IRC log for #asterisk on 20170222

00:08.07*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
00:23.31*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-ddinhxgplwxexwvf)
00:43.48SamotAww man. George "The Animal" Steele died.
01:09.20*** join/#asterisk friedrich (
01:20.12*** join/#asterisk zopsi (
01:20.29*** join/#asterisk friedrich (
01:32.53*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@
01:53.17*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
02:02.42*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
02:06.34*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
03:08.11*** join/#asterisk trelane (trelane@unaffiliated/trelane)
03:10.32*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
03:35.14*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
04:06.18*** join/#asterisk setham (uid214435@gateway/web/
05:12.53*** join/#asterisk freebs (~freebs@unaffiliated/freebs)
06:31.05drmessanoSamot: Need $5 SIP NOW PLZ
06:58.55*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
07:14.54*** join/#asterisk simplydrew_ (~simplydre@unaffiliated/simplydrew)
07:37.04*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
07:37.09*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
07:39.41cmendes0101I'm trying to find out more about ISDN PRI in UK. Anyone have experience or somewhere to recommend to find out more about pricing or getting started? Trying to find alternative to dialer traffic rates on Voip for Uk specifically
07:42.22tuxd00ddrmessano: You’re so demanding :P
07:42.42drmessanoand unrealistic
07:53.42*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@2a00:c80:1072::10de)
07:53.49*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@2001:558:600d:c:35f1:4a2f:63ab:d8ac)
07:55.29*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
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08:18.54*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
08:24.13*** join/#asterisk hehol (
08:40.25*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@2001:558:600d:c:35f1:4a2f:63ab:d8ac)
08:54.08*** join/#asterisk areski (
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09:03.22*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~NiHola@unaffiliated/liuyan)
09:07.13*** join/#asterisk samwierema (
09:24.50*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
09:28.53*** join/#asterisk StucKman (~mdione@
09:29.38StucKmanI can't find the dial plan syntax definition, so I came to ask: can I cut lines in some way? in particular, I want to cut something like this:
09:29.45*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
09:30.53StucKmanexten = s,n,GotoIf($[$[${SME_CALLERID} = 303] | $[${SME_CALLERID} =  304] | $[${SME_CALLERID} =  320] | [... more to come ...]] ?dynamicallerid,1:)
09:35.45*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
09:41.55pchero_workHi, :) I'm trying to use the AMI using the telnet like "telnet 5038".
09:42.42pchero_workBut after connect to it, I can't see the welcome message like "Asterisk Call Manager/2.8.0" and I can't find the anymore.
09:43.22pchero_workI've just downloaded the newest asterisk-14.3 and asterisk-14.3-rc2. I have the same problem. Did I something wrong?
09:44.37StucKmanpchero_work: did you compile it yourself or did you download a binary version?
09:45.11pchero_workStucKman: Thank you for answering. :)I compiled it by myself.
09:45.12*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
09:45.33pchero_workDownloaded the source and compiled it.
09:45.41StucKmanpchero_work: maybe you need to install some depended -on libraries?
09:46.09StucKman(I've never compiled asterisk, but just asking)
09:47.21StucKmanwhen you run the configure script or similar, it might have complained or warned about missing dependencies
09:48.44*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
09:48.47pchero_workYou might be right. I will checking the configure script result.
09:50.08StucKmanotherwise, dunno
10:14.47*** join/#asterisk Kaian (
10:17.22*** part/#asterisk StucKman (~mdione@
10:20.43pchero_workIt was my bed. I used my own asterisk module which is using the manager module. It wasn't compiled with the correct version of the Asterisk. It made problem. Now it's fine. :)
11:09.32*** join/#asterisk tuxian (
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12:39.57*** join/#asterisk averythomas (~averythom@2604:6000:1523:4002:222:19ff:fe2b:48fa)
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12:42.20*** join/#asterisk bounceman (~bounceman@
12:42.33bouncemanHi, what is the difference between atxfer and atxfercomplete ?
12:43.38*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
12:45.11bouncemanatxfer does a normal attended transfer? But atxfercomplete it does the same but without hanging up?
12:45.13bouncemanIs that correct
12:45.20*** join/#asterisk Ast001 (~uros@
12:46.30Ast001Hi is there a way to tell Asterisk not to accept registration from sip client if that sip peer is already registered. I have call center where many agents register xlites from same IP and sometimes 2-3 xlites try with same sip username and hijack registration from eachother.
