IRC log for #asterisk on 20170228

00:07.27*** join/#asterisk vader- (sid163236@gateway/web/
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00:13.05*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-mhjlynvgjukjwkhy)
00:18.09*** join/#asterisk Hatsjoe (~Hatsjoe@unaffiliated/hatsjoe)
00:27.07*** join/#asterisk trelane (trelane@unaffiliated/trelane)
01:03.35*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (sid14615@gateway/web/
01:58.18*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
02:02.56*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
02:18.32*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
02:26.45*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
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02:40.42igcewielingMakes me wonder what they are thinking.  Executing [99999350048825408632@incoming:2] Hangup("SIP/", "34") in new stack
02:41.01igcewieling"add more nines until we hack the pbx"?
02:53.37*** join/#asterisk libardi (~libardi@
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03:08.28*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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03:25.18*** join/#asterisk boris_t (~boris_t@
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04:08.57*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
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04:17.39*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
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05:02.13*** join/#asterisk warewolf (
05:03.10warewolfI'm having a really, really weird issue w/ asterisk-13.9.1 and SRTP; asterisk says "chan_sip.c:10715 process_sdp: Failed to receive SDP offer/answer with required SRTP crypto attributes for audio" ... but in 'sip debug peer thatpeer' ... I see the a:crypto SDP lines.
05:04.33warewolf <-- debug data
05:05.26warewolfline 135 has the SDP SRTP failure, but line 100 has crypto stuffs.
05:05.31warewolfscratches head
05:20.53warewolfProcessing media-level (audio) SDP a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:ODc0MjU5AABmZWU0ZWMzADJkNWRlMmRkNjA2NDhm... OK.
05:21.11warewolfthen "Failed to receive SDP offer/answer with required SRTP crypto attributes for audio".. lies! lies! lies! it's right there!
05:21.50*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
05:43.25warewolfaha! my hardware sip phone ignored my compulsory SRTP setting via config file.  Manually frobbing that knob via the admin web UI makes everything happy.
05:44.36anpiwarewolf: what phone might that be?
05:44.45warewolfyealink sip-t22p
05:46.11tuxd00dWhich setting?
05:46.20warewolf#Specify whether to encrypt the SIP messages; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Forced, 2-Negotiated;
05:46.23warewolfaccount.1.srtp_encryption = 2
05:46.29warewolfit was 1 before, I'm trying 2 now.
05:46.43warewolfin case some programmer has an off-by-one problem.  Ya know.  It happens.
05:47.54tuxd00d“If it is set to 1 (Optional), the IP phone will negotiate with the other IP phone what type of encryption to utilize for the session.
05:47.54tuxd00dIf it is set to 2 (Compulsory), the IP phone is forced to use SRTP during a call. The default value is 0.”
05:48.26warewolfoh balls, the comment in the config file was wrong?
05:48.50tuxd00dAre you using the latest firmware?
05:49.39warewolfprobally not, but it's not ancient, I did update firmware at one point
05:49.56warewolffw, hw
05:50.52tuxd00dShould be running
05:52.09tuxd00dThe 7 is the model number, the 73 is the version, the 0 is the variant version, and 50 the subversion, … if I remember correctly.
05:52.15warewolfcool, I'll find the change notes and check it out.
05:53.20warewolf(not about the release notes, but that you just keep throwing stuff at me that is helpful)
05:53.34tuxd00dI know Yealinks pretty well … curse them a bit too
05:54.01tuxd00dThey do remotely provision well though
05:54.10warewolftuxd00d: you ever get features.temode = 1 to do anything useful?
05:55.40tuxd00dI’m not familiar with temode, what is that?
05:55.49warewolfit's supposed to give you a shell on the phone.
05:56.26tuxd00dNever bothered with that yet.  I did hear that they are running linux.
05:56.49warewolfI got these phones because they're linux, and can do OpenVPN.
05:57.25warewolfat one point I was getting angry troubleshooting OpenVPN and really *really* wanted to poke around on the phone via shell, couldn't finagle it to do it though.
05:58.18tuxd00dSeem like pcap’n would help with that.
05:58.29warewolfdid find out that they overlay mount stuff in the flash FS that makes an /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow that aren't present in the fw image, which may be specific to each phone... at that point I soldered .1" headers to 5 pins I thought was JTAG and then never got around to actually JTAG'ing it.
