IRC log for #asterisk on 20161012

00:00.03*** join/#asterisk pvoigt (~Linux@unaffiliated/pvoigt)
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01:14.31*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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01:28.46*** join/#asterisk brokensyntax (~quassel@
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01:36.09Mango45[05:31] <Mango45> Is session-expires ignored if session-timers is set to accept?
01:36.15Mango45Answer: No it is not.
01:44.55*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
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07:00.10*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.11.2 (2016/09/09), 11.23.1 (2016/09/08), Standard: 14.0.2 (2016/09/30); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.5.0 (2016/03/28) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
07:07.01*** join/#asterisk hehol (
07:09.56*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
07:12.50*** join/#asterisk KaliLinuxGR (~alexandro@unaffiliated/kalilinuxgr)
07:15.48*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
07:32.57*** join/#asterisk Rasputin3711 (~Rasputin3@
07:39.10*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~mirkob@2a00:1950:400:0:ed2e:8133:7601:c9b)
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08:12.21*** join/#asterisk celer (
08:33.50Rasputin3711Set(GROUP()) - counts channels?
08:40.05ChannelZnot exactly but it can in part be used for that
08:40.48ChannelZGROUP sets the current channel in a group.. and then you can use GROUP_COUNT() to see how many channels are in that group
08:42.01Rasputin3711exten => _101!,1,Macro(limit-group,101,1)
08:42.01Rasputin3711exten => _102!,1,Macro(limit-group,102,2)
08:42.28stefan27Yeah, so if your incoming calls goes through dialplan doing Set(GROUP()=mygroup34) then you could query ${GROUP_COUNT(mygroup34)} to see current number of incoming channels
08:42.56Rasputin3711It will be correct? 101 max to one incomming call?
08:45.43stefan27should work but try it
08:45.46*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
08:54.02jkroonhi all, transcoding problems with asterisk getting stuck after g729 inadequate licenses - do i take that up direct with digium support or discuss here?
08:57.30*** join/#asterisk robmal (
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09:02.30ChannelZwell probably them if your licenses aren't working
09:04.30ChannelZdoes 'g729 show licenses' say plausible things about how many you have?
09:05.45ChannelZor 'show g729' maybe.. I forget
09:06.02ChannelZ(I don't have any so I don't have any g729 modules loaded)
09:07.08*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
09:09.01jkroonChannelZ, client is running out of licenses, but asterisk shouldn't start reporting more active calls than active channels (eg, 140 active channels with 800 active calls)
09:09.20jkroononce we hit that upper 72 limit it's bye bye, need to restart asterisk to recover.
09:09.27jkrooni've sent an email to
09:10.22ChannelZoh I see
09:11.01ChannelZI misread the 'stuck' part of your query
09:11.15jkroonhehe, thanks for reading :)
09:12.18*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:b18:581:10:cd3:170f:3ec7:6e23)
09:48.51jkroonError in my_thread_global_end(): 18 threads didn't exit <-- something to worry about?
10:03.55*** join/#asterisk sekil (
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12:00.12SamotSounds like youre closing the db comnection before threads are closed.
12:17.06*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:37.24*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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14:41.48*** join/#asterisk freebs (~freebs@unaffiliated/freebs)
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16:03.33*** join/#asterisk Hyper_Eye (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
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16:33.29jkroonSamot, asterisk -rx "core restart when convenient" ...
16:34.16*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
16:37.13igcewielingjkroon: I used to have similar problems, but we threw money at it and solved the issue. 8-)
16:41.32jkroonigcewieling, i'm assuming you're referring to the codec issue and not the mysql thread stuff?
16:41.57igcewielingjkroon: yes.  I was partially joking.
16:42.33jkroon:) ... it's been a long day of staring at BGP routing tables ... unfortunately my sense of humour has been somewhat eroded.
16:42.36igcewielingwe bought a couple of sangoma transcoding cards -- expensive, but less so than dealing with codec BS.    Sounds like you have licenes, but they are not being released, is that correct?
16:43.23jkroonthey're working mostly, but once you've tried to exceed the limit you're screwed.  calls doesn't get released.  the codecs doesn't get released.
16:43.38jkroonso core show channels will show higher call count than channel count ...
16:43.58jkroonand even after everybody has hung up their calls it still shows max licenses in use.
16:44.34drmessanoWhich version of Asterisk?
16:50.33drmessanoI guess I am on ignore
16:53.14freebsi think so...
