IRC log for #asterisk on 20161111

00:10.22*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-dzquehfgltcfamfq)
00:50.26*** join/#asterisk dovid (
00:55.02Samotcatphish: I don't see a SIP trace/debug for any of this to show what you are saying.
00:55.17SamotGenerally port is not used for auth.
01:03.17*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
01:14.35*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:30.43*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
01:34.34*** join/#asterisk Penguin (
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04:51.53*** join/#asterisk Penguin (
06:06.21*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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06:40.50*** join/#asterisk ixyd (
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07:05.59*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
07:06.10*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@2602:306:3676:c60:b5d7:3973:513e:b425)
07:08.55*** join/#asterisk refeaime (
07:11.00refeaimeGuys, again HUGE thanks to you. Now i setup AvayaPBX as FXS gateway for asterisk.
07:12.16refeaimeIt took a while to create account for each analog line and create routes by RegExp, but i did it. And also created a robot, which takes DTMF and redirecting to other AvayaPBX trunks.
07:13.25refeaimeWroting manual atm. But in russian. Maybe will wrote manual on english, but i do not know where to publish.
07:30.07*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
07:50.23*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~mirkob@2a00:1950:400:0:9da9:32bf:4c12:7afc)
07:51.37*** join/#asterisk SaintPeteJackBoy (
07:51.42SaintPeteJackBoyHi hi hi :)
07:51.55SaintPeteJackBoyAnybody here, and good at Asterisk?
07:52.01SaintPeteJackBoyI'm setting up my first Asterisk server now...
07:56.24Rasputin3711Google best of the best )
07:58.41*** join/#asterisk tuxian (
07:59.15*** join/#asterisk SaintPeteJackBoy (
08:08.56*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
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08:50.30*** join/#asterisk mefisto (~root@unaffiliated/mefisto)
09:02.48*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
09:13.42*** join/#asterisk M2K (5188f485@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:26.20*** join/#asterisk catphish (~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish)
09:39.02*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
09:53.14*** join/#asterisk jay89234 (596922e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:55.34jay89234I get a segfault in asterisk 14.1.1 res/res_format_attr_opus.c line 120
09:59.32KuunsiHave you tried updating to 14.1.2?
10:01.48jay89234The changelog doesnt say anything about changes in that file, so I dont think it matters.. or ?
10:04.02jay89234Yeah.. a diff shows no changes
10:05.23jay89234Ill use asterisk-dev channel instead:)
10:45.47*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
10:55.40*** join/#asterisk muAdmDev (~mu@
10:58.01muAdmDevsomeone experienced with snom320 phones? I can't figure out what the icons in the upper right of the display mean. normally there is a speaker symbol. now a colleague got kind of an arrow / redirect symbol and wonders why. is there a list of symbols/icons and their meaning?
10:58.59WIMPyDiversion activated?
11:03.33muAdmDevWIMPy: diversion is on
11:04.11muAdmDevWIMPy: there is only an old manual for the snom320 from 2007 by snom... can't find any info on those symbols/icons
11:09.49WIMPyIt's probably hidden somewhere on the wiki. Just like any wiki.
11:31.33*** join/#asterisk shootbird (~quassel@
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12:16.41*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
12:20.14M2Kwhos familiar with data4voip?
12:30.04*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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13:32.43*** join/#asterisk NiugeS (~NiugeS@
13:34.16*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:36.07*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
13:41.00M2KGreetings @[TK]D-Fender
13:48.37*** join/#asterisk Dunsy (~Dunsy@
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13:53.21*** part/#asterisk catphish (~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish)
13:58.13*** join/#asterisk Dunsy (~Dunsy@
14:04.58*** join/#asterisk Dunsy (~Dunsy@
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14:11.46*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
14:20.09*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
14:39.59*** part/#asterisk muAdmDev (~mu@
14:55.24*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
14:55.58*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
14:56.09refeaimeGuys, if i want to create backup of asterisk, i need backup only database?
14:56.25[TK]D-FenderWhat "database"?
14:56.38refeaimemySQL, for example./
14:56.51[TK]D-FenderHow is that "Asterisk"?
