IRC log for #asterisk on 20161112

00:14.12*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
00:22.40[TK]D-FenderThe ACA isn't even "socialized medicine"
00:24.01[TK]D-FenderThe insurance mandate is basically the republican RomneyCare, which is pure corporatism, not socialism
00:24.33[TK]D-FenderObama was a spineless sell-out in going for it in the first place.
00:25.29[TK]D-FenderNow some of the protections offered around that mandate were good, but the financial tie-in was a giant failure ticking like a bomb and the providers are now "changing the deal"
00:26.10*** join/#asterisk monsterco (
00:29.00*** part/#asterisk monsterco (
00:38.08drmessanoYep,  which is why when people have freaked out and gone off about trump repealing Obamacare, my thought is "you mean at broken ass piece of legislation that protected nothing and was ripe to be replaced?"
00:38.44drmessanoIt was a deal with the devil that had no foundation.
00:40.39[TK]D-FenderMore fun :
00:40.46[TK]D-Fender"Donald Trump: I may not repeal Obamacare, President-elect says in major U-turn"
00:41.20drmessanoYou're going to base your entire reason to be angry at something that couldn't stay the rest of a changing administration?  ROFLCOPTER
00:41.56drmessanoHe won't repeal it
00:42.11drmessanoFix it, gut it.  Repair it. Maybe.
00:42.23[TK]D-FenderIt actually doesn't deserve to exist.  It put the corporations in front.
00:43.08drmessanoRight.  We're going to hand you everyone's asses and make it a mandate, as long as you promise to cover everybody
00:43.10[TK]D-Fender2 solutions : use regulations to protect the consumer as a product and go private again with full choice.  Or go PURE single-payer
00:43.11drmessanoSome deal
00:43.19[TK]D-FenderThe half-way is BS
00:44.20[TK]D-Fender#2: the rest of the industrialized PLANET agrees is the way to go
00:48.26*** join/#asterisk monsterco (
00:49.17monstercois pjsip DNS Resolver feature a security replacement for something like VPN?
00:49.21monstercoor close to it?
00:51.37drmessanoA DNS resolver resolves host names to IP addresses using DNS
00:51.50drmessanoA VPN is, well, a VPN
00:55.07[TK]D-FenderHow is DNS being compared to ... an encryption tunneling protocol?
00:55.29[TK]D-FenderIs my car stereo a replacement for JELLO?
00:55.50drmessanoYou can eat both
00:55.54drmessanoOne is less messy
00:56.07drmessanoAnd more solid
01:12.43*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:14.21*** join/#asterisk freebs (~freebs@unaffiliated/freebs)
01:26.35Mango45What do you all do for simultaneous ringing to cell phones?
01:27.10[TK]D-FenderTry qualifying that into an answerable question
01:27.28[TK]D-Fenderthat isn't a thing to have an opinion on as worded
01:27.46[TK]D-FenderI do nothing.  The cell phones are ringing.  I like it when phones can ring.
01:27.48[TK]D-FenderThe End
01:28.18[TK]D-FenderWhere's the objective or issue in there?
01:28.20Mango45Ok.  Dial(SIP/DeskPhone&SIP/15551234567@outbound) is about the simplest way to ring multiple phones.  Do any of you do this in more complicated/better ways?
01:28.50*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
01:32.43[TK]D-FenderMultiple devices...
01:33.02[TK]D-Fenderbefore you ask for "better".... what is this NOT doing for you?
01:33.45[TK]D-FenderIn order to give us a hint about why you're even asking this we'd assume it FAILS your goals in some way
01:34.01Mango45I haven't decided what my goals are yet.  Hence wanting to know what other people do.
01:34.07[TK]D-FenderThat does it.
01:34.15[TK]D-FenderI want 2 things ringing.. that'll do it
01:36.14Mango45Ok.  Do I want Asterisk to do anything to my cell phone other than ring?  Detect cell voicemail and not connect the call?  Ring the cell after a delay to give me time to pick up my office phone?
01:36.29[TK]D-FenderDo you?
01:37.16Mango45Should I be doing something else that I haven't thought of?
01:37.30[TK]D-FenderDo you maybe do 2 separate dials to just dial your desk FIRST .... and then stop and try something different?
01:37.56[TK]D-FenderDon't go taking my request for you to define your goal and then ask YOURSELF the question ... and not answer it
01:38.16[TK]D-FenderFind some imagination and make up your mind about what you want.
01:38.27[TK]D-FenderYou can't solve a puzzle you can't define
01:38.34Mango45So the question is, "What can Asterisk do that I haven't thought of?"
01:38.39Mango45(In this context.)
01:38.43[TK]D-FenderWe are psychic
01:38.51[TK]D-FenderNow pick a quesiotn that doesn't require magic
01:39.04[TK]D-FenderWe don't know what you haven't thought of.
01:39.22Mango45That's why I'm asking what people here do.
