IRC log for #asterisk on 20170216

00:02.03*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
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02:21.11*** join/#asterisk Katty (uid62315@gateway/web/
02:24.21Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix pls
02:28.01SamotWell, describing what the issue is would be a good start.
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02:30.15Kattyit does not work.
02:30.17Kattyat all.
02:30.28Katty[TK]D-Fender: can you help
02:30.53SamotSo you can't start it?
02:30.56SamotDoes it give you errors?
02:37.05Kattydrmessano: can you help?
02:40.05SamotKatty: What is the issue you are having? How is Asterisk not working? Is it not starting properly or is something else happening?
02:41.17Kattyi'm not having any issues.
02:41.18Kattyyou can ignore me.
02:42.23SamotUhm. OK.
02:42.27Kattyi have been doing this for over 10 years
02:42.35Kattyand i was a regular in this channel.
02:42.44Kattythat line ^-- is my line.
03:20.28*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
03:47.05drmessanoKatty: Have u tried turning it off and on again?
04:17.07lorsungcuSamot: that was pretty good effort. A+
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04:39.05SamotI try
04:42.10KobazKatty: yello
04:42.15Kobazyou're up late
04:47.35SamotWow. Apparently my request for a lot of sauce was taken literally.
04:48.15SamotActually i said "All the sauces" meaning all types. But hell.
04:50.43SamotAnd another dozen packets at the bottom of the bag.
04:50.53SamotHow much sauce does this dude think I'm going to use?!
04:51.25lorsungcu"All the sauces"
04:53.48SamotHaha. Thomas Lennon as Leo Getz. Awesome.
04:55.52*** join/#asterisk cryptic (
05:26.07*** join/#asterisk Penguin (
06:08.23drmessanoSamot: Your Taco Bell sauces have Mexican on them too
06:08.42drmessanoI would have thought English/French
06:11.51*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
06:14.26SamotIt's English and French.
06:14.35*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
06:14.46wyoungTaco Bell is shit
06:15.04SamotShut yo mouf.
06:15.27wyoungThey don't make ceviche, and if they did it would be poisioniness
06:16.58lorsungcuthey make XXL Grilled Stuft Burrito tho
06:18.48Samotlorsungcu ^^^^
06:18.55SamotTaco Bell has fries in Canada.
06:19.05lorsungcuis it just a fry?
06:19.14SamotWell that is what is left.
06:19.17SamotI was showing the bag.
06:19.26lorsungcufry + cumin?
06:19.37SamotMy bean burrito combo had fries with it.
06:19.51lorsungcuthat makes me uncomfortable
06:20.00SamotCould have upgraded to a Fries Supreme.
06:20.08lorsungcuseems like they're trying to persuade me from stopping at BK on the way home
06:20.35SamotWell, it's Canada.
06:20.40SamotFries are a big thing.
06:20.47SamotEven KFC does fries.
06:21.40SamotIf you order KFC without Fries + Gravy here, you are a monster.
06:21.56lorsungcuwe pretty well got rid of all/most KFC
06:22.11SamotWell there's only two in all of Winsdor.
06:22.14SamotWell there's only two in all of Windsor.
06:22.56SamotA&W doesn't do Coney Dogs..
06:23.03lorsungcuwhole town is named after cheap whisky
06:23.11lorsungcuwouldnt trust them to handle fast food right
06:23.45SamotHiram Walker is here.
06:23.50SamotSo yeah.
06:25.43SamotHowever, Little Caesar's and Domino's are treated properly here. As shitty fast food pizza that is mainly for US visitors and those wasted out of their minds.
06:26.26SamotIt's like the Pizza! Pizza! chains here. They're basically the White Castle's.
06:27.02lorsungcuyou heard about my white castle, right
06:27.26lorsungcutim hortons took it over
06:27.43SamotUS Tim Horton's is frowned upon here.
06:27.48lorsungcuhere too
06:27.55lorsungcui want my WC back
06:28.01SamotThey'll do it when they are there over DK.
06:28.16SamotBut apparently, there is a difference.
06:28.22SamotIn the coffee itself.
06:28.27lorsungcui just realized the irony in that acronym
06:29.29SamotWell not the coffee grinds, beans themselves but the way it is made.
06:29.34SamotMainly, the water.
06:30.23SamotBut the creamer/milk as well.
06:31.21SamotThat kind of stuff is regulated more over here. That whole health over profits things going on here.
06:31.55SamotSo all the extra shit that gets added in diary in the US isn't allowed in Canada.
06:32.19SamotUS milk does not pass the standards to be sold in Canada.
06:33.05lorsungcuyou guys put it in bags
06:33.11lorsungcui think it's us that doesnt let you in
06:33.12lorsungculet's be real
06:33.17SamotStays fresher longer.
