IRC log for #asterisk on 20161103

00:28.43SamotI installed 13.11 in distro
01:00.03*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
01:04.33*** join/#asterisk masked (~masked@hpavc/masked)
01:04.49maskedSamot: got it figured out
01:05.19maskedwith asterisk, the only way to get the media to transport from loopback to the real world interface is to use a media proxy
01:06.08maskedor so it would seem
01:07.36SamotWhy is the media on the loopback to begin with?
01:10.22maskedbecause defining media_address etc doesn't do what it's meant to do lol
01:10.50maskedi've got asterisk on loopback due to cost factors and security
01:14.57*** join/#asterisk [NC] (
01:17.20SamotWhat do you mean defining the media_address doesn't do what it's meant to do?
01:18.11maskedwell, that long with bind_rtp_to_media_address, i would have thought, would set the media to the ip specified..
01:20.48SamotAnd what about the external_media_address?
01:30.09maskedSamot: yeah it changes the i= but not the c=
01:30.28SamotIs Asterisk behind NAT?
01:30.36SamotSo it's public?
01:30.36*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:30.49maskedwell, its on loopback
01:30.56drmessanoIs this the Fritzbox install?
01:31.16SamotSo it doesn't have a LAN or WAN IP?
01:31.29maskedasterisk on a fritzbox? neat, nah, this is freebsd
01:31.36drmessanoNo, behind it
01:31.38maskedSamot: correct
01:31.49drmessanowrong guy
01:32.13SamotWhy is Asterisk only listening on
01:32.18maskedSamot: for fun and fancy to please old nancy
01:32.28SamotOK, I don't care.
01:32.31SamotHave your issues.
01:32.36maskeddoesn't matter, it works now
01:33.04drmessanoSo you have Asterisk on localhost and you're proxying ?
01:33.28maskedhowever, having said that.  i know you'll say fs and asterisk arent the same.. but if you set rtpip on fs to the realworld ip, it works.  however this bind_rtp_to_media address doesn't appear to work
01:33.35maskeddrmessano: correct.
01:33.58SamotAre you telling it to set the external IP in any way?
01:34.09drmessanoThats incredibly odd and impractical
01:34.16maskedyeah external_media_address is set to the external ip
01:34.53SamotAnd does Asterisk know it's basically behind NAT?
01:35.10SamotIf you are translated a public IP to a private IP that's NAT.
01:35.12maskedi tried turning on nat and it behaves the same..
01:35.29SamotWhat did you have as the settings?
01:35.56maskedyeah but rdr-to isn't implemented in freebsd's pf, so i can't really redirect it afaik
01:37.02SamotSo far it sounds like this deployment has more fixes for the issues it causes than being a practical solution.
01:37.27drmessanoI dont see the secruity of putting another daemon in front of Asterisk for RTP..
01:37.42SamotHe's using OpenSIPS.
01:37.47SamotSo the device register to OpenSIPs
01:37.55SamotOpenSIPS sends the calls to Asterisk.
01:38.02AkariIs there any security advantage to that
01:38.09SamotSomehow between OpenSIPS and Asterisk it has to be "extra secure"
01:38.18SamotBy having loopbacks.
01:38.30SamotReally, OpenSIPS should be handling all the public facing stuff...
01:38.37drmessanoSo you move your vulnerablities from one daemon to another
01:38.41SamotAnd routing the calls to Asterisk on a private LAN.
01:38.41Akarimasked: Remember to enable TLS/SRTP between OpenSIPS and Asterisk
01:38.42maskedyeh.. drmessano, i've tried to map asterisk's rtp socket to the real world ip, but it doesn't work.
01:38.47maskedAkari: i have.
01:38.53AkariOK good
01:38.54drmessanomasked: Because youre binding it to localhost
01:39.00drmessanoFor some insane reason
01:39.22SamotIt needs to be on a private or public IP
01:39.36drmessanoIf anyone has tested this, they're dead now and we never heard from them
01:40.05SamotEven lidl, the master of FreeBSD Asterisk would scratch his head at this.
01:40.20maskedAkari: yeah, if it's udp, it passess udp to asterisk, tcp == tcp, and tls == tls
01:40.36maskedthis is hardly a freebsd specific thing
01:41.03drmessanoYoure right
01:41.11drmessanoIve never heard of anyone else doing it
01:41.19SamotNope. Never.
01:41.52maskedi did it with kamailio + freeswitch quite successfully, having a snapshot of a working config here i used for months.