01:39.33[TK]D-FenderIt does what I want
01:39.41[TK]D-FenderI want 2 things to ring, just like you said
01:40.17[TK]D-FenderThis is a stupid guessing game
01:40.41Mango45So STFU if you don't want to answer.
01:40.47[TK]D-FenderDial() <- it can dial multiple things. Who DOESN'T use dial to dial thing?
01:41.12[TK]D-FenderWhat are you going to do, shove them in a Queue?  Does that make sense for your needs?
01:41.20[TK]D-FenderDoes Page() make sense?
01:41.28Mango45I'll look it up; thanks.
01:41.33[TK]D-FenderHow dialplan apps can YOU name that will cause a call to be placed?
01:41.57[TK]D-FenderBut you don't even have a goal
01:42.13[TK]D-FenderWe have to first guess what you thought of ... and then guess what you'd WANT.
01:42.41[TK]D-FenderThis isn't "Ms. Cleo"
02:07.45SamotHeres a vague thought...
02:07.53SamotPlease help with it.
02:09.36[TK]D-FenderWait ... you haven't confirmed that I have to know everything in your head first....
02:09.48[TK]D-FenderAnd then guess your needs or wants
02:10.01[TK]D-FenderSorry, could you be a little less specific?
02:14.27SamotYou know. Stuff. Stuff about things. The SoT
02:31.30*** join/#asterisk freebs (~freebs@unaffiliated/freebs)
02:33.50[TK]D-FenderAnd you forgot to answer that in the form of a question.
02:46.08*** join/#asterisk rpifan (~rpi@
02:58.41*** join/#asterisk freebs (~freebs@unaffiliated/freebs)
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05:16.49drmessanoGeesh.. you were a little hard on him
05:16.53drmessanoIt's not like he voted for Cisco
05:18.21*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
05:45.31*** join/#asterisk Ahmadi (02b14c59@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:45.37IonicHmm... is a number without a national prefix the canonical way to represent numbers? This question sucks...
05:46.46IonicBasically, I have hooked up an ISDN card to my phone line and am using LCR and chan_lcr to process incoming and outgoing calls. The caller IDs I receive do not include the national prefix and I wonder if that's right
05:47.13IonicIt matches up with what mISDN sees, but doesn't make a lot of sense in my mind
05:47.41WIMPyThat's the way the PSTN works.
05:48.02WIMPyUse LCRs screnn-in option to add the prefix.
05:48.15IonicThat doesn't work if I'm also using the msn config option...
05:48.50WIMPyOn a line?
05:49.32IonicI've hacked chan_lcr's code into submission and wrapped everything number-related I could find with a special function, but that sounds meh
05:49.47IonicIn general, you cannot use both the "msn" and "screen-in" options at the same time
05:50.10WIMPyNo. Why would you?
05:50.26AhmadiI have 2 Asterisk servers,( and, I have also a SIP Client that registered on 222, I'm trying to transfer a call with my SIP Client to asterisk 224 with "sip:200@" uri. The problem is that the call transferred on extension 200 of current asterisk(222), not the asterisk 224 that i specified ip of it on the uri.
05:50.31AhmadiPlease help me
05:51.06IonicHuh, why wouldn't I use both screen-in and specify MSNs to listen for?
05:52.02WIMPyThere's no point in mangling prefixes if you match MSNs.
05:52.32WIMPyAnd What kind of interface are we talking about?
05:53.14IonicAhmadi: what function are you using to transfer the call? Might be helpful...
05:53.28IonicWIMPy: was that question directed to me?
05:54.14IonicHum... what interface do you mean exactly? The device? The driver?
05:54.48WIMPyYou said you connected it to a line. But using MSN matching on a line doesn't make sense.
05:55.04IonicTo a BRI line
05:56.02WIMPyThen don't try to use the MSN parameter.
05:56.56IonicSo the workaround would be to specify screen-in and just not match MSNs I don't care about in asterisk's dialplan?
05:57.50WIMPyYou could do it in Asterisks dialplan as well. But that's more work.
05:58.12WIMPyAnd you never want to match MSNs on a line.
05:59.06IonicWhy not? Currently, I want the device to not react to calls to specific MSNs, so using the "msn" option seemed like a good way to do this
05:59.43WIMPyThat's not what it does. It limits caller IDs.
06:00.03IonicWait... what?
06:00.24WIMPyCalls to unconfigured numbers will be ignored anyway.
06:02.52AhmadiIonic, I'm transferring call with an third party component API, "call->transfer('sip:200@')"
06:03.35AhmadiI want know for transferring a call between 2 asterisk, is there any prerequisites that i must do? for example creating trunk/route or etc ?!
06:03.44IonicAhmadi: so uhm maybe that's broken or does not support transfering calls to other servers?
06:06.06AhmadiI just need to know is any trunk/route/... need to defined on my first asterisk to transferring a call to another asterisk?
06:06.22IonicHum, yeah, looks like I can't filter out calls via the msn option... oookay...
06:06.58IonicAhmadi: to be honest I don't know, you'll have to wait for somebody who does :/
06:07.12AhmadiIonic, the 3th party company say the API is correct and accept any URI for call transferring.
