IRC log for #asterisk on 20170419

00:02.19*** join/#asterisk pdugas (
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00:18.05*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.15.0 (2017/04/07), 11.25.1 (2016/12/08), Standard: 14.4.0 (2017/04/07); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
00:32.27*** join/#asterisk scgm11 (
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07:00.53Harishello all
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08:40.33Harisdoes a dialplan or asterisk reload disrupt active calls ?
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09:05.25Harisfor a Q, what does it mean when moh is set to inherit ? Where is it going to inherit it from ?
09:05.40Harisfor e.g., I have only one Q
09:05.49Harisone moh class i.e., default
09:38.18*** join/#asterisk DanB (
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10:01.27catphishi'm using odbc adaptive cdr with mysql and it appears to regularly issue "LOCK TABLES cdr WRITE", does anyone know why this is, and whether it can be prevented?
10:03.40*** join/#asterisk J0hnSteel (~J0hnSteel@
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10:11.21Rac-onHaris: a dialplan reload wont disrupt active calls
10:11.40Harishow about core reload ?
10:11.44*** join/#asterisk boris_t (
10:11.48HarisI think fpbx reload would do a core reload too ?
10:12.01Harisnot sure
10:12.14Rac-oni dont know, this is #asterisk, no #freepbx ;)
10:14.31Rac-oni am not sure about a core reload, reloads are mostly save, but i would sugest testing it
10:16.20SamotHaris: Stop asking questions in here.
10:16.23SamotYou have FreePBX
10:21.18catphishignore my question, was a 3rd party app locking the table :)
10:23.11*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat58@2600:100e:b04d:ce3c:94d1:bc4d:d63a:5efc)
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11:24.35TandyUKhelp, somethign has gone very wrong with the gui we use wrapped around asterisk, not interested in that right now tbh
11:25.17TandyUKdoes anyone know of a quick way to find and replace the line "transport       =  udp" with "transport       =  udp,tcp,tls" in any file under /etc/asterisk/**/sip.conf
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11:34.20TandyUKsed -i 's/=  udp$/=  udp,tcp,tls/g' **/sip.conf     ftw :)
11:34.57TandyUKnow to bang some heads lol
11:40.33tzafrir** is zsh, right?
11:40.44TandyUK** means any subfolder
11:40.57tzafrirRight, but zsh-specific
11:40.58TandyUKas in /etc/asterisk/<tenant>/sip.conf
11:41.02TandyUKno thats bash
11:42.01*** join/#asterisk Haris (~haris@unaffiliated/haris)
11:42.18Harisquestions regarding asterisk have nothing to do with Freepbx, even if I have it
11:42.35Harishow asterisk functions is not dependent on fpbx
11:42.36tzafrirThe 'g' there is rather pointless, unless you have a comment in that line and you want to replace in that comment as well
11:42.37Harisall the time
11:42.47Harisor in every case
11:42.56HarisI can have a customized setup even with fpbx install
11:44.07TandyUKtzafrir: its was a quick and dirty hack, its not expected to be neat or perfect
11:44.14TandyUKbut it did the job
11:44.58HarisI'm not always working on fpbx for asterisk things
11:45.56HarisThe tendency of americans to show strength via anger is not constructive
11:46.11Harisin every case
11:46.59*** join/#asterisk Rini (uid196547@gateway/web/
11:48.14Harisah well
11:48.23Harisgoes quiet
12:13.18*** join/#asterisk adeel (
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12:14.11adeelon asterisk 11, is there a way to reload the asterisk.conf file, without restarting?
12:18.21dadrcdon't think so
12:31.29*** join/#asterisk lbazan (~LoKoMurdo@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
12:37.47adeelhmm...note to self, don't define maxcalls in asterisk.conf
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12:57.57*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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13:11.29TandyUKadeel: 'module reload' doesnt do it?
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13:38.16adeelTandyUK: what module would i be reloading?
13:38.31adeeland nope
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14:54.01*** join/#asterisk skirmisha (~skirmisha@
14:54.07skirmishahi guys
14:54.30skirmishais there variable that can give me call duration while user is on phone?