01:42.08Akarimasked: What is the functional difference you're achieving though
01:42.26drmessanoI didnt see Asterisk anywhere in that sentence, and I still don't see the actual need
01:43.12maskedopensips afa security goes has the pike module which i find better than fail2ban, and it handles nat better
01:43.23Samotdrmessano: I built my Dragula from a Mustang. Now I built it with a Chevy but it's not doing the same things the same way.
01:43.52maskedi've yet to try directmedia with endpoints behind nat with just asterisk alone
01:43.56maskedbut with opensips
01:44.05maskedi get peer-to-peer media traffic
01:44.11drmessanoYou keep justifying your use of OpenSIPS... and no one is disputing that
01:44.12SamotYou misunderstand how Pike works.
01:44.21drmessanoYour implementation is the issue
01:44.32maskedand only when they fail to initiate a peer-to-peer hand-off, does the proxy come in
01:44.37maskedthe rtp proxy that is.
01:44.44SamotSo wait..
01:44.59SamotYou're doing direct media with an endpoint that listens on loopback?!
01:45.35maskedno i dont even use asterisk for subscribers/users
01:45.41maskedonly for media services
01:45.48maskedlike conference
01:45.53SamotWere the media would be direct.
01:46.10maskedbehind nat?
01:46.28SamotPHONE --> ASTERISK
01:46.31SamotThat's the RTP path..
01:46.33maskedi misunderstood.
01:46.44SamotAnd Asterisk is listening on the loopback.
01:46.48SamotThis is why you need a proxy.
01:46.54SamotBecause you're deployment is wrong.
01:47.04SamotYou put yourself in a position to need it.
01:47.30maskedor because asterisk isn't binding the rtp to the ip i specify correctly
01:47.42SamotBecause you're listening on the LOOPBACK
01:47.46SamotWhich is for LOCAL ONLY
01:47.54SamotNot for anything else.
01:47.56maskedim doing signaling on loopback
01:48.01drmessano.....but it works on $another_telephony_app
01:48.14SamotYou have Asterisk configured wrong.
01:48.18SamotAccept it.
01:48.19SamotFix it.
01:48.25drmessano.....but it works on $another_telephony_app
01:48.38WIMPySince whencan you bind RTP ports to a specific IP?
01:48.49SamotNot RTP ports.
01:49.00SamotThe IP RTP uses.
01:49.02maskedand who is the main author of freeswitch and is/was a main author of asterisk?
01:49.18drmessanoHe was the main author of Asterisk?  No
01:49.28SamotHe was a developer.
01:49.35SamotMr. Spencer is the author.
01:49.48maskednevermind the semantics
01:49.53drmessanoOf course not
01:50.19drmessanoYour context and pretenses are all wrong.. so lets forget them and go back to arguing over a scenario that's known to not work
01:50.49drmessanoSorry, thats more semantics
01:51.08maskedwell the only caveat is through the proxy it's a bit slow to initiate a call
01:51.20drmessanoOf course it is
01:51.26SamotI've never had these problems with OpenSER/Asterisk.
01:51.31SamotIn almost 12 years.
01:52.22SamotI've also never heard of this type of deployment, ever.
01:55.09SamotOh and what'cha doing so far north?
01:55.49maskedyeah.. well i haven't used asterisk in almost 12 years....
01:55.55SamotI noticed your check-in...
01:58.10drmessanoA lot has changed in 12 years
01:58.16maskedSamot: me?
01:58.36maskeddrmessano: sure has, from what i've seen the last few days im quite impressed
01:58.37WIMPyYou missed the good times.
02:00.49SamotNo, drmessano.
02:01.12drmessanoSamot: Theres this whole solidarity thing for the Pipeline protesters
02:01.18drmessanoEveryone is checking in
02:01.30drmessanoBecause the feds were using FB checkins to target protesters
02:01.45drmessanoSo we're all checking in
02:03.52drmessanoMakes you want to run Asterisk on loopback WITHOUT a proxy
02:07.43*** join/#asterisk [NC] (
02:19.46AkariMakes you want to run Asterisk over the TOR network and then through 7 proxies and then encrypted over the loopback interface.
