IRC log for #asterisk on 20161004

00:01.42*** join/#asterisk pdugas (
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07:40.59*** join/#asterisk Rasputin3711 (~Rasputin3@
08:06.23*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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08:31.25*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
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10:09.39*** join/#asterisk vadim1024 (
10:11.52vadim1024hello i need some help with chan_dahdi.conf
10:16.15*** join/#asterisk thiagoc (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc)
10:30.09*** join/#asterisk clopez (
10:48.52vadim1024hello i need some help with chan_dahdi.conf
11:06.58*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
11:10.45Samotvadim1024: I don't use DAHDi but you're better off actually detailing the issue you are having. That way when someone checks in on the channel they can see the issue and might be able to help.
11:13.19vadim1024i have 2 T1 cards and here is my chan_dahdi.conf:
11:14.12vadim1024I want to merge all channels into one group
11:14.46SamotDon't flood the channel.
11:14.49infobotsomebody said pastebin was a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
11:15.33vadim1024Sorry, wilco next time
11:26.55*** join/#asterisk friedrich (
11:33.24*** join/#asterisk tirej (~tirej@
11:35.00*** join/#asterisk brokensyntax (~quassel@
11:38.36vadim1024hello, i have 2 T1 cards, here is my chan_dahdi.conf: and i want to merge all channels in one group... How i should modify my conf file?
12:20.31*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:21.07[TK]D-Fendervadim1024, change the group #
12:25.48*** join/#asterisk brokensyntax (~quassel@
12:29.06SamotSee, someone would come along and be able to help.
12:38.47vadim1024[TK]D-Fender You mean to change group = 2 to group = 1.
12:40.06[TK]D-FenderYou want them in the same group.... so it'd be nice if you picked the same group....
12:40.11WIMPyOr just remove it.
12:40.37vadim1024[TK]D-Fender, ok thanks
12:40.47WIMPyAs settings are inherited until changed, you can remove everything between the two channel lines.
12:49.35*** join/#asterisk ruied (
13:02.40*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:05.36*** join/#asterisk tirej (~tirej@
13:05.38tirejhi everyone
13:10.58*** join/#asterisk tikun (
13:15.00tikunI have three POTS lines on a server I just recently got working to route all inbound calls on those physical lines over to the existing pbx via an IAX2 trunk, that was simple.. now I need to utilize those lines for outbound calls as well, how exactly would I set up an external pbx to use those phone lines for outbound?
13:16.30tikunI have a trunk atm configured to utilize dahdi channel 1, and what not, just not sure how I'd connect an outbound call over the IAX2 trunk, to then connect to that outbound trunk.
13:17.34ruiedI'm trying to make a cron job to play a message hourly to asterisk sip phones (with paging).  I'm trying from cli to start with. I can do  "channel originate sip/23 application Playback  tt-monkeys" directly to a sip phone (so I can make a cron later on) but do not know how I can set an Alert Info at cli originate before, so the phone automatically answers the phone...
13:17.40WIMPyEvery call has an inbound and an outbound leg. The peers may swaitch roles, but it's always the same.
13:18.18WIMPyruied: Use the dialplan.
13:25.18[TK]D-FenderAnd dial that as a Local channel
13:25.57ruiedWIMPy, I have tried that and it works partially. From cli asterisk is reporting error from /dev/desp (that I don't need). Tryed also to /dev/null. I only need one way sound from asterisk (playing tt-monkeys for example) to the paging phones.
13:26.10tikunok, so just create an inbound route on the iax/pots server, and have it match the incoming DID and then just dial out using the dahdi trunk with the correctly channel?
13:27.18tikunwith the correct channel**
13:28.12infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
13:31.17ruiedthe problem seems that asterisk is expecting to receive sound and it keeps reporting error. Might need one way calling/audio or something like that...
13:32.14WIMPyNot sure what you're talking about.
13:34.37[TK]D-Fender"seems that asterisk is expecting to receive sound and it keeps reporting error" <- beyond this you haven't told us about an actual problem.
