IRC log for #asterisk on 20170125

00:04.35*** join/#asterisk Sprocks (
01:20.19igcewielingheh, "He was a great man, but only when seen from a distance."
01:47.19*** join/#asterisk Sprocks (
01:55.33*** join/#asterisk chendy (~alexc@
02:17.27*** join/#asterisk Sprocks (
02:18.15aandrew< InFeDeL> i keep getting illegal instructions
02:18.18aandrew< pjensen00> Lawyer up
02:18.24aandrewhahaha, best response to that I've ever seen
02:28.40*** join/#asterisk sarsaeol (~sarsaeol@unaffiliated/sarsaeol)
02:30.44sarsaeolhi there i'm trying to figure out what a predecessor has done and having a bit of trouble figuring out what they've done here. they are using func_odbc to grab some DB values. this is an example of one, they exec an app called ivr_setLocal
02:30.58sarsaeolthe trouble is, i have no idea what ivr_setLocal actually does, and I cannot find it
02:31.44igcewielingshow us the line, if more than one or two lines, use a pastebin
02:32.50sarsaeolso i'm assuming ivr_setLocal is a known context or routine to asterisk somehow, but i just cannot find it.
02:33.22*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
02:34.02sarsaeoli kinda assumed it would be included in extensions.conf or something, but it doesn't appear to be anywhere on the server
02:34.02igcewielingI have no idea what thats.  here is a sample from one of my configs: writesql=UPDATE `accounting` SET `answer_timestamp`=NOW() WHERE `sid`='${VAL1}'
02:34.48sarsaeolRIGHT! i totally expected actual SQL statements in the readsql.. it seems they are running a script which would contain the sql, but holy hell it's hidden
02:34.50igcewielingeverything after the = should be be standard SQL
02:35.00sarsaeolthat was my understanding as well
02:35.04sarsaeolbut this apparently works.
02:35.10igcewielinguse grep 8-)
02:35.34sarsaeoli did try, but not against the whole filesystem… i guess ill just let it run overnight
02:35.43sarsaeolthanks for looking igcewieling =]
02:38.39*** join/#asterisk Sprocks (
02:57.17*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
03:04.25*** join/#asterisk Sprocks (
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03:26.32*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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03:58.01*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
04:53.51*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (~LKNnet@2607:fea8:d20:239:11e0:707c:2961:d41e)
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06:13.48*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
06:23.05*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
07:10.28*** join/#asterisk Rasputin3711 (~Rasputin3@
07:21.50*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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07:39.13*** join/#asterisk chendy (~alexc@
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07:59.35*** join/#asterisk chendy (~alexc@
08:11.51*** join/#asterisk samwierema (
08:16.26*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
08:18.50*** join/#asterisk samwierema (
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08:30.34*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
08:35.38WIMPyWhat is sys/vmmeter.h and why does Asterisk want it? Never complained before.
08:40.09*** join/#asterisk sekil (
08:43.08WIMPyHmm. snmp? But that's disabled.
08:49.01*** join/#asterisk samwierema (
08:52.36*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
08:55.06samwieremaMorning. Does the ARI websocket send a (last) close frame when restarting/stopping Asterisk?
08:55.08samwieremaThere does seem to be an implementation for it:
08:56.17WIMPyHmm. Aparently a change in 11.17. I had 11.19 runnong, though. Does it suddenly think I'm on BSD?
09:04.09*** join/#asterisk netman (~netman@
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09:17.49*** join/#asterisk chendy (~alexc@
09:29.27*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
09:38.30*** join/#asterisk GeneralSpongebob (
09:39.26GeneralSpongebobHi, I'd like to have an easy toggle to block all new incomming calls with a busy signal but I'm not sure where to start. Can anyone provide any tips?
09:39.40*** join/#asterisk Kaian (
09:41.44WIMPyWell, you have to do it on all extensions. Or send all calls to some catch-all and then distribute them from there.
09:45.04GeneralSpongebobCan this be implemented as an override so I don't have to remove all my existing extensions?
09:49.48GeneralSpongebobAlso, I've been thinking of doing the Asterisk Essentials course. Has anyone here done it and found it useful?