02:20.46SamotWhile running it on a WD MyCloud
02:21.20*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
02:22.20drmessanoAkari: I like to use PGP-Net on my loopbacks
02:34.08Penguin[Nov  2 21:25:12] ERROR[19865]: netsock2.c:269 ast_sockaddr_resolve: getaddrinfo("m", "(null)", ...): Name or service not known
02:34.11Penguin[Nov  2 21:25:12] WARNING[19865]: chan_sip.c:18035 check_via: Could not resolve socket address for 'm'
02:34.29PenguinWIMPy: I'm inclined to agree with you and the other guy who said this is simply corruption during the lookup.
02:51.11*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (~tuxd00d@
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03:13.21*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (danjenkins@gateway/shell/firrre/x-qwxwlzrvaoxbnadn)
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03:18.41*** join/#asterisk monsterco (~monsterco@
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04:21.02maskeddrmessano: arguable.. with a proxy, at least you can have the call drop out if it's intercepted
04:21.12maskedbut regardless
04:21.18maskedi having it working without the proxy now
04:22.10maskedmedia_address and external_media_address,e tc etc only confused the situation
04:22.24maskedworks without them
04:46.02*** join/#asterisk Prelude2004c (
04:46.54Prelude2004chey guys.. good day to everyone. I have a question, is it possible to receive text messages on asterisk ? meaning if i send a text message from my phone carrier to my sip phone number, is it possible to identify and allow the message to be delivered to my sip application ?
04:47.08Prelude2004con the reverse side i guess  i am able to send the message from my sip address outside the network
04:48.18SamotHow would the call get intercepted? And by what?
04:48.54SamotPrelude2004c: Yes, you can do text messages on Asterisk with SIP SIMPLE
04:49.12Prelude2004cright but that is sip to sip right?
04:49.20Prelude2004chow do i do that to get messages from an outside carrier
04:49.26SamotYeah, you'll need a SMS system.
04:49.57SamotOr a provider that supports SMS and use their APIs to send/receive...
04:50.44Prelude2004cthe send i can figure out but to receive i am concerned... because if for example someone has a Bell or Rogers ( in canada ) and they send to the phone number, how does asterisk now to send it to SMS server
04:51.01Prelude2004ci sent a message to my sip now and my cellular phone said.. thank you for using text to landline
04:51.16Prelude2004csomehow the answer didn't contain anything saying SMS support so it left a message instead
04:52.18SamotThe number has to be able to receive SMS
04:53.57Prelude2004ci control the asterisk server so that is what i am asking.. how to configure asterisk to pickup when its an sms call and route to the right sms server or simply write script to send message or whatever
04:54.48SamotAs far as I know you would need an SMS gateway that either connects to another SMS gateway or a SMSC system (usually at the carrier level).
04:55.18SamotOr  combination of both.
04:57.53SamotSo you're saying someone is going to hack your calls with that?
04:58.42maskedyeah or a rootkit an zrtp mtim
04:58.56SamotDo you think your calls are that important?
04:59.04SamotBecause you are going way overboard.
04:59.31maskedwell mate
05:00.04maskedyou haven't had to type up hours upon hours of telephone intercepts to keep your family and friends out of jail beofre now have you?
05:00.30SamotOh so this is for illegal activity.
05:02.13SamotI don't think many have had to spend hours doing that.
05:02.50maskedwell, yes..
05:02.59maskedmore police went to jail than my friends
05:09.09*** join/#asterisk O47m341 (~Suzeanne@2602:306:3676:c60:6daa:3775:2463:c785)
05:13.17SamotHold me gently while I weep.
05:13.22SamotI have to buy a Yealink.
05:13.41drmessanoYou mean a Sang.. NM
05:14.11SamotEr no
05:14.23drmessanoNO REZEMBELENZES
05:14.46SamotNew client..
05:14.55SamotAlready has 275 users
05:15.09SamotExpanding to another 200 over the next 3 months..
05:15.27SamotThey all have yealinks, so now I need to have one to interop and test things.
05:15.38drmessanoWhich one are you getting?
05:15.48SamotMe? Low end.
05:16.00Samot3 lines..probably the T40
05:16.34drmessano3 lines just fscks with my OCD so bad
05:16.40SamotIt's NAT handling is.....
05:16.51drmessano2 or 4
05:16.59SamotThey don't have 2 or 4
05:16.59drmessano3?  ZOMGWTFBBQ
05:17.02Samot3 or 6
05:17.04Samotor more
05:17.06drmessanoI know
05:17.12drmessanoWTF is 3
05:17.24drmessanoApparently Yealink CANT EVEN
05:19.15SamotIt's so awful.
