IRC log for #asterisk on 20161108

00:08.35*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
00:15.22*** part/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
00:20.00*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
01:17.54*** join/#asterisk Samot (sid133316@gateway/web/
01:20.39*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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05:31.45*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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05:47.44*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
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06:30.51*** join/#asterisk floyd20183 (~tim@
06:31.38floyd20183Good day. Could someone perhaps assist in pointing me to a resource that will help me understand what this error means :  ERROR[3039] chan_dahdi.c: PRI Span: 4 Unable to receive TEI from network in state 3(Establish awaiting TEI)!
06:54.18*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
06:57.01*** join/#asterisk Rasputin3711 (~Rasputin3@
06:58.21*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
07:09.29*** join/#asterisk floyd20183 (~tim@
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07:30.49WIMPyfloyd20183: Either your connection is broken or you are on a ptp line.
07:31.42floyd20183ok. Thanks. This appears in the logs about 10 to 20 times a day and we are able to make and receive calls. Sometimes it just drops an incoming call or will not allow us to answer so not sure if this is related
07:32.49WIMPySo you have a bad connection somewhere.
07:33.12floyd20183Thanks. I will get them to have the telecoms company check out their end
07:34.23floyd20183The phones are on a local lan so am happy with that end
07:45.56TandyUKanyone know of good apps (free or paid) that allow full featured CTI with asterisk, kinda like the Avaya Phone Manager app
07:46.21TandyUKthis does call popups, for answer, send to voicemail, etc, call history, phonebook searching, and outlook integration with click to call
07:52.18Rasputin3711may be phonerlite
07:54.30TandyUKphonerlite is a softphone though, i just want the CTI, we have proper phones on desks (yealink T41's mainly)
08:18.10*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:20.37*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
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08:36.47*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
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08:57.42*** part/#asterisk floyd20183 (~tim@
09:08.55*** join/#asterisk hehol (
09:13.54*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
09:16.31*** join/#asterisk polysics (~polysics@
09:17.21polysicshello! question: can specifying a rport in the INVITE change what codecs Asterisk offers?
09:19.30polysicsI have an odd situation where one port works and the other is rejected on no codecs
09:19.57*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
09:43.18Samotrport has nothing to do with codecs
09:43.23SamotIt's the Received Port.
09:52.51*** join/#asterisk refeaime (
09:53.43refeaimeCould someone help me with creating trunk via freepbx?
09:54.19WIMPyAsk in #freepbx
09:54.31refeaimeWIMPy: Thank you.
09:56.24*** part/#asterisk refeaime (
10:13.15*** join/#asterisk rwsq1 (
10:13.38rwsq1in pjsip show channelstats should I believe what the codec says? I have strong reason to doubt it.
10:22.11*** join/#asterisk rjsalts (
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10:30.21skrustyanyone here used res_chan_stats?
10:32.15rwsq1also what does it mean if codec is empty?
10:32.29rwsq1surely it must know which codec is being used
10:42.42polysicsSamot: right, sorry. I took a second look at sip.conf and I had a space too much.
10:43.51TandyUKso, asterisk 11, and RTCP-XR and/or HEP
10:44.42TandyUKwe have a supplier provided platform, with centos 5 :(, and we use TLS/SRTP so things like sipgrep, sngrep, etc wont compile with TLS support on it
10:45.22TandyUKwhat other options can anyone think of for getting our realtime data out of asterisk (even by doing a pcap>netcat feed from higher up in the network)
10:50.27SamotWouldn't a sip debug work as well?
10:50.34SamotOr a tcpdump?
10:51.29TandyUKfor tcpdump to work, we'd need to feed the pcap out to another machine (running centos6 /debian/etc) with sngrep/sipgrep/etc on it along with our keys
10:51.46TandyUKi can capture non TLS traffic no problem on the C5 box
10:52.11TandyUKim looking to feed this data into sipcapture/homer
10:52.12polysicsI don't see many ways around that that do not include another box with the TLS tools installed
10:52.27Samota pcap file is a text file.
10:52.34SamotYou can read the pcap file straight on the machine.
