IRC log for #asterisk on 20161023

00:00.15*** join/#asterisk aandrew (
00:00.25aandrewgood evening everyone
00:00.27aandrewbeen years since I've been in here
00:01.43aandrewhas anyone used the Grandstreap DP750 (DECT voip phone)? I've gone thorugh two SPA112s now and there's something between them and the stupid cable modem I have that causes the SPA112 to drop off intermittently and stay that way until I cycle it
00:04.08*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
00:31.35iheartlinuxok, I got my boxes to iax register with each other. I had to add a secret and [remotebox] & username=localbox for both machines, however...
00:32.20iheartlinuxI'm now getting a "no authority found" code 50
00:33.20iheartlinuxI can see the dial attemp from remote machine on the local's asterisk console
00:34.21iheartlinuxmy outgoing extension context is Dial(IAX2/remoteusername:pass@remoteip/extension)
00:46.32drmessanoAre these boxes on dynamic IPs?
00:46.47drmessanoSo why are you registering?
00:46.54drmessanoand why are you authing in the dial string?
00:47.30drmessanoCreate a peer on box A for box b and vice verse, then dial IAX2/peer/ext
00:47.45iheartlinuxtrying to understand iax, tried both ways in dial string. admittedly same error both ways
00:47.55drmessanoNothing to understand
00:47.59drmessanoCreate Peer
00:48.01drmessanoDial it
00:49.32iheartlinuxit seemed that simple when I started. so your saying if I have host & permit, I don't need username & secret?
00:50.07drmessanoI wouldnt recommend doing that
00:50.40drmessanoWhat youre doing isnt just adding a username and secret
00:51.00drmessano1. You dont need to register
00:51.09drmessano2. Auth goes in the peer, not the dial string
00:52.31*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:52.47iheartlinuxI don't have a register statement in [general]
00:53.11drmessano20:31:36 <iheartlinux> ok, I got my boxes to iax register with each other.
00:53.21drmessanoThen dont say that you did
00:53.37iheartlinuxthat's within iax debug on console
00:54.31drmessanoThats not...
00:56.28*** join/#asterisk Synthase_ (uid63346@gateway/web/
00:56.42iheartlinuxI've seen that page
00:57.24iheartlinuxlike you said, I'm using static ip's
00:57.40drmessanoSo leave off the register and put a host/ip in host=
00:57.46drmessanoThe REST you have WRONG
00:58.12SamotAnd you need to either change the permit to be or the IP range you want.
00:58.15drmessanoSo substitute the ONE thing on that page that's different and do the REST
01:01.42SamotEverytime I look a one of iheartlinux's links all I can think is "Hey Mav, you got that number to the trunk driving school we saw? What was it? Truck Masters?"
01:01.54drmessanoHAHAHA.. YES
01:02.07SamotAlso, I enjoy the irony.
01:02.23drmessano"Where'd he go?"
01:02.28drmessano"Where'd who goooooooo"
01:02.32Samot"Where'd who go?"
01:02.44drmessanoHe was laughing at us
01:02.50drmessanoNo, that was me laughing at you
01:03.00Samot"They're close"
01:03.05Samot"How do you know?"
01:03.10Samot"I'm getting a boner"
01:03.27iheartlinuxSamot: lol tnx
01:03.37SamotHollywood and Wolfman were gems in that movie.
01:03.51iheartlinuxI don't watch tv, never seen that ad
01:04.00drmessanoGood lord
01:04.17iheartlinuxnm top gun
01:04.18SamotDude, we're talking about Top Gun.
01:04.25drmessanoIts a movie.. It only won the oscar for the best action movie ever
01:04.36SamotTruck Masters was a school that used to have commercials all over the US back in the 80's.
01:05.02iheartlinuxguess I dont remember it
01:05.45iheartlinuxthe commerical, I do remember the line from top gun though. Didn't pay attention to name until you made mention
01:06.45SamotOh man, AT&T is buying Time Warner?!
01:07.07drmessanoYeah thats going to be fun
01:07.38drmessanoThat means Bugs Bunny is getting DSL
01:08.46SamotSo will the Batcave!
01:08.59SamotAnd the Fortress of Solitude.
01:09.55SamotSo Comcast+NBC, Verizon+Yahoo, now ATT+Time Warner..
01:09.59SamotIf they let it pass.
01:10.48SamotWhat was the point of the Bell Break if in 20 years you let them come back together again?
