IRC log for #asterisk on 20170130

00:00.07SamotIf we went to UPS or generator, someone had to babysit.
00:00.14Samot? Trunk where?
00:00.29drmessanoIm talking about ALL those little generators in the field at the cabinets
00:00.33drmessanoPower doesnt come from the CO
00:00.42SamotAhh, yeah...
00:00.50drmessanoAll those cabinets are LOCALLY powered
00:00.53SamotDownside, someone still babysits.
00:01.06drmessanoThey go down OFTEN
00:01.21drmessanoI should say, they often do not start when the power fails
00:01.43SamotWell most of those junction boxes need serious overhauls.
00:01.45drmessanoSo yay, power at the CO.. YAY, power at your house.. but if the cabinet between is down.. Too bad
00:01.47SamotHave you seen some of them?
00:02.14drmessanoEven the newer ones
00:02.36drmessanoThey build out new ones with backup power.. leave them until the power goes out and the genset doesnt fire
00:25.19apb1963I had my android device/extension working with encryption... and then I managed to mess it up.  Not sure what I did... other than encryption I was messing with video and ring strategy.. I think that was it.  Here's the call log
00:31.59apb1963Oh I almost forgot... when I call the extension it goes straight to voicemail.
00:48.40*** join/#asterisk UncleKiwi (~UncleKiwi@unaffiliated/unclekiwi)
00:51.57UncleKiwihey people I hope your all doing well - I have a WAN (hub and 2 spokes) asterisk server is at the hub and both spokes have ATA's and hardphones at them one spoke works well and the other has problems on a money and a wednesday. I really dont know how to discover why calls drop during these periods ( the wan is a 5Ghz wireless bridge)
00:53.01*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
00:54.05UncleKiwican I some how get asterisk to show me the reason it drops the audio
00:54.27UncleKiwisip set debug ?
00:54.54UncleKiwii dont seem to be getting packet loss over the connection
01:04.17drmessanoYou say you're not getting packet loss over the connection
01:04.24drmessanoWhat have you done to test?
01:14.53*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~dovid@
02:03.12igcewielingUncleKiwi: look for people doing automated "cloud backups" on those days.
02:08.20*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
02:32.12UncleKiwidrmessano: ping plotter, ping
02:33.08UncleKiwiigcewieling: yeah thanks for the tip
02:33.50UncleKiwii think i need a great tool to test the link - any suggestions ?
02:35.13UncleKiwichecking it out now
02:35.17UncleKiwihave not used that b4
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06:43.49*** join/#asterisk maxxer (4f034845@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:44.49maxxerhi. I've some problems with extensions deregistering, and causing call drop:
06:58.14*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
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08:32.34maxxerhi. I've some problems with extensions deregistering, and causing call drop:
08:33.19*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
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09:17.06dan_jmaxxer: I used gigasets without any problems.
09:17.39dan_jGot about 20 N510IP connected to my asterisk servers without any problems.
09:17.55dan_jI recommend doing a SIP DEBUG and see what is happening.
09:20.54*** join/#asterisk kkocaerkek (~kkocaerke@
09:30.12maxxerdan_j: thanks. I enabled debug log but I see no reason why they do deregister. I just see deregistration message
09:30.46WIMPyDon't say deregister. That's something that also exists.
09:31.03WIMPyFix some Router. Or enable keepalives.
09:33.27maxxerWIMPy: what do you mean by "fix router"? keepalives should be enabled on the asterisk server?
09:33.34maxxerextensions are all in LAN
09:34.10WIMPyKeepalives should come from the client.
09:34.29WIMPyBut if it's on a LAN, thaen you seem to have some serious network issues.
09:35.13maxxerWe even changed the switch, but it still happens. The weird thing is that it happens only on SOME extensions, not on all
09:35.51maxxer[Jan 30 10:35:18] VERBOSE[30186] app_dial.c:     -- SIP/102-00000a0c is ringing [Jan 30 10:35:22] VERBOSE[30931] chan_sip.c:     -- Unregistered SIP '102'
09:36.44WIMPyAnd you shouldn't call them extensions, either.
09:37.37WIMPyBut that does in deed look like a real unregister, i.e. the phone saying that it doesn't want calls any more / is no longer reacable at that address.
09:37.41UncleKiwiyes they are peers
09:37.51UncleKiwiright ?
09:38.13WIMPyYes, or devices or whatever.
09:38.37WIMPyExtensions are in extensions.conf.
09:38.46maxxeryeah sorry for bad glossary :(
09:40.56maxxerbut that "Unregistered" happens even when there's no action, i.e. no active call
09:42.22maxxerand btw when it happens the ongoing call is dropped, in fact after that "ringing" the call went to another call group
09:43.59UncleKiwihow many phones do you have on the pbx
09:44.04UncleKiwiso far
09:46.50UncleKiwiiptables -F
09:47.39UncleKiwihave you had a look to see if you have any filtering messing things up
09:47.45maxxersome of the Gigaset has two peers configured, some just one, but this doesn't seem to matter
09:48.00maxxerUncleKiwi: in iptables you mean? there are no active rules
09:48.35maxxerI have a Cisco phone registered and works without deregistrations
09:48.55maxxerand another Gigaset working fine
09:49.09UncleKiwiupgrade the firmware
09:49.18maxxerno updates, I checked
09:49.19UncleKiwiand factory reset it
09:49.33UncleKiwiconfigure the faulty one again
09:49.34maxxerbut they have different Gigaset devices
09:49.57maxxerhow can I debug on the server side, other than debug_log_20170130 => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose,dtmf ?
09:51.19UncleKiwii see you have nat=yes
09:57.54maxxerI should disable it since they're all on LAN?
09:58.12UncleKiwii guess you could try it
09:58.20UncleKiwithen sip reload
10:01.40UncleKiwii dont know if its needed but I would put the asterisk server ip address in the outbound proxy box on the Gigaset
10:05.24maxxerThe Asterisk IP is already set into the Proxy and server address. I don't use STUN
10:09.06*** join/#asterisk Kaian (
10:14.29dan_jmaxxer: I didn't say 'debug log', I said 'sip debug'.
10:15.11dan_jmaxxer: Do 'sip set debug on' or 'sip set debug ip' and see whats happening.