12:47.45*** join/#asterisk newtonr (
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13:07.31*** join/#asterisk Pasha (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory)
13:18.55*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:4c50:62f:f43:95f7:93db:7202:6dc3)
13:20.05*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
13:23.50*** part/#asterisk Ast001 (~uros@
13:30.54bouncemanCan someone verify to me that atxfercomplete is a part of Asterisk 11?
13:34.52*** join/#asterisk ghoti (
13:39.42*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
13:41.18[TK]D-FenderAnd you should not be running 11 anyymore
13:41.41ChainsawHave we reached all caps already? That's... quick?
13:42.00bouncemanthis verified that it is not grep -Ril "atxfercomplete" asterisk-11.25.1/
13:42.35bouncemanOk it was introduced in 12
13:47.06*** join/#asterisk sekil (
13:56.27MacroManbounceman, As far as I can tell from testing, atxfercomplete does the same thing as hanging up the phone.
13:56.39*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:57.21*** join/#asterisk sekil (
13:57.30MacroManbounceman, and upgrade from v11 for the sake of humanity
13:57.52bouncemanStuck with legacy software that is 11 compatible
13:58.45*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
13:58.55MacroManAnd from the manual: "Completing the transfer with a DTMF sequence is functionally equivalent to hanging up the transferrer channel during an attended transfer."
13:59.17MacroManSo you can just hangup.
14:09.31*** join/#asterisk EnrgySmth (d8eba101@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:14.42MacroManI'm so surprised about the amount of random hack attempts I get on my box. I have them all blocked fine, but I'm getting roughly 5 attempts to dial out to international numbers each minute.
14:15.54*** part/#asterisk EnrgySmth (d8eba101@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:15.58SamotSounds about right.
14:18.44MacroManScary for anyone that doesn't know/care about security
14:19.19SamotNothing new.
14:19.30*** join/#asterisk newtonr (RustyNewto@nat/digium/x-uciupdjlnusarywf)
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14:19.39SamotWeb hosting boxes were always targets and still are in many cases.
14:20.29MacroManI've got a web box, but I don't get anywhere near as many attacks as my * box
14:21.14MacroManToll fraud is big business
14:22.09SamotWhat type of web box?
14:22.22SamotI mean, I run cPanel on my boxes..
14:22.43SamotIt does a lot of the work for me as far as protecting the box. But it wasn't always the case.
14:22.46MacroManNginx mainly, but I've also got Nodejs running
14:23.36MacroMandislikes cpanel
14:24.27*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
14:24.56MacroManI don't find it that useful, plus I like to be able to have complete control of my boxes, even if that means a little more manual config work
14:25.43SamotNot useful?
14:26.43MacroManI'm a keyboard user, not a gui user. I get things done quicker with the keyboard, with more flexibility and better results.
14:27.41SamotAnd it has command lines to do things.
14:27.52SamotI use them to run things from the CLI.
14:27.58SamotBut sure.
14:28.45MacroManTo be fair, I haven't looked at cpanel in many years, so it's probably much better than it used to be.
14:30.04SamotConsidering it's pretty much the leading web hosting software, yes.
14:31.34*** join/#asterisk skywayskase (~skywayska@
14:48.47*** join/#asterisk Rini (uid196547@gateway/web/
14:53.29*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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14:55.34igcewielingI hate (most) GUIs.
14:58.14SamotYeah, we should all go back to Lynx.
14:59.59[TK]D-Fenderbecause fuck colour
15:00.20[TK]D-Fendergoes to replug his B&W TV as a monitor
15:02.50Samotgets his 8-track player out.
15:04.24MacroManlol. Well from your sarcasm, why have Asterisk? We should all use FreePBX
15:04.50SamotWell you still need Asterisk.
15:06.37MacroManAnd you still need all those other technologies underlying the modern GUI's
15:07.04SamotNot arguing that.
15:07.32MacroMan(well maybe not Lynx lol)
15:08.20MacroManMy point is, there are situations where GUI's don't work and doing things the GUI author didn't forsee is one of them.
15:08.30SamotOf course.
15:08.36SamotAgain, I'm not arguing that point.
15:09.02SamotBeing dismissive of GUIs in general, is just silly.
15:12.49SamotThey have pros and yes, they even have cons.