01:12.36SamotSo it's not a monopoly if a small percentage of big fish eat all the small fish..
01:12.58SamotIt's only a monopoly when the big fish cannibalize each other?!
01:13.15drmessanoThey didnt need to break up AT&T
01:13.21drmessanoJust open up the LD business
01:13.24drmessanothat was the problem
01:13.32SamotOh I know.
01:13.53drmessanoGovernment knows NOTHING about tech
01:13.53SamotI think it was their way of smacking AT&T.
01:14.02SamotBecause they didn't know what to do.
01:14.52drmessanoIt was dumb
01:15.05SamotWell yeah.
01:15.07drmessanoFrom Day 1 the RBOC's where complaining about competing over state lines
01:15.25SamotThey could have opened the CLEC market.
01:15.30SamotAnd the LD market..
01:15.50drmessanoLiterally EVERY OTHER thing other than breaking it up into RBOCs
01:16.03SamotMy theory, they thought breaking them up would make it more competitive.
01:16.16drmessanoIts like murdering your kids because they didnt do their homework
01:16.18SamotBecause it's when they introduced CLEC rulings and shit.
01:16.29drmessanoLike.. You could have umm.. done everything but
01:16.49SamotBecause the RBOCS just got broken into ILECS.
01:16.53drmessanoGround them?  Take away their allowance?  Yell?  Nah, bullet to the head
01:16.55SamotWhich still did the same thing.
01:17.13SamotCLECs were still dependant of the ILECs like they were before the break up.
01:17.51iheartlinuxdrmessano: problem solved tnx
01:17.52drmessanoRemember the toll free numbers for LD?
01:18.02drmessanoor the 10-10 numbers?
01:18.09SamotDial arounds.
01:18.28SamotHaving to have both a local and LD carrier.
01:18.30drmessanoDial 10-10-269 to use Too Sixty Nine
01:18.54SamotRemember when LD was in packages?
01:19.00drmessanoI had my parents change LD carriers twice
01:19.09SamotAnd you had to decide what LD you wanted?
01:19.10drmessanoBoth time we chopped LD by 50%
01:19.19SamotDo you want to call outside of the state?
01:19.23SamotDo you want to call Canada?
01:19.31SamotThat's all extra!
01:19.39drmessanoI had friends in Australias
01:19.40drmessanoI had friends in Australia
01:19.45SamotDon't you remember Toll Calls...
01:19.47drmessanoI called Australia with AT&T LD
01:19.56drmessano$300 for a 60 minute call
01:20.00SamotWhen you called outside the area code.
01:20.08drmessanoSwitched to Sprint, I think
01:20.16drmessano$6 for 60 minutes
01:20.25SamotCouldn't call certain friends because they had a different area code.
01:20.36SamotAnd you're parents would flip over the charges.
01:20.38iheartlinuxI worked at MCI Worldcom
01:20.41drmessanoOh yes
01:20.56SamotTry telling that to the kids these days.
01:21.03drmessano6 miles from here began an extended calling area
01:21.09drmessano25 cents a minute
01:21.24drmessanoRight at the county line
01:21.29SamotBeing stuck in a different area code..
01:21.33SamotAnd having to call home for a ride...
01:21.50SamotWalking around trying to bust up bills for the change it was going to cost.
01:22.18SamotOh pay phones.
01:22.30drmessano$1800 a month for an interstate T1
01:22.36drmessano6 miles
01:22.45drmessanoWhat I did
01:23.02drmessanoGot another circuit on our MPLS
01:23.08drmessano$900 a month
01:23.51SamotOh and the excitement to learn that you were in the 0-mile radius of a CO.
01:24.04SamotBecause then....
01:24.18SamotOH BABY, you could have ANYTHING.
01:24.44drmessanoMy first DSL line was 2 miles to the CO
01:24.51SamotOr move into an office right across the street from a CO
01:24.54drmessanoDSLAM be damned
01:24.58SamotOnly to find out, it's not your CO.
01:25.04drmessanoThey didnt have DSLAMs
01:25.06SamotAnd you're 45,000 from yours.
01:25.35drmessanoI got 1.42 Mb from our DSL
01:25.44SamotWe used to have Copper Mountains in two COs.
01:26.01SamotSo we could do DS0 lines for DSL for customers.
01:26.21SamotWe did both COs in Ann Arbor.