05:19.39SamotAll the locations have Cisco RV325's.
05:19.51drmessanoGreat god
05:20.11drmessanoMy recommendation
05:20.15SamotYeah, the NAT is so bad between that and the Yealinks....
05:20.24SamotThey have them set to 30 registers.
05:20.26drmessanoIs to get them all on a 127.0.x.x /24
05:20.31drmessanoSo they cant be hacked
05:21.03SamotI did install a Kamailio
05:22.25SamotSo far the phones that are doing pass-thru no longer need to have 30 second registers..NAT issues are pretty much gone..
05:22.34drmessanohave you tried a proxy?
05:22.44SamotMeh, I don't need to proxy the audio.
05:23.00drmessanoThats very narrowminded
05:23.04SamotI could.
05:23.29drmessanoI proxy everything
05:23.40drmessanoI have an ICMP Proxy to proxy my pings
05:23.45drmessanoBecause, cant trust
05:24.02SamotGotta keep those family members outta jail.
05:24.13drmessanoEspecially Fat Tony
05:24.17drmessanoWho did NOTHING wrong
05:24.22SamotOh yeah.
05:24.26drmessanoDespite his mafioso name
05:24.32SamotHe was with Little Gino..
05:24.35SamotAt the club.
05:24.47SamotNo WHERE near where that thing happened.
05:24.53SamotYou know, the thing.
05:24.57SamotThat happened.
05:25.07SamotNot where Fat Tony was.
05:25.07drmessanoMaking calls on our PBX named
05:25.42SamotWait, it might exist..
05:25.49SamotLet me check..
05:26.06drmessanoYou asshole
05:26.18drmessanoYoure gonna steal my domain you squatter SOB
05:26.51SamotOh not that.
05:27.00drmessanoYou're gonna wake up with a bed full of Microsoft Lynx ISOs
05:27.08SamotIVR greetings..
05:27.14SamotAll mafia move line classics.
05:27.14maskedwho's this
05:27.25drmessanoI dont follow links from IRC
05:28.45SamotCall up and get Allison with "I know it was you Fredo. You broke my heart...(pause for a few seconds)...broke my heart"
05:29.23SamotI wonder if Allison would do the Mafia PBX recording pack?
05:29.40drmessanoOh im sure
05:29.55igcewielingAllison will say almost anything.
05:29.59drmessanoI really hate working for Trump
05:30.00Samot"Guido is not available, please don't leave a message.."
05:30.08drmessanoIm patching these Windows 2003 server
05:30.10drmessanoIm patching these Windows 2003 servers
05:31.06Samot"We're sorry but Benny is busy.....sleeping with the fishes. Please 0 to reach the on call Capo"
05:31.47SamotYes, windows servers?
05:32.04drmessanoActually I am installing SCCM on Windows 2003 servers
05:32.59SamotExchange 5 on there?
05:33.04drmessanoHa no
05:33.08*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
05:33.21SamotOH FrontPage 2000 server?
05:33.30drmessanoI really want to set up an NT server again
05:34.05SamotGood ole NT
05:34.27drmessanoSo my 2003 DHCP/File Server is like 8 years old now
05:34.41drmessanoReason it's only 8 years old
05:34.48drmessanoI had an NT Server that wouldn't die
05:35.07drmessanoNT4 on a Poweredge 2500.. Lasted 7 years
05:35.11SamotYeah, I had one that lasted forever...
05:35.19SamotYup, about the same run..
05:35.34SamotI used it to run Platypus.
05:36.03SamotICVerify iirc...
05:36.09SamotFor CC processing.
05:36.54drmessanoI miss those days
05:38.47SamotBecause now you have
05:39.28SamotWhat I want to know is, where was the co-pilot? From what I understand there always has to be two in the pit..
05:41.50Samot"Aaaaa, this is your captain..aahhhhh..oooohhh...yeah...speaking...if out the left side of the'll see the huuuuge landmark...oooooo BIG BEN!...thank you"
05:43.52drmessanoPinging away at his loopback interface
05:43.57drmessanoHope he wore a proxy
05:45.55SamotWell it must not have been enough, looks like he got intercepted.
06:00.15*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
06:09.37drmessanoIm trying to save up a little money
07:02.24*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
07:16.25maskedi dont have the money to run 2 vps's and i dont need asterisk listening for sip requests when i have opensips, it defeats the purpose.