10:17.17maxxerthanks for the tip
10:24.59*** join/#asterisk Rasputin3711 (~Rasputin3@
10:28.10maxxerSIP 503 :
10:30.20maxxeralso, I commented nat=yes but it's still <--- Transmitting (NAT) to --->
10:32.11maxxerI had global "nat" setting enabled
10:41.04*** join/#asterisk thiagoc (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc)
10:46.47UncleKiwitry taking the ipaddress out of the 'domain' on the Gigaset
10:49.16UncleKiwimaxxer: check out the last part of this post at the bottom
10:49.39UncleKiwitalks about setting the domain = asterisk
10:52.35dan_jmaxxer: Can I double check, is the gigaset on the same network as Asterisk?
10:52.57maxxerdan_j: yes, same LAN same subnet
10:53.05dan_jOk. So you dont need NAT
10:53.29maxxereven if the sip trunk is outside (sorry for the silly question)?
10:54.03dan_jthe sip trunk is a separate thing. You arent losing connection to your trunk. You've only shown that you are losing connection to the gigaset.
10:54.39dan_jGigaset -> Asterisk       Asterisk -> SIP Trunk. Two separate things.
10:55.37dan_jWhat are the SIP Packets immediately before the Unregistered SIP '10X' ?
11:06.42UncleKiwimaxxer: can you try set the outbound proxy to the ipaddress of your asterisk server
11:08.21maxxerUncleKiwi: isn't it already set?
11:09.13UncleKiwisecond to bottom box in your post
11:10.00UncleKiwiits empty
11:10.13maxxerdan_j: debug excerpt . I've set debug on, registering sip 101 and 106
11:10.46maxxerUncleKiwi: ok, sorry, I thought it was the first proxy setting, missed "outbound"
11:11.53UncleKiwimake any difference ?
11:12.17maxxerUncleKiwi: outbound proxy mode auto is fine?
11:12.55maxxerUncleKiwi: a working Gigaset SIP has indeed set the outbound proxy
11:12.57dan_jmaxxer: Pastebin your sip.conf
11:13.27UncleKiwimaxxer: solved ?
11:13.42maxxerbut 106 has the outbound proxy, and has the issue (but also had stun enabled)
11:13.59maxxerUncleKiwi: wait a minute, disconnects are random. can be 5 to 30 minutes
11:14.19UncleKiwidisable stun
11:14.40maxxerdid that
11:19.22dan_jhmm.. Why is your asterisk sending registers to the gigasets?
11:19.51dan_jFirst, set NAT=no on peer 106, then reload and try again
11:20.39dan_jAlso, you have a spelling mistake
11:20.51dan_jshould be defaultexpiry=180
11:22.02maxxerfixed, thanks
11:22.21UncleKiwiwhat fixed it ?
11:22.53UncleKiwijust so we know
11:23.30maxxerfixed the typo
11:23.34UncleKiwiah ahaha
11:24.00maxxerapparently neither the STUN or the outbound proxy fixes, but I'm still monitoring
11:24.50maxxer(some gigaset had the outbound proxy set, but they were deregistering. some had stun enabled and i switched it off)
11:26.05dan_jStill not working?
11:26.23UncleKiwii have never had much fun with stun
11:26.48dan_jI've never needed stun. Got 300+ peers connected in various remote locations. Never used stun.
11:27.27dan_jmaxxer: If it's still not working, please pb a new sip debug.
11:28.21dan_jalso, increase defaultexpirey= to 3600 on your asterisk, but leave 180 on the gigasets.
11:29.40maxxershould I specify defaultexpiry on every sip definition?
11:33.02dan_jNo need. Just put it in [general]
11:34.05maxxerdan_j: seems still deregistering
11:34.38maxxeri issued a "sip reload" after changing nat=no
11:38.35dan_jCertainly looks like the gigaset is actually unregistering.
11:38.52dan_j<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
11:38.52dan_jREGISTER sip: SIP/2.0
11:38.52dan_jExpires: 0
11:39.15dan_jThats the gigaset sending an unregister request.
11:39.40*** join/#asterisk pawiecki (
11:40.05dan_jI'm running an identical setup to you at a client's office.
11:40.12*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
11:40.17dan_jAnd you have the same gigaset firmware, so it's not a firmware issue.
11:41.02UncleKiwidan_j: what distro do you run
11:41.10dan_jCentos + asterisk v11
11:41.11tzafrirHi, the Asterisk Sweedish voice package points to .
11:41.17UncleKiwisame with me
11:41.32dan_jAlthough im moving to v13
11:41.38tzafrirIt doesn't seem to respond. Any idea if whoever operates it is alive?
11:41.41UncleKiwiI never had a lot of fun with ubuntu
11:42.17*** join/#asterisk ace_me (~IceChat9@unaffiliated/ace-me/x-814638)
11:42.24ace_meHi ! I have zoiper and ekiga installed on local laptop and a freepbx running in the virtualbox machine ! When I try to connect ekiga with zoiper which is already logged in as an agent I get I am sorry there is no call parked on that extension ! Please try again...
11:42.26dan_jYes, but this seems to be an issue with his gigaset rather than his asterisk installation
11:42.36ace_meWhat could block / cause this ?
11:42.59dan_jace_me: #freepbx is probably the best place for that question
11:43.39UncleKiwidan_j: yeah strange that you know this phone and firmware and its doing this strange thing
11:43.50maxxerindeed it could be the client, as I have a C470 which doesn't present the problem
11:44.06dan_jmaxxer: same base?
11:44.18maxxerwhat it's strange is that it has not happening from the beginning, in the past it happened but very very rarely
11:44.37dan_jFactory reset the gigaset base unit and try again
11:44.40maxxerdan_j: no, C470 is a different base. the .191 is an A510
11:45.00dan_jAh. I have the N510 but i think they are identical
11:45.12dan_jAt least, they run the same firmware.
11:45.30dan_jIf you factory reset, you need to pair the cordlesses again.
11:45.44maxxerbelieved so
11:46.00maxxerbut last friday I messed up all the bases, so it's not really a big deal :D
11:46.15maxxerdamn, can't really believe
11:47.07UncleKiwimaxxer: how many of the phones are acting like this ?
