IRC log for #asterisk on 20170201

00:11.04bariSamot, it is longer output... i can send you txt file with content
00:11.13*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
00:14.06bariSamot, or through the web ...
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00:24.46*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-bjvvclbenxmzfwzi)
00:31.37[TK]D-Fenderwe are clearly not seeing debug for a call going out
00:32.01[TK]D-Fenderthat does not look like you ran the command I gave you but rather one restricting iP
00:38.01bari[TK]D-Fender, sip debug was set to on
00:39.41[TK]D-Fendergo prove DNS is working from OS CLI
00:39.47[TK]D-Fenderfor that domain you are calling
00:44.54barii can check only DNS A record from OS.... (only nslookup installed)...
00:46.29*** join/#asterisk snadge (~snadge@unaffiliated/snadge)
00:46.52snadgecan asterisk be configured to include a hostname in the from: field of an invite, instead of the ip address?
00:46.54bariand A record is working... i also tried to set IP istead of domain
00:47.14snadgei was going to dig into the spec for this.. but i wondered if someone might know off hand
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00:56.06[TK]D-Fenderfromdomain <---- subtly named parameter sitting right there....
00:57.13barii have to leave.. thank you for advices... my asterisk openwrt build looks strange.. i will try another build for standard linux like debian and i will see
00:58.03*** part/#asterisk bari (~bari@2a01:8c00:ff00:80d5:7f98:4fc6:3e8:d181)
01:00.07snadgeim such a dumbass
01:00.25snadgenobody has ever complained that the hostname wasn't in the from domain before though
01:00.44snadgeand i was about to just fire back.. thats not how it works, just deal with it
01:01.20snadgetheres also the possibility that changing that setting for every peer.. may confuse the majority who are expecting an ip there, i don't know
01:01.39snadgeim not comfortable with just changing the fromdomain for the one person in 3 years who has complained about it
01:04.14snadgeso im going to reject that request anyway.. i just wanted to learn something first ;)
01:04.43SnwspeckleGeneral question, is it possible to send a request to a SIP URI you may not be in a call with?
01:04.47snadgeits a client setting though.. so theoretically i could do it just for his peer.. but i don't want to, and cant be bothered
01:05.17snadgetheres no clicky gui setting for it.. so it would have to be done in the back end.. bzzt
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02:00.46Primer[TK]D-Fender: <-- sip show settings
02:03.19PrimerFrom what I can tell, I'm simply not getting any packets back from
02:16.07*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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02:25.46ChannelZwell I guess that depends on what IP, outbound is a big pool
02:29.34ChannelZand I don't actually see your original question in my scrollback so can you summarize what's up? One-way audio, or..?
02:31.18*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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04:16.01*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
04:16.31PrimerIf that was in regards to what I wrote: I'm making a call from my phone to asterisk, which is behind NAT and setup to go out via vitelity. I'm running tcpdump and seeing no traffic coming back from them.
04:16.53PrimerYet I can receive calls from them just fine via the registration to them, but that uses a different host.
04:17.08PrimerIs there no upnp support in asterisk?
04:17.47*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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04:58.41igcewielingthere is no upnp support in asterisk.  however there is STUN (and maybe TURN).   Generally it is easier to set up nat correctly.
04:58.50igcewielingPrimer: I use vitelity.
05:01.46igcewielingset nat=comedia,force_rport in sip.conf.  If Asterisk is behind NAT, then set externip or externhost to whatever is the public IP.  Log into your Vitelity Portal, click on Support, Asterisk Support.  It might be less confusing to click on  Support / Generic SIP support.
05:03.01igcewielingmake sure your firewall allows all oubound connections to port 5060 as well as ports 10000 - 20000 are allowed.  If you like to live life on the edge, feel free to turn off the firewall while experimenting
05:19.04*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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08:32.17PrimerYeah, I've done everything you've mentioned. I have port 5060 and 10000-20000 forwarded to the machine behind the NAT, rtp.conf set to those ports, but it's just not making it past the SIP handshake
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09:02.58ChannelZYou get SIP Retransmission notices in sip debug?
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09:31.19*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
09:35.23PrimerI don't know what changed. I used to use this system all the time, until my polycom soundstation stopped working. Since then I've upgraded the distro from mint 18 to 18.1 and replaced the router, which is provided by the ISP (I don't have an option for a bridge)
09:35.56PrimerBut suffice it to say that back then it was working perfectly
09:37.45*** join/#asterisk Rasputin3711 (~Rasputin3@
09:45.30ChannelZWell if you can't even get SIP replies back you've got firewall problems
09:45.55ChannelZOr the original packets are never even making it off the box
09:45.58PrimerYet zoiper on my phone on the same network works fine
09:46.07Primerwhen connecting to vitelity in the exact same manner
09:46.13GeneralSpongebobWhich version of linux is best for Asterisk in a VM? Centos or Ubuntu?
