IRC log for #asterisk on 20161119

00:11.06*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-bgtdfufoclkcjvuj)
00:11.06*** mode/#asterisk [+o rmudgett] by ChanServ
00:23.47*** join/#asterisk friedrich (
00:46.43*** join/#asterisk covalschi (~covalschi@
00:47.18*** part/#asterisk covalschi (~covalschi@
01:17.53*** join/#asterisk covalschi (~covalschi@
01:47.02*** join/#asterisk monsterco (
01:48.46*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
01:59.43*** join/#asterisk covalschi (~covalschi@
02:03.33*** join/#asterisk [NC] (
02:05.49*** join/#asterisk shootbird (~quassel@
02:22.27*** join/#asterisk covalschi (~covalschi@
02:25.18*** join/#asterisk covalschi (~covalschi@
02:30.33*** join/#asterisk monsterco (
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02:56.42*** join/#asterisk covalschi (uid197390@gateway/web/
03:14.13*** join/#asterisk u0m3 (~u0m3@
03:58.48*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
04:00.42*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
04:14.56*** join/#asterisk Ionic (
04:47.02*** join/#asterisk covalschi_ (~covalschi@
04:54.55*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
04:58.13*** join/#asterisk Aboba (
04:58.38*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
05:11.16*** join/#asterisk rpifan (~rpi@
05:13.31IonicWIMPy: "the number you've dialed is not assigned" when calling the phone number I'm calling out with *sigh*
05:31.43*** join/#asterisk slav3_sergal (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
05:49.38Ionic(that's my ISP's issue though)
06:00.28*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (~LKNnet@2607:fea8:d20:239:cdec:41eb:4447:544f)
06:13.09*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (~LKNnet@2607:fea8:d20:239:cdec:41eb:4447:544f)
06:50.40*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (~quassel@2607:fea8:d20:239:80a9:6f74:df8e:751f)
07:12.06*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:b18:581:10:294b:e700:d8a8:2c46)
07:12.42*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
07:37.10*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
08:04.17Ionicbut at least my card is working in NT mode now and I can forward calls happily between my internal ISDN network and SIP
08:05.07*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
08:31.12*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
09:21.33*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
09:25.20*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
10:10.54Ionichmm... how do I run commands in a dialplan that are specific to multiple extensions without duplicating the strings everywhere?
10:11.43Ionicwhat I want do essentially do is to set the caller id via Set before calling internal phones
10:12.04Ionicduplicating two Set calls for n phones sounds like a bad idea
10:14.03Ionichmmm... a new context and gotos and might work
10:16.03*** join/#asterisk shootbird (~quassel@
10:18.34Ionicwait, no, that won't work, because of dialplan sorting... hm
10:25.31WIMPyYou can use pattern matching, or Gosub or Goto. Many ways to do things.
10:26.35WIMPyHmm. were you the guy using the USB dongle?
10:29.38IonicI'm now SIP-peering with DTAG and using my dongle in NT mode
10:29.52WIMPyCool. Did you build drivers yourself or are you using the ones in the kernel?
10:30.07WIMPyWhich Kernel?
10:30.27IonicI'm using both the drivers and userchain from git directly
10:31.01Ionicalso LCR
10:31.27IonicI switched back to Asterisk 11 (from 13) because I was getting no usable sound output through chan_lcr for some reason
10:31.45IonicI probably didn't patch it good enough/correctly for Asterisk 13 support
10:31.50WIMPyLately I got USB errors when trying NT mode.
10:32.02Ionichum... it's working fine so far
10:32.11WIMPyWhich Kernel?
10:32.53Ionicwith mISDN drivers as a standalone version from git
10:33.18IonicI also loaded hfcsusb with parameters protocol=0x12 layermask=0x3
10:33.32Ionicnot sure this is actually needed
10:33.48WIMPyDon't think so.
10:34.07WIMPyIs that a vanilla 3.19.0?
10:34.18Ionicyeah, pretty much
10:34.36Ionicwith my very own configuration
10:35.02IonicI can't upgrade to newer versions, for some reason the intel graphics driver kills my kernel again
10:35.07WIMPyNeed to try that one. I'd really like to get that working again.
10:35.25*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
10:35.28Ionicthe only thing that isn't working is... dialtones and tones in general(?)
10:35.43Ionicnormally I'd expect to get a dialtone when I pick up the phone
10:35.55Ionicand a ringback tone as well
10:36.02Ionicor even a busy tone at the end of a call
10:36.25Ionicoh, and music on hold isn't working either
10:36.26WIMPyDialtone needs to be provided from the Dialplan if you send the call straight to Asterisk.