11:48.09maxxerUncleKiwi: most of them. an A510, A580, C530...
11:49.07UncleKiwimaxxer: how many phones total and how many are acting bad
11:50.25maxxer8 phones. 1 Cisco working fine, 1 C470 working fine, 1 A580 which seems to be working fine today. Then 2 on the A580 and 2 on the A510, 1 on C530 are deregistering.
11:50.34*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~dovid@
11:50.52maxxerI have other bases available, I must try with them
11:51.15maxxerand try a factory reset
11:52.53*** join/#asterisk GeneralSpongebob (
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11:54.12dan_jUncleKiwi: The number of phones is not relevant. It is the number of bases that is relevant since a base can host multiple phones.
11:56.06UncleKiwidan_j: i was just curious about how many devices he had failing - i understand your point
11:56.08maxxerI have at most 2 SIP phones per base, as Gigasets cannot handle more than 2 simultaneous conversations
11:56.39maxxeryou can configure more, but i.e. during a group call only the first two will ring
11:58.30SamotThis is for extension 106?
11:58.39SamotOr it's one have an issue?
11:59.17maxxerSamot: 106 is one of the 5 deregistering. and it's configured on a base along with 101
11:59.33SamotYes, but two separate accounts.
11:59.59SamotExpires: 0 <- You send a REGISTER with that as the REGISTER timeout, you're not going to REGISTER.
12:00.13SamotYou're not even getting a 401 challenge.
12:01.03SamotIf you have one that looks to be REGISTERing just fine and the other account not...
12:01.08SamotOne the same device..
12:01.17SamotLook at your configuration.
12:02.51SamotSwap the accounts.
12:03.03SamotMake the working account 106 and the non working account 101.
12:03.11SamotJust change the user/password fields.
12:03.17SamotSee what happens.
12:03.41SamotI bet 106 will register and 101 will exhibit the same behaviour that 106 was just displaying.
12:05.03maxxerSamot: 101 and 106 bot does NOT work. other phones work, but on different base
12:06.06*** join/#asterisk maxxer (~quaqua@unaffiliated/maxxer)
12:06.26SamotOK, I see more things now.
12:06.40SamotA verbose output really isn't needed for this.
12:06.49SamotJust adds extra crap.
12:06.57SamotK, so now I can confirm..
12:07.06SamotI don't see 101 or 106 being challenged.
12:07.20*** join/#asterisk evilman_work (~evilman@
12:08.04SamotAsterisk is not challenging either acccount.
12:08.08SamotAsterisk is not challenging either account.
12:08.54maxxerso resuming it's a client issue. and right now the only things I can do is try factory default the base and configure it again
12:09.24SamotYeah, I would try that.
12:10.55SamotActually, no.
12:10.58SamotDon't do that.
12:11.04SamotJust reboot it.
12:11.10SamotI want to see if this changes:
12:11.16SamotCSeq: 336 REGISTER <-- That IS bad.
12:11.42maxxerSamot: I rebooted all the clients last friday because I had to unplug them, so they've all been restarted
12:11.49SamotI mean right now
12:11.52SamotAt this moment.
12:11.57SamotReboot the device with 101/106
12:12.14SamotI don't even care if it was rebooted an hour ago.
12:12.20SamotYour CSeq is waaaay off.
12:12.27SamotReboot to see if that starts at 1 like it should.
12:15.58*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
12:16.44maxxerreaching out the office...
12:21.00maxxerSamot: they're not answering, in case are you still around in 45/60 minutes? :)
12:21.20SamotI actually have to leave soon and will be back in about that time.
12:22.01maxxerok thanks, I'll post here anyway
12:26.43dan_jmaxxer: If you have access to the gigaset web interface, you should be able to restart it from there.
12:33.02maxxerI thought a real power off was needed
12:42.48maxxerCSeq: 375 REGISTER
12:42.59maxxerSamot: ^
12:43.11maxxerdan_j: here's the log after reboot
12:43.53*** join/#asterisk salz212 (67ff0552@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:49.46dan_jI dont see it unregistering apart from at the top.
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12:51.04dan_j101 still has NAT=yes
12:51.07*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
12:51.27dan_jBut i think your next step is factory reset.
13:05.46maxxermaybe I trimmed the shutdown
13:05.57maxxeryes, I deactivated nat on 106 only
13:18.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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13:57.23maxxerdan_j: can I just set "nat=no" into the globals section or should I set per sip config? Will it affect upstream trunk?
13:58.43[TK]D-FenderYou should be configuring each peer to know what its situation is
13:58.54[TK]D-FenderAnd properly defining your local subnets, ettc
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14:17.52Samotmaxxer: The device shouldn't be sending a new REGISTER request to Asterisk with a CSeq other than 1.
14:18.08SamotEspecially if you just booted the device and it's the first attempt.
14:18.49SamotI'd factory reset and try again.
14:20.20maxxerI'm trying a factory reset on a different base, let's see if it changes anything
14:20.40SamotOne that doesn't work?
14:20.50maxxeryeah, another one not working
14:21.02maxxerI've a base with a single phone, I'll try on that
14:21.03SamotWhy aren't you doing the one we've been working on?
14:21.20maxxerbecause I was waiting for your reply, while doing the reset on the other ;)
14:22.20SamotI warned I was going to be gone.
14:22.28*** join/#asterisk chendy (~alexc@
14:22.42maxxersure, so while I was waiting I was doing the reset test on another base
14:22.52SamotAnd did it work?
14:23.03maxxerin progres...
14:34.49*** join/#asterisk jlewis-highwinds (
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14:36.45jlewis-highwindsif anyone from Digium hangs here who can talk about issues with incorrect bridging of calls on your SIP trunks, I'd like to talk.  Support has been completely unhelpful, and this is affecting multiple customers.
14:38.31jlewis-highwindsi.e. totally unrelated customers (other than both relying on Digium SIP trunks) are having unrelated calls bridged together by Digium
14:38.53jlewis-highwindsMakes for very interesting conference bridges
14:39.09jlewis-highwindswhich turn into party-lines
14:41.58SamotSo they get bridged to random calls?
14:42.14SamotLike anyone's random calls?
14:42.22SamotOr just your users random calls?