13:35.37*** join/#asterisk bhans (~bhans@unaffiliated/bhans)
13:36.42ruied[TK]D-Fender, that is the only problem. after Dial the paging extension, asterisk keeps reporting the error until I restart it. And after the first paging I can't do another one until I restart *.
13:36.56ruiedSorry, my english is not very good... :)
13:37.21ruiedAnd * also not very good... :)
13:38.29[TK]D-FenderYour approach also makes no sense
13:38.37[TK]D-FenderWho told you to use console dial?
13:38.41[TK]D-FenderNone of us did
13:39.10[TK]D-FenderUsing Page() for a single device is pointless as well.
13:39.26[TK]D-FenderAnd you have 2 extens at priority 1
13:40.16[TK]D-FenderThere is no part of that pastebin that is right.
13:40.23Rasputin3711Hangup() and Hangup(17) is the same? or what is the default code for Hangup()
13:40.49SamotWhat do you mean default code?
13:41.49*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
13:41.49*** mode/#asterisk [+o cresl1n] by ChanServ
13:42.21SamotSo you want to issue a hangup that is?
13:42.26ruiedIt's a first try. I would like to make a cron job at 18:00 asterisk sends a page to a group of phones with a Playback "Office closed". I have tried with console dial, so later I could set a cron job with something like /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "console dial D_D@root"
13:42.26SamotThere is no "default code"
13:43.04[TK]D-Fenderruied, ORIGINATE <- Or call files
13:43.48[TK]D-FenderThere is no console.  You aren't using a sound device on CLI as a softphone.  "console dial" is NOT what you want
13:45.46ruied[TK]D-Fender, .call file makes sense....
13:45.52WIMPyRasputin3711: The default is 16 or whatever has been set by Dial().
13:46.07SamotWell it depends on how the call is handled.
13:46.16Samot16 is if the call is answered and hangs up.
13:46.20SamotNormal call clearing.
13:46.26ruiedmore sense than what I was trying... :)
13:46.29SamotBut if the user is busy, it's going to be 18
13:47.12Rasputin3711GROUP_COUNT if more than 2, i want to hangup with busy
13:47.23SamotIf you issue HangUp(18) it will hang up and send a 486.
13:47.38SamotOh backwards.
13:47.41Samot18 is 408.
13:47.45SamotNo response.
13:47.47[TK]D-Fenderjust call Busy() then Hangup()
13:47.51[TK]D-FenderShould do it by itself
13:47.55SamotCan do that too.
13:48.18WIMPyNo need to duplicate things.
13:48.43SamotBut there is no default code because it's dependant on how the call was handled.
14:05.20equilibrioAnyone here familiar with CiscoPAGE and the cisco manager patch for asterisk? I am trying to only intercom one phone and be able to hear what the person says to me. Ciscopage goes only one way since its paging a lot of phones. Also, I cant setup an intercom line. FreePBX + cisco phones doesnt like that (a second line). As of now I have put that in the config files to page phones. Is there a command I can put to page and hear? ext
14:05.48equilibrioexten => 1011,1,SIPCiscoPage(1001&1002&1003&1004&1005,ov(75)d(From ${CALLERID(number)})) sorry
14:08.30*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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14:11.42*** join/#asterisk DivideBy0x0 (~DivideBy0@unaffiliated/divideby0x0)
14:12.11[TK]D-FenderWhere do you see this app at all?
14:16.06equilibrioits patch from
14:16.08[TK]D-Fenderor the one you named in your sample
14:16.08equilibrioworks good
14:16.28equilibriothe info is here:
14:16.39equilibrioshow how to do unicast and multicast paging
14:17.05equilibrioit tells you you can add an intercom line to the cisco phone, but doesnt work, FreePBX doesnt allow the cisco phone to register 2 times (2 extensions)
14:17.25equilibriothe intercom needs a phone to register its primary extension + an intercom line and both have credentials
14:17.26SamotThat has nothing to do with FreePBX.
