IRC log for #asterisk on 20161215

00:05.11*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
00:05.42*** join/#asterisk rpifan (~rpi@
00:07.47*** join/#asterisk rrittgarn (
00:14.25*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
00:26.31*** join/#asterisk Phrohdoh (18b22005@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
00:27.48PhrohdohSo I'm trying to write a custom application with but I cannot figure out how to tell asterisk to launch my resulting executable via mono. Does my `.agi` need to be a script file with a shebang, or can I just invoke `mono` directly in said file with the params given?
00:31.00*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
00:39.13*** join/#asterisk MrC0de (
00:46.25*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~davlefouA@
00:54.50*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
01:00.11SamotNo idea.
01:26.35*** join/#asterisk MissionCritical (~MissionCr@unaffiliated/missioncritical)
01:32.21snadgescenario.. yealink phone, cisco meraki natted via public internet to asterisk on public internet.. extension is set to DirectMedia: No   Force rport: Yes  Symmetric RTP: Yes
01:33.43snadgeeverything seems to be working fine.. except A party calls into B party (the yealink behind the meraki).. audio is fine.. another call comes in to B party, they put 1st call on hold.. speak to 2nd caller.. hang up.. resume 1st call, one way audio
01:53.11SamotWhich way?
01:55.53SamotIf it's inbound, it is a NAT issue.
02:12.47*** join/#asterisk tomcruise (
02:15.46*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
02:26.46*** join/#asterisk rpifan (~rpi@
02:39.18*** join/#asterisk tomcruise (
02:41.51*** join/#asterisk tuxian (
03:13.33*** join/#asterisk Rasputin3711 (~Rasputin3@
03:27.25*** join/#asterisk [NC] (
03:34.04*** join/#asterisk lvlinux (~ruel@unaffiliated/lvlinux)
04:12.37*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
04:29.34*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
05:26.52*** join/#asterisk adityaduggal (~adityadug@
06:26.33*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@2602:306:3676:c60:c1b7:3cd5:8071:e99d)
06:38.56*** join/#asterisk zhando (
06:39.14*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
06:47.48*** join/#asterisk rpifan (~rpi@
06:55.50*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
07:16.01bittisgoodmorning everyone
07:42.12*** join/#asterisk tuxian (
08:01.51*** join/#asterisk pawiecki (
08:05.26*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
08:18.01*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:28.38*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
08:42.53*** join/#asterisk Rasputin3711 (~Rasputin3@
08:43.54*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~mirkob@2a00:1950:400:0:e593:205f:7415:b6b5)
08:48.20*** join/#asterisk sekil (
08:52.18*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
08:53.26*** join/#asterisk refeaime (
08:57.04*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
08:57.56wyoungoh hai there bittis !
10:01.56*** join/#asterisk hehol (
10:02.51*** join/#asterisk clopez (
10:06.29*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~mirkob@
10:16.51*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
10:18.02*** join/#asterisk Cory (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory)
10:24.59*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~mirkob@2a00:1950:400:0:84d0:1bf2:3ebc:8f37)
10:28.48*** join/#asterisk tuxian (~tuxian@
10:37.37*** join/#asterisk catphish (~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish)
10:38.05catphishis it possible to disable T.38 and use spandsp/receiveFax over SIP in audio mode?
10:49.54catphishi suspect just setting "t38pt_" options to no will do it
10:53.03*** join/#asterisk cka_ (
10:58.05*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@
11:35.35*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
11:38.20*** join/#asterisk kayatwork (
12:05.57*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
12:07.39*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
12:09.52*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
12:29.53*** join/#asterisk bounceman (~bounceman@
12:31.01bouncemanHow does one best receive both dtls/SRTP and unencrypted SIP/RTP on the same asterisk? When it originates from the same peer?
12:31.29bouncemanGW <--SIP+DTLS+SRTP+RTP-->Asterisk
12:31.33*** join/#asterisk tomcruise (
12:32.32*** part/#asterisk catphish (~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish)
12:33.02bouncemanI mean I know I need to have two seperate contextes, but when the PEER is the same I am not sure how to do it.