06:07.33AhmadiPlease somebody help me
06:07.34WIMPyIf you want to filter in LCR, use dialing= or just use Asterisks Dialplan.
06:11.20IonicACK, I'd better filter it out in Asterisk, thanks
06:11.41IonicEventually I'll have to put the device into NT mode anyway
06:12.07WIMPyOr "filter" rather. As said, unconfigured numbers will ignored anyway. In both places.
06:12.34WIMPyThat will be a different story then.
06:17.36IonicHmm... no, screen-in national % 0% doesn't seem to do anything, meh
06:19.10IonicProbably because I'm bridging the interfaces
06:20.03WIMPyHmm. I don't know if bridging ovverides that. I'm using the previous version with remote=asterisk.
06:24.18Ionic this config is routing everything to Asterisk and lets me also do outgoing calls via Asterisk
06:24.22drmessanoAhmadi: If your 3rd Party API accepts a SIP URI, and it's not following the URI when invoked, then the API is broken, the dev lied, or you're not implementing it properly
06:25.00IonicDoesn't get a lot easier, but I suspect the bridge calls may interfere with the screeing
06:27.48WIMPyWell, I don't know the bridging thing. I prefer the old version as it allows me to easily do all routing from the Asterisk dialplan.
06:28.51IonicI should probably test what happens if I don't bridge to asterisk both ways
06:28.55Ahmadidrmessano,But when the SIP Client pass the URI to the first Asterisk, How it detect the second Asterisk? maybe i need to define any in/out routes or any trunk between the two asterisks?
06:29.10WIMPySounds like a good idea.
06:29.40IonicI've commented out the ast section completely and removed the bridge ast statement
06:29.46WIMPyBut bridging is probably done really low level. So it's likely the issue.
06:30.53IonicNow lcradmin state outputs the prefixed caller ID correctly (although there's a setup message probably from mISDN missing the leading zero)
06:31.36WIMPyThat can't change. That's just what you receive.
06:32.30IonicYeah... hmmm
06:32.51WIMPySo just do an outdial to asterisk instead of bridging and you should be fine.
06:33.07WIMPyAnd in the other direction as well, off course.
06:33.39IonicVia routing, I guess
06:40.17IonicHmm... now that's weird
06:40.27IonicAh, it's not
06:42.36IonicWith screening enabled, I see the "correct" phone number in LCR, but the non-prefixed one in Asterisk now
06:42.49IonicErr, with screening DISABLED
06:43.21IonicWith screening enabled, I get a doubly-prefixed caller ID in LCR, but a one-time prefixed one in Asterisk
06:43.30IonicOr maybe I'm reading LCR's messages wrong
06:44.11WIMPyMaybe the new asterisk interface has some built-in magic? Or maybe there's a config for it?
06:44.58WIMPyOr do you have screen-out on the asterisk interface?
06:45.10IonicMoving screen-in to the ast interface didn't change anything
06:45.26WIMPyNo, because it's out there.
06:46.12WIMPyBut if you add a prefix, you should also change the TON to unknown to avoid such issues.
06:47.02WIMPyscreen-in national % unknown 0%
06:47.07Ionichmmm, wait
06:47.26WIMPySame for international.
06:48.20IonicHuh, that syntax looks weird
06:48.41IonicI have screen-in national % 0% and screen-in international % 00%
06:54.05IonicMaybe I'm misinterpreting it, not sure
06:54.23*** join/#asterisk MarkSX (~MarkSX@unaffiliated/marksx)
06:54.32WIMPyI can't look there.
06:55.36drmessanoAhmadi: Detect? Wut?  It doesn't need to "detect" anything.  You are literally passing it a SIP URI
06:55.45IonicWhy not?
06:56.12WIMPyUnsupported crypto.
06:58.37drmessanoAhmadi: Your API isn't doing what you think it's doing.  If you were simply using Asterisk Dial(), this is EVERYTHING Asterisk needs.  You're literally giving it a user and a host.  Nothing to "detect" or "be aware of".
06:58.55Ionic maybe that works better
06:59.22WIMPyNope. Same issue.
06:59.24Ionicdrmessano: although Dial() won't "really" transfer the call itself
06:59.44drmessanoIonic: We're discussing context
07:00.12drmessano'sip:200@' <-- Enough
07:00.30IonicEven Transfer() should work that way
07:00.37drmessanoYou don't need to "tell" Asterisk what is...
07:01.08drmessanoor preconfigure it.. it's literally a full SIP URI pointing to another host
07:01.18drmessanoSo the API isn't doing what it says
07:01.29drmessanoor it's being invoked improperly.. maybe syntax
07:02.48IonicWIMPy: the gist essentially is this: "SETUP  from CH(3)  interface from=Ext  caller id number=0<<<XYZ>>> ...", then screening kicks in "SCREEN (found in screen list)  given type=national present=allowed id=<<<XYZ>>>  used id=0<<<XYZ>>>" and then blackmagic changes it again "SETUP  to CH(4)  interface from=Ext  caller id number=00<<<XYZ>>>" (all within LCR though, Asterisk seems to only ever see the "correc
07:02.54Ionict" value of 0<<<XYZ>>>)
07:03.32WIMPyDid you add the "unknown"?
