IRC log for #asterisk on 20170226

00:17.39*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
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03:25.06igcewieling"I had no doubt he'd make a very effective Fed, since being a lying self righteous bastard came naturally to him."  <-- sometimes I love libertarian action fantasy
03:32.39igcewielinga quote from an audio book I'm listening to.
03:33.28igcewielingIt is a a somewhat USA-centric quote, I admit.
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14:27.38dan_jHi. I have an [incomingcalls] context. In that context I'm dialling two Local channels. In Asterisk 11, this resulted in one CDR entry for the [incomingcalls] dialplan, and two entries for each of the local channels.
14:28.51dan_jBut in 13, I end up with two CDR records for the [incomingcalls] dialplan and two entries for the Local channels dialplan. How can I reduce this to one entry to one for the [incomingcalls] part?
14:46.27*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
15:18.08fileCDRs in 13 changed, their behavior is documented in a specification on a wiki now
15:18.16fileer on the wiki
15:19.20*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
15:29.25SamotI thought it was 12 it was changed when adaptive came out?
15:30.08SamotThere are not 13 Specifications listed or a section in the wiki.
15:31.03fileit was 12
15:31.16filebut most people don't think about 12 or used it, so I just say 13
15:31.57SamotI get that.
15:32.09SamotBut the Wiki doesn't have a 13 specification so you need to look in 12 :)
15:43.20*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
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18:36.22nickgawHi, When I just went to the asterisk site to download the current source why is it pointing me to version 14 I thought that was not as stable as 13 or for a home user would 14 work fine?
18:41.59nickgawIn ther asterisk book it does not talk about what good speech recongnission engines work well with sterisk or are there servers where you can send the information and a remote service does the processing and returns the results to sterisk?
18:42.40Samot13 is LTS
18:43.00Samot14 is Standard, which is a one year life cycle.
18:43.09SamotEither is fine.
18:43.55SamotAs far as TTS goes, you will probably need to pay for a service that works with Asterisk. Cepstral is one, but the free TTS engines are awful.
18:44.49nickgawI am talking about speech to test where a user talks to the system like you do a lot to drug stores.
18:45.42nickgawIs 14 newer then 13 in terms of newer features?
18:46.38SamotIt has new stuff that will go LTS in 15
18:47.00SamotWell, SR or STT and TTS are in the same boat.
18:47.08SamotAnything decent is going to cost you.
18:48.20nickgawBasically I am having to go with asterisk as I moved and wanted to keep my land line numbers so we had to go with a sip company and currently the numbers are forwarding to cell phones but we would like to use a real asterisk system so we can have voice mails on a land line type of a setup would 14 work fine for such a setup or should I download 13?
18:51.20SamotEither is fine.
18:51.52nickgawI use text to speech as I am totally blind and yes the good quality synthisizers do cost but I think they are worth the cost.  I like the openness of asterisk as you are not limited by the company on the amount of messages you can store.   do you ever do private work on home asterisk virtual private servers?
18:52.00Samot13 will go end of life in the next year or two...
18:52.06SamotBy then 15 will be released.
18:52.32SamotAll of _my_ servers are in the cloud.
18:53.13nickgawWhat company do you use to host your servers?
18:53.36SamotDigitalOcean, AWS, Linode and Vultr.
18:54.23nickgawI know digitalocean does not have phone support if I should ever need it do any of the others besides AWS?
18:55.22SamotBecause even if there was phone support, a lot of what you need would fall under "paid"
18:56.12nickgawUsually I don't need phone support but I would like a hosting company that does offer it should I need it for reloading the virtual private server.
18:56.53SamotThat's the thing.
18:57.06SamotThat's not a support "service"
18:57.27nickgawI am not talking about the asterisk support mainly if I needed help with the virtual private server like reloading it or something not related to asterisk.
18:57.30SamotSpinning up a VM is totally handle via their portals and it takes less than 5 minutes.
18:57.34SamotI know that.
18:57.45SamotThat's not a support issue.
18:57.52SamotIt would be paid, even with phone support.