09:46.13ChannelZThat's sort of a different path though.
09:46.22Primertcpdump shows the packets leaving, just not coming back
09:46.24ChannelZI assume Zoiper is running on another machine, NAT'd
09:46.34ChainsawGeneralSpongebob: Whichever one you have most operational experience with.
09:46.34ChannelZAsterisk is running on Linux, which is the firewall, yes?
09:47.01PrimerIt's running on my android phone, and configured to use the same vitelity account for outbound that asterisk is using
09:47.08Primerno, the Linux box is behind the NAT
09:47.26PrimerISP supplies a NAT router, not a bridge
09:47.28ChannelZIs the firewall a hardware router or.. ?
09:47.34ChainsawGeneralSpongebob: If you're used to CentOS, you're going to find Ubuntu frustrating and vice versa.
09:47.43PrimerAnd again, this was all working just fine a few months ago
09:48.10PrimerI didn't have to specify things like externip or localnet in sip.conf (both things I've tried today)
09:48.13ChannelZIs asterisk set to register to vitelity?
09:48.19Primeryes, and that works
09:48.24PrimerI can receive calls just fine
09:48.30*** join/#asterisk ntz (
09:48.36ChannelZThen that makes no sense
09:48.49PrimerI agree
09:48.56ntzis there some include() function for sip.conf please ?
09:49.08PrimerI've forwarded ports 5060 and 10000-20000 UDP on the router to the machine
09:49.16ntzChannelZ: but for sip.conf, not for ael
09:49.36ntzthis is ael and I use it
09:49.55ntzbut I need something like etc/asterisk/sip.conf.d/
09:49.59ChannelZthat should be true of pretty much all asterisk config files
09:50.14ntzoh really, nice, thanks !!!! didn't know ut
09:53.07Primerthe odd thing is that tcpdump does show one packet coming back: 09:52:42.389579 IP > SIP: SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
09:53.41PrimerBut that's after it times out: [Feb  1 09:52:39] WARNING[6776]: chan_sip.c:4047 retrans_pkt: Retransmission timeout reached on transmission 0a3fd94473249b9c0bdfdc2330ca14d5@ for seqno 102 (Critical Request)
09:55.04ChannelZntz - finally found it..
09:56.45ChannelZdoes your router have some sort of SIP ALG function that's on mucking with things?
09:56.59PrimerI suppose I should check that
09:57.46GeneralSpongebobThanks for the reply Chainsaw. I was speaking to my colleague at the same time and I think we will go with Ubuntu 16.04LTS for production
09:58.11ntzChannelZ: wow, thanks again .... that's .... that's just bombastic :D .. and I was wronging to asterisk thinking a long time that #include is just only for ael
09:58.45ChannelZnope it's part of the standard config parser, pretty handy
09:58.56ntzyeah .....
09:59.56ntzChannelZ: btw, I have also something interesting - haha: # file asterisk
09:59.57ntzasterisk:       ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC32PLUS Version 1, V8+ Required, dynamically linked, not stripped
10:00.36ntzI guess not many ppl has it because I had to patch it .... otherwise, it's mess and couldn't be built on solaris
10:00.52ntzofc I released my patches already
10:01.22ntzbut they are kinda dirty, I guess possibly breaking things on linux ... the purpose was to make it working not to fix a stupid code
10:02.44ChannelZAny particular reason? Or just to see if it could be done?
10:03.31ntzyes, I had a readon and I have it already in prod several months .... now I'm only polishing my solaris packages
10:03.46ntzif the money could be a reason
10:04.55ChannelZok just curious
10:05.05ntzChannelZ: just adding a small little things like improving etc/sysconfig/$svcname svc config file (yes, I use this on solaris too for the most of my services) and few more things
10:06.26ntzactually in my todo list is to fix a broken implementation of T38 protocol in asterisk since it's really wtf ..... it works on the surface, but below the surface ...
10:13.39*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
10:15.09PrimerChannelZ: thanks for the help. I'll try again tomorrow.
10:15.52TandyUKoh T38 nearly cost me a £25k/yr contract last year
10:16.23ChannelZPrimer: Sure, sorry I wasn't more helpful, kind of been in and out tonight and am off to bed myself
10:16.24TandyUKexisting setup was a bunch of analog/digital phones, through an avaya ipoffice 500, and some fax machines, all going out over isdn
10:16.43TandyUKnew hosted pbx, everything works beautifully, _except_ the 2 fax machines
10:17.11TandyUKthey couldnt even fax each other, on multiple different ATA's
10:17.32TandyUKi was told i was crazy by one of my suppliers, but someone _really_ needs to invent a VOIP fax machine
10:18.15TandyUKthat is a fax with an ethernet port, native config for sip, and/or email, and give end users the feeling of faxing, but really use sensible means to tramnsmit the data behind the scenes
10:25.11*** join/#asterisk ruied (~ruied@
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10:48.42MacroManChrome is giving me a SSL error on a cert generated by the ast_tls_cert script: `ERR_SSL_SERVER_CERT_BAD_FORMAT`
10:48.55MacroManIve googled but can't find a solution. Anyone come accross thjs?