07:03.51WIMPyTry that.
07:05.08IonicHum... yeah, that does the trick... but why?
07:06.11IonicWe're changing the type to unknown so that filterting only happens once, but... uhm..
07:06.25WIMPyBeacuse you get a wrong number when you add a 0 and leave the TON to national.
07:07.54IonicI'd expect further screening operations to not add anything if the number is already prefixed with the setup national or international prefix
07:07.59IonicOh well...
07:08.44WIMPyHow would the next instance know you already added a prefix when the metadata still says it needs to be added?
07:09.23IonicComparing the beginning of the string
07:09.40IonicI've seen LCR do this in nationalize_callerinfo()
07:09.43WIMPyThat's not what you do.
07:10.50IonicWell, that's actually removing the prefix if it detects any
07:10.56WIMPyIt's the same as rotating JPEGs depending on the orientation bits without clearing them.
07:38.02*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
07:59.54*** join/#asterisk Ahmadi (02b14b1f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:10.34*** join/#asterisk UncleKiwi (~UncleKiwi@unaffiliated/unclekiwi)
08:17.34*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
08:18.06AhmadiIn following document, the author mention that each peer registration need username/password. but where can i define that username/password?
08:18.42*** join/#asterisk beardy (~beardy@unaffiliated/beardy)
08:18.58Ahmadii mean "Notice that at the end of the registration line we tag on a forward slash and the username of the remote Asterisk box" line
08:19.51[TK]D-FenderThat is not inherently a username
08:20.06[TK]D-Fenderregister => user:pass@host/regexten
08:20.25[TK]D-Fenderthat last setting only suggests what to call when dialplan BACK
08:21.21Ahmadiok, But what is user:pass?
08:21.26Ahmadiwhere can i define it?
08:21.34Ahmadiits user/pass of asterisk root?
08:21.41Ahmadior extension
08:21.45Ahmadior ...
08:22.32[TK]D-FenderYou are registering to the other box
08:22.44[TK]D-Fenderyou have a PEER on that other box that you are registering to
08:22.57[TK]D-Fenderthat is where you registering against
08:23.14*** join/#asterisk _0x5eb_ (
08:23.44*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (~Thunderbi@
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08:25.13Ahmadi[TK]D-Fender, I mean in the other box that is my another Asterisk, how can i define that user/pass?
08:25.51UncleKiwiin the  /etc/asterisk/sip.conf file
08:26.25UncleKiwiyou need to lear the concepts of 'friend' and 'peer'
08:27.18*** join/#asterisk Blashyrkh (
08:28.03[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender> you have a PEER on that other box that you are registering to <-
08:28.08[TK]D-Fenderand I just GAVE you the sameple
08:29.28UncleKiwisorry my messages were for Ahmadi
08:30.56AhmadiI don't know different of "peer" , "friend"   ;)
08:31.23UncleKiwiyou are very new to asterisk right ?
08:31.53UncleKiwisome youtube clips are really good
08:32.02UncleKiwibut also
08:32.05infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
08:33.48UncleKiwiAhmadi what is your intention >
08:34.13UncleKiwiwhat is your end goal
08:34.21Ahmadii want transfer call from Asterisk 1 to Asterisk 2.
08:34.32Ahmadii installed both asterisks
08:34.40UncleKiwiseperate offices ?
08:35.02Ahmadibut both are in same network
08:35.17UncleKiwisame building ?
08:35.24UncleKiwisame city ?
08:35.29AhmadiYes,Asterisk 1 is, Asterisk 2 is
08:35.48UncleKiwiwhy do you need two asterisk boxes ?
08:36.00[TK]D-Fenderpeer matches by IP  normally.  user matches by username on the invite.  Friend = user+peer
08:36.00UncleKiwijust curious
08:36.13[TK]D-FenderYou can't Dial() a user, only friend or peer
08:36.49[TK]D-Fendertypically if you don't have multiple hosts behind the same IP (typically due to NAT), then you can use PEER for everything else
08:37.24AhmadiIm using AMI to manage event, i want split calls, because of some business goals
08:37.50UncleKiwiok sounds tricky
08:38.01[TK]D-FenderYour describing much more advanced goals when you don't understand the basics
08:38.12[TK]D-Fenderthis you're*
08:38.23Ahmadi[TK]D-Fender, ;)
08:39.06AhmadiI just want do
08:39.26[TK]D-FenderIf those IP's are fixed you don't even need to bother registering.