12:35.17*** join/#asterisk WinterNight (
12:39.37*** join/#asterisk slack1 (~slack@
12:40.14*** join/#asterisk slack1 (~slack@
12:43.20*** join/#asterisk sekil (
12:47.22WinterNightHello. :) I am trying to get work Asterisk over OpenVPN on FreeBSD. In tcpdump -i tun0 I see that recives data from client but not responding. Ping from client is working properly. What can I do?
12:48.34WinterNightWithout OpenVPN Asterisk is working properly.
12:51.28avbWinterNight: seems you are having a problem with a source address
12:51.37ckaWinterNight: Perhaps Asterisk is not listening to the ip of the tun0 interface, and therefore ignores the packets?
12:52.14avbyou are register to an ip from vpn subnet while asterisk replies with an ip from another ip
12:52.19*** part/#asterisk cka (
12:52.26avbor like cka were saying
12:52.31*** join/#asterisk cka (
12:56.04WinterNightThank You for replys. :) In sip.conf I have bindaddr= and localnet= . OpenVPN are configured "server". What can I do more?
12:56.37avbsip show settings
12:56.38ckaWinterNight: Is the IP of the tun0 interface in the box running asterisk?
12:57.35WinterNightcka : Yes.
12:57.54ckaAnd are your clients all in the network Can you get traffic flowing in both directions? (Eg. Can you get replies when using ping from the clients that should connect to asterisk)
12:57.58WinterNightOk, I will start SSH server.
12:58.41avbwhat is the point to stop it while developing? :)
13:02.41ckathinks peer resets too many connections...
13:06.54*** join/#asterisk WinterNight (
13:07.32WinterNightThis is my "sip show settings":
13:11.56*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
13:20.03WinterNightI have this errors in CLI when I am connecting:
13:20.06*** join/#asterisk sl4ck (~slack@
13:21.12ckaWinterNight: Looks more like a network issue than an asterisk one. Can you ping from to And the other way?
13:26.21WinterNightOoops. I can't. :(
13:29.18ckaWinterNight: Then it seems like you need to check the routing tables on both sides of the tunnel.
13:32.42*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (
13:33.05twanny796how can i see all the extensions in a particular pickup group?
13:33.50SamotNot sure there's a way to do that
13:34.00bouncemanAnyone know how I can receive both DTLS/SRTP and regular unencrypted SIP/RTP on the same Asterisk from the same peer?
13:47.05*** join/#asterisk tomcruise (
13:50.46*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:52.50*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (~y04nn@
13:54.04*** join/#asterisk kayfox (
14:03.52bouncemanSamot: how does that work if you set encryption=yes on the context?
14:04.11SamotWhat context?
14:04.23bouncemanIf you use the same context for tls and udp
14:04.45bouncemanI believe you have to set encryption=yes, will that not mess with regular udp traffic?
14:06.31bouncemanAlso setting ICE for that peer.
14:08.11*** join/#asterisk sarthor__ (~sarthor@unaffiliated/sarthor)
14:09.20*** join/#asterisk seiggy (~seiggy@
14:11.19bouncemanSamot: do you follow me?
14:11.55SamotI guess you would just have to, I don't know, test it.
14:15.41*** join/#asterisk orn (
14:15.59*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
14:32.08*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
14:42.06*** join/#asterisk tomcruise (
14:52.02bouncemanSamot: Failed to receive SDP offer/answer with required SRTP crypto attributes for audio
14:52.07bouncemanFor regular udp
14:52.17SamotShow it.
14:54.07bouncemanWhat do you want to see?
14:58.52*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-ccebvdoxhcpenlbr)
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15:01.48*** join/#asterisk Joshua___ (62664be2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:03.26Joshua___anyone know how to dial an extension with click to dial/TAPI driver? I have tried a comma, pipe, pound and semi.