14:43.07jlewis-highwindscalls to Digium customer A's number get bridged onto an existing call to Digium customer B's number
14:43.34SamotSo these are all direct Digium customers?
14:43.44SamotI.e. You're not reselling the plans?
14:44.25[TK]D-FenderSo those calls are never hitting your server?
14:44.32jlewis-highwindsso, the most common way we experience this is with conference bridges on our server, into which remote staff used a 10-digit number to reach us...and during the conf call, random calls to other Digium customers will land on our conf bridge, with nothing logged by our server
14:45.06SamotWho's random calls?
14:45.10SamotYour customers?
14:45.21SamotOr a random call from some guy in Texas?!
14:45.29jlewis-highwindswe're not reselling service...just using our own asterisk server and Digium SIP trunking for origination/termination
14:46.05*** join/#asterisk Kalavera (
14:46.13SamotSo you're saying that other Digium customers are having their calls sent to your PBX...
14:46.21Kalaverahey guys, how do I make asterisk to interact with the FXO card
14:46.30jlewis-highwindsby asking the most recent of these random people who showed up on our bridge what number they'd dialed, I got in touch with that company and verified that they too are a Digium SIP trunk customer
14:46.33SamotAnd they end up in a conference bridge without Asterisk logging any of it?
14:47.01SamotSo how did _your_ Asterisk server put these calls in the conference bridge?
14:47.22jlewis-highwindsso it's not so much that the calls are being sent to our server...they've got to be getting bridged at Digium onto an existing call into our server
14:47.54SamotHow can the call be on your server, bridged into your conference room but be bridge at Digium?
14:48.24jlewis-highwindsif the call was hitting us in any normal way, we'd have asterisk logs of the incoming call (and they'd have to enter a passwd to get into the conf bridge)
14:48.27jlewis-highwindsnone of that happens
14:48.34Samot"normal way"
14:48.41SamotNormal way is to send the request to your PBX.
14:48.51SamotIt's up to your PBX to accept it.
14:49.08SamotThe calls cant be on your server...
14:49.23SamotAND be bridged at your channel at the provider level.
14:49.37SamotEither your PBX is accepting and bridging calls..
14:49.39jlewis-highwindsnot if its bridged onto an existing call elsewhere
14:49.50SamotOr Digium is bridging calls at a higher level.
14:50.09jlewis-highwindsright...I'm suggesting Digium is bridging calls incorrectly
14:50.19SamotSo they are not bridging into your conference room.
14:50.21SamotOr your PBX
14:50.28SamotThey are bridging at their network.
14:50.43SamotYou can't have both.
14:51.21jlewis-highwindsright...but we experience this as random calls intruding into our conference bridges
14:51.42SamotJust on conf bridge calls?
14:52.28maxxerThe resetted base is still unregistering. :( it was fine for ~10 minutes after factory reset and 5m after cordless association it disconnected
14:52.47jlewis-highwindsthat's the only instance of this I've been made aware of...but it kind of makes sense since those many/frequent, and often have remote staff dialing in
14:53.00SamotAnd the conf bridge is on your PBX?
14:53.18jlewis-highwindsmeant to say, the conf calls are many/frequent, and tend to last a while
14:53.40Samotmaxxer: So it registered and then lost registration?
14:53.45jlewis-highwindsso they present a large target onto which incorrectly bridged calls can lang
14:53.52SamotAnd the conf bridge is on your PBX?
14:54.02*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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14:54.05jlewis-highwindsyep...local conf bridge on our server
14:54.12maxxerSamot: yes
14:54.19SamotOK, so how do Digium even know it's a conference call?
14:54.27jlewis-highwindsthey wouldn't
14:54.27maxxerDo you want debug?
14:54.30Samotmaxxer: Then start looking at your network.
14:54.37jlewis-highwindsto them, it's just a DID they deliver calls to
14:54.40SamotSo how could they only bridge conf calls.
14:55.00SamotIt's just a channel to them, that's bridged to the PSTN.
14:55.11SamotIt's two channels.
14:55.20SamotYour PBX and the PSTN with them in the middle.
14:55.20jlewis-highwindsI don't know that it only happens to our conf calls...I'm just not aware of any reports of it happening on non-conf calls
14:55.30SamotWell then you need to figure that out.
14:55.47SamotBecause so far it's unclear as to where this problem really is.
14:55.55jlewis-highwindshow is that?
14:56.14SamotBecause the basics dont add up.
14:56.19SamotI call your DID..
14:56.27SamotPSTN to Digium.
14:56.34SamotChannel A
14:56.44SamotDigium sends the call to your PBX..
14:56.46SamotChannel B
14:56.56SamotYour PBX answers, channels are bridged.
14:57.03SamotTwo channels.
14:57.05SamotThat's it.
14:57.14SamotIn order for them to have multiple channels bridged..
14:57.24jlewis-highwindstheoretically, I suppose it could be some remote staff person's telco provider...but the fact that I know at least the most recent instance was two Digium customer DIDs and this started happening after we switched our SIP trunking to Digium makes me suspect Digium
14:57.26SamotThey would have to actively move your channels into a conf bridge.
14:58.03SamotI would be more apt to think they are routing calls to your PBX incorrectly.
14:58.12SamotBut that your PBX is dealing with that call..
14:58.15SamotAnd bridging it.
14:58.19jlewis-highwindsor have a bug that incorrectly bridges calls connecting channel C to A or B
14:58.34SamotThat's now how it works.
14:58.40WIMPySamot: Have you never experienced two RTP streams on the same port?
14:58.43SamotThe channels have to be moved to a conf bridge.
14:58.48jlewis-highwindsif they were routing calls to our PBX, we'd have logs of those incoming calls
14:59.05SamotThen you need to figure out if it's all the calls.
14:59.11SamotBecause this should happen on all calls..
14:59.14SamotNot just conf calls.
14:59.19GeneralSpongebobSo, trying to set up a fresh Asterisk box from source I'm stuck at make because "reipe for target failed" What have I missed?
14:59.32SamotWIMPy: Not that I recall.
15:00.33WIMPyAsterisk has done that a few times to me.
15:00.42jlewis-highwindstrouble is, their support basically just says "that can't happen.  Show us logs or go away."
15:00.51SamotBecause it can't.