01:26.43SamotSo we covered all of Ann Arbor with "facilities based" DSL
01:27.18drmessanoYou know whats funny
01:27.23SamotATT did all the wiring between the CO and the end user..
01:27.32SamotAnd dropped our end directly to us.
01:27.34drmessanoI had a /r/showerthoughts moment last night
01:28.02drmessanoIn 2001 I shipped a Linksys BEFSR41 router to Australia
01:28.23drmessanoI flew there, got it up and running using some 240 <> 120 volt converter thingo
01:28.34drmessanoI think it was for a power drill or something, but it worked
01:28.49drmessanoI bet I violated a bunch of laws
01:29.01drmessanoLike I should be wanted in AU right now
01:29.04SamotYeah, I just realized..
01:29.12SamotThat for almost 10 years..
01:29.32SamotI had the ability to walk into basically any AT&T and a lot of Century Link COs..
01:29.41SamotIn Michigan.
01:30.04SamotGranted I had like 103423982 badges and dongles for it.
01:30.24SamotHad to file about that much paperwork every 2 years.
01:30.42SamotATT required no less than 4 different badges/dongle combos.
01:30.52SamotFor access in ONE CO
01:31.00gruetzkopfgermany does a lot of CO colo for splitter- based DSL
01:31.14SamotLots of layers of access inside the CO.
01:31.48SamotDown to "You can go in this part but you *have* to have a security escort 100% of the time"
01:32.03gruetzkopf$bigtelco (usually DTAG) owns the CO and the splitter banks and the wires, but is required by law to rent out rooms to providers and patch over last mile
01:32.10gruetzkopffor a fee, of course
01:32.19SamotYes, that's common here too.
01:32.31SamotILECs have to provide access to the CLECs.
01:32.35SamotFor a fee.
01:32.52SamotThat was part of the whole bad choice on the RBOCS here..
01:33.05gruetzkopfand if your ISP is not at your CO, they can get bitstream access to a PoP of their choice
01:33.14Samot30 years ago they were charging out the ass to the CLECs that wanted to use the network.
01:33.27SamotLimiting them, dragging their feet so they couldn't do business right..
01:33.33gruetzkopfwhere $bigtelco terminates the DSL and gives your ISP the bits
01:33.38SamotBut instead of fixing the problem, they just killed the patient.
01:33.51gruetzkopfit's heavily regulated over here
01:34.11SamotDude, it's actually pretty regulated over here.
01:34.29SamotThe FCC payments the CLEC had to make was quite impressive.
01:34.48SamotWe had to pay tax down to the city level in certain states and areas.
01:34.54SamotAnd service fess.
01:34.57SamotAnd service fees.
01:35.07gruetzkopfour FCC equivalent (BNetzA) sets maximum prices for line access
01:35.42SamotDid you know that in California there's about 12 different fees and taxes for telecommunications?!
01:35.45gruetzkopfand if DTAG wants to use vectoring, they'll have to do the bitstream termination for other ISPs essentially for free (plus last mile cost)
01:35.50gruetzkopfthat sounds excessive
01:36.12SamotState, County, City, 911, etc. etc.
01:37.37drmessanoCalifornia is full of liberal idiots
01:37.39SamotI actually think that in the next decade in the US/Canada VoIP will be more regulated.
01:37.53SamotI hope for it.
01:38.06drmessanoHillary is coming for your VoIP
01:38.38gruetzkopfmmh, over here we have 112 (europe-wide emergency number) and 110 (germany-wide police call) , but it's not a seperate tax
01:38.42SamotTrump doesn't know what it is.
01:38.46*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
01:39.13SamotIt depends on the state, county and city over here.
01:40.43SamotBut as far as I'm concerned, right now there are people in their moms basement offering a public utility and there's no one to control them.
01:43.15SamotIt would be like "Billy Bob's Discount Power Company"
01:45.10SamotCrazy Jerry's Gas Utilities. Delivery costs so low, it will BLOW your mind!
01:46.06iheartlinuxcompetiton is bad, screw the free market
01:46.17gruetzkopfmmh, i *do* have most of a siemens EWSD exchange in my mom's basement..
01:46.26SamotNo. Competition is good.
01:46.44SamotPublic Utilities require regulations.
01:47.14SamotVoIP is an alternative to POTS, it's still a public utility.
01:47.32SamotThere is an expectation of what the service will do and provide to you.
01:47.39SamotAt it's core.