14:54.48skirmishaprobably something with channels?
14:58.09[TK]D-Fenderwhat do you mean "variable"?
14:58.17[TK]D-FenderWhere do you expect the get this information?
15:00.06skirmishafrom agi script
15:00.34skirmishai want to request live channel and to get duration of the call since the call is answered
15:01.25[TK]D-FenderHow do you expect to be running an AGI while ON the phone?
15:01.48[TK]D-FenderYour description or sense of timing seems off
15:02.17skirmishanope, it will be while ($call) whatever, meaning while call is up
15:02.43[TK]D-Fenderhow do you expect to PROCESS it during that call?
15:03.03skirmishai want to create custom dialplan if call duration is more than 1 hour
15:03.12igcewieling1skirmisha: what you need is not possible.  re-thiink it.
15:03.17[TK]D-FenderAGI does not normall continue processing in the background
15:03.58[TK]D-FenderFrozenFire, that's after the fact
15:04.40*** join/#asterisk skywayskase (~skywayska@
15:04.41igcewieling1Once Dial() happens no further processing in the dialplan will happen until the call ends.
15:04.51skirmishawell if for example i have IVR in agi i can manipulate the call
15:05.28igcewieling1skirmisha: not the same. there is no Dial involved in an IVR
15:05.40skirmishain that case i can run script in crontab giving me all live calls
15:05.42[TK]D-Fenderand "manipulate" is VAGUE
15:05.45[TK]D-Fenderthere is no definition
15:05.46FrozenFireThat seems odd. I'm absolutely by no means an expert here, but my company's application executes AGI commands while a call is active.
15:05.51igcewieling1skirmisha: that is the only way.
15:06.00[TK]D-Fenderyou can effectively determine dialplan things to do.  That eos not mean they arent BLOCKING
15:06.29[TK]D-Fender<FrozenFire> That seems odd. I'm absolutely by no means an expert here, but my company's application executes AGI commands while a call is active. <- not while BRIDGED
15:07.26skirmishawhat about channel answertime?
15:07.41FrozenFireHrmm. I definitely need to learn more about Asterisk. I'm just troubleshooting an existing application, and I'm realizing how little I know about it. :P
15:08.37seanbrightskirmisha: please describe your call flow. is this channel bridged to another channel or is it just floating around in dialplan?
15:08.44skirmishaprobably i can store answer time in db and then using another script checking local time epoch i can compare both values and get call duration
15:08.48[TK]D-Fenderseanbright, BRIDGED
15:09.19skirmishait is bridged channel
15:09.25seanbrightthis schtick never gets old
15:09.30[TK]D-FenderAGI is NOT a background thing
15:09.35[TK]D-Fenderit is not magic
15:10.05seanbrightskirmisha: you will probably want to interact with AMI to determine how long the call has been live
15:10.18[TK]D-Fenderthat'd be my 1st choice
15:10.31skirmishaok got this part, but can i store the answer time in variable when channel is bridged?
15:11.36[TK]D-FenderLook at your dial
15:12.08seanbrightskirmisha: if you use the CoreShowChannels AMI action, the responses will contain the duration of the call
15:12.55seanbrightso there is no need to store anything
15:14.32skirmishagreat, thanks guys
15:14.50seanbrightyou're welcome
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16:53.05Merlinis it possible to configure asterisk to write ACD data to _both_ mysql and a text file (i.e. /var/log/asterisk/queue_log) in extconfig.conf ?
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17:01.08igcewieling1ACD data?
17:01.33igcewieling1Asterisk should be able to log CDRs to mysql and a text file.  Just configure them both.
17:05.08Merlinnot CDR
17:05.20Merlini'm talking about queue_log, queue data
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18:14.41*** join/#asterisk syadnom_ (
18:16.46syadnom_hi all.  anyone running siren7 on asterisk13? I'm running it in 'default' configuration (just loading the modules).  Are there any tunables?  Like tuning the FEC ?
