IRC log for #asterisk on 20160919

00:00.21*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
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03:52.36mbelloHello. I am experiencing the PJSIP bug described here
03:52.47mbelloIt also exists in 13.11.2
03:53.42mbelloI just posted a backtrace there, should I also file a bug report?
03:54.30mbelloBacktrace is here:
03:55.21mbelloI have the machine on right now, if there is any further debugging I could do I am here to help getting the data to help debug it.
04:26.26*** join/#asterisk moke (~moke@unaffiliated/moke)
04:26.58mokeQuick question. How do i prevent outbound calls (to a DID on my system) from routing out to the SIP trunk, and then back in?
04:27.30mokefrom the CDR it looks like the outbound calls to our primary number result in the call leaving to flowroute, and then come back in flowroute, billing us twice for the call.
04:27.55mokeis there a way i can make inbound rules work on outbound calls?
04:30.03SamotYou need to setup a custom trunk.
04:31.03SamotYou need the custom trunk and then you match on the DIDs you want to handle the route for.
04:32.00SamotRoute those DIDs to the custom trunk and when calls go out the custom trunk it treats it like an inbound call and routes that way.
04:34.23Penguinmoke: Fix your extensions.
04:36.30SamotWhy would he need to fix his extensions?
04:37.04PenguinBecause he's complaining about something that is directly controlled by the extensions.
04:37.56SamotYou mean when the extension dials 1NXXNXXXXXX and it matches and routes out the trunk like a regular call would?
04:37.59mokeSamot, so im thinking the custom dial string would be PJSIP/$OUTNUM$ ?
04:38.00Penguin"routing" is determined by a Dial() and a SIP peer.  It's controlled by the extension that has matched the called number.
04:38.27Samotmoke: No.
04:38.52PenguinYour question doesn't make any sense to me.
04:39.20SamotHe's saying that when a user on the PBX calls a DID that the PBX handles the call for...
04:39.22Penguin"extension dials 1NXXNXXXXXX and it matches and routes out the trunk"
04:39.27PenguinThat part, not what he said.
04:39.40SamotHe wants the call not to leave the PBX
04:39.51PenguinSo he needs to fix the extension that is sending it out.
04:40.03Samotmoke: Are you providing VoIP services?
04:40.07PenguinThe call comes in, matches an extension, the extension does something with it...
04:40.19PenguinClearly it's doing the wrong thing.  So fix the extension.
04:40.20mokeSamot, no, my users are just stupid.
04:40.33Samotmoke: Oh, then train your users.
04:40.46SamotThere is no reason they need to dial a DID to reach a local user.
04:40.58mokemy users have ext matching 3xx, our DID is lets say 14055864125. my users try to call 14055864125 from their desk.
04:41.01PenguinBut if you fix the extensions, it won't matter.
04:41.06mokethe call CDR reports the call leaves our pbx, to flowroute, and then back in.
04:41.17mokethus, we're getting billed twice for the internal user dialing our DID
04:41.26SamotYou shouldn't be dialing your own DID
04:41.33SamotWhy wold you?
04:41.39SamotWhy would you?
04:41.47mokebecause sales people like to transfer people to support, and dial the number on their mousepad.
04:42.01SamotDoesnt support have an extension?
04:42.10SamotWouldn't dialing the extension be faster and easier?!
04:42.23mokelook, i fix servers, not people
04:42.36SamotYeah but the server doesn't need to be fixed.
04:42.41SamotIt's performing as it should.
04:42.47PenguinIf I wanted to solve the problem, I would create a 'locals' context with the DID numbers in it and the extensions would Dial() the local phones instead of sending out to the ITSP.  The 'locals' context would be listed before the outbound dialing context.  Problem solved.
04:42.51PenguinVery easy fix.
04:42.51mokei understand that, but i would like to make it function diffrently.
04:42.57SamotYou're getting doubled build for a user issue.
04:43.08SamotOK, so if you know that all the users are going to dial that number...
