IRC log for #asterisk on 20161009

00:17.44*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
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01:20.33*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:54.41*** join/#asterisk Hyper_Eye (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
03:14.43*** join/#asterisk freexer (
03:14.52freexerWhat is this file?
03:22.58PenguinIt looks like a patch for asterisk certified.
03:23.12*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
04:12.05*** join/#asterisk viro (~viro@unaffiliated/viro)
04:17.17*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
04:36.10freexerIs it a patch for certified 3 or to get certified 2 to certified 3.  It's odd to me if it's a patch for certified 3 because they all have the same date.
04:36.24freexerI'm wondering if I get the latest certified 3 if all the patches are included
05:11.26*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
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05:39.20*** join/#asterisk rickgiant (369dcdea@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:43.57rickgiantI set up an Asterisk IAX2 server on my localhost, using the latest version 13 as of mid-August. The intent was to use it with WarVOX for pentesting purposes. However, WarVOX fails to complete the registration with Asterisk. Looking at IAX2 logs, the client gives the right username, the server issues a challenge, and the client gives the correct challenge response. But then the server returns REGREJ due to "Registration Refused".
05:51.55*** join/#asterisk viro (~viro@unaffiliated/viro)
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07:46.48[TK]D-Fenderrickgiant, You'd have to show us the configs & attempt
08:21.43*** join/#asterisk evilman_work (~evilman@
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09:30.58*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
10:05.47*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
10:28.17*** join/#asterisk Alblasco1702 (
10:34.51*** join/#asterisk marlinc (~marlinc@unaffiliated/marlinc)
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13:19.30*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
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14:10.10*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
14:13.25*** join/#asterisk friedrich (
14:20.41*** join/#asterisk freexer (
14:21.53freexerIs this patch supposed to be applied after extracting 13.8 cert3
14:22.39freexerI find it odd the patch and base were uploaded on the same day.  Does it perhaps bring cert2 up to cert3?
14:25.49*** join/#asterisk friedrich (
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15:18.29*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a01:c844:1446:3a20:224:1dff:fecd:234c)
15:29.03rickgiantHere's a paste of my IAX2 user config, and the IAX2 logs when it rejects WarVOX's registration:
15:29.46rickgiantFor the record, call tokens are also disabled systemwide in my IAX2 config
15:40.15*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
16:03.28*** join/#asterisk _abc_ (~user@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
16:04.29_abc_Hello. I use * with sip, cisco and nortel protocols, and sometimes, rarely, iax2. I disconvered that no iax2 client (ua) is in any recent linux distribution, or *bsd. What is the status of iax2 as ua now please? Search engines did not help much.
16:11.28*** join/#asterisk karelk (~karel@
16:25.28WIMPyHas there ever been any?
16:26.13*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
16:26.42[TK]D-Fenderrickgiant, you have no host line there.  That breaks your entry
16:29.29igcewielingWIMPy: Zoiper supports IAX
16:29.59WIMPyAnd has it ever been available in any distro?
16:30.31igcewielingWhy anyone would use IAX other than in a few very specific situations is beyond my understanding.
16:30.56WIMPyWhy not? It's a pretty decent proticoll.
16:31.03rickgiant[TK]D-Fender: Do users need a host entry too?
16:31.13[TK]D-FenderEVERY section needs an entry
16:31.20*** join/#asterisk themayor (~themayor@unaffiliated/themayor)
16:31.26WIMPyI don't understand why anyone would use SIP. It seem like the worst thing ever.
16:31.32igcewielingWIMPy: Because today SIP has some come far enough to eliminate most reasons to use IAX.
16:31.44WIMPyDefinitely not.
16:32.31rickgiant[TK]D-Fender: So should I set the host to if I want WarVOX, running on the same machine, to register as that user?
16:32.32igcewielingThere is also far, far, far more support for SIP than IAX.   Telephony is tough enough, why make it tougher by using a protocol almost nobody uses anymore.
16:32.57WIMPyIf you want to register you need to set host=dynamic.
16:33.29WIMPyWithout SIP telephony wouldn't be tough.
16:33.33rickgiantAlright, thanks
16:33.33rickgiantI'll try that
16:33.37[TK]D-Fenderrickgiant, No, if you set a FIXED host it will reject all requests.
16:33.52WIMPyAnd the only reason there is so much support for SIP is because it barely works.
16:41.00rickgiantAdding host=dynamic doesn't fix the issue
16:42.37[TK]D-Fendershow us the config and new attempt
16:43.13rickgiantOnly change I made was adding host=dynamic after the other lines in my IAX2 user config. The IAX2 log didn't change, aside from what the challenge value was.
16:43.14[TK]D-Fendertype=user <- wrong type too
16:43.19[TK]D-FenderShoould be friend or peer
16:43.30rickgiantWhat is user for, then?
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16:48.16rickgiant[TK]D-Fender: Why wouldn't type=user be correct?
16:56.44[TK]D-FenderYou can't Dial() a user
16:56.56[TK]D-Fenderthat' is a one-way relationship
16:58.10rickgiantI was under the impression that friends and peers were meant to be used for connections to other IAX2 servers
16:58.14rickgiantSo that's not the case?
17:03.19rickgiantWait, [TK]D-Fender: Currently, in my dialplan, I have "exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Motif/google/${EXTEN},,r)" to make my calls go through Google Voice? Are you saying I also need another line to make it accept calls from IAX2 clients?
