IRC log for #asterisk on 20170220

00:03.40*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
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08:45.25ntzone stupid Q:
08:45.43ntzwhy does: core shutdown gracefully never works o.O ????
08:45.56ntzcore shutdown now works but the graceful one never
08:52.00wdoekesntz: not a stupid question. the graceful shutdown should work, but waits for all calls to end. you may need to debug what is holding back asterisk (core show channels, sip show channels, sip show objects, ...)
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09:04.16ntzwdoekes: only what I have still up are established a T38 peers, perhaps this
09:04.33ntzokay, explained, understood, taken .... thanks !!!!
09:10.25*** join/#asterisk cbeyerlein (
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09:23.09cbeyerleinheya, I'm having troubles getting the dialplan matching logic in pbx.c logging debug output.. already added logger channel with DEBUG and core set debug 9
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10:19.26*** join/#asterisk melmoth81_ (c2e094f2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:20.01melmoth81_hello everybody, I need some help
10:22.14ntzmelmoth81_: cools story, go on :)
10:23.19melmoth81_Hello ntz :)
10:24.37ntzin order to help you (assumingly by answering your question) we need to know the question
10:25.14melmoth81_When Dian an extension, I run a bash script than send via telnet the CALLERID to another system. The problem is than I need to send another script when the call is hangup
10:26.08melmoth81_The problem is that i'm trying to use the h extension, buy the CALLERID es always "h"
10:26.22ntzmelmoth81_: wait, what protocol .... you shouldn't be sending that via telnet but read it enwrapped in the trunk within the call by receiving application
10:26.54melmoth81_I only need to send a string
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10:30.12melmoth81_<ntz> the receiving application are listeing the telnet port. There is any problem?
10:32.13ntzmelmoth81_: depends, perhaps not ... that was my initial reaction because it sounds a bit overengineered ... I'm also sending CALLERID[0..?8] but I can read it by receiving application from sip trunk
10:32.37ntzor generally speaking, I can postprocess that on client while read from sip trunk
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10:44.53ntzmelmoth81_: eg from your dialplan do something like this: Set(CALLERID(number)=${EXTEN});
10:57.50melmoth81_<ntz> I have this...
10:57.54melmoth81_exten => _[1234567]0001,1,Answer() same => n,Set(EXT_DESTINO=${DB(DESVIO/${EXTEN})}) same => n,GotoIf($["${EXT_DESTINO}" =  ""]?NORMAL:DESVIO) same => n(NORMAL),System(/etc/asterisk/pServer/ 1 ${EXTEN} ${CALLERID})  ;Integramos con CCTV OPERACION LLAMADA same => n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) same => n,Hangup  same => n(DESVIO),Dial(SIP/${EXT_DESTINO}) same => n,Hangup  exten => h,1,System(/etc/asterisk/pSe
10:58.43melmoth81_ups... sorry. I think it's hard to see fine
10:59.05ntzuse pastebin next time please
10:59.06melmoth81_in this line same => n(NORMAL),System(/etc/asterisk/pServer/ 1 ${EXTEN} ${CALLERID})
10:59.30melmoth81_i run a scritp with 3 params (1), EXTEN and CALLERID
10:59.51melmoth81_y need to run the script again on hangup so I try to use this line
10:59.57melmoth81_exten => h,1,System(/etc/asterisk/pServer/ 0 ${EXTEN} ${CALLERID})
11:01.22melmoth81_the problem is that EXTEN is allways "h"...
11:03.36*** join/#asterisk Rico (~Rico@unaffiliated/rico29)
11:05.19RicoI have a question about logger : I only have one line containing "full => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose,dtmf,fax" in logfiles section, but logs are still sent to syslog. how can I disable that ?
11:06.39Rico(Asterisk 13.10.0)
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11:18.14ntzRico: perhaps you havent reload() yet
11:18.35RicoI've reload logger module
11:18.41RicoCLI>logger reload
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11:19.39ntzRico: show us output from `logger show channels'
11:21.29Ricoeverything goes to /var/log/asterisk/full, and to /var/log/syslog TOO
11:21.32ntzwell, this clearly says, that chans ain't enabled
11:21.48ntztry restarting asterisk please
11:22.05RicoI can not
11:22.06ntzentirely, logger show channels just says what it does
11:22.55ntzRico: why can't you restart that when you can modify it ???
11:23.05Ricontz:  I can reload logger module
11:23.18Ricobut I can not restart asterisk, having about 100calls running on it
11:25.13ntzRico: to be honest, you see what logger show channels says, so why it writes still to syslog is kinda mysterious
11:25.29Ricontz:  yes, that's why I'm asking here :)
11:38.41ntzRico: does it still persist ? I'm asking because I've player with logging a relatively much, configuring it for logstash and so on and I've never hit into this issue
11:39.11Ricoyes I'm still having the issue
11:39.16Ricobut I did not restart asterisk
11:40.19ntzcouldn't it be some crazy rsyslog queue ???