01:47.41iheartlinuxsays you, true free market enterprise regulates itself
01:48.23SamotDo you want a certified, regulated doctor?
01:48.28SamotOr do you want, you?
01:48.50SamotThe guy that decided being a doctor was a good deal and just started doing it because you got a "Anatomy for Dummies" book.
01:48.53iheartlinuxGreat example, doctors, certified pill pushers, no thanks
01:49.36iheartlinuxAgain, people are waking up to all kinds of truths that for so long have been regulated by the govment.
01:49.48SamotYou're right. Anyone should be able to do anything as a service to the public without any rules, training or needed knowledge.
01:49.52iheartlinuxThanks to "freedom" of information
01:50.06iheartlinuxdue in part of a deregulated internet
01:50.31SamotWe need a JLaw gif trigger.
01:51.42drmessanoTransparency and regulation are two different things
01:51.49SamotOh wait, the government..
01:51.54drmessanoTheres nothing wrong with rules, it's people following them
01:51.58SamotThat's a good example of expectation of service.
01:52.11SamotWill they tell me the whole truth about something? No. Expected.
01:52.22SamotWill they be doing backdoor deals while saying they aren't? Yes. Expected.
01:53.18SamotLike, how do people think society is going to work without some rules or regulations?
01:53.25SamotWe can barely get along with them.
01:53.42SamotWith people telling us "Hey, get along. Don't kill each other."
01:54.21SamotI have faith in individual people.
01:54.29SamotWhen it comes to the masses..
01:54.46SamotI have faith that mob mentality will take over and it will never be for the good.
02:00.53SamotHere's an /r/showerthoughts for you. What if all the anti-government and anti-system people got their wish? What the hell would they do then?
02:03.15SamotBecause I have yet to ask that question to someone who claims to be either or both of those things and get any real answer.
02:13.13*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
02:50.07lorsungcu20:48:24 <Samot> Do you want a certified, regulated doctor? > you don't need analogies. Just refer to lnb.
03:07.16Samotlorsungcu: Here's one for the feels.
03:07.30*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
03:07.34SamotDog stuck in well for three weeks to be saved because of his doggy pal.
03:10.06lorsungcui'd scratch the shit out of those ears
03:11.49SamotI like labs.
03:13.10lorsungcui like chocolate ones
03:13.22lorsungcublack and yellow i'm not as fond of, appearance-wise
03:13.30lorsungcutheyre all good dogs, though
03:25.07drmessanoZOMG CUBS WIN
03:25.14drmessanoZOMG ZOMG ZO.. Wait
03:25.24drmessanoI forgot, I don't care
03:26.58SamotCubs going to the World Series, Trump running for President..
03:27.01SamotGame over.
03:27.51drmessanoREPEAL OBAMACARE
03:27.55drmessanoBRING BACK H323
03:28.16SamotNext thing is going to be a Milli Vanilli reunion tour wsg Vanilla Ice.
03:29.05drmessanoYeah that cant happen
03:29.56drmessanoRob Pilatus died in 1998
03:30.05SamotOh they would find a way.
03:30.13SamotI mean, the voice is already recorded.
03:30.16SamotAnd not his anyways.
03:30.34SamotThey just need someone to wear spanks and a padding shoulder jacket.
03:34.47SamotEven you could do it. With a wig and the proper lighting.
04:01.42*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
04:13.48spygridcan I muster another 3 hours of trying to get asterisk working, or just ggive up now
04:14.28WIMPyHours? We usually count in years!
04:14.57spygridthat bad eh
04:33.27*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
04:34.20igcewieling177 new faxes.  Hmmm.   I suppose I should kill the runaway script.
04:37.27iheartlinuxigcewieling: are you using hylafaxplus?
04:37.55igcewielingiheartlinux: no, I'm working on an internal faxing script and it has a bug.
04:38.32iheartlinuxcurious, I need to work on hyla myself
04:55.49*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
05:05.55drmessanoHmm Should I install 13.12 rc1 or wait
05:08.35SamotNo, do it.
05:08.44SamotThat way I'll know if I should wait or not.
05:09.13SamotI mean, it should be fine.
05:09.36SamotGo head. Install it.
05:09.41Samotsteps back slowly.
05:31.03SamotJust remember we're each wearing a unlicensed, untested nuclear reactor on our backs.
05:31.15SamotFire me up.