07:16.38maskedi could run it on the real ip on a different port then block the port
07:16.43maskedisn't tht what you would do?
07:27.57*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~mirkob@
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08:03.45*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
08:10.47*** join/#asterisk Rasputin3711 (~Rasputin3@
09:06.37*** join/#asterisk kako (
09:06.55kakoHi, I have two sip clients. (A) can use alaw,g722  and (B) can use g722,g726,speex. In other words, both can do "g722", but when checking it by "sip show channels" I see that (A) uses alaw and (B) g722. Why is asterisk translating instead of both use g722? Is there anywhere a config option to use best common codec if there is a common codec and only do translation if no common was found?
10:03.37*** join/#asterisk tirej (~tirej@unaffiliated/tirej)
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10:04.34jozzahi all, i have a problem with phone provisioning module on 13.11.2. It often decides that everything is 404 not found. But when i un/load the res_phoneprov module, it starts working again
10:05.07jozzadoes anyone else experience this?
10:09.02*** join/#asterisk gringo (~gringo@unaffiliated/gringo)
10:12.02WIMPykako: I think that's still being worked on. So you have to sort codecs manually to make them fit.
10:13.14*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
10:26.43pchero_workHi, I have a question regarding queue. Can I make the queue DO NOT ANSWER to the entered call? So, the entered call would be still the ringing.
10:27.30WIMPyThat IS how it works.
10:28.51pchero_workOoops.. I thought the queue answered the entered call immediately.
10:28.59pchero_workACD (Automatic Call Distributor) distributes incoming calls in the order of arrival to the first available agent. The system answers each call immediately and, if necessary, holds it in a queue until it can be directed to the next available call center agent. Balancing the workload among agents ensures that each caller receives prompt and professional service. -
10:30.06WIMPyWell, I always play a greeting before using Queue(). But I am pretty sure that it doesn't answer without doing so.
10:31.54pchero_workHm.. Thank you. At least I could try. ;)
10:42.01pchero_workWIMPy: Thanks. You're right. The queue doesn't answer by itself. ;)
10:57.10*** join/#asterisk rwsq1 (
11:10.52kakoWIMPy: thanks
11:14.40*** join/#asterisk sekil (
11:20.45rwsq1hi. I'm trying to build branch 13 on debian jessie. The linker doesn't seem to be find asound symbols in pjproject
11:22.48rwsq1a forget it I found the configure option :)
11:31.31rwsq1ok so that didn't help. Any ideas?
11:35.45rwsq1I'm using the bundled pjproject
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12:31.05*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:40.28*** join/#asterisk tig (~tig@
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12:55.56tighi all,  I don't suppose anyone is using voiptalk with asterisk in the UK
13:02.44*** join/#asterisk monsterco (
13:09.19[TK]D-Fendertig, Does it matter if they are in the UK?
13:11.20tig[TK]D-Fender: not really,  I am having some fun with one way audio and I think it might be todo with how their proxy needs to be setup
13:11.45tigjust to make things more complex I am using xivo,   it is very close to working
13:11.47[TK]D-FenderI'm pretty sure they set up their own proxy, and not you
13:12.10tigIt must be a NAT issue (I know it is evil)
13:12.56tig[TK]D-Fender: yes, but trying to work out how to connect to it to help with outgoing calls
13:13.08[TK]D-Fenderit is common and no big deal unless your router is doing particularly screwy stuff
13:13.33[TK]D-FenderShow us a call attempt with SIP debug enabled
13:13.34infobotpastebin is, like, a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:13.55tigok will try capturing one now
13:17.41tig[TK]D-Fender: hmmm,  not a call yet but this leaps out
13:18.20[TK]D-Fendernot indicative of anything
13:18.32[TK]D-FenderFrom: "nest" <sip:nest@>;tag=as4d8bd3e7
13:18.50[TK]D-FenderExcept a hint that you've misconfigured your system
13:19.09[TK]D-FenderDon't just show the response.. we need to see the the request you send doesn't look like garbage...
13:19.24*** join/#asterisk newtonr (RustyNewto@nat/digium/x-pvekawstwonxnmne)
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13:19.38[TK]D-FenderWe don't want to see only the other side saying "bad", we want to see the request that caused that response.
13:20.54tigjust trying to wrestle the log into pastebin :)
13:27.28aiksa[LV]Hey guys; Anyone has seen asterisk setting different SSRC value for each RTP package in a call?
