IRC log for #asterisk on 20160918

00:34.38*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
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06:27.03*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
06:32.10*** join/#asterisk LumberCartel (~randolf@
06:44.08LumberCartelHow can I configure a Call Group to allow the user to press a key at any time for the directory of extensions?
06:44.23LumberCartel...the caller is what I meant by the user.
06:44.51LumberCartel...Call Queue is what I meant to type instead of Call Group.
06:46.01[TK]D-Fenderuse the exit context
06:47.08LumberCartelI will look for "exit context" in the manual then.  Thank you.
06:48.31LumberCartelI'm using a GrandStream UCM6108.
07:07.29[TK]D-FenderThen you should be in their channel
07:07.48[TK]D-FenderThis isn't GS 2nd tier support
07:40.37*** join/#asterisk hsmiths (uid95325@gateway/web/
07:54.58*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
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11:49.00*** join/#asterisk Gaster (b24cdc01@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
11:52.14GasterHow can a caller cancel an attended transfer? E.g. A is talking to B, then A transfers B to C. After a long time C doesn't answer and A decides to return to B immediately. How is this achieved?
11:53.41*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
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13:04.38*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
13:49.59SamotIt's an attended transfer.
13:50.15SamotThat's the point.
13:50.58SamotI transfer B to C, B is on hold while I do this. If C doesn't answer, I just hang up and take B off hold.
14:03.03*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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14:21.55GasterHang up? Like, put my hardphone on hook and then take it off and continue talking to B?
14:22.47GasterIs that how it works?
14:26.01SamotGaster: When you do an Attended Transfer the first thing you do is put B on hold.
14:26.10SamotThen you dial C.
14:26.46SamotIF C doesn't answer OR if C answers and says "No, I can't take it". You hang up with C and take B off hold.
14:28.38*** join/#asterisk newtonr (
14:28.38*** mode/#asterisk [+o newtonr] by ChanServ
14:31.50GasterI don't quite get it. In my asterisk setup I have to dial *<local exten> (e.g. *100) during the call and then my call is atxfer'ed. I don't manually put B on hold, nor do I take B off hold if C is timed out or answered and hang up.
14:32.30GasterAsterisk does that automagically, right?
14:33.22GasterThat's why I'm confused by that "A hangs up and answers to continue talking to B" part.
14:34.02GasterIf I hang up before C answered, my A-B call gets terminated, right?
14:47.40*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
14:49.51*** join/#asterisk Katty (uid62315@gateway/web/
14:52.03*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
14:57.54Kattygooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning!!!
15:00.43*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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15:46.13*** join/#asterisk puzzola_ (~puzzola@unaffiliated/puzzola)
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17:01.10GasterHow does one add an agent to the queue, while it's being used? Like so: there is a queue Q with strategy ringall that contains 1 agent when it contains callers for less then 10 seconds, and 3 agents after 10 seconds pass and queue is still not empty.
17:01.48GasterSo we could dynamically change the number of agents being rung, depending on queue's busyness.
17:04.19Gasteratm I have to use two queues to implement this - one queue contains a few agents, the second one - same agent plus several more; after the first queue times out, caller is rethrown into the second queue.
17:04.28Gaster*same agents
17:08.22SamotGaster: Agents are either static or dynamic. If they are static they are automatically in the queue, if they are dynamic they need to log in some how.
17:08.37SamotSo you would need to log them in as the queue got busier.
17:09.36SamotLog them out as the volume dropped.
17:11.32GasterHow do I log dynamic agents automatically while in queue? As far as I know, while asterisk processes a "Queue" command, it cannot process other commands at the same time for the given call, so I don't know how I could issue log commands during queue.
17:12.15GasterI must use AMI and work with queue events then?
17:23.13*** join/#asterisk libardi (~kvirc@
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17:29.19*** join/#asterisk Shred00 (bloodninja@2001:470:1d:6f8:214:d1ff:fe13:45ac)
17:30.18Shred00so many versions.  how do i know if the version branch i am on is still being maintained, at least with security fixes?  i.e. 13.7.2?  or do i need to be at 13.11.2 for that path?
17:31.01*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
17:34.31Samot13.x is the path.
17:34.49SamotSo 13.11.2 has security fixes for 13.7.2.
17:35.07SamotGaster: You can use AMI (I think) or Dialplan.
17:35.37SamotHowever, if a call is ringing the Queue and you log those agents in while that call is ringing they will not be part of the ring strategy.
17:35.54SamotOnly agents that are in the queue at the time of the call will be in the strategy.
17:36.11SamotSo they could log into the second queue that the first queue rolls over to.
17:50.04Haukewhere do I find some documentation on how to write a channel driver or how to port one from an older (1.8) version to a recent version?
17:51.09HaukeI am looking at this code:
17:53.07Shred00Samot: but the particular question is, does 13.7.x continue to get security fixes or do i need to get on 13.11.x for that?
17:53.47SamotThat's my point.
17:54.03Samot13.7.2 was a fix and updates from 13.7.1
17:54.19Samot13.8, 13.9, 13.10, etc.
17:54.31SamotThere are all updates and fixes for the 13.x release.
17:54.47SamotIf 13.11.2 has a bug, they are going to release either 13.11.3 or 13.12
17:55.16Shred00so if 13.7.2 has a security bug, will they do a 13.7.3?
17:55.27fileer, no
17:55.28SamotBut at this point, why would you go to just that?
17:55.34SamotOr no.
17:55.36file13.7 is not a release series
17:55.57filewe don't continue to develop it, and we don't continue to provide security fixes - it's not a development branch
17:56.20SamotWell if he's on 13.7.2 and needs to update...
17:56.23filethe 13 branch receives fixes, and if a security issue comes up a point release of the last release is created with the security fix
17:56.28SamotWouldn't just going to 13.11.2 be the choice?
17:56.41fileie: 13.11.3 would be created, with the next normal release being 13.12.0
17:57.10Shred00file: so 13.7.2 was released before the first 13.8 then, and so it's considered "dead" as for 13.8?
17:57.23fileShred00, yes.
17:57.24SamotWasn't sure if it would be a 11.3 or a .12 but that would be based on the size/severity of the update/fix right?
17:57.36filesecurity or regressions always trigger a point release
17:57.43fileserious regressions that is
17:58.08Shred00ok.  so anyone running 13.7.2 *could* have security problems with their release that are addressed in newer 13.x releases.
17:58.46SamotUnless it's some weird bug no one has ever found between 13.7.2 nd 13.11.2
18:00.10fileanyone running an old version who wishes to would have to look at subsequent security announcements and backport the applicable fixes
18:07.37Shred00did 13.7.x->13.11.x also includ new feature code though?
18:08.52filethe 13 series allows additional features to be added, provided tests are written which cover it and existing tests are not broken
18:09.39fileno major architectural changes are permitted though
18:10.52*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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19:47.07*** part/#asterisk Shred00 (bloodninja@2001:470:1d:6f8:214:d1ff:fe13:45ac)
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20:28.52remotedid i type that?
20:29.37*** part/#asterisk remote (~user@
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23:31.23*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~Jeff@

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