14:17.36equilibrioSamot: thats what I wanted :P to be stopped and know what im doing wrong
14:17.38SamotChan_SIP doesn't like more than one registration.
14:17.43equilibrioSamot: ok :P
14:17.57SamotUnderstand how it works before determining the issue.
14:18.05equilibrioSamot: can I register a second line in any way
14:18.23SamotYes, PJSIP.
14:18.28equilibrioThing is we are a small shop and I do pretty much everything, everything is setup, everything works, just that intercom thing...
14:18.50equilibrioill try pjsip then, maybe it will solve the problem, but I remember having problem using it with those Cisco 9971 phones
14:19.03[TK]D-FenderSamot, No.
14:19.13[TK]D-FenderSamot, That's 2 DIFFERNT regs on the same phone
14:19.17[TK]D-Fendernot the SAME account
14:19.23SamotYeah, nevermind.
14:19.31SamotBut really..
14:19.36SamotGet real IP phones.
14:19.40[TK]D-Fender<equilibrio> it tells you you can add an intercom line to the cisco phone, but doesnt work, FreePBX doesnt allow the cisco phone to register 2 times (2 extensions) <- Sur it does.
14:19.58[TK]D-FenderIf your phone is registering properly then * doesn't care
14:20.09SamotYeah, I read that wrong.
14:20.24equilibrioshould I put the credentials in the conf files?
14:20.33SamotYou're using FreePBX.
14:20.34equilibriobut the intercom line and not make a new extension in freepbx
14:20.37SamotThat's what the GUI is for.
14:20.46equilibriook let me try it
14:20.57SamotOr get real SIP phones.
14:20.59equilibrioyou gave me some faith :P
14:21.03SamotThat can do this without patches.
14:21.13[TK]D-FenderTelephony is not faith-based
14:21.26SamotPreach on.
14:21.29equilibrioits not me, its my boss who wanted cisco, we called cisco and they said for around 5000$ we should get a good system, we bought 5  phones and did the rest
14:21.31equilibriocost 800$
14:21.33WIMPyNo, but VoIP is.
14:21.41SamotThere are Cisco IP phones.
14:21.47SamotThe SPA series.
14:21.59equilibrioyes  I know, but he wanted that model lol
14:22.01equilibriowhat can I do :P
14:22.14SamotExcept you bought phones that are designed specifically for Cisco's UCM.
14:22.22SamotThat's why they wanted you to buy the whole system.
14:22.28equilibriohence the cisco usecallmanager patch
14:22.32equilibrioyes I know
14:22.40equilibriobut still, 70$ per license and 60$ per voicemail
14:22.42equilibrioper phones
14:22.44equilibrioits a rip off
14:22.46SamotNo one I have seen has yet to get these phones to operate at a 100% on non-UCM environments.
14:22.51equilibrioi understand how they make money now
14:23.11SamotOr you could have gotten a Cisco SPA5xx phone for like $150..
14:23.17SamotAnd all this would already be supported.
14:23.17equilibrioSamot: I know, but I got all the buttons working good plus I can make apps in php, its all possible, but takes time
14:23.27equilibrioyou are right
14:23.57Samotand you wouldn't be wasting time and *money* to save *money* on phones that don't work right with your setup.
14:24.47equilibrioWell video, paging, parking, voicemail, forward all, transfer, everything works, for what we need, just not the intercom which I am trying to fix :P
14:24.56equilibriobut yes, CUCM have much more features
14:24.58equilibriothats for sure
14:24.59Samot"We saved $300 with these phones but it cost $400 to make them work. WIN!"
14:25.13equilibriowell im not the one paying you know :P
14:25.24SamotThose are no phone features.
14:25.29equilibriovideo too
14:25.44Samotcall forwarding is no a phone feature.
14:25.52Samotparking is not a phone feature.