10:52.36TandyUKyeah pcap is just tcpdump > file
10:52.51TandyUKyes, but the machine cant compile the TLS compnents needed for sngrep/sipgrep/etc
10:52.59TandyUKso it _has_ to be done on another machine
10:53.27TandyUKand i really want this realtime, hence the pcap>netcat option to feed it out to the other machine in realtime
10:53.40SamotRealtime to view or real time to log?
10:53.53SamotBecause sip set debug will view the TLS traffic.
10:53.57TandyUKrealtime to feed into sipcapture in realtime
10:54.06SamotThen you need tcpdum.
10:54.11TandyUKso we can see call quality stats for in-progess calls
10:54.16SamotThen you need tcpdump. Which will also get the traffic.
10:54.24TandyUKyeah tcpdump / pcap same thing ;)
10:54.33SamotThen you have an option.
10:54.36TandyUKid actually capture from our perimiter router
10:54.41TandyUKnot the asterisk box
10:55.12TandyUKeffectively port-mirror the asterisk box to a 'logger' machine of some sort
10:55.30TandyUKwas just wondering if theres any easier ways anyone could think of :P
11:09.59*** join/#asterisk mrhelpmann (
11:24.06*** join/#asterisk dovid (
11:35.03*** join/#asterisk tirej (~tirej@unaffiliated/tirej)
12:42.19*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
12:47.27*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
13:03.11*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:30.11*** join/#asterisk ThomasKeller (
13:31.58*** join/#asterisk Ahmadi (02b01fb5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:33.14AhmadiWhen my softphone try to register in Asterisk, and failed, the asterisk ban my IP ! then i can't retry any more.
13:33.23AhmadiHow can i disable this feature of Asterisk!
13:33.32Ahmadii don't want bane any IP
13:33.55Ahmadii don't want asterisk bane any IP, even if entered wrong username/password for a extension,
13:34.01AhmadiPlease help me
13:35.42Rasputin3711Freepbx/Elastix ?
13:36.02*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
13:36.12Ahmadiasterisk now 13
13:36.38Rasputin3711channel #freepbx
13:39.16*** join/#asterisk avb (~avb@
13:39.36avbhey guys, can I check what codec is used on a channel from the dialplan?
13:41.12[TK]D-Fenderavb, "core show function CHANNEL"
13:42.52*** join/#asterisk mjordan (mjordan@nat/digium/x-ozxvzenschyatvlj)
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13:43.13avb[TK]D-Fender: huh, forgot about this one. thank you buddy
14:03.33*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
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14:59.27*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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15:26.24*** join/#asterisk Phil-Work (~Phil-Work@
15:26.32Phil-Workcan you play an audio file on a given channel with AMI?
15:42.13*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-witjqwozaxkgqkgl)
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15:50.06mjordanPhil-Work: No. AMI can only do that by redirecting to a dialplan application that plays back audio files.
15:50.26mjordanPhil-Work: there are AMI commands for controlling a currently playing audio file, but not for arbitrarily starting it.
15:50.43Phil-Workor presumably, if it's an ongoing call, you create a conf bridge?
15:50.47mjordanARI does have that capability, as your remote application is essentially the dialplan application
15:51.33mjordanIf you have a two-party call, you can redirect all the parties into a confbridge, then play back an audio file into the confbridge. Or, if you wanted to play back to a single party, you could originate a Local channel that ChanSpys on one of the participants
15:51.43mjordanbasically, you can use the dialplan :-)
15:51.56Phil-Workok, thanks Matt :)
15:51.59mjordannp :-)
15:52.00*** join/#asterisk u0m3 (~u0m3@
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16:25.03*** join/#asterisk topro (
16:27.40toprohi there, someone could please give me a hint on how to further investigate my (SIP-NAT ?!?) issues? I got the following topology:
16:28.24toproProvider-SIP-Peer  <--->  FW/NAT  <--->   Asterisk   <----> local SIP Clients
16:28.43toproyou guess it, I got audio issues...
16:29.00toprocall initialisation works in both directions (incoming and outgoing calls)
16:30.00toprothe strange thing is that when getting the call from provider throug FW/NAT audio is working in both directions. but when calling from inside to provider i get the call established but no audio in either direction
16:30.28Mango45Do you have directmedia=no and directrtpsetup=no configured in your sip.conf?  Either in the [general] context, or for the peers in question?
