IRC log for #asterisk on 20161122

00:01.47*** join/#asterisk [NC] (
00:12.27*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-acdkkxesafhbakct)
00:39.04*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (~y04nn@2a01:e34:ef37:5870:e5:8c37:2a17:40e6)
01:30.38*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
01:39.36*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (~y04nn@2a01:e34:ef37:5870:f032:30ec:ad58:3284)
01:40.56snadgehow does silence supression work in asterisk?
01:41.29snadgetldr.. customer has a voice message system, and our upstream hangs up due to a 5 minute media timeout.. looks like they're using silence supression, ie, we're not getting any RTP packets from them after you press 9 to record your message
01:44.39snadgehmm.. asterisk doesn't support silence suppression for codec g711a
02:10.10*** join/#asterisk SunTsu (miyamoto@unaffiliated/suntsu)
02:11.52snadgeim trying rtpkeepalive=60 .. wish me luck ;)
02:18.58snadgethat worked.. thanks for all your help again guys.. dunno what i would do without yas :P
02:40.19*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (~y04nn@2a01:e34:ef37:5870:c139:ce2f:6ea7:d825)
02:40.37*** join/#asterisk rpifan (~rpi@
02:47.52*** join/#asterisk Pasha (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory)
02:52.31igcewielingIt is good to design your dialplan with your IVRs hanging up eventually.  Also good to have a max message length on voicemail
03:20.47*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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05:11.52*** join/#asterisk Pasha (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory)
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05:46.23*** join/#asterisk Rasputin3711 (~Rasputin3@
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06:51.33snadgeFrom: "0466XXXXXX" <sip:095XXXXX@202.43.X.X>
06:52.02snadgeasterisk 13.10.0 .. its showing the username as the src in the cdrs
06:52.14snadgeinstead of the number
06:52.32snadgei really should know the answer to how to fix this.. but apparently i don't :D
06:52.49snadgethe username matches the user context
06:55.20snadgei think this behaviour has changed since asterisk 12
07:00.59*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
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11:02.12bylzzHi, I'm not getting any dialtones when its ringing but when call is established sound is fine, any hints as to what might be wrong?
11:12.12*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~mirkob@
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11:45.08kpjimdoes anyone know if it is safe to destroy peers during <cli> sip reload?
12:03.05*** join/#asterisk notze (
12:09.51*** join/#asterisk defswork (~aporter@
12:21.04*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
12:24.30*** join/#asterisk Crack92 (~Crack92@
12:25.26Crack92Hi everyone. I’m following this wiki to install asterisk and freepbx on my Centos 7 minimal
12:26.20Crack92however when starting asterisk i get this error: No ethernet interface found for seeding global EID. You will have to set it manually.
12:27.12*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (~y04nn@
12:27.24Crack92even though asterisk and freepbx start i’m not able to connect any phones to my extensions using both pjsip and chan_sip
12:28.05KunsiCrack92: for FreePBX support, see #freepbx
12:28.43Crack92Kunsi: yes i wrote there, as i tought this is an asterisk issue i wrote here also
12:29.32KunsiWe will not support anything freepbx-related
12:31.24*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
12:31.56*** part/#asterisk kpjim (
12:48.49*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (~y04nn@
12:54.54*** join/#asterisk Eloy (~Eloy@
12:58.24saltsa <-- what does presentation and screened mean in this context?
12:58.44saltsaor what's the difference between them
13:01.51*** join/#asterisk sekil (
13:03.32Kunsii'd say presentation means "presendet (transmitted) to phone", and screened means "displayed to user"
13:03.39Kunsibut don't really know
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15:28.45*** join/#asterisk Y04NN_ (~y04nn@
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16:51.47*** join/#asterisk Inf0r (uid2810@gateway/web/
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17:18.41WIMPysaltsa, Kunsi: Partially. The PI determines if the ID should be dislayed, yes, but the SI tells you the level of trust.
17:42.59*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
18:00.18*** join/#asterisk Zen_Clark (
18:03.52*** join/#asterisk DivideBy0 (~DivideBy0@unaffiliated/divideby0x0)
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18:10.46*** join/#asterisk genpaku (~genpaku@
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18:14.03*** join/#asterisk trelane (~trelane@unaffiliated/trelane)
18:14.28*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (
18:16.19rrittgarnwhen using realtime, does the built in realtime config have the capabilities of trying one ODBC connection first, if that times out/ fails, etc. move on to another connection?
18:16.45rrittgarnexample trying to pull voicemessages out of a DB if the DB doesn't get back quick enough, can it try a secondary server?
19:04.16*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
19:12.24*** join/#asterisk mub (
19:13.52*** join/#asterisk J0hnSteel (~J0hnSteel@
19:22.31*** join/#asterisk shootbird (~quassel@
19:24.38*** join/#asterisk angler- (angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
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19:27.09*** join/#asterisk Spengler (
19:28.17Spenglerdoes anyone in here use vitelity sbc service from behind a NAT router
19:28.45seiggyanyone know if there's a shortcut in ARI for dealing with Currency playback?
19:31.21igcewielingnot sure what you mean by their sbc service, but I use their standard sip service and there are not NAT issues.   Remember to set the endpoint with NAT when creating it in the Vitelity gui
19:31.27*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
19:45.37*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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20:28.21rrittgarnin app_voicemail, when running in realtime, the system puts the whole message in your messages table, including recording blob. Is it possible to put just the envelope in the DB, and the binary data in the filesystem? or am I going to have to look into using ARI Voicemail to accomplish this?
20:33.34*** join/#asterisk Y04NN_ (~y04nn@2a01:e34:ef37:5870:4405:612a:872a:b33e)
20:38.09[TK]D-Fenderrrittgarn, Nope.
20:54.54*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
21:16.45*** join/#asterisk kfife (
21:17.22*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (~y04nn@2a01:e34:ef37:5870:39ad:6bb5:a834:f2f7)
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21:36.57*** join/#asterisk SpaceInvaders (
21:37.26SpaceInvaders-- Incorrect password '' for user '6003' (context = default)
21:37.35SpaceInvadersdoes anyone know why voicemail would suddenly stop seeing dtmf?
21:40.09DivideBy0seiggy: currency as in money?
21:41.02DivideBy0maybe something like this:
21:42.39seiggyyea, but I need it in ARI, and I also need it to respect the proper english too
21:42.52seiggyie: "One Dollar" vs "Five Dollars"
21:43.24seiggyand "Five Dollars and One Cent" or "One dollar and Fifteen Cents"
21:44.05seiggyI just wrote a quick C# class that does all the rules and converts a decimal number to a collection of prompts to hand off. Should work, was just hoping I could pass a decimal number and a currency type and have it play it with all the correct rules
21:46.16SpaceInvadersok it's not a dtmf issue.  still troubleshooting
21:47.38DivideBy0seiggy: sorry, I read "not in ARI"
21:47.53seiggyhaha, all good
21:48.36DivideBy0you can play a sequence in v14, so it could be all one play request to make it easier, but the grammar and all that is up to you in ARI
21:49.44seiggyok, that's cool. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't duplicating functionality that already existed
21:53.37*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
21:54.56*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (~BakaKuna@
22:01.30*** join/#asterisk Eloy (~Eloy@
22:02.27*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (~BakaKuna@
22:57.29*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
23:01.24*** join/#asterisk Aboba (
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23:11.48*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
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23:26.58*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
23:38.22*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
23:43.03*** join/#asterisk robmal (
23:48.09*** part/#asterisk Zen_Clark (

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