14:57.11[TK]D-FenderIf you're running RealTime then you should already know that answer....
14:58.07*** join/#asterisk zhold (~zholdings@
14:58.19refeaime[TK]D-Fender: damn. I want to have backup of Asterisk config and userbase made in some time and copy it to other server with rsync
14:58.46*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
14:58.48refeaimeI will not use rsync for all files that asterisk could use.
14:58.59[TK]D-FenderIf you configured your own system how do you not know what it is you made and how to back it up?
15:00.08refeaime[TK]D-Fender: think that i created it "on my knees" on shity hardware without RAID.
15:00.30refeaimeFilesystem is ext4, not btrfs, so i cant use slices.
15:00.31*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
15:00.45refeaimeSystem is not in VirtualMachine.
15:01.50*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
15:03.04[TK]D-Fender<refeaime> Guys, if i want to create backup of asterisk, i need backup only database? <- Did you configure * yourself or not?
15:03.34[TK]D-FenderBecause it sure doesn't sound like it
15:03.56*** join/#asterisk dovid (
15:04.05refeaime[TK]D-Fender: i just setup system and configured. I did not configured any backups.
15:04.21refeaimeI only thinkong abot how i can do it.
15:04.30[TK]D-FenderYou still don't seem to be getting it.
15:04.43[TK]D-Fenderdo ***YOU*** make the damn config files for EVERYTHING YOURSELF?
15:06.30*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-qbxebawbdywpcrud)
15:06.30*** mode/#asterisk [+o kharwell] by ChanServ
15:06.53[TK]D-FenderThen you made the files.  You made everything you configured and you shouldn't wonder how to back it up
15:06.57[TK]D-FenderYou made files... back them up
15:07.31refeaime[TK]D-Fender: but i using FreePBX. And its use its own rules.
15:08.08[TK]D-FenderThen you did NOTHING
15:08.18[TK]D-FenderFreePBX is 3rd-party bolt on stuff
15:08.21[TK]D-Fenderand is not supported here
15:08.34[TK]D-FenderFreePBX built your * setup, not YOU
15:08.54DanQuinneyI do love the honesty of [TK]D-Fender :)
15:09.11refeaimeIt's too honesty)
15:09.24refeaimeEven offensive... =(
15:09.24DanQuinneynot at all
15:09.44*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
15:09.55DanQuinneyHe provides very good advice, for free, in his own time
15:10.23DanQuinneyif you don't give him the facts then he's not going to waste the time trying to guess
15:10.49refeaimeDanQuinney: i do know how linux community works. I do the same, but not for asterisk and not in IRC chats.
15:11.31[TK]D-FenderYou said you configured * yourself
15:11.47[TK]D-FenderYou didn't go type out all of extensions.conf, sip.conf, etc
15:11.59refeaime[TK]D-Fender: well, it was me who set configuration via FreePBX. Lol
15:12.08[TK]D-Fenderthat GUI did it for you
15:12.13[TK]D-Fenderthat's their stuff, not ours
15:12.21refeaime[TK]D-Fender: but I did itn gui)
15:12.30[TK]D-FenderYes, which we don't support here
15:12.31refeaimeI do understand now ur point.
15:13.04Guggeif you want to know how to copy everything from one freepbx to another, ask freepbx support
15:13.29refeaimeGugge: which is in #freepbx.
15:13.38Guggeif you want to know how to copy asterisk config from one host to another, its wasy. Just copy the files :)
15:14.30refeaimeYes, rsync in cron. I can do that. All my question was what to do, if there a web-interfacew over it.
15:14.56[TK]D-FenderFreePBX has a ***BACKUP MODULE***
15:15.03refeaimeDoes someone here know jabber server?
15:15.04[TK]D-FenderWhich you should have already seen by now
15:15.29refeaime[TK]D-Fender: i am not in my office atm. I cant access my server.
15:15.53refeaimeI intrested in MUC`s.
15:16.05Guggerefeaime: guess what the first hit on google is if you search for "freepbx backup" :)
15:16.26refeaimeGugge: guessing - answer.