08:39.30Ahmadithe problem is that the author considered that i know the basics, but i don't know
08:39.35[TK]D-Fenderonly dynamic hosts need to register
08:39.54[TK]D-FenderYou're supposed to have gone through the book and actually registered softphones, etc
08:40.10[TK]D-Fenderbecause that's no differen when setting * upt to talk to another *
08:40.12[TK]D-FenderSIP is SIP
08:40.22[TK]D-Fenderthe peer concept is the same
08:41.03AhmadiWhere trunk peer defined? in sip.conf?
08:41.30[TK]D-Fendertaht's the first thing the book tells you
08:41.44Ahmadiif yes, why when i define a trunk with FreePBX user interface , not exists in sip.conf?
08:41.46[TK]D-FenderIf you want it to talk SIP... go make entries in sip.cofn
08:42.10[TK]D-Fenderbecause you haven't learned how INCLUDE works
08:42.19[TK]D-Fenderbecause it merges in ANOTHER file for those contents
08:42.39AhmadiDo you know name of the included file?
08:42.42[TK]D-FenderAnd that's assuming you're using CHAN_SIP peers
08:42.53[TK]D-Fenderyou see it in the main <--------------
08:43.06[TK]D-Fenderinclude => obviousfilename here
08:43.10AhmadiIs there any different between chan_sip and pjsip except of port number?
08:43.16[TK]D-Fenderactually #include
08:43.32[TK]D-Fenderyes, there is clearly a difference
08:43.41[TK]D-Fenderthe config files format does not look the same at all
08:43.50WIMPyBut the port number is not one of them.
08:43.54[TK]D-Fenderpjsip is more split up between section types
08:44.16[TK]D-Fenderthe port is different merely for the fact you can't have 2 things fighting over the same one
08:44.26UncleKiwiHi WIMPy
08:44.59*** join/#asterisk boris_t (
08:45.37Ahmadifor the info
08:46.14[TK]D-FenderAnd you should not be touching the config files at all
08:46.53*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
08:47.19[TK]D-Fenderbecause FreePBX OWNS them
08:47.25[TK]D-FenderYou don't get to do things like this by hand
08:47.39UncleKiwiahhhh he's running that
08:47.41[TK]D-Fenderthe GUI will TRASH whatever you think you're doing as soon as you apply a change
08:47.54[TK]D-FenderYou have to play by its rules
08:48.40AhmadiBut the asterisk documents never teach solutions by FreePBX , always the documents say change files manually!
08:49.21WIMPySore. It's Asterisk documentation, not FreePBX documentation.
08:49.26[TK]D-FenderYes and your car manual doesn't teach you how to drive like a sports car driver either
08:49.50[TK]D-FenderProgramming books don't tell you how to use MS Excel.  Byut MS Excel is a PROGRAM, WHY NOT!>?!?!?!?
08:50.16[TK]D-Fenderthat GUI is **BOLT ON EXTRA**
08:50.17AhmadiFor example i want know how can i connect two asterisk pbx, but i can't search google for "how can i connect two freepbx" ?
08:50.27[TK]D-FenderYou can't?
08:50.35[TK]D-Fender*IK* can google that and there are dozens of guides
08:51.01[TK]D-FenderIf you can't google that and come up with specific guides then you must completely suck at Googling.
08:51.21[TK]D-FenderHey look, RESULTS!
08:51.32[TK]D-Fender"Connecting Two FreePBX/Asterisk Systems Together Over the Internet ."
08:51.38[TK]D-Fender"Connecting two FreePBX machines together | FreePBX"
08:51.48[TK]D-Fender"IAX2 Trunk(s) between two (or more) FreePBX Servers - Tips and"
08:51.59[TK]D-FenderWOW, I wonder if one of THOSE might be what I'm looking for!
08:52.09Ahmadiok, got it
08:52.21UncleKiwiAhmadi if you don't learn the basic concepts of asterisk you are going to have a lot of confusing moments
08:52.37[TK]D-FenderSame with an inability to google.
08:52.59[TK]D-FenderAnd then more when you don't realize the rules your 3rd party GUI throws into this
08:53.24UncleKiwii agree
08:55.16UncleKiwiAhmadi do you have any of these asterisk boxes exposed to the internet ?
08:55.32UncleKiwithats good
08:55.34Ahmadiboth are in private network
08:56.07UncleKiwithings can get expensive when you dont take security seriously
08:56.55UncleKiwijust saying if you new take care
08:57.29Ahmadithanks for the hint
08:58.03UncleKiwiyeah i know some people that lost 20K
08:58.12UncleKiwiand thats probably small
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09:20.46[TK]D-Fenderheads off to bed
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13:17.13AhmadiAnyone can help me about following error:
13:17.16Ahmadi[2016-11-13 01:03:56] NOTICE[2048] res_pjsip_session.c: Call from 'AsteriskPj222' (UDP: to extension '' rejected because extension not found in context 'from-pstn'.
13:17.42AhmadiI have an incoming call, but rejected
13:17.52Ahmadiinstead of passing to my extension
13:18.05Ahmadii have a incoming route that must pass all calls to my extension
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13:38.10AhmadiThe above error appear if i have registration on my trunk, else the first error
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14:18.25bidule_hello, I am having trouble to,set up an analog phone with spa3000, does anyone has experience with the spa3000 ?
