IRC log for #asterisk on 20170111

00:10.16*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
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00:15.47*** join/#asterisk drmessano (sid104353@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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00:18.42*** join/#asterisk Qwell (~north@asterisk/developer/Qwell)
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00:18.55*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
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00:30.01*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-japgfzqrbocqhkpa)
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01:32.38*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (sid65806@gateway/web/
01:41.19*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@
01:55.03*** join/#asterisk Geriatrix (
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02:01.41*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:b18:581:10:41d2:5895:dc75:2fde)
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02:17.54*** join/#asterisk gruetzkopf (
02:19.09*** join/#asterisk DoYouNo (~DoYouKnow@unaffiliated/doyouknow)
02:29.56*** join/#asterisk vader- (sid163236@gateway/web/
02:31.49vader-Do you guys know if there is a SIP client for android that will allow me to add multiple extensions to a phone for inbound and outbound calling?
02:32.25SamotDepends on the SIP client.
02:32.59SamotX-Lite, Zoiper, Bria; they will all offer a different amount of SIP accounts.
02:33.29Samot3CX is designed for 3CX but you can use it with other PBXes.
02:33.40SamotHow many SIP accounts do you need?
02:34.19vader-i have a couple businesses that i need to answer different phone numbers for and need to be able to dial out from
02:34.30vader-i was looking at something like grasshopper but i rather roll my own
02:35.58SamotWell I'm not sure how many are supported in the Android/iOS platforms.
02:36.18SamotThe more SIP accounts, the more traffic and resources..
02:37.51*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:b18:581:10:41d2:5895:dc75:2fde)
02:39.55SamotAnd it would be best advised to do the signaling over TCP instead of UDP.
03:33.31*** join/#asterisk [NC] (
03:43.15igcewieling1Samot: CSIPSimple supports a LOT of registrations.
03:44.00SamotThere you go.
03:44.32Samoton Android?
03:45.21Samotvader- ^^^
03:47.01igcewieling1It also supports TCP and in theory TLS, DTLS, STRP. IIRC, I had to load certificates into the android OS and never got it working well over the flaky 3G connection I was using.
03:54.34*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
03:56.06*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
03:56.14igcewieling1IIRC Polycom VVX are nice.  I have a VVX600 (touch screen, which I hate) with 14 registrations.
03:57.39igcewieling1My main phone is a VVVX 410 which has 12 line buttons for registrations
04:02.16*** join/#asterisk spicyramen_ (
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04:57.24*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (~LKNnet@2607:fea8:d20:239:11e0:707c:2961:d41e)
05:03.21DoYouNowhat's the current gold standard for free sip clients?
05:03.27DoYouNoon windows
05:03.41DoYouNoI forget I'm running linux sometimes :)
05:16.06vader-i need a decent desk phone as well
05:16.18vader-but i need to be able to direct everything to my cell phone too
05:18.18drmessanoDoYouNo: No Such thing.. it's whatever works for you
05:19.26drmessanoZoiper and Blink are good
05:19.50drmessanoIMHO, Bria is the gold standard for mobile.
05:20.02drmessanoThey've just dropped the ball with Linux
05:53.48igcewieling1The gold standard for SIP clients are Polycom VVX hardphones.  8-|.   Better to ask what the least bad clients are.
06:01.55drmessanoExcept he asked about Linux
06:02.00*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
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06:06.23*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
06:11.42*** join/#asterisk robink_ (~quassel@unaffilated/robink)
06:16.58DoYouNoI'm trying to connect asterisk to google voice and am getting this error when I dial a number:   == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
06:17.22DoYouNoit's connected via xmpp fine
06:27.04DoYouNoUnable to add Google ICE candidates as ICE support not available or no candidates available
06:29.41drmessanoYou need to enable ICE
06:30.17DoYouNoI have icesupport=yes
06:30.49DoYouNoin rtp.conf
06:32.30drmessanoUnder the [general] section?
06:32.54*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
06:33.01drmessanoDid you reload after adding it?
06:33.24drmessanoPastebin your rtp.conf
06:34.14Rasputin3711What is a good guide for self-prepare for entry level -  dcaa certification?
06:37.28DoYouNo[Jan 11 00:37:15] ERROR[32729][C-00000003]: chan_motif.c:987 jingle_add_google_candidates_to_transport: Unable to add Google ICE candidates as ICE support not available or no candidates available
06:37.32DoYouNothat's the full error
06:40.32DoYouNodid they change icesupport=yes to icesupport=true?