13:29.24tig[TK]D-Fender:  <-- line 263 seems to be the start of the call
13:30.30[TK]D-FenderEven outside the call problems are evident
13:30.38[TK]D-Fender[Nov  3 13:14:21] VERBOSE[2147] chan_sip.c: Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to
13:30.38[TK]D-FenderOPTIONS;user=phone SIP/2.0
13:30.58[TK]D-Fender#1 No sane provider is expected to be considered to be behind NAT
13:31.03[TK]D-FenderContact: <sip:nest@>
13:31.14tighmmm seeing an anauthorised error in there but it seems to register according to the console
13:31.19[TK]D-Fender#2 you're providing your PRIVATE IP as the return contact and not your WAN IP.
13:33.09[TK]D-FenderYou're giving them the wrong addresses and you're not trust where they say to send audio.
13:34.16[TK]D-Fenderexternaddr, localnet, nat <- all need to be set right.  directmedia=no <- should be set everywhere so endpoints also don't try to reinvite from behind NAT either
13:34.22*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
13:36.41tig[TK]D-Fender: thanks,  some of this is due to me pulling at straws,  I took the external IP address out when I read a page suggesting that somewhere.  Now I know what I am looking for I will get all that sorted out
13:37.30*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-mjhrnxsoswocwhyf)
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13:38.34aiksa[LV]so - for some calls (like 2-3%) I experience a weirdo SSRC values in the RTP packages
13:38.45aiksa[LV]Asterisk is always in the middle of media flow
13:39.09aiksa[LV]so - according to tcpdump: decent SSRC values received from one endpoint
13:39.37aiksa[LV]but when RTP get forwarded further each an every RTP package has different SSRC value
13:39.40aiksa[LV]any ideas?
13:39.52aiksa[LV]"each an every RTP package" - for the same call
13:40.04aiksa[LV]I have never ever seen this before
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14:53.14tighmmm my local phones seem to be trying to register directly with my sip provider,  is that normal?
14:55.12[TK]D-FenderThey are your phones... why are you pointing them there?
14:56.03SamotOnly if you tell them to.
14:58.33tigah I think they are going via the server but it is still sending the internal IP address to the provider :(
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14:59.15igcewielingsounds like a NAT setting isn't set.
15:01.03[TK]D-Fendertig, Where do we see thatt?
15:02.11[TK]D-FenderRetransmitting #4 (NAT) to
15:02.15tigI think there must be a NAT option somewhere in the xivo gui I am missing
15:02.16[TK]D-FenderContact: <sip:xivo@>
15:02.29[TK]D-FenderGUI's are not supported in here
15:03.09tig[TK]D-Fender: understood, was hoping it would steer me in the right direction
15:03.34[TK]D-Fendertig, I already told you the settings (based on anything vaguely recent) that should be configured
15:03.44[TK]D-Fendertig, How you do that in your environment is another matter
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15:09.02M2KHi D-Fender, Thanks fro yesterdays advice by the way, how are you?
15:10.16[TK]D-FenderStill breathing
15:13.57*** join/#asterisk RolledGold (47c09026@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:16.52RolledGoldHello everyone, I have an issue with confbridge not playing 'conf-onlyperson.ulaw' if announce_only_user=yes if I set a user profile in the confbridge ()
15:17.14RolledGoldIF a don't set a user profile it plays the file.
15:18.16RolledGoldon version 11.14.1
15:19.07igcewielingRolledGold: have you checked the changelogs to see if the issue is already fixed in a later release?
15:20.07RolledGoldno but I have crawled
15:21.44igcewielingfixed 4/2015 Confbridge dynamic profiles did not have a default profile unless you   explicitly used Set(CONFBRIDGE(bridge,template)=default_bridge). If a   template was not set prior to the bridge being created then some   options were left with no default values set.
15:21.53igcewielingI'm sure there are others which might apply.
15:22.12igcewieling^^^ ASTERISK-24749
15:23.50igcewielingI'm known for refusing to upgrade almost anything unless there is no other choice, but even I am running 11.21.2
15:25.42RolledGoldyes these are production servers as well so upgrades are ugly.
15:25.50[TK]D-Fenderhalf a branch behind, and 11 is NOT getting any more bug-fixes
15:25.58[TK]D-Fender11 = DISCO BABY
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15:31.45SamotOh yeah, 11 when to SFO last week didn't it?
15:31.57[TK]D-Fender2 IIRC
15:32.23SamotOh..Oct 25th.
