IRC log for #asterisk on 20161231

00:02.00[TK]D-FenderYou should probably be SHOWING something by now...
00:29.29klow[TK]D-Fender sorry I'm getting on your nerves today
00:30.05klowthe opus codec downloads during make install,  doesnt build during make, since its different than the others
00:30.12klowhence why i didnt see it in the source tree
00:31.42[TK]D-Fenderit shouldn't "download" during "make install".  That COPIES things that have just been compiled by MAKE
00:31.51[TK]D-FenderAnd you're still not SHOWING ANYTHING
00:31.57klowdude, chill the fuck out.
00:32.10klowit does download, its different, patent encumbered or whatever.
00:32.44nfsnobodyhey guys, new asterisk install with lua support, I tried to load my extensions.lua (which is very simple) and I get the following:
00:32.46nfsnobodyError loading extensions.lua:
00:32.46nfsnobody[string "extensions.lua"]:4: attempt to index global 'app' (a nil value)
00:33.05nfsnobodyit seems like the app table (which maps to all of the lua functions) isn't being loaded, but even on full verbosity I can't see any more information, any ideas? :)
00:36.56nfsnobodyit looks to me from looking over the docs that lua_create_app_table() is the function responsible in C for this, but I can't work out how to actually get some sort of useful error/debugging information from this
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00:40.36nfsnobodyweirdly enough, pbx_lua isn't even in modules.conf, I'm unsure what tells it to load and when the order is
00:46.25nfsnobodyI'm looking over my working asterisk server with lua (11.21.0-rc3) and it loads pbx_lua after chan_sip, where as the new one (11.25.1) loads it before
00:46.37nfsnobodyI wonder if pbx_lua needs to be loaded later, to ensure the app table has been filled?
01:13.45nfsnobodyI just compiled 11.21.0-rc3 on the new server, same error, so it doesn't appear to be an asterisk version issue
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