06:40.36DoYouNoor do they mean the same thing?
06:41.27drmessanoRemove it
06:41.35drmessanoIt defaults to enabled
06:43.47DoYouNodoesn't help
06:46.12drmessanoWhat are you using as your guide to set this up?
06:49.57drmessanoDid you build Asterisk from source?
06:50.19drmessanoWhere did you get pjproject?
06:50.19DoYouNoI'm pretty sure it loaded the modules good
06:50.26DoYouNofrom the repos
06:51.08drmessanoyou grabbed the dev packages from the repos?
06:51.36DoYouNoI see this: [Jan 11 00:45:52] WARNING[3085]: res_hep_rtcp.c:153 load_module: res_hep is not loaded or running; declining module load
06:52.00drmessanoyou grabbed the dev packages from the repos?
06:52.06DoYouNosudo apt-get install libpjsip2
06:52.15DoYouNoI need the dev package?
06:52.17drmessanoWhat version of Ubuntu?
06:52.33DoYouNoit's an older version
06:52.41DoYouNofor orange pi
06:52.57drmessanoYou need a recent version of PjProject
06:53.07drmessanoWhat version of Asterisk?
06:55.12DoYouNoAsterisk 14.2.1
06:55.35DoYouNoI've got the bleeding edge
06:56.07drmessanoYou need to remove the pjproject package and try a much newer one
07:35.58*** join/#asterisk tuxian (
07:42.14*** join/#asterisk DoYouNo (~DoYouKnow@unaffiliated/doyouknow)
07:57.30*** join/#asterisk hehol (
08:50.15*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (~y04nn@
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09:00.32*** join/#asterisk Hornet-Wing (~Hornet-Wi@
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09:19.38*** join/#asterisk jozza (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jozza)
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09:27.56defsworkWe're passing calls inward calls back out via a dedicated sip trunk to a third party system and they do some routing based on the CLI - they are looking at the SIP From: header - expecting the cli to be here - <sip:xxxxxx@> where the xxxxxx are - is this the right place to get the CLI from ?
09:29.01defsworkbecause we our from header contains the trunk username - From: "xxxxxx" <sip:supertrunk@>  and the CLI in xxxxxx
09:31.08*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
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10:10.13*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
10:17.53*** join/#asterisk thiagoc (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc)
10:18.38*** join/#asterisk Rini (uid196547@gateway/web/
10:19.31*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
10:28.04*** join/#asterisk u0m3__ (~u0m3@
10:40.16*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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10:44.23[sID]I did webrtc and it works on Firefox browser, but the strange thing is that on another compiling anymore.
10:44.42[sID]gets an error  tcptls_stream_close: SSL_shutdown() failed: 1
10:44.53[sID]What could this mean?
10:45.13*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
10:57.47*** join/#asterisk samwierema (
10:58.17*** join/#asterisk blinky_ (
11:00.18*** part/#asterisk sekil (
11:01.42blinky_hi all, looking for some help identifying a problem.  We have 2 asterisk boxes on different sites, each has a trunk out to the voip supplier and all external call are working fine.  On each site the calls between the extension on that box work fine.  We then have a trunk between the two boxes so we can make extension calls between the boxes, this is where the issue is.  When a call is made from site 1 to site 2, or vise versa
11:01.42blinky_the call starts fine and then degrades badly.  I presume it is dropping packets but I am unable to figure out what is causing it.  Any pointers on how to solve this?
11:12.16*** join/#asterisk BarthezZ (
11:17.53*** join/#asterisk Kaian (
11:20.33BarthezZI'm trying to prevent Asterisk from propagating some information, but I isn't doing what I want... this is on 1.8.23 using chan_sip; Phone-A dials to PBX-B which dials to Phone-C; When dialing Phone-C it indicates a 100 trying and 180 Ringing, which get propagated to Phone-A; Unfortunately Phone-A can't handle the ringing properly, is there a way to prevent asterisk from propagating the ringing; the dia
11:20.39BarthezZlplan basically just is Dial(SIP/Phone-C)
11:26.12*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
11:35.21*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
11:35.58*** join/#asterisk tuxian (~tuxian@
11:37.08*** join/#asterisk samwiere_ (
11:39.23*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
11:42.24*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
11:43.48filedefswork: "right" is relative - it can be in the From, Remote-Party-ID, or P-Asserted-Identity header
12:07.14*** join/#asterisk sekil (
12:13.13*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (~y04nn@
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12:47.36*** join/#asterisk samwierema (
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12:59.31*** join/#asterisk pawiecki (
13:04.22*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
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13:57.33*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
13:59.41dan_jHi. Has anyone experienced mixmonitor missing the first few seconds of each call?
