IRC log for #asterisk on 20161129

00:19.26*** join/#asterisk SSlater (~simon@
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02:54.59*** join/#asterisk xPucTu4 (~yahoo@xPucTu4.Net)
02:57.43xPucTu4i am following the "hello world" guide to asterisk, but there is on line "same = n,Playback(hello-world)" that should play back a file
02:58.21xPucTu4where should I put the file, or how to install them (i am installing from source)
03:02.29kunwon1xPucTu4: you select them for installation as part of the build process, and they are downloaded automatically as part of that process
03:02.40kunwon1there are options in the make menuselect or menuconfig or whatever it's called these days
03:09.52daemonon my system
03:09.57daemonsound/ with all the defaults
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03:10.11xPucTu4yes, i found them
03:10.11daemonsomething probably similar on your setup
03:10.46daemonhehe cresl1n long enough vhost :P
03:11.49xPucTu4btw, i just disabled pjsip and it now works
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14:13.38jeffspeffhas anyone seen or heard of an issue where realtime iax trunk doesn't qualify? i can put the exact settings in the flat file then reload iax and it shows the trunk up immediately via iax2 show peers but it doesn't show it when i run the same command using odbc. i can run iax show peer peername load and it will load my trunk from the db with all the correct info but it shows status unknown and iax debug doesn't show * sending any traffic to establish
14:16.55jeffspeffi'm also having this issue and i'm thinking they're related and it's due to something i'm doing wrong.
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14:20.19SamotThat's PJSIP not IAX.
14:20.27SamotSo while it close, it may not be the same.
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14:24.02jeffspeffi know, it just seems really coincidental that * has issues with both iax and pjsip when using a db.
14:24.28jeffspeffi also tried testing the iax issue using mysql driver instead of odbc and had the same results.
14:28.31jeffspeffSamot if you look at the issue i referenced, there's a setup script that I use to build my systems for *. do you see anything that i'm doing wrong in it?
14:37.25SamotThen I'm confused.
14:37.48SamotYou asked about an IAX issue yet everything you've pointed to is about PJSIP, including your own setup config.
14:37.52SamotSo which is it
14:40.23jeffspeffthe new issue i'm experiencing is about iax. the setup config script sets up the underlying system, it just doesn't include the values for my iax trunk. i don't think it's a problem with my trunk settings since they work fine in the flat file. other than the iax trunk settings, everything else is the same as in that script.
14:41.38filetransports can't be stored in iax2 in a database except for static realtime (it doesn't really have a concept of transports like pjsip anyway) and it would not surprise me if stuff from the database did not qualify as expected
14:43.25jeffspeffsorry file, wasn't meaning to call you into this. my irc client can't differentiate between a word and a user.
14:43.36fileyou didn't
14:43.38fileI see all.
14:44.02jeffspeffevery time i type the word "file" my client shows "@file".
14:45.23jeffspeffi have my port and ip bind settings configured in the flat config. i was wanting to put the trunk settings in the iaxfriends table in the db. is that what you're saying you wouldn't be surprised didn't qualify as expected?
14:46.24jeffspeffhow is the iaxfriends table supposed to be used then?
14:47.41filehaving not used it in 6+ years I don't remember, but generally with realtime stateful things can be hit and miss
14:47.54jeffspeffthe other server i'm connecting to uses flat configs only and is able to establish its side of the trunk when the settings are in the db and in config file. but i can't establish this side of the trunk when settings are in db.
14:48.18filenow you've said about establishing
14:48.47fileare you having a problem with qualify, such that it doesn't work preventing you from calling, or is it that you can't use the peer from the database to dial
14:51.56jeffspeffi might sound stupid now, but i assumed (yeah, i know) that if the peer didn't show up when i ran 'iax2 show peers' that it would throw an error if i tried to use that peer in a dial command since it wasn't loaded and shows 'status uknown' when i manually load it.
14:54.58voipmonkwhat in the world, jeffspeff .... [reading...]
14:57.34voipmonkwhat version of asterisk are you using?
14:58.55filerealtime peers in iax2 and sip don't show up in "iax2 show peers" unless cached
14:59.03filethe act of using one will retrieve it
15:00.54jeffspeffi thought that another server connecting to that trunk counted as 'using it'.
15:01.13jeffspeffconnecting/qualifying against
15:01.39jeffspefflet me setup the dialplan between the two systems and test it out and see what happens.
15:08.36*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-dsdiigsvxxxcyimm)
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16:47.29mr_kydis back (gone 12:20:38)
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17:05.06jeffspeffjust an update. i can dial out of an iax channel when settings are stored in the db. i have rt cache enabled. running iax2 show peers now shows my iax trunk without having to manually load it. however, the status still says 'unknown' even thought it's making calls to the other server. but it works..
17:19.46*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
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17:38.51dan_jHi. How do I get the status of a pjsip endpoint within the dialplan? In chansip, i used to use SIPPEER(peer,status) but status doesnt appear to have been ported into PJSIP yet.
17:44.29*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
17:49.00igcewieling1WOW!  There is a VT100 Test Suite.
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17:59.57jpsharpI can't seem to find it in the docs, but is there an option/function to parse the useroptions in an SIP invite userfield?
18:00.32jpsharpI had a set of CUTs, but the format varies based on what carrier the call is coming in from.
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18:44.25jpsharpFor the record, I just did it with a TOUPPER and a bunch of SHIFTS.
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