IRC log for #asterisk on 20160825

00:19.22*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
00:28.06*** join/#asterisk SunGod (~SunGod@
00:36.04*** join/#asterisk pjm (
01:05.01*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (
01:16.02*** join/#asterisk acidfu_ (
01:39.40*** join/#asterisk freakyfrank12 (~freakyfra@
01:52.22*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
02:01.20*** join/#asterisk bhans (cb8c9078@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:16.25craigifyI'm really digging ARI
02:21.24freakyfrank12What's the largest asterisk networks you've set up?
02:25.48*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (uid62780@gateway/web/
02:30.14*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (sid14615@gateway/web/
02:33.52*** join/#asterisk SunGod (~SunGod@
02:37.20*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (uid62780@gateway/web/
02:38.33*** join/#asterisk pjm (
02:48.33*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
02:58.34*** join/#asterisk stac (~stac@april-fools/2013/runnerup/stac)
02:59.42voipmonk18,000+ employees for one company
02:59.59voipmonk20,000 subscribers for an older company
03:00.08*** join/#asterisk Nate_15329 (
03:00.08voipmonki haven't done anything beyond that yet.
03:11.51freakyfrank12I manage 1,500 devices for a medium sized school district, but we run CUCM.
03:28.03*** join/#asterisk freakyfrank12 (~freakyfra@
03:28.18*** part/#asterisk freakyfrank12 (~freakyfra@
03:35.39*** join/#asterisk freakyfrank12 (~freakyfra@
03:40.30*** part/#asterisk freakyfrank12 (~freakyfra@
03:42.07*** join/#asterisk Nate__15329 (
03:46.00*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (uid62780@gateway/web/
04:21.23*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
04:26.30*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (
05:06.20*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
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05:20.20*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
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06:03.11*** join/#asterisk Vamp898 (511b7bb0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
06:04.12*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
06:06.45*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
06:11.08Vamp898When i receive an call from Asterisk, i always get the Call with @internalip, is there a way to change that?
06:11.20*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
06:11.53*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
06:12.00*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
06:13.31Vamp898In the configs, the internal IP is not specified, also the clients all connect to the Server via hostname (which resolves to the external ip)
06:25.40Vamp898Or let me ask different, is there an config parameter which is responsible for setting the IP Adresse which comes after the @
06:58.27*** join/#asterisk st2 (
07:02.06st2hello. i have a problem with outbound registration. it looks due to such log messages:
07:02.07st2WARNING[27462]