IRC log for #asterisk on 20161210

00:14.40denysoniqueWhere does Dellmont get their very low rates from?
00:24.44*** join/#asterisk ericNL (
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00:48.36*** join/#asterisk KaliLinuxGR (~alexandro@unaffiliated/kalilinuxgr)
00:56.09wyoungin dial plan now does one specify to goto an extension is before a specific date ?
00:56.48wyoungbasically I want to redirect all calls from now until 01/01/2017
00:57.00WIMPyGotoIfTime? Not sure if I got the question.
00:57.09wyoungWIMPy: actually I can use that
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00:57.16wyoungI just specify dec
00:57.27wyoungand remember to remove the line for next year
00:58.03WIMPyprefers to write something to astdb from cron, or on that case at.
01:14.35wyoungWIMPy: I can do that?
01:21.41WIMPyI'd think so.
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01:49.24kunwon1i've been thinking about replacing the *iftime functions with something custom that supports better datetime spec
01:49.41kunwon1holidays move around too much
02:10.56denysoniquewyoung: info on that should be in the comments of the default extensions.conf
02:15.04denysoniqueopen and holiday times via include:
02:37.19*** join/#asterisk ericNL (
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09:12.18_abc_What is the status of iax2 please? I mean, it has become hard to find a iax2 client in any open source *nix distribution. A few years ago they were common.
09:13.18WIMPyYou know the deal these days. If something works it has to be replaced.
09:13.35WIMPySIP is the only lord!
09:21.35*** join/#asterisk ericNL (
09:23.16wyoungyay WIMPy
09:23.40wyoungWIMPy: iax2 <3
09:24.16WIMPyIt was definitely one of the really good bits about Asterisk.
09:33.34*** join/#asterisk seanbright (~sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
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09:34.34_abc_WIMPy: you seem to work. Consider yourself replaced.
09:34.45_abc_wyoung: yes
09:35.15_abc_So how did it die? Just started being ignored because no hipster features marketable to google or facebook after fooling everyone about "open source"?
09:35.40_abc_Was there a discussion? A thread? A tweet? A peep? Anything? I mean by the main authors?
09:36.06WIMPy_abc_: True story.
09:36.49WIMPyIt still exists and it's still working. But noone seems to care any more.
09:47.28*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
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10:51.15xPucTu4i cannot make asterisk listen to tcp ports, can someone help me to debug the issue
10:51.49xPucTu4my version is 14.2.1
10:52.05xPucTu4and i have tcpenable=yes and tcpbindaddr=::
10:52.17xPucTu4in sip.conf
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16:48.36*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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18:52.23denysoniquesame = n,Set(__somevar=foo)
18:52.23denysoniquesame = n,Originate(SIP/provider/1234,exten,foo-dialout,${EXTEN})
18:52.40denysoniquesomevar does not get in foo-dialout context
18:53.46denysoniqueis this how the variable inheritance should work?
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19:17.11SamotWhy do you have provider in there?
19:17.36SamotYour provider is not making the outbound channel.
19:18.29SamotYou're also missing the priority in the context to send the call to.
19:19.32SamotOriginate(SIP/1234, exten, context,ext,priority)
19:20.08SamotWhat are you trying to accomplish?
19:28.10*** join/#asterisk JamesO (
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21:36.07dan_jHi. Is there any way to use Set() to set variables in bridged channels?
21:36.14dan_jFrom within a handler
21:42.20dan_jBasically, I need to set the Dialling Channel's RECORDCHANNEL variable to the outbound leg channel ID. But by using a handler within the Dial and setting that variable within that handler, I end up setting the Outbound Leg's RECORDCHANNEL.
21:46.30[TK]D-FenderShow is
21:49.02dan_jok. 1sec. i need to remove some private stuff
21:54.38dan_jSorry. I removed two lines from [outgoing] which werent relevant to this as they dealt with billing. I've updated the priority.