16:30.56toproin that case "rtp set debug on" gives me rtp messages that it receives from my local client and sens to the provider peer, but no rtp messages coming back from the provider peer.
16:30.57Mango45Actually, put it in [general] if it's not already there.
16:30.59toproany idea?
16:31.18toprolet me see..
16:31.38Mango45Let's start with that because that is easiest.  If you want to improve upon that, you can work your way up.
16:33.06toprowhat value would you suppose for nat= in sip.conf?
16:34.11Mango45For now we will assume that the peers know their IP addresses and Asterisk should route audio to and from the IP specified in the SDP.  Let's start with nat=no.
16:34.23Mango45did you do sip reload?
16:34.41toprojust reload which reloads whole config AFAIK
16:34.48[TK]D-Fender"sip show settings" <-
16:35.22Mango45Since [TK]D-Fender is here I'll let him take over since he's more experienced than I am.
16:35.46toproany help very welcome :)
16:37.22toprobtw i got a lot of settings in specific section, not global so here is the relevant part of sip.conf...
16:37.49Mango45Double check that is your IP address.
16:38.03[TK]D-Fenderyour trunk peer should be "nat=no", "directmedia=no"
16:38.19[TK]D-FenderAlso you need to have SIP + RTP forwarded to your server from your FW
16:38.51Mango45I would change your passwords for those SIP accounts.
16:39.14toproforwarding RTP means I have to do UDP port forwarding for the whole range of RTP ports specified, i.e. 10000-20000 ?!?
16:39.34*** join/#asterisk mjordan (mjordan@nat/digium/x-mhfybzgmcxbktuxp)
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16:39.40toproMango45: ?!? what passwords?
16:39.43Phil-Worktompaw, yes - but you can limit that range in rtp.conf
16:40.22Phil-Workeh, topro not tompaw
16:40.46toproMango45: you think 7654321 is the real thing? hint: it isn't :)
16:40.55Mango45Okay, good.  :)
16:41.21[TK]D-FenderThat's like the kind of password an idiot would use on their luggage...
16:41.47toprook, I tried to get around without port forwarding, hoped sip_conntrack module might do the job
16:42.16toprowhat I still don't get is why does audio work in both directions when getting the call from outside?
16:42.16[TK]D-Fenderyour GW should NOT be screwing with SIP at all
16:42.28[TK]D-Fenderturn off ALL SIP ALG's, helper, proxy's, etc
16:43.07toproyes, I read about that. so why is that stuff there in the first place if its more pain than helping?
16:44.12[TK]D-Fenderit helps some situations.  NOT this
16:45.02[TK]D-FenderPenicillin helps some people too ... except those who are deathly allergic to it...
16:53.57topro[TK]D-Fender: I'll give it a try. thanks for the pointer. I'll report...
17:03.10*** join/#asterisk captain118 (uid167508@gateway/web/
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18:28.41drmessanoIsn't VOIP illegal in Dubai? and down?
18:33.01*** join/#asterisk karelk (~karel@
18:33.50karelkI am getting these errors, when calling via WebRTC:
18:33.52karelkres_srtp.c:406 ast_srtp_unprotect: SRTP unprotect failed with: authentication failure 10
18:34.15karelkany idea what that means?
18:44.33*** join/#asterisk adeel (~adeel@2602:ffc1:1:face:ad8b:245a:8335:9910)
18:46.29*** join/#asterisk rolledgold (47c09026@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:46.40rolledgoldAfternoon all.
18:46.50*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:b18:581:10:5038:5cf8:1e42:88f4)
18:47.34rolledgoldI upgraded from 11 to 13 today from source but rasterisk says both 13 and 11 on the welcome screen
18:47.43*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
18:48.41rolledgold Any thoughts?
18:57.11*** join/#asterisk lordvadr (~lordvadr@unaffiliated/lordvadr)
18:58.18SamotDid you restart Asterisk?
18:59.09lordvadrAm I the only one seeing name resolution failures for essentially all of and
18:59.53*** join/#asterisk klow (
19:00.51SamotI'm having an issue as well.
19:01.56SamotThe digium NS's must be having an issue.