14:25.57equilibrioanyways, i should try the spas yep
14:28.31*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-nneqfjbzevsxobqf)
14:31.08jrunany oneliner to check if the rtp stream is passing through the server?
14:31.35jrunor it's run locally between endpoints on a particular lan.
14:33.13SamotDo you have directmedia set to yes or no?
14:37.07*** join/#asterisk axisys (~axisys@unaffiliated/axisys)
14:38.02SamotSo then it will direct the media between the endpoints.
14:38.07SamotAnd no be involved.
14:38.12SamotAnd not be involved.
14:38.44jrunand see 'media will flow directly between them'
14:38.59jrunbut i see the same thing when direct_media is set to no also!
14:39.12SamotWhat do you mean?
14:39.35[TK]D-Fenderis no seeing configs or anything resembling proof
14:39.36jrunin console i see that msg saying, effectively, media is direct
14:40.26*** part/#asterisk axisys (~axisys@unaffiliated/axisys)
14:41.16jrunregardless of direct_media being set to 'yes' or 'no'
14:43.23[TK]D-Fenderis not seeing configs or anything resembling proof
14:48.33*** join/#asterisk fullstop (~fullstop@
14:48.48fullstopAnyone else use here?  inbound calls are borked.
14:49.55[TK]D-FenderShow us
14:53.14fullstopthey've acknowledged it now.
14:55.23*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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14:57.24*** join/#asterisk bhans (~bhans@unaffiliated/bhans)
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15:15.23DivideBy0x0fullstop: flowroute is saying the same thing
15:15.43fullstopwonder what happened..
15:19.15fullstopvonage, flowroute, broadvoice, and are all affected.
15:21.52NivexI'm hearing scuttlebutt that it's an issue with Level3
15:22.58SamotIt's L3
15:27.05fullstopthe blobs keep growing.. haha
15:33.01*** join/#asterisk sh_smith (
15:36.54Kobazaaaaaand it's down
15:37.03Kobazif you zoom out most of the way
15:37.08Kobazthe blob looks like it's covering the entire US
15:46.20Kobazi updated the map for you guys
15:51.55*** join/#asterisk bhans (~bhans@unaffiliated/bhans)
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16:06.20*** join/#asterisk dasjoe (
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16:47.04*** join/#asterisk sh_smith (
16:55.08*** join/#asterisk Callcenter (
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17:18.35*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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17:31.10scvoh boy
17:32.49scvhitting some memory leak in one of 100 instances all running the same binaries, similar configs
17:32.52scvtime to dig :/
17:44.59*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
18:00.28drmessanoL3 probably powers their routers with Duracell batteries
18:03.54*** join/#asterisk roost (~roost@unaffiliated/roost)
18:22.54*** join/#asterisk mooasaurus (
18:24.14mooasaurushi, I'm looking for a way to forward a call to a number using a call file once the call is answered, is there a application available that would allow me to do this?
18:26.34SamotWhy would you answer the call then forward it?
18:27.54mooasaurusis it necessary to go into why? I could think of a number of reasons
18:28.08SamotWell yes.
18:28.24SamotBecause it would help understand what you are trying to do and if this is actually the best way to do it.
18:28.45SamotBecause once a call is answered, it's answered.
18:29.15scvanybody have suggestions on tracking down this leak?
18:30.31mooasauruscall file is set up to dial out to a group number, once someone answers the call it will then forward it to a different group... eg. in the event you created a click-to-call script that called several people and wanted to be connected with whoever answered it
18:31.00SamotWhy would it forward the answered call?
18:31.33*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
18:31.44SamotBecause you would initiate a Dial() that would call all the destinations..
18:31.49SamotAnd the first one to answer it, gets it.
18:32.34mooasauruswouldn't that defeat the purpose of a click-to-call script if you're wanting to forward the answered call to a different group number?
18:32.35SamotBut why would you send me a call and when I answer it, take it away from me?
18:32.48SamotThat's kinda mean.
18:33.06SamotWho answered the call?!