06:33.25lorsungcuwe did it here for about a year
06:33.33lorsungcudecided it was whack
06:33.33SamotHah, the US has not choice but to let me in.
06:33.47SamotIt's three bags.
06:34.05SamotThe milk stays fresher longer.
06:34.14SamotBecause you don't expose it.
06:34.20lorsungcui just dont drink milk because its disgusting
06:34.53SamotMilk is yummy.
06:44.19[TK]D-Fender<Samot> Could have upgraded to a Fries Supreme. <- about as Mexican ... as the rest of their menu....
06:48.01*** join/#asterisk Demon_VoIP (~demon@
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07:01.19SamotHah, no kidding.
07:01.29SamotI don't got to Taco Bell for "mexican" food.
07:03.36*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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07:14.30[TK]D-FenderGo for the "alleged" cheese.  Stay for the runs you'll have far faster than anything should ever be able to pass through your intestinal system like.
07:15.03[TK]D-Fenderan .... bed time....
07:52.56*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
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11:08.18samwieremaGood morning. Is there any way to trigger a 482 Loop detected with the ARI (or at all)?
11:08.39wyoungsamwierema: Good evening
11:25.01samwieremaI guess using PJSIP is a prerequisite for sending, judging from the source code
11:30.07*** part/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
11:37.52*** join/#asterisk areski (
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11:59.01DanQuinneyWith cdr_adaptive_odbc is it possible to populate database columns (such as exten) with Asterisk variables such as ${exten} without having to add them to the dialplan?
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12:31.07samwieremaWhat could be reason why a Comfort Noise frame automatically hangs up a two bridged channels?
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13:29.52SamotDanQuinney: No You still need to populate them.
13:30.27DanQuinneythought as much - thanks :)
13:33.13*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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14:20.55*** join/#asterisk AndyCap (~aoy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/AndyCap)
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14:39.48MacroManThe ringing you hear when inviting. Is that generated by Asterisk or by the SIP device?
14:41.35wdoekesMacroMan: depends. if everything works well in the SIP world, it's the device closest to you that makes the "180 Ringing" SIP reply audible
14:42.46MacroManwdoekes, OK thanks. I'm developing a softphone with js.sip and I was wondering if I needed to generated it myself. I didn't seem to get anything back from Asterisk sound wise until it was accepted
14:43.07wdoekeshowever, there are cases when a "183 Progress" message is sent, in which case that device creates an RTP stream with the ringing sound
14:43.32wdoekesindeed, that works as intended
14:44.51MacroManOK thanks. Just found a Ringing() application that I'll try.
14:45.21DanQuinneysorry guys, another question, I've got the following in my dialplan;
14:45.55DanQuinneybut getting the following error; [2017-02-16 13:52:10] WARNING[10535][C-0000001c]: pbx.c:2864 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'CDR' for extension (ast13-accgosub, s, 1)
14:46.28*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
14:47.37MacroManDanQuinney, I don't think CDR is a valid dialplan application, I can't find it on the wiki
14:48.19DanQuinneyit works everywhere else in my dialplan
14:49.19MacroManDanQuinney, I'm afraid I can't help any further. I've not used cdr yet
14:50.54fileit's a dialplan function
14:50.58fileso you have to use the Set application
14:51.14filesame for CHANNEL(accountcode)
14:51.23DanQuinneythanks file !
14:52.16DanQuinneyworks like a charm!
14:54.02*** join/#asterisk Kaian (
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15:35.25MacroManAnyone know where the ringing sound in Asterisk is stored?
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15:35.35MacroManIn a typical linux install
15:35.48MacroManIt's not with sounds
15:37.39*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
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15:43.08newtonrMacroMan, As far as I am aware, all of the sounds are in the sounds directory. Any other sounds you hear are likely generated in realtime from Asterisk or on the phone itself. Or passed through inband from something on the far end.
15:45.28MacroManI think it must be generated, I can't find it anywhere
15:45.39igcewielingAsterisk either generates the ring internally or the phone generates the sound.
15:45.54igcewielingWhy do you need to know?
15:46.54MacroManUnless the dialplan answers the call, I can't hear the dialtone. But then my softphone thinks that the call is connected, which it isn't
15:47.17igcewielingDanQuinney: you need to download the LATEST Asterisk and check the UPGRADE*.txt files so you know what things people tell you which have no relevance to your version of Asterisk
15:47.23MacroManI wanted to *steal* the sound file to use in my softphone
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15:47.53igcewielingthat makes no sense at all.
15:48.04igcewielingdo you mean dialtone or ring tone?