15:00.59jlewis-highwindsand due to what's happening, there are no logs for it on our end
15:01.11WIMPyI just told you how it can.
15:01.25SamotThe bridging?
15:01.35WIMPyThat's not bridging.
15:01.44SamotWhat he's talking about?
15:01.52[TK]D-Fenderjlewis-highwinds, Show the call for your end
15:01.57WIMPyIt just sounds like one if your end receives two streams.
15:01.58jlewis-highwindsI suspect two RTP streams being merged would give the same effect as what we're seeing
15:02.17SamotThat's not bridging.
15:02.26SamotWhen you tell a support person (like me) that it's bridging..
15:02.30SamotAnd we say it's not..
15:02.39SamotIt can't happen like that.
15:02.40jlewis-highwindswhat else do you call it when unrelated calls are connected to each other?
15:03.04[TK]D-Fenderjlewis-highwinds, Show the call for your end
15:03.09WIMPyI guess cross-talk is back.
15:03.27*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
15:03.38WIMPyMaybe you should do some RTP debugging.
15:04.04jlewis-highwindscome to think of it...the times I've experienced this, I think we're only getting half of the other call
15:05.04SamotOK, I can accept a cross-talk theory.
15:05.13jlewis-highwindsi.e. we'll either have a person just "show up" on our conf call, or we'll hear ringing, then hear a doctor's office answering system pick up and play a recording
15:05.57jlewis-highwindsbut I don't think we've ever gotten both ends of the "other call"
15:06.12SamotDid you tell Digium that?
15:06.33GeneralSpongebobIs anyone here to give me a hint at why I'm getting "recipe for target failed" when running make?
15:07.15SamotI can't. I haven't experienced that error myself.
15:08.19jlewis-highwindsGeneralSpongebob:  ?
15:08.31WIMPyGeneralSpongebob: make V=1 (iirc)
15:10.18*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-rztdzjwdqqzhkqas)
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15:11.09GeneralSpongebobThanks. That forum post looks like it's talking about specific hardware though, I'm just installing on a Ubuntu 16 VM and have followed the Digium installation guide. What is "V=1" & is this just something missing from the guide?
15:11.17jlewis-highwindsSamot: was just checking with IT (they handle Digium)...they did report that the random calls intruding in our bridges have just been one party of the unrelated call
15:11.36WIMPyGeneralSpongebob: Verbose
15:12.07Samotjlewis-highwinds: OK, well I can't speak for Digium..
15:12.36SamotBut generally in cases like this, the provider (Digium in this case) generally doesn't handle the audio on the calls.
15:12.59SamotThey proxy it straight through to the provider.
15:13.14GeneralSpongebobah, I see. It seems to give the same output. "Makefile.rules:138: recipe for target '' failed"
15:14.49Samotjlewis-highwinds: Here's what I suggest. First, you're going to need times/dates a mystery audio stream shows up. Second, you're going to need logs of this call. Third, you're probably going to have to have a recording.
15:14.58SamotTo send to Digium.
15:16.02*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-kinrgglvagdghqtz)
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15:21.11SamotIt sucks but that's probably what you have to do.
15:22.36jlewis-highwindswe can't have logs since the call is not being delivered here.  Recording all our conf bridges for a while might be an option...and would give us better time-stamping for when this happens
15:22.37GeneralSpongebobalso "make NOISY_BUILD=yes" gives the same output about failing
15:23.13Samotjlewis-highwinds: You have logs of the conf call.
15:23.33SamotThe fact that the "mystery" channel isn't there, it's in your favor.
15:23.39jlewis-highwindsyes...but only of our people who actually dialed in...not the "intruders"
15:23.54SamotWhich means that call ISN'T at your PBX
15:24.04SamotProof that it's NOT you.
15:24.22SamotThey are asking for proof in the form of data.
15:24.44SamotIf you're records are absent of that data, then it's in your favor.
15:25.01jlewis-highwindsbut the trouble is, finding someone at Digium beyond front-line support who will believe what's happening is actually something worth investigating
15:25.16SamotThere's an escalation process for that reason.
15:25.26SamotYou escalate and bypass them.
15:25.45SamotBut that isn't going to change the fact that data isn't going to be asked for.
15:25.48SamotI know.
15:26.19SamotIt may not be Digium.
15:26.35SamotIt may be the carrier that Digium is using and how they are sending calls to/from Digium.
15:26.47SamotI don't know.
15:27.03SamotBut these are all questions that are going to be asked up to the carrier level.
15:27.53GeneralSpongebobWIMPy, when building should there be hundreds of lines saying "multiple definition of #######" for a lot of things?
15:28.38WIMPyGeneralSpongebob: Nope
15:29.02WIMPyAre you sure your sources are ok?
15:29.04GeneralSpongebobGood. That means I've, what, extracted something twice?
15:29.19GeneralSpongebobfreshly downloaded a few hours ago, no errors on untarring
15:29.53WIMPyIt might be somethign else on your machine like bad includes somewhere.
15:31.09SamotLike I said, it sucks. It's a PITA.
15:33.43GeneralSpongebobI deleted the directory and then untarred, configure, make.. same error. What other includes should I be checking?
15:35.21maxxerSamot: quite generic :) I noticed I have a lot of RX error in ifconfig...
15:35.35SamotThat's a problem.
15:35.35maxxerbut anyway why some clients work perfectly and others won't :(
15:35.42SamotIt's traffic.
15:35.48*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
15:36.15Samotmaxxer: Your device boots up. It sees that it has an active SIP account and it should register for it.
15:36.20SamotSo it sends a REGISTER
15:36.28SamotThe CSeq is 1
15:36.32SamotIt's the 1st one.
15:37.08SamotAsterisk should challenge that.
15:37.42SamotIt's going to send a reply with that challenge, it's CSeq looks like CSeq: 1 REGISTER
15:37.59SamotYour device replies back, with the answer to the challenge..
15:38.13SamotAsterisk replies back with the result, generally a 200 OK.
15:38.32SamotThe entire time, all those messages are CSeq: 1
15:39.23SamotWhen you have a high CSeq number for a 1st time REGISTER..that's not good.
15:40.25SamotThat means the device is sending REGISTERs and timing out.