05:58.39tuxd00dYou can generate PCAP from the phone
05:58.59warewolftuxd00d: it was config settings on the phone that was pissing me off; the filesystem paths the x509 certs end up are strange
05:59.15tuxd00dYou have a bit of free time, don’t you? … :)
05:59.48tuxd00dIt’s how we all learn :)
05:59.54warewolfI did successfully pick apart the firmware of another embedded linux device and found a backdoor password.
06:00.12warewolfgot my first CVE outta that. :)
06:00.39tuxd00dI haven’t played with OpenVPN on them yet.  Although I was hoping to check it out soon.
06:01.29warewolfoh wait, now I remember why I turned OpenVPN off on the primary T22P I use
06:02.00warewolfthe periodic key refresh ... it eats up CPU on the phone and it basically drops call audio
06:02.02tuxd00dThere is the overhead consideration also when running a VPN
06:02.34warewolfman, this is gonna piss off my fiancee in hawaii when I give her a phone that does HD audio so we can chat, and every 5 minutes or something the call audio goes poof for a moment
06:03.02tuxd00dVPN is overkill for most situations
06:03.11warewolfregular telco calls from hawaii to virginia sounds like poop, and I have to keep asking her to repeaet herself.  It doesn't help that she speaks softly to begin with
06:03.12tuxd00dOr it can be done on the routers
06:04.23*** join/#asterisk vstemen (
06:04.35warewolftuxd00d: oh, see I set this phone up to be plug and play (hopefully).  The VPN stuff is to make DAMN sure there aren't NAT issues, which I was running into when I was trying to do sip/tls+srtp before.  One way audio sucks :(
06:05.38tuxd00dThere is that benefit of Asterisk being able to increase the volume of the fiancee
06:06.51tuxd00dWith Asterisk not behind a NAT, NAT issues are rare.
06:07.24warewolfthis was even w/ the server not behind nat :/ I couldn't get video working :/
06:07.31tuxd00dTurn off any SIP / NAT helpers in the client side router… and you’re good to go
06:07.46tuxd00dVideo… you fancy
06:08.02warewolf(natted client)--> public internet facing asterisk <--(natted client)
06:08.38warewolfalright, time for me to hit the bed.  Thanks for the help!
06:08.40tuxd00dMake sure your prevent RTP reinvite
06:09.14tuxd00ddirectmedia=no   … and such
06:09.28tuxd00dwarewolf: Take care
06:24.13*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
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06:57.00*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
07:35.33vstementuxd00d, Hah!  I have been fighting for the last couple days to get audio working with our service with asterisk and our ATA's behind nat .  I finally found the "directmedia=no" setting in my "Asterisk - The Definitive Guide" book, which fixed it just a few minutes ago.  The I glance over at my IRC window and here you mention it.
07:36.58vstemens/the I/then I/
07:40.06tuxd00dvstemen: Awesome :)
07:44.08vstemengoes to bed finally
08:09.37*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@2a00:c80:1072::152e)
08:10.55*** join/#asterisk tuxian (
08:11.05*** join/#asterisk Jack17 (~jackkk@
08:12.24Jack17Hello guys , My asterisk keep crashing suddenly all calls drops
08:12.36Jack17and in the cli it stop showing anything where can i check the crash log
08:12.55Jack178 cores cpu i had 150 calls and up
08:16.38snadgeOur trick is to use a massively outdated version of asterisk and not touch it because ot works. ;)
08:17.24snadgeAnd do daily restarts at 3am
08:17.56Jack17daily restart is enough
08:18.08Jack17because it keeps crashing every couple of hours
08:18.40snadgeTry a cert version maybe. It could also be hardware related.
08:19.40snadgeCompile with symbols enabled and run it in a debugger, then do a backtrace when it crashes maybe.
08:20.00snadgeOr at least debug the core dump if it has one.
08:21.01*** join/#asterisk hehol (
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08:37.00*** join/#asterisk guest_go390 (~guest_go3@
08:37.22guest_go390Samot, callsign go390 calling. NAT changes had no effect, still issue with MoH not stopping properly.
08:38.56Jack17now it crashed
08:39.12Jack17how can i know the error
08:53.56snadgeLook at the logs, check for a core file.
08:54.43GeneralSpongebobJack17, which version of Asterisk are you using?