15:48.17MacroManSorry, ringtone
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15:48.33igcewielinguse the Ringing or Playtones applications and be done with it.
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15:49.31MacroManWhich only work once the call is answered. It's fine, if I can't get the file from Asterisk I'll try and find one online
15:49.41filethere is no sound file for ringing
15:50.10fileAsterisk has a tone generator which generates the various tones if they are needed
15:50.26MacroManAh OK.
15:50.36igcewielingfile: generates them in SLN, then transcodes to the call's codec?
15:55.14MacroManAh found indications.conf which has tone frequency information. cool
15:58.40*** join/#asterisk lpl (
16:00.26*** part/#asterisk fvox13 (
16:00.41lplHi everybody, If I set congestion to no in cdr.conf what disposition value will be put instead, empty or failed ?
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16:04.58igcewielingI assume it doesn't generate a CDR
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16:05.48igcewielingcheck the notes for unanswered=no
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16:07.57lplThe note says: "If this option is set to "no", then those log entries will not be created. Unasnwered Calls which get offered to an outgoing line will always receive log entries regardless of this option, and that is the intended behaviour.
16:09.16lplbut my question is what disposition value the log entry will get ? NULL is case of DB/empty in csv or just a generic FAILED ?
16:10.12*** join/#asterisk friedrich (
16:10.15lplI guess I can simulate an unanswered call and check, if unanswered and congestion are treated same way
16:10.20igcewieling"those log entries will not be created." <--- says to me there is no CDR for that call.
16:10.40igcewielingit would be as if the call never happened.  Seems rather silly to me.
16:11.05lplyes but "Unasnwered Calls which get offered to an outgoing line will always receive log entries"
16:11.53igcewielingthat part is a bit confusing.
16:12.36lplso as I understand any outgoing call unanswered or congestion-ed(per say) will have an entry regardless of the configuration.
16:13.04lplthen my question is: What disposition value will this entry have.
16:14.02igcewielingSince the docs are a bit unclear, I suspect you will have to test it to be sure.
16:14.19igcewielingOn my systems I log everything and sort it out in post processing.
16:15.00igcewielingThankfully we use our carriers' CDRs for billing so our own CDRs are not critical
16:16.05MacroManWhat happened to asterisk version 2 through 9?
16:16.29MacroManI assume versioning was changed
16:17.55SamotThey dropped the 1. part of it. If you want to look at it that way.
16:18.00Samot1.8 to 10.
16:18.04SamotSo 8 to 10
16:18.09newtonr  for fun historical reading
16:19.57lplok thanks
16:24.21*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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16:51.08nickgawHi, I have asterisk 13.9.1 is that version still current or should I upgrade?
16:51.44fileThe current released version of Asterisk 13 is 13.14.0, released 3 days ago.
16:57.26nickgawAs I am getting started configuring this new system and really have made no changes can I just reinstall the newer version over the older version and would the configure.cache file help things quicker or should I run make uninstall first in the old sources before starting the new installation?
17:00.13igcewielingnickgaw: build in a seperate directory, install over what is already instyalled.
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17:17.02nickgawI might be in the process of looking for a new hosting company as Digitalocean has no phone support should I ever need it are there good asterisk suggested hosting companies?
17:17.34*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
17:24.46SamotWell most VM hosting is the same.
17:25.02nickgawso with no phone support?
17:25.03igcewielingIn my experience people who want hosted also want cheap which does not usually provide good phone support.
17:25.30SamotWhat do you need?
17:25.36SamotIn regards to support?
17:26.39igcewielingThe company I work for provides some phone support for our hosted service, but that seems mainly used to manage customer expectations after our sales rep promises them everything.
17:26.43nickgawEasy way to reload the server if I need to as I am totally blind and the Digitalocean control pannel is not the best accessible with screen readers and I have written them with ots of resources to fix the issue and they have done nothing to fix the problem.
17:27.05Samot"Reload the server"?
17:27.13SamotAs in the ISO?
17:27.36nickgawThere control pannel use to be much more accessible as well as change sizes should I wish to if I mess up and want to start over reload the system.
17:28.37igcewielingAh, a hosted virtual machine, not a hosted phone service?
17:29.07SamotRight but if I'm understanding this right. "Totally blind" in this case is literal.
17:29.09nickgawI don't want to pay money for hosting if the company won't listen to my needs does hosted asterisk services exist?
17:29.32SamotSo the UI is having issues being handled by the screen reader.
17:29.38SamotIs that correct, nickgraw?
17:31.17nickgawMy computers have text to speech software installed but only if the pages have good accessibility features like properly labeled controls and alt texts in the <img> html tags and Digitalocean
17:31.31Samotnickgaw: Here's the downside.