16:55.41drmessanoDoesnt surprise me
16:59.34*** join/#asterisk xnaron (
17:15.26*** join/#asterisk danielyk (
17:16.45danielykHi, our username for an pjsip trunk is an email-adress. How can I type @-character correct for the parser?
17:16.48SamotCould not use g729. You know, it's like 2016.
17:17.14*** join/#asterisk newtonr (RustyNewto@nat/digium/x-knddefowgpqvkzpt)
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17:17.46*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (~TriJetScu@2001:470:e97f:1003:215:5dff:fe07:7608)
17:18.16*** join/#asterisk nanoha-sama (~nanoha-sa@
17:26.19jameswfit is still 1987 in some parts of the world
17:26.57WIMPyNot too bad considering most are stuck in 1992.
17:27.13danielykHi, our username for an pjsip trunk is an email-adress. How can I type @-character correct for the parser?
17:28.06*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (
17:31.39*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
17:41.47drmessanoI don't really see G729 taking off without a G729 Pro iPhone app
17:43.30WIMPyIs G.729 no longer #asterisks darling?
17:44.19drmessanoG729 is hugely popular amongst mom's basement ITSPs
17:44.55drmessanoI use it because I don't have a basement
17:45.16*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
17:45.17drmessanoBut for the most part, bandwidth has become so much less expensive
17:45.30SamotAnd bigger.
17:45.46drmessanoI've stopped deploying ATAs forced to G729
17:46.03drmessanoBecause even crappy home internet has no problem with G711
17:47.38SamotOh yeah
17:49.03SamotSpeaking of basement ITSPs..
17:49.15SamotI find one of your gems when going through my bookmarks.
17:49.38drmessano...and i;m only 14!!!
17:50.13drmessanoDad sells German Shepherd Puppies and wanted to offer something new, so he asked me to learn Trixsterisk
17:50.21drmessanoHere I am!
17:51.06drmessanoI wonder what happened to that guy
17:51.19drmessanoProbably changed his mind and started selling Pokemon GO maps
17:52.18drmessano"So my Dad bought a NUC, right..."
17:53.17SamotSometimes you do wonder what happened to people and what they were "attempting" to do.
17:53.34SamotLike I wonder if Haris ever got *anything* working.
17:53.49SamotOr he's just not here anymore because they fired him.
17:55.24SamotOr the kid last week in #freepbx that decided that last Friday was a good day to learn Asterisk/FreePBX to interview for a job this week to manage a system.
17:55.58SamotOh and that job including updating an FreePBX 2.10/Asterisk 1.8 system.
17:56.10SamotSo that's where he wanted to learn.
17:59.54*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
18:00.39*** join/#asterisk piling (~piling@unaffiliated/piling)
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18:03.14drmessanoIt never ends, I guess
18:05.44SamotIt's not like cramming for a test.
18:05.56SamotWith questions you'll probably never be asked again.
18:14.37*** join/#asterisk dougbtv (~doug@
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18:24.36drmessanoLunch is really tasty cooked over a Samsung phone
18:24.48drmessanoTastes a little metallic, but wow did it heat up fast
18:33.39*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (~y04nn@2a01:e34:ef37:5870:6c4c:d4:9d1d:55d2)
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18:35.24dpI'm trying to find a call recording that should exist, but I can't seem to find through the FreePBX web interface; is there a way I can look directly in the database to find the call information?
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18:56.25danielykI received res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c:878 handle_registration_response: Fatal response '403' received from '' on registration attempt to '', stopping outbound registration
18:57.04danielykDoes Asterisk send REGISTER any more?
19:01.10*** join/#asterisk Synthase_ (uid63346@gateway/web/
19:02.13danielykCan I set "forbidden_retry_interval" to send REGISTER-Requests also if an 403 is received?
19:03.17*** part/#asterisk dp (
19:05.31*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (~y04nn@2a01:e34:ef37:5870:d4c0:15de:a818:6baf)
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20:12.34Samottuxdood: yes.
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20:26.20Samottuxd00d: yes.
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20:53.38igcewielingpolycom phone assembly -> phone model info for anyone who might find it helpful. I created it for an internal project.
20:55.20robmal<3 Thanks!
20:59.38*** join/#asterisk Y04NN (~y04nn@2a01:e34:ef37:5870:e077:ce47:b520:5ea0)
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21:18.25danielykI use PJSIP and Asterisk 13 and migrate currently from chan_sip. In REGISTER-Request there is Contact: <sip:0123456788@>. How can Asterisk use the public IP instead of the private IP?
21:19.43*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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21:20.18danielyk@file Can you say something to this theme?
