IRC log for #asterisk on 20160829

00:14.03*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
00:46.15*** join/#asterisk bhans (ddfd4592@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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07:29.14*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
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07:52.04*** join/#asterisk AviiNL (~AviiNL@
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11:43.47*** join/#asterisk andremar (
11:54.03*** join/#asterisk AviiNL (~AviiNL@
11:58.12*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
11:58.47andremarHy everyone. Anyone can tell me if there’s any way to configure Asterisk to save/get sip dialogs information to/from a database? The purpose behind the question is investigating the possibility of setting up a High Availability architecture where the calls could stay up even after an active server state change.
12:00.00fileThere isn't.
12:00.12fileYou would need to write custom code to accomplish such a thing.
12:00.33*** join/#asterisk vexter (~vexter@unaffiliated/vexter)
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12:01.26andremarThanks @file. I was led to believe that Asterisk Realtime would handle this, but that’s just for configuration on a database, and no reloads, right?
12:01.52andremarthanks for the clarification.
12:04.43*** join/#asterisk acidfu_ (
12:15.50SamotThough you can't keep a call up if the server it's communicating with goes down.
12:15.58SamotYou're going to lose that call.
12:19.15*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
12:32.32andremar@Samot, there are ways, I was just wondering if Asterisk already had some mechanism to pull it off.
12:32.56SamotNo. The only way you can do it is if you have it setup with some HA functionality.
12:33.22SamotWhere the IP floats between the servers and the servers can monitor each others "heartbeats"
12:33.41andremarsure, that was part of the question.
12:34.06SamotAlso the most complex.
12:34.12SamotThey will need to be on the same LAN.
12:34.27SamotBe able to talk back and forth with each other just on that LAN.
12:35.09somepoortechandremar: you would probably be better off running it in a VM fault tolerant or a FT hardware solution
12:35.56SamotHow active is this server going to be?
12:36.29*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:37.20andremarfor now I just want to see it work, to have the call stay up when the active server goes down
12:37.55SamotYou're a bit aways from that.
12:38.05andremarthen, it depends on what constraints the system brings
12:38.14SamotYou need to figure out how you're going to handle the HA portion.
12:39.15andremarmaybe not with Asterisk alone
12:39.24SamotAsterisk has nothing to do with it.
12:39.30andremarsure it has
12:39.36SamotNot at this point.
12:41.06andremarif there is no way to have the call dialogs information shared between two servers, then what I though is not possible with Asterisk alone, whatever the HA configuration may be
12:41.37SamotOh you'll probably want something like Kamailio
12:41.40SamotI use it for this.
12:41.53SamotNot HA but active spares.
12:42.12SamotPrimary goes done...Kamailio routes requests to the other server.
12:42.38andremardo you have some links to share about that?
12:45.15SamotHowever, I am currently unaware of how you would be able to transfer an active call leg between Asterisk servers...
12:47.33SamotAgain, is this for a solution need or is it just "I wanna try it"?
12:49.45andremarsomeone asked is if it could be done
12:50.12andremarI think kamailio has some module to understand call dialogs
12:50.30andremarmaybe that could be used to save it to somewhere where the two servers could read it
12:50.41andremarwe’ll see
12:52.10SamotIt's not about the dialogs.
12:52.26SamotHow is the second server going to know anything about the call?
12:52.50SamotIn regards to audio, the channels it has connected with endpoints
13:01.55*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:b18:581:10:f072:ea29:7a0e:e3d1)
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13:53.28tirejhi everyone
13:53.52tirejcan we write AGI script inside IVR key_pressed events with Elastix ?
13:54.03tirejor can we collect dtmfs between call start < # > call end and at the end send them to the an API?
13:54.34tirejor with another pbx-interface ?
14:03.53[TK]D-Fender<tirej> can we write AGI script inside IVR key_pressed events with Elastix ? <-not sure what you're talking about here
14:04.59*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-jhqkzbljfjkyxfbn)
14:05.18*** join/#asterisk salz212 (2ac9eee3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:05.31tirej[TK]D-Fender, think of a IVR say: welcome to x Corp. if you know the ext. bla bla press it if not press 1 .. when the caller press 1 'scenario i am talking about
14:06.05[TK]D-FenderYou'll have to make your own custom dialplan for that IVR
14:06.14[TK]D-Fenderand not use any of the GUI constructs for it
14:10.28[TK]D-FenderFor in-call detection .. you can pretty much forget that with the GUI altogether
14:19.10*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-tjgtzbbnqvlwgemt)
14:19.22andremarcontinuing on the quest. Does Asterisk save call state to AstDB, anyone?
14:19.47fileit does not.
14:22.31andremaris it just in memory then @file?
14:23.03andremarok, thanks @file
14:45.48*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
15:04.53*** join/#asterisk craigify (~craigify@
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15:28.03*** topic/#asterisk by file -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.10.0 (2016/07/21), 11.23.0 (2016/07/21), Standard: 14.0.0-beta2 (2016/08/29); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.5.0 (2016/03/28) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
15:35.40*** join/#asterisk clopez (
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15:53.22*** join/#asterisk freebs (~freebs@unaffiliated/freebs)
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16:13.30*** part/#asterisk andremar (
16:19.22*** join/#asterisk jameswf (uid27319@gateway/web/
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19:38.47vane-So I am stuck on something here, I am trying to execute 'pjsip send notify cisco-reboot 1801' which is essentially just an event to reboot the phone. 'Event=>restart_now', however, I get a response back 'Unable to create request with auth. No auth credentials for any realms in challenge.' How do I get asterisk to respond with auth credentials?