08:55.54GeneralSpongebobAlrighty then
08:59.47snadgePing timeout is the best version of asterisk
09:02.38*** join/#asterisk smkelly (
09:06.21*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
09:20.50*** join/#asterisk jack17 (~jackkk@
09:39.55*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
09:50.27guest_go390Can someone please tell me why this is happening? Scenario:
09:50.44guest_go390When the attended transfer is performed, the agent is still, according to queue show (in call).
09:51.00guest_go390it seems like Asterisk will not realised that the attended transfer has been performed.
09:53.25*** join/#asterisk bipolar (
09:56.44*** join/#asterisk Kaian (
10:02.26infobotrumour has it, pastebin is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
10:03.10jack17asterisk crashing
10:05.14*** join/#asterisk sekil (
10:07.09jack17Guys please
10:09.06jack17''''/usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: line 152: 20423 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) nice -n $PRIORITY "${ASTSBINDIR}/asterisk" -f ${CLIARGS} ${ASTARGS} > /dev/${TTY} 2>&1 < /dev/${TTY}
10:09.50*** join/#asterisk jkroon_ (~jkroon@
10:10.04jack17You there bro
10:10.29tuxd00djack17: He does sleep, occasionally.
10:11.39tuxd00djack17: What version of Asterisk?
10:11.50*** join/#asterisk jkroon__ (~jkroon@
10:12.05tuxd00djack17: Did is just start recently, or has it always crashed?
10:13.22jack17when it reach 180 calls
10:13.38tuxd00dguest_go390: Without a full PCAP of the call (and only the single call), we can’t hhelp you.
10:14.54tuxd00djack17: Are you hitting any max limits as set in asterisk.conf?
10:15.31tuxd00dAre you hitting an operating system limits, open file limits, etc?
10:17.05tuxd00dguest_go390: Reviewing the PCAP will tell you what is happening.  You may be able to see it in Asterisk’s SIP debug.
10:18.23*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
10:19.29tuxd00djack17: Which version of Asterisk?
10:20.35jack17Asterisk, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2013 Digium, Inc. and others
10:23.24tuxd00djack17: That’s almost 6 years old.  This isn’t running on the FreePBX platform or anything, is it?
10:25.56*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:b18:581:10:ba27:ebff:fee4:a52f)
10:26.32*** join/#asterisk tuxian (~tuxian@
10:30.03*** join/#asterisk Demon_VoIP (~demon@
10:31.14Demon_VoIPHello. I can't find answer for simple question. Help me. Is there any dialplan function or variable to get CALL-ID for logging?
10:51.30tuxd00dDemon_VoIP: Are you wanting to use the Call ID in your dial plan?
10:59.32Demon_VoIPtuxd00d, store it to CDR and grep call logs via script for demand
11:00.51tuxd00dAre you just looking for a unique identifier, or does it have to be Call ID?
11:02.19Demon_VoIPI don't know any other identifire that be in any (text) log row of call. UniqureID or channel-name (one, two, more?) are not there.
11:04.58tuxd00dCheck out cdr_custom.conf
11:08.39jack17tuxd00d ?
11:08.39tuxd00dAlso check out Channel Event Logging.
11:09.06tuxd00dDemon_VoIP: It’s hard to help you out when we don’t know what your end goal is.
11:10.08tuxd00djack17: Are you running your own compiled version of Asterisk, one installed from your linux distro repository, or a packaged distro like FreePBX, Elastix, etc?
11:10.19*** join/#asterisk chendy (~alexc@
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11:13.04jack17tuxd00d mor if u know it
11:14.44Demon_VoIPtuxd00d, my goal: grep all text logs by single call (not channel, but call). what I should have to do that? I think call-id. What else?
11:15.02tuxd00djack17: from Kolmisoft?
11:18.04tuxd00dDemon_VoIP: Perhaps you should explore the Channel Variable ${UNIQUEID}
11:19.20Demon_VoIPtuxd00d, no, i shouldn't. There in the text log do you see it? Only in row with NoOp. Single row.
11:20.04*** join/#asterisk bof23 (~Thunderbi@
11:21.10tuxd00dDemon_VoIP: Are you trying to create individual log files for each call?
11:21.58tuxd00dDemon_VoIP: I’m sorry, I’m having difficulty understanding what you are wanting to accomplish.