17:31.41nickgawyes the Digitalocean interface is not usable with screen readers.
17:31.57SamotEven if phone support was offered, what you are asking for would be considered "out of scope"
17:32.25nickgawjust to ask them to issue a server reload would be out of scope?
17:32.44SamotBecause it's meant to be all you.
17:32.48SamotThat's how it's designed.
17:32.53nickgawAre there asterisk hosting services that exist?
17:33.03SamotBecause that's a service.
17:33.15SamotSomeone said "Yeah, I'll add this to my services and deal with it"
17:33.21SamotLike I do.
17:34.09nickgawI am not talking about reloading asterisk I can compile from source just fine but like where on Digitalocean you can reload the droplet having them have that service if they had phone support that you would say not be in scope with their service?
17:34.37*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
17:34.38SamotRight, when you said "reload the droplet/server"
17:34.49SamotYou mean install the ISO or a snapshot...
17:35.07nickgawhowever Digitalocean does things like a fresh installation.
17:35.16SamotThat's what snapshots are for.
17:35.27SamotYou can fire up an instance from a snapshot.
17:36.03nickgawI want to restart from scrtch as this asterisk droplet I got it just for asterisk nothing else.
17:36.06SamotSo you create a VM instance with Ubuntu on it. You install Apache, Asterisk, Postfix, etc, etc ,etc
17:36.14SamotYou take a snapshot.
17:36.22SamotYou can now load a new VM with that snapshot.
17:36.44SamotSo destroy the instance and create a new one.
17:36.52SamotOR just create a new one.
17:37.16nickgawtrue but currently I want to go back to the default nothing installed.  I understand the idea of snapshot and like the idea of it but not currently as I have messed around with the system to much.
17:37.28SamotSo create a new droplet
17:37.42SamotYes, you'll have to install everything again.
17:37.53SamotBut that's "scratch" or "default"
17:38.24nickgawthe only thing I installed worth my useage is asterisk nothing else.
17:38.34nickgawso will lose nothing.
17:39.03SamotI'm still not seeing what the "support" issue is.
17:39.11SamotYou want to start over with a fresh droplet.
17:39.16SamotCreate one.
17:39.32SamotOr destroy your current one.
17:39.35SamotCreate a new one.
17:39.38nickgawso get rid of my current one and make a new one?
17:39.45SamotOr you just make a new one.
17:39.54SamotDigitalOcean doesn't care how many droplets you have.
17:39.57SamotYou pay for each of them.
17:40.58SamotThe only support a VM host will provide is for the VM nodes, networking, IPs etc.
17:40.59nickgawyes if the interface were fully usable I could do this on my own if they would either fix their interface I could do this on my own or if they had phone support I could call them and explain what I wanted and they could just access my account and reload it or create another one for me.
17:41.13*** part/#asterisk Sean-Der (
17:41.14Samotnickgaw: Don't take this the wrong way.
17:41.22SamotThe only issue is your impairment.
17:41.31SamotI use DigitalOcean.
17:41.37igcewielingnickgaw: most "asterisk hosting services" don't give you access to the server, since it also hosts other clients.
17:41.40SamotCreating a droplet takes 3 minutes if that.
17:41.55SamotThis is nothing with Asterisk.
17:41.59nickgawunderstand your point. but should the company be owanting to do the right thing and make their interface usable to everyone?
17:42.09igcewielingexactly.  he should stop saying "asterisk hosting service":
17:42.29Samotnickgaw: The answer would be, you should have someone on your team.
17:43.06SamotThe amount of sole proprietors who are blind and do VM hosting...
17:43.16SamotIs low.
17:43.19nickgawDo companies exist where asterisk is preinstalled and I just set it up for my needs like linking it to a sip company rather then buying a hosting company where I have to set it up manually I am ok with either method?
17:43.33SamotThere are companies that do this.
17:43.38SamotBut you are limited.
17:44.19nickgawCan you suggest any good ones to look at and do they offer shell access or are they using web interfaces?
17:44.20SamotAccess, privileges, what you can and can't do are up to them.
17:44.27SamotI can't.
17:44.44SamotThey exist.
17:44.58SamotWell, pure Asterisk...not sure.
17:45.04SamotFreePBX, yes.
17:46.05nickgawunderstandable about the limitations I am ok with an interfaceif I want custom work done like special recording setups like mixing each party in a stereo file where one person is on one channel do any of the companies do this for fees?
17:46.36[TK]D-Fenderyes, they are called "consultants"
17:46.44SamotYou hire somone.
17:46.52igcewielingIf you pay enough you can find a company do to almost anything for you.   You are not going to find it cheap.