18:57.59SamotThat would be considered "remote hands"
18:58.12*** join/#asterisk MatsK (~Mats@
18:58.41SamotYou need a reseller that will do this for you.
18:58.47SamotOr hire someone to help you.
18:59.44SamotThat is just how it is.
19:02.03SamotSigh. I feel bad for the guy.
19:05.40*** join/#asterisk nickgaw (
19:05.46nickgawIf I want to go on the bleeding edge what is the repo or git clone url for the asterisk repository?
19:08.42SamotI actually don't know the guidelines or rules for pull from the git repo.
19:09.07nickgawso is 14 the latest I can probably get?
19:10.32drmessanoIf you have concerns about needing a VM reloaded and hand holding
19:10.39drmessanoWhy would you go "Bleeding Edge" for Asterisk?
19:10.50drmessanoUse something that's more stable
19:12.44SamotIt's not hand holding he really needs.
19:13.13SamotIt's the fact his screen reading software isn't playing nice with a lot of their portal GUIs.
19:13.40SamotWhich makes using the portal to reload/spin up VMs problematic.
19:14.20SamotI totally get the want/need for what he is looking for.
19:14.59SamotUnfortunately, he's an individual case that falls outside the business model that all these places basically use.
19:15.04nickgawDigitalocean is not very screen reader friendly
19:15.36SamotSo he either needs to hire/find someone to help him or find a VM reseller that will take the extra time for him.
19:15.48SamotThat's basically your options, nickgraw.
19:16.03nickgawI have the asterisk book 4th version but it talks about 11 should lots of that information still apply to version 13 or 14?
19:16.21SamotIn regards to a lot of it, yes.
19:16.39nickgawWhat in that book is no longer valid?
19:16.59SamotIt's not that it's no longer valid overall.
19:17.02SamotPJSIP was in 12
19:17.09SamotAdaptive CDRs were in 12
19:17.23SamotOpus is in 14
19:17.26Samotetc, etc.
19:17.27nickgawI know about pjsip and plan to set that up as a sip driver so it is around.
19:17.56SamotThings like Ring Groups, IVRs, dialplan, etc haven't changed.
19:18.06nickgawWould you considder 14 to be stable or 13 to be stable?
19:18.15SamotThey are BOTH STABLE
19:18.24SamotThey are both stable releases.
19:18.37nickgawIs 14 the latest I can get in terms of newest features?
19:18.50Samot13 is LTS which is Long Term Support. So it will get security and bug fixes, etc until it's end of life cycles.
19:19.11Samot14 is Standard. It will have new features but it only has a 1 year life cycle.
19:19.25SamotThose features will be pushed to 15 for LTS.
19:19.53Samot14 is higher than 13, so yes.
19:20.11nickgawWhere is a good place to search for asterisk workers if once I finish the book I still have questions or want something more advanced?
19:20.24SamotFreelance sites.
19:21.07nickgawI would want someone who know about asterisk pritty well.
19:21.30SamotYou're the one that's going to be hiring them.
19:21.58SamotThose sites are like Craig's List.
19:22.15SamotThey'll have resumes, work history, ratings for people that have hired them..
19:22.16nickgawbut I don't want to hire someone who does not know about what I am looking for and just want my money.
19:22.26nickgawgood point
19:22.39drmessanoThat's the whole point of learning it yourself
19:22.50drmessanoPay real money and hire someone reputable, or learn it yourself
19:22.51SamotIt's how most the VoIP providers I have as clients found me.
19:22.57drmessanoYou have exactly 2 options, pick one
19:23.11nickgawHave you used any of those sites and if so can you suggest one?
19:23.17drmessanoBut I stand by what I said about not picking something bleeding edge
19:23.26drmessanoGo with something stable and not a moving target
19:23.30Samot2:22:52 PM <Samot> It's how most the VoIP providers I have as clients found me.
19:24.12Samotnickgraw: Google "hire freelancer sites"
19:24.25drmessanonickgaw: You've been coming in here for years basically in the same place.  Time to decide if you're going to learn it or just pay someone
19:24.48nickgawI don't mind paying money for good work if they can get the job done currectly.  Basically I don't mind learning it on my own but don't want to put people calling my house into a mess when our phones no longer ring because I broke something.