11:22.34Demon_VoIPtuxd00d, only by demand. Individual log file for one call.
11:24.47tuxd00dDemon_VoIP: What version of Asterisk?
11:26.35tuxd00dAnd your log files don’t contain a C-XXXXXXXX on each line dealing with a call/
11:27.54Demon_VoIPLog files contain CALL-ID. But CDR of dialplan func can't give me access to it's value.
11:28.45Demon_VoIPThere are a lot of calls in CDR. I see one. What should I do to get single log file for single call?
11:30.01Demon_VoIPI should do TWO grep. Am i right?
11:32.38*** join/#asterisk chendy (~alexc@
11:33.41tuxd00dI’m not aware of a way to use the Call ID in the dial plan.  But you can put in a ‘Verbose(Unique ID = ${UNIQUEID})’ which will show up in the log on a line with the Call ID.
11:34.46*** join/#asterisk Jack17 (~jackkk@
11:35.02Jack17tuxd00d yes
11:35.04Jack17frm kolmisoft
11:36.29tuxd00djack17: You won’t find anyone here who will be willing to help diagnose anything other than an unmodified recent version of Asterisk.  You’ll have to contact Klmisoft for support.
11:36.50tuxd00djack17: Sure, we’d like to help, but we don’t know their software.
11:37.21*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
11:37.29tuxd00djack17: Just because their product is based on Asterisk, it doesn’t mean it behaves like it.
11:38.16WIMPywonders how he got a call through to a peer that was UNREACHABLE.
11:38.40tuxd00dIncreased the UDP time to 14400.
11:39.00tuxd00dtimeout on the SonicWall at the client’s site.
11:39.49tuxd00dOr were you talking about your experience?
11:40.50WIMPyMe? Yes, it's something I just saw in the log happening yesterday. Which shouldn't be possible.
11:41.26tuxd00dCalls can come in from an UNREACHABLE device.
11:41.48WIMPyNo, it was TO that device.
11:41.54tuxd00dBut you’re saying the call went to the UNREACHABLE
11:42.26*** join/#asterisk Syco (562b5b94@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:42.34tuxd00dPerhaps it was briefly REACHABLE ;-)
11:43.00WIMPyI said the peer was UNREACHABLE. That was since 13 minutes before the call. It became reachable again 39 Minutes after the call.
11:43.36WIMPySo it shouldn't even have tried the call.
11:43.54tuxd00dOne would assume.
11:44.23tuxd00dWhat one wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall of that PCAP.
11:45.53WIMPyI already had the impression before that the status changes writte to the logs and those reported via AMI aren't always identical. But in this particular case it looks like neither one is correct.
11:46.21Jack17tuxd00d i showed u the errror
11:47.38WIMPyLooks like chan_sip was rather F***ed up. :-(
11:48.50WIMPyI just restarted Asterisk and now I see peers registering with new IPs which most probably should have happened tonight.
11:51.36tuxd00djack17: Yes, but I don’t know their software.  We don’t mind helping out where we can, but we simply don’t know their software, which likely includes a non standard compilation of Asterisk.  Plus, it is a really old and no longer supported version of Asterisk that it was based on.  #asterisk is not the place to ask for help for that product.
11:52.31tuxd00dWIMPy: How odd. Sometimes Asterisk can get a little foggy brained.
11:52.55WIMPyYes :-(
12:01.07*** join/#asterisk josecapurro (~jcapurro@
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12:08.20WIMPyOk, a bit of relief. The call actually didn;t work. It was forwarded.
12:08.44WIMPyBut still it didn't process registrations while it still processed calls.
12:09.25tuxd00dI’ve never seen that happen before. That’s interesting.
12:12.19*** join/#asterisk MacroMan (
12:24.17AdNauseumanyone running asterisk on centos 7 ?
12:27.13guest_go390eart calling Samot
12:27.18guest_go390earth ofc
13:12.58guest_go390AdNauseum, sure
13:13.06guest_go390Centos7 and Redhat 7
13:29.04AdNauseumencounter any issues using centos 7?
13:29.09AdNauseumdo you use freepbx ?
13:30.29*** join/#asterisk mknooihuisen (~mknooihui@
13:34.57*** join/#asterisk Samot (sid133316@gateway/web/
13:39.41*** join/#asterisk d00gster_ (~d00gster@unaffiliated/d00gster)
13:41.01guest_go390No issues really, what issues?