17:47.06[TK]D-FenderThe hostt is ONE guyy.  TThe guy doing CUSTOM work for you is another
17:47.35igcewielingSeems like a lot of hassle, hosting your own server will give you total control.
17:48.22Samotnickgaw: You are better just hiring someone to do this for you. You don't need to move hosts.
17:48.22nickgawunderstand about different people and that is fine I do have the fourth version of the asterisk book but that talks about the version 11 that is outdated now or do lots of those things still apply?
17:48.49SamotThe core basics haven't changed.
17:48.53SamotDialplan, etc.
17:49.13nickgawwhat about IVR and conferencing?
17:49.21igcewielingnickgaw: all the same.
17:49.43nickgawWhat is different in version 13 from 11 in terms of features?
17:50.08igcewielingnickgaw: all that information is available in the UPGRADE*.txt file
17:51.01nickgawAs I am just starting out I never have read that document but now you bring it up I should do so from the books point of view.
17:51.23igcewielingthat file is included in the asterisk source code you downloaded and installed on your VM.
17:51.38nickgawI have that file.
17:51.45nickgawI just have never read it.
17:51.50igcewielingfrom asterisk 13?
17:52.40nickgawyes there are lots of upgrade files to read.  would the git repository have a newer version of that file?
17:52.59igcewielingThere are only a few to read.
17:53.07igcewielingbut you need to read all of them,
17:53.28nickgawshould I read all of them or just the main ones?
17:53.37nickgawlike the API changes?
17:53.49igcewieling"just the main ones"?  I said UPGRADE*.txt.   That
17:54.02nickgawhave it
17:54.14igcewielingThere is more than one.
17:54.15[TK]D-Fender<nickgaw> What is different in version 13 from 11 in terms of features? <- 11 is no longer supported
17:54.26[TK]D-Fenderfirst difference.
17:54.38igcewielingAsterisk 11 will continue to get security updates for years
17:54.39nickgawgood one to make note of.
17:54.46[TK]D-FenderThere are many other substantial changes including the introduction of a completely separate SIP channel driver
17:54.53nickgawbut I would always use the latest stable version.
17:55.08[TK]D-FenderThe abstraction of RTP vs signalling code, and a whole pile of other stuff
17:55.15nickgawthe pjsip one?
17:55.40[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling, Incorrect
17:55.52[TK]D-Fenderit dies this OCTOBER
17:55.57[TK]D-Fenderno more sec fixes
17:56.00[TK]D-FenderGame over
17:56.04igcewielingnothing dies.  Its just that people don't want to support it.
17:56.14[TK]D-FenderNobody is supporting it after
17:56.26[TK]D-FenderUnless you want to start a company offering services
17:56.41[TK]D-Fenderbecause the clientt based doesn't warrant putting real resources behind it
17:56.45[TK]D-FenderWe all move on
17:57.11igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: I can live with the security issues since I don't feel like upgrading 70+ asterisk boxes.  If I managed just one or two boxes, then I might agree with you.
17:57.22nickgawyes I agree and would not start out with something that old anyway I always start out with the newest stable version.
17:57.32[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling, And what are you on now?
17:57.38igcewielingHeck we even have one server with 1.8 on it.
17:57.52nickgawthat is dead now.
17:58.02[TK]D-Fenderwell your company should have a 5 year plan to make sure they aren't left in the dust
17:58.05igcewielingalmost everything is updated to Asterisk 11, except for our hosted server which doesn't support anything more recent than Asterisk 1.8
17:58.09*** join/#asterisk Demon_VoIP (~demon@
17:58.16[TK]D-Fenderwaiting till the branch you are already on is DEAD is a dumb business model
17:58.23igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: go convince our customers to pay for it.
17:58.37[TK]D-FenderYou always pay, it's a question of how.
17:58.48igcewielingnot.  my.  problem.
17:59.09[TK]D-FenderYou support those boxes.. technically it sounds like itt.
17:59.14nickgawJust wondering what is the first version of asterisk that was ever released?
17:59.20[TK]D-FenderSo as long as you don't run into issues that's whatt luck is for
17:59.25[TK]D-FenderThe moment you cross that line....
17:59.31[TK]D-Fenderwell should have planned earlier I guess
17:59.34[TK]D-FenderRoll tthe dice
17:59.41igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: that's the problem.
18:00.00igcewielingthe support nightmare I expect Asterisk 13 to be.
18:00.22nickgawvery strange that customers would want 1.8 or do they not know that it is dead?
18:00.28igcewielingBut it doesn't really matter.   Unless someone pays us to upgrade their Asterisk box, it won't get done.
18:00.48igcewielingnickgaw: I said we only had one 1.8 server.
