IRC log for #asterisk on 20170330

00:13.37*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
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00:25.04*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.14.0 (2017/02/13), 11.25.1 (2016/12/08), Standard: 14.3.0 (2017/02/13); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
01:07.31*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
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01:47.08xochilpilihi all
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01:47.33xochilpilii have many of this "attacks" or "i dont know what means" like this:
01:47.41xochilpilihow can i stop them?
01:50.59xochilpiliwhen i type : sip show channels i got many ip address and user/ANR i dont recognize with Peer <guest>
01:58.17tuxd00dxochilpili: In sip.conf, what is allowguest set to?
02:00.09xochilpilituxd00d, thanks for answer i have allowguest=no
02:00.29xochilpilii also have : alwaysauthreject=yes
02:00.53tuxd00dI have to run, but check your PCAP or use something like sngrep to see what’s going on.
02:01.08xochilpilisngrep ?
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02:15.21xochilpilituxd00d, i have installed sngrep and im capturing, now, i see alot of "attackers" making several "INVITES" and "REGISTER" but i dont realize how to stop this
02:17.24agent_whitexochilpili: You need to limit your traffic to be between your trunk<->pbx<->UAs exclusively. They're not using your trunk to send those INVITES.
02:19.31xochilpiliagent_white, thanks for answer, i dont fully understand what u mean, i think that u are talking about deny= and permit= options in sip.conf?
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02:30.21agent_whitexochilpili: Yep! Those are well worth looking into. Though, the traffic is passing through your network, down to your PBX. Maybe look into separating voip traffic in a VLAN?
02:33.41agent_whiteLots of things you can do to avoid. - you can use this to test how far the traffic is able to egress into your network.
02:34.46agent_white(far from uncommon to see some traffic with a sipvicious tag on it)
02:53.32xochilpiliagent_white, but im connecting from outside, i mean, my personal extension is at home, and the server is in the cloud, i have no static ip address, so how can i use permit= if i have no a static ip address?
02:58.25igcewielingpacket captures would show packets before iptables filters them
03:00.12igcewielingxochilpili: use a vpn, change the permit line when your IP changes, use port knocking, use fail2ban, get a static IP, use iptables to filter out some of the common bots.
03:01.15igcewielingWhat *I* do, is to allow guest and autocreate peers, send them to a jail context and play tt-monkeys.   The bots / scripts seems to stop trying when it "succeeds".
03:01.21xochilpiliigcewieling, i have installed fail2ban and sometimes it blocks my server's ip address
03:01.40igcewielingxochilpili: there is no good answer to a non-static IP address.
03:02.12igcewielingnow you have a handful of other things to look into as well.
03:02.39xochilpiliigcewieling, i mean in the server's fail2ban config, sometimes fail2ban blocks server's ip address and i cant login
03:03.02igcewielingYou should already be using a VPN to get access to your internal network, you could run voice over that
03:03.16igcewielingxochilpili: yes, that is one of the drawbacks to using fail2ban.
03:07.25xochilpiliigcewieling, i also have downloading sipvicious then i have typed : ./ myserver's ipaddr -u 100 and then in asterisk-cli i have a lot of REGISTER               <guest>
03:07.40xochilpilii dont get it, how  to protect from this?
03:07.56xochilpilii have done almost everything in this:
03:08.21xochilpiliwith "almost everything" im not using users.conf because i only have my extension
03:08.23*** part/#asterisk Nate15329 (
03:10.02igcewielingthere is no one perfect way.  There are only layers of not perfect ways.    I'm not going to help with iptables, but here is a part of my iptables rules:
03:10.13infobot[~users.conf] users.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable asterisk config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
03:10.30igcewielingAnything which tells you to use users.conf should be considered wrong.
03:13.06igcewielingsorry, that is a bad paste.  standby
03:13.58igcewielingHere is the correct one:
03:14.37*** join/#asterisk Samael28 (~Samael28@
03:16.26xochilpiliigcewieling, as i can see you have every rule in iptables to block all those, but if there's a new one then u add it into your iptables?