10:51.32MacroManFixed it. I had made an exception in chrome for a different cert at the same address before.
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13:10.10Northcode_Anyone else having trouble accessing ?
13:13.21Northcode_Well anyways, I'm having some trouble configuring opus on asterisk 13.10, the clients can connect with it just fine but it doesn't seem to respect my configuration in codecs.conf. I don't seem to be able to enable dtx
13:15.35Northcode_ this is how I tried to set it up, any help would be appreciated
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13:23.19igcewielingTandyUK: sounds more like your sales person almost cost you 25k/hr by poorly understanding the customer requirements
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13:58.11GeneralSpongebobDo we know when the wiki will be back?
13:59.35filethe ISP that hosts the wiki (which is also the ISP that provides internet to Digium itself) is currently experiencing problems, it'll be fixed asap
13:59.41[TK]D-FenderLooks fine tto me
13:59.56file[TK]D-Fender: it's sporadically wonky
14:00.15filerouting related it seems
14:03.06dan_jHi. Please can someone explain what is happening here? This endpoint has been working for over 2 years and is suddenly showing this:
14:03.19dan_jEndpoint dead?
14:04.02filethe To header seems to contain garbage at the end
14:04.32dan_jWeird that its only the To header and nothing else. I'll get the endpoint restarted to see if it helps.
14:05.57SamotWhy are those tags looking so weird?
14:06.35Samottag=22620e1f-8d74-42fe-b95f-830a3fbf6fb8 <-- never seen a FROM or TO tag look like that
14:07.45dan_jNot a clue. It's a Gigaset deskphone. Been working for a couple of years without any issue.
14:07.58SamotWhere the packet it sent?
14:08.28dan_jThe Gigaset sent that packet to Asterisk.
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14:09.03SamotIt's an OK to an OPTIONS request.
14:09.13SamotWhere the original OPTIONS
14:09.18SamotThat only has a TO Tag?
14:09.28dan_jJust realised what you meant.
14:10.28filehow is the wiki now?
14:11.44SamotLooks fine?
14:12.03fileHE tweaked their routing
14:12.28filemethinks there were some saturated 10Gbps links
14:12.42dan_jSamot: there you go.
14:14.03SamotTo: <sip:emotions_201@92.XXX.XXX.16:5060>;tag=d1dbbg4`,4814,525e,8518,237bee1c6d52 < BAD
14:14.19Samot1) I'm not sure about the comma's.
14:14.27Samot2) the backtick is the bad thing.
14:15.01dan_jOk. I'll factory reset the unit.
14:18.31*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
14:24.01GeneralSpongebobwiki's back
14:37.36*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
14:43.34GeneralSpongebobif I want to start from scratch can I delete everything in /etc/asterisk and write new configs or are there any other files I'd have to delete?
14:44.42igcewieling/var/lib/asterisk  /usr/lib/asterisk
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14:48.22SamotStart from scratch as in, just redo all the configs
14:48.38SamotOr reinstall Asterisk completely?
14:51.52[TK]D-FenderThre is also voicemail, astdb, DAHDI if using compatible hardware,etc
14:53.12SamotYeah, there's a few things.
14:53.28SamotBut that is why I asked for clarification.
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15:09.19GeneralSpongebobthe configs. Thanks igcewieling
15:10.39GeneralSpongebobForgive me if I've missed something from the setup guide but am I supposed to do something to get Asterisk to run as 'asterisk' instead of root? Is there any guide for this on the wiki?
15:12.08[TK]D-FenderAnd in the book
15:12.12infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
15:13.15GeneralSpongebobAny hint where in the wiki?
15:15.08igcewielingyou mean like this:
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15:22.44GeneralSpongebobpossibly but that doesn't look to be specific to getting asterisk to run as a none-root user
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15:29.04igcewielinglook closer
15:29.51igcewieling"; User to run asterisk as (-U) NOTE: will require changes to  ; directory and device permissions "  and " Group to run asterisk as"
15:30.04igcewielingit doesn't get more obvious.
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15:33.08[TK]D-FenderThere are init scripts to update as well
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15:35.29igcewielingthat is mostly a distro specific thing though.
15:35.49[TK]D-Fenderno, from source : make config
15:36.12igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: I thought that installed the distro specific scripts?
