IRC log for #asterisk on 20161107

00:19.26qakhani was getting message No audio format found to offer. Cancelling call
00:19.26qakhan[TK]D-Fender asked me to check sip show pree preename
00:19.26qakhanhen i checked there was Codecs       : (nothing) in sip show peer
00:19.26qakhanbut in sip config there was disallow = all and allow = ulaw
00:19.26qakhani reloaded the asterisk many time, reloaded the sip. but still Codecs       : (nothing)
00:19.26qakhanthen i removed the [vitelity-outbound] config (from line 1165 in sip.conf) and recreate after some lines (1178 in sip.conf)
00:19.27qakhanthen it started working
00:19.27qakhani am curious how these changes made differnece ?
00:26.04*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~puzzled@2001:982:1097:1::1:3)
00:28.22*** join/#asterisk z4g4 (~z4g4@2001:8a0:fcaf:7a01:7e1f:5ab3:9176:8c97)
00:56.14[TK]D-FenderYou never showed proper or full configs  your PB didn't match the debug and I don't trust the tiny pieces it took you forever to provide
01:12.26qakhan[TK]D-Fender when you asked me to send sip show peer, i sent you PB but you left that time. i noticed that Codec : (noting) in sip show peer
01:12.55qakhanbut in sip.conf there was allow=ulaw
01:13.42qakhani reloaded the asterisk, reloaded sip but it was not taking the allow=ulaw
01:13.53qakhanthen i removed the config
01:14.25qakhanrecreated the config in sip then asterisk took allow=ulaw
01:14.42qakhanwhich make me curious what happened
01:15.38qakhanjust removed the config, reload asterisk, then make same config and reload the asterisk, booom its working
01:22.34*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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08:17.13*** join/#asterisk wasanzy (~wasanzy@
08:18.13wasanzyI have queue members set. I want to add to my diaplan such that, if a call comes in and the calling phone number matches a phone number in the queue, an actions should be taken. is this possible?
08:52.37*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
08:55.38ixydwasanzy, should be no problem by using the queue_member_list() function
08:56.18wasanzyixyd: ok, but that will return a list of all members right?
08:56.38ixydi think so, yes
08:56.57ixydtry to combine it with the regex function?!
09:05.09*** join/#asterisk hehol (
09:35.08*** join/#asterisk andycol_500 (~Andrew@
09:35.10andycol_500hi guys
09:35.26andycol_500how do i set the dialplan to go to the next priority if a queue has no answer
09:35.38andycol_500so for example ring a queue for 10seconds and if no agents answer go to s,2
09:39.57andycol_500as ,8 doesnt seem to work
09:42.03*** join/#asterisk zahyl (~quassel@
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11:33.54wasanzyis the CHANNEL(peername) same us CALLERID?
11:37.21SamotNo, one would be the name of the channel peer and the other would be the caller id.
12:16.14*** join/#asterisk FarhaadN (~Farhad@
12:16.21FarhaadNhi every one
12:16.34FarhaadNcan i set queue maxlen = 0
12:17.04FarhaadNi want to fail call, when all agents in queue are busy
12:41.03*** join/#asterisk KaliLinuxGR (~alexandro@unaffiliated/kalilinuxgr)
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12:56.22ixydFarhaadN have a look at the joinempty option
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13:35.38FarhaadNixyd: joinempty is for when extentions unavailable
13:35.48FarhaadNi want to use this for when all agents busy
13:37.10*** join/#asterisk kayatwork (
13:46.50SamotBusy = Unavailable.
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17:30.10polysicshello! anyone is a SIPp user, by chance?
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21:27.29mkresinhey folks, are you aware that it is impossible to view an gerrit issue as anon user? I've tracked the issue down to the installed emoticons plugin which seams to tries to load resources from an uri that is only available for authenticated users
21:29.08filelet me remove it
21:29.22fileI thought it was just the last Gerrit upgrade that did it
21:29.47danielykHi since a few days I receive following error after hangup of a follow me call: wrong response code 0
21:30.37filemkresin: fixed! thanks
21:31.53mkresinfile: confirmed! works again. thanks
21:32.44*** join/#asterisk DivideBy0 (~DivideBy0@unaffiliated/divideby0x0)
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