with nothing that SIP could not provide, I stopped using it.
19:46.10MiccI think I see. I compared core show translation on two different servers. I'm missing gsm on the new server. I think it needs it for some reason.
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19:48.47matt_igcewieling1: ok, yea I dont think iax gives my anything different, it used to be nice for nat's but theres a tunnel between all the machines I run these days
19:48.49drmessanoigcewieling1: There were other implementations.. But that didn't matter.  chan_sip simply got better
19:48.58drmessanoSo for Asterisk, nobody needed it
19:49.43drmessanoTCP/TLS/SRTP, stability, speed... lots of great improvements in just a few years
19:50.47drmessanoIAX was the "Anti-SIP" for pretty much anyone that was asked
19:52.25Samot❤️ SIP
19:53.36matt_Micc: oh yea, the both work for me
19:54.05matt_Micc: test.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 8000 Hz
19:54.14matt_Micc: test1.WAV: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, GSM 6.10, mono 8000 Hz
19:54.37matt_looks like WAV requires gsm and wav requires pcm
19:56.15Miccmatt_, yup. BTW, what do you use to tunnel between machines?
19:56.23matt_Micc: openvpn
19:56.49matt_Micc: well, i have one link thats tinc
19:57.09Miccmatt_, do you use bridge or nat?
19:57.52matt_I was trying its clustering multi peering stuff but its easier for me to just create p2p tun's all over the place and use bgp to get traffic going in the right direction
19:58.05matt_Micc: erm.. neither
19:58.56matt_routing, and the hosts all have /32 bound to their loopbacks that they advertise, so if a link between two machine goes down traffic can route through a third if needed
19:59.40Miccmatt_, that sounds badass. I need to setup something like that for my servers.
20:00.48matt_Micc: ive found it to be the best way if you have like a cable line and adsl line to a site, you can create two tunnels over each link and get bgp to always use the cable line unless its not there
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