10:36.38WIMPyAnd the rest are SIP issues.
10:36.45IonicI'm bridging again, turns out it's working fine now mostly
10:37.03Ionicare you sure? music on hold did use to work before I switched to NT mode
10:37.21WIMPyOh, that was pretty interesting. Yesterday I called from O2 to DTAG and when I was put on hold, I got my own MOH.
10:38.16WIMPyWorks for me. (tm)
10:38.55Ionicwell normally the dialtone comes from the PTSN network, right?
10:39.03Ionicbut I don't have any
10:39.32Ionicit's pretty much a private S0 bus now, so I'd have to instruct my USB card to play tones
10:40.00IonicI don't know how though, LCR doesn't seem to do it
10:40.41WIMPyTry to make an s extension with a WaitExten.
10:41.05WIMPyIt won't if you send the call straight through to Asterisk.
10:41.50WIMPyfetched his laptop and a fresh copy of 3.19.1.
10:44.12Ionicdo you really think it's a kernel issue?
10:44.36WIMPyWhat else if I get USB errors?
10:44.45WIMPyMigh be my configuration, off course.
10:45.13Ionicokay, WaitExten(120,m) works
10:45.21IonicWaitExten(120) did nothing at all
10:45.43Ionicuh, it failed... way too early
10:45.55Ionicbut maybe that's my phone acting up
10:46.50IonicMOH isn't really appropriate as a dialtone but uhm...
10:47.05IonicI can't really use that trick for ringback
10:48.17Ionic could do that instead...
10:48.36WIMPyI get that isse on any phone depending where I call.
10:49.10WIMPyWhen calling DTAG customers or mobiles, I get ring back, when calling vodafone customers I don't.
10:49.55WIMPyHmm. Actually I used Background(), but it doesn't play anything. It only enables dialtone.
10:51.15Ionicwell that works, but no I have a fake accepted connection I guess
10:51.46WIMPyA what?
10:52.35Ionica fake call
10:52.58WIMPyWhere? When? Why? What?
10:53.38IonicI used Accept() Playtones(dial) Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=5) WaitExten(60)
10:54.45WIMPyWhy do you do that? Breaks redial an such things.
10:56.10Ionicto get a dialtone :/
10:56.14*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
10:56.39Ionicbut even if I DTMF a valid number it's not actually processed, so that totally won't work anyway
10:56.55WIMPyMaybe an evil side effect of using Asterisk as interface?
10:57.40Ionicprobably... although I think I've had DTMF issues before
10:57.55WIMPyBut DTMF is not the way to go.
10:58.38Ioniccertainly not for making calls
11:01.02Ionichmm... setting the caller ID doesn't work either?!
11:01.28Ionichm, no, that's my dialplan acting up
11:13.27WIMPyis back with a 3.19.1 in default config. Gives me some graphics issues, but I try to ignore that.
11:20.03WIMPytries to remember how to get USB working at all back then.
11:20.24*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
11:20.35Ionichuh? doesn't it just work?
11:21.32WIMPyNope. The system doesn't seem to support that kernel any more. No udev at all.
11:22.00Ionicah you probably have to turn on some kernel option with newer udev versions... hmmm
11:22.48WIMPyNope. Defconfig doesn't seem to include usb. Argh.
11:23.03WIMPywanted a vanilla config.
11:23.27Ionicoh, heh
11:23.47Ionicif in doubt, use your distro's kernel config
11:25.15WIMPyDon't have that any more.
11:26.05WIMPyInteresting. The kernel defaults seem to be pretty useless/broken. :-(
11:26.20WIMPyI guess I didn't try that for aaaages.
11:26.20Ionicwhat distro are you using?
11:27.18Ionicah, well that's manual work then...
11:28.03WIMPyThat's what I want. I want to find out if a default config will work and if so what config breaks it.
11:28.22WIMPyBut no such thing as a default config, it seems :-(
11:28.41Ionicso use a debian config
11:33.45*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
11:34.53*** join/#asterisk libardi (~kvirc@
22:31.30*** join/#asterisk infobot (
22:31.30*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.12.2 (2016/11/10), 11.24.1 (2016/10/27), Standard: 14.1.2 (2016/11/10); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.5.0 (2016/03/28) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
23:30.54*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
23:55.46*** join/#asterisk Cory (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory)

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