18:01.13[TK]D-Fender<igcewieling> the support nightmare I expect Asterisk 13 to be. <- we both know that's just paranoia :p
18:01.47igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: No, we don't.   Supporting Asterisk 13 will require rewriting some of our internal management scripts.
18:01.47[TK]D-Fender13 is LTS.  it's been out for 1.5 YEARS
18:01.48nickgawDo you offer hosting of asterisk or do work either of you and what prices do you charge?
18:02.22[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling, Sine you won't touch 14 you're puttting everything off to the point where instead of incremental changes you may have to make MORE later.
18:02.27igcewielingnickgaw: we offer hosted phone service.  We do NOT offer hosted virtual machines.
18:02.33[TK]D-FenderAnd bigger ones that if you did it in steps
18:03.12nickgawDoes your company have a web site I can look at? as a hosted service might be best for my needs?
18:03.54igcewielingYou'd need to sign a contract and talk to a sales rep.
18:04.00*** join/#asterisk robmal (
18:04.19igcewielingThen schedule install of the the switches and phones at your location.
18:04.32*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
18:05.26salviadudIf I'm going to do a fresh install of a analogue 4-line pbx with a couple of sip phones at the receiving end, which version should I try?
18:05.30igcewielingOur upgrades from 1.4 to 1.8 were hell.  never again.
18:05.31nickgawso it is not a service where I just link up sip phones to it and just use them?
18:05.47salviadudHas dahdi.conf and sip.conf changed that much?
18:05.51igcewielingnickgaw: We have a few, but they have to be a big customer.
18:07.12igcewielingLarge customers always want the PBX to be on-site not some sort of hosted thing.
18:07.27nickgawso they would not want a small system with around 4 sip phones?
18:08.13igcewielingnickgaw: They don't want to pay the prices for that.
18:08.39Kobazwhat the retarded hippy crap is this
18:08.52igcewielingI think our hosted seats are about $15/month/phone, I think they are leased to the customer.
18:08.56Kobazlevel3 is sending us calls for DIDs that are not part of our circuit
18:09.06nickgawI was trying to find a ccompany to help out with my small asterisk service.
18:09.18Kobaznickgaw: what are you trying to do?
18:09.56igcewielingKobaz: what does your asterisk do when you get a call like that?
18:10.06Samot[TK]D-Fender: It's called "Luck Support"
18:10.06Kobazit looks like it's rejecting a call
18:10.14igcewieling404, I presume.
18:10.26nickgawsetupa small asterisk system for my house as we had to port our phone numbers when we moved so currently have our sip company we host with forward to our cell phones but we can't call back threw our house numbers.
18:10.38igcewielingWe answer the call, play an error message, than hang up.
18:10.50Kobazigcewieling: well yeah we send a 404 back
18:10.53Kobazbut like umm, what's up with that
18:11.02Kobazwhy would you get a call on a PRI for a number that you dont own?
18:11.27Kobazwe send a 404 and then the adtran ta904 isdn-ifys it
18:11.28igcewielingKobaz: idiocy?  someone in sales forgot to tell anyone they ported a bunch of numbers?
18:11.53Kobazprobably like cause 21
18:12.11Kobazoh, and level3 also says they can't put callerid name on an 800 number
18:12.18igcewielingWe don't send back a 404 because far too often someone forgot to tell someone else to input the number into our GUI.
18:12.19Kobazso they just closed the ticket
18:13.19igcewielingCustomer get surprisingly upset when callers start getting "the number you called is disconnected"
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18:13.52nickgawthat happened to us when we forgot to enter in all of our cell phones into the sip comany site.
18:13.59igcewielingthat's why we don't simply send back a 404
18:14.12SamotKobaz: Most carriers don't dip on toll free.
18:14.40igcewielingtoll free numbers always point to a non-toll free.  put the CID name service on that and see.
18:14.59igcewielingWith SIP that rule is not correct 100% of the time, but close enough.
18:15.09nickgawDoes asterisk support 900 or 976 numbers directly in other words they would enter in their credit card number into asterisk rather then the provider that hosts the number?
18:15.15SamotOh there a toll free LIDB
18:15.22Kobazof course there is
18:15.24SamotBut it costs more.
18:15.28Kobazyeah, many carriers dip CNAM on TF
18:15.41Kobazall my carriers i work with do cnam on tf
18:15.56igcewielingKobaz: the cname service is not on the ring to number?
18:16.05Kobazno, why would it be
18:16.16igcewielingbecause that's where the call comes from.
18:16.16Kobazwhen you dial out. you pulse out 800.... as your callerid
18:16.37Kobazyou don't set the local did for callerid or ani, so who is going to have the local did at the far end to dip into?