21:21.07*** join/#asterisk J0hnStee- (~J0hnSteel@
21:22.24filehave you configured it for being behind NAT?
21:25.24danielykNot yet, I have no static public IP. I am able to set local_net, but cannot set external_media_address and external_signaling_address because of the dynamic IP
21:25.47filethey have to be set in order to have an IP address to put in the signaling
21:26.44danielykHow can I do this with my dynamic IP (if my router lost the connection to the ISP, I get an new address)
21:27.06fileit accepts a hostname and will periodically refresh
21:27.26*** join/#asterisk ketas (
21:28.09danielykOh, thats brilliant. I am suprised. So I set local_net to and external_media_address & external_signaling_address to my dyndns service. Right?
21:28.19*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (~cmendes01@
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21:28.42danielykThank you so much!!!
21:45.49*** join/#asterisk freebs (~freebs@unaffiliated/freebs)
21:46.30danielyk@file I get now: [2016-10-12 23:45:58] WARNING[5232]: pjproject:0 <?>: tsx0x7f15d4032 ...Error sending Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f15d406dd70): Operation not permitted
21:50.20[TK]D-FenderSOunds like you're prevented from creating the packet which smells like a firewall issue
21:51.04danielykI am running iptables in front of asterisk. I will deactivate and try it again
21:51.47[TK]D-FenderI'd recommend LOOKING at it before just deactivating
21:52.04[TK]D-FenderNever an excuse to leave your eyes shut and blindly swat at switches
21:52.53danielykI am sMy firewall rules are thought out and tested
21:53.05danielyk*My firewall rules are thought out and tested
21:53.18[TK]D-FenderAnd in the real-world mistakes happen
21:53.29[TK]D-FenderAnd things you didn't think about come into play
21:53.41danielykYes you are right
21:54.28danielykIf I remove external_media_address and external_signaling_address from transports I do not get this warning message
21:55.01danielykthe firewall should not have something to do with that, because I only want to set the correct public contact header
21:55.58[TK]D-Fenderwe aren't seeing what it's trying to put onto the networking stack yet.  No SIP debug to examine
21:56.11[TK]D-FenderAnd no firewall to dump to compare it to.
21:56.31fileand you may also want to check the startup log to see if it was fine with the values provided
21:57.07danielykI think the values should be fine. I checked it with pjsip show transport
21:57.26danielykI have not seen something in the startup log
21:59.12danielykMy provider wirtes following in his technical specification: General procedure for REGISTER Message answered with a 403: General a 403 is an Indication that the user is not provisioned within the HSS. Nevertheless if 403 (Forbidden) has been received as a response to a REGISTER request, a further registration attempts shall be done after 15 sec. In case further 403 responses received with the same URI in the Contact header field
21:59.35danielykI must wait 30-60 minutes to send you an relevant sip trace
22:09.00*** join/#asterisk danielyk_ (
22:13.29danielyk_REGISTER SIP/2.0
22:13.29danielyk_Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj95e320b1-bbcc-4a87-9287-62eac286911d
22:13.29danielyk_From: <>;tag=71922be9-f13f-4fdc-a05b-3a640776677c
22:13.29danielyk_To: <>
22:13.31danielyk_Call-ID: 4a52d382-aa09-4fb6-97b6-e366c3d8ed1e
22:13.31danielyk_CSeq: 6339 REGISTER
22:13.33danielyk_Contact: <>
22:13.33danielyk_Expires: 480
22:13.35danielyk_Max-Forwards: 70
22:13.37danielyk_User-Agent: FPBX-
22:13.37danielyk_Content-Length:  0
22:14.16danielyk_res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c:878 handle_registration_response: Fatal response '403' received from '' on registration attempt to '', stopping outbound registration
22:18.03danielyk_That refers to the note in the technical specifications of my ISP. So I have added added the public hostname to the transports section, get also an 403 Forbidden and the WARNING from asterisk
22:18.29*** join/#asterisk monsterco (~monsterco@
22:23.12danielyk_@file Do you see a mistake?
22:29.49Samotdanielyk: Please do flood the channel with multi-line pastes.
22:29.52infoboti guess pastebin is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
22:29.58Samot^^ Use that.
22:30.15*** part/#asterisk monsterco (~monsterco@
22:31.12Samotdanielyk_: We would need to see the entire attempt. You REGISTER they send back a 401 Unauthorized you send back REGISTER with your creds and it accepts or rejects it.
22:31.16danielyk_Sorry, I will use the service in the future
22:32.48SamotHas the provider told you why they are returning a 403 Forbidden to your requests?