04:43.37SamotMake it part of the outbound context and when that DID is matched, make it dial the support extension.
04:44.00PenguinI've already given you the solution.  Now you just have to stop interacting and get to work.
04:44.15SamotEither solutin works.
04:44.22SamotEither solution works.
04:44.56SamotBut the latter is the better option in this case.
04:47.29PenguinYou probably already have a context for local devices anyway.  Just list the DIDs there with the short numbers.
04:48.23Penguinexten => 3149691077,1,Goto(1077,1);
04:48.43Penguinexten => 3149699898,1,Goto(9898,1);
04:49.21SamotYou might want to CYA even more and do the 11-digit version as well.
04:49.21PenguinWhere extensions 1077 and 9898 dial the local devices.
04:49.47PenguinSure, that's also a good idea.
04:51.50PenguinNow you can understand why the first thing I said was "fix your extensions."
04:54.38mokesooo im actually a massive noob and im using freepbx.
04:54.59mokebut the men in #asterisk are smarter
04:55.00PenguinIf you're using FreePBX, this isn't the channel to ask for help.
04:55.05PenguinEverything I just told you is for asterisk.
04:55.24mokedoesnt freepbx use asterisk?
04:55.32PenguinYes, but you're not using asterisk.
04:55.49PenguinYou're using freepbx, freepbx is using asterisk.  You need to work on freepbx.
04:56.10SamotCustom Trunk
04:56.20PenguinSo your question was misplaced and the advice I gave you is not relevant.  This is the wrong channel.
04:56.43SamotCreate outbound route with the DIDs that you wish to keep "local"
04:56.59SamotPoint OB Route to use the new custom trunk.
04:57.26SamotMake sure all the extensions are using that route.
04:57.41SamotAnd make sure it's above the regular PSTN routing.
04:59.33SamotPenguin: The advice you gave can be done in FreePBX.
04:59.44PenguinI wouldn't know.
04:59.50Penguindoesn't use FreePBX.
05:00.22SamotIt's still Asterisk.
05:00.28SamotIt's still writing out conf files.
05:06.36mokeSamot, thanks that worked perfectly.
05:07.33mokei set it to eat our entire DID block and strip away the first bits of the numbers, so all our external DIDs if called internally appear to call just the local ext.
05:07.48mokewithout hitting flowroute.
05:08.33drmessanoYoure welcome
05:09.03mokeif you're in Los Angeles, i will buy you beer, kind sir.
05:15.47*** join/#asterisk FarhaadN (~Farhad@
05:17.06*** join/#asterisk init_0 (~init_0@unaffiliated/init-0/x-7965738)
05:18.28FarhaadNwhere asterisk keep information about callcomplation ??
05:20.37FarhaadNfor example , how to know one extention use callcomplation and ,other active CC??
05:26.12SamotWell there's only two
05:26.19SamotBusy and No Response.
05:27.07*** join/#asterisk KValchev (
05:29.18SamotBased on what I'm reading it all looks to be in the logs.
05:32.00SamotFarhaadN: What's the goal?
05:35.04*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
05:38.48FarhaadNSamot: i want to know what extension have a active CC
05:39.29FarhaadNasterisk dont keep any information about this information?
05:39.46SamotWell there's monitoring that happens.
05:40.04SamotIs this for extension to extension calling?
05:42.49FarhaadNi need know all information
05:43.28FarhaadNfor example know about how secounds left for CC request
05:43.33FarhaadNand other things
05:49.28SamotWhy aren't you using BLF?
05:49.43SamotHow many extensions?
05:50.17FarhaadNBLF feature enable
05:50.19FarhaadNand use it
05:50.32FarhaadN500 ext
05:50.52FarhaadNon every ext set 16 BLF key
05:51.15FarhaadNbut for other calling whose ext dont monitor ,i need call back
05:51.23FarhaadNsry callcompletion
05:52.11FarhaadNand for some reason ,CC not work anytime
05:52.35FarhaadNi want to know about CC information that kept by asterisk
05:52.50FarhaadNfor example when i cancele CC request (*41)
05:52.59FarhaadNCC work for that ext
05:54.53SamotI'm going to venture a guess as say it's a subscription.