15:36.43[TK]D-Fenderyeah I suppose in that sense.  I intterpreted you to an AIW distro like PBX/*NOW
15:36.46[TK]D-Fenderbut year
15:36.52igcewielingin that case, GeneralSpongebob can just edit /etc/sysconfig/asterisk
15:36.57[TK]D-Fenderand it is a common thing though tto use the provided initt scripts
15:42.22GeneralSpongebobigcewieling, thanks for pointing me toward that file but that wasn't enough information. I ended up finding a forum post which did include the steps.
15:43.26GeneralSpongebobAsterisk is now running as 'asterisk' after having created the user, editting the init scripts, and chown'd the directories but I can't connect to the console now which is probably a permissions issue somewhere I'd guess
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15:44.46[TK]D-Fenderyou didn't mention having sttarted itt
15:44.59GeneralSpongebobTurns out I just had to "sudo asterisk -r" I keep forgetting about sudo
15:45.10GeneralSpongebobAsterisk was running (I'd checked with /etc/init.d/asterisk status)
15:45.25GeneralSpongeboband is running as 'asterisk' as checked with ps
15:48.53igcewielinggood luck.
15:49.37*** join/#asterisk chendy (~alexc@
15:51.05GeneralSpongebobI've checked the locations you mentioned earlier, igcewieling, but it looks like they are literally the meat of the applications rather than just configuration files. If I clear /etc/asterisk and write new files would that be all of the 'old' config gone?
15:51.17GeneralSpongebobI'm asking this questions so I know how to safely wipe out the samples
15:52.54igcewielingremoving /etc/asterisk will remove all of the important Asterisk configs.
15:54.35[TK]D-Fenderkeep in mind just how many files do have to be there for * to function in what anyone would consider to be a functional state
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15:55.22*** join/#asterisk phrearch (
15:56.24GeneralSpongebobGood day phrearch
15:57.15phrearchim new to asterisk. learning by reading asterisk the definitive guide. i'm trying to play a music on hold file, but i don't get any audio. i can see in the cli that the moh is playing but cant hear anything. im having an openbts installation in-between. i get some warnings like `ALSA lib pcm_dsnoop.c:618:(snd_pcm_dsnoop_open) unable to open slave`. does asterisk moh plays the audio on the system using alsa by default?
15:57.21phrearchHi GeneralSpongebob!
15:58.32phrearchi suspect that everything else is fine, because when i dial from a mobile to the extension, i get a proper message like
15:59.09[TK]D-Fenderlook at your MOH config
15:59.29[TK]D-Fenderbecause you define how & where it gets it from
16:01.10phrearchi have a very basic musiconhold.conf
16:01.24phrearchdefault dir is /var/lib/asterisk
16:01.41phrearchand /var/lib/asterisk/moh contains some example wavs from make samples
16:02.16igcewielingno,  it does not use alsa by default.
16:02.20[TK]D-Fenderwe don't see the warning in your PB you pasted earlier
16:02.34[TK]D-Fenderas for not getting audio, actually answer the channel first
16:03.44phrearchsorry, the warning is
16:04.36phrearchI actually got this example from the book:
16:05.03phrearchill see if it Answer works. thanks
16:05.10[TK]D-Fendernothing about that says anything about MoH
16:05.44[TK]D-FenderYou are probably loading incorrectly configured channel drivers for chan_alsa, or something similar
16:06.10[TK]D-Fenderchan_console, etc
16:07.49phrearchawesome. Answer fixes it!
16:08.21[TK]D-FenderYou're welcome
16:08.34phrearchsave to disable alsa and still use moh i suppose?
16:08.54igcewielingphrearch: almost nobody uses chan_alsa for anything.
16:08.59[TK]D-FenderAlways remember that when you intend to throw audio at a caller before anything that would just bridge (like Dial), you should probably be explicitly answering
16:09.58phrearchThanks, will try to remember that!
16:11.59phrearchthe unable to open slave warning doesnt seem to come from chan_alsa, because it's added as noload in modules.conf
16:13.06[TK]D-Fenderchan Oss, and a few others,
16:13.10[TK]D-Fenderconcloe included
16:14.03igcewielingphrearch: my modules.conf:
16:14.04phrearchaha ok. ill see if i can fix the alsa error. probably can't find the right device for the asterisk user
16:14.22igcewielinguse that and I expect most of your errors to go away
16:14.35phrearchigcewieling: thanks!
16:15.50phrearchyea that fixes the alsa error, nice!
16:16.28phrearchill disable the calendar and mp3 modules. doesn't seem to be compiled by default
16:17.30igcewielingmy sample already disables the calendar modules
16:24.11*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (bd191ff7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:25.24anonymouz666hi, anyone already had problems trying to register a VVX 300 phone within asterisk?