17:03.37*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
17:05.03[TK]D-FenderAnd I haven't heard feedback from what we told you to do
17:05.44rickgiantI'll try friend and peer, but I wanted to ask why they were necessary first
17:06.09igcewielingrickgiant: in the Asterisk SIP world peer and user are more or less combined in type=friend.  use type=friend for almost everything.   I don't know if those changes made it into chan_IAX, but I doubt it.
17:12.36rickgiantAlright, changing to type=friend seemed to fix registration
17:12.41rickgiantNow the error I get is "Unable to negotiate codec"
17:16.27igcewielingdisable g729
17:16.58rickgiantIs that known to cause issues?
17:23.01igcewielingrickgiant: do you have a g729 license?
17:24.30rickgiantNo. Anyway, I enabled all codecs except g729, and WarVOX seems to work now. Thanks for all of your help, everyone who replied!
17:31.37*** part/#asterisk rickgiant (369dcdea@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:31.31*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
18:52.23*** join/#asterisk axisys (~axisys@unaffiliated/axisys)
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19:41.02*** join/#asterisk _abc_ (~user@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
19:41.58_abc_Hello. I asked before, are iax2 ua's considered deadware? I have not seen it in any linux or bsd distribution in 10 years. Is iax2 abandonware for ua use now? It would be a pity. Links/comments welcome.
19:42.18*** join/#asterisk friedrich (
19:42.44WIMPy_abc_: You haven't told us if you have ever seen it in any distro. I haven't.
19:43.05WIMPyAnd I think many here think IAX is completely dead.
19:47.05_abc_Well I am using it in a closed lab/old machines context.
19:47.23_abc_Why was it "killed"? Looked like an okay protocol especially wrt firewall crossing.
19:47.29*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
19:47.51WIMPyYes. It probably eorked too well. Bad for support.
19:49.45_abc_Bad for support? You mean official support?
19:50.12WIMPyNo, like no need for support.
19:50.46_abc_It works okay here eh. Never had trouble with iax/iax2
19:51.02_abc_Anyway, is there an "official" position on this?
19:51.05WIMPyWorks very well for me too.
19:51.29_abc_It's just that compiling it has become tedious. The audio device assumptions it makes are not reasonable now.
19:52.17*** join/#asterisk woose (~woose@unaffiliated/woose)
19:52.29WIMPyThe only thing I know is the very interesting comment on the Digium Phone pages.
19:52.34WIMPyCompile what?
19:57.03wyoungWIMPy: IAX2 is still alive right?
19:59.32_abc_WIMPy: compile a iax2 compatible ua, like iaxcomm
19:59.43_abc_WIMPy: can you link to the comment please?
20:00.47WIMPyI can't access digium pages from here. It was in the phones FAQ IIRC.
20:00.50_abc_ very cool and about time.
20:01.11_abc_WIMPy: okay, any keywords you remember I can look up?
20:02.07WIMPyiax support
20:03.22_abc_ hmm also related obliquely
20:04.29WIMPyThat's pretty old.
20:05.31WIMPyThat was fixed in 1.4 and 1.6.1. That's a lot older than 2015.
20:05.35_abc_I can't find anything. WIMPy what employer do you have that they don't let you access digium eh.
20:05.56_abc_WIMPy: I think it's a new one. Anyway anecdotic and unrelated to what I am looking for.
20:06.12WIMPyI surf anonymousely.
20:06.32_abc_So you hope.
20:07.07WIMPyNo, not really.
20:07.34WIMPyBut I can't access web servers that require authentication.
20:09.45WIMPyAsking google, I get the feeling that comment has vanished.
20:26.43WIMPyDoesn't seem that clear. Otherwise we wouldn't discuss it.
20:26.55*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
20:28.21_abc_iax2 is fine as a * to * trunking protocol but there are precious few ua's for linux using it.
20:28.53WIMPyWell, there's clearly one thing missing in IAX: Subscriptions.
20:29.24_abc_It's not missing. It's a 1:1 protocol per session. A connected session is a 'subscription'.
20:29.29WIMPyBut if they were added, it would be the obvious choice for everything.
20:29.39*** join/#asterisk axisys (~axisys@unaffiliated/axisys)
20:30.07WIMPySubscriptions for BLF type information.
20:30.29_abc_I'd just like to have one port to tunnel and secure in vpn's etc, iax2 does that, sip is like herding cats or teaching pet rocks to dance.
20:30.50*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
20:38.32lorsungcu_abc_: what?
20:39.25lorsungcuthat is a bizarre statement to make; sip isn't some magical protocol with unknown bits of traffic flying around and appearing out of nowhere
20:40.31WIMPyNo, but SIP alone is pretty useless.
20:40.46lorsungcuwalks slowly away
20:44.38*** part/#asterisk axisys (~axisys@unaffiliated/axisys)
20:45.36_abc_SIP ua's are full of features which make them very hard to remote set up and operate in ways which do not lead to leaky situations before too soon.
20:45.59_abc_Also one needs at least a half dozen ports open even if well defined.
20:46.48_abc_h.323 is a little like that too. One prefers irl one port, at most say two. All commercial voip protocols use such a simplified arrangement.
20:46.54_abc_(excepting sip)
20:47.36_abc_unistim, sccp etc all work on one port for all signalling and data, per pbx registered to, normally.
20:48.04_abc_Additional streams can be opened by clients / phones for media and other things but the basic setup is one port per phone.
20:48.54_abc_ seems to work with iax2. Or not. Still reading.
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23:34.56*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)

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