13:59.52dan_jI can't find it in the bug tracker.
14:01.59dan_jMixmonitor is started prior to the call being answered so it shouldnt be missing off the first few seconds, but it is.
14:02.02*** join/#asterisk saxpga (
14:02.55saxpgaHello to everyone
14:03.52saxpgaI have a issue with my server asterisk
14:04.09saxpgai installed all things
14:04.19saxpgaans i can make and receive a call
14:04.43saxpgabut i failed to configure my voicemail with ODBC
14:05.39saxpgaCan someone help me to resove my issue?? please
14:31.51*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
14:36.36*** join/#asterisk newtonr (RustyNewto@nat/digium/x-iaamyhiinhqhzwgx)
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14:38.03defsworkfile, hmm - ok - not right then but most common ?  where does * get it from on incoming calls ?
14:38.45fileI wouldn't say most common, and if you don't set fromuser in the configuraton then we won't change it
14:38.51fileand it is configurable where it gets it
14:39.27file(at least in PJSIP land, chan_sip I believe is fixed at PAI, RPID, and then From)
14:40.02fileactually it's fixed for both it seems - PAI, fallback to RPID, fallback to From
14:41.02*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
14:43.54*** join/#asterisk DoYouNo (~DoYouKnow@unaffiliated/doyouknow)
14:45.25[TK]D-Fenderblinky_, You still haven't told (or far better shown) us the problem yet.
14:49.30dan_jblinky_: There are some routers (usually supplied by ISPs) which have issues and cause voip quality to degrade even though tests show no packet loss. In the UK, the EE routers do that.
14:49.58dan_jAt least they used to. I dont know if they have fixed the issue.
14:50.27[TK]D-Fendermissed a line in there
14:50.51[TK]D-Fenderquality degrade = networking issue
14:51.40*** join/#asterisk mcargile (
14:51.50dan_j[TK]D-Fender: With the EE routers, it sounds to the ear like packet loss, but any other type of data transfer is totally fine with no packet loss.
14:52.07[TK]D-Fenderbecause TCP retransmits
14:52.12[TK]D-FenderYou can't compare to other protocols
14:52.34[TK]D-FenderTCP has to give up to actually count something as a "loss"
14:53.00[TK]D-FenderAs for quality, jitter can be just as bad as certain amounts of loss
14:53.09dan_jEven UDP is fine. Just not SIP Audio packets.
14:53.58[TK]D-FenderSIP audio = UDP
14:54.16SamotRTP always = UDP
14:54.34[TK]D-FenderOther UDP protocols implement application layer retransmits
14:54.48[TK]D-FenderSo just saying "other UDP" doesn't mean the test is fair
14:55.15[TK]D-FenderRTP = no app-layer retransmit
14:55.15dan_jDoesnt matter what you say. All EE Brightbox routers caused poor audio quality. And swapping the router out always fixed it.
14:55.32dan_jTest sending UDP (without retransmits) all pass.
14:55.43dan_jIt is a known issue. Not something I'm imagining.
14:55.47[TK]D-FenderSure it does.  Matter as far as mainting a proper testing methodology
14:56.12[TK]D-FenderAnd we don't know the actual scenario or if he's using what you say you swapped on your side
14:56.33[TK]D-Fenderit worked for YOU and may not even be what he's using, let alone actuallyy work for HIM even if he did.
14:56.41dan_jTrue, it's just an idea for him to think about if he cant see any actual packet loss.
14:57.17[TK]D-FenderThis is "correlation vs causation" with the lowest sample size possible so far
14:57.45SamotDo those routers have SIP ALG or SPI Firewall active on them?
14:57.54dan_jmy sample size is fairly large as it has been reported by other SIP providers.
14:58.14dan_jI dont think the SIP ALG settings are accessible on those routers. I can't remember actually.