05:49.49*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
06:00.24drmessanoTell him about the Twinkie
06:09.20*** join/#asterisk Marionumber1 (
06:10.43Marionumber1I'm trying to use chan_mobile with my Nexus 5X. It makes the connection just fine, and I can dial outbound, but my calls have no audio. Does anyone with experience using chan_mobile have an idea as to why this may happen? I saw one suggestion online that I need to change the SDP port number.
06:11.10spygridnat setting?
06:12.13Marionumber1Can you elaborate?
06:12.57spygridI vaguely remembering reading a solution to a problem where one side of the call was blank, and the solution was to toggle the nat setting
06:13.12spygridnat=yes or nat=no  iirc
06:13.46spygridIt might not even be related to chan_mobile..
06:14.05Marionumber1Is that a setting in chan_mobile?
06:14.42Marionumber1The nat setting?
06:15.02spygridlooks like its in sip.conf..    Anyone else know?
06:15.25spygridI can barely get asterisk working myself
06:15.46Marionumber1I'm using IAX2, not SIP
06:16.41WIMPyDid you get the tty ports right?
06:17.03WIMPySome dongles create more than two ttys.
06:17.14Marionumber1Do you mean the port number in the chan_mobile settings?
06:17.51WIMPyCan't remember what the parameter is called.
06:18.47Marionumber1Under a phone, there is a param called port
06:19.08WIMPyThere should be two.
06:19.23Marionumber1You specify port=<num> twice?
06:19.51WIMPyYou need a control port and an a data (audio) port,
06:20.06Marionumber1How do I figure out the numbers? Some Bluetooth command?
06:21.11WIMPyOh, shit. Wrong building site. Forget what I said.
06:21.17jkroonthat might help.
06:21.30jkroonit tells you how to find the information you need as well as how to configure chan_mobile
06:21.43WIMPyBut btaudio is a bit of a PITA since they ditched ALSA support.
06:22.44Marionumber1I loaded a Linux driver for legacy OSS support
06:23.19spygridDid the OSS driver improve sound quality?
06:23.41Marionumber1Well, I didn't have something to compare to, since it didn't work until I did that
06:23.45jkroonshees, looking at the versions of things that write-up was a long long time ago.
06:26.44Marionumber1I initially just added my phone into the config and hardcoded the port as 3
06:27.04Marionumber1It seems you're not actually supposed to do that - instead, run "mobile search" to see what the port is
06:27.13Marionumber1But "mobile search" doesn't find anything
06:29.07Marionumber1So I can connect by hardcoding this info, yet not get audio...but searching dynamically for the port fails?
06:29.50drmessanoWhat Bluetooth device are you using?
06:30.54Marionumber1Iogear USB dongle
06:36.19Marionumber1Is the problem that my device doesn't advertise itself as a phone, so "mobile search" fails to find it? But it still supports the handsfree protocol?
06:36.32Marionumber1Just guessing at potential ideas
06:43.24*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
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07:17.50*** join/#asterisk UncleKiwi (~UncleKiwi@unaffiliated/unclekiwi)
07:17.59UncleKiwihey everyone
07:18.03*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
07:19.31UncleKiwiim attempting to use the pickupgroup=1 callgroup=1 but i dont seem to be able to get it to work
07:21.38UncleKiwithe phone that is doing the blindpickup has callgroup=1 and all the other extentions have pickupgroup=1
07:22.12UncleKiwi*8 by default is the key used to do the pickup
07:24.29*** join/#asterisk klow (
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08:06.15tparcinaI have upgraded from asterisk 11 to 13.
08:06.45tparcinaNow there are no CDR's in MySQL database.
08:07.27*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
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08:38.35tparcinaAsterisk 13 can't connect directly to MySQl detabase? It needs to use odbc?
08:51.11*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
08:51.43scvits more advisable to use odbc as it is a single code path that is well tested
08:51.53scvcompared to testing individual db integration modules
08:58.26tparcinascv: TY
08:59.14tparcinaI have installed odbc and now when I try to connect I get this error:
08:59.19tparcinaisql -v asterisk-connector USERNAME PASSWORD
08:59.23tparcina[IM002][unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified
09:02.31*** join/#asterisk klow (
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09:09.25scvtparcina: you have to configure /etc/odbcinst.ini and /etc/odbc.ini
09:10.08tparcinascv: I have configured /etc/odbcinst.ini and I don't have /etc/odbc.ini.
