IRC log for #asterisk on 20161114

00:24.53*** join/#asterisk klow (
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01:08.38*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:24.47*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@2602:306:3676:c60:d9ae:b844:489:31e3)
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03:12.44*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@2602:306:3676:c60:30c7:7947:b5d4:a20f)
03:22.07*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@2602:306:3676:c60:30c7:7947:b5d4:a20f)
03:43.12*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
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05:34.37adeelis there an easy way to track the maximum number of simultaneous channels utilized by a peer, that is under their max limit? As an example, say user A is set to a limit of 30 concurrent channels, and B is limited to 15; A & B are interested to know how many of those respective channels have they actually used
05:34.47adeeli can't think of an approach that isn't polling based
05:35.48WIMPyScan the logs an do some maths.
05:36.12adeelwell, that's probably the least optimal way of doing it
05:37.14WIMPyBut it will be exact.
05:37.54adeelso are many other approaches
05:38.14adeeland that assumes many other things which must hold true....1 of which, asterisk doesn't crash
05:38.17WIMPyPolling wouldn't
05:38.38adeeli know polling won't, which is why i'm not trying to use polling
05:38.45WIMPyYou find that information in the log as well.
05:41.04adeelhmm....i think i have a better approach
05:41.43WIMPyOff course the standard answer applies here as well: Listen on AMI.
05:41.53WIMPyI should put that on a function key.
05:43.26adeellistening to AMI doesn't remotely solve the problem, but sure
05:43.43WIMPyYou still have to count, yes.
05:44.22adeelyou actually have to keep multiple counts
05:45.28WIMPyOne counter and one high water mark per peer.
05:46.18Akariadeel: You tried GROUP() and GROUP_COUNT()?
05:46.38adeelAkari: at the SQL level? or in asterisk?
05:47.26adeelAkari: i've toyed with that approach
05:47.55adeelAkari: that just gets me another way to count
05:49.21AkariCompare to a value in astdb and if GROUP_COUNT() > astdb, replace astdb with GROUP_COUNT()
05:50.00adeelAkari: yeah, that's the rough approach per peer i'm going to do via SQL
05:50.44AkariGood luck
05:51.45adeelonly downside with group_count()/group() is that its the instantaneous value at the time group_count() was any decent calls per second, that approach becomes decently taxing
05:53.34WIMPyYou have to add it to all extensions and to h.
05:53.48AkariWhat about SNMP
05:53.58WIMPyButh then it would also work really well.
05:54.08WIMPyPolling is never exact.
05:55.21AkariMaybe some kind of CDR reader
05:56.03WIMPyThat's scanning logs isn't it?
05:56.05AkariI feel like it would be rather taxing to create a bespoke solution for querying MySQL for that information because you just get the start and end times.
05:56.35adeeli've done the CDR/logging approach before's brutal, and gets overly complex when you've got calls that span multiple days
05:57.28AkariLike something that's prepackaged I mean.
05:57.47adeelimho, you need a SQL stored procedure that is called on every call setup/teardown and within that procedure, it's keeping a running count of current calls, as well as the max value it's seen over the desired interval
06:00.23AkariI don't think the call record is added to MySQL until the call is complete.
06:00.32*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
06:00.45adeelAkari: i'm not planning on using the CDR for this count
06:00.48AkariAnd even then if someone transfers a call or conferences or something it may mess with your results.
06:01.16AkariIt might work with CEL
06:04.57AkariWIMPy: Was that what you were thinking with using AMI
06:05.15WIMPyWhat? CEL?
06:06.02AkariYeah enabling cel_manager
06:06.18WIMPyAMI tells you whenever a channel is created or destroyed. So you just have to count those events.
06:06.27WIMPySo no need for CEL.
06:06.52*** join/#asterisk Rasputin3711 (~Rasputin3@
06:28.38adeelwhen issuing an 'core stop gracefully' ...what does asterisk respond to new INVITES with? a 500 error?
