IRC log for #asterisk on 20170129

00:13.56*** join/#asterisk Katty (uid62315@gateway/web/
00:42.02*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
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11:42.43*** join/#asterisk KaliLinuxGR (~KaliLinux@unaffiliated/kalilinuxgr)
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11:57.06*** part/#asterisk Lumpi (
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19:34.37*** join/#asterisk d00gster (~d00gster@unaffiliated/d00gster)
20:15.52dan_jHi. Is anyone experiencing problems with app_voicemail in v13? I'm recording my own greetings using an agi script and it hangs Voicemail() when trying to play the greeting. So I wrote my own Voicemail() agi to handle people leaving messages. But now VoicemailMain() hangs when it tries to play back the messages.
20:16.11dan_jMy only choice at the moment is to write another agi script to replicate VoicemailMain() functionality.
20:17.06igcewielingdon't forget to mention you using database storage.
20:17.55igcewielingOn non-realtime systems I'd make sure the msgxxxx.txt is correct if I saw that issue.
20:18.31dan_jI'm using realtime. It works totally fine in v11, but the exact same code in v13 causes a deadlock
20:19.05igcewielingdan_j: nothing useful in the UPGRADExx.txt files
20:19.16dan_jI'll double check but I dont think so.
20:19.55igcewieling"changes which break things" should be documented there.
20:21.15igcewielingalso enable query logging on your database (mysql?), that helped me a lot when I was playing around with Realtime.
20:22.28igcewielingEventually I realized it was just as easy to export the realtime sip configs into a config file, which gave me the functionality for Realtime caching without all the problems with realtime caching.
20:23.07dan_jYes, I've also moved my sip peers out of realtime into static files which get automatically re-written if necessary and reloaded.
20:23.39dan_jNo vm breaking changes listed there. I think it might be some sort of bug but since asterisk is just deadlocking, there is no obvious output to report
20:24.27dan_jLooks like I'm spending the evening writing an agi version of VoicemailMain :(
20:26.47*** join/#asterisk Rini (uid196547@gateway/web/
20:31.33*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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21:12.04mknooihuisenHi all.  This may seem a very basic question, but I am a programmer and I've been doing a lot of research recently on using asterisk for my business.  The one thing I cannot figure out, which seems crucial to getting started is: Where do I get a (preferably toll-free) phone number to use with asterisk?
21:15.03infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
21:16.14mknooihuisenThanks WIMPy. :)
21:16.42mknooihuisen~itsplist-us mknooihuisen
21:17.10mknooihuisenwell, I tried to get it to send it just to me :P
21:17.17infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones:,,,, and
21:17.34WIMPy/msg infobot
21:18.08mknooihuisenOf course!  I used to run an IRC server, but it's been years.
22:00.09*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
22:14.57*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
22:58.03*** join/#asterisk saltsa (
22:58.28mknooihuisenOkay, quick follow-up to my original question about phone numbers:  I'm looking at and thinking that I only need a DID or Toll-Free number (not a High Volume two-way trunk) since I'm planning on routing calls through Asterisk myself.  Do I have this correct?
23:01.10drmessanomknooihuisen: Kinda
23:01.21drmessanomknooihuisen: But alos, kinda not
23:01.34drmessanoThe "Trunk" is a fixed $24.99 per one channel
23:01.43drmessanoWithout that, you're paying 2.4 cents per minute
23:01.55drmessanoHas nothing to do with Asterisk.. it's 2 different payment options
23:03.07drmessanoI'll go ahead and recommend a couple things
23:03.13drmessanoand then others can argue it out
23:03.16mknooihuisenYes, please do
23:03.59*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
23:04.22drmessanoFlat rate plans are never unlimited.  $24.99 will buy you an unlimited* channel, but only up to a certain number of minutes.  If you do the math, per minute, you're better paying per minute..   Having said that..
23:05.03drmessanoI would recommend someone completely different.  Flowroute is inexpensive, high quality, and they don't try to force you into limited "unlimited" plans
23:05.38mknooihuisenAlright, I was just going down the list at itsplist-us
23:05.43drmessanoExpect to pay about a penny per minute
23:06.39mknooihuisenI didn't mean to interrupt, by the way, in case you have more advice
23:11.44drmessanoITSP's are like religions.. or Linux distros.  Highly contested
23:11.47SamotMost unlimited plans have a "Fair Use" policy.
23:11.52drmessanoBut Flowroute is solid
23:11.52SamotWhich is different per provider.
23:12.39SamotIf you abuse that policy it generally states they can push you to per minute plan.
23:12.51SamotOr just stop your service.
23:13.27drmessano$24.99 will usually mean like 3000 minutes.. which by the time you pay taxes and whatever else they tag on, is $30.00 .. which is $.01 per minute with a decent, non-shitty provider
23:13.54SamotWell I have my own opinions on SIPStation.
23:14.02drmessanoYes. Theres that too
23:14.13drmessanoBut I was trying to be objective
23:14.25mknooihuisenI'm looking through flowroute now and I'm curious if anyone knows anything about outbound calls, such as for a call center or customer service center situation
23:14.27drmessanoThe math doesn't work out
23:14.37drmessanoWhat do you want to know
23:14.46drmessanoDont ask to ask, ask
23:15.15mknooihuisendrmessano, sorry, thought I was.... they don't seem to support them
23:15.25mknooihuisenjust inbound calls as far as I can see :P
23:15.41drmessanoFlowroute is a big provider to call centers
23:15.59drmessanoNot sure what you're looking at.. they move lots of call center traffic
23:17.38drmessanoI've clicked 3 places where they show outbound calls
23:17.46mknooihuisenSorry, it's probably just that I'm not understanding what I'm seeing.  All the documentation and tutorials I've looked at have dealt with routing calls, dialplan and ARI, nothing has really covered actually getting the number.