15:03.43Joshua___using AMI
15:05.57*** join/#asterisk DiskoTwist (~DiskoTwis@
15:06.03bouncemanSamot: do you wish to see sip.conf?
15:07.22SamotNo, I want to see a call.
15:07.29*** join/#asterisk KaliLinuxGR (~alexandro@unaffiliated/kalilinuxgr)
15:08.35bouncemanWhat good will that do in this scenario?
15:09.59[TK]D-FenderJuror : "Why would I want to see the store camera footage of the shooting?"
15:12.34*** join/#asterisk rwb (~Thunderbi@
15:24.37*** join/#asterisk tomcruise (
15:46.59*** join/#asterisk rpifan (~rpi@
15:48.59*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
15:50.56*** join/#asterisk Rini (uid196547@gateway/web/
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16:46.41*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~davlefouA@
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17:10.00*** join/#asterisk mr_kyd (~Einherjer@unaffiliated/mr-kyd/x-4253709)
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18:01.50*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
18:02.30*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
18:27.13*** join/#asterisk igcewieling1 (
18:27.58*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (~y04nn@2a01:e34:ef37:5870:f878:2a55:30a1:85cf)
18:47.11*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
19:05.15*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
19:06.21*** join/#asterisk zhando (
19:13.27*** join/#asterisk zhando (
20:02.14*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (~y04nn@2a01:e34:ef37:5870:79fe:dc07:52b5:48e3)
20:03.52*** join/#asterisk sl4ck (~slack@
20:16.57*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (~y04nn@2a01:e34:ef37:5870:d896:4d44:2b37:131b)
20:19.08karelkI have a SIP trunk provider
20:19.14karelkoutgoing calls work OK,
20:19.21karelkbut when incoming call comes, I see on Asterisk:
20:19.22karelkSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
20:20.01karelkany idea what might me wrong ?
20:22.17*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
20:23.50*** join/#asterisk funxion (324d7d39@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
20:24.44funxiondoes anyone have asterisk working in azure?
20:29.22[TK]D-Fenderkarelk, Show the actual call with SIP debug enabled.
20:29.27infobotpastebin is probably a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
20:44.21karelk[TK]D-Fender: here is the log:
20:45.03[TK]D-FenderLooking for 41436776766 in incoming (domain
20:45.06[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
20:45.11[TK]D-FenderMeans exacttly what it says
20:45.19[TK]D-FenderYou don't have a match in your dialplan to process the call
20:45.25tomcruisekarelk dutch?
20:46.05karelktomcruise: no, I have replaced real tell numbers with garbage
20:49.56funxion192.168.1.100 > ICMP ip reassembly time exceeded, length 556  Any Clue?
20:52.40karelk[TK]D-Fender: I have following in extensions.conf:
20:52.42karelkexten => 0436776766,1,Answer()
20:52.42karelksame => n,Macro(record)
20:52.42karelksame => n,Set(CHANNEL(hangup_handler_push)=hangup-handler,s,1)
20:52.42karelksame => n,DIAL(SIP/4412&SIP/4414,60)
20:52.42karelksame => n,Hangup()
20:53.18tomcruisechange 0436776766 to 41436776766
20:55.59karelkthanks, it works now.
20:57.04[TK]D-FenderTurns out you need tto match what tthey send you
20:58.22karelkyes, thanks a lot for the help.
20:58.26karelkYou saved me a lot of gray hairs
20:58.53tomcruiseyw :)
20:59.10funxionam I really the only person in here that's tried to put asterisk in azure?
20:59.28tomcruisei guess so funxion
20:59.35funxionthat blows
21:00.10tomcruiseasterisk AND azure in Google shows you're not the only one tho.
21:00.21funxionI know
21:00.44funxionand apparently toeher people have it working
21:02.00funxionI have internal working,  Outbound Working, but inbound is working 5 our of ten calls
21:02.36funxionwhen I've had nat issues in the past the results are consistant
21:04.59tomcruise5 out of 10 are working, do you see all of them in debug logs?