06:29.06adeeland what about for in-dialog calls? will it process any re-INVITES, etc?
06:33.38*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
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10:35.31riess82hi all. i have an spa232d gateway connected to asterisknow. in the gateway i have set up dialplan S0(:112) which correctly rings extension 112. is there a way to dial a certain extension through the gateway? (i am new to VOIP in general and have no idea about dialplans)
10:51.52*** join/#asterisk thiagoc (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc)
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11:37.50*** join/#asterisk wasanzy (~wasanzy@
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11:39.15wasanzyam getting this error: SIP/+233271520077@outgoing  (ringinuse disabled) (dynamic) (Invalid) has taken no calls yet
11:39.39wasanzywhen I use the queue application to add members to the queue
11:39.46wasanzywhat is the invalid for?
11:41.54ixydwasanzy it looks like you added a "dialstring" as queuemember, you can use a sip peer like SIP/1234 or a localchannel like Local/+12345@context as queuemember
11:42.28*** join/#asterisk novafire (
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11:43.42wasanzyixyd: from the cli, this is how I use to add it and it works: ​queue add member SIP/+233......@outgoing to queuename
11:44.19ixydhm ok...
11:45.21wasanzyin diaplan I have this:  same => n,AddQueueMember(bima,SIP/${CALLERID(num)}@outgoing )
11:45.58ixydand outgoing is your sipgw?
11:47.39*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
11:52.38*** join/#asterisk wasanzy (~wasanzy@
11:53.01wasanzysorry my laptop shutdown
11:53.04wasanzyany help?
12:18.14*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
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13:22.31*** join/#asterisk wasanzy (~wasanzy@
13:22.50*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:24.28wasanzysame => n,AddQueueMember(bima,SIP/${CALLERID(num)}@outgoing )
13:24.52wasanzyis giving me SIP/+233271520077@outgoing  (ringinuse disabled) (dynamic) (Invalid) has taken no calls yet Callers:
13:25.00wasanzywhen I run queue show
13:26.03[TK]D-FenderUsing "@" is not the best format for that, and I don't see anything showing the peer as valid or reachable
13:26.51wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: I don't see anything showing the peer as valid or reachable ( I don't understand)
13:27.27[TK]D-FenderWHERE'S THE SIP PEER?
13:27.38[TK]D-FenderWho says that is VALID?
13:28.46wasanzyI uses this "queue add member SIP/+233271520077@outgoing to bima" in the cli and it works
13:29.30wasanzyso I was wondering why AddQueueMember() doesn't work
13:29.46[TK]D-FenderI'm not seeing the full dump of the way that works to compare yet
13:30.00[TK]D-Fenderthat's already 2 things we should have now
13:30.22wasanzyok let me get paste
13:41.12wasanzyI have taken out @outgoing
13:42.31[TK]D-FenderWhich makes no sense
13:43.07*** join/#asterisk [NC] (
13:43.17WIMPyWhat is "outgoing"?
13:43.35wasanzyis a context
13:43.53[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> WHERE'S THE SIP PEER?
13:43.58[TK]D-FenderI asked for backup.
13:44.03[TK]D-Fendersttill don't have it
13:44.04WIMPySo that's definitely wrng.
13:44.26WIMPyYou don't add extensions to queues.
13:44.27[TK]D-FenderI don't see dumps from BOTH, or the rest of the config
13:44.33WIMPyYou add channels.
13:44.46[TK]D-Fenderor "devices" more specifically
13:45.04[TK]D-Fenderwhich follow the valid spec for Dial()
13:45.09WIMPyFor some definition of "device".
13:46.16[TK]D-Fenderthat is the actual * term for a section in sip.conf, DAHDI channel definition, etc
13:46.26[TK]D-FenderChannel is a live thing.
13:47.07WIMPyI don't think I have seen "device" with dahdi.
13:47.41[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, Still the proper "generic" term for the spec you'll use in the dialplan
13:48.22[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, you dial a device (full spec), and that creates a channel (with a unique identifier tacked on the end).