05:57.26FarhaadNi not underestand meaning
05:58.16FarhaadNwhen i set 20s for cancel CC call request
05:58.34FarhaadNso asterisk kept this time
05:58.49FarhaadNand when CC request start, this timer goes down
05:58.51*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
05:58.59SamotI'm saying that when it's monitoring the state of the extension, it's using subscriptions
05:59.10SamotSo "sip show subscriptions"
05:59.26FarhaadNlet me check
06:02.41SamotI could be wrong about that
06:07.32SamotDid you find it?
06:08.09FarhaadNthere is no information about that in sip show subscriptions
06:08.19FarhaadNthis is for BLF information
06:08.36FarhaadNand status of ext ( busy , idle , ringing )
06:19.44*** join/#asterisk Rasputin3711 (~Rasputin3@
06:21.04SamotIt's there.
06:21.09Samot*845150@ext-local   : ccss:SIP/5150         State:InUse           Presence:not_set         Watchers  0
06:21.15SamotThat's how it looks.
06:21.17*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~mirkob@2a00:1950:400:0:45bc:d081:3990:28d4)
06:23.31Samotcore show hints
06:23.35SamotNot subscriptions
06:24.11SamotIt doesn't show the expiry time left.
06:24.24SamotBut is does show who has CCSS in user.
06:24.28SamotBut is does show who has CCSS in use.
06:24.54FarhaadNthis was for hints
06:25.09FarhaadNhint for monitoring status of ext
06:29.23Samot*845150@ext-local   : ccss:SIP/5150         State:InUse           Presence:not_set         Watchers  0
06:29.34SamotFor me *84 is the CCSS toggle.
06:29.50SamotAs you can see the ccss:SIP/5150
06:30.24SamotI called an extension I have, let it ring and did a CC request.
06:30.46SamotThe state of *845150@ext-local when from Idle to InUse.
06:31.23SamotWhen I made a call on the extension 5150 called, the State when from Idle to InUse to Idle on that extension.
06:31.35SamotWhen it went from InUse to Idle, 5150 got a call back.
06:32.11SamotAnd the *845150@ext-local went from InUse to Idle once the call back was completed.
06:32.18SamotSo it uses hints.
06:32.30SamotPerhaps [TK] can shed some light.
06:33.59SamotBut I don't think you can see what the expiry time is.
06:34.30SamotYou can see what extensions are using CCSS but not who they are waiting for the callback from, what time they requested and when it expires.
06:36.36SamotI take it not all the users are in the same location?
06:37.26*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
06:46.11FarhaadNSamot: when i request the CC
06:46.32FarhaadNin "core show hint" nothing to show for CCSS
06:46.39FarhaadNbut CC work
06:47.41Samotcore show hints
06:47.43SamotWith an s
06:48.01SamotOtherwise it's core show hint <exten>
06:48.58SamotWell that gets you everything but the expiry time at least.
06:49.22*** join/#asterisk goeij (~goeij@
06:53.56FarhaadNcore show hint 100
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08:03.14FarhaadNSamot: are u there?
08:03.22FarhaadNi find command for cc
08:03.30FarhaadNcc report status
08:04.23FarhaadNthat's my i need
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12:35.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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13:00.59sikuncan a single IAX2 trunk be used as the destination for multiple incoming DAHDI DIDs?