21:05.13funxionthats the problem
21:05.21funxionI see the invites in ngrep and tcpdump
21:05.26funxionbut nothing in console
21:05.35tomcruisemultiple interfaces maybe?
21:05.39funxionsome stuff in debug but it doesnt give me much info
21:05.47tomcruisewhat does debug say?
21:06.03funxiononly one interface
21:06.12funxionazure nsfg is any any
21:06.36funxionusing the same exact iptables config from another working asterisk box with same provider
21:07.19tomcruisehm ok, what's the time stamp of a failed call?
21:07.50funxion2016-12-15 20:11:31
21:07.54funxiontop of the file
21:08.40tomcruisethose are just SIP OPTIONS I think
21:09.01funxionthat is all of the output received
21:09.24tomcruiseso the calls arrive at the network interface but don't reach the asterisk application
21:09.27tomcruisehow strange
21:09.48funxionI've never seen it before
21:09.54tomcruisei never played around with azure so don't know :(
21:09.58funxionthose are the peer options outside of host
21:11.19funxionI'm I wrong but I remember when I had nat issues it usually affected both inbound and outbound
21:13.17*** join/#asterisk slav3_sergal (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
21:14.49tomcruisewhich asterisk version is this? did you try playing around with the nat settings?
21:15.03tomcruiseforce_rport and/or comedia
21:15.10jeffspeffi have a queue setup with 6 members. each 2 members has a different penalty, which groups the six members into 3 groups. i have queue rules setup to ring the next appropriate group of 2 phones. however, i have found that after both phones ring in the last group the call does not end. I continue to hear MOH even though several seconds ago asterisk informed me that both phones did not answer within the timeout.
21:15.21funxionAsterisk 13.7.1
21:15.23funxionof course
21:17.09tomcruisethere's 1 instance of asterisk running right?
21:17.22tomcruiseno other sip applications
21:17.35tomcruiseand in your trace, asterisk does not return any signalling on the failed invites?
21:17.56jeffspefffunxion are you using pjsip or sip?
21:18.12tomcruisenothing to be seen in your iptables logs?
21:18.18tomcruiseor the logs iptables fill
21:18.23funxionhavent looked there
21:18.35tomcruisesomewhere something is dropping traffic before it hits asterisk
21:18.50jeffspeffdo you have localnet set for your local network and the public ip set and binding to the local ip?
21:19.00tomcruisegood one jeffspeff!
21:20.15funxionips are setup right
21:20.34tomcruisei'd check your logs containing iptables activity
21:20.53jeffspeffjust disable iptables while you're testing
21:20.53funxioncant seem to find where its dumping them
21:21.20tomcruiseyeah, disabling during testing to isolate would be best
21:21.52funxiondone that
21:21.58funxionsame results
21:22.13jeffspefftry running sngrep
21:22.38jeffspeffit's a really sweet program that helps diag and show sip stuff
21:22.49jeffspeffit's like tcpdump on steroids
21:24.50funxiongeting it now
21:25.00jeffspeffalso, from an outside host, you can try telnet'ing to port 5060 (or whatever your sip listening port is) on that host
21:25.13jeffspefftelnet 123.456.789.1 5060
21:25.17[TK]D-Fender<jeffspeff> i have a queue setup with 6 members. each 2 members has a different penalty, which groups the six members into 3 groups. i have queue rules setup to ring the next appropriate group of 2 phones. however, i have found that after both phones ring in the last group the call does not end. I continue to hear MOH even though several seconds ago asterisk informed me that both phones did not answer within the timeout. <- yes, well queues don't
21:25.17[TK]D-Fendernecessarily hang up just because the CURRENTT ring attempt has timed out
21:25.23[TK]D-FenderThat's qhat queues normally do
21:25.36[TK]D-FenderRings some people... then stop and ring someone else
21:26.14jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender how do you get it to hangup or do something else in the dialplan once it's called all members of the queue?