14:22.34*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (~darkdrgn5@unaffiliated/darkdrgn2k)
14:22.35darkdrgn2khi all
14:22.45darkdrgn2ki got a SPA-3102
14:22.52darkdrgn2kbut PSTN line reigstraion always says "failed"
14:23.12darkdrgn2kbut i dont see an attempt at the asterisk side for the registrion?
14:23.29darkdrgn2ki can ping the ata from the asterisk server no problem
14:26.03darkdrgn2ksyslog seems to come through
14:26.08darkdrgn2kbut registration not so much
14:26.33bidule_ok thank you but can you place call to pstn from line 1 ?
14:27.04ttaylordarkdrgn2k: what version of asterisk? sip.con or pjsip.conf?
14:27.48darkdrgn2ki think i can place a call
14:28.09darkdrgn2kjust did a tcp dump and alhtough i see the registration being generated on the SPA i dont swee it in tcp=dump
14:28.16darkdrgn2kjust the syslog entry
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14:30.05darkdrgn2kov 12 09:29:06 REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-c0e81791#015#012From: 514222222251422222225142222222 <sip:5142222222@>;tag=72ab8d6d5b96be0do1#015#012To: 5142222222 <sip:5142222222@>#015#012Call-ID: 9138a253-3a773cde@ 62362 REGISTER#015#012Max-Forwards: 70#015#012Contact: 5142222222 <sip:5142222222@>;e
14:30.05darkdrgn2kxpires=300#015#012User-Agent: Linksys/SPA3102-5.2.13(GW002)#015#012Content-Length: 0#015#012Allow: ACK, BYE, CANCEL, INFO, INVITE, NOTIFY, OPTIONS, REFER#015#012Supported: x-sipura, replaces#015#012#015
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14:45.38darkdrgn2ki dont even see it hitting the router
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18:26.03drmessanodarkdrgn2k: Get any closer?
18:27.35drmessanodarkdrgn2k: Make sure you're connected to the WAN/Internet port.  The SIP client doesn't use the LAN port.
19:00.36*** join/#asterisk qakhan (
19:01.12qakhanhi all, is there any open source VOIP monitoring tool
19:21.07drmessanoWhat exactly do you want to monitor?
19:21.44Mango45How does one log the X-RTP-Stat header, when the h extension runs before the phone sends that header?
19:24.51qakhandrmessano monitor the call quality.
19:25.11drmessanoqakhan: Ok, and what you would you measure that in?
19:25.13qakhanhow many calls are in progress etc...
19:25.31drmessanoOk, NOW we are getting somewhere
19:25.39drmessanoYou can do that with SNMP
19:26.11drmessanoPick a tool.. Set up SNMP with Asterisk.. done
19:26.38qakhanwhich tool
19:26.53drmessanoAnything that monitors SNMP
19:26.56WIMPyTroule is that polling for number of channels doesn't really work.
19:26.57drmessanoThere are thousands
19:27.16WIMPyUnless you do it at a very high rate.
19:27.33qakhanhow about monitor voice quality issue
19:27.51drmessanoqakhan: Ok, and what metric do you want to monitor there?
19:27.52WIMPyDo you use voip phones?
19:28.02drmessanoNetwork latency = Standard tools
19:28.28WIMPyThen the only place where you could monitor voice quality is on those phones.
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19:29.01WIMPyUnless you only want to find some part of possible issues.
19:29.59drmessanoqakhan: My point is no, there is no Microsoft VoIP Monitor 2016 R2 for monitoring "VoIP".. you monitor just as you would anything else.. SNMP for Asterisk statistics, monitor the health of the instance, look for network latency
19:30.05qakhandont have access on those phones. they are on customer site
19:30.21drmessanoThen theres nothing to measure for "quality"
19:30.55drmessanoYou can check the logs for registrations dropping if you have call completion issues.. that sort of thing
19:31.13Mango45qakhan: FWIW, I'm trying to do the same thing.  SIP has an X-RTP-Stat header which indicates lost packets, but I haven't figured out a way to get that.
19:31.13WIMPyYou can take a loot at RTCP, but that can have its own issues.
19:31.15drmessanoBut thats all basic log monitoring tools
19:33.15qakhanMango45 what is complete name of FWIW
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19:33.31Mango45"For what it's worth"
19:33.42drmessanoHE thinks you're giving him the name of a specific tool
19:33.47drmessanoWhich I keep telling him doesnt exist
19:33.48Mango45Sorry about that.
19:34.05drmessanoHe wants a name of a VOIP TOOL he can google
19:34.20drmessanoIm wasting my typing at this point
19:34.41[TK]D-Fenderprobably started a while ago :)
19:34.54drmessano[TK]D-Fender: You mean from the beginning?
19:34.59WIMPyWhy don't you just name it? Like "wireshark"?