14:58.22[TK]D-FenderSamot, Neither would hit quality issues
14:58.35[TK]D-FenderSamot, RTP quality of delivery, not SIP
14:58.47SamotJust checking.
14:58.56[TK]D-FenderCAFFEINE :p
14:59.12blinky_Sorry guys, been a long day.  We are trying to get the company to invest in better hardware as we are running a BT Business Hub at the moment that has no controls at all. on top of that we are running the Asterisk on a VM that is also running other servers and think this is all contributing to the issue.  I have been testing today and have cleaned the line a lot at the moment but I do not hold any hope for going forward.
14:59.35dan_jblinky_: what router are you using at the moment?
15:00.03dan_j[TK]D-Fender: Most links here are from people reporting issues.
15:00.10*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
15:00.11blinky_The fiber router that BT has supplied. Not good
15:01.26[TK]D-FenderVM under load is a serious suspect
15:02.12[TK]D-FenderIf you have a spare host I'd recommend migrating to that just to remove the other usage as a suspect.
15:04.06dan_jblinky_: Which one? The BT Home Hub has SIP ALG issues which can't be disabled. But that shouldn't affect call quality.
15:05.07blinky_The issue is I migrated from the previous host as it was failing, we have not been give permission to buy additional hardware yet.  I have just found an option within the BT Business Hub of SIP ALG.  On reading it is suggested that it be disabled, is it something that you would suggest for better quality and stability?
15:05.47[TK]D-Fendergood to have off regardless
15:06.00dan_jI find that with a Business Hub and SIP ALG Enabled, I can't even register. Once disabled, I can register and dial without any issue. So I cannot comment on whether the quality will improve.
15:07.01dan_jHowever, I have clients using the BT Business Hub without any problems. Which Business Hub is it?
15:07.27dan_j3,4,5 shouldn't have any issues. The older ones did.
15:07.42blinky_I will have a look at disabling it when people leave the network.  I am putting forward requests for a new SonicWall TZ300 as we need to VPN access and better security solution for this site.
15:08.12blinky_Hub 5
15:08.48dan_jHub 5 with SIP ALG disabled works fine. If you still have problems, it's probably not the router.
15:13.21*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-irlubzqwsaixbtzt)
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15:22.39BarthezZDon't like to spam, but still having this issue: I'm trying to prevent Asterisk from propagating some information, but I isn't doing what I want... this is on 1.8.23 using chan_sip; Phone-A dials to PBX-B which dials to Phone-C; When dialing Phone-C it indicates a 100 trying and 180 Ringing, which get propagated to Phone-A; Unfortunately Phone-A can't handle the ringing properly, is there a way to preve
15:22.45BarthezZnt asterisk from propagating the ringing; the dialplan basically just is Dial(SIP/Phone-C)
15:22.47blinky_What software would you suggest as a complete package for SIP and IAX?  We are running Elastix2.5 at the moment but the boss want me to look into updating to a current system.
15:27.11dan_jblinky_: Not really the right channel for that type of question as the answer (if given) may be bias (such as FreePBX which is asterisk based). And the answer is largely based on your requirements which we dont know.
15:27.52blinky_ok fair point, I am looking at straight asterisk at the moment, will have a look at frePBX as well, cheers
15:28.31dan_jFreePBX is basically just a GUI which runs asterisk in the background and deals with the dialplan for you. Don't expect to be able to play around with the dialplan if you use something like FreePBX.
15:29.23SamotThat's not entirely true. You can play around all you want, you just need to understand the pre-existing dialplan.
15:34.33dan_jOk, no entirely true, but still requires more research than simply editing a dialplan you've made yourself.
15:34.50SamotIn some cases.
15:35.06SamotI have a FreePBX box that doesn't touch a lot of the predefined code.
15:36.10SamotIn regards to dialplan.
15:37.01*** join/#asterisk Phrohdoh (4222c1a6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
15:44.11PhrohdohHi all, asterisk is reporting that it is calling my number and playing a sound file but my mobile phone never actually rings. What am I doing wrong?
15:47.39*** join/#asterisk slack1 (~slack@
15:50.54[TK]D-FenderPhrohdoh, Look at the actual SIP debug of your call
15:55.56SamotAre you getting the voicemail?
15:56.07PhrohdohI am not.
15:56.09SamotBut a sip debug would be very helpful.