16:25.36anonymouz666the damn phone always send the digest username empty
16:27.15anonymouz666that's a polycom model
16:27.37igcewielinganonymouz666: nothing different from all other polycom phones
16:28.44igcewielingmy standard phone config:    reg.1.auth.userId="609" reg.1.address="609" reg.1.auth.password="shhhhhi" reg.1.server.1.address=""
16:28.56igcewielingyes, you need both userid and server
16:29.13anonymouz666which firmware?
16:29.30igcewielinganonymouz666: anything paste 3.3.0 i.e. ALL VVXs
16:29.46igcewielingEverytihng later than 3.30 should work
16:30.07anonymouz666igcewieling: do you think that could be due I am configuring through WEB?
16:30.35anonymouz666there's an option there. Auth credentials.
16:30.36igcewielinganonymouz666: I can't help you with the web config.
16:30.37anonymouz666it's filled.
16:30.59anonymouz666igcewieling: I have no problems at all, switching to another way
16:32.40igcewielingThere are two kinds of people.   People who use centralized provisioning for Polycom phones  People who will start using Polycom's central provisioning some day.
16:36.44*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
16:46.43anonymouz666I am not against centralized provisioning, but it there's an web option, it should work.
16:47.28anonymouz666it makes no sense to offer something with issues and in this case, basic SIP auth.
16:54.17*** join/#asterisk Brixius (~Brixius@
17:01.16igcewielingThe web config works, I just can't tell you how to do it that way.
17:04.21*** join/#asterisk wasanzy (~wasanzy@
17:04.57wasanzycan asterisk convert say "one" to 1?
17:05.05SamotFor the VVX phones....
17:06.02SamotYou use Identification, which should have "Display Name", "Address", "Label"
17:06.11Samot"Address" = extension.
17:06.18SamotOr your SIP user
17:06.52SamotIn the Authentication section, User ID/Password = SIP User/Password
17:07.17Samot"Server 1" is where you put the server information.
17:08.42SamotIt's the same for all VVX series.
17:11.28igcewielingwasanzy: your question is confusing.
17:12.50wasanzyigcewieling: one is a word form of 1. and my question is does asterisk hv a function that can take one and return it's figure form "1"?
17:14.59SamotSo a string to an integer.
17:15.50igcewielingThere is nothing in Asterisk to convert the string "one" into the digit "1", but you could do it easily with a lookup table in the dialplan or astdb
17:18.06igcewielingIf you have a bunch of global variables like DIGITS[one] = "1" and DIGITS[two] = "2", etc.   To look up, if the variable DIGIT="one", then ${DIGITS[${DIGIT}]} should return "1"
17:19.15*** join/#asterisk bayan (~dootdoot@unaffiliated/bayan)
17:19.25igcewielingthose are NOT really arrays, btw, but we treat them like an array here.
17:19.55igcewielingquotes might be needed.
17:20.32*** join/#asterisk Snwspeckle (268c1fd3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:20.40SnwspeckleAnyone here have experience with sending messages to a SIP URI that you're not currently in a dialog with?
17:21.03igcewielingSnwspeckle: define "messages"
17:21.53Snwspeckleigcewieling: Sending metadata to inform a URI about application level state information, but it needs to be outside a dialog.
17:22.28SamotWhat type of message?
17:23.23SnwspeckleTwo examples I have is when a user on a call mutes themselves, I need to inform other users about this so they can update their UI to reflect that.
17:23.24igcewielingSnwspeckle: This applies to Asterisk 11:   The only was I can think of is to send a SIP SIMPLE (text message) to your application.    If your application needs arbitrary SIP packets, then Asterisk cannot help you.  Use something like sipp or sipsack
17:23.45igcewielingSnwspeckle: Asterisk manager spits out that information
17:24.28SamotHow is a user muting themselves?
17:24.37SnwspeckleI'm not using asterisk. I'm here because there's no other IRC channels for SIP.
17:24.52SnwspeckleSamot: Users are in a conference call and they're muting themselves by disconnecting from the conference ports.
17:24.59igcewielingSnwspeckle: Asterisk cannot help you with your issue.
17:25.37SamotSo they are sending a feature code to the conf.?
17:25.42SamotVia dialing digits?
17:25.45igcewielingIf you were running everything on an Asterisk box then there are a few ugly options like using Asterisk manager.
17:26.39igcewieling(12:24:37 PM) Snwspeckle: I'm not using asterisk.  <-- Asterisk is not involved in any of this in any way?
17:26.42wasanzyigcewieling: Thank you
17:27.13igcewielingwasanzy: try the global vars without the quotes.   rememebr in Asterisk quotes are often literal.
17:27.26SamotSnwspeckle: What UI has to be updated? How are they muting themselves, as in what do they do to execute the action of muting?