18:18.45[TK]D-Fendercodecs.conf <- if thre's an option it's in the obvious looking config
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19:20.50syadnom_[TK]D-Fender, there aren't any entries there for siren
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19:29.58syadnom_it seems impossible to find any documentation.  the siren7 codec is a binary distribution from polycom and comes with no info, and I'm coming up completely empty when searching for siren7 and asterisk.  There is a note in pjsip (im on chan_sip still) to set PLC on..  This seems to be an odd thing to have nearly no information available on...
19:32.36igcewieling1syadnom_: that tells me almost nobody uses it.
19:33.36syadnom_igcewieling1, I find that hard to believe.
19:34.18drmessanoYou're the first person I've seen ask about Siren 7 in years
19:35.00igcewieling1I found g722 good enough for my needs.
19:35.18syadnom_I'm kinda stuck with it.  Polycom doesnt support opus in <vvx500 phones and I have customers with less-than-ideal internet connections.
19:35.40syadnom_siren7 is vastly better than g711/722 when there is a little packet loss.
19:36.52drmessanoI would imagine the number of people that know that or even care about that are very few.  Pretty much G711 G722 and G729 are the three anyone ever asks about
19:37.11drmessanoThe lack of documentation is probably a really good indication of its usage
19:37.29syadnom_idk, maybe polycom didn't make any configurable options :/
19:38.15*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
19:38.35syadnom_I do hosted pbx, so codec matters much more for me than for the more common on-prem boxes.
19:39.36drmessanoHosted boxes are a lot more common than you would think
19:40.33syadnom_right, but there are issues with hosted and I take business from 8x8 and ringcentral weekly because they still use g711/722
19:40.54drmessanoMost of the time I see people using G711, and if bandwidth is a consideration its G729
19:41.33syadnom_those have nothing for PLC for FEC, so there will be audio issues on consumer grand connections.  inevitable.
19:42.00syadnom_drifted off topic I suppose
19:42.32syadnom_basically I'm trying to stretch a little more out of siren7 because polycom's lower level phones don't support opus.
19:42.50syadnom_siren7 is pretty good, but the defaults in the polycom asterisk module leave some on the table.
19:43.05drmessanoI'm not doubting or arguing any of the technical merits of what you were saying, but the statement about siren7 being incredibly uncommon is not inaccurate.
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19:44.53drmessanoYou're like the first person I've seen on IRC ask about it since the modules were put up years ago.  I've looked into siren7 and siren14 myself on occasion and never have found anyone bragging about using it
19:45.41syadnom_does digium do any analytics on codec usage ?
19:45.47drmessanoAnd when I say I've looked into it I mean I have googled for information on it and not found forum posts or blogs or anything where people talk about the merits of it and actually having to put it anywhere
19:46.35SamotHow long has opus been out?
19:46.40syadnom_not long.
19:47.00drmessanoI'm sure they have download statistics and from that you could extrapolate some usage data.  Surely they have done some analysis to determine whether or not they should continue supporting those codecs.
19:47.14drmessanoSince they have to build them for every major release
19:47.16syadnom_a few months really.  came with v14.0.1 I think, then backported to 13
19:47.25SamotWell Polycom is probably working on it.
19:47.46syadnom_polycom builds the models for asterisk.
19:48.09syadnom_digium doesn't handle the siren7/14 codecs, polycom does.
19:48.15drmessanoOh ok
19:48.20syadnom_polycom owns it and gives a royalty free license...
19:48.56drmessanoWell then, that gives me even less Hope
19:48.57syadnom_blows my mind, siren7 is massively better than g.711 on a consumer connection.  I did a ton of testing and I can loose as much as 20% of packets (if they are randomly distributed) on siren7.
19:49.14syadnom_if it's sequential, 5-7% loss has no effect on audio.
19:49.23syadnom_That's impressive.
19:49.25*** join/#asterisk Samael28 (~Samael28@
19:49.29SamotI'm stuck on "polycom makes models for asterisk"
19:49.42drmessanoThey make the modules
19:50.02syadnom_oops, typo
19:50.10SamotSo we're upset that Polycom hasn't instantly released firmware with opus?
19:50.21drmessanoUh no?
19:50.29syadnom_no, they will never release opus firmware for <VVX500
19:50.32drmessanothat wasn't at all what he was saying
19:50.34SamotI'm catching up.