15:33.18RolledGoldI am trying to set a conf user option should that be a bridge option?
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15:42.29SamotRolledGold, show your confbridge.conf
15:42.52SamotAnd the user profile, as it's set when it doesn't work.
15:43.27RolledGold[agent] type=user music_on_hold_when_empty=no announce_only_user=yes announce_join_leave=no end_marked=yes dtmf_passthrough=yes quiet=yes
15:43.33infobotpastebin is, like, a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:43.48SamotClean and readable.
15:48.57RolledGoldthe confbridge.conf is the boilerplate with just users added
15:51.58SamotShow the confbridge.conf file, please.
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16:01.17tig[TK]D-Fender: many thanks,  I think I have got it sorted now :)
16:03.25RolledGoldannounce_only_user=yes is a user option and not a bridge (you can set the file to play but not the behavior as to when it plays)
16:03.52RolledGoldif i need to set both the user and the bridge that's fine too.
16:04.05SamotRight. It's also on by default.
16:04.22SamotIt's the default behaviour.
16:04.29*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (~tuxd00d@
16:04.38SamotIf you don't want it to announce the user is the only user, you need to set it to no.
16:04.44SamotOtherwise, it's doing what you want by default.
16:05.48[TK]D-Fendertig, Let's see the difference
16:07.17RolledGoldI do want it to announce and it is not if I pass the user with exten => _.,n,ConfBridge(${agent_id},,agent,)
16:07.49RolledGoldif I just use exten => _.,n,ConfBridge(${agent_id}) it plays
16:18.09RolledGoldconfbridge.conf user has announce_only_user=yes yet it does not announce if passed as an arg to ConfBridge.
16:20.37SamotShow a call doing this.
16:20.49infobotpastebin is probably a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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16:30.07RolledGoldone has audio files the other does not
16:33.17Samot-- Executing [2@sc_agent_context:4] ConfBridge("SIP/test1-00000003", "2,,sc_agent,") in new stack
16:33.26SamotYou do not have a sc_agent profile.
16:35.45RolledGoldit's just agent, sorry.
16:36.11RolledGold-- Executing [2@sc_agent_context:4] ConfBridge("SIP/test1-00000003", "2,,agent,") in new stack
16:37.56SamotSo a new call that shows that.
16:38.03SamotBecause your first one didn't.
16:39.52aiksa[LV]btw what is tghe typical reason for "...requested media update control 26, passing it to ..." flood messages
16:39.52aiksa[LV]chnage in timing?
16:40.38M2KGuys has Anyone come accross Retell call recording?
16:41.24RolledGold file plays.
16:41.33[TK]D-FenderM2K, as in?
16:42.04M2Ktheir product range for call recording, analog, isdn, sip
16:42.26SamotRolledGold: I want to see a call that doesn't play it.
16:42.39SamotLike the first one you posted, with the wrong agent profile.
16:42.53SamotSo me a call that is trying to load the proper user profile.
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16:43.45RolledGoldif I load not profile it plays. Add profile, no play
16:46.39RolledGolduser profile [agent] has announce_only_user=yes
16:48.46SamotAgain, that is default to YES
16:48.54SamotYou don't need to have it if that's what you want.
16:49.07Samotquiet=yes <-- Fix that
16:49.28SamotOtherwise you stop all join/leave announcements outside of PINs, etc.
16:49.40SamotIncluding not playing that you're the only user.
16:49.40[TK]D-FenderM2K, if that's a productt then I've nott heard of it
16:50.04RolledGoldquiet is not just leave/enter?
16:50.16SamotIt's the leave/enter announcements.
16:50.22SamotPlaying that you are the only user...
16:50.27SamotIs a enter announcement.
16:50.35SamotIs an enter announcement.
16:52.42Samot;quiet=yes     ; When enabled enter/leave prompts and user intros are not played. ; There are some prompts, such as the prompt to enter a PIN number,  ; that must be played regardless of what this option is set to. ; Off by default
16:52.53SamotIt's right there in your conf file.
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17:15.50RolledGoldThanks Samot.
17:16.01RolledGolddev team is happy with that.
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17:24.08SamotI've actually never configured a conference bridge on Asterisk directly...
17:26.59SamotI've always done it from a *gasp* GUI.
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17:39.32igcewielingI've never setup a confbridge via a GUI.   Seemed terribly complicated.
17:40.00igcewielingI went the easy route and configured them by hand
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