13:48.43[TK]D-FenderYes, dialstring would ahve been a sensible name for it, but "device" is whatt the offical docs used
13:49.27[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy, Stop using "@" in those.  SIP/peer/numbertodial <--------------------
13:49.47[TK]D-Fender@ should only be used in actual free-form URI's
13:52.17wasanzySIP/outgoing/number you mean?
14:30.48*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
14:34.32*** join/#asterisk Tenhi (
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14:47.29*** join/#asterisk catphish (~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish)
14:48.33catphishis there an off-the-shelf command line tool i can use to test that asterisk is responding to a simple OPTIONS request or similar, just to make sure neither asterisk nor chan_sip have crashed
14:51.46catphishlooks like this script will probably do the job
14:52.01igcewielingcatphish: not that I'm aware of, but there are several tools you could use.  sipp is one I think.
14:52.24catphishi looked at sipp first, but it seemed a little overkill, perhaps with the right options it would do the job
14:54.44catphishtrying to use that tool, asterisk is ignoring the packets because "OPTIONS request has no from tag, dropping"
14:54.50catphishi'm sure i can fix this though
15:04.46*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-mrsuttumimfhhzxo)
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15:28.36*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
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15:30.10sl4ckhi guys
15:30.30sl4cki am wondering if pbx asterisk can be used with docker container
15:30.39sl4ckthats is possible?
15:32.31[TK]D-FenderI never understood asking questions in IRC that Google can answer instantly with 1/3 the words.
15:33.19refeaime[TK]D-Fender: well, maybe i am here noob, but i do other stuff in linux community.
15:33.25igcewielinglazyness or thinking their question is unique
15:33.29refeaimeSometimes talk to peoples is better.
15:33.57refeaimeSometimes you do not know which google sentence will be correct
15:34.29[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> <- if you can't come up with this you shouldn't be an IT admin in an capacity
15:34.58refeaimeMaybe u right.
15:36.15refeaimei, for example, never touched PBX in my life. Docs are cool, but i do some questions that need to be answered now.
15:36.20sl4ckyeah . i know google can give you a lot of answers. But i thought the best answer is to get it from the original source. Its true I am a beginner. And I think thats whay exist this forum. Or its just for experts in here?
15:36.33[TK]D-FenderThis isn't a complex idea.  This was a "does it work?".  The kind of question that will get a list of guides & results immediately.
15:37.05[TK]D-FenderThis one was just the kind ofo thing you shove in Google, because that's the level of complexity of it
15:37.16refeaimeWhy do english community always walks in different direction then i imagine?...
15:37.38[TK]D-Fender"Is there an Apple iTunes version for Windows?".  The OBVIOUS kind of stuff.
15:37.57refeaime[TK]D-Fender: does it works for FreeBSD?)..
15:37.58igcewielingI've just received reports from 3 different clients saying when they call out on a POTS line, they get an all circuits are busy message.   Anyone here experiencing the same
15:37.59[TK]D-Fenderrefeaime, Your imagination is too little to be let out alone :)
15:38.11refeaime[TK]D-Fender: LOL.
15:38.27[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling, HOW I CAN SIP?!?!
15:38.45igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: Step 1: obtain a straw
15:39.19refeaime[TK]D-Fender: yea, i never before come to english IRS or IM chats. Only ended and closed forums. That was really nice, comparing to IM where i always was...
15:39.33[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling, I already got a full bail of it!  The horse put up a fight, but I got it.  IT NO WORK!
15:40.27igcewielingStep 1: Obtain an from a rooster
15:40.33igcewielingStep 1: Obtain an egg from a rooster
15:43.26wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: SIP/outgoing/+233271520077  (ringinuse disabled) (dynamic) (Invalid) has taken no calls yet
15:44.13[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy, I asked for complete before & after w/ dumps.  NOt 1 line at a time wirth an hour between them
15:45.00wasanzysip peer dump?