09:56.51*** join/#asterisk fbnts (
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10:34.53*** join/#asterisk samwierema (
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11:14.51*** join/#asterisk samwiere_ (
11:19.50*** join/#asterisk chendy (~alexc@
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11:45.39*** join/#asterisk samwierema (
12:40.21*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
12:47.40*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
13:15.00*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
13:18.27*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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13:39.40*** join/#asterisk chendy (~alexc@
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13:59.09*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
14:05.08*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
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14:13.55*** join/#asterisk EnrgySmth (d8eba101@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:25.21*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-hgtytzzahktlidtk)
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15:31.14*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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15:39.56*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
15:40.53EnrgySmthSorry if this is a dumb question, I am a newbie and reading up dialplans, trying to understand...  Is the dialplan syncronous/sequential in nature? If you have a dialplan that calls the Record( ) application for 15 seconds, and then Playback(hello-world), will the 15 second record complete before Playback is executed?
15:41.41*** join/#asterisk skywayskase (~skywayska@
15:43.00[TK]D-Fenderalmost all dialplan applications are "blocking"
15:43.47EnrgySmthOk, excellent, thank you
15:48.21*** join/#asterisk pjensen00 (
15:50.09*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
15:51.43*** join/#asterisk Rini (uid196547@gateway/web/
16:20.06*** join/#asterisk shootbird (~quassel@
16:23.18*** join/#asterisk skywayskase (~skywayska@
16:25.13*** join/#asterisk yorick (~yorick@oftn/oswg-member/yorick)
16:28.16yorickhello! I'd like to --with-pjproject-bundled, but my build process is unable to do network IO for... reasons. is there a way to put the thing it wants to download in place beforehand? or should I just use unbundled pjproject?
16:29.22*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
16:30.20yorickI realize this is a weird problem to have
16:30.30SamotI think with that it builds it.
16:30.47SamotYou shouldn't have to comple pjproject separately.
16:30.58SamotIt will compile at the time with Asterisk.
16:31.04SamotWith that flag I believe.
16:31.18yorickSamot: yeah, but it tries to download it from the internet and the build server has no internet
16:31.40SamotI haven't done it with that flag yet.
16:31.54SamotI have compiled them separately when I've done it.
16:32.13SamotSo it's possible that requires a connection to pull the pjproject stuff.
16:33.49SamotWhat version of Asterisk are you trying to install?
16:35.16Samot"The configure and make processes will download the correct version of pjproject, patch it, configure it, build it, and finally link Asterisk to it statically.  No changes in runtime configuration are required." <-- straight from the Wiki page
16:36.02Samotyorick: You can download pjproject 2.4 or higher and compile it on its own
16:50.45*** join/#asterisk newtonr (RustyNewto@nat/digium/x-isgkacwqsebqfoqh)
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17:00.20*** join/#asterisk agent_white (~agent_whi@unaffiliated/agent-white/x-6197888)
17:02.34rmudgettyorick: You can cache the pjproject tarball and use the --with-externals-cache=/home/rmudgett/cache_pjproject
17:03.06yorickrmudgett: okay, that helps! thanks!
17:03.33yorickrmudgett: is that documented anywhere?
17:04.22rmudgett./configure --help lists it.
17:04.35SamotWe all learned today.
17:04.41SamotCuz I didn't know that.
17:04.51*** join/#asterisk BBone_ (
17:04.52yorickrmudgett: yeah, but that talks about the binary modules, not that tarbalal
17:06.23rmudgettOn another system you can ./configure to get the tarball.  Then on the internet restricted machine you place the downloaded file into your cache directory.
17:06.38yorickah yeah, that'll work # DOWNLOAD_DIR := $(or $(EXTERNALS_CACHE_DIR),$(TMPDIR),$(wildcard /tmp),.)
17:08.09yorickrmudgett: thanks a lot!
17:09.24rmudgettIIRC that externals cache directory is also used for caching the external modules like codec_opus, codec_silk, codec_siren7/14, codec_g729a, and res_digium_phone
17:11.19*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
17:11.34igcewielingrmudgett: not things like sounds?
17:12.43rmudgettSounds are cached using a different parameter: --with-sounds-cache=PATH
17:13.20*** join/#asterisk skywayskase (~skywayska@
17:13.25yoricksounds are in the release tarball, I thought
17:13.52igcewielingyorick: not since...2002?  The install downloads them automatically.