21:26.34[TK]D-Fender"core show application queue" <-----
21:27.19*** join/#asterisk slav3_sergal (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
21:27.25funxionI can't telnet to the inbound providers signalling gateway but I'm assuming thats because its setup for inbound only
21:27.31jeffspeffi can see it dial 1, ring 15 sec, dial 2, ring 15 sec, dial 3, ring 15 sec, dial 4, ring 15 sec, dial 5, ring 15 sec, dial 6, ring 15 sec.... now it's done dialing, nobody else left to dial. the timeouts have all been reached. * is just playing the caller MOH
21:28.08[TK]D-Fender"core show application queue" <-----
21:28.18[TK]D-Fenderthe INTER-AGENT TIMEOUT has been reached
21:28.25[TK]D-Fenderthat is not the life-span of the QUEUE
21:30.06funxionjeffspeff: just installed sngrep now how to use
21:30.15jeffspeffjust type sngrep
21:30.27jeffspeffit will show any sip traffic coming in/out of that box
21:31.17[TK]D-Fenderheads out
21:32.26funxionmuch more insight now
21:37.09*** join/#asterisk Milos (~Milos@pdpc/supporter/student/milos)
21:37.49*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@2602:306:3676:c60:c1b7:3cd5:8071:e99d)
21:42.02funxionweird part is I see alot of stuff in sngrep but I dojnt see the initial call setup until after 15 rings or so
21:43.09jeffspeffhow fast of box are you running * on? sngrep should show realtime network traffic (it does on all of my boxes)
21:43.20funxionvery fast
21:43.28jeffspeffi can only think that maybe your box is underpowered or something
21:45.01funxionweird thing I can see is that when * tried sends an options packet I get back 503
21:50.04igcewieling1Are you still trying to get Asterisk working with NAT?
21:50.32igcewieling1always disable dns lookups when using tcpdump or similar.
22:00.10*** join/#asterisk rwb (
22:00.29funxionfreaking weird. So I can see the invites with ngrep but sngrep doesnt see them
22:00.34funxionwhat the hell
22:18.28*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
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22:19.42*** join/#asterisk voyonesti (454667ce@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:20.13voyonestiHi everyone, any chance someone have experience with remote agent on vicidial ?
22:23.52MilosI had an outage and when my Internet came back, my upstream SIP trunk peer status is UNKNOWN but the registration is successful. That's not very sturdy at all. How can I debug this?
22:23.54MilosI'm running 13.13.1
22:25.53Milosdoesn't seem to be the case.
22:34.19*** join/#asterisk tomcruise (
22:34.22igcewieling1do you have qualify enabled?
22:34.47MilosI have it in general, so yes
22:34.55*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (~LKNnet@2607:fea8:d20:239:b169:a70a:4bfc:3f1e)
22:34.56MilosI ran sip show peer xxxx and it has expire = -1
22:35.37Miloswhereas my SIP clients have a value that counts down.
22:35.41Miloswhat does expire = -1 mean?
22:36.13Milosis that the qualify countdown? doesn't seem so since qualify interval is 60s
22:36.20Milosand the value was much higher than that
22:36.23Milosfor the SIP clients
22:37.17*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (~voipmonk@2604:a880:2:d0::191:8001)
22:38.12Milosit does seem to be related to TLS
22:38.27Milosbecause the upstream SIP client that is not TLS did come back on its own
22:48.27*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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22:50.39MilosI'll be restarting asterisk unless anyone has suggestions
22:56.04voyonestiVicidial system using asterisk, When I try to setup a survey campaign with a remote agent this is what asterisk is returning if anyone have time to take a look :
22:56.21voyonestiall other campaign are working fine
23:02.58WIMPyLooks like you're calling an invalid destination.
23:04.16*** join/#asterisk gringo (~gringo@unaffiliated/gringo)
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23:54.49*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-ccebvdoxhcpenlbr)

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