IRC log for #asterisk on 20170406

00:02.02*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@
00:04.57*** join/#asterisk chendy (~alexc@
00:23.12*** join/#asterisk infobot (
00:23.12*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.14.1 (2017/04/04), 11.25.1 (2016/12/08), Standard: 14.3.1 (2017/04/04); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
00:31.00freexerIs the Send: Pack coming from or going to?
00:32.28*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (~Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
00:32.28*** mode/#asterisk [+o cresl1n] by ChanServ
00:44.15drmessanofreexer: Why do you keep repeating?
00:49.56freexerdrmessano Hoping someone new has joined that knows.
00:50.33*** join/#asterisk SunTsu (miyamoto@unaffiliated/suntsu)
00:50.43drmessano4 people have joined since you started
00:50.54drmessanoYou dont need to keep spamming
00:50.59*** join/#asterisk vince1 (
00:51.04freexerGo fuck yourself
00:51.18freexerYou do you.  I'll do me.
00:51.50drmessanoGod bless you
00:53.03*** part/#asterisk Primer (
00:53.28SamotConsider Asterisk is the source of that report..
00:53.38SamotAnd is a peer of Asterisk....
00:55.11SamotDots connecting yet on this?
00:55.55freexerSamot, you believe send is sending to
00:57.10freexerSamot, so 307 packets were lost sending to
00:58.08freexerSamot, So would have to be sending some kind of report back since it's udp packets that aren't acknowledged at the protocol level?
00:59.30Samot425426171-5 <-- See that
00:59.42SamotThat's a Call-ID or part of one.
01:00.02SamotSo when Asterisk sends packet, like an OPTIONS to qualify...
01:00.22SamotIt sends it and it waits for a reply based off information it stores in memory for the transaction.
01:00.40SamotIf it doesn't get a reply message back in a certain amount of times, it tries again..
01:00.55SamotWhat are you looking at for this?
01:01.00SamotWhat is the _actual_ issue?
01:02.44freexerSamot phone was breaking up.  I looked at this using watch 'asterisk -rx"sip show channelstats"'.  The phone definitely was breaking up as packets were lost.
01:03.34SamotIs the phone local to the PBX?
01:04.01freexerSamot PBX is on the Internet, phone is behind a nat firewall.
01:04.23SamotWhat type of bandwidth?
01:05.15freexerSamot the bandwidth doesn't appear to be the issue as QOS is applied on the router and verifed by maxing out the internet connection with no dropped packets
01:05.23freexersamot i suspect
01:05.36SamotOn both sides?
01:05.40freexersamot it's a cheap hosted vm that sometimes drops packets
01:05.59SamotOK, so your PBX has crappy bandwidth.
01:06.24freexersamot, well theoretically it has great bandwidth but it's on a shared host so my guess is that's it
01:06.47freexersamot, it's no big deal...great quality isn't needed i was just trying to see where the issue was
01:07.13freexersamot, literally a cheapie $5 vm
01:07.36freexersamot, thanks for helping me understand
01:08.10SamotOK, that doesn't make any sense.
01:08.25freexersamot, what doesn't make sense
01:08.43SamotI have PBXs on $5 VMs.
01:08.50SamotI don't see issues like this.
01:09.07freexersamot, who is your hosting provider
01:09.16SamotI have them a few places.
01:09.31freexersamot, well got me..maybe i got unlucky on this one
01:09.38freexeryou get what you pay for
01:09.52SamotSo what side of the call does the issue happen on?
01:10.18freexerat the phone in this case.
01:10.20SamotDoes the PSTN side hear issues or your side or both?
01:10.39SamotFirst, that's not the real IP right?
01:10.52SamotOK, it's a public IP?
01:11.21freexeryes, it's the natted public ip of a normal household router
01:11.30SamotSee, <-- real LAN IP address.
01:11.37freexerjust made up
01:11.53Samot10.x.x.x is a private IP block.
01:11.54freexerso i didn't have to provide the public ip
01:12.00freexerI KNOW
01:12.15SamotSo it looked like you had FUCKED UP NAT
01:12.23SamotGet it?!
01:12.54SamotYou replaced a WAN IP
01:12.54freexeri changed that number in the hastebin post
01:12.56freexerget it
01:13.07SamotWith a valid Private IP
01:13.08freexeri didn't want to put someone elses public ip there
01:13.11freexeri used a private ip
01:13.24SamotWhich made it look like Asterisk had the device registered on the private IP for the location contact.
01:13.42SamotWhich would lead to messed up NAT settings.
01:13.49freexerok, no that's not a problem
01:13.52SamotWhich would lead to a different way to troubleshoot this issue.