19:50.41syadnom_they already released it for >=VVX500
19:50.49syadnom_and it works like a champ.
19:51.00SamotDid the 500's get a new model upgrade as well?
19:51.28syadnom_no, but it has a fast enough CPU to handle OPUS, the 4x0 and lower don't
19:51.43SamotOK, then I'm shocked.
19:51.48syadnom_why so?
19:52.01SamotBecause the 500 generally gets good stuff.
19:52.15syadnom_?  maybe we aren't on the same page here.  the 500 DOES support OPUS
19:52.19SamotIt's an "executive" phone so it generally gets all the trimmings.
19:52.40SamotI could see the 310/410's never supporting it.
19:53.01SamotBut the 411 was put out to solve CPU issues the 410's had.
19:53.03drmessanoI'm so confused now
19:53.06syadnom_not that you'd ever actually do this (maybe?) but a 24kbps VBR OPUS stream with 50% PLC can truly drop 50% of packets
19:53.24syadnom_Samot, I have confirmation from Polycom that the 310/410 will never support opus for lack of CPU power.
19:53.32SamotOh yeah.
19:53.38SamotI totally believe that.
19:53.43SamotThat's why there's the 411 now.
19:53.52SamotIt was a hardware upgrade for the 410.
19:53.56SamotMemory, CPU..
19:54.02SamotAnd they added a USB port.
19:54.42SamotThat's why I'm shocked about the 500 not getting opus.
19:54.48SamotIt does have the power to handle it.
19:55.04syadnom_again, the 500 DOES support opus right now
19:55.18SamotSo I was the confused one.
19:56.04syadnom_idk if the 401/411 supports opus though, googling now
19:58.06SamotI think it's based on the firmware it can support.
19:58.18Samot5.4.1 introduced opus.
19:58.18syadnom_polycom docs suck, they are so non-specific.
19:58.36SamotSorry, 5.4.0
19:58.42Samot5.4.1 was for the new line of phohnes.
19:58.47Samot5.4.1 was for the new line of phones
19:58.52syadnom_5.4.1 'implies' that it's enabled on all phones, but it's not and it doesn't give a list.
19:59.19syadnom_I'm going to upgrade one right now just to check...
19:59.55SamotThis feature is currently supported on VVX 500 and 600 phones only.
20:00.02SamotThat was as of the 5.4.0 release.
20:00.08SamotBefore the hardware upgrades.
20:01.10syadnom_really, the 400 and lower phones are really slow anyway so I don't know why i'd expect them to handle it
20:02.07syadnom_*but* opus isn't much more complex than g722, and g.722.1c (siren14) is less complex than g.722.  They support g.722 but not siren14 and opus... so it almost seams like it's just a decision, not truly a hardware limitation.
20:03.47ChainsawIt's probably DSP code rather than main CPU code.
20:04.17ChainsawYou make cheap handsets cheap by putting in less hardware. That includes DSP resources.
20:04.54syadnom_sure, but if it can do g.722 maybe it could handle the less complex g.722.1c.
20:05.58SamotThe answer on that is no. The VVX411 does not support opus.
20:07.02syadnom_i don't get why polycom isn't supporting opus across the whole line ('x01/x11' models)
20:07.30syadnom_yealink supports it on all their new phones (well...they say they support it) and grandstream and snom are soon to follow.
20:08.23SamotYeah, I a bit surprised the 411 doesn't support it.
20:08.35syadnom_I just verified on the 411, opus is there but in grey.
20:08.48SamotYeah me too.
20:10.04syadnom_have you guys every messed with opus?
20:10.07drmessanosyadnom_: If Polycom is building the binary for Asterisk what about reaching out to them regarding the tuning or options?
20:10.18syadnom_drmessano, you ever asked polycom for support?
20:10.19drmessanoFor siren7
20:10.27drmessanoYes. It's horrible
20:10.42drmessanoI just didn't know if you had even attempted
20:10.48drmessanoMiracles do happen sometimes
20:10.48syadnom_'have you asked your distributor for support?'
20:10.58syadnom_yes, I did, months ago.