18:16.38igcewielingTF 1-800-555-6789  -> 12129182222 -> SIP server
18:16.43Kobazon the inbound yes
18:16.49igcewielingah, OUTBOUND.
18:16.50Kobazbut that's not the topic
18:17.07salviadudis version 11.25 still recommended?
18:17.17salviadudI'm gonna wing it with gentoo...
18:17.28igcewielingsalviadud: I recommend it.  Others do not.
18:17.31SamotL3 needs to submit that to a LIDB.
18:17.49SamotThey may not do that
18:17.50Kobazthey say "we dont do that" and closed the ticket
18:17.56salviadudThe last version I used was 1.6, lol
18:18.50nickgawCan I ask a none asterisk question here?
18:19.15Kobaznickgaw: 900 numbers? umm
18:19.16igcewielingnickgaw: you have been all day.
18:19.48Kobazmany carriers block 900 numbers these days
18:20.16Kobaznickgaw: are you setting up something to collect card numbers and scam people?  I hope not
18:21.07nickgawgood point as I know that lots of them are not the best content I was thinking of a computer phone training service where users could call to the number to start the billing after they enter in their credit card number but I guess I would not need a 900 number for that.
18:23.25nickgawHow can I find a good updted list of asterisk workers I could pay for services?
18:23.28SamotNot at all.
18:23.39SamotConsidering that the 900 is charged by the carrier.
18:23.48nickgawgood point.
18:23.57SamotIf you have ATT and call a 900 number, ATT charges you.
18:24.19SamotThen they keep a portion of that charge and the rest goes to the 900 owner.
18:24.23nickgawdo the companies who host the 900 number charge or get anything out of it?
18:24.37SamotThat's how.
18:24.46SamotThe carrier bills, keeps a portion..
18:24.53SamotGives the rest to the owner of the 900 number.
18:26.53Kobaznickgaw: what's your budget
18:27.14Kobaznickgaw: my company build a credit card system to handle debt collections and we charged $18,000
18:27.27igcewielingI see both AT&T and Verizon have both ended 900 number service.
18:27.47Kobazigcewieling: it's dieing... too much toll fraud potential (and actual toll fraud)
18:27.50SamotI'm not sure how "over the phone" computer training is going to work..
18:28.00nickgawProbably around $300 for a small home based asterisk system.
18:28.02igcewielingKobaz: yup.  good riddence.
18:28.05KobazSamot: yeah computer training is more of a visual thing
18:28.15Kobaznickgaw: yeah good luck
18:28.26Kobaznickgaw: professional development is $100+ an hour (we charge $145/hr)
18:28.34nickgawI am totally blind so training blind people on screen reader uses does not require vision.
18:28.42Kobaznickgaw: $300 will cover your planning session
18:29.08Kobaznickgaw: sorry to hear that, maybe you can find a developer who will work for a charity, if you set up as a non-profit company
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18:30.41Kobaznickgaw: this is all possible to do with asterisk, it either costs time (do it yourself) or money to pay for development, and development is never cheap
18:30.44nickgawwill I could probably pay more I am just researching now.  currently I am trying to set up my house with a small asterisk system with sip phones does your company charge just by the hour or do they charge flat rates?
18:30.53Kobazand if you *do* find a cheap developer, you get what you pay for, generally
18:31.34Kobaznickgaw: hourly for something like that. or they might spec out a project for this and say, okay component A is going to cost $5,000, component B is going to cost $7,000... or whatever
18:32.19nickgawwhat about just for the asterisk extension setup and stereo call recording feature how much would that cost?
18:32.32nickgawusing mixmonitor
18:32.41Kobazbasic introduction setup, you could get by with $300
18:32.56Kobazif you do enough research, you can do that sort of thing yourself with a day or two of learning
18:32.56SamotJust hire someone.
18:32.59nickgawcould I find it cheaper?
18:33.07SamotHire a person.
18:33.24SamotWho's hourly isn't covering the overhead of the business in the cost.
18:33.31nickgawWho can I hire to do this do any of you do this work?
18:33.52Kobazwell. you've asked in here, and no one has responded with an offer that I know of so far
18:34.05Kobazso next step is searching outside the box, try or something similar
18:34.14Kobazhonestly it's too small of a job for my company
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18:34.58Kobazunless you could throw $10,000 to $20,000 building a platform, most professional shops wouldn't touch it
18:35.07SamotI generally don't solicit in community rooms.
18:35.08Kobazso you're going to need an individual developer
18:35.13Kobazyeah, that too
18:35.34Kobaz#asterisk irc is more like, do it yourself type stuff, "how do i build voicemail"
18:35.36nickgawdo you personally do that type of work or just threw your company and I understand about the job being to small what is your companies web site so I can take a look at it for future use?