18:33.30SamotIf you send a call to group1 with five people and one of them answers it, why would you forward it to group 2?
18:33.33mooasaurusI don't understand, if you create a call script and someone answers it, it will just hangup unless you do something else with it right? isn't that mean?
18:33.46SamotThat's not how it works.
18:33.58SamotDial() sends the call.
18:34.00SamotI answer it.
18:34.04SamotThe call is in progress.
18:34.15mooasauruswith who..?
18:34.25mooasaurusthat is not how my asterisk box is set up
18:34.34SamotSo you want to call two parties and bridge the call together.
18:34.50mooasaurusI suppose, if we're on the same page
18:34.57mooasaurusoriginate is the application?
18:35.01SamotYou use Originate to initial the call to the agent..
18:35.23SamotThen you can play a "To connect" message..
18:35.30*** join/#asterisk bhans (~bhans@unaffiliated/bhans)
18:35.36Samotand dial the other party.
18:35.59mooasaurusso the call has to be initiated by the first party by pressing something?
18:36.08mooasaurusit can't just automatically try the second number?
18:36.16SamotIt can.
18:36.22mooasaurusthen why play the message?
18:36.34SamotI was just theorizing.
18:36.49mooasaurusok so can this be done strictly from a call file?
18:37.06SamotYou tell it what context to execute when the call is answered.
18:37.11SamotSo you dial the agent..
18:37.16SamotThey answer..
18:37.28mooasauruscould you point me to a example? I would really appreciate it..I'm sorta new to asterisk
18:37.29SamotIt executes the context, which can dial the other party.
18:38.33SamotYou click to call script will need to build the call file and then move it into the outgoing call spool.
18:39.43mooasaurusso for application, I would use originate, I can't use context again can I?
18:40.13SamotYou can use AMI and the Originate command.
18:40.26SamotIt will contain all the same details as the call file.
18:40.53mooasaurusAMI is not configured on my asterisk box, I thought you said this could all be done from the call file
18:41.01SamotIt can be.
18:41.28SamotI just said, your click to call script will need to build the call file and then move it into the outgoing call spool.
18:41.49mooasauruscool, I understand that part, just not the part of what actually needs to be in the call file to accomplish this
18:42.08Samotsearch: callfiles
18:42.33mooasaurusthis is why I'm asking for a example, because the wiki is not telling me, trust me I'm looking
18:42.42mooasaurusI'm reading the originate function right now
18:42.45SamotIt's how I learned.
18:42.49SamotNo, read callfiles
18:42.55SamotLook for callfiles
18:43.55mooasaurussorry I was reading voip-info's page...let me look at this page
18:44.35mooasaurusso, I would use the originate application and data for it's arguments? is outdated
18:46.11mooasauruswould the arguments be in a "blah,blah,blah" form factor in the call file?
18:47.41mooasaurusData: sip/1234,app/ext??,etc
18:49.55mooasaurusstill so confused..perhaps it's the terminology but I'm still not seeing how to accomplish this
18:53.57[TK]D-Fenderforget "data".  use Context,Exten,Priorirty
18:54.11[TK]D-FenderAnd forget Arguments while you're at it
18:54.47[TK]D-Fenderit calls Channel: (just like AMI Originate).  Nor args, etc.  SO pick your channel type based on what you need to plan for (Local channels for headers, etc if required)
18:54.59[TK]D-FenderTthen dumps the callee into the dialplan where you tell it to.
18:57.19mooasauruscan that accomplish a outbound call?
18:57.32[TK]D-Fendertaht is what it does
18:57.52mooasaurusso extension would be the 11 digit number?
18:58.25[TK]D-FenderNo, Extension: is where in the DIALPLAN the Channel: will be dumped once it answers
18:59.18[TK]D-FenderTher is no assumption of what that value will be.
18:59.54mooasaurusyeah, so does it need to be configured in extensions.conf or something?