11:43.10Riconothing related to '/var/log/asterisk*' in rsyslog config
11:44.34ntzyou've said it still goes in via /dev/log (eg processed by rsyslog based on facility.prio)
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11:56.51melmoth81_<ntz> Do you have any idea??
12:00.26ntzmelmoth81_: yes, I've already pointed you .... just Set() within your dialplan exporting whatever you need and read it on client side, no idea with telnet, really
12:04.19melmoth81_<ntz> I allready know that, but if i use the h extension, I cat use CALLERID.  I'm exporting the information at the beginning, but i can't export at the hangup.
12:04.35melmoth81_Not is a telnet problem
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13:18.56[TK]D-Fendermelmoth81_, the problem is that EXTEN is allways "h"... <--- because that is where you are
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14:25.18MacroManMy WebSocket client gets randomly booted by asterisk with the following error:
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14:26.03MacroManI can register again straight away with no problem, but I don't think getting the error is a good think. I'm using a SSL certificate from Letsencrypt
14:31.49Samotntz: I'm not sure a Asterisk 1.8 issue is the problem.
14:31.57SamotMacroMan: What version of Asterisk?
14:34.40ntzMacroMan: unresolved is the status
14:35.30Samotntz: <-- This is actually closer to the issue he is having.
14:35.44SamotBecause he's using WSS.
14:36.05SamotIt's why I'm asking what version is running.
14:36.25ntzyeah, cool
14:37.32Samot1.8 is dead at the end of the day. So if you are running 1.8 and are hit with bugs, your fix is upgrading to a supported version.
14:38.15MacroManI'm using 14
14:39.18SamotThis should have been fixed in 14.0, if it's not I would submit a ticket.
14:39.19MacroManErm. 14 latest when I built it about 3 weeks ago
14:39.47SamotOr try updating to the current version of 14.
14:40.32MacroManAsterisk 14.2.1 built by root @ asterisk on a x86_64 running Linux on 2017-02-01 14:47:14 UTC
14:41.01filethe referenced issue is not the same thing
14:41.37[TK]D-FenderStandard: 14.3.0 (2017/02/13)
14:41.46fileit was if a fatal error occurred and we killed the websocket it could still remain open when it shouldn't
14:42.32MacroManI haven't had it happen during a call, so I don't know if it would interrupt a call or not
14:42.49MacroMan[TK]D-Fender, Thanks, I'll upgrade
14:43.39SamotI just said it was the closest of the two tickets.
14:43.51SamotI wasn't sure if it was 100% related.
14:44.00SamotBut more related than the 1.8 ticket.
14:46.00MacroManTicket 22750 doesn't really describe what is happening. 25312 is close. I'll upgrade to 14.3.0 and monitor
14:52.22*** join/#asterisk phrearch (
14:54.54phrearchi wonder where i can find a working modules.conf for asterisk 14
14:55.33phrearchi moved the existing modules.conf that works with asterisk 11 to asterisk 14, removed chan_local, but i still get an error about pjsip
14:55.43phrearch`symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_phoneprov_provider_register`
14:56.35MacroManphrearch, Here is modules.conf for 14 produced by 'make samples':
14:57.00phrearchMacroMan: ah thanks! i'll try make samples next time
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15:15.04phrearchis pjsip an alternative to chan_sip?
15:17.00jkroonhi all, it would seem VALID_EXTEN doesn't deal with labels for priority?
15:17.12phrearchfile: do i need to disable chan_sip to use pjsip or is it ok to keep them both enabled?
15:17.23fileyou can use both but they can't be on the same ports
15:17.30phrearchah i see
15:17.33jkrooneg, VALID_EXTEN(,${EXTEN},tech-${CHANNEL(channeltype)}) ?
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15:19.21phrearch states that a client needs a generated client certificate, but how does that work in the browser?
15:19.53phrearchtrying to figure out how to enable webrtc in asterisk
15:20.54filefor TLS a client certificate is needed, for WSS it is not needed
15:21.01filesame for DTLS-SRTP
15:21.10filethe browser generates a certificate itself to use for DTLS-SRTP
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15:21.35phrearchah, so for the browser, it should be fine without the additional client certificate action
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15:40.34igcewielingheh, nice.  I'm seeing 16x compression ratios on a zfs deduplicated volume which is being used to serve polycom firmware and configs to phones.
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15:54.19MacroManDisconnecting my WSS client doesn't unregister the client with Asterisk. How can I go about unregistering disconnected clients automatically.