03:16.33xochilpiliare u using fail2ban also?
03:17.18xochilpiliwhat u mean with this: "Anything which tells you to use users.conf should be considered wrong". English issues: i think you mean, do not use users.conf ?
03:17.22igcewielingI don't use fail2ban.  When I see a new one, I add it.   If you don't want to use iptables or fail2ban then set up a vpn and stop fighting with the problem.
03:18.19xochilpiliigcewieling, may i share my iptables to you, in order to have some feedback from u?
03:19.00igcewielingYou missed the part where I said " I'm not going to help with iptables."   There is a world wide web of information about iptables.
03:19.53xochilpiliigcewieling, yes, sorry, i omitted that part :D
03:20.38xochilpiliigcewieling, can i ask, in asterisk do you have tcp or udp also are u using 5060 or 5061 ??
03:21.07igcewielingAlmost all peers configured on my main call servers have static IP addresses.   The only ones which don't are support staff.
03:21.57igcewielingxochilpili: I don't block the requests.   I accept them and put them in a context which plays annoying sounds.  most stop trying soon after they get that.
03:22.32igcewieling*HOWEVER* I've been using Asterisk since early 2006 and generally know what I'm doing with the configurations I deal with.
03:23.01igcewielingA novice should *NEVER* enable allowguest or autocreatepeer
03:23.46xochilpiliigcewieling, i have allowguest=no
03:23.50xochilpiliin sip.conf
03:24.11igcewielingyou should have that and autocreatepeer=no
03:24.28igcewielingallowguest=no is the most important to have.
03:27.18xochilpiliigcewieling, oks added:  autocreatepeer=no
03:28.10xochilpiliigcewieling, but i need to ask, in iptables (sorry about it), when do you declare 'SIP-SCAN' ?
03:31.29agent_whitexochilpili: "friend" may be something to look at if you use the trunk for both inbound and outbound.
03:31.55agent_whiteAlso... "insecure=" and "context=".
03:32.34agent_whitedtfmdode=rfc2833 to save all of us the hassle of inbound dtmf shit
03:34.04agent_white"host=", "fromdomain=", "bindport=", "bindaddr=".
03:34.13xochilpiliagent_white, i have insecure=invite and context=from-local then i have a [default] in extensions.conf with only _X.,1,Hangup(21) and s,1,Hangup(21)
03:34.20agent_whiteShould be enough if you're looking to solve your issue with asterisk config.
03:34.58xochilpiliagent_white, wait please, baby steps :D
03:35.12xochilpilican i share a part of my sip.conf in order to have some feedback?
03:35.28agent_white:P Basically my point is that you're still allowing traffic to traverse all the way to your pbx, leaving your pbx to authenticate the traffic.
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03:35.51agent_whiteIt shouldn't reach that far in the first place. These other options generally are just good safey measure on top of it all.
03:36.29agent_whitexochilpili: Go for it! I'm Just mosying in though to say my 2cents before I wander off again.
03:36.37agent_whiteBut that definitely is the best start  :)
03:39.21xochilpiliagent_white, << a part of my sip.conf
03:44.24agent_whitexochilpili: Your externip is set to (I'm assuming since you blanked it out) your WAN IP, and your bindip is wildcard while your bindport is 5060; that means, it would be fair to say that any and all SIP traffic bound for port 5060 of your WAN IP is guaranteed to reach your PBX)
03:44.43agent_white_almost_ guaranteed. Just saying as this config is setup to allow this exact thing to happen.
03:46.06agent_whiteStop the traffic before it reaches the PBX. $10 says if you had no PBX but SIP phones on your network, you would be getting lots of ghost calls from places 'appearing to be a local extension'.
03:47.29xochilpiliyes i have receive a lot of ghost calls, but i dont realize exactly what are u suggesting to do in order to stop this
03:47.46xochilpili>>Stop the traffic before it reaches the PBX << iptables ??
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03:53.24agent_whitexochilpili: Also, if you kinda want super-duper definitive answers to the quesion "is my trunk registered", set qualify to yes.