19:00.03[TK]D-Fenderyes, that's what the dialplan is
19:00.16mooasaurusI'm trying to do this without any configuration what so ever other than the call file itself
19:00.47[TK]D-FenderWell * needs more files than just that obviously.
19:00.49mooasaurusbecause if I could get this working, the asterisk box would be serving more than just the purpose of this
19:00.57[TK]D-Fenderyou need to understand your dialplan basics
19:01.13[TK]D-FenderNot sto say you need anything commplex for this
19:01.20[TK]D-FenderNot to say you need anything complex for this
19:01.26[TK]D-Fenderneeds a new keyboard....
19:01.32WIMPyWell, you don't NEED a dialplan for originate.
19:01.34mooasaurusI see that
19:01.55*** join/#asterisk bhans (~bhans@unaffiliated/bhans)
19:02.29mooasaurusyeah so how do I not use a dialplan with originate
19:02.34[TK]D-Fendercalls files dial the Channel: (the same formatting as you'd put in a Dial()), then dumps them into the dilaplan.
19:02.47[TK]D-FenderIf you want to take that first leg and call out ... then CALL OUT with another Dial()
19:02.47WIMPyBy using an application instead of an extension.
19:03.24[TK]D-FenderYou could maybe use Application:Dial direct, but you lose any followup capabilities completely.
19:03.44mooasaurusWIMPy: so you would specify multiple application: fields?
19:03.49[TK]D-Fenderand ther is no point in losing that by starting that way when 1 simple pattern can get what you need if you';re using the same resourse to dial out, etc
19:04.00[TK]D-Fender<mooasaurus> WIMPy: so you would specify multiple application: fields? <- No.
19:04.02WIMPyNo. There is no multiple anything.
19:04.04[TK]D-FenderApplication is ONE
19:04.13[TK]D-FenderIf you want more, then you use what I told you already
19:04.52[TK]D-FenderYou have 2 choices : Single dialplan app, or get dummped to a specific extension in the dialplan
19:05.30mooasaurusand both require a dialplan pre-configured?
19:06.01WIMPyThat's what I said.
19:06.26mooasaurusjust figured I'd ask again because, I know you mentioned it, I'm still failing to see how it's done without a configured dialplan
19:07.17mooasaurussorry for being ignorant, I've barely used asterisk, I just need it for this simple thing
19:07.18WIMPyWe just told you. You send the channel to apllication Dial (or whatever).
19:07.52WIMPy"simple" and "Asterisk" to go along too well.
19:07.53mooasaurusso...application: Dial, data: number?
19:07.57[TK]D-Fender<WIMPy> By using an application instead of an extension.
19:07.57[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> You could maybe use Application:Dial direct, but you lose any followup capabilities completely.
19:08.07[TK]D-FenderWe've said it multiple times.
19:08.19mooasaurusYES but what you're failing to tell me is the specifics
19:08.39[TK]D-Fender2 choices : Applicatio + Data, **** OR **** Context, Exten, Priority
19:08.40WIMPydata is the same you'd give to Dial() in the dialplan.
19:08.41mooasaurusyou're saying application: dail, ok, where do I put the outbound number?
19:08.57[TK]D-FenderIN THE DATA
19:09.07mooasaurusCOOL, thanks guys I will give that a shot
19:09.12mooasaurusappreciate the help
19:12.34mooasaurusworked perfectly, thank you
19:33.36Kobazhow do you set a sip error for hangup
19:33.40Kobazyou can do like, Hangup(cause)
19:33.48Kobazbut what about the actual 5xx or 4xx message
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20:02.33testoanyone know of any linux GUI dialer tools that can dial a number and then forward that call to an extension?
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22:44.29monstercoHi everyone; how can I upgrade from Asterisk 13 to 14? just do ./configure, make menuselect, make, make installm make config ?
22:47.26gtjosephmonsterco: Basically, that's it BUT you should read the UPGRADE.txt and CHANGES files to make sure something that you rely on hasn't changed.
22:47.40gtjosephand of course...TEST
23:38.04*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@
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