19:35.04[TK]D-FenderYeah, probably somewhere around there...
19:35.18drmessanoWIMPy: There you go
19:35.30drmessanoqakhan: Use Wireshark.. It monitors everything
19:35.54Mango45qakhan: They're being sarcastic.  Wireshark is not a good tool for what you're after.
19:36.02qakhani know wireshark but its just for run time
19:36.32WIMPyIt is. You just have to collect the results manually.
19:36.35Mango45He has a point though.  If I get an audio quality complaint, I'd love to be able to look at CDRs and see how much packet loss was reported for that call.  It would make troubleshooting a lot easier instead of just guessing.
19:36.41drmessanoqakhan: Asterisk SNMP + Network monitoring .. Glue it all together with some NMS
19:37.28qakhani need some tool which take save data
19:37.41qakhanlike network monitoring tools
19:37.50drmessanoThats what I just said
19:38.01drmessano14:36:41 <drmessano> qakhan: Asterisk SNMP + Network monitoring .. Glue it all together with some NMS
19:38.24drmessano1. Get an NMS of your choice
19:38.29drmessano2. Configure Asterisk for SNMP
19:38.35drmessano3. Monitor it and the network
19:38.41drmessano4. ??????
19:38.44drmessano5. Profit
19:39.21drmessanoIf there's a firewall, set up SNMP there and monitor it too
19:39.48drmessanoThats how you monitor a VoIP
19:40.04Mango45Is it possible to log SIP DEBUG to one file per channel?
19:41.00[TK]D-Fendernot from *
19:41.03qakhanthanks drmessano
19:41.15drmessanoMango45: Thats the wrong approach anyway, IMHO.. Dump all the DEBUG to SYSLOG and get something that tears it down
19:42.57drmessanoPowerful SYSLOG parsing > Flinging millions of organized tiny bits to disk
19:51.12SamotSo if I'm understanding this right, he wants a tool that lets him parse the SIP headers in the packet?
19:51.22SamotSo he can find one header that has information inside of it?
19:52.10SamotThat's called OpenSER or something along that lines.
19:52.10Mango45SIP_HEADER works, but only if I hang up first.  If the far end hangs up first, H runs before my phone sends X-RTP-Stat
19:53.42WIMPyYOu find RTP stats in the channel variables. But I wouldn't expect them to have much of a meaning.
19:54.08SamotWhat is the need of monitoring the RTP traffic?
19:54.40Mango45So that if there's an audio quality complaint I can say whether or not it was caused by packet loss.
19:55.31SamotSo you're going to monitor everything from both sides?
19:56.16Mango45I'm just after the end-of-call stats.
19:56.41SamotOK so there's packet loss..
19:56.43SamotNow what?
19:56.55Mango45Fix the network.
19:56.59SamotIf you're having packet loss on a call, you are probably having packet loss on data.
19:57.16SamotBut where was the packet loss
19:57.22SamotWas it between your router and the ISP
19:57.27SamotWas it on your local network?
19:57.40Mango45Not necessarily.  I've dealt with ISPs that have poor routes specifically to my ITSP's media gateway, but good routes elsewhere.
19:58.02SamotAre you 100% your ITSP has a media gateway?
20:00.52SamotGenerally that's a pretty easy question to answer.
20:01.04SamotThere's like three options. Yes, No and I don't know.
20:01.13Mango45Since you already said * can't do it, the question is kind of moot.
20:02.01SamotI've dealt with ISPs that have poor routes specifically to my ITSP's media gateway <--- How does that have to do with *
20:02.36SamotKnowing whether or not your ITSP has it's own media gateway has nothing to with with *
20:03.03Mango45It doesn't matter whether the ITSP has a media gateway if I can't log the data I'm after.
20:03.55SamotSure you can, you just need the right tools. Asterisk is not the right tool for it.
20:04.45Samot"Sorry, can't build your house. I was told using a pipe wrench to pound in nails wasn't the right tool. I don't have the energy to get the right tool to do the job"
20:05.44*** join/#asterisk u0m3_ (
20:09.44wyoungso what's the issue?  what can't asterisk do?
20:10.23Mango45When the far end of a call hangs up first, the h extension runs before my phone sends the X-RTP-Stat header.  Therefore, I can't access that header from the h extension.
20:11.33Mango45"Sorry, can't install your baseboards.  My hammer works on every type of nail in this house except baseboard nails.  I have to get a different hammer just for this specific nail."
20:12.25wyoungMango45: what does that header do again?
20:12.47Mango45It tells me, among other things, if there was packet loss on the call.
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20:18.29Mango45HAHAHAHAHA I GOT IT!
20:20.02wyoungso hang up first then
20:20.31Mango45haha, that'll be a great one to teach the users
20:23.14wyoungyup :)
20:24.32SamotWho's setting this header, BTW?
20:24.39Mango45My phone
20:25.01SamotYou know it's a non-standard header right?
20:25.14Mango45why should I care?
20:25.22*** join/#asterisk catphish (~J@unaffiliated/catphish)
20:25.40SamotBecause not everything uses that header?