03:55.01agent_whiteAt least, if you maybe hook responses to the keepalive (OPTIONS) somewhere in your monitoring or whatnot.
03:57.19agent_whiteGood for folks who like to see 'heartbeats' to ensure things are alive.
03:58.09xochilpiliagent_white, im lost :D what you mean with : " if you maybe hook responses to the keepalive (OPTIONS)" somewhere?
04:02.32xochilpiliagent_white, im trying with this iptables rules: but i cant login from my zoiper at my celphone
04:12.44xochilpiliigcewieling, still here=
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05:15.37xochilpiliigcewieling, i have use a part of your iptables, but sipvicious is not working
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07:59.43Alblasco1702phrearch, morning
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08:10.44Yorchhope today someone could give me a hand with monitoring on zabbix.... i'm still working on it...
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08:40.03sotozHello, can I use ARI to access the AMD application? I can't find an endpoint in the ARI for this. Am I missing something?
08:54.54SamotDon't think you can.
09:04.54sotozIs there a workaround for that?
09:05.07SamotI don't know.
09:05.22SamotWhat do you want to use ARI for with AMD?
09:05.44sotozCan I create an outgoing channel with the ARI, do a continue in dialplan that will execute the AMD application, set some channel vars and then read them with ARI
09:05.50sotozor something like that
09:06.08SamotI use AMI
09:06.12SamotSo yes.
09:06.21SamotYou can originate a call..
09:06.27SamotSend it to the context that has AMD in it.
09:07.53SamotSo I'm guessing the /channels POST for originate will do it for you
09:08.40sotozyes, I'm already using that to originate a channel
09:09.12sotozso after the answer, I should a ContinueInDialPlan
09:09.24SamotIt's Originate
09:09.38SamotThe command doesn't change if you use AMI or ARI
09:09.43SamotOr straight from the dialplan.
09:09.56sotozso how do I use the AMD application then?
09:10.19SamotWhat do you mea?
09:10.24SamotWhat do you mean?
09:10.29SamotHow to use it in general?
09:10.33SamotOr how to call on it?
09:10.45sotozI want to originate the channel and depending of if it is a machine or not do different things
09:11.05SamotYou understand how Originate works, right?
09:11.17sotozI think so..
09:11.38sotozit creates the channel, and dials it
09:11.48SamotYou specify the extension, context and priority you send the call to once the endpoint answers.
09:12.28sotozso what extension should I give in case that I'm originating from a Stasis application
09:12.35SamotSo you Originate that opens a channel to dial to 1NXXNXXXXXX via your trunk.
09:12.48SamotThat dial is ANSWERED
09:13.07SamotIt sends it to the exten,context,priorty
09:13.30SamotNow that call is considered INBOUND
09:13.45sotozwell, I'm using the "app" parameter to pass the channel in my stasis application
09:13.50SamotSo the callee now can send back DTMF, you can check for talking..etc
09:14.02SamotI don't use ARI
09:14.03sotozI see that this is mutally exclusive with extension/context/priority
09:14.07SamotHaven't overly messed with it
09:14.13SamotBut it's kinda the same concept.
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09:14.28SamotYou can send the call to an app as well
09:14.38SamotYou can either send it to an app or the context, etc
09:14.55sotoz"extension: string - The extension to dial after the endpoint answers. Mutually exclusive with 'app'."
09:15.00SamotYou should read up on both Originate and AMD so you understand how they can work together.
09:15.16SamotYou choose an APP or an EXTENSION
09:15.20SamotOne or the other.
09:15.28sotozok, so in my case I should use app
09:15.40SamotThat's up to you.
09:15.54sotozas I have a stasis app that has the business logic of what should happen if the answer is from a machine or human
09:15.58SamotAgain, I do this with AMI and just send calls to an extension, context, priority
09:16.12SamotThen why do you need AMD?
09:16.38sotozI need asterisk to detect the machine so I decide then what to do
09:17.07SamotSo then sending answered call straight to the stasis app immediately will be pointless.
09:18.02sotozwhy? in case it has a status as a channel var if it is a machine or not then I can choose what to do with that call (hangup/transfer/play etc)
09:18.18SamotIf it goes straight to the stasis app..