09:10.31scvyou'll have to put your data source in /etc/odbc.ini
09:10.36scvodbcinst.ini is only to define the driver
09:11.00tparcinaOK, now I see...
09:12.24tparcinascv: Do I have to use Socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock if I em connecting to database on another computer?
09:12.48scvno, that's only for local connections
09:13.22tparcinascv: So I just comment this line?
09:13.42scvjust remove it entirely
09:14.29tparcinascv: Now I can connect.
09:15.48tparcinascv: Do I need to add some more fields in MySQL table?
09:16.00tparcina(compering asterisk 11 cdr with 13)
09:16.24tparcina(I have upgraded from asterisk 11 to asterisk 13)
09:26.36tparcinaOK, in asterisk 12 cdr I see some fields that didn't exist in asterisk 11 -
09:32.18tparcinaHow to "upgrade" existing (asterisk 11) table so that I have all fields (start, end...)?
09:37.13spygridtparcina: are you using google voice ?
09:37.25tparcinaspygrid: No.
09:37.32*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
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14:02.50Marionumber1Does anyone have any idea about my chan_mobile question from yesterday?
14:02.57Marionumber1How there's no audio streamed from the phone?
14:09.57*** join/#asterisk giesen (~ggiesen@2001:19f0:0:1019:5400:ff:fe25:bda6)
14:10.36spygridmarionumber1, if you are around for another 48 hours, i may be able to help
14:11.05spygridwhat type of dongle are you using? standard  usb mini/micro?
14:12.46Marionumber1It's a USB micro dongle, made by Iogear
14:14.40SamotShow the results of mobile search
14:14.49spygridso the dongle contains circuitry? its not a normal microusb-usb standard cable?
14:14.57Samoter ~pb
14:15.02infobotextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:15.28Marionumber1Samot: "mobile search" doesn't work
14:15.31Marionumber1spygrid: Yes
14:15.52SamotSo do: module show
14:16.03spygridcan it work with bluetooth  ?
14:16.22SamotProve the module is loaded.
14:16.25Marionumber1spygrid: It is a Bluetooth dongle, and I already have my phone paired. It can make calls, but not get audio
14:16.32Marionumber1Samot: I know it's loaded. Ditto the above
14:17.12SamotSo do you have the adaptor to do this with?
14:17.31spygridodd.. I mean , if I had  NEC bluetooth reciever, it should be wireless, correct?
14:17.54spygridsorry, im not up to speed
14:18.34Marionumber1I'm using a small USB dongle that acts as a Bluetooth host controller
14:19.19SamotShow an outbound call.
14:19.23Samotasterisk -rvvvvvvvvvv
14:20.16spygridMarionumber1, are you able to send/recieve text message?
14:20.36Marionumber1spygrid: I haven't tried to use SMS. I'm only interested in phone calls, and I heard SMS was harder.
14:20.44spygridi see i see
14:21.49spygridMarionumber1, how does your phone know to use Bluetooth to dial call rather than default ?
14:21.50Marionumber1Samot: I'm doing that now
14:21.58SamotOne sec.
14:22.01SamotThere's more commands.
14:22.22Samotcore set debug 1
14:22.27SamotSo do:
14:22.28Marionumber1spygrid: I know it can dial correctly over Bluetooth. The only thing that doesn't work is audio.
14:22.31Samotasterisk -rvvvvvvvvv
14:22.35Samotcore set debug1
14:22.37Samotcore set debug 1
14:22.41spygridMarionumber1, android, right ?
14:23.11SamotAlso show your chan_mobile.conf or whatever the name is.
14:23.50spygridok Marionumber1, ill look into this, you'll probably figure it out before I do, but will help if not
14:24.47Marionumber1Samot: I'll get you both, give me a sec
14:25.00spygridI'm wondernig if its a problem with bluetooth 4.0 rather than  legacy bluetooth
14:27.05Marionumber1spygrid: Hm, that might be the case
14:27.16Marionumber1Do you know if there's a way to force it into legacy Bluetooth mode?
14:27.26spygridnot yet
14:28.09Marionumber1Hm, doing research and I found which says: "NOTE: I've also purchased the IOGEAR Bluetooth 4.0 USB Micro Adapter (GBU521) - I have never got it working"
14:28.19Marionumber1So your guess may indeed be right
14:28.27Marionumber1It says the Bluetooth 2.1 adapter works fine
14:28.32SamotI don't see any debug output.