17:14.21yoricksomeone put me in charge of fixing the nixos asterisk package
17:14.44yorickoh, they patch it to remove that download
17:34.18*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
17:50.09*** join/#asterisk Panther_Modern (~Panther_M@unaffiliated/panther-modern/x-6168176)
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18:17.07*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
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18:43.57*** join/#asterisk skywayskase (~skywayska@
18:58.39*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
18:59.23*** join/#asterisk Hyper_Eye (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
19:08.03*** join/#asterisk mlhess- (
19:11.29*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
19:19.28*** join/#asterisk newtonr (RustyNewto@nat/digium/x-ehbnftlnflurrtzg)
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19:20.48*** join/#asterisk sekil (
19:23.09*** join/#asterisk wasanzy (
19:25.52*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
19:26.32wasanzyIs it possible to get if elsif else in dialplan?
19:29.04scgm11_I would use GotoIf nested
19:29.50[TK]D-FenderNo, there is no "elseif"
19:31.00wasanzyscgm11_: I will aprreciate if you can show me the nested
19:31.26wasanzyI want to be able to have more than two conditions
19:32.18[TK]D-Fenderthere is no nesting
19:32.24[TK]D-Fenderjust jump accordingly
19:32.36[TK]D-FenderDo your Gotoif.  Then do the next.
19:32.39[TK]D-Fenderthen the next
19:32.42[TK]D-FenderThre is no "sample
19:34.16wasanzyok I get it
19:39.41scgm11_you can use this to design and maintain dialplan
19:59.30DanQuinneyhi all, we're seeing the following warning "No UDPTL ports remaining" within one of Asterisk servers - a quick google suggests that Asterisk isn't releasing the ports correctly for none T.38 calls
20:00.04DanQuinneynot sure where to begin to investigate/fix - anyone got any pointers?
20:00.28igcewielingDanQuinney: first, update to the latest version of the Asterisk branch you are using.
20:01.16DanQuinneyWe have, and before anyone wants to kill me, we're running v1.8 ... (plans are afoot to upgrade to the latest v13 by Q2 of this year
20:01.34igcewielingah, then you are on your own.
20:01.57DanQuinneydon't say that igcewieling :p
20:02.19igcewielingPersonally I prefer to go from 1.8 to Asterisk 11, since there are not all that many changes which would affect config files.
20:03.11DanQuinneyI'm not too scared of the upgrade to 13 - it's just finding time to do it and the required testing
20:03.43igcewielingI'm far too scared to upgrade to v13
20:05.37DanQuinneygot to take the bull by the horns
20:07.02igcewielingDanQuinney: I prefer to run mostly the same version on all servers.  I'm not upgrading 70+ Asterisk boxes just to have the latest.
20:08.28igcewielingI also don't feel like rewriting the scripts we use to handle whatever changes Asterisk 13 would require.
20:12.50SamotAre you going to eventually?
20:21.01igcewielingSamot: I expect to upgrade to Asterisk 15 about 6 months after v15 is released.
20:22.03igcewielingwell, start upgrading at least, it will take a while to get all servers upgraded.
20:28.07SamotGot a 14 box running?
20:30.19*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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20:30.54*** join/#asterisk sekil (
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20:47.58*** join/#asterisk blscoe (532bfc39@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:49.15blscoeIs there a way to save asterisk config (for compilation) like the kernel does in .config?
20:53.44*** join/#asterisk madduck (~madduck@debian/developer/madduck)
20:54.36madduckcan I have a sanity check, please? client behind NAT firewall (linux, running the conntrack_sip modules) talks to asterisk out there using SIP just fine. server receives RTP and sends plenty back
20:54.43madduck7648  77.197539 → UDP 216 Source port: 13844  Destination port: 8958
20:55.01madduckbut the firewall at actually never sees incoming RTP from that IP
20:58.02madduckrtp debug on the asterisk server only says it's sending packets too…
20:58.05madduck[Jan 25 21:57:20] Sent RTP packet to (type 08, seq 029011, ts 103288, len 000160)
20:58.15madduck(different call)
20:59.18blscoemadduck: did you tested the conectivity without asterisk via udp? (eg: netcat)
21:00.17blscoemaybe a firewall in the path dropping this kind of traffic, depending type of connection, ISP, etc...
21:00.22madduckgood idea
21:00.35madducki was thinking along those lines too
21:01.12blscoethere's more choices, but this one should be the first to test
21:02.20madduckwell, well, that already doesn't work
21:02.27madduckso I am fairly sure the ISP is at fault.
21:04.17blscoemadduck: do you know if there's a way to save asterisk config (for compilation) like the kernel does in .config?