13:01.49[TK]D-FenderThose 2 tthings have nothing to do witth each otther
13:02.04[TK]D-FenderYou can treat any call arriving at your server however you wantt
13:02.27sikunI'm using an incoming route to route a DAHDI/POTS line over an IAX2 trunk to another PBX server
13:02.41sikunI'm asking if I can use the trunk for multiple incoming lines
13:03.19sikunSamot, thanks
13:17.22[TK]D-FenderWhat you do with your incoming calls is up to you.  If you want to dial out to another peer then you can do whattever you want with any call to your system
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13:18.15sikun[TK]D-Fender, I just want to make sure I can utilize a single IAX2 trunk to handle multiple lines simultaneously or if I needed to make a trunk for each
13:18.30[TK]D-Fendersikun, Depends how your provider works
13:18.45sikunboth PBX's are hosted in house
13:18.55[TK]D-FenderActually since you said itès to another PBX (you control I assume), then it countts as one destination.
13:19.03sikunthe one I'm working on is only dealing with the DAHDIs for incoming and routing them to the otuer
13:19.14[TK]D-FenderTthere is only mulitple accounts if they tell you you have split calls for some reason and you donètt have a say
13:20.02sikunone our main sever, I have it set to look for the incoming DID and route it to the correct IVR just as if it was coming in from the SIP trunk
13:20.15sikunon our*
13:20.18sikunugh, cannot type today
13:20.42[TK]D-FenderSo if it's your server then you can do whatever you wantt
13:20.55sikunI know, I just wanted to make sure it was even possible to do
13:21.23[TK]D-FenderWhy wouldn't it?  It's a Dial() just like any other.
13:22.11sikunI don't know PBX administration very well and I just wanted to check, I wasn't sure.
13:31.10*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
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13:53.01defswork  < anyone know what I am doing wrong here (just testing a fresh blank setup)
13:53.41defswork* version is 13.11.2
13:56.21SamotBecause 's' is not meant for a catch all.
13:56.34SamotYou still need to match your digits.
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13:59.02defsworkSamot, thats the first example dial plan in the * book :Oo
13:59.17defswork(btw I've tried it with explicit digits also
14:00.24SamotShow a call.
14:00.28Samotasterisk -rvvvvvvvvvv
14:01.47defsworkfirst line in the gist is the only output
14:01.54defsworkwith verb 9
14:02.18[TK]D-FenderPB the whole thing
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14:47.04*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
14:47.51igcewielingDoes anyone know of Digium phones have the same brain dead utterly idiotic refusal to download externally modified contact directories as Polycoms?
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14:54.08zafinfobot, you can build contact xmls for digiums if that's what you're asking
14:54.21zafer, igcewieling
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14:58.58igcewielingzaf: I can do that with polycoms, but the phones are documented to not use externally generated contact directories. ever.  8-|
14:59.43zafi can say that the digiums work
15:18.39*** topic/#asterisk by file -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.11.2 (2016/09/09), 11.23.1 (2016/09/08), Standard: 14.0.0-rc1 (2016/09/19); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.5.0 (2016/03/28) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
15:28.17filego go rc1, power of... 14!
15:30.05Nivexany chance we'll see 13 in jessie-backports someday?
15:31.54scvthats up to debian really
15:32.12scvfile: 3 days in and looks like it really was just pjproject being out of date
15:32.14scvvery relieved
15:32.21filescv, oic
15:32.43fileNivex, we (the Asterisk project) don't control that - it would be up to the maintainer there
15:33.36Nivexah ok. Their maintainers must be behind / burnt out. They used to have it for wheezy.
15:43.36igcewielinghugs his compiled from source Asterisk
15:44.15NivexI used to do that years ago. Somewhere along the line I got lazy :)
15:44.45igcewielingNivex: Asterisk is the only thing I normally compile from source
15:45.08igcewielingI built a script to do it all automatically 8-)
15:45.40Nivexyeah, been there, done that
15:45.55Nivexlooks like I may need to go back to it :/
15:47.11earlybirdNivex: In July I attempted to work towards creating a new package for upstream but the time investment required for reviewing and maintaining all the custom Debian patches exceeded what was worthwhile for our local deployment so I dropped it. The situation is the same on Ubuntu (as they just pull from Debian):
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16:51.38anastmagHi, i'm really new to asterisk and elastix.