20:11.46syadnom_opened a ticket, it's rejected saying to through my vendor :/  posted on the forums but our good friend Stephen rejected me with his cut'n'paste 'open a ticket with your vendor' line too.
20:13.18drmessanoWhat about asking someone at Digium who their point of contact is?  In this case you're not asking for general Polycom hardware support, you're asking for support of this module, which is probably outside of the wheelhouse of standard Polycom support, so even if Digium can't help you maybe they can put you together with a dev.
20:14.29syadnom_I find that digium recoils when discussing hardware support for other vendors
20:14.46drmessanoIt's not hardware support, it's support of an asterisk module that they are obviously distributing
20:14.59syadnom_digium isn't distributing it
20:15.49drmessanoReally, because I've only ever downloaded it from the digital download site
20:16.48syadnom_where is this?  because I download it from Polycom's site.
20:17.23drmessanoIt's always been there
20:18.00syadnom_huh, I get it through my polycom portal downloads page.
20:18.15*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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20:18.29drmessanoI don't see the validity of arguing Digium won't help you when they clearly distribute it.. so they have some contact at Polycom... which is who could be helping you
20:18.48drmessanoThat's the contact you need.. not Tier 1 hardware support
20:23.49*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
20:24.29malcolmdthe modules that we provide are just the ITU code.  the convenience factor is that we can provide them for your use with asterisk without your having to go and get an individual usage license from polycom yourself.
20:25.06malcolmdi'm not aware of any native plc or fec baked into the ITU code for the siren codecs
20:25.15malcolmdalso, opus requires substantially more cpu time than g.722
20:25.29malcolmdand g.722.1(c) require more than g.722, but less than opus
20:26.06malcolmdone of the things that makes g.722.1c extra hungry is the resampling in asterisk between 32kHz and other rates, in order to get a call going with non siren14-capable endpoints
20:26.25malcolmdbut, they're both lightweights compared to opus
20:29.39malcolmddigium's support department won't handle support queries against the siren codecs we distribute, because they're not sold, commercial products.  if you have an issue with one of the siren downloads, you can open an issue on
20:31.36syadnom_malcolmd, there is reference in the pjsip driver of enabling PLC on siren7
20:32.04malcolmdin chan_pjsip for asterisk or in pjproject's pjmedia?
20:32.08*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
20:32.19syadnom_i closed my tab, gotta find it again..
20:32.38malcolmdto that though, it's just "i'm not aware" :)
20:35.15syadnom_basically, if I make a direct call between 2 siren7 endpoints, and I drop packets in between, I can drop as many as 2x the packets as I can running this same call through asterisk.  I believe that this is because I can't set the PLC behavior in the asterisk module.
20:36.19malcolmdthe implementation in the endpoint may have baked in plc.  the implementation in asterisk may not.  you'll see something similar if you take a digium phone and make a phone to phone call using g.722 (not siren) as compared to running it through asterisk.  the implementation in the phone is better.
20:37.22syadnom_if the call is siren7<>siren7 (ie passthrough) it sounds great.  unfortunately, most of my calls are g711<>Siren7
20:37.26malcolmdthere's a native plc patch for asterisk floating around on the issue tracker
20:38.20malcolmdare you really doing passthrough (ye olde direct media) or are we just talking about what has to happen when g.711 has to be upsampled and downsampled?
20:40.15syadnom_direct media, ie no transcoding.
20:40.46syadnom_I'm dropping packets between asterisk and the phone so asterisk (or the other endpoint) isn't in the mix.
20:43.31syadnom_I think I'm looking at that patch (25629 )
20:45.28*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (~BakaKuna@
20:46.14syadnom_the ugly solution here is to put in an SBC and run opus from asterisk to the SBC :/  then I can just use g.722 and be done with it.
20:48.07*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
20:53.44zafhey malcolmd, couple dpma questions: 1- is there a way to have the built-in voicemail app require a password from the user to access messages?
20:55.11malcolmd1 - yes
20:55.46malcolmdsee require_password on
20:55.54zafand 2 - i know d80 doesn't support host_alternate sip registry, but any good workarounds if i have a failover asterisk server?