21:04.31madducki have no idea, sorry
21:05.29blscoeok, don't worry
21:41.02*** join/#asterisk deweydb_ (
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21:45.04deweydb_Frequently when using my softphone (Bria App, Android) I get a low network quality icon, and the audio quality drops off horribly for 30-60 seconds. then it recovers.  My phone is about 10 feet from my wifi access point when this happens, with a clear line of sight.  The access point is a ubuiquity unifi.  The AP is connected via Cat6 ethernet to my router (netgate s1000) which in turn is connected to my modem (150 mbit
21:49.09*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:4c50:62e:443:ee34:53bd:4cbf:22a1)
21:52.31igcewielingdoes it work if you hardwire it instead of using WiFi
21:53.01*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
21:55.49*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
21:57.18*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
22:01.00*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
22:02.55deweydb_igcewieling: i have had intermittent connection issues via Bria on my desktop as well. which is connected directly to a gigabit switch via ethernet, which is then connected to my router.
22:38.44*** join/#asterisk apb1963 (
22:46.46*** join/#asterisk KaliLinuxGR (~KaliLinux@unaffiliated/kalilinuxgr)
23:05.03*** join/#asterisk Brian1001 (~Brian1001@
23:06.40wonderworldhas res_pjsip matured enough for use with webRTC (signalling via websockets)? i setup a test environment 2 years ago but wasn't able to make it work in a stable way. chan_sip used to work fine back then.
23:10.51*** join/#asterisk rwb (~Thunderbi@
23:27.52dan_jWhen using voicemail realtime, is it possible to set the 'fromstring' on a per-voicemail basis ?
23:32.32apb1963I've setup my android as an extension using zoiper and GV.  I can get it to dial out, and to ring... but I cannot get sound.  Upon investigation the logs show an immediate hangup.  Any ideas?  Log available, just let me know...
23:33.07[TK]D-FenderShow the log
23:33.15[TK]D-FenderAlways just show the log
23:33.33[TK]D-Fenderwaiting gets you nothing except slower answers eventually after being asked for it.... at best
23:36.14apb1963It's too big for pastebin
23:36.29dan_jfirst time i've heard that
23:36.36apb1963which is kind of odd because it's only 700 lines
23:36.47apb1963so I'm trying to figure that out
23:36.51dan_jsplit it?
23:36.52apb1963be a minute plz
23:37.31apb1963I take that back... 7600 lines from INVITE to end
23:39.08apb1963[TK]D-Fender, ok if I send the file to you directly?
23:40.50[TK]D-Fenderhost it if you can
23:41.05[TK]D-Fendermy attention is fractured and others should have a chance as well
23:41.12[TK]D-Fenderbut I'll skim it as I can
23:44.00apb1963Found a new pastebin.  [TK]D-Fender
23:46.29[TK]D-Fenderf'n paste indeed
23:47.12[TK]D-Fendero=Zoiper 0 1 IN IP4
23:47.15SamotSo, this is FreePBX
23:47.19SamotAnd there's that.
23:47.24[TK]D-FenderZoiper seems to be handing LOCALHOST as the media address
23:47.46[TK]D-Fenderthat looks kinda shitty
23:48.19[TK]D-Fenderand I don't see what was sent to it in the first palce
23:48.43[TK]D-FenderAnd you included a full reload worth of garbage in there, etc
23:48.50[TK]D-FenderYou REALLY could have trimmed this down
23:50.43SamotSo this is an incoming call from Google Voice and you're using Follow-Me to send the call BACK out the PSTN.
23:52.56drmessanoWho the hell does that
23:55.53*** join/#asterisk d00gster (~d00gster@unaffiliated/d00gster)
23:56.31apb1963[TK]D-Fender, I don't know how to respond.  The reload is included because apparently that's what it did - I did not manually reload it, so I don't know why it does that.
23:57.26apb1963[TK]D-Fender, As for what was sent to it in the first place... again, I don't know how to respond.  I started from the INVITE.
23:57.41apb1963I'll look for more prior to that, but I don't know what I'm looking for.
23:58.16[TK]D-FenderP-Asserted-Identity: "6618365653" <sip:6618365653@>
23:58.24[TK]D-Fenderactually, your own INVITE going out started with that
23:58.43[TK]D-FenderWhich means you have a failed DNS lookup for your WAN IP most likely
23:58.54[TK]D-FenderWhich I'm betting on a shitty lOOPBACK of your DDN name
23:59.13[TK]D-Fenderbecause you're not resolving it externally due to a hosts entry

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