01:13.59SamotBut WE DON'T KNOW THAT
01:14.09freexerok, that's not the problem
01:14.44SamotNo, you have packet loss between the PBX and your phone.
01:14.55SamotYou are saying it's the VM provider..
01:14.58SamotNot your network.
01:15.16freexerwell it could be my network but i'd think it would show up if i maxed out the line
01:15.38freexerstill, yeah it could be but i doubt it
01:15.48freexeri have other voip phones here that don't have that issue
01:15.54SamotWhich side of the call hears the audio issues?
01:15.59SamotBoth parties or just one?
01:16.10freexerit has varied
01:16.17freexerthis time the phone
01:16.19freexermy network
01:16.36*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:16.38SamotPerson A calls you..
01:16.41SamotYou pick up..
01:16.46SamotWho hears the issue?
01:16.51freexerthis time me
01:16.53SamotPerson A calling from their cell?
01:16.55SamotOr you?
01:16.58freexerthis time me
01:17.19SamotSo people on the other side of the PSTN hear audio issues/
01:17.26freexernot this time
01:17.30freexerbut some times
01:17.41SamotHow many devices on the PBX?
01:18.06freexerok, hey thanks for the help
01:18.10SamotHow many devices on the PBX?
01:18.30freexerhey do you know if google voice is very reliable
01:18.33freexerit is going through that
01:18.47freexerbut with seeing the dropped packets here this is just to my phone
01:18.51SamotForget it.
01:18.58SamotYou do you, I'll go do me.
01:19.17freexersounds good, thanks for the help knowing where the problem was
01:19.29SamotSure, if that's what you got out of it.
01:19.41freexer1 motherfucking phoe
01:19.47freexerok one motherfucking phone
01:19.53freexeryou got any other smart ass questions
01:20.05freexeranything else you want to know
01:20.06freexergod damn
01:20.13SamotNot anymore.
01:20.18freexerit's 1 motherfucking phone on a home god damn network
01:20.22freexeranything else
01:20.28freexeryou want to look at the polyps in my asshole
01:20.38SamotThere's no need to be a dick.
01:20.51freexerso you're a dick to me and don't want me to be a dick back
01:20.59freexerother guy was a dick also
01:20.59SamotI was trying to help you.
01:21.04freexerok, it's one phone
01:21.09SamotToo late.
01:21.25freexerthanks for telling me the only thing i wanted to know anyhow
01:21.40SamotWhich could absolutely not be the case at all...
01:21.48SamotBut as long as it's what you wanted to hear snowflake.
01:22.01freexerlook who's the dick
01:22.07drmessanoGoogle Voice best IPST
01:22.17freexeralso, the ONLY thing i wanted to know was about the send packet shit
01:22.27freexeri didn't ask for any commentary otherwise
01:22.34SamotHere's a secret..
01:22.43SamotI haven't used it in so long, I couldn't remember..
01:22.47SamotI fucking GOOGLED IT
01:22.52freexerwell good
01:22.54freexerthanks for the help
01:23.22freexerI googled it to, i didn't find anything.  I guess I'm retarded
01:23.36freexerbut at least i don't call people dicks when i've been the dick first
01:26.25Samotdrmessano: I hear Google Voice is really stepping it up June 26th.
01:26.34SamotLike it will blow the users away..
01:27.06drmessanoI heard that after June 26th it's going to cause a lot of male cervical cancer
01:28.30freexerI hear it let's two faggots talk to one another privately and giggle at each other's small crotches.  You guys should love it.
01:28.47freexerdrmessano, you sucking Samot's dick now?
01:28.56freexerthat some sweet little dick for you boy>?
01:28.57drmessanoWhy are you continuing to attack me?
01:29.07freexerfuck you, you little bitch
01:29.10drmessanoWhy are you continuing to attack me?
01:29.16freexerfuck you and your girlfriend samot
01:29.22freexercouple a little pussies
01:29.35drmessanoAre you ok?
01:29.48freexernot really motherfucker you want to know the truth
01:31.04freexerwhat's wrong...any more smart ass comments from you two cocksuckers?
01:31.47wyoungdrmessano += 1
01:31.52ChannelZOoo someone's been eating too much salt on their food
01:31.55SamotOh, I'm sorry. Where you saying stuff? I was paying attention to something more important.
01:32.19freexerYeah, drmessano's cock is important in your life.
01:32.21wyoungfreexer: drmessano is a hero
01:32.33freexerdrmessano likes sucking Samot's dick.
01:32.41freexerthey are into that shit.
01:32.43wyoungChannelZ: Too much alkaline
01:32.48SamotThat's it.