15:56.27Phrohdoh[TK]D-Fender: Ok, I will do some reading about that and try to get back to you asap.
15:56.41Samotsip set debug on
15:56.46Samotmake the call
15:56.53Phrohdohoh, that's easy
15:56.54*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
16:00.49[TK]D-FenderReliably Transmitting (NAT) to
16:00.55[TK]D-Fenderno sane provider is behind NAT
16:01.43[TK]D-FenderContact: <sip:user_9muj8x8f@> <- also please confirm that is your WAN IP
16:02.06[TK]D-Fenderand that you have 5060, and your rtp.conf specified ports (all UDP) forwarded / open to your server
16:08.04*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
16:12.25Phrohdohsys admin says that isn't the trunk's WAN IP (nor is it the office's)
16:13.37SamotSys Admin will show the PBX IP
16:13.42PhrohdohHe said that is an IP in MS' Azure, no idea why it would be connecting to that.
16:13.44SamotNot the WAN IP if you are behind NAT.
16:13.54SamotAsterisk SIP Settings
16:14.22PhrohdohIs helpful at all?
16:14.59SamotNo, I just told you were to look.
16:15.01*** join/#asterisk Hornet-Wing (~Hornet-Wi@
16:15.04SamotAsterisk SIP Settings.
16:15.30PhrohdohI don't have access to a PBX GUI.
16:15.44Samotasterisk -rx "sip show settings"
16:16.02PhrohdohGot it, thanks
16:17.35[TK]D-FenderYou gave it a hostt, and that's how it is resolving
16:17.47Samot^ Yuppers.
16:17.56[TK]D-FenderEither using the wrong hostname, or the wrong address is assigned tto it
16:18.23PhrohdohOk, thank you! I will send that to the sysadmin and try to get that resolved.
16:18.41SamotThat doesn't get set in Sys Admin
16:18.46SamotAsterisk SIP Settings
16:19.51*** join/#asterisk krzee (~k@openvpn/community/support/krzee)
16:19.54PhrohdohAre you saying the system administrator can't find the right information and set that in asterisk?
16:20.15[TK]D-Fendermixup of terms
16:20.25SamotSys Admin is a module in FreePBX
16:20.39PhrohdohOh, sorry for the confusion.
16:21.07[TK]D-FenderTechnically your wording did imply the person, not the module
16:21.20SamotYes, it did.
16:21.22[TK]D-FenderSo Samot this one's on you ;)
16:21.52[TK]D-FenderLowest entry on the SNAFU scale naturally
16:25.07*** join/#asterisk sekil (
16:25.09TandyUKso, what UK audio packs are there for asterisk which are actually complete?
16:25.33TandyUKi see loads of packs offering like 600 or so prmopts, but having been throug hand transcribed every message theres more like 1200 in total
16:25.51TandyUKif i were to get a new one done, in a british male voice, would there be a market for it
16:25.55PhrohdohHow do I reload the sip config in the asterisk cli?
16:26.02TandyUKnoting that it would be an actual complete pack, not just half of it!
16:26.27TandyUKreload modules iirc
16:26.31ChainsawTandyUK: I would prefer a female UK voice to replace my current incomplete pack.
16:26.41Phrohdoh`sip reload`, easy enough
16:26.45TandyUKChainsaw: that would be the second step after getting the uk male pack done
16:26.48[TK]D-FenderPhrohdoh, "sip reload"
16:26.58TandyUKim looking at the male pack costing about £2k to get done
16:27.08TandyUKhavent found a female voice artist yet
16:27.27TandyUKthey key is finding someone who is goign to be available for years to come for additional custom prompts people might want
16:27.53TandyUKand assuming it was a female, how much would yo ube prepared to spend on a complete pack of sounds?
16:28.03PhrohdohTandyUK: Audio synthesis?
16:28.18TandyUKhells no, actual humans wil ldo all my recordings
16:28.29Phrohdohheh, ok
16:28.33ChainsawTandyUK: A soft highland accent is amongst the easiest to understand.
16:28.38*** join/#asterisk rrittgarn (
16:28.43ChainsawTandyUK: Something like say... Cereproc Heather.
16:29.17ChainsawTandyUK: (It's what I use with my Sygic navigation software in the car)
16:29.36TandyUKthat even soudns shit though
16:29.50TandyUKi can tell from 'her' first sentence that its a computer generated voice
16:30.03ChainsawTandyUK: Sure, but as an accent choice...