15:16.43Guggethe docs for the "Backup and Restore Module" :)
15:23.10jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender I finally found the issue!
15:24.08[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, Was that Parking you're referring to, or tthe lack of coming back with auth on 401?
15:24.10jeffspeffif i put my transport in the flat file then everything works like a charm. asterisk even loads faster.
15:24.16[TK]D-Fender(or supposedly not sending it out)
15:24.32jeffspeffit wasn't sending it out
15:25.27jeffspeffi put my transport in pjsip.conf and commented out the ps_transports line from sorcery.conf, leaving everything else in the database, restarted asterisk and it works like it should
15:26.16jeffspefftcpump shows the auth challenge leaving the * box
15:26.56jeffspeffjust for testing, i reverted back to the db table for transports, confirmed that settings were the same, restarted asterisk and got the same results of not seeing the auth challenge in a tcpdump
15:28.40jeffspeffi had read in the wiki that using realtime transports didn't behave as expected, and was talking to file about it. it seemed odd that it wasn't supported yet the asterisk configs create a db table for it. file said that it had been fixed; guess not.
15:35.32*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
15:36.18dan_jHi, If I issue a 'queue reload all' does that delete the queues and reload them, or just update them? Its a production server.
15:38.22dan_jIE is it graceful?
15:38.55WIMPyIt won't kick callers, but it will reset your stats.
15:38.55jeffspeffdan_j i know that i resets the agent call counts and stuff.
15:39.18dan_ji dont use counts so thats fine. the 'stuff' is what i'm more worried about
15:39.22jeffspeffi imagine it's the equivalent of unloading then loading the module. it does it pretty fast.
15:40.20jeffspeffit might adjust peoples places in the queue, like caller 1 becomes caller 5 or something, not sure... that's pure speculation
15:40.21filejeffspeff: I believe someone made it so it worked in a realtime fashion or such that it didn't explode or go into an infinite loop... you could file an issue for it and we'll figure out what to do
15:40.31filemay be that it didn't fully work or was incomplete
15:40.54jeffspeffyeah, that was on my todo list.
15:41.10fileit won't ever be truly realtime though, it would either require a reload or we wouldn't support it at all
15:41.11jeffspeffjust thought you and the others in here would want to know abou it
15:42.07jeffspeffi wasn't really looking for it to be true realtime, i'd rather have it stored in a db
15:52.23*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-qmydheftzqrmzgia)
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15:56.03*** join/#asterisk tuxian (
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16:57.05*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
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17:08.32*** part/#asterisk mr_kyd (~Einherjer@unaffiliated/mr-kyd/x-4253709)
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18:49.41*** join/#asterisk KaliLinuxGR (~alexandro@unaffiliated/kalilinuxgr)
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18:58.28*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
18:59.02*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
19:12.00*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (2e0b5811@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:14.22twanny796which is the best certification in sip?
19:24.42[TK]D-FenderYou can't certify against a protocol
19:24.48[TK]D-FenderYou certify in a SOLUTION for it
19:33.07*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
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20:23.55*** join/#asterisk pankid (
20:36.02drmessanoI will sell you a SIP certification
20:37.04drmessanoCertified SIP Trunking Engineer
20:38.07drmessanoNot only can you be amongst the deplorables that refers to it as "SIP Trunking", but you will be able to show people a piece of wallpaper that supports it
20:57.21*** join/#asterisk dovid (
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21:16.10newtonr[TK]D-Fender, This is the only one I know of that isn't solution focused:
21:16.26newtonrI don't know anyone that went through their training, so I can't speak for it at all
21:17.36*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
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21:25.35[TK]D-Fendernewtonr, it looks to be almost entirely their invention
21:25.53[TK]D-Fender... and he's gone :p
21:30.52*** join/#asterisk freebs (~freebs@unaffiliated/freebs)
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22:28.10Mango45is operator=yes the only way for a caller to dial an extension instead of leaving a voicemail?
22:44.09freebsso drmessano got his Trump wish!