01:32.56freexerYou should have seen them before you got here.
01:32.57wyoungfreexer: Good for them
01:33.02SamotGo to the homosexual jabs.
01:33.05wyoungfreexer: why is it any of your business?
01:33.12wyoungfreexer: are you jelous?
01:33.13SamotBecause that's so hurtful and original.
01:33.21wyoungfreexer: is that why you are lashing out?
01:33.41freexeryeah, I don't like the degeneracy.
01:33.45wyoungfreexer: or are you in the closet?
01:34.02freexerToo bad this isn't the 40s again, we'd have them tarred and feathered.
01:34.03Samotwyoung: Mom's basement.
01:34.29wyoungSamot: right
01:34.32wyoungany way, back to work for me
01:34.46freexerlooks like an asian name
01:35.00wyoungEnglish buddy
01:35.09freexerdon't give the English a bad name
01:35.10ChannelZrolls his eyes and wanders back off
01:35.12wyoungbut Asia are my next door neighbours
01:35.22SamotAll of Asia?
01:35.23freexerslant eyed fuckers
01:35.47wyoungSamot: South east Asia mostly, Australia is a big country, the west is close to india too
01:35.57Samotfile Qwell wdoekes
01:36.02SamotCan you please?
01:36.04wyoungwell, closer than the US :P
01:36.06ChannelZI know right
01:36.27freexerHonestly though, as long as you're not a dirty Jew.
01:36.36freexerEven if you're a faggot or an asian, i'd be ok with you
01:36.41freexerbut the jews have to go
01:36.43wyoungfreexer: you are a homophobe / closet homosexual and a racist?  what's next? a trump supporter too?
01:36.48freexerGet the fuck out of white homelands
01:36.56freexerfucking kikes destroying the world
01:37.15wyoungany way, /ignore freexer and done.
01:37.16SamotIsn't Jesus like the King of the Jews?
01:37.20SamotOr do people forget that?
01:38.21wyoungSamot: People forget that, but then Jesus existed 500 years before stories about him were written down, 500 years of chinese whispers....
01:38.46SamotWell as exciting as this has been..
01:38.46freexerFuck Jesus and Christianity
01:38.59SamotI need to figure out while this pre-dial-hanlder is bombing..
01:39.02freexerFuck Trump too supporting Syrian gasohaux
01:39.15freexerkikes have gotten to Trump
01:39.16wyoungSamot: indeed
01:39.25freexerand of you bitches are dirty kikes?
01:39.42freexerseriously, i do NOT want to listen to jew shit online matter what
01:39.50ChannelZreminds the normal people of the /ignore command
01:40.05wyoungreminded people of that earlier :)
01:41.03freexer"/ignore jews"
01:41.06freexerdoes that work here
01:41.57freexerSamot and dremessano are likely two faggot Jews into all kinds of degeneracy
01:42.30freexerHopefully after Trump though, we'll be able to remove them from white homelands
01:42.41freexerOnce Trump betrays his white brethren
01:42.51freexerfighting all the jew wars in the middle east
01:43.26freexermaybe after that we'll be able to get rid of all the jews hell bent on destroying our country
01:44.52*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
01:46.25ChannelZWell he seemed fun.
01:47.47SamotBut like any child throwing a fit, if you ignore it long enough they'll get bored.
01:49.27wyoungSamot: and die of SIDs
01:51.47ChannelZI was going to ask besides hating The Jews what his problem actually was without having to go back and read, but on second thought I don't care. :D
01:52.09wyoungChannelZ += 1
01:52.11drmessanoI think he's like 16 or something
01:52.16drmessano$5 VPS
01:52.24drmessanoShitty home connection
01:53.22wyoungMaybe (s)he is a regular #asterisk user who wanted to vent without repercussions?
01:53.48wyoung[TK]D-Fender has been mighty quiet throughout the ordeal :)
01:55.26ChannelZHe only just got here after he-she simmered down :)
01:56.41SamotWell, I believe he was actually banned in #freepbx for one of those rants.
01:57.01ChannelZOh. Spreading his message of love.
01:57.03SamotStarted the same way, asked for help over and over and then turned on anyone that helped him.
01:57.11SamotLike a while ago.
01:57.24SamotSo he's actually a FreePBX user.
01:57.36drmessanoIm confused
01:57.39[TK]D-FenderYou mean left.
01:57.47drmessanoWhy does he hate Kites so much?
01:57.54drmessanoCan he not fly one?
01:57.59drmessanoDid he get hit with one?
01:58.12[TK]D-FenderHe should go fly one...