16:30.14TandyUKyeah, certainly avoid brummie lol
16:31.19ChainsawTandyUK: And for a TTS voice that one is the only one to pronounce "Goldhay Way" correctly. Any other TTS engine, including Google turn it into Goldie Way or Gold-HAY way.
16:33.40*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
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16:33.54SamotSIP/2.0 480 Temporarily Unavailable
16:34.01SamotThat's coming back from the provider.
16:35.29Samot[Jan 11 10:33:35] NOTICE[25751]: pbx_spool.c:413 attempt_thread: Call failed to go through, reason (5) Remote end is Busy
16:36.06PhrohdohYeah I don't know what exactly is busy in that case. My phone isn't in a call or anything.
16:36.27PhrohdohWell, technically I am placing two calls, but my phone doesn't ring.
16:37.13SamotYour provider is returning that.
16:37.26SamotCan you dial your cell without issue from a phone?
16:37.37SamotOn the PBX?
16:37.59*** join/#asterisk craigify (~craigify@
16:38.12PhrohdohI can test that via originate on the cli, correct?
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16:38.57craigifyhas anyone else experienced thread locks with chan_sip and mysql realtime, eventually hosing chan_sip.  I've seen a recent bug about this.  I'm wondering if switching to odbc is more stable.
16:39.20SamotYou can but that's what is having the issue now..
16:39.26*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (~y04nn@
16:39.28SamotI'm trying to verify that a normal outbound call works.
16:39.33SamotTo where you are trying to dial.
16:39.47SamotI want to see if the provider is going to return the same error.
16:39.48PhrohdohSorry, I'm too ignorant when it comes to asterisk to know how to do that then.
16:39.56SamotYou don't have a phone registered?
16:40.43PhrohdohWe do not, apparently.
16:41.35Phrohdoh(per the sysadmin human)
16:43.26SamotHere's the thing..
16:43.31SamotYou are making the call just fine.
16:43.43SamotYour provider is returning the 480 error.
16:43.45PhrohdohSo `originate` calls my cell just fine but doesn't play `hello-world`
16:43.59SamotYou said you phone doesn't ring.
16:44.15SamotI just showed you a log entry that says the call was busy
16:44.17PhrohdohI just now tried to make the call via `originate`
16:44.32SamotSo you have a new debug to show?
16:44.47PhrohdohI do, I'll gist it.
16:47.17SamotReliably Transmitting (NAT) to <-- Please fix this.
16:47.26SamotThis was the first issue pointed out.
16:47.42SamotYour provider is not behind NAT.
16:47.50SamotOr at least they shouldn't be.
16:48.20igcewieling1that message is almost always harmless
16:49.09PhrohdohI don't know what to fix here nor does the sysadmin. I'll bug another person in the office that may know.
16:49.43Samotin the trunk settings.
16:50.37igcewieling1from sip.conf.sample: For this reason it is recommended to ONLY DEFINE NAT SETTINGS IN THE ; GENERAL SECTION. Specifically, if nat=force_rport in one section and nat=no in the    ; other, then valid peers with settings differing from those in the general section will ; be discoverable.
16:51.08Phrohdoh<--- Transmitting (NAT) to --->
16:51.29PhrohdohEr ignore that, I forgot to `sip reload`
16:51.57PhrohdohOk so the log _still_ contains: Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to
16:52.15SamotDid the last call go through?
16:52.19SamotDid you hear you cell ring?
16:53.28PhrohdohThe most recent `originate` call did go through, my cell rang, I answered it and the call was silent for ~5 seconds then hungup.
16:53.44SamotDid you say anything?!
16:53.45PhrohdohI then placed a call via a .call file and that did not ring my cell
16:53.55igcewieling1are you sure directmedia=no is set?
16:54.00PhrohdohWhy would I say anything, it is waiting for silence.
16:54.02SamotYou realize you are running AMD?
16:54.20SamotWhich is a Human vs. Machine detection.
16:54.24PhrohdohAh, duh, ok sorry
16:54.41SamotIf you don't say anything, it's going to die if the "silence" period is exceeded.
16:55.39PhrohdohThis time I spoke and it still hungup on me
16:55.44Phrohdoh(without playing any sound)
16:56.19[TK]D-Fender<igcewieling1> that message is almost always harmless <- often.  Or if a provider uses separate CC vs media servers you're DOA
17:02.20SamotWe need to see a full debug of a call that hangs up on you.