22:44.36drmessanoDidn't vote for Trump
22:44.54drmessanoI voted for Johnson
22:45.07freebseven better  a wasted vote
22:45.20*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
22:45.23drmessanoIf you say so.  I voted with my conscience
22:45.37freebsi believe you
22:45.57freebsbest of luck with the upcoming mess
22:46.04drmessanoIt's was a giant douche or a turd sandwich
22:46.23igcewielingpost election anti-depressants:  weed, Guinness, chocolate silk pie.
22:46.27drmessanoI will say this
22:46.38freebsi couldn't believe it myself
22:46.47igcewielingsurprisingly effective
22:46.48drmessanoI didn't so much much NOT vote for Trump as I voted AGAINST Hillary
22:47.34drmessanoDont get me wrong, I didnt just vote for Johnson in protest.  I think he was as solid as anyone.  But I was happy to vote AGAINST Hillary.  I despised her
22:47.36freebsi can't understand for the life of me how both those two won there parties nomination
22:47.54drmessanoI can
22:47.59freebsthat's fucked up
22:48.07drmessanoLack of involvement
22:48.11freebsi guess
22:49.05drmessanoLook, everyone is mad at EACH OTHER right now.  People are getting person and being hateful to people around them for NOT FOLLOWING ALONG and VOTING FOR THE RIGHT PERSON..   That right there tells me we're fucked
22:49.26drmessanoWe're not voting for who we think is best for us, we're voting for who we think everyone needs to vote for in the end
22:49.53drmessanoIts a popularity contest with every lemming looking over everyones shoulder and following them off the cliff
22:50.10freebsa mess
22:50.22freebsi bet someone goes after him... wiht a bullet
22:50.25igcewielinghugs his computer and goes back to coding
22:50.40drmessanoDude, people have said some really effed up up crap to me because I voted for Johnson
22:50.46drmessano"You LET TRUMP WIN"
22:50.59drmessano"Its YOUR FAULT"
22:51.07freebsthats what Samot said too!
22:51.07drmessanoFsck people..
22:51.57Mango45There's no dispute that he won, so I say let's see what he can do.  He himself is a moron, but some of his policies actually aren't so bad.
22:52.29freebsperhaps.. just wait and see i guess.. thank god i live here and not there
22:54.54drmessanoI like the idea of smaller government, and I don't think Trumps platform is a disaster. I think HE is.  But Hillary is a cheat, a liar, and part of the problem
22:55.06drmessanoSo.. I voted Libertarian.  Conscience clean
22:55.25drmessanoExcept for being hated
22:55.28drmessanoand all that
23:02.50AkariI don't think it can all be tallied up solely to a lack of involvement.
23:03.12AkariThe DNC, after all, is 15% (unelected) superdelegates
23:06.06*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (~TriJetScu@
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23:14.30Samotdrmessano: About your vote for Johnson....
23:14.46SamotIt has nothing to do with letting Trump win, but Johnson??!
23:14.58SamotHe's a fscking idiot.
23:15.53SamotAnd really, it's everybody's fault. Cuz once again, keeping in tradition about half of the voting population sat it out.
23:16.27drmessanoObviously not, if he's a former elected Governor and party nominee.  Faults?  Sure.  He definitely was far from perfect.
23:17.05drmessanoBut one could say the same about Trump and Clinton, and even Jill Stein
23:17.25drmessanoYou think Trump was a better choice than Johnson?
23:17.28SamotYes, I have no argument on that.
23:17.31SamotOh no.
23:17.58SamotBut if I was just looking at a resume and qualifications, come on..
23:18.30drmessanoWe're obviously not going to agree on Hillary vs Trump, but if you think Johnson was a better choice than Trump, than you know exactly why I voted for him
23:19.14drmessanoResume?  You mean like Obamas in 08?
23:19.54SamotAgain, I'm not in disagreement.
23:19.57drmessanoJohnson at least Governed a state
23:20.41drmessanoTrump had no experience, Hillary was a lifelong, crooked, career unconvicted felon
23:20.54drmessanoI think I chose wisely, and didn't waste a thing
23:22.29SamotI'm not blaming third party voters.
23:23.43SamotI'm blaming the two parties that presented the wrong candidates and failing to be engage or be in touch with their bases.