09:18.25SamotHow do you know if it's a machine or human?
09:18.33SamotHow will the stasis app know what to do?
09:18.39sotozI was thinking of setting somehow a channel var
09:18.48sotozin the dialplan
09:18.52SamotWhen are you going to call on AMD?
09:19.05sotozafter the answer
09:19.25Samot5:15:32 AM <sotoz> ok, so in my case I should use app <<-- WHAT APP?
09:19.42sotoz"app: string - The application that is subscribed to the originated channel. When the channel is answered, it will be passed to this Stasis application. Mutually exclusive with 'context', 'extension', 'priority', and 'label'."
09:19.51sotozI was referring to this app ^^
09:19.56SamotI know.
09:20.11SamotHow do you know if the call is answered by machine or human?
09:20.21SamotHow will the stasis app know what to do with the call once it's answered?!
09:20.30sotozI don't. That's why I wanted to use the AMD application with the ARI somehow
09:20.33sotozbut it's not supported
09:20.49SamotSo instead of sending the call to the stasis app.
09:20.54SamotYou need to send to AMD
09:21.02SamotTHEN the stasis app.
09:21.22SamotYou have the start and the end of the processs
09:21.25SamotYou don't have a middle
09:21.31SamotThat's what AMD is for.
09:21.59sotozok :) thanks for your valuable info. I'll try that.
09:22.35Samot5:15:03 AM <Samot> You should read up on both Originate and AMD so you understand how they can work together.
09:23.06sotozoh it's 5:15 there??? go to sleep already :P
09:23.16SamotI just woke up.
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10:20.28andycolHi Guys
10:20.48andycoli upgraded from asterisk 1.8 to asterisk 13 and now the queue log is no longer showing callerid
10:20.52andycolfor inbound calls
10:20.54andycolany ideas why?
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12:18.27mdeehello, when i try to open some ari via swagger or curl asterisk goes to down, this behavior related to v.13.14.0 and higher, 14.3 and higher, in 14.2 everything is ok
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13:30.26sotozmdee: what do you mean : asterisk goes to down?
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13:36.17CyberJacobam I right in thinking that PJSIP can't do IP-based authentication?
13:37.59SamotNo. It does.
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13:52.28mdeesotoz: i mean - it crashed
13:52.53mdeeusr/sbin/asterisk: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: stasis_app_get_debug_by_name with this error
13:53.15mdeeautoload all modules solved my problem
13:53.55mdeethen i search modules from wich ari's depends
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15:35.01netanyway to disable dtmf tone on incoming calls to be PCI complaince?
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16:01.45Kobazwhat's asterisk's preferred payload type for RFC2833 DTMF?
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16:27.30imcdonaI've been working with the Corosync devs to address the module crashing Asterisk when used with Corosync 2.x. See here: They've written a patch for Asterisk. When might we see this bug fix released for certified Asterisk 13?
16:29.00fileif included recently it would go into the next major certified release months in the future
16:29.57Kobazmmm corosync
16:29.59Kobazi need to get into that
16:30.03imcdonaCurrently the dev is waiting for the "Contributor licence" agreement in order to post commit the change
16:30.04Kobazi'm sure i'll be crashing it too
16:30.13Kobazthat's what happens
16:30.21Kobazi try new things in asterisk, and it crashes
16:30.24Kobazand then if fix it :)
16:31.10Kobazmy current side project is setting up ceph
16:33.39imcdonaIf someone can move the process along to get the corosync dev's aggreement reviewed that would help. ;)
16:33.49fileit has to be reviewed by legal
16:34.09filenoone can move that along, but it's generally done quickly
16:34.09imcdonaahh...what are we looking at in terms of time-frame?
