IRC log for #asterisk on 20170424

00:09.21*** join/#asterisk mutin-s (
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00:18.45*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.15.0 (2017/04/07), 11.25.1 (2016/12/08), Standard: 14.4.0 (2017/04/07); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
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12:33.56Alblasco1702Sombody in here knows how to load function write?
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12:43.33Alblasco1702Samot, i try to set the last caller id in the adterisk database ...
12:43.44Alblasco1702Samot, and i get:
12:43.46Alblasco1702[Apr 24 14:42:31] ERROR[12814][C-00000002]: pbx.c:4390 ast_func_write: Function  not registered
12:45.28Alblasco1702Samot, i have loaded on modules.conf pbx_functions as found on the web and restarted asterisk.
12:46.13SamotDo: module show
12:46.18infobotfrom memory, pastebin is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
12:46.24Samot^^^ put the results there.
12:47.28*** join/#asterisk averythomas (~averythom@2604:6000:1523:401c:222:19ff:fe2b:48fa)
12:51.23Alblasco1702 <-- Is that running?
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12:55.46Alblasco1702Samot, how do i find that out?
12:55.55SamotIt would say
12:55.59SamotIn that output                     Database (astdb) related dialplan functi 0          Running              core
12:58.05Alblasco1702Samot, i see nothing with running and core .
12:58.24Samoton your screen?
12:58.31SamotOr just that it's running?
12:59.39Alblasco1702on the screen
13:00.39SamotAre you looking at a console screen?
13:00.45SamotOr are you SSH'd into the box?
13:01.01Alblasco1702ssh into the box
13:01.09SamotFix your screen to show the details.
13:01.23SamotYou have to see what modules are loaded and running..
13:09.40*** join/#asterisk kayatwork (~kayfox@
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13:55.13ghotiSo... 'core show channels concise' is apparently deprecated according to help in asterisk 1.8. What should I be using instead of 'concise'? 'verbose' doesn't give me full channel names.
13:56.12ghoti(What I'm looking for is the names of "stuck" channels that I can 'channel request hangup'.)
13:59.17SamotThe command still exists
13:59.40SamotThough core show channels should give you want you are looking for.
14:02.15ghotiSamot: `core show channels` also abridges the names...  I get "SIP/staticbean-00006" instead of "SIP/staticbean-00006826".
14:02.24*** join/#asterisk skywayskase (~skywayska@
14:02.59ghotiIs there another way to adjust column width, or some other command that provides machine-readable output?
14:03.55ghotiI'm trying to write a Nagios check plugin to watch for stuck channels, and I'd prefer not to use a command that is slated for demolition. But I need the full channel name.
14:06.41SamotWhat is the status of the channels in the list?
14:14.36*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-mdrfsjyiwwgmahfl)
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14:15.32ghotiSamot: do you mean, the 'State' column from `core show channels`? That would be "Up". However:
14:15.35ghoti[root@pbx monitor]# find 2* -type f -size +10G -print0 | xargs -0 ls -lth
14:15.38ghoti-rw-rw---- 1 asterisk asterisk 125G Apr 24 10:15 2017/01/17/conf-832-832-20170117-155916-1484686751.63669-1484686767.wav
14:15.41ghoti-rw-rw---- 1 asterisk asterisk 108G Apr 24 10:15 2017/01/30/conf-829-829-20170130-143032-1485804625.65964-1485804641.wav
14:15.45ghotiThat's "not right". :)
14:16.04SamotThe recordings?
14:16.09SamotHow is that not right?
14:16.27ghoti125GB and still growing, for a call that was initiated in January?
14:16.33ghotiEven *our* sales folks are not that dedicated.
14:17.01ghotiSo .. I try to find the channel associated with the recording and request a soft shutdown.
14:17.03SamotHas Asterisk been restarted since then?
14:17.19ghotiNo. We run 24/7, so I try really really hard not to restart.
14:17.43SamotSo you've made no configuration changes in 3 months?
14:18.07ghotiThis is FreePBX, so it does a `sip reload` fairly frequently, but the main asterisk process hasn't been restarted.
14:19.34*** join/#asterisk MacroMan (
14:20.02MacroManSometimes when I'm on a call I get these errors on the cli:
14:20.30MacroManNothing seems to go wrong with the call, but the nature of the error makes me want to fix what ever is causing it
14:23.46*** join/#asterisk SaintMoriarty (
14:26.33ghotiSamot: and ...
14:26.33ghoti# ps opid,lstart,cmd -uasterisk | grep /asterisk
14:27.03*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-crvgrlgbdjweindb)
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14:27.34SamotHow many active channels do you have now?
14:28.14ghoti"5 active calls" according to 'core show channels count'.
14:28.31SamotSo look at them.
14:28.34ghoti28 active channels.
14:29.25SamotLook at their location.
14:29.26ghotiLook at them ... how? If `core show channels concise` is deprecated, what's the undeprecated version that is machine readable?
14:29.37Samotcore show channels
14:29.58ghotiSamot, as I mentioned before, `core show channels` cuts off the channel name at 19 characters.
14:30.40SamotI also said that core show channels concise still works.
14:31.26ghotiYes, but you didn't say that it is no longer deprecated. Are you saying that in newer versions of Asterisk it has become undeprecated?
14:31.33SamotUnless it really really has to be removed, deprecated commands/settings never are fully removed in Asterisk.
14:31.55Samoti.e. they still work
14:32.00ghotiWhy does something become deprecated? Is it not because there's a preferred alternative?
14:32.20SamotBecause things are changed over the years..