17:02.28Samotasterisk -rvvvvvvvvv
17:02.30Samotsip set debug on
17:03.31saulis there a way to disable Call Forwarding All on all but certain extensions? I've some real genius users that enable it by accident and then people start to complain that they get calls going to other departments :(
17:03.54sauli'd rather not disable it completely because IT uses forwarding to their cell phones when they're not at their desks
17:04.52Samotsaul: Depends on where it is set.
17:04.57SamotSome phones do it locally.
17:05.04SamotMeaning you add the CF number on the phone..
17:05.09SamotOr are they dialing a feature code?
17:10.32PhrohdohSince this is via `kazoo` will the dialplan default to kazoo-outgoing?
17:11.59[TK]D-FenderReliably Transmitting (NAT) to
17:12.01[TK]D-FenderStill wrong
17:12.11saulSamot: i think people are using the softkey :(
17:12.12PhrohdohIt is set to no.
17:12.26saulSamot: i suspect then asterisk is powerless to stop it since it's happening on the phone ?
17:12.34[TK]D-FenderYou did not apply changes then
17:12.47sauli will disable the feature code anyway
17:12.53[TK]D-FenderContact: <sip:user_9muj8x8f@>
17:12.53PhrohdohI have `sip reload`ed twice since that change was written to disk
17:13.13[TK]D-FenderThe IP has changed, can you confirm that this is correctt?
17:13.36[TK]D-FenderShow us the configs masking only the secret
17:19.18PhrohdohIs `register =>` in sip.conf valid?
17:24.44[TK]D-Fendernot relevant
17:25.15[TK]D-FenderLine 34 <----
17:25.24[TK]D-Fenderwhat partt of "nat=NO" was I unclear on?
17:25.31Phrohdoh[TK]D-Fender: chill out dude
17:25.45[TK]D-Fenderyour register also has to come after everything else under [general]
17:25.49*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
17:26.00Phrohdohalright, fixed that too
17:26.08[TK]D-Fender"canreinvite" is deprecated.  exchange for "directmedia"
17:26.34[TK]D-Fenderthis is also looking pretty wrong.
17:26.41[TK]D-Fenderthat is the host you are CALLING in your peer
17:26.49PhrohdohChanging that is what changed the IP
17:26.50[TK]D-Fender17 vs 24
17:27.10[TK]D-Fenderexternhost is supposed to be YOUR hostname
17:27.20[TK]D-FenderHos is it that is tthe hostt you ahve fo kazoo?
17:28.00[TK]D-FenderHow is it that this the host you have for kazoo?
17:28.26PhrohdohI don't know, that is what the sysadmin told me to use for the kazoo hostname.
17:29.41[TK]D-Fenderexternhost is YOUR host
17:29.52[TK]D-FenderYou can'tt go shoving the provider address there
17:30.15PhrohdohYet when I had it set to you said the ip was wrong
17:30.31[TK]D-FenderNo, you said it was wrong after I asked if it was right
17:31.08[TK]D-Fender17 = YOUR hostname or ip address
17:31.22[TK]D-Fender24 = your PROVIDER's hostname or ip address
17:31.29[TK]D-Fenderjust get these right and confirmed
17:31.51[TK]D-FenderThen we'll try a new call
17:32.06[TK]D-FenderIf it fails show tthe newly updatted config and the attempt
17:32.17PhrohdohWill do
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19:04.07PhrohdohSo there are some sounds (in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds) that have both .wav and .g722 or .gsm formats. Can I specify which to play with the Playback command? The docs I've read say to _not_ include file extension when doing `Playback(hello-world)` for example.
19:04.56SamotIt's takes the best option for the call.
19:04.57yang[TK]D-Fender: Which is the best audio codec to be used along with Polycom Soundpoint phones if bandwith is not an isssue ?
19:05.00SamotTranscodes as needed.
19:05.35PhrohdohWell that isn't working as desired in my case. A coworker's phone plays the sound just fine while mine is just a high-pitched tone.
19:06.57SamotWhat codecs are you using?
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19:07.34PhrohdohNot sure, where could I find that in a config?
19:07.51SamotIs this straight Asterisk or FreePBX?