17:27.45SamotWhat type of SIP messages are you looking to send?
17:29.00SamotAnd what "users" need to be informed?
17:31.02SnwspeckleSamot: Users are in a party. They opt in to a conference call that is following the mesh topology. A user mutes themselves by pressing the mute button which disconnects them from the conference ports. Doing so removes all audio but I need to send arbitrary data to the other users in the party that they are muted.
17:31.29SamotOK. I think some things need to be cleared up here.
17:31.43SamotFirst, when you mute yourself in a conf call. You do not disconnect.
17:32.02SamotYou are still in the conf. call, you hear the other parties..
17:32.17SamotYou just stop your mic from picking up audio.
17:32.25WIMPyCan easily be done via AMI on *12+.
17:32.58SamotLet's not talk about how to make it work without understanding how it should work first.
17:33.02*** join/#asterisk Sprocks (
17:33.04SnwspeckleNo I cannot hear them. With conference ports you're able to disconnect the outgoing and incoming ports. So I could mute my microphone and-or mute incoming audio.
17:33.20SamotSnwspeckle: What are you using?
17:33.24SnwspeckleI'm using PJSIP
17:33.27WIMPyused to send a messge to the users phone when they (un)nuted themseves whe I was on 12.
17:33.28SamotIf you're not using Asterisk, what platform?
17:33.45SamotWIMPy: Not saying it cant be done.
17:33.50SamotIts how he wants to do it.
17:33.58SamotPlus, he's not using Asterisk.
17:34.15SamotHe wants to inject a SIP message to a URI while it's in dialog.
17:34.20WIMPyMaybe I should look in to backporting that now that 11 is dead.
17:34.24SnwspeckleI'm using ejabbrd as my SIP server.
17:34.26SamotRelated to that dialog but actually "out of dialog"
17:34.55[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, Just picked up another 10 x 7941G's @ $7.50 USD/Each
17:35.01SnwspeckleI want to send a SIP message to a URI not in a dialog. This is because people in a party may not be in the SIP call but should be informed about when a user mutes themself.
17:35.40SamotThere's a lot of steps to that.
17:36.18SamotBecause this sounds like there are web GUIs involved.
17:36.25SamotSince the term "UI" is being used
17:36.36Samotand "Not in the call but in the part so they need to know
17:37.09SnwspeckleYeah. This is a mobile application but exactly. Party is related to my application. A user can "opt-in" to the conference call and I need to inform the other users about this action.
17:37.50SamotSnwspeckle: You're going to need to hire someone.
17:37.59SamotThis is not something you are going to resolve over IRC.
17:38.03SamotThere are too many variables..
17:38.22SamotWithout even considering the platform
17:38.55SamotBring in the platform and it's not Asterisk or anything close, it's almost impossible.
17:39.07SnwspeckleSamot: Lol not an option. It's almost all in place. I think I should possibly look at notify/subscribe and presence?
17:39.57SamotAre the people you are sending this to in a call?
17:40.08WIMPyAre you even sure you want to send the information using SIP?
17:40.11SamotOr they are just an endpoint at this point that gets updates?
17:40.39SamotIn order to have a "Dialog" you must be in a call.
17:40.46SamotThat's why it's called "Dialog"
17:40.52*** join/#asterisk mknooihuisen (~mike@
17:41.10SnwspeckleSamot: I have two ways of going about this. I can have users in a call but have their audio disconnected from the conference which seems to work okay. My primary worry was bandwidth but it seems fine.
17:41.31SamotIt's not what I'm getting at.
17:41.39SamotIf I have you app and there's a call going on..
17:41.44SamotAnd I'm not in it..
17:41.54SamotI'm not part of a dialog..
17:42.03SnwspeckleSamot: I understand that to have a dialog you must be in the call.
17:42.09SamotSo messages to me would not be treated as "out of dialog"
17:42.24SamotThat would just be standard transactions.
17:42.38SnwspeckleSo what I've done is once you join a party you auto call everyone but the conference ports are not connected.
17:43.11SamotYou are going to need to hire someone
17:43.16mknooihuisenHi all.  I’m attemping to configure my new DID from FlowRoute with asterisk, but I’m seeing a “chan_sip.c:23850 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from…” error.  Anyone willing to help me debug for a sec? I’m fairly new to this.
17:43.17SamotOr ones
17:43.36SamotThey are going to need to understand your app, your platform, how it interacts now..
17:43.45SamotIn theory, you can do what you want.
17:44.46SamotIn practice, there are too many factors to randomly get support in random rooms because they are SIP/VoIP related.
17:44.47SnwspeckleSamot: The out of dialog support I think is above what I need right now. As a compromise I can support doing this within a dialog but I've run into a problem where the INFO method I'm sending is failing during transport every time.