14:32.38ghotiAnd if `core show channels` is "the thing to use", then is there a place where I can configure the format string it uses?
14:32.43SamotThey just don't remove stuff they don't really need to so people can move forward without issues.
14:33.03SamotIt's just core show channels
14:33.34SamotYou realize these calls exist in the CDRs right?
14:33.36ghotiNo configuration parameter, environment variable, etc, which can affect the output? No other mechanism to get machine readable output from Asterisk, to help with integration with external tools? We're missing something here.
14:34.08SamotThe Asterisk console is for humans
14:34.33SamotUsing programs to get and parse the data is not a consideration anymore.
14:34.51SamotHence things like 'core show channels concise' becoming deprecated.
14:35.12Samot10:15:36 AM G<ghoti> -rw-rw---- 1 asterisk asterisk 125G Apr 24 10:15 2017/01/17/conf-832-832-20170117-155916-1484686751.63669-1484686767.wav
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14:36.06Samot^^^ The last two parts of that file name are the timestamp and channel's unique id
14:38.48ghotiSamot: the CDR in FreePBX is available throught he webgui, but I believe it's stored in a database file rather than a text file. Makes it a little harder to query from the command line.
14:39.47ghotiYes, I can see that `date -d @1484686751` tells ms the start time of the call.
14:40.22ghotiBut my two goals are (1) detect these "stuck" channels in our monitoring system, and (2) be able to manually issue a command that hangs them up.
14:40.54ghotiAre you suggesting that integration with outside software is not a consideration at all, or that there are other mechanisms by which I should be doing this?
14:41.22ghotiAn API for example, that does not consist of things like parsing `concise` output?
14:41.27igcewieling1ghoti: The Asterisk manager interface
14:42.14ghotiigcewieling1: Ah, I have seen AMI mentioned in a few places, but haven't explored it. I'll do some reading, thanks.
14:42.45igcewieling1ghoti: AMI allows you to do stuff outside of calls.
14:47.51*** join/#asterisk exuberocity (~exuberoci@
14:50.49ghotiigcewieling1: Okay, I've set up a profile and I can log in to the AMI interface. Now I just need to figure out how to pull out the data provided by `core show channels concise`, as well as issue the `channel request hangup` command on things that exceed acceptable limits.
14:52.15*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
14:56.00ghotiLooks like `Action: Status` would be the AMI command to give me channel details. I can see one call that appears to have a duration of 14334260 seconds. I can definitely use this.. No call should be more than 8 hours long, ever.
14:57.58igcewieling1I think most people solve the stuck call issue rather than try to run search and destroy scripts on stuck channels.
14:59.06ghotiI'd love to do that. We get perhaps five or six stuck conference lines per year, and they do eat up disk space.
14:59.20ghotiWhat would you suggest I look for?
15:00.52ghoti(That said, I do have two stuck channels at the moment, and they aren't responding to `channel request hangup`. Is there a way to "force" that hangup rather than simply requesting it?)
15:01.40igcewieling1Setting a maximum call length sounds like a good start.
15:05.09igcewieling1Trying to use rtptimeout and rtpkeepalive are other things to try.
15:08.30*** join/#asterisk thiagoc (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc)
15:24.58*** join/#asterisk Samael28 (~Samael28@
15:29.31SamotWell this is a almost a 3 month old stuck call...
15:29.35ghotiigcewieling1: while that would cut off orphaned calls at some point, it seems like just a passive "search and destroy" rather than a solution to the underlying problem. If a timeout cuts something off at 8 hours that should have disappeared at 90 minutes, how do I figure out why the call didn't end at 90 minutes?
15:29.48SamotAnd the only proof there is a "call" is that the wav file increases in size.
15:31.09ghotiSamot: these were indeed valid conference calls -- they just never "ended" from Asterisk's perspective. I'm having trouble figuring out how to list participants in a conference call though, to determine whether they failed to end because one participant's hangup was never registered.
15:32.28voipmonksounds like an old issue we had at work a few lifetimes ago. Users would leave the polycom conference room phones in a conference room for hours.
15:32.29SamotLook at the location of the active channels
15:32.44SamotHow many are in conf rooms?
15:33.30SamotOr the Application they are in..
15:33.31SamotSIP/800-00017bcf     s@macro-dial:1       Up      AppDial((Outgoing Line))
15:33.39voipmonkdoes TX and RX increase during silence?
15:33.41Samot^^^ I have a channel that is using Dial() right now.
15:34.12SamotThere should be no reason this is taking that long to find two "hung" channels.
15:34.32SamotThe call recording files have the unique channel id in them
15:34.57Samot"core show channels" is going to tell you WHERE the channel is in the dialplan and what app it's using..
15:35.35SamotYou have two hung calls in two conf rooms that are also listed in the recording name.
15:35.43SamotOn top of that
15:35.57Samotfwconsole restart <-- would fix the problem in 10 seconds
15:38.44MacroManI'm still getting this "Serious Network Trouble" error. Any ideas what it could be?
15:43.08SamotMacroMan: Show your peer settings
15:43.13infobotfrom memory, pastebin is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:47.50MacroManSamot, is that what you wanted?
15:48.31MacroManAs I said earlier, it doesn't seem to be causing any noticeable problems.
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16:19.35SamotYeah, sorry been on the phone.
16:21.14SamotIs that the only peer?
16:21.39SamotThe error you're getting is generally due to a bad sip setting somehwere..
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17:46.14Kunsihi, are there any recent package builds for raspbian? sid only offers 13.14.1
17:47.55Kunsi… doesn't seem so, atleast i can't find any
17:48.05Kunsibuiling from scratch it is, i think
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