23:18.34drmessanoSign up.. Buy a DID.. Setup your SIP credentials in Asterisk.. Start making calls
23:21.27mknooihuisenSounds simple enough.  It must be able to handle concurrent calls through 1 DID if call centers can use it.  Correct?
23:22.39mknooihuisendrmessano, Oh wow, "Outbound SIP Trunkng"  I'm not blind... at least not usually.  I promise. :P
23:24.05SamotFlowroute doesnt limit channels.
23:24.07drmessanoDIDs are just numbers.
23:24.19SamotYou get 10 calls pay for usage.
23:24.23drmessanoYou Can make as many concurrent calls as you want
23:24.28SamotIn or out.
23:25.10drmessanoYou can have 2 million concurrent calls to your DID
23:25.36SamotOk Dr. Evil.
23:26.06Samot"How many calls do you do?"
23:26.08drmessanoOnly time a DID really comes into play with outbound calls is that you should set a CID on your calls.
23:26.24drmessanoAnd it be a number that exists
23:26.41drmessanoBut DIDs have nothing to do with outbound calls
23:27.36drmessanoForget the notion of analog lines and numbers.  DIDs are just like IP addresses.  You can have 1 or 1 million all pointing to the same place.  Has no bearing on actual connections
23:27.50*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
23:30.27SamotEven a DID is made up three parts. Kinda like a domain.
23:30.47SamotWell a NA based one.
23:32.34mknooihuisenAwesome.  Makes me wonder why phone providers are so darn expensive.
23:34.25SamotLots of wires.
23:36.58SamotWell look at it this way..
23:37.18SamotIn North America there are 9 major geographically regions.
23:37.38SamotIn side those there are multiple LATAs to cover sections of those regions..
23:37.56SamotEach LATA has multiple Central Offices...
23:38.15drmessanoYoure paying for copper, not calls, basically
23:38.19drmessanoand regulation fees
23:38.26SamotEach Central Office services 10,000+ subscribers.
23:38.35SamotAnd interconnections.
23:39.18SamotOh yeah
23:41.02SamotEven when wireless becomes a standard for data delivery, the PSTN will still have copper.
23:41.17SamotThere will always be some sort of physical wires.
23:46.21drmessanoNot running to each house
23:46.48drmessanoThose billions of miles of legacy copper are why AT&T and Verizon continue to charge so much for a land line
23:48.07SamotThat's what I mean
23:48.22SamotEven if every house was wireless for data, the PSTN still will have copper.
23:48.36SamotIf if all home/business phone service was VoIP.
23:50.02mknooihuisenI suppose the one advantage is that power outages do not necessarily impact phones
23:50.53mknooihuisenwhich, of course, they would with a VoIP system.
23:51.01SamotThat's because POTS need voltage to handle calls.
23:51.20drmessanoThat's no longer accurate
23:51.28SamotWell probably not anymore.
23:51.46SamotBut they used to have a small charge.
23:52.17drmessanoYears ago, you had battery voltage from CO to customer.   Now you're relying on AC power at the cabinet, which may or may not have a working backup or one at all
23:52.29*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~puzzled@2001:982:1097:1::1:3)
23:53.07SamotBut really..
23:53.17SamotEven if your VoIP phone goes down these days..
23:53.22SamotYou pull out your cell phone.
23:53.27drmessanoBattery from the CO is no longer a reality.. So VoIP relying on whatever your connectivity is, consider it no more fragile.
23:53.38drmessanoand really
23:54.01drmessanoIf AT&T loses their fiber to the cabinet, your AT&T fiber for internet won't be up either.  Same for the cable company, etc
23:54.31mknooihuisenTrue enough
23:54.33SamotLike I said, cell phone.
23:54.37drmessanoBasically there's very little chance AT&T or Verizon landlines will be up if you're not
23:54.44SamotTake VoIP out of the world.
23:54.53SamotCell phone would still be the backup answer.
23:54.56SamotBecause we all have them.
23:55.41mknooihuisenYeah, although there are situations where cell coverage is weak or non-existent.
23:56.01SamotNo situation is 100%
23:56.14SamotThese would still be conversions if POTS was the only thing.
23:56.40SamotIt's just easier to cling on to the 10 year old arguments about VoIP.
23:57.16SamotBut like drmessano says...
23:57.25SamotPeople getting "POTS" these days are getting VoIP.
23:57.42SamotThey just don't care/know because it's still their cordless phone at the house.
23:57.55Samot"I still plug it into my wall jack, so regular service"
23:58.09drmessanoI tell people all the time
23:58.19drmessanoIf you want it to feel like POTS from the 70s
23:58.21drmessanoBuy a UPS
23:58.25drmessanoBam, Battery
23:58.31Samot^ Bingo
23:58.43drmessanoThats only as good as your house
23:58.50drmessanoHope AT&T has been maintaining generators
23:59.08Samotoh they are.
23:59.24SamotThe CO across from our data center at the CLEC..
23:59.26drmessanoEverytime the power goes out
23:59.28SamotHad 4 generators.
23:59.32drmessanoThey send out a truck
23:59.45SamotWell even we had two generators at the DC.
23:59.50drmessanoI'm not talking about at the CO

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