IRC log for #asterisk on 20161121

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04:01.43Kyoshi have a difficult question (difficult because i'm not sure what happened).  asterisk v11.21.0 paging "used to" work.  intercom is still fine, but out of the blue (who knows maybe my boss logged in and messed with it, no idea) the paging feature doesn't work.  originally paging took place on 299 (all phones), 399 (executive phones), 499 (floor staff phones) and 599 (back office phones).  none
04:01.43Kyoshof them are working now.  instead you hear "your call cannot be completed as dialed" message for any of the paging numbers dialed.  I am completely stumped by this.  i set up a test pbx and copied the paging config (working on the test) and pasted it into the production pbx and still nothing.  it's almost as the pbx is intentionally ignoring the extension dialed (maybe it doesn't understand
04:01.43Kyoshthe context - not sure really).  is there any way to figure this out instead of taking down a 150 user pbx and replacing it (I REALLY could not explain that to the boss)?
04:09.50SamotWhat do the debugs show/
04:17.09*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
04:20.51Kyoshgive me a minute to create a fresh debug on all of the numbers
04:50.30Kyoshthats for 299
04:53.05SamotNo. Not an Asterisk debug.
04:53.29SamotA call debug, set the verbosity to 10
04:53.36Samotcore set verbose 10
04:54.17SamotWant to see the call going throgh the dialplan without all the extra details like AMI connections.
04:54.44*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
04:58.26Kyoshhere is 399
04:58.55Kyosh10?  gotta gimme a min please
04:59.00Kyoshno debug level set?
05:00.30SamotNo, none.
05:00.36SamotDon't want those details.
05:07.29Kyoshi created a new one also, page 800
05:07.35Kyoshsame issue
05:07.40Kyoshgetting pastebin ready now
05:09.10Kyoshthats 299
05:11.01Kyoshhere is 299 again
05:11.16Kyoshsorry 599
05:12.02Kyoshits as if the dialplan has nothing for it
05:12.12SamotFirst, this is FreePBX so you will need to continue this in #freepbx
05:12.17SamotSecond, -- Executing [599@from-internal-original:1] ResetCDR("SIP/1899-00000d16", "") in new stack
05:12.22SamotYou are correct.
05:12.59SamotSo move over to #freepbx because you'll need to start providing screenshots of your FreePBX system which is not Asterisk related.
05:14.33Kyoshack man ok
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14:39.06polysicshello! how do you do RTP analysis for packet loss etc? Wirseshark only does 1 stream at a time
14:39.56zholdperhaps rtpbreak
14:40.22zholdDetects, reconstructs and analyzes any RTP session.
14:42.13*** join/#asterisk dtcrshr (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher)
14:43.10polysicswhat I am looking for is something that can caggregate stats from a lot of calls, like the volume from a SIPp scenario
14:44.37zholdim looking for a way to remove FAS from my calls
14:44.57zholdi tell you what, ill write you a program to analyse all your calls and the packetloss
14:45.01zholdand you solve my FAS issue :D ?
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15:36.08rolledgoldHello all.
15:40.37zholdhello rolledgold
15:41.01rolledgoldhaving an issue where a carrier is sending a reinvite to change a ptime after the 200 OK and ACK of the initial SDP.  For some reason Asterisk does not respond to the new invite and the call dies with a 408.
15:41.10*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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15:41.56zholdjesus christ
15:42.02zholdgood luck bro i have no idea
15:42.08zholdmaybe you can directly msg voipmonk and pay him small fee
15:42.12zholdhe has solved my problems many times before
15:42.16zholdtruly a voip expert
15:42.36zholdor wait for advice in the channel :) sorry i cant help
15:45.55rolledgoldweird thing is that we offer a ptime of 20, they send a 200 with SDP ptime of 30 and then after the call is established they invite with ptime 20.
15:49.55igcewieling*grumble*  My "quick hack" is now 4,000 lines of code.
15:50.59*** join/#asterisk mutilator (
15:51.06mutilatorwhat's the latest solution for making your own efax server?  asterfax/noojee seem to be discontinued for a while..
15:53.04*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-yvwvmavqayraudae)
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16:00.16[TK]D-FenderPre-dating even that : Hylafax
16:00.31igcewielingI assume most people roll their won.