01:58.19[TK]D-FenderScrolled the logs....
01:58.37[TK]D-Fenderwowo.  Just ... wow
01:59.18[TK]D-FenderIf another event like that happened that'd be plenty cause for a banning
01:59.38SamotNotice I tried to get a few ops attention.
01:59.40ChannelZI msg'd file.. that event alone seems like enough
01:59.59[TK]D-FenderI might forgive one to "meds way out of proportion", but that was not good
02:00.27drmessanoIm guessing he doesnt care
02:00.48SamotYou know how much he can get for his meds on the street?
02:01.02SamotHe probably prepaid for like 5 years of the $5 vm with his pill money.
02:01.45SamotI don't know what it's called off the top of my head, but my wife's meds could make a mint
02:01.51[TK]D-FenderWay to go recalculating everything into "shitty VPS hosting months"
02:02.04SamotYou know, if she didn't mind living in abject pain and not moving her neck or arm.
02:02.49SamotFirst she's on like 15 or 20 mg of Oxy for the pain...
02:02.53Samotper day
02:03.35Samotand then they have this other pill that's supposed to help her muscles and body "relax" to ease some of the pain...
02:03.40wyoungSamot: That doesn't sound good
02:03.49SamotI'm not sure if it really relaxes the muscles or body..
02:04.01SamotBut it sure does f'ing relax your brain.
02:04.11SamotLike you just don't care.
02:04.51SamotYour "give a fucks" meter instantly drops to zero.
02:05.18SamotFor like eight hours.
02:06.58SamotEven getting up and going to the bathroom is a self argument.
02:08.34*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (
02:08.46wyoungSamot: sounds like something freexer should be on.
02:10.02[TK]D-FenderHe reminds me of my favourite bar-game I invented, "Medicated: Over ... or under?"
02:10.35*** join/#asterisk mutin-s (
02:20.06[TK]D-Fenderheads out for a bit
02:22.29*** join/#asterisk jab416171 (
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02:35.33*** join/#asterisk saint__ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
02:37.47*** join/#asterisk vstemen (
02:39.16*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
02:47.57*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
02:55.40*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
02:57.30*** join/#asterisk vince1 (
03:10.41*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (
03:12.00*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
03:12.14*** join/#asterisk vince1 (
03:16.22*** join/#asterisk Mr_Pleb_Mgoo (~jakeb@
03:28.52Mr_Pleb_Mgoohi guys... i am fairly stumped by this particular issue i've run into on an older asterisk box - i'm trying to figure out why it's sending 401 Unauthorised in response to an invite, but the fun part is that it doesn't do it consistently
03:29.11Mr_Pleb_Mgoo that's a partial debug and config info to get things started
03:40.33wabbitsMr_Pleb_Mgoo guessing a bit because your trace doesn't have enough information. the invite doesn't have an authentication header so it gets a 401
03:41.05Mr_Pleb_Mgooyeah im not sure how to make it spit out the missing info
03:41.06wabbitsthe next invite will be the same except it will have an authentication header and it will either be authenticated or not.
03:41.21wabbitsjust keep capturing
03:41.40wabbitsits normal for the initial invite to not have the auth header
03:41.41Mr_Pleb_Mgooah ok - forgive me, these debug logs are absolutely massive - very busy server
03:42.13wabbitsyou get my point though, right?
03:42.19Mr_Pleb_Mgooyep absolutely
03:42.28Mr_Pleb_Mgoolets see if i can find the next invite in here lol
03:42.53wabbitssearch by call id
03:43.36lorsungcuhow about you state the actual issue
03:44.01SamotMr_Pleb_Mgoo: So far there's nothing wrong.
03:44.11SamotI mean you posted half a debug in #asterisk
03:44.18Mr_Pleb_Mgoothe actual issue is that when the end user picks up the phone, the call hangs up
03:44.44Mr_Pleb_Mgoobut not consistently
03:44.48SamotBut you're asking for help in #freepbx with none of this information
03:44.54lorsungcuthjat has nothing to do with the invite or 401
03:45.06SamotThen you need to show a debug for THAT
03:45.19SamotNot for the initial INVITE
03:45.42Mr_Pleb_MgooSamot - the BYE that initiates the hangup is being generated by an Asterisk box, not freepbx, please let me get the full story out
03:46.01lorsungcuno need for a story
03:46.04lorsungcujust show a capture of the issue
03:46.14SamotShow a full debug capture of the call
03:47.08Mr_Pleb_Mgoook ill pastebin it , just FYI it is a noisy log
03:47.14SamotThat's fine.
03:59.19Mr_Pleb_Mgoojust waiting for the pastebin to upload

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