14:29.01Marionumber1What additional output were you expecting to see?
14:29.18SamotAnything that a debug level 1 would produce.
14:30.45SamotHow do you know what port the phone is on?
14:31.03Marionumber1I used the rfcomm command to connect to various ports
14:31.13Marionumber1When I used 3, the phone indicated it was being used as a phone over Bluetooth
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14:45.32SamotAgain, show a call with proper debug.
14:45.41Samotcore set debug 1
14:46.27SamotIt should output details about the rfcomm between Asterisk and the phone.
14:48.00Marionumber1I did run that command
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14:56.47SamotWell if you did then it didn't output anything, which I would assume means it's not getting anything from the phone.
14:57.11SamotThe call connects to the IAX2 peer and then disconnects because it looks like there's no audio.
14:57.39SamotBut I don't use chan_mobile so I really can't help behind the basics.
14:59.44Marionumber1I hang up the call after several seconds of the IAX2 client being connected to the call
14:59.50Marionumber1*hung up
15:03.19SamotSo you were the IAX endpoint side?
15:05.02Marionumber1Using an IAX2 client, I made a call through my local Asterisk server
15:05.41Marionumber1Oh, here's a possibility. Is there a specific codec I need to use?
15:05.51Marionumber1Like GSM?
15:06.18Marionumber1Or can chan_mobile work with others?
15:07.36SamotI don't know.
15:07.41SamotI don't use chan_mobile.
15:07.46SamotI've never had a need for it.
15:50.41hfpHi, I screwed up and nuked my /etc/ directory. I have rasterisk running from before the nuke, can I somehow get it to dump the *.conf files from memory and recover them this way?
15:58.45WIMPyOnly extensions.conf.
15:59.25[TK]D-Fenderand only if write-protect was disabled
15:59.34[TK]D-Fender(IIRC it is on by default)
15:59.39[TK]D-Fendermight be worth checking
16:00.04[TK]D-Fenderbut this is the moment where you ask yourself why you don't have backups, and how you managed to nuke etc.
16:00.45hfpYeah I know. It's a system I was setting up from scratch, I extracted a gz containing a tree with etc and instead of rm -rf etc I did rm -rf /etc
16:01.17hfphow would I go about dumping extensions.conf?
16:02.03WIMPydialplan save
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17:39.54leachim6hey folks
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18:40.39drmessanoMarionumber1: I never had a problem with Bluetooth 2.1 dongles and chan_mobile
18:41.02Marionumber1drmessano: I believe the issue is my use of a Bluetooth 4.0 dongle
18:41.08Marionumber1I'm getting a 2.1 dongle
18:41.13drmessanoMarionumber1: But also, I did have problems with expensive dongles
18:41.22drmessanoNever had an issue with cheap ones
18:41.49drmessanoOther than you cant use more than 1 cheap one on a system, because they all have the same MAC
18:41.57drmessanoThat was a pain
18:42.25drmessanoThe EDR 2.1 Bluetooth dongles from Ebay worked great
18:45.50drmessanoActually the range on the ebay ones was better than the couple expensive ones I bought
18:47.35drmessanoBack in the day, I had a flip phone with bluetooth.  I could forget it in the car, and it would connect to my box which was on the second floor, through an outside wall and 2 inner walls, in the far corner of my place.
18:48.27drmessanoI would get a call on the home phone with the ring pattern that I had set for the bluetooth calls.. and remember I havent seen my phone in a while
18:48.33drmessanoThere it was.. in the car
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19:20.35adeelanyone have experience with Asterisk in front of Microsoft Lync? i've come across a couple of things online talking about how to integrate the extension dialing; but nothing regarding routing a TN/DID to Lync
19:25.46drmessanoYou would do it the same way
19:26.12drmessanoThere is no difference between a DID and an extension
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20:49.00adeeloh i'm not worried about the asterisk routing, it's more of what does lync expect (i know it uses the tel: URIs for a lot of its crap)
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22:40.14SamotI just ordered McDonalds from the self-serve kiosk. Im not sure if it really improves the experience.
22:40.31SamotI mean outside of human interaction.
22:49.56fileSamot, it seems to take longer
22:50.19filespecifically because the interface is focused around being pretty so the transitions/prettyness take time
23:05.01SamotMeh, wasn't impressed really.
23:05.07SamotIt did seem to take longer.
23:07.42fileit's a useful way to discover ways you can customize and stuff you may not know exists
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