15:40.35SamotSo it's sending again..
15:40.37Samotand again..
15:41.17GeneralSpongebobshould asterisk-13.2.0.tar.gz be makeable or is it a possible broken development version?
15:41.44SamotWhy are you starting with 13.2?
15:41.57GeneralSpongebob13.xx is LTS
15:42.13Samot13.13.1 is the current release of 13 LTS
15:43.01SamotI think you about a baker's dozen or so behind updates of the 13.x branch.
15:43.11apb1963I had my android device/extension working with encryption... and then I managed to mess it up.  Not sure what I did but now when I call the extension it goes straight to voicemail... in addition to encryption I was messing with video and ring strategy.. I think that was it.  At this point I've attempted to start over from scratch by deleting the extension and reinstalling zoiper on the android - and it's still not working.  Log:
15:44.25apb1963Well it doesn't actually go to vm now that I wiped it.. it just gives me a fast busy.
15:44.36apb1963Although the android rings... and won't stop.
15:44.46SamotINVITE sip:2774@;transport=UDP;rinstance=824493d1aeecf876 SIP/2.0
15:44.51GeneralSpongebobI don't know how I've ended up with an old version. I'll go back and try to get the latest
15:45.10SamotSIP/2.0 415 Unsupported Media Type
15:45.25SamotSo you're trying to do encryption over UDP?
15:45.29apb1963Samot, Yeah... I don't know what media type it's referencing
15:46.21fileYou are trying to use DTLS encryption which they don't support, you should use SDES
15:46.21apb1963No, I tried to eliminate the encryption and start over.  However, my end goal is encryption... presumably over TCP I guess?  TLS & SRTP.
15:46.41apb1963"they" ?
15:47.11fileYour SDP contains a DTLS media type
15:47.27apb1963where are you seeing that?
15:48.37fileThe m line in the SDP
15:48.54fileIt should be RTP/SAVP for SDES
15:49.09apb1963This?  m=audio 14464 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP 0 8 3 111 101
15:49.21fileUDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP is DTLS
15:49.37fileAnd that is the media type which it is referring to
15:49.42fileIn its response
15:50.09apb1963Yeah I saw the line.. I didn't know what it was telling me.
15:50.27apb1963ok let me go find that
15:50.37SamotYeah, so Zoiper is sending that
15:50.53SamotYou have to turn it off in Zoiper too.
15:51.14fileThe Invite is from Asterisk
15:51.38fileZoiper shouldn't need to be touched
15:53.41apb1963ok so I already had DTLS disabled...
15:53.43SamotYeah, my bad.
15:54.18apb1963I guess it's not taking for some reason.
15:54.26Samot"sip show settings"
16:01.19igcewielingapb1963: are you using the cellular data or are you using wifi?   I've had Verizon wireless messing up SIP traffic, some sort of proxyish thing.
16:06.12*** join/#asterisk libardi (~libardi@
16:06.53SamotHuh. Well sorry, that was pointless. I guess because I was looking for it, the DTLS settings are not in there.
16:07.00Samoter never looking for it..
16:07.02apb1963igcewieling, wireless
16:07.15Samotapb1963: Do a sip reload..
16:07.23Samotand then make another call and show that.
16:07.31igcewielingapb1963: oddly both cellular and wifi are wireless.  that does not help.
16:10.20GeneralSpongebobThanks for your help, WIMPy & Samot. I've now managed to make asterisk using version 13.13.1
16:13.36apb1963igcewieling, wifi
16:16.08Samotm=audio 11898 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP 0 8 3 111 101 <-- Same thing.
16:16.32SamotShow the settings for this peer, masking the secret=
16:23.52[TK]D-FenderDoesn't LOOK like TLS to me
16:24.12[TK]D-Fenderreally not at all....
16:24.29SamotI wanted to see the actual peer settings..
16:24.32Samotfrom sip.conf
16:26.54*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
16:27.19drmessanoYeah that's literally never going to work
16:27.51drmessanoEncryption: No
16:28.21drmessanoThere's 2 settings that enable TLS+SRTP and both of them are wrong
16:53.38*** join/#asterisk thiagoc (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc)
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17:31.07igcewielingwhy bother with TLS?  the NSA will decrpypt the calls anyway.  8-|
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17:52.25drmessanoigcewieling: Perfectly good waste of a chance to Trump Troll
17:53.30drmessanoLike "Why bother encrypting, Trump is only going to make illegal"
17:53.41drmessanoLike "Why bother encrypting, Trump is only going to make it illegal"
17:55.42igcewielingdrmessano: Trump will be gone some day.  The NSA won't.
17:56.08drmessanoI dont think you've gotten the hang on this yet
17:56.19drmessano"Trump is going to be impeached, next week"
17:57.22igcewielingI don't want to hear about Trump.  That's why I stopped watching the news, the daily show, and cobert's show.
17:58.37drmessanoNothing wrong with some good paranoia
17:58.47drmessanoIt keeps Reynolds in business
17:59.13drmessanoAluminum foil sales are up massively
18:01.21igcewielingdrmessano: I'm plenty paranoid.   I don't have a cell phone and always use cash, when I can't use cash (like an online purchase) , I use a pre-paid debit card
18:01.44drmessanoI'm genuinely paranoid about the beer industry
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18:02.05igcewielingI use an actual one-way text pager for when work needs to contact me.
18:02.24drmessanoBecause locally sourced craft beer is made by hipsters.  Many hipsters haven't come out of hiding or stopped crying in months.  It's putting a damper on production
18:02.39drmessanoI had to buy.. Budweiser the other day
18:02.42igcewielingOnly privacy zealots and drug dealers still use them.
18:03.40drmessanoWell, the medical industry too
18:03.51igcewielingah, I'd forgotten about that.
18:04.33drmessanoYeah, probably 80% of the industry
18:06.56SamotFor a paranoid guy, you spend a lot of time online where your conversations are logged.
18:06.59SamotJust saying.