16:36.37*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
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19:23.46*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (~BakaKuna@
19:24.45zholdexten => _0XXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(DAHDI/g0/${EXTEN},23,r)
19:24.45zholdexten => _0XXXXXXXXX,2,Waitforsilence(4250,1)
19:24.45zholdexten => _0XXXXXXXXX,3,Answer()
19:24.52infobot[pastebin] a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:24.57zholdlucky it was short
19:25.03zholdi want to dial my extension
19:25.21zholdand wait for the ringing to stop then connect the call
19:25.42zholdbut what i have above is incorrect but shows pretty much what i want in order
19:25.51zholddoes anyone know the correct way to write this?
19:28.37[TK]D-Fenderthat doesn't work at all
19:28.44[TK]D-FenderDial() is a complete call.
19:28.58[TK]D-Fenderwhen it answers.. you STAY in that call.  When it ends, so does your call
19:29.07zholdim feeling ya
19:29.09zholdthats whats happening
19:29.13[TK]D-FenderThings do not continue when the call gets answered
19:29.13zholdbut Fender i have a unique problem here
19:29.32[TK]D-FenderYou need a better description of what you want to have happen, how it is to start, etc
19:29.57zholdi am using pulse dialing over a chan_dahdi adapter on a PSTN that doesnt give me polarity reversal to know when the call has actually started
19:30.15zholdso im left to remove the FAS on the call through some strange method
19:30.44zholdcaller ---> dials..... --> (asterisk ringing) ---> (billing starts) ----> PSTN ringing heard -----> callepicks up
19:30.48zholdi need it like
19:30.57[TK]D-FenderSo far dial does that....
19:31.04zholdcaller ---> dials -----> (asterisk ringing) -----> calle picks up ("Hello?") ---> billing starts
19:31.46[TK]D-Fenderif you need Dial() to wait before dialing the digits... then add "w"'s before the number
19:32.25zholdFender do you know what FAS is ?
19:33.06zholdFAS normally takes place when there is no synchronization between a VoIP leg and PSTN leg of the call on a VoIP-to-PSTN gateway. When the call reaches the gateway from the VoIP network, the gateway tries to establish a connection with the called number, but due to incorrect configuration it cannot detect the states of the call, which are advertised by the PSTN network (the states are: "called party ringing", "called party connected"). And thus the gateway f
19:33.26zholdWHY FAS IS A "BAD THING"?
19:33.26zholdFAS is considered to be a negative phenomenon due to two reasons:
19:33.26zhold1. The calling enduser may notice that he/she is billed for non-connected calls
19:33.38zholdseems everyone on #asterisk never heard of this term before thought i'd just paste here....
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19:34.24[TK]D-FenderThat isn't the more common term
19:34.30[TK]D-Fender"Call Progress" is
19:34.46[TK]D-FenderAnd if you're using anaolg this could be an issue
19:34.49[TK]D-Fendernot all PSTN is analog
19:35.00[TK]D-FenderSo their wording makes assumptions
19:35.15zholdyep im using analog
19:35.20zholdyou could say i have incorrect configuration
19:35.27[TK]D-Fender"a VoIP-to-PSTN gateway" <- and that is ALSO vague
19:35.37zholdbut in reality right now i have no solid way to detect when the person has actually picked up the call
19:35.39[TK]D-FenderDAHDI supports call progress if you tell it to, and what standard
19:35.40zholdthats my main problem
19:35.54[TK]D-FenderBut you risk calls getting disconnected due to false reads, etc
19:35.56zholdmy chan_dahdi.conf has all the correct settings for polarity detection
19:36.02zholdbut simply fails to recieve one
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19:36.33[TK]D-Fendermake sure you have a proper indications.conf for audio detection as well
19:36.41[TK]D-Fenderand pastebin your configs
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19:42.29igcewielinglooks like zhold is trying the randomlydisconnectmycalls=yes
19:42.36igcewielingconfig option
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19:44.16zholdi dont even mind if your calls get randomly disconnected
19:44.21zholdas long as im not billing you for mins your not using
19:44.37zholdinfact disconnect all calls after 5 mins just for fun
19:44.42zholdjust please have normal call :/
19:52.32*** join/#asterisk BBone_ (
19:55.10igcewielingMy customers would be at my doors with torches and pitchforks I they had their calls randomly disconnected.
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19:57.16zholdyeah wait till you have FAS on your line
19:57.20zholdthey wont even use your service at all
19:57.29zholdat least you can have a quick word to ya mum
20:00.25igcewielingfacility associated signaling?  We use it for several customers to combine multiple PRIs
20:00.36zholdno false answer supervision :(
20:01.02zholdhey [TK]D-Fender
20:01.06zholdi just found the indications.conf of the country
20:01.11zholdsomeone put them up on the net
20:01.15igcewielingyou know all those issues go away if you switch away from analog.
20:02.08zholdi really do man :( i really do
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