19:08.06SamotSo you're not running FreePBX?
19:08.27SamotThen it would be in your SIP settings.
19:08.37SamotIn in the general context or for the peer.
19:09.43SamotI just looked at the scroll back and  you're using ulaw.
19:10.33Phrohdoh>     9  allow=ulaw
19:10.46PhrohdohSo should I be using something else?
19:10.53SamotBut you shouldn't have your general context as the same as your context for internal devices.
19:11.28PhrohdohI didn't set that up (outside of modifying nat etc), what should be removed from the general context?
19:11.50SamotYou "general" context should really blackhole people.
19:12.20SamotIncoming calls to the PBX from the provider(s) or device(s) should be sent to their own context.
19:12.39PhrohdohI don't expect any incoming calls to the pbx, fwiw
19:12.46SamotDoesn't matter.
19:12.50PhrohdohHow do I 'blackhole' someone?
19:12.52SamotIf you get compromised....
19:13.07SamotThey're calls will be processed as "internal" calls.
19:14.00Samotexten => s,1,HangUp()
19:14.03SamotOr something like that.
19:14.20PhrohdohAnd then [general] context=from-external-notallowed?
19:14.29SamotOr whatever you name it.
19:14.31SamotBut yes.
19:14.51PhrohdohOk, thanks I'll change that. What should I do regarding file playback?
19:15.02SamotShow the two different calls.
19:15.06Samotasterisk -rvvvvvvvvv
19:15.10Samotsip set debug on
19:34.53SamotRename the .gsm file to something else.
19:35.01SamotOr move it somewhere else.
19:35.14SamotMake it so that .wav is the "best" (low rate) option.
19:36.43PhrohdohOk, so one thing I'm a bit confused on is that my /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ does not contain a `tt-monkeys.*` at all
19:38.00SamotIn /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en
19:38.10PhrohdohAhh ok thanks
19:38.30SamotYour default language is English, so that's where the English files are.
19:40.49*** join/#asterisk seiggy (~seiggy@
19:42.39PhrohdohI think I am doing something incorrectly.
19:42.40Phrohdoh> Looking for s in from-external-not-allowed (domain
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19:50.05PhrohdohI don't know why it'd be running in that context:
19:52.01PhrohdohEh disregard that I suppose it still rang my phone
19:52.11PhrohdohBut the wav file I played this time was also just a buzz (not the expected sound)
19:52.51SamotIs this file in the proper format?
19:53.00SamotThe wav format as to be correct.
19:53.28PhrohdohI do not know for sure but it is a wav that asterisk already had (I didn't record it), if that is worth anything
19:53.54SamotYou need a wider test bed.
19:54.08SamotYou have two calls, one plays the file without issue and the other does not.
19:57.49PhrohdohI've done this with two files now, not that two is a lot, but it isn't one. This is frustrating.
19:58.20SamotYou said you called two different phones. Yours and someone else's.
19:58.36SamotYour phone gets a weird buzz, they hear the audio fine.
19:58.51PhrohdohYes, I have reproduced this with two separate sound files.
19:59.07SamotSo now you need more people to call.
20:00.02SamotIf you make 10 calls and 9 other calls work fine but your cell phone keeps hearing buzzing..
20:00.19SamotThen it's a pretty limited focus on where the issue is.
20:01.34SamotI suggest that you get a device registered that makes actual calls so you can figure out if this is a playback issue or something more.
20:08.07PhrohdohI called another coworker and he didn't hear the sound either
20:08.22PhrohdohI'll talk with my boss and the sysadmin about registering a device.
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21:17.15zargonovskiHi all
21:20.30zargonovskineed help with hylafax please
21:23.54zargonovskineed help , any experts aroud ?
21:24.01zargonovskiaround *
21:27.28PhrohdohJust try asking your question
21:27.35PhrohdohIf someone knows they'll hopefully answer
21:30.23zargonovskiI couldn't configure the hylafax server with elastix PBX
21:31.13zargonovskiespecially the IAX part
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23:53.25snadgeasterisk 13.8-cert2 .. registered to another asterisk server.. when calling out, sends invite, receives 401 unauth (normal), sends ACK
23:53.47snadgethen instead of sending another invite, with the username and nonce.. it just says in the log.. failed to authenticate on invite
23:55.48snadgesip trace isn't helpful.. trying to think of what could cause it to that

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