13:43.26dan_jI've got queue ringinuse set, but it appears that occasionally the in-use phone does not ring. Nothing on the CLI to indicate why that phone was not called.
13:45.33dan_jIt worked fine in v11, but seems to have been introduced in 13.
13:45.40dan_jHas anyone else experienced this issue?
13:46.43WIMPyYou're having lots of fun with 13?
13:50.53Samotguest_go390: Yes?
13:52.30guest_go390NAT changes had no effect to yesterdays issue.
13:52.49guest_go390The only thing that seems to solve it is for the agent to retrieve the holding incoming part before the actuall transfer.
13:53.03SamotWhat softphones?
13:54.07guest_go390By XeniaLab, however. It looks like the softphone is indeed responsible for the MoH, and it may be doing stupid stuff. It has been reported.
13:54.19dan_jWIMPy: yeh. driving me crazy.
13:54.55dan_jWIMPy: and this is after testing it for 12 months. typically, all the issues appear only when it's moved to production
13:55.02SamotTry a different softphone, try a physical phone..
13:55.35*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
13:55.55guest_go390As you know it is very hard to replicate it. I can change softphone but may end up transfering and dialing for years.
13:56.05WIMPyAhh, good old Murphy.
13:56.44guest_go390I am just going to let the softphone developers sort this out. My energy for this issue has been depleted.
13:57.52SamotYou've said you have had this issue for 6 months.
13:58.08guest_go390Did I? Even if I did that would be a lie, more like one year
13:58.13SamotSo if you change the softphone and it actually transfers properly...
13:58.18guest_go39016 months Did I not?
13:58.31SamotThen you're already a step a head.
13:58.36guest_go390Yeah we performed short burts with other softphones, it was never a substainable test.
13:59.08SamotOh 16 months
13:59.08SamotSo yes, try a phone.
13:59.08SamotA new one.
14:00.47SamotWhat were the results?
14:04.31guest_go390Cannot say anything really from those tests for several reasons. 1) The agents are generally technical handicapped, trying to get them to learn a new softphone is expensive and time demanding. 2) The tests did not last long enough. Why? Because the agents are dependent on their current softphone due to pause statuses and such.
14:04.50guest_go390We did however perform these tests by ourself, but after houndreds of transfers we were not satisfied
14:06.00SamotWhy's that?
14:19.58*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (sid14615@gateway/web/
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14:30.15warewolftuxd00d: thanks! I already had directmedia=no in my sip.conf.  I guess I did half decent research when I decided to put asterisk on the public internet.
14:37.21*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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14:38.17guest_go390Samot: because we cannot replicate it on demand, I dont figure we managed to replicate it once. Not to metion we have not been able to replice it with the fauly softphone as well.
14:38.30guest_go390Because it is rare, and this customer have high loads
14:41.13SamotAnd while you were testing these things and not being able to replicate them, where the issues still happening on the other softphones?
14:42.30Samot16 months just seems like a long time to use a softphone that always seems to produce the problem when you can't replicate it on other softphones. Not even on the low end.
14:44.58guest_go390Yeah its been happening every day since day 1. Now it's probaly a bigger cover up.
14:46.05SamotI would have moved to other softphones to see if it kept happening.
14:48.15*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
14:48.20Samot1) The agents are generally technical handicapped, trying to get them to learn a new softphone is expensive and time demanding.
14:49.09Samot^^^ Is is more expensive and time demanding than 16 months of lost calls, customer dissatisfaction and the time spent troubleshooting and trying to solve the issue?
14:52.48guest_go390If we change softphone we will drop a lot of critical features
14:53.05SamotAre you saying another softphone won't have them?
14:53.19SamotWhat critical features?
14:53.36SamotDid you deploy a customized softphone?
14:53.40guest_go390Queue control, chat, pause codes, custom integratios
14:54.01SamotOK, other softphones have chat/IM abilities.
14:55.58*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:b18:581:10:ba27:ebff:fee4:a52f)
14:56.56SamotWhat pause codes?
14:56.56SamotJust codes they punch into the softphone digit pad?
14:57.25guest_go390No they select a pause from a dropdown in the softphone. Also they have a Smart ACW feature.