21:57.44[TK]D-FenderShow the full debug
21:58.52dan_jCan I PM you the pastebin url? Dont really want to put it publicly
22:00.58dan_jLine 68
22:02.03dan_jDo you want the full dialplan too?
22:02.23dan_jThat should read, do you need to see the full dialplan too?
22:03.24dan_jRECORDCHANNEL is used so that an AMI client can start the recording on the correct channel, which is always the channel leaving the asterisk server to my suppliers.
22:04.35dan_jFor outgoing calls, this technique works because the first channel is the channel between my suppliers and I, and I can set RECORDCHANNEL={Supplier's Channel} and it gets inherited to children.
22:04.45dan_jFor Incoming Calls....
22:04.51[TK]D-Fenderlooks like it's doing its job fine
22:05.25dan_jIt's doing it's job, but not the job I need it to do. I'll explain.
22:05.32dan_jPJSIP/kesher_201-0000000b is the dialling channel
22:05.41[TK]D-FenderYour Local channel calls the dial, and the peer that is used to create the new channel is the one who's $CHANNEL} is being parsed out just like it should
22:05.41dan_jPJSIP/magrathea-0000000a is the callee channel
22:06.09dan_jI need to set PJSIP/kesher_201-0000000b's RECORDCHANNEL=PJSIP/magrathea-0000000a
22:06.17[TK]D-FenderIf you want the callee channel to know the caller then use proper standard variable inheritance
22:06.39dan_jOther way around. I want the caller to know the callee channelID
22:07.21[TK]D-FenderThen set an inherited variable
22:07.44*** join/#asterisk Rasputin3711 (~Rasputin3@
22:07.49dan_jHow do I set an inherited variable on the caller channel, if the callee channel doesnt exist yet?
22:07.58dan_jIt only exists after I dial.
22:08.14[TK]D-Fenderyou are already executing against it
22:08.17[TK]D-Fenderb() <-\
22:08.28[TK]D-Fenderset an iNHERITED VARIABLE in there
22:08.57dan_jInherited variables are shared backwards, up the inheritance tree?
22:09.12[TK]D-Fenderdo it
22:09.14dan_jI thought they just get copied into new channels
22:13.16dan_jNo joy it seems
22:14.55dan_jI've Set(__RECORDCHANNEL=) on the caller channel to create the inherited variable, and then Set(__RECORDCHANNEL=${CHANNEL(name)}) in the handler to update it with the callee channelid.
22:15.08dan_jBut it's still blank on the callerid channel.
22:15.12*** join/#asterisk klow (
22:18.07[TK]D-Fendershow the actual code & attempt
22:23.30[TK]D-Fenderand the call to match...
22:24.17dan_j1sec. Thats not the full dialplan. I'll get the dialplan together as it goes through a number of separate contexts and then send it over.
22:24.35dan_jActually, just realised that I didnt Set(__RECORDCHANNEL=) in the right place.
22:31.18*** join/#asterisk ericNL (
22:31.51dan_jI've moved it to the beginning of the dialplan but that doesnt seem to help. Just assembling the dialplan. Will PB the new output first.
22:36.05dan_jDone. I've pasted the majority of the dialplan. Please let me know if you want me to remove lines which don't get executed during the test to make things simpler to read.
22:44.21dan_jJust done a test and set __RECORDCHANNEL=test at the start of the dialplan. The handler has Set(__RECORDCHANNEL=${CHANNEL(name)}), but the original channel still has RECORDCHANNEL=test when I hang up.
22:45.43dan_jPrior to the handler Set(__RECORDCHANNEL=${CHANNEL(name)}), RECORDCHANNEL variable in the handler is 'test'
22:45.59dan_jSo it appears to be working on copies, rather than the same variable.
22:46.07dan_jBut that goes against the comments in the wiki
22:53.42dan_jLooks like i'm going to have to do this via the AMI
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