15:20.21*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
15:21.04*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-nymcgrcmbmhrghzy)
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15:22.04*** join/#asterisk mknooihuisen (~mknooihui@
15:30.56MacroManIs it possible to define a username range in chan_sip? So all numbers 10-39, rather than having a block for every number?
15:32.07*** join/#asterisk acidfoo-_ (
15:32.43acidfoo-_does chanspy depends on DAHDI ?
15:34.45[TK]D-FenderMacroMan, No, but that's what templates are for
15:35.08[TK]D-Fenderacidfoo-_, no
15:36.23*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~imcdona@2607:f0d8:20:1001:94fe:2a00:16b0:7ff2)
15:37.17*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-qlvcfuxjanpqwfyf)
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15:37.47MacroMan[TK]D-Fender, It's just this is what my sip.conf currently looks like:
15:38.27MacroManThe list is actually longer, all the way to 69
15:39.13SamotAll the users share the same secret?
15:39.58MacroManYes. In fact all users will connect from the same softphone webpage and not even know their number.
15:40.24Samot9:18:48 AM <MacroMan> Scary for anyone that doesn't know/care about security <-- I'm going to bring up your own quote.
15:40.53Samot1 Secret, 64 ways in.
15:41.30MacroManI will note that my system is designed to auto generate a new secret each day and can also be re-generated at will
15:41.54SamotThe SAME password.
15:42.11SamotSecurity 101 says as a user you shouldn't have the same password/PIN for your own stuff.
15:42.42MacroManand? My system here will only give out the secret to login to Asterisk once other security measures have been met anyway
15:43.09*** join/#asterisk Samael28 (~Samael28@
15:43.18MacroManAll those users also have equal access. One can't do what any other can
15:43.27SamotSo basically, if they get passed the firewall, the iron wall, the stone wall, etc the last line of defense is a paper wall.
15:44.27MacroManUser 10 can't do more than user 14. If they had different secrets it would do that much. I do admit that I have weakened the login to brute force attacks
15:44.50SamotI'm not talking about what User 1 can do vs User 10
15:44.57MacroManI have other means to defend against brute force attacks.
15:45.02[TK]D-FenderUser 4 can do stuff in user 10's name <-----------
15:45.11[TK]D-FenderWho you gonna fire when they abuse you?
15:45.16SamotI'm talking about the guy getting to your system having access to 64 accounts.
15:45.24[TK]D-FenderWho says the FIRST guy is the REAL guy?
15:45.38[TK]D-FenderThis is built on a shitty securitty concept
15:46.00SamotThe idea of "I can use the same password because I gots a firewall" is a bad one.
15:46.25[TK]D-FenderYou came in here TELLING us you had users identifying as other users.  The system has already failed
15:46.44SamotSo is this "It hasn't happened *yet* so why worry about it" ideology.
15:47.00MacroManAnyway, I'm not using Asterisk like a normal PBX. There are other considerations here besides
15:47.24SamotUsing Asterisk as a PBX or as an application server has no bearing.
15:47.46*** join/#asterisk sh_smith (
15:48.00SamotWell maybe some but not enough to warrant 64 users with all the same password or poor security concepts.
15:48.17MacroManAs I have said already, I have taken using the same secret into account by have an auto re-generating secret
15:48.45SamotSo what?
15:48.51SamotThey are ALREADY IN
15:49.06SamotThey'll just keep hammering you.
15:50.14Samot"It doesn't matter that we were compromised, I have a auto re-generating script for our _password_ for 60+ users"
15:50.52MacroManNo one is in. Someone still needs to find out the password, for one account or 60
15:52.50[TK]D-FenderPJSIP may be able to restrict the registtrations, forcing a previous one to either explicitly deregister, or timeout in some way
15:55.22SamotWhen you have to start designing ways to cover your ass because you decided it was "easier" to have one password for a mass of users than individual passwords, you already down the wrong road for a few reasons.
15:56.32Samot"I want to make a call that's not allowed but I don't want to get in trouble. Screw it, I'll log in as Joe and make the call. I hate Joe."
15:57.11MacroManSamot, you can't login as Joe to make a call that you can't, because they're all equal. I can already make the same call's (or not) as Joe.
15:57.47MacroManThese are all heavily restricted in the dialplan too with very little in the way that could be abused.
16:01.48[TK]D-FenderI've given you the only potential option * may offer.  Run with it and best of luck
16:02.17*** join/#asterisk samwierema (~samwierem@
16:04.14drmessanoMy password is 12345
16:04.28ChainsawI thought it was hunter2.