17:45.17WIMPyAnd as we know that SIP stateless it doesn't really matter if there's a call or not.
17:45.26igcewielingIf you are using Asterisk's ConfBridge or MeetMe I suggest you write a small script to connect to the manager port and output what it gets.  then you can see all the events you can choose from.
17:45.58igcewielingI especially like the PeerStatus messages.
17:46.41SamotYes it does.
17:46.49WIMPyFrom 12 on there a (un)muted messages.
17:47.19*** join/#asterisk stux|work (
17:48.13SamotRFC 6665 <-- is about handling in-dialog NOTIFYs
17:49.18SamotSIP is stateless when it's over UDP because UDP is stateless.
17:49.28SamotSIP is not stateless when it's over TCP/TLS
17:50.21SnwspeckleSamot: Is this possibly why my INFO request within dialog are failing? It seems to be sending them over UDP.
17:50.31SamotI don't know.
17:50.39SamotI don't know what you are using.
17:50.47*** join/#asterisk sekil (
17:50.49SamotI don't know your logic as to handling SIP messages.
17:51.21SamotThis isn't about not wanting to help.
17:51.37igcewielingIt is for me! 8-|
17:51.37SamotIt's about in order to help you would have to provide A LOT of information..
17:51.53SamotBefore we could even start to figure out why it is or isn't working.
17:52.20SamotThis isn't an "issue" it's a project. You need someone that can do the project.
17:58.43*** join/#asterisk quentusrex (~quentusre@freeswitch/developer/quentusrex)
17:59.51mknooihuisenHi all.  I’m attemping to configure my new DID from FlowRoute with asterisk, but I’m seeing a “chan_sip.c:23850 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from…” error.  Anyone willing to help me debug for a sec?
18:02.33igcewielingmknooihuisen: that error means they are rejecting you.  it doesn't mean anything more.
18:03.52mknooihuisenigcewieling: Okay, makes sense, but who is “they”  FlowRoute?
18:04.24igcewielingWell, I think yes.  you chopped off the important part of that message.
18:04.41mknooihuisenSorry, didn’t want to make too long of a message
18:04.47mknooihuisenOne sec
18:05.28mknooihuisen[Feb  1 12:57:06] WARNING[2991][C-00000023]: chan_sip.c:23850 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from '"GRAND RAPIDS;MI " <>;tag=as41680f5f'
18:06.05*** join/#asterisk Sprocks (
18:06.28mknooihuisenFor context, the 616 number is the one I’m calling from
18:08.25mknooihuisenigcewieling: See above :)
18:09.04igcewielingyes, that is flow route saying Go Away!  BTW, I'm from Holland MI
18:11.10mknooihuisenOh, nice. We’re kinda neighbors.  Well, feel free to call that number if you’re looking for a new website, or a wedding DJ (I have an eclectic mix of skills :P )  Anyways…
18:11.26igcewieling*sigh*  I've been troubleshooting a fax issue.  The machine never answered the call.  Finally I let ring and ring and ring.  2 mins 30 secs later the damn fax machine answers.
18:11.35igcewielingI live in Florida now.
18:11.40igcewielingno snow.
18:11.57mknooihuisenI’m jealous… FL, or some place warm, is in my 5 year plan
18:12.04mknooihuisenActually, it’s the whole plan pretty much
18:12.30igcewielingI moved out of MI about 20 yrs ago for warmer places.
18:12.47mknooihuisenI totally get it.
18:14.11SamotHow is your trunk connected to Flowroute
18:14.31SamotAre you using registration or IP auth?
18:15.01mknooihuisenSamot: IP Auth, I whitelisted my server’s IP.
18:15.09*** join/#asterisk overyander (~Jeff@
18:15.15SamotOK, then you're sending the call wrong.
18:15.57SamotSo yeah, forbidden.
18:16.39SamotYou have to prepend your 8-digit techid with an * to the digits you send.
18:17.01SamotSo 12345678*
18:17.32SamotEven then your fromuser= needs to have that id as well.
18:18.36mknooihuisenI’m misunderstanding something… I’m sending digits by entering them into a phone and pressing “call”
18:18.49SamotYes, you are.
18:19.00mknooihuisenUnless you mean in my Answer() dialplan
18:19.02SamotBut they get as far as ASterisk.
18:19.15SamotThen Asterisk figures out (based on what you told it to do) with those digits.
18:19.23SamotIn this case, it will Dial() to Flowroute.
18:19.54SamotNow Flowroute says if you use IP Auth, you must prepend what I said above to the call request.
18:21.01SamotSo Asterisk needs to take the digits you sent and if they are to go out Flowroute, prepend this stuff.