14:57.57SamotWhat was the move from Avaya to Asterisk for?
14:58.20guest_go390Because no-one wants to work with Avaya, simply put
14:58.35SamotAnd how much time was spent interoping?
14:58.44guest_go390Avaya was never really good at call center solutions
14:59.39SamotWell Asterisk is only as good as the person configuring it.
14:59.59guest_go390But still almost unlimited capabilities
15:00.10SamotBased on the person configuring it.
15:00.29*** join/#asterisk EnrgySmth_ (d8eba101@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:00.47SamotI can cook a 6 course meal
15:01.05SamotNot going to say it's going to be the greatest in the world because my cooking skills are that spectacular.
15:02.03guest_go390What is your point?
15:02.12*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
15:02.37SamotThe argument that Asterisk has unlimited capabilities.
15:02.42SamotFirst, it doesnt.
15:02.49*** join/#asterisk EnrgySmth (d8eba101@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:03.06SamotSecond, no matter what it's abilities are you have to figure out how to make them work the way you want.
15:04.05*** part/#asterisk EnrgySmth (d8eba101@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:05.42SamotThird, since this problem has been happening since day one of going "live" this should have been caught during the interop/testing phase.
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15:07.57SamotYou've kind of put yourself in a corner on this.
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15:30.07guest_go390Sorry Samot, I had a fire in the building and had to evacuate
15:30.37guest_go390I dont see how any of the above can relate to the issues.
15:30.42guest_go390Or how it can help me
15:31.01guest_go390The setup is done, I cannot go back in time and correct it.
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15:48.18vstemenHi guest_go390, Looks like Samot temporarily disconnected and didn't see your last message.
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17:18.38MacroManIf it's any use to anyone, I have re-engineered the tone generator used in Asterisk in the JS Web Audio API, so you can play any Asterisk formatted tone pattern in a browser:
17:19.24MacroManSorry, not meaning to spam. Genuinly believe it may be of interest to people here.
17:21.25*** join/#asterisk gswain (uid91227@gateway/web/
17:22.20gswainwhat goes in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor /month/date?  These keep filling up just curious what is in there
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17:23.31gswaineverything i google seems to have to do wiuth call recording but im not aware that im doing any of htat
17:42.13[TK]D-FenderCheck your logs
17:42.16[TK]D-Fenderand yyour config
17:42.38[TK]D-FenderYou should know if you enabled on-demand or have any deliberate dialplan executed recording
17:44.19*** join/#asterisk rwb (~Thunderbi@
17:48.32gswainbah it looks like an outbound trunk was set  to force recordings
17:49.49gswaincan I blow away the day directories now that I have disabled the recordings if I dont want them
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19:30.55*** join/#asterisk Bhakimi (~textual@
19:31.09Bhakimianyone knows what can be the cause of this error message? : Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
19:39.11*** join/#asterisk dougbtv (~doug@
19:42.44igcewielingBhakimi: maybe one side is setup for IAX2 trunking mode and the other is not.   So few people use IAX2 these days you might have trouble finding someone to help.
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20:50.52*** join/#asterisk Bhakimi (~textual@
20:50.54Bhakimiigcewieling: both are IAX trunks and it only happens randomly
20:50.57Bhakimiigcewieling: both are IAX trunks and it only happens randomly
20:56.13igcewielingBhakimi: do both servers have dahdi loaded?  IAX trunking requires DAHDI timing.
20:56.35Bhakimiyes sir
20:56.53Bhakimithese are two asterisk 11.22 boxes identical in config and hardware
20:57.20Bhakimiwe use it to send a call from one box to naother, we choose iax because its faster and native to asterisk
20:58.02igcewielingtrunking uses more bandwidth when there is only one call
21:11.25[TK]D-Fender<igcewieling> Bhakimi: do both servers have dahdi loaded?  IAX trunking requires DAHDI timing. <- not for a while now...
21:11.39Bhakimiyes they both run dahdi
21:11.45Bhakimiand dahdi_dummy which is not build in dahdi
21:11.46[TK]D-Fenderthey're removed it as a requirement
21:11.58[TK]D-Fendersame iwht Page, etc
21:12.02Bhakimiwell there are other timing sources
21:12.10Bhakimibut i preffer to stick with dahdi
21:12.25Bhakimiin 11 its still avaliable
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