18:35.53Kobazbut no one is going to hand hold you unless you also put in the effort
18:36.04Kobaznickgaw: private message
18:36.56Kobazhelp on irc, is generally, "hi my computer has problem X, has anyone else seen this, can you point me in a direction to fix this"
18:38.03Kobazi completely respect and understand that being blind is a major blocker to doing many of these things yourself
18:38.37Kobazmaybe you might want to find an investor who is willing to fund a computer help endeavor such as this.
18:40.20Kobazand there's always kickstarter and gofundme
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18:41.38Kobazit's an interesting project
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18:42.36nickgawWould digiaum work for me on this project?
18:43.29Kobazit's worth a shot to ask, but again, it's going to cost something
18:44.21nickgawunderstand about the cost that is not would I am wondering about currently I am trying to find people who are wanting to first help me out and like to research prices.
18:44.36Kobazand that something is not going to be a few hundred
18:44.57Kobazdigium will probably recommend you to a local partner
18:45.06nickgawthat is fine.
18:45.59Kobazthe best way to find willing people, is to put out a realistic budget
18:46.14Kobazyou can't say build me a house for $1000 and have any kind of serious offers
18:46.27Kobazso, come up with what you truly can afford, and then you can search for someone in that price range
18:46.47nickgawFor a small home setup with using mix monitor to have the ability to stereo record calls when needed what would that cost?
18:47.01Kobazyeah, that sort of stuff, you can definitely get someone to work on
18:47.08Kobazthat would be in your $300 range
18:47.26Kobazi did mention that earlier... but yeah, to get started, you can piece it together
18:47.47nickgawI am just guessing on the $300 are there places for hire of asterisk workers where I can post something to get offers?
18:47.59Kobazand also, if you do have the capability of doing some administration yourself, you can gather materials and learn how to do it would be a good place to start, there's also the asterisk-biz mailing list
18:49.06nickgawI am ok with learning myself and am pritty good at it my main point is explaining to callers why they could not get threw because I was messing with the phone system and broke things which they would not be able to fix it.
18:49.27Kobazdoing MixMonitor would be a matter of installing asterisk, setting up some phones, and this sort of thing is covered in various books
18:50.22Kobazi think that's the command?
18:50.37nickgawI have the asterisk book fourth version in electronic format.
18:50.44Kobazokay yeah, that's the best starting point
18:51.32infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
18:51.45nickgawthat book does not really talk about everything I need yes it talk about extensions but some about mix monitor.
18:52.04KobazMixMonitor is really basic.  You just call it from your dialplan, and it records
18:52.37Kobaznot every term is in the bot
18:53.06nickgawcan it also do the stereo mixing where one person is on one side of the call and the other person is on the other side of the call?
18:53.32KobazMixMonitor does not
18:53.34KobazMonitor does
18:53.52Kobazbut Monitor also behaves badly when you have a high server i/o load
18:53.59nickgawso it could do my stereo mixing and recording for me?
18:54.16KobazMixMonitor automatically records callers into a single mixed channel
18:54.29KobazMonitor can record individually
18:58.27nickgawWould comming back later and asking about hiring an asterisk person be the best thing to do or are there directories of people to do this?
19:00.07Kobaztry the asterisk-biz mailing list
19:00.43Kobazyou can ask here, but we're mostly people who ask for help and offer help for random issues (not large projects)
19:01.04nickgawI did not know about that list that might be what I need are posts archived so once my job is complete I can remove it?
19:02.04Kobazthere's the subscribe link
19:02.16Kobazthere is no removal
19:02.28Kobazposts to the list are mirrored/copied everywhere
19:02.30Kobazit's a public mailing list
19:02.39nickgawso just a follow up to my message saying it is finished.
19:02.46Kobazwell yeah
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19:39.19Demon_VoIP[2017-02-16 22:31:33] ERROR[5322] res_pjsip.c: Error 171005 'Missing route set (for tel: URI) (PJSIP_ENOROUTESET)' sending OPTIONS request to endpoint srv_d649
19:39.19Demon_VoIP[2017-02-16 22:31:33] ERROR[5322] res_pjsip/pjsip_options.c: Unable to send request to qualify contact
19:39.32Demon_VoIPis this misconfiguration or?
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19:54.40BumbaaI got the callback module from freePBX but it seems that there is something wrong in the  dialplan causing to show unknown on the agent phone when the clients gets called back,
19:55.09BumbaaI am wondering how can I set a global variable so I can uses variables between context.
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21:54.10djadkHi guys Im getting this error when I create a new account on Asterisk
21:54.10djadkError IAX 29 - Registration Refused
21:54.16djadkany help please?
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