18:11.28apb1963Samot, drmessano [TK]D-Fender file igcewieling thank you for the help
18:11.34drmessanoSlow-Witted Conspiracy Theorist Convinced Government Behind NASA <-- The Onion
18:12.13drmessano“Follow the money and you’ll find out who pulls NASA’s puppet strings: Washington, D.C.,”
18:12.31igcewieling"White House Staff Reminded To Place Lids Firmly On Trash Cans After Steve Bannon Gets Into Garbage Again" <- also the onion
18:13.38apb1963file, As a user, it would be helpful to me if it printed out the content type so that I know what media/content type it's referring to.  Thank you
18:13.58SamotHey, live how you want to live.
18:14.33SamotI really don't care until it impedes on other people, especially me.
18:14.46drmessanoapb1963: It's all there in the SDP
18:15.38SamotI still haven't seen the actually sip.conf peer settings.
18:16.01apb1963drmessano, Yes I suppose for the trained adminstrator it's obvious...  but I probably could have avoided a support visit if it printed it out so I knew what it was talking about.
18:16.05SamotAsterisk thinks this peer should be sending audio encrypted..
18:16.15SamotYour device doesn't like that.
18:16.20apb1963Samot, I fixed it.  Thank you
18:16.35drmessanoThe peer wasn't configured for TLS or SRTP
18:16.37fileZoiper responded with the Unsupported Media Type, not Asterisk
18:16.43filewe don't control Zoiper
18:16.50SamotI said Zoiper didn't like it.
18:16.57apb1963file, I see.  OK
18:17.12drmessano13:16:05 <Samot> Asterisk thinks this peer should be sending audio encrypted..  <-- Not according to the peer config
18:17.25SamotIt's not shown in that.
18:17.55drmessanoLiterally had the peer set for UDP only and no encryption
18:17.56Samotsip show settings and a sip show peer <peer> was shown.
18:18.23Samot11:16:10 AM <Samot> m=audio 11898 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP 0 8 3 111 101 <-- Same thing.
18:18.31Samot^ That's Asterisk sending the INVITE.
18:18.34SamotTo the device.
18:18.36apb1963Right.. and I had no idea that DTLS is "UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP"
18:20.22apb1963drmessano, I was starting over from scratch so I took out encryption just to get a basic config working and that's what I still couldn't get working right the second time around.   Then after the various clues dropped here, I turned encryption back on, etc. and it all seems to be working.
18:20.31SamotRTP doesn't get encrypted.
18:20.37SamotIt gets encapsulated.
18:21.30drmessano" I turned encryption back on, etc. and it all seems to be working."
18:21.37drmessanoSo whats the argument here?
18:21.46drmessanoHis peer config had it OFF
18:21.49drmessanoHe turned it oN
18:21.51drmessanoIt's working
18:22.02SamotBut oddly enough, not how he wanted it.
18:22.14SamotHe doesn't want any encryption.
18:22.16drmessanoHe didn't?
18:22.30SamotSo his signaling wasn't encrypted.
18:22.33SamotBut his RTP was.
18:22.38SamotWe said DTLS.
18:22.46SamotAsterisk was configured to encapsulate the audio
18:23.00SamotZoiper was configured not to accept that.
18:23.20SamotHe was expecting a standard UDP based call on Zoiper.
18:23.50drmessano10:46:22 <apb1963> No, I tried to eliminate the encryption and start over.  However, my end goal is encryption... presumably over TCP I guess?  TLS & SRTP.
18:24.03SamotOK you got me.
18:24.06SamotI missed that one.
18:25.29SamotWe saw calls going with unencrypted signaling and encapsulated audio.
18:25.35SamotWe said "Hey DTLS is on"
18:25.36drmessanoHe was trying to get back to where he was and mistakingly used DTLS instead of just enabling TLS and toggling Encryption on
18:25.55SamotI was just trying to see the actual DTLS settings.
18:26.04SamotWhich I asked for like an hour ago or so.
18:26.23drmessanoIn his peer settings he still had UDP and No Encryption.  Plain as day
18:26.33drmessanoJust had to toggle them on
18:27.08SamotRight. Again, I had it backwards. I thought it was in the elimination process and couldn't get back to start.
18:27.19SamotMy confusion.
18:27.41SamotI went to the Blue Oyster by mistake.
18:28.34drmessanoI never understood how someone didn't see the sign
18:28.48drmessanoAll 23 times they accidentally went there
18:29.32drmessanoSomeone needs to do an analysis of those movies.. Like where they break down Star Wars as centered entirely around the Jawas
18:29.41*** join/#asterisk newtonr (RustyNewto@nat/digium/x-uzxkukxdqcbvmxeg)
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18:29.51drmessanoI bet that whole series centered around that bar
18:33.17SamotWell some say it's about the droids really...but who knows.
18:33.38SamotWhen you get into a franchise like that, you have to find some hidden gags.
18:34.00SamotLook at Psych.
18:34.18[TK]D-FenderJust picked up 2 Cisco 7941 for $10 CAD each....
18:34.27[TK]D-FenderFinally getting something new(old) to play witth....
18:34.31SamotThe pineapple gag. Every episode has a pineapple in it.
18:34.53SamotSo $20 to have something to smash when angry.
18:34.56SamotNot a bad deal.
18:35.04[TK]D-FenderI'm sure they'll work.
18:35.14SamotSays everyone that buys them for SIP
18:35.34[TK]D-FenderNot as fully configurable as my Poly's, but still decent if you know what you're doing and don't raise your expectations too high ;)
18:35.45SamotYou also said it would take an hour for Jack17.
18:35.54SamotI have lost some faith in what you say :)
18:36.08[TK]D-FenderThat's why I'm not announcing a deadline for functionality ;)
18:36.21[TK]D-FenderYou can't fail if you don't set a goal!
18:36.32SamotTrump's motto.
18:36.37SamotIt's how he wins so much.
18:37.03apb1963Any idea what "Subscribe for Register" is used for in zoiper, and do I need it?
18:37.08[TK]D-FenderHow many billions of dollars do you have to lose to "win"?
18:37.45maxxerI even rebooted the server as I saw a lot of RX errors on the interface, still nothing :(
18:37.55apb1963[TK]D-Fender, If it's not your money?  Just one.
18:38.03[TK]D-FenderI figured for $7.50 USD a piece I could at the very least hold down paper in a stiff breeze.  Or resell them for 3X what I payed.....
18:38.12[TK]D-Fenderbut I'm bettting I'll get them running as good as they can
18:38.24apb1963maxxer, You might have a bad NIC or bad cable if not wireless?