19:25.00SamotPretty much all the freelancer sites require the freelancers to cough up money and offer payment protection.
19:25.10SamotAs long as you use the service the PAY them.
19:25.26nickgawthat is totally fine with me.
19:25.38SamotSo you're protected from someone "taking" your money.
19:25.58nickgawthat is what I was trying to say in a nice way.
19:26.13SamotYou pay the freelance service..
19:26.17Samotthey pay the freelancer.
19:26.32SamotIt's basically "Online Temp Services"
19:26.39nickgawok so you don't deal directly with the person who is doing the work?
19:26.54SamotBut you use the freelance service to handle payments
19:26.58nickgawI mean as far as payment goes.
19:27.09Samotyou do not pay them directly.
19:27.25nickgawmakes sence and that makes me feel better.
19:27.33Samotthey hold the payment in escrow.
19:27.48SamotYou have 14 days after the "request payment" is made to deny it
19:27.55SamotOr just let it go through.
19:28.04SamotGenerally, timeframes may change.
19:28.08SamotDepending on the service.
19:29.18SamotYou can hire per project or hourly. They have to use the services time trackers in order to be guaranteed payments.
19:29.37SamotWell for hourly pretty much.
19:34.01*** join/#asterisk almostworking (~almostwor@unaffiliated/almostworking)
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19:35.04nickgawwhat freelance services have you used and have good luck with?
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21:36.47tuxd00dSamot: drmessano:  SonicWalls are know for closing SIP ports in their default configuration, correct?
21:37.56tuxd00dWhich causes “UNREACHABLE” after a short period in ‘sip show peers’.
21:39.22igcewielingI suspect the unreachable is not caused by blocked packets.  I suspect the firewall is closing the UDP NAT translations created by the outbound packet.
21:39.29[TK]D-Fenderthey have a SIP ALG which you should disable
21:39.48[TK]D-FenderThis sounds more like improper NAT config on your * itself
21:40.03igcewielingan ugly, but easy hack is to set qualifyfreq=30 in sip.cof.    To fix it correctly, the UDP NAT translation timeout needs to be increased.
21:40.26igcewieling(on the firewall)
21:40.33[TK]D-Fenderfreq isn't the issue
21:45.35tuxd00d[TK]D-Fender: Could you point me the direction of what part of the configuration might need correction?
21:46.04[TK]D-FenderYou've been here long enough
21:46.22[TK]D-FenderYou should be showing the FAILURE or regular comms
21:46.24tuxd00digcewieling: The freq at 30 doesn’t fix it.
21:46.31[TK]D-Fenderso we can see if you've clearly screwed something specific up
21:46.57igcewielingtuxd00d: then check into SIP ALG like [TK]D-Fender suggested.
21:48.27tuxd00dThe client’s IT company won’t allow me access to the router. I can only suggest changes.  I was going to suggest the obvious like ALG, but didn’t know of anyone has specific issues with SonicWalls.
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21:49.12[TK]D-Fenderthey work fine with it off
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21:56.09drmessanoDisable ALG
21:56.14drmessanoAnything else is the Asterisk config
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22:03.29tuxd00d  I noticed the restransmitting.
22:05.25tuxd00dYep, it’s scheduled for an update.
22:06.53SamotEven for the 12 branch, it's out of date.
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22:21.51[TK]D-Fendershow us the peer
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22:30.47[TK]D-Fenderloks mostly fine.
22:31.15[TK]D-FenderShould have "directmedia=no"
22:31.21[TK]D-Fenderbut shouldn't be related to timing out
22:31.27[TK]D-Fenderso go make sure the ALG is off on the SW
22:31.31tuxd00dIt’s more aggresive on keep alives than I’d like
22:31.40[TK]D-FenderAnd you shouldn't need
22:34.39tuxd00dI’ll put in a requets to the their hired IT to look at ALG, and such .  Thanks for you help.
22:50.31*** join/#asterisk lankanmon_ (~LKNnet@2607:fea8:d1f:fc17:bc2e:f1a9:4906:c701)
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