15:45.44[TK]D-FenderAND the queue
15:46.13*** join/#asterisk newtonr (RustyNewto@nat/digium/x-jgotbpiquycdfuds)
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15:46.17[TK]D-FenderAnd that was for BOTH methods being compared
15:49.22wasanzyto ask, is @ a special charater in Asterisk?
15:50.46igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: does he always do that?
15:52.31[TK]D-FenderWaste enormous amounts of time in providing backup requiring it to be repeated and never learning from that mistake from past incidents?
15:54.21igcewielingah, so an idiot, not someone having a bad day tech wise.
16:03.01*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
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16:57.52*** part/#asterisk catphish (~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish)
16:57.54kfifeAny hint on how I can get the filename that features.conf (automixmon) will use to record the call?
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16:58.27kfifeFormat appears to be UniqueIDXXX-CLID-CPDN
16:59.11kfifeI can get all but the XXX by stitching channel variables.
16:59.30kfifee.g. auto-1479142204-3123977003-13123653566
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17:04.10kfifeIOW, the uniqueID offered by ${UNIQUEID} appears to be different than the one used by the monitor file
17:04.20kfifeusually by a few digits.
17:08.58kfifeAppears to be a sequential time stamp, but the monitor uniqueID is not the same as the Channel uniqueID
17:14.02*** join/#asterisk adeeln (
17:20.08*** join/#asterisk catphish (~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish)
17:20.35catphishis there a command that will completely clean a source tree of any build files and config?
17:21.32[TK]D-Fenderrm -rf
17:22.00catphishnot sure that's the command i had in mind
17:24.39*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
17:43.23drmessanorm -rf needs a response
17:43.30drmessanolike "What are.. THOOOOOOOOOSE"
17:50.04igcewielingundelete with "rm -fr"
17:50.42kfiferm -jk
17:53.54[TK]D-Fenderrm -oops
18:04.33*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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18:22.50igcewielingHeh UK national health service accidentally sent an e-mail test to about 1%of the population.  To make it worse, people are doing a Reply-All when replying.
18:28.48*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
18:38.51drmessanoWe had that happen at work.. 50,000 or so accounts
18:39.02drmessanoEveryone kept doing a reply-alll
18:39.16drmessano"Stop replying ALL.. im trying to work"
18:39.24drmessanoReplied... to.. alll
18:41.39drmessanoWe were on Exchange 2000 at the time... and we had servers at key locations across the country.  So not only was it 1.5 million messages at one point, but they were all being sent server <> server across low-bandwidth links
18:42.14drmessanoThey ended up blowing out the whole mail queue and had to wait 2.5 hours for it to populate across all the clusters
18:43.22drmessanoI knew the guy over our Corporate WAN group at the time.  He said "You know what it's like to flip the kill switch on 1.5 million emails.. pretty awesome"
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23:39.38UncleKiwii am thinking about getting a GSM FXS device and use that to forward calls too. However when I get a second call im wondering if I can somehow accomplish callwating functionality for the recieving caller where asterisk plays a beep to let him know a second call is waiting and maybe he can push # or some key to toggle between calls ?
23:41.44*** part/#asterisk catphish (~J@unaffiliated/catphish)
23:42.31UncleKiwiknow what im asking ?
23:51.00[TK]D-FenderNo, because FXS is for phones, not lines
23:51.10[TK]D-Fenderand your usage description is vague, and no samples
23:56.11UncleKiwiwhat im trying to accomplish is .. when calls come in to the pbx the business owners mobile also rings via a GSM gateway attached to asterisk
23:56.45UncleKiwireason is calls within that mobile network are free mobile to mobile
23:57.53UncleKiwiand yes its FXO
23:58.08[TK]D-Fenderanf, no it isn't
23:58.08UncleKiwiand FXO gsm gateway
23:58.14[TK]D-Fenderfxo = ANALOG
23:59.11UncleKiwiahaha am new to this device i have not owned one before
23:59.17UncleKiwibut im thinking about getting one

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