22:33.14danielyk_"In case further 403 responses received with the same URI in the Contact header field REGISTER requests are allowed with a random delay of 30- 60 minutes."
22:33.25SamotThat's not why.
22:33.40SamotThat's a result of multiple 403's.
22:33.59danielyk_my contact header was always the same, because I used my private IP
22:34.24SamotRegistrations don't care if you come from the same IP all the time.
22:34.29SamotOr they shouldn't.
22:34.39SamotThat makes no sense whatsoever.
22:34.41danielyk_General a 403 is an Indication that the user is not provisioned within the HSS.
22:34.59danielyk_That says the specs, but I do not know what "HSS" means
22:35.14SamotHave you actually engaged their support?
22:35.42SamotThey are returning that response for a reason. You need to figure out why and what you or they can do to resolve it.
22:36.03danielyk_Yes, I tried, but the company is tooo big to get an good answer
22:36.47SamotSo no one in that company can tell you why they would return a 403 to your requests?
22:38.41danielyk_My asterisk and the provider works really fine together till my ip changes (because the router e.g. rebooted). Then asterisk sends his REGISTER and get an 403 and say "stopping outbound registration". Then I can wait 30 minutes and send new REGISTER and it works.
22:39.03SamotWell then that's a provider issue.
22:39.58danielyk_I get no one to the telephone, because the normal supporters do not know anything from SIP...
22:40.32SamotSo a SIP provider has a support team that knows nothing about SIP?
22:40.36danielyk_I do not think it is a provider problem, Telekom Germany is too big for that. And with chan_sip it works great...
22:40.38SamotTime to change providers.
22:41.13danielyk_They have their experts but these experts are not at the phone...
22:42.19SamotWell then it must be in how PJSIP is configured for that peer.
22:44.23danielyk_I think that the provider do not let me re-register because I use the same contact header as before the ip changes. So I tried to set external_media_address and external_signaling_address to my dyndns hostname. When asterisk now receives an incoming INVITE, following warning comes up: [2016-10-12 23:45:58] WARNING[5232]: pjproject:0 <?>:     tsx0x7f15d4032 ...Error sending Response msg 200/INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7f15d406dd70):
22:45.33danielyk_Without these both values pjsip works fine (until these 30 minutes delay after ip changes)
22:49.28SamotWell you're contact shouldn't contain the private IP.
22:49.49*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
22:52.06danielyk_Yes, so I added the two values. The REGISTER is with the correct Contact. But Asterisk inbound and outbound calls do not work any more. That sounds like an bug...
22:52.30SamotWell show your pjsip.registrations.conf
22:52.48SamotThen show an actual full REGISTER attempt from start to finish.
22:53.19danielyk_with the private or public IP?
22:53.40SamotAnd the pjsip.transports.conf
22:53.50SamotWith the one that works but you have no aduio.
23:03.36*** join/#asterisk artisangoose (~textual@
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23:06.25SamotThat's the entire register?
23:06.43SamotI thought you said it registered but there was no audio?
23:07.09*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-ijvqdircvnlgajxb)
23:07.26danielyk_Not now, I have to wait 30 minutes
23:07.46danielyk_I send you also a trace from an invite
23:11.47danielyk_That is the INVITE, I cannot find an Forbidden in my terminal, but the call does not worked
23:12.39filewhat happens if you don't set external_media_address?
23:13.18danielyk_It works fine till I lost my public IP
23:13.59danielyk_I can call inbound/outbound without problems (It works like chan_sip)
23:14.20filethen that's the problem of why that error comes up, and PJSIP may not support the scenario under which you are using it fully (with an IP that is changing)
23:15.46*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
23:15.59danielyk_Asterisk have to work if I lost my public IP.
23:22.45danielyk_I have read the issue but do not think that this is my problem
23:23.26fileit's part of the problem
23:25.33danielyk_My problem is that asterisk does not use my external ip correctly (otherwise it would function; it does his job great with the private ip). The issues sounds like, the external ip is not fetched correctly. That is not so, the SDPs contains the right, public ips.
23:25.43*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
23:26.10danielyk_Have you looked into the INVITE? There where my public and private IP in one telegram...
23:26.45fileyour invite contains the hostname in the SDP, which may be the cause of the weirdness with sending response
23:27.59danielyk_Yes, i think that could be the reason for the WARNING during incoming calls
23:28.21danielyk_Is that a bug or something else?
23:41.57*** part/#asterisk danielyk_ (
23:48.40*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (

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