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15:57.41MacroManfile, phrearch, That's not correct. You will need a valid SSL cert to use WSS
15:58.00fileyou need an SSL certificate on the server
15:58.17fileand there is no method to have it automatically unregister on disconnect
16:01.28MacroManphrearch, This is the script I wrote that will install Asterisk 14 with WSS support on Ubuntu 16.04 (should also work on 16.10):
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16:19.33samwieremaI have a dialplan where I answer an incoming channel and do a playback. Then I Hangup(). Is it correct that it sends 603 Declined on Hangup()?
16:21.43[TK]D-Fender603 is what * gives if you don't answer and have no other status to forward
16:22.37samwierema[TK]D-Fender: hmm, ok. I'll dive into it some more. Thanks
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17:03.59Samot603 is basically the "I got your call but I don't/won't handle for whatever reason".
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17:04.39[TK]D-Fender"didn't answer and have nothing else to say"
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17:04.48Samot603 = raspberry of call responses.
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17:06.19tompawAnyone having issues with WebRTC and 13.14? I have exactly the same config as in 13.13.1 and Asterisk can't call my WS endpoints. There are no error/debug messages - the last thing I see is "Called X" and nothing happens. Even SIP messages are not generated.
17:06.25SamotI feel like 603 should return that "wha wha whaaaa" trumpet sound when you get it.
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17:07.55[TK]D-Fendertompaw, PASTEBIN <-
17:08.50tompawThat's all logs including pjsip enabled, the next step is debug
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17:18.49MajesticFudgieHaving a wierd issue where as soon as an internal call is answered between my deskphone and X-Lite the call drops. The console doesnt show an error either
17:19.39[TK]D-FenderAnd we should already have a call to look at right now....
17:19.39igcewielingthat sounds like directmedia needs to be no.
17:19.48[TK]D-FenderSounds like nothing to me
17:20.38MajesticFudgieigcewieling where should I set that? Incoming calls work fine when answered by my desk phone, not tested with X-Lite
17:21.16igcewielinglook at sip.conf.sample
17:21.56igcewielingif calls to a different phone at the same location works, then I'd look at codec isues, though that should be logged in the CLI.
17:23.24MajesticFudgiekk, I'll try your suggestion
17:23.44MajesticFudgieigcewieling, fixed and working :D
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17:23.50igcewielingwhat was it?
17:23.56MajesticFudgieLiterally what you suggested
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17:25.45tompawnice clean debug
17:27.32[TK]D-FenderI see no call coming in.  No SIP debug .  No dialplan processing.  No call ending.  Nothing.
17:27.41*** part/#asterisk igcewieling (
17:29.45tompawBecause no dialplan is involved. This simply needs to call '2' and bridge it to an ARI app.
17:30.06tompawSource of transaction state change is TRANSPORT_ERROR << could this be a clue
17:30.17[TK]D-Fenderwe should see SIP DEBUG for this
17:30.38tompaw[TK]D-Fender: pjsip logging is enabled when this happens and produces exactly 0 output
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18:12.00tompawThe inv session does NOT have an invite_tsx
18:12.06tompawWhat's "tsx"?
18:13.34tompawBTW the reason why I have to move from 13.13.1 to 13.14 is that 13.13.1 goes shit bananas when recordings.mute or recordings.unmute is used. It triggers hundreds of thousands of "INTERNAL_OBJ: FRACK!, Failed assertion bad magic number 0x0..." errors, which allegedly are fixed in 13.14
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18:27.06fileINVITE transaction
18:34.54tompawfile: a-ha. any idea why this happens on 13.14?
18:35.22fileno, I would need to see a full pjsip set logger on from start to finish
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19:13.51tompawfile: what do you mean from start to finish - it's not showing ANYTHING for this originate
19:14.02fileso it's not even sending the INVITE?
19:14.15filethen you'd need to provide configuration details and Dial string
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19:49.49dan_jHi. In Asterisk 11, users said that when they transferred a call, their phones updated with the transferred calls CLI. In Asterisk 13, that isn't happening and the receiving phone still shows the transferer's CLI. Can the original functionality be restored?
19:50.11dan_jthis is when an attended transfer managed by the SIP phones feature buttons.
19:54.41igcewielingthe depends on how you are doing the transfer.
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19:55.59igcewielingThere are at least three things which are "transfers" and one other which could be considered "Transfer"
19:58.26dan_jDTMF transfer, transfers using the SIP feature buttons, whats the third?
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20:14.41tompawfile: it's not even sending the INVITE. It's a simple PJSIP/2 in this case (which is a WS endpoint, if it matters). I can extract more stuff, but I don't know what to go after.
20:15.22tompawAgain, it's a 1:1 same environment (ari daemons, configs, originate call, dialplan, etc.) between 13.13.1 and 13.14 - the only difference is the asterisk version.