16:04.40SamotThat's the password an idiot would have to his luggage.
16:04.59drmessanoDamn.. hunter2
16:05.03drmessanothat's old skool
16:05.38drmessanoBut with modern IRC.. that works now
16:05.52SamotWell at least you know the password to unlock the air shield around Druidia.
16:05.55drmessanoIf you type your password it shows as stars in channel
16:06.20igcewielingI use 16 - 32 char passwords of random characters for phone passwords, it's not like the end user will ever input the password.
16:06.39*** join/#asterisk MechWar (b3dd0695@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:08.17MechWarHi guys, i have a problem with incoming invites
16:08.29MechWaris showing 401 sip response
16:08.45drmessanoWe're going to need to see your password first
16:08.50[TK]D-Fendertypically the 1st 401 is an auth challenge
16:09.07MechWari register outside the server and it's work
16:09.09drmessanoBut yeah what he said
16:09.27stefan27I wonder how many passwords it is feasible for an attacker to test per second in the context of sip registers
16:09.41drmessanostefan27: On my server, 6
16:09.52drmessanoBecause they get blacklisted after that
16:10.06drmessanoSo basically, < 6
16:10.20MechWarsomething ?
16:10.26MacroManI did read an article saying it's not that many, which is why it makes it * an easy target for ddos
16:10.37MechWarohh, and the sip trunk's registered
16:10.39drmessano11:08:51 <[TK]D-Fender> typically the 1st 401 is an auth challenge
16:10.41MacroManDidn't bookmark it though
16:10.42drmessanoMechWar: ^
16:10.55stefan27I meant if there are no extra security measures, how many register requests /sec can a typical installation handle
16:10.56drmessano401 is a normal response
16:11.03drmessanoWHat is the actual issue?
16:11.26MechWarmy asterisk doesn't accept incoming invites
16:11.39drmessanostefan27: I know.. Real answer is that it depends.. you hit a magic number and chan_sip will die
16:11.39[TK]D-Fender<MechWar> ohh, and the sip trunk's registered <- most providers send UNAUTHED calls you shouldn't even be challenging
16:12.05igcewielingstefan27: They attack the provisioning server first, those are usually less secured.
16:13.33igcewielingI'd expect "tens to hundreds of regs per second" but nobody scans as fast as they can, it throws up all sorts of red flags,
16:13.51igcewielingOn my systems I allow them to register and dump them into a jail context.
16:15.07SamotI drop all non-ARIN blocks as a first step.
16:15.29igcewielingdrmessano: you must not have a lot of clients behind NAT.   Banning an IP after X failed register attempts can be an issue when you have a bunch of phones behind the same NAT IP and one of them has a bad password.
16:15.37SamotNo one on should be on my box.
16:15.44SamotOr, etc.
16:15.58drmessanoigcewieling: Not hundreds behind the same NAT, no
16:16.11drmessanoigcewieling: If I did, I would adjust accordingly
16:16.31MechWardrmessano: and can i do something do fix it ?
16:16.56SamotIf they have a 100 phones they probably have a static IP address.
16:17.08SamotSo I'm sure he handles "trusted/known" IPs a little differently.
16:17.34[TK]D-Fender<MechWar> drmessano: and can i do something do fix it ? <- stop challenging invites from your provider's peer
16:17.37SamotYou so silly.
16:17.44*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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16:17.45[TK]D-Fender"insecure=port,invite" <-
16:17.45igcewielingthe number of phones is not relevant.
16:17.55drmessanoigcewieling: Thats a dumb comment
16:18.06drmessanoigcewieling: Its relative to the failures you described
16:18.28igcewielingThe customer is just as pissed off that all their phones just lost connectivity regardless of if it is 10 phones or 100 phones.
16:18.28MechWari already remove insecure
16:18.31drmessano1 phone continuously failing is going to generate less traffic than 100
16:18.42drmessanoSo you adjust accordingly
16:19.06drmessanoIt's math
16:19.15igcewielingdrmessano: I'm not talking about traffic.
16:19.36SamotI actually wasn't talking about the amount of phones either.
16:19.42drmessanoThen what are you talking about?
16:19.42SamotI was talking about a STATIC IP
16:19.49drmessanodrmessano: you must not have a lot of clients behind NAT.   Banning an IP after X failed register attempts can be an issue when you have a bunch of phones behind the same NAT IP and one of them has a bad password.