20:25.53SamotCisco's version is P-RTP-Stats
20:26.09Mango45I try to use as little Cisco as possible.
20:26.19SamotSo don't assume that you can say "I have the SIP header X-Header" and expect people just to know about it.
20:26.25SamotWhen it's a non-standard header.
20:26.48SamotUsing Cisco has nothing to do with it.
20:27.04SamotI was pointing out it's a header that is randomingly named and assigned.
20:27.05catphishwould anyone possibly be able to point me in the direction of the code which matches a peer (specifically in the realtime cache) when a packet arrives in chan_sip?
20:27.17Mango45IDGAF if it's non-standard, it has the data I want.
20:27.40SamotAnd missing the point.
20:28.20Samotcatphish: What is the issue you are having?
20:28.29Mango45I'M missing the point?  Every time I come in here I wonder if I'm speaking a foreign language.
20:29.23catphishSamot: chan_sip seems to be making incoming requests to dynamic peers by IP in the realtime cache, i want it to only match static peers by IP
20:29.25Mango45Samot: catphish wants to read the code which matches a peer (specifically in the realtime cache) when a packet arrives in chan_sip, and he wants to know where to find said code.
20:30.05catphishi'd like to read the code to see if this behaviour is intended, and if i can change it
20:30.38*** join/#asterisk troyt (
20:32.08SamotThat's what permit is for.
20:32.23Samotdeny/permit options in the peer settings.
20:32.45Samot1) Deny from all
20:32.57Samot2) Allow from all and since it's after deny, override deny.
20:34.14catphishi'm not sure how that would help
20:34.43SamotYou set permit to the IP or IP range you want to be allowed to access that peer for the endpoint.
20:35.08SamotSo if you only want phones on to be allowed, that's what you put in permit.
20:35.52SamotYou set host= for the device peer you only want to register from that IP
20:37.10catphishthnk you, but i don't think this is what i need
20:37.38SamotSo you want to block the other incoming requests?
20:37.52SamotOnly allow requests from certain IPs/hosts through?
20:37.57SamotAnd tell the rest to go to hell?
20:38.24catphishi want to prevent incoming SIP requests matching dynamically registered peers by IP address
20:38.54SamotWhy would want to stop requests from registered endpoints?
20:39.25catphishbecause i have a static peer with the same IP address, and i want the requests to match *that* peer
20:39.31SamotWhen you say "dynamic" you mean the endpoint sending a REGISTER request?
20:40.04SamotYou can't control where the requests come from.
20:40.22SamotYou can deny or allow the requests based on where they come from.
20:43.39catphishi think i've found it: static int realtime_peer_by_addr(...)
20:44.00catphishand it appears that it *should* work the way i want, there's a comment /* First check for fixed IP hosts */
20:48.32*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~VOIPER@openvpn/user/DelphiWorld)
20:49.14DelphiWorldhi people
20:49.36DelphiWorldi see asterisk 18 in openwrt. should that be asterisk 18, or 1.8?
20:50.27catphishmust be 1.8, afaik the latest release is only 14
20:50.46DelphiWorldhahaha so strange
20:50.49DelphiWorldthat what i thought
20:50.57DelphiWorldwhat do we need for webrtc in asterisk 13?
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22:25.17catphishlooks like there's a peers_by_ip table, which caches peers by ip regardless of whether they're dynamic or not
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23:07.17maskedim having trouble with pjsip
23:07.28maskedi try an outgoing call via and endpoint
23:07.36maskedand it says it's an invalid uri
23:11.55masked[Nov 13 10:10:58] ERROR[100763]: res_pjsip.c:2883 pjsip_dialog *ast_sip_create_dialog_uac(const struct ast_sip_endpoint *, const char *, const char *): Could not create dialog to endpoint 'didlogic-trunk' as URI '61354424749' is not valid
23:12.02maskedwhich causes no route to destination
23:12.20maskedim no code wizard but it looks like it's failing for some coding specifics
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23:21.06filewhat is the configuration and the Dial string you are using?
23:22.44maskedexten => _[1-9].,1,Dial(PJSIP/didlogic-trunk/${EXTEN})
23:22.55filethat format is not supported with PJSIP
23:23.01fileit would be PJSIP/${EXTEN}@didlogic-trunk
23:23.07maskedthanks file
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23:37.26maskedfile: that helped.  now i'm getting a 404 no destination
23:37.46maskedi think it's because my ua's go through opensips
23:37.50maskedand asterisk is behind it
23:38.10maskedand asterisk is sending requests out to the upstream directly instead of going through opensips
23:39.04maskedwhat would be ideal is if the request was sent out and the itsp spoke back directly to the UA
23:39.33maskedi guess that would be re-invite like behaviour
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23:40.09maskedand here i was thinking i wanted to implement cgrates on opensips and keep the signalling go through opensips,  but perhaps i just want it on the media gateways
23:40.36maskedeither or really if i can hand off the media
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