16:34.19filea few hours or a day
16:34.32imcdonaOkay. Perfect. I'll pass that along. Thanks
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16:57.50DanQuinneyHow does one add a PJSIP header that contains params? If I do the following;, I see the following;
16:57.55DanQuinneyWithout the params it's fine
17:00.42fileescape them by putting \ in front
17:00.49fileotherwise the configuration parser treats it as a comment
17:02.16DanQuinneyinfront of the ;
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17:05.07DanQuinneythat worked a treat, thanks file :)
17:05.14fileyou're welcome
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18:43.03iulhktrying to use set_callerid (if i am using this way "$AGI->set_callerid(123456789); it works fine" if i use this way $AGI->set_callerid(123456789PR1234); it works but in sip client call logs underneath of call record 123456789PR1234 and asterisk printed? how to remove asterisk word?
18:47.41*** join/#asterisk Download-Fritz (
18:48.36[TK]D-Fenderiulhk, Use the normal function for this or set the name
18:48.36Download-FritzHey, good day! Would someone happen to know whether it is intended that variables in exten dialplan 'instructions' always resolve to an empty char?
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18:49.06[TK]D-FenderDownload-Fritz, please rephrase that
18:49.17Download-Fritzexten => 123${TEST}456,... it always matches 123456, whatever the value of TEST is
18:49.30[TK]D-Fenderthat is not a variable
18:49.43[TK]D-Fenderthat is a CONSTANT and must be hard set under [globals]
18:49.59[TK]D-FenderIt only loks like a variable
18:49.59Download-FritzI set it via 'setvar' in the peer definition
18:50.06[TK]D-FenderDoesn't work that way
18:50.10Download-FritzI know that :)
18:50.14Download-FritzI asked if that was intended
18:50.30[TK]D-Fenderexten => 123${TEST}45 <---- that is a CONSTANT reference and only applies to those set under [globals]
18:51.37Download-FritzYes, thanks, but my question is whether that is intended / by-design. I was thinking about filing a bug before I found this channel
18:53.50[TK]D-Fenderyes, it was always intended and documented as such
18:53.56[TK]D-Fenderit was never a variable
18:54.22rmudgettOtherwise it would make finding an exten much more difficult.
18:54.41Download-FritzI see, thanks
18:54.48rmudgetti.e.,  Slow as molasis in January
18:55.00Download-FritzI hoped I could get around using the phone number multiple times across the config files
18:55.24[TK]D-FenderThere is a suggestion that you might be able to change the value in runtime....
18:55.40iulhkthis is for set callerid  "$AGI->set_callerid(123456789), what is for set callerid name ?
18:55.40[TK]D-Fendernot sure how you could do that while still trying to succeed at a pattern match though
18:55.56[TK]D-Fenderiulhk, Use the normal function for this
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18:57.01Download-Fritzglobals would be 'bad design' for my purpose, guess I need to just mention the number once more. Thank you very much"!
18:58.31iulhk<[TK]D-Fender>: if i will use normal, then i will not be able to send what exactly i want to SET. so that's why i am trying to append and then sending to callee modified callerid or caller name, ?
18:59.27[TK]D-FenderWhy not?
19:00.32iulhklike my actual caller is 123456789 and i want when it calls to callee, callee should get 123456789PR or etc ?
19:06.08sawgoodAstriCon 2017 (Orlando, Fl)!
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19:56.50DanQuinneygood excuse for a holiday sawgood
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19:59.25qakhanhi all, i am using sip realtime, sometime extens shows in sip show peers and sometime not
19:59.42qakhanwhat could be the problem?
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20:14.58klowHello,  I've been making the switch over to PJSIP driver on some systems, and I'm wondering if theres a way to get more logging? the chan_sip logging would say things like "crypto suite not support" or "no matching codecs found"  and other stuff like that in the /var/log/asterisk/full  ,  but even if "pjsip set logger on" and "logger set level debug"  im not
20:14.58klowreally getting helpful hints on why a call might be failing .. ?
20:15.34klowthe pjsip logger gets me the SIP Dialog, but it seems the chan_sip driver would give more hints in the asterisk logfile
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20:20.42DanQuinneyhey guys, I've got an odd issue, I've got an incoming number that's dialling out to a mobile, if the caller hangs up the phone then the mobile still thinks it's the call still;
20:21.14DanQuinneyi'm bloody confused
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