16:19.59SamotYou said "bunch"
16:20.07SamotI gave an equivalent of "bunch"
16:20.29SamotMy point is, if they have a static IP and a "bunch" of phones..
16:20.39drmessano^ and if you set yourt firewall rules to account for 100 phones with some overheard for failures, you're fine
16:20.39SamotYou would handle trusted or known IPs differently.
16:20.42igcewielingOK, A "bunch" is "2 or more"
16:21.18drmessanoSo if we're not talking about repeated registration attempts, then what are you talking about?
16:21.38SamotNothing. He clung to the amount of phones.
16:21.52drmessanoWhich is relative
16:22.11SamotYes but that's not the argument.
16:22.12igcewielingdrmessano: I'm talking about 1 phone behind a NATed IP with a bad registration info + a server which bans IPs based on failed registration causing ALL phones behind that same IP to be blocked.
16:22.13[TK]D-Fender<MechWar> i already remove insecure <- you NEED it
16:22.19SamotWe're down to what a "bunch" is defined as.
16:22.21[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> "insecure=port,invite" <-
16:22.36igcewielingI retract "bunch" and replace it with "2 or more"
16:22.41drmessanoigcewieling: Ok, and my answers were based on that very presumption
16:22.48SamotI still state that if it's a STATIC IP
16:22.54SamotYou handle it differently
16:23.03SamotAre we talking about dynamic IPs?
16:23.08SamotIt's two different talks.
16:23.11drmessanoigcewieling: What part of "IF there's MORE PHONES, you UP THE LIMIT IN THE FIREWALL" was I not clear about?
16:23.34drmessanoHow is this not obvious
16:23.42igcewieling*sigh*  forget I said anything.
16:24.27SamotI treat my IP differently than other IPs. So if I have a phone with a bad password, it just doesn't register.
16:24.31SamotThe rest of my phones are fine.
16:25.05SamotNow a customer with a dynamic IP that I never know what it will be, they are handled differently.
16:25.20SamotCustomer with static that I manage andhave a route at...again, handled differently.
16:25.28SamotDon't care what's behind it in regards of devices.
16:25.31SamotOr the amount.
16:26.35drmessanoThe real answer though
16:26.50drmessanoPull a lorsungcu and just VPN it all
16:27.19SamotWith PFSense.
16:27.27drmessanoIt's cheap now to either replace their router or put one behind it and call it the "Phone Switch"
16:28.30drmessanoor use PF
16:29.25SamotYeah, I haven't had one customer complain about switching out their router.
16:30.28SamotThey even pay for it. Because pretty much we're replacing a router they got a Best Buy or while they we out "running errands".
16:34.03*** part/#asterisk jlewis-highwinds (
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16:57.05*** join/#asterisk netman (~netman@
17:02.19*** join/#asterisk Micc (
17:02.30MiccWhat's the best ARI library to use with Go?
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17:04.44*** join/#asterisk doug (
17:05.19drmessanoWhichever one works and is current
17:05.59MiccThat's kinda the problem. I've tested two now and they both seem to have a few issues.
17:06.15dougi wanna use my landline phone as a computer handset. anyone know a good trick for that?
17:06.53dougi'm wondering if there's something that'll translate SIP sessions to attached devices
17:07.02WIMPyGut it and put in an USB sound"card" or buy an ATA.
17:07.37doughow would an ATA help?
17:07.45WIMPyThat's the ATA part.
17:08.04WIMPyAssuming you're talking about an analog POTS phone.
17:08.39dougpretty sure the ATAs i've got aren't gonna let me discord w/my phone
17:09.04drmessanoYou just want it as an audio device?
17:09.40drmessanoWhat kind of phone is it?
17:10.34doug70's western electric desk phone
17:10.39drmessanoOh that's easy
17:11.09drmessanoYou basically need to break out the mic and earpiece from the handset
17:11.35drmessanoYou're going to want to replace the mic element with a condenser mic
17:11.45WIMPyBreak? I'm sure they could afford screws in the 70s.