18:38.36[TK]D-Fenderin the process of flashing for SIP now (1st attempt ever)
18:38.37pjensen007.50 for a paper weight?  Kinda pricey but if it makes beepy noises I can see the (probably short lived) novel appeal
18:38.54maxxerapb1963: I will try switching Asterisk on another nic tomorrow :(
18:39.01maxxerthat was the next step
18:39.08SamotWell it's like the Go-Bots of SIP phones..
18:39.18SamotEven when you transform it to SIP, it's shitty.
18:39.27apb1963maxxer, should be some testing software for NICs
18:39.27[TK]D-Fenderpjensen00, There's still that resale potential where I can plead ignorance on setting them up.  #caveatemptor
18:39.51apb1963maxxer, give a holler in #networking and see if anyone has any ideas for you, for your card.
18:40.43pjensen00Oooohh crafty.  I like it.
18:41.17SamotOf SIP phones.
18:41.26[TK]D-FenderNo, that's Grandstream ;)
18:41.41SamotNot really.
18:41.45[TK]D-FenderOr the ancient PA1688 chipset ones from 15 years ago :p
18:41.49SamotIt doesn't transform into SIP shit.
18:41.52SamotIt comes out SIP shit.
18:41.54[TK]D-FenderTHAT is some Go-Bot shit
18:42.19SamotI had Go-Bots *sigh*
18:42.36SamotNot by choice. Also those relatives that can't tell things apart.
18:42.41SamotI collected Transformers.
18:42.57SamotThey tried to be nice at Christmas, I get Go-Bots.
18:44.05[TK]D-FenderWell I've got it flashed to SIP.  So far so good... now to get it registered....
18:44.37SamotThen you can claim you got features like hold and call waiting to work.
18:49.49pjensen00If I submit a bug report for Asterisk 14 that also affects Asterisk 13, will the bug be addressed in both?  Or is there some other complicated routine involved
18:50.43fileit is addressed in all applicable branches that are currently supported
18:50.51pjensen00ok thanks
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19:25.30Demon_VoIPasterisk 13. PJSIP. Are there any AMI events tell me IP address of successful registration?
19:25.33tonsofpcsI have a custom dialplan that is dialing extensions on my old phone system to link legacy users.  I think the digits may be being 'dialed' too fast - is there a way to slow it down?
19:25.37tonsofpcsexten => _3XX,1,Dial(SIP/provider/16075555555,,D(w${exten}))
19:27.34*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
19:29.30igcewielingDemon_VoIP: that is not very useful for what he wants
19:30.01igcewielingtonsofpcs: you can put a w between each digit.
19:30.40tonsofpcsigcewieling: how do I do that?
19:30.53Demon_VoIPreplace option D to option, for example M(send-dtmf^${exten})
19:31.11Demon_VoIPtwo way to do...
19:32.04igcewieling4 digit extensions something like : ${EXTEN:0:1}w${EXTEN:1:1}${EXTEN:2:1}${EXTEN:3:1}
19:34.58Demon_VoIPasterisk 13. PJSIP. Are there any AMI events tell me IP address of successful registration? Any event? Any solution :(
19:35.03igcewielingif the number of digits dialed is not always the same, then it would take a bit of dialplan code to accomplish the same thing.
19:35.56[TK]D-FenderDemon_VoIP, You know the WIKI has a very complete list of what's available....
19:36.52Demon_VoIP[TK]D-Fender, yes. I can't find any event. I don't know how to search?
19:37.04[TK]D-Fenderone by one.
19:37.10[TK]D-FenderThe names will probably be VERY obvious
19:37.23[TK]D-FenderAnd if you can'tt fine one... then clearly it does not exist
19:37.27Demon_VoIP[TK]D-Fender, i've tried a lot of... No one.
19:37.37[TK]D-FenderThen there's your answer
19:37.47Demon_VoIPonce again
19:37.56igcewielingthat is why I still don't use pjsip.
19:38.22igcewielingtoo much stuff not up to the level of support in chan_sip
19:38.52Demon_VoIPno UA, no IP.. ok. It is fact.
19:41.39[TK]D-FenderWhat does THIS say?
19:42.20Demon_VoIP[TK]D-Fender, no any events for PJSIP registrations. Only SIP, IAX2, PJSIP endpoints (devices).
19:42.42[TK]D-Fenderas in?
19:44.05Demon_VoIP[TK]D-Fender, i'll try now again.
19:44.59Demon_VoIP[TK]D-Fender, not IP addres
19:45.43Demon_VoIP[TK]D-Fender, event doesn't contain IP address fied
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19:46.10[TK]D-Fendergo parse it out from another dump
19:46.20[TK]D-FenderYou have the user part to match by
19:47.38Demon_VoIPOk. Do you tell to convert sip domain to IP? With SRV records? With not one SRV records and to be sure I guess one?
19:48.22Demon_VoIPYes, I did it. I'm trying to guess the IP address. Other way I don't have
19:49.14[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender> go parse it out from another dump <------
19:49.25[TK]D-Fender* very clearly shows you this in another command
19:50.01Demon_VoIPsorry, i don't understend. What is another command i should parse?
19:50.44[TK]D-Fenderwhat command already tells you this?
19:50.46[TK]D-Fenderin CLI
19:51.38Demon_VoIPi see. just a moment
19:55.13Demon_VoIPPJSIPShowRegistrationsOutbound ? Only all of them. not one. There is not i find
19:55.26[TK]D-FenderALL is fine
19:55.35[TK]D-Fenderyou have most of the name to search for
19:56.36Demon_VoIP>5000 AMI events after each register events?
19:58.00Demon_VoIPI do that when script stars to sync states... Only when start.
20:00.41Demon_VoIP[TK]D-Fender, thanks for the desire to help
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21:06.30igcewielingDemon_VoIP: It is more of a compulsion rather than a desire.
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23:35.14SamotWell just had to dump a contractor.
23:36.26SamotAlas the issues of having non-local clients.
23:46.43pjensen00We have had 5:1 ratios of bad:good
23:46.58pjensen00The one we found that's good is REALLY good.  The rest were.......
23:47.08pjensen00I wish I had more dots ......

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