18:24.44mknooihuisenSamot: Almost positive I’m misunderstanding something.  I tried “exten => ${TECHPREFIX}*18887204767,1,Answer()” but the extension is not recognized when I call
18:25.09mknooihuisenCongrats, you now have my work number, and the one I’m working on :P
18:26.07*** join/#asterisk Hyper_Eye (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
18:29.17SamotWhat is setting ${TECHPREFIX} ?
18:29.29SamotYou have to get that from your Flowroute portal.
18:31.42SamotAre you setting that variable somewhere else and just calling on it?
18:32.15Samotexten => ${TECHPREFIX}*18887204767,1,Answer() <--- Wait, what is this for?
18:32.34mknooihuisenFixed it, though I’m not sure why it works
18:32.55SamotWhat did you use?
18:32.57SamotShow it.
18:33.34mknooihuisenIn my [outgoing] context
18:33.36mknooihuisenexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${TECHPREFIX}*${EXTEN}@flowroute)
18:33.38SamotMask the id with all 1111111
18:34.00SamotOK, did you set ${TECHPREFIX} elsewhere?
18:34.01mknooihuisenOh, the techprefix variable is set in [globals]
18:34.05SamotThere you go.
18:34.08SamotThat's why it works.
18:34.23mknooihuisenBut that’s for outgoing calls
18:34.42SamotIncoming are handled differently. ARe you have a problem with those?
18:35.16mknooihuisenNot anymore, but that was the issue I was debugging
18:35.31mknooihuisenwhich is why I don’t understand how changing something in [outgoing] fixed it
18:38.07*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
18:42.36mknooihuisenSamot: Essentially, I have this working, but I’d love to understand why
18:44.37*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
18:46.06mknooihuisenAlright, so I’ve just discovered that I probably haven’t actually fixed it
18:46.17mknooihuisenBut it might make more sense now
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20:18.05*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (~wimpy@
20:18.40lplhi everybody
20:19.02lplI have a question about ari and stasis
20:21.51lplI use python ari-py as a lib, and when I start my script for the first time with a ari listener inside and an app with a given name, the app is register to stasis, when I stop my script or kill it I have a message that the app is destroy. But if I start the script again the app doesn't register and any command then get a asterisk log saying the app isn't register.
20:22.16pjensen00you can also ask in the #asterisk-ari channel for more ARI specific people
20:22.36lplok thank you
20:22.52pjensen00Also, you should be able to use the same app name
20:23.13pjensen00I do it frequently when I restart my main ARI listener
20:23.40pjensen00Can you post the connection code in a pastebin?
20:23.59pjensen00and/or the logs showing this behavior?
20:25.01lplthere is nobody is the  #asterisk-air chan
20:26.33[TK]D-FenderARI, not AIR
20:26.59lplyes sorry I use the right one just a typo in my message
20:27.10[TK]D-FenderI jsut went and saw more than a dozen
20:31.52*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (~LKNnet@2607:fea8:d20:239:11e0:707c:2961:d41e)
20:33.12lplhere is the pasterbin
20:34.18[TK]D-Fenderyouhaven't asking in there yet
20:34.27[TK]D-Fenderhaven't asked*
20:35.23lplyes I did and I just added the pasterbin there too
20:35.37pjensen00No, I'm in that channel along with a lot of other people
20:35.58pjensen00Your handle didn't show up but D-Fender's did
20:37.38*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
20:38.09[TK]D-Fenderlpl, You did not join the right channel
20:38.48pjensen00what's the output you get from your python script when you run it the first time and when you run it the second time?
20:39.52*** join/#asterisk overyander (~Jeff@
20:42.52pjensen00Are you certain your python script is actually trying to connect to the ari websocket?
20:47.07lplSorry I added a # when a type the channel name, do you guys want to continue there ?
20:52.33*** join/#asterisk n_byrnes (~nate@
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20:59.37CentinelOne of our users is unable to make international calls on his phone. Calls ring but then end unexpectedly. Here's the sip.conf entry along with a call record, which shows 503 Unavailable:
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21:27.03n_byrnesHopefully this is a no brainer that I'm just overlooking the obvious, but, I'm troubleshooting a work-around to SIP-ALG in an off-prem extension. I've finally gotten 2 way audio working by setting rtp_symmetric to yes. But, when I call a cell from this remote extension, talk a bit, then the cell hangs up, my phone (the off-prem extension) now doesn't receive any notification that the call is over. What might cause that last message not to be getting
21:27.03n_byrnesthere ?
21:28.35n_byrnesBTW, the SIP-ALG work-around was actually to set up a new transport on 6060 that the endpoint registers upon rather than 5060
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22:04.19n_byrnesTurns out the test endpoint didn't have rewrite_contact set to yes ..... false alarm...
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23:42.48yorickigcewieling: no, I'm pretty sure the release tarball still has sounds/asterisk-core-sounds-en-gsm-1.5.tar.gz
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