17:11.49drmessanoThe rest of it will be a shell
17:12.18drmessanoWIMPy: separate
17:12.20drmessanoas in SPLIT OUT
17:12.34dougnot sure that counts as using the phone
17:12.39drmessanoIt doesnt
17:12.40dougthat's more like replacing it
17:12.42drmessanoBecause you canty
17:12.44drmessanoBecause you cant
17:13.10*** join/#asterisk asaas_sk (d9491e82@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:14.06drmessanoIn order for you to use the phone as a phone, you need at least an ATA + some kinda of phone switch, or a PC with an analog card in it running some sort of phone switch
17:14.14drmessanoSeems like a lot of work to use a phone with discord
17:14.39*** join/#asterisk nikolaev (~georginik@
17:14.58drmessanoSince Discord isn't the PSTN, you can't expect it to work in a lot of ways like a phone.  No one can place calls to you
17:14.59*** part/#asterisk nikolaev (~georginik@
17:15.30drmessanoI'm telling you how to use it as handset, basically
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17:23.20doughm, seems like there are a bunch of options for fxs-to-usb
17:23.45drmessanoThat doesn't just turn it onto a soundcard
17:24.25[TK]D-Fenderthey have FXS> headphone+mic jack converts already
17:24.38douglooks like there are various device drivers
17:24.45[TK]D-FenderI'd seen them for sale yars before I got into *
17:25.22drmessanoSure, you can buy a phone hybrid. Couple hundred bucks for anything worth using
17:25.34drmessanoWe used to use them all the time, years ago
17:27.44dougthat sounds pretty close
17:27.51doug> acts as a USB sound card
17:28.07dougif they are still around
17:28.54drmessanoThat was 12 years ago
17:32.39drmessanoHuh.. I didnt know Obihai made actual phones
17:33.53drmessano10 lines for $120
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20:49.46jfindleyHello, does anyone know the default dtmf sequence to place a caller on hold in asterisk?
20:50.56[TK]D-FenderThre is no normal "dtmf hold"
20:51.11[TK]D-FenderWhat phone are you actually using?
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21:36.05Kobazdo de do
21:36.12Kobazhaving a problem completely resetting a polycom
21:36.24Kobazi did the four finger salute and entered the mac address, but that doesn;t work
21:36.26Kobazpolycom 335
21:44.05robmalThe mac address / secret password always works.
21:44.16Kobazalways works?
21:44.22Kobaznot for me
21:44.43Kobazthe mac address is the secret password, or is there another password
21:45.17seanbrightthat is the default
21:45.25robmalThe mac is the secret pass and has to be all lowercase, no dashes or colons.
21:45.47*** part/#asterisk mknooihuisen (~mknooihui@
21:45.56robmalYe, 456 is default.
21:46.00*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
21:46.19Kobazall lowercase
21:47.23Kobazlemme try for the 10th time...
21:47.25robmalSo maybe you cannot into switching character modes in polycoms?
21:50.19Kobazit's in alpha/num mode
21:52.23robmalOk. It's broken. Please send it back to the distributor.
21:54.30Kobazyeah mac definitely doesn't work
21:54.35Kobazverified and re-verified
21:54.41Kobazentered it like 12 times
21:56.49robmalIt's dead. RMA.
21:58.05*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
22:03.23Kobazit's not dead
22:03.30Kobazit works on comcast's provisioning server
22:03.36Kobazbut i dont want it there anymore
22:06.19Kobazit may have a custom bootloader installed
22:08.02robmalStill, if it gets a new one from the boot server - it'll replace it.
22:08.56Kobazyeah but it's not hitting th boot server
22:09.05Kobazyou know what, it's like grabbing cdp i think
22:09.27Kobazi saw the requests going through
22:09.35Kobazthere's still a comcast box at of all places
22:09.45Kobazbut i have these on a separate vlan now
22:10.11robmalCheck your dhcp options.
22:10.26Kobazthat's all good
22:10.32Kobazthis was all tested last night
22:10.38Kobazi'm plugging in a plain vanilla phone now
22:20.36*** join/#asterisk skywayskase (~skywayska@
22:22.14Kobaznon-comcastic phone works fine
22:23.12robmalHow many comcasted phones do you have?
22:23.59Kobazit's not the end of the world
22:25.55robmalK. I can give it a go over some teamviewer for $30 each ;-)
22:26.06Kobazto a polycom?
22:26.09Kobazhow's that work
22:26.25robmalNo, to a pc that can access dhcp server and the polycoms.
22:30.18Kobazthat's not going to do anything
22:30.20Kobazdhcp is fine
22:30.22Kobazthe comcast polycoms have the web server disabled
22:31.31robmalOk, you know how to reach me :-) Good luck.
22:36.24*** join/#asterisk rwb (~Thunderbi@
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