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16:52.12anastmagi want to implement a feature in my company's call center
16:53.09anastmagWhen an employee arrives in office he calls a number *94*XXX# in order to record that time
16:53.31anastmagand when he leaves, he do the same
16:54.07anastmagMy question is how can i run a python script with a call and pass this called number ?
16:54.12anastmagass an argument
16:54.23anastmagas an argument*
17:05.40igcewielinganastmag: contact Elastix.
17:05.43infobotextra, extra, read all about it, distro is significa distribution (english)
17:05.54infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
17:06.08igcewielingElastix is even tougher to support.
17:06.59anastmagthank you
17:07.05igcewielingthe issue is less the script and more how to integrate the script into the Elastix system.
17:07.50igcewielingyou want to investigate Asterisk AGI
17:08.41anastmagI think that this is the trick (asterisk agi)
17:08.54anastmagthats why i joined #asterisk to ask
17:19.41karveranastmag, if you read-up on AGI it would be really simple to call an AGI script from your extensions.conf -- that script could be in Python, Perl, PHP, shell script -- doesn't matter
17:20.05karverthat script then logs the argument you passed and a timestamp -- in a database or file or whatever you like
17:20.55karvergood place to start:
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17:51.58anastmagis it possible to define a dynamic extension like \*94\*[0-9]*# ?
18:12.42voipmonkyep - get the book while you're at it -
18:16.10infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
18:24.27NivexSo is PJSIP "The Way" going forward, or is it like AEL where it's kinda there and people are free to use it (and I've seen very few who do) ?
18:25.02[TK]D-FenderNivex, Invalid comparison
18:25.38[TK]D-FenderNivex, PJSIP is a whole separate stack with actually different auth and usability differences vs chan_sip
18:26.05[TK]D-FenderChan SIP is also in "ignore mode" for new dev
18:26.22Nivexso chan_sip is essentially deprecated
18:26.35fileas of Asterisk 13 it is community suppored
18:26.38fileerm supported
18:26.47[TK]D-FenderAEL is a sad attempt to make a high-level syntax that still get's parsed back to standard dialplan logic so it can only do w lesser and worse job in the end
18:27.14voipmonkI've never heard it explained like that - but thats right on...
18:28.02Nivexok. I'm still running 11 because of the Debian packaging issue I mentioned earlier. I'm getting my head around what things I'll need to focus on refining once I make the jump to 13.
18:28.29*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
18:31.46filechan_sip can still be used in 13 and 14 so you can migrate over later if you wish, just as [TK]D-Fender mentioned it doesn't see new development and except for community changes doesn't see much change
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19:58.48jjrhas someone who migrated to pjsip recently it's a fairly easy and comfortable transition
19:59.07jjrhI believe there is a script to convert chan_sip to pjsip too
20:00.31igcewielingfile: do you expect chan_sip to be removed from Asterisk 15?
20:00.37fileremoved? no
20:01.00igcewielingfile: thanks.
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20:41.56t4nk608Hello.  Trying to set up Asterisk with Twilio Trunk using PJSIP using the guide at  I can get inbound calling working, but outbound attempts result in [Sep 19 19:59:13] ERROR[6677]: chan_pjsip.c:1788 request: Failed to create outgoing session to endpoint 'twilio0' [Sep 19 19:59:13] WARNING[6729][C-00000000]: app_dial.c:2431 dial_exec_full: Unable to create ch
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23:15.08pramskyhello, how can I force a trunk to register ? I have the register , line in sip.conf and the peers defined . However I see 0 registrations and no attempts being made to register
23:17.00[TK]D-FenderThe you have done it incorrectly somehow
23:17.10[TK]D-FenderShow us your actual configs masking only the secrets
23:17.14infobothmm... pastebin is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
23:19.13pramskygot it
23:23.07pramskyasterisk 13
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