23:24.15drmessanoJohnson could have been a good President.  A little bit of a fscking idiot, sure.  That could be said about a lot of successful Presidents.  I try not to be dismissive of little stupid mistakes like the Aleppo thing.  Im sure he beat himself up enough about it
23:24.35SamotAnd actually have the common collective sense to be intelligent and articulate with their messages.
23:25.04drmessanoSmaller government and free markets are where its at
23:25.29SamotWell if they want to throw the founders around...
23:25.35drmessanoNot Obamacare and building walls
23:25.44SamotThey were pretty clear on the whole no standing federal army.
23:26.13drmessanoSocialized medicine appears nowhere in the Constitution
23:26.17*** join/#asterisk rpifan (~rpi@
23:26.43SamotSo all social programs need to go?
23:26.51drmessanoNeither does banning or allowing abortion
23:27.20drmessanoMaybe we should start letting people decide for themselves
23:27.37SamotWell if you want to get Jeffersonian about it..
23:27.52drmessanoBan Same-Sex Marriage, then allow it by SCOTUS decision.  How about we stop that nonsense
23:27.56SamotWe shouldn't have big industry and we should all have our own farms.
23:28.35drmessanoWe should write a law that a law can't unwrite a law without actually removing it from the books
23:28.54drmessanoIts like Cootie shots all over again
23:30.49SamotDoes this include removing a for-profit healthcare system?
23:30.53*** join/#asterisk rpifan (~rpi@
23:34.20SamotI'm almost 43, I have about a 55/45 split of my life living in a for-profit system and a single payer system.
23:34.41SamotI can tell you which one has actually kept me healthier.
23:38.23SamotI can also tell you with high experience that ICE, for the most part, is a joke. The busiest commercial and personal crossings of the US/Canada border are not dramatically changed. The biggest visible change, bigger guns and being allowed to walk around with them. Oh and a lot of fancy new systems that sat around for over a year before they actually used
23:39.04SamotAND that's over a decade AFTER 9/11.
23:39.16SamotIt took them that long to do something about it.
23:41.12SamotOh and the fact that they ignored a direct order about deportation policies and deported my wife over a non-trivial over-stay violation and wouldn't let her back in the country for 3 years.
23:42.39SamotAnd after 3 years of following the 40 different set of instructions that about 40 different agents, who "had the time to graciously answer my questions about their own regulations", gave us. THEY FSCKING NEVER ACTUAL FILED THE BAN PROPERLY!
23:43.39SamotUpon discovering this and acknowledging it, they enforced it right then and there because she wasn't able to produce the required documents that were asked for three years ago. Even though she followed the ban to the LETTER and waited the three years.
23:43.49*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-jicbyvfbnzfvozwg)
23:44.17SamotThat's the US at work keeping our borders safe from a middle-aged Canadian white women.
23:44.38*** join/#asterisk kubrrick (~kubrrick@2a00:a580:41d0:bc00:aaaa:aaaa:aaaa:aaaa)
23:46.31drmessanoWe created that monster with regulation, not free markets
23:46.38SamotOh and I can't cross the border back into the US without it generally taking an hour and 6 agents to review my 20 year crossing record, check the validity of my Canadian status and my crossings. Always overlooking that pesky annoyance of me being a US citizen.
23:46.40SamotI know.
23:46.53SamotBut please note...
23:46.56SamotSIX AGENTS
23:47.13SamotBecause they gotta huddle up and start their goosechase.
23:48.18SamotMeanwhile, the visitors from foreign countries coming in from Canada to visit the US are quickly whisked away after their paperwork is checked and they pay the $95 Visa fee.
23:49.34SamotOur tax dollars at work. The US citizen with status in Canada gets "vetted" more than the guy from China coming in from Canada.
23:50.29SamotNo one needs to sneak in with refugees.
23:50.44SamotThey just need to book a vacation and come over on the senior bus going to the casinos.
23:51.10SamotAnd they should hack my calendar to know when I cross so they know at least a half a dozen agents will be busy with me.
23:53.16*** join/#asterisk ttaylor (
23:54.08SamotAaannndddd scene.

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