19:02.47lordvadrI have routes in BGP for all of the IP spaces that their name servers live on but none of them respond to ICMP or DNS.
19:03.20lordvadrAll three of them?
19:03.25SamotNot being able to ping an IP is not definitive.
19:03.26lordvadrThat's a pretty bad screwup.
19:03.32lordvadrWork for a carrier.  I'm aware.
19:05.09SamotSo you can't dig through any of the servers via IP?
19:07.19lordvadrTheir NS1 and 2 are on a /23 originating AS14793, APID, appears to die somewhere on APID's network, their 3rd one does at apparently cogent's edge in San Fran or San Diego...not sure.
19:07.43lordvadrand no, none of them respond to tcp or UDP dns requests
19:08.01SamotHow are you making the requests?
19:08.08rolledgold@Samot Thanks again stop/start fixed it.
19:08.25lordvadrSamot: dig +norecurse
19:08.43SamotSo no, you haven't done it via IP yet.
19:09.00*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
19:09.14lordvadrThat'll give you the IP's of their name servers.  From there, dig @..., +tcp, telnet 53, ping, traceroute all you want. They don't go anywhere.
19:09.46SamotOK, so they do not respond to lookups directly.
19:10.25lordvadrNope. Problem is dig will pull pull the IP's from the recursive resolver and then try to verify it from the actual host.  Since they're not reachable, you have to +norecurse to get dig to spit out something useful.
19:13.03*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
19:13.03*** mode/#asterisk [+o putnopvut] by ChanServ responds now
19:13.36lordvadrOOh, they're back.  Somebody screwed up though.
19:15.16*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-rwsxijkqycylcshf)
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19:21.52lordvadrkharwell, rmudgett: What happened?
19:22.39rmudgettInternet outage?
19:23.07lordvadrAll of Digium's name servers went offline.
19:23.34kharwellI am not sure either what it was
19:27.31lordvadrFair enough.  Just curious.
19:30.24*** part/#asterisk rolledgold (47c09026@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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21:00.13*** part/#asterisk boson (
21:01.03*** join/#asterisk KaliLinuxGR (~alexandro@unaffiliated/kalilinuxgr)
21:20.16AkariAny of you guys messed with calendar integration with gmail? I'm trying to figure out how to set the alarm.
21:40.44*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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21:57.09drmessanoGoogle is EVIL
21:58.16*** join/#asterisk iulhk (
21:59.19*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
22:25.57igcewielingAlarmingly so, apparently.
22:34.46mmlj4hey igcewieling, long time...
22:35.39igcewielinghey, mmlj4
22:36.04mmlj4been OK?
22:38.07igcewielingwell enough.  you?
22:59.19drmessanoNobody ever answered me
22:59.29drmessanoAbout VoIP being illegal in Dubai
23:00.55AkariHow could you make VoIP illegal
23:01.00drmessanoI got that email about Digium providing AsteriskTraining in Dubai
23:01.14drmessanoIm hoping they leave off the parts about SIP
23:01.24drmessanoOr else hands will come flying off
23:01.25AkariThat would be pointless.
23:01.38drmessanoActually, I just verified it
23:01.49drmessanoIt's still not legal in Saudi Arabia
23:02.21drmessanoIncluding Voice and Video apps like Facebook Messenger
23:02.44igcewielingOther countries have banned voip/pstn service, but have nothing which makes voip within a company between offices illegal
23:02.45AkariThey ban SIP trunking
23:03.07igcewielingI've not looked at SA's requirements'
23:03.34drmessanoIt's all about Government run telecoms
23:03.50drmessanoI think Vietnam is the same
23:05.47drmessanoigcewieling: I've noticed an incredible downswing of visitors to IRC asking about Asterisk over a VPN, using GSM gateways, and the other standard wares of the clandestine VoIP operator that we used to see years ago
23:06.05drmessanoI dont know if that's just IRC or what.. but it made me curious if it was still an issue.. and I guess it is
23:06.16igcewielingI put most of those on /ignore 8-|
23:25.48*** join/#asterisk cryptic (
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23:52.18drmessanoI guess in Dubai they have disclaimers about putting SIP on the wire and hand choppage
23:52.40drmessanoProbably spend an extra hour on proper firewalls :)

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