20:15.26fileis it WSS or WS?
20:15.38tompawWSS being WS + SSL?
20:15.51tompawThen yes, it uses a valid cert.
20:16.01tompawOoh, I actually haven't checked the web console
20:16.03tompawOne sec.
20:16.05filermudgett is currently working on that.
20:16.25tompawAs in? It's a bug?
20:16.47filethere is a bug in WSS
20:18.04tompaw(when are you going to fix this https issue for chris sake it's been years now)
20:18.14rmudgettThat hasn't changed between v13.13.1 and v13.14.0
20:18.29fileyes it did
20:18.30tompawyeah it says 14.x
20:18.52filethat's what it was reported against, but it's applicable to 13.14.0
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20:23.01tompawSo I can pick between INTERNAL_OBJ: FRACK! in 13.13.1 and WSS error in 13.14 :F
20:24.16fileit's not hard to undo the WSS change
20:24.43tompawI need to confirm this is really the issue here, no errors in Firefox web console
20:24.57tompawunless it somehow happens on the Asterisk side
20:31.52igcewielingdan_j: The Transfer dialplan application.   Dial could be be called a "transfer" too.
20:32.02tompawfile: awesome, thanks
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20:46.10dan_jigcewieling: ah. Ok. In this case its not via the dial plan. The user presses the Transfer key on the sip phone, does a normal dial (which does use the dialplan), speaks to the recipient and the presses the transfer key again to complete the transfer. So i assume the actual transfer is done via sip signalling. In asterisk 11, that caused the recipients phone
20:46.11dan_jto update the display with the transferred call's callerid. But in 13, that has stopped.
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23:07.09SpaceInvadersHi!  I'm running Asterisk at home using OBi110s (2) and ready to start testing with a service provider.  It seems many of them have upped their prices significantly.  Is it still possible, in the US, to find a SP that'll give me good service and unlimited calls in the US for US$5.00/month per line?
23:11.01igcewielingI doubt it.   Most people go with per/min rates.
23:11.51SpaceInvadersdo you have a preferred provider?  and what do you like about them?
23:12.53igcewielingI work for a phone company, but I really hate talking on the phone.   I use Vitelity, but my usage is very low.
23:13.29igcewielingmost of my usage is test faxes.
23:13.46SpaceInvadersMy usage is pretty low but I am not sure about my wife's.
23:15.45SpaceInvadersare you paying 1.44 cents per minute for US and CA?
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23:25.31[TK]D-Fenderthat's pricey
23:25.41[TK]D-Fendereasy to find 1c/m
23:25.56SpaceInvadersThat's what I was thinking.  It's what they advertise on the Vitelity web site
23:26.10SpaceInvadersHi TK :-)
23:27.02[TK]D-FenderAll 1c/m tops
23:27.44SpaceInvadersTK if I'm running Asterisk I want the 2-way SIP trunking, correct?
23:28.21[TK]D-FenderDepends on you
23:28.33[TK]D-FenderSometimes you'll want 1 provider for inbound, maybe another for outbound
23:28.37[TK]D-Fenderit's entirely up to you
23:28.41SpaceInvadersahhh ya
23:28.52SpaceInvadersI never even thought about splitting providers
23:28.54[TK]D-FenderOften mutilple for outbound as that cost teends to vary depending where you call
23:29.28SpaceInvadersI just want a quality and low-cost provider that'll offer me a solution that won't require me to pay for things I already do with my Asterisk server.
23:31.13[TK]D-FenderThe last 3 providers mentioned all let you pick exactly what you want in pieces.
23:31.20[TK]D-FenderWhat is your actual expected usage?
23:31.40SpaceInvadersMine is low.  I'm not sure about my wife's or how to quantify usage.
23:31.51SpaceInvadersher's is definitely more than mine
23:32.00[TK]D-FenderGet a good idea of your expected usage and start shopping
23:32.19[TK]D-Fenderbut those 3 providers are amongst the best a-la-carte
23:32.59[TK]D-Fenderthere are "unlimited" providers, but it's good to keep the DIY cost in mind
23:33.06[TK]D-FenderYou have a lot of choice.
23:33.36SpaceInvadersYa.  I was hoping to find a $3/month or $5/month provider like i used to see but apparently those plans are all "retired".
23:33.50[TK]D-FenderThe age of free lunch came and went
23:34.03[TK]D-Fendernow that it's a known thing they go back to more standardized rates
23:34.04SpaceInvadersyup :/
23:34.16[TK]D-Fenderbut VoIP still lets you DIY since you control your selection and call handling
23:49.48*** join/#asterisk netman (~netman@
23:57.49*** join/#asterisk Samael28 (~Samael28@

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