20:51.36*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
20:56.13*** join/#asterisk acidfu_ (
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21:49.56*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
22:18.54*** join/#asterisk epaphus (~user1@
22:18.57epaphusHello all
22:19.51epaphusI will pay via paypal $30 if somebody can help me in this issue. Calls  from the SIP trunk when entering a queue get interrupted as soon as an agent answers.
22:19.55*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
22:23.14epaphusThe error message is : CHANUNAVAIL HANGUPCAUSE: 21
22:23.33epaphusCalls between extensions work without issues
22:24.17voipmonknice  - show the call.
22:29.21*** join/#asterisk rwb (
22:31.02rwbHi, I have a Digium TDM2400P pci card with 6 S400M modules.  I installed AsteriskNow, but I'm not sure that the card is working, or if the driver is installed.  Is there a simple way to test to see if the card is OK? I don't see it in lspci
22:31.51voipmonkhow are you powering the card, rwb/? :)
22:32.30rwbIt's on the PCI buss.  Shit did I miss a power supply! hehe
22:32.45voipmonklittle white plastic connector
22:32.52voipmonkthat needs to be plugged in
22:33.01voipmonkmolex connector, I call them
22:33.04rwbahh, damn, I was wondering how all that power got to the ringers :)
22:33.44voipmonkturn it odd
22:33.50voipmonkpower off the box first , please
22:34.20rwbof course!!!
22:34.27voipmonkthinks . . . o o o O ( uh huh )
22:36.31*** join/#asterisk clopez (
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22:41.04*** join/#asterisk r10L (
22:45.55rwbsweet. the admin screen now says I have "new hardware"  carry on... Thanks again!
22:48.39WIMPyInteresting new hardware?
22:52.10rwbI'm new to allot of the PBX stuff, but an old hack on Internet.  Getting back to basics.  This install is for a vintage style night club with a few old rotary phones
22:52.37voipmonkwait till you see the phones that work with asterisk
22:52.42WIMPyOh, pulse dialling again?
22:52.48voipmonkor just skip the phones and go straight to video
22:52.55voipmonkmind blown yet?
22:53.54WIMPyVideophone? I think for a night club a feelophone might be more like the cool thing. ;-)
22:54.04voipmonkoh my...
22:54.23rwbthis is a vintage shop, pulse... "dial" 4 for a poem... I'm hoping to not have to use tone converter, but well see...
22:54.24voipmonksafe knowledge of others via the feelophone
22:54.42WIMPyIt certainly needs a vibrator.
22:55.03rwbby relay though... not to stress the card...
22:55.42WIMPyAlthough a really old ringer might actually qualify as vibrator as well.
22:56.34rwbbaa! nice. This is going to be a fun project for sure!
22:56.53voipmonkyour kung fu will be strong if you keep it fun.
22:57.17voipmonkpay close attention to the evidence and we won't see you very often.
22:57.44rwbThere are airport runway glass domes involved...
22:58.03*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
23:05.14*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~puzzled@2001:982:1097:1::1:3)
23:08.34*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-tjgtzbbnqvlwgemt)
23:09.58*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
23:12.38r10LAnyone know why incomming calls might be incorrectly routed every-other call? We have two incoming lines in a group.
23:13.17*** join/#asterisk Tekati (~Tekati@
23:13.34voipmonkplease show us the call, you may use or similar
23:13.52voipmonkshow the calls. :)
23:14.22TekatiRunning FreePBX with TE131F card.  When callers call in to IVR and enter extension the extension is wrong 9 out of 10 times.  For instance user dials 101 and gets 110.
23:17.35voipmonkstdby my call was routed just fine 3 times in a row...might be something with having to use both lines at the same time
23:19.06voipmonkdon't feed the gremlins after midnight
23:19.33voipmonkI skipped right to gremlins.. I apologize...
23:20.31voipmonkthey are called mogwai's
23:22.28voipmonkI would look into ;relaxdtmf=yes but watch it closer
23:24.18voipmonkyou can also adjust the regain up or down
23:25.41voipmonkr10L: adjust the rxgain   and or also relaxftmf
23:25.48voipmonkand or also  :)
23:26.23r10Lok, I'll give those options a shot and post back once I have some more call info or if it's fixed. Thanks
23:26.31voipmonkr10Lsorry, that was for Tekati
23:26.47voipmonkr10L no no sorry
23:26.57voipmonkr10L you need to show the call first
23:27.12voipmonkTekati: adjust the rxgain and or also relaxdtmf
23:27.29r10Llol ok. I thought you had a wild stroke of genius. I'll share when I have the data collected .
23:27.32voipmonkr10L use or similar to show us the debug
23:28.19voipmonkyes , wild - check   stroke... yep ... genius ?   nah - I need to get some sun so my super power gets energized...
23:30.25*** join/#asterisk acidfu_ (
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23:47.02*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
23:55.23ChannelZHmm. Anyone else notice an uptick in SIP drive-bys today?

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