20:56.08malcolmdcreate a type=application, application=voicemail, require_password=yes   and apply it to a phone
20:56.49malcolmd2 - no good ones.  if you're doing address takeover, rather than something on another ip, i'm going to assume something's going to break
20:57.38zafguess dns failover isn't a good option?
20:57.39malcolmdbut that breakage wouldn't be unique to the d80
20:57.53malcolmddunno; i don't do a lot of work in the high-availability area
20:58.07zafany plans to add host_alternate to d80?
20:58.26malcolmdi can't give you any dates for anything that's not currently available
20:58.30malcolmdstandard digium line :)
20:58.37syadnom_zaf, for failover, if your phones support it, look at dns-srv.  I'm using this with yealinks and if the phone loses it's registration, it will lookup dns-srv records to find the next server
20:59.13zafmalcolmd, is lack of alternate_server considered a bug? :P
21:02.01zafsyadnom_, interesting. i'll look at that
21:05.54syadnom_zaf, I basically had to switch to it because I consider yealink to have a bug.  specifying a primary and a failover server meant that once the retry count ran out, the phone would never try to register again until it was rebooted.
21:06.11syadnom_setting just the primary sip server, it will retry forever.
21:06.28syadnom_and set the transport to DNS-SRV that is.
21:07.07syadnom_Also, this was the only way I could reliably get the phone to use UDP -or- TCP without reprovisioning it.  Then I setup a UDP and a TCP SRV record for each server.
21:18.49malcolmdzaf, nice try ;)
21:25.14*** join/#asterisk skywayskase (~skywayska@
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22:01.16sunspotsI'm trying to debug a problem with asterisk crashing, I've enabled core dumps, verified they're working with a kill -3, but whenever I can reproduce the actual problem it doesn't dump a core :(
22:02.09sunspotsThe very last line it spits out is "VAL: tried to access phoneset in 3 type val", which is probably just gibberish due to some random memory error, but it's consistent.
22:02.33sunspotsis there a different channel I should be asking for help in by chance?
22:06.46*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
22:12.01sunspotsAlso, when I try to use valgrind to debug, I get an illegal instruction at start up. I'm attempting to launch with "valgrind --suppressions=/usr/src/asterisk-11.23.1/contrib/valgrind.supp --log-fd=9 asterisk -vvvvcg 9>valgrind.txt"
22:18.47*** join/#asterisk lankanmon_ (~LKNnet@2607:fea8:d1f:fc17:3975:99ec:4c03:6b9b)
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22:37.30*** join/#asterisk ttbakiatwoam (~ttbakiatw@
22:39.16ttbakiatwoamI am trying to write an IF statement to SET a CallerID via a dialplan and I am having syntax issues it always returns false, the ${OUTQUEUE} variable is used earlier in a set statment and is functioning so I know the information is there, and it's numeric exten => 28,n,Set(CALLERID(all)=${IF($[ ${OUTQUEUE} = 1000 ]?["true" <3213213210>][:"false" <8908908900>])})
22:40.10ttbakiatwoamI think the issue is somewhere in the evaluation portion of the if statement. Has anyone worked with these before?
22:47.48[TK]D-FenderYou don't do {} after the ? in your IF
22:49.36[TK]D-FenderIF($[evaluation if you feel like it]?true:false)
22:49.46[TK]D-Fenderno extra stuff around the result part
22:53.19ttbakiatwoamAwesome! That totally worked thank you!
22:54.05ttbakiatwoamI understand that I can nest if statements to get and if else style result correct?
22:55.07ttbakiatwoamIF($[evaluation if you feel like it]?true:IF($[evaluation if you feel like it]?true:false)) would something like this work?
23:03.04[TK]D-Fenderif you continue to use your functions properly, yes
23:03.39ttbakiatwoamAwesome thanks
23:04.13[TK]D-FenderYou're welcome
23:05.58*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-vrlahusddwdwzlwj)
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23:56.09sunspotsI'm trying to debug an issue where Asterisk crashes after about a 1000 calls, can someone point me to where I should go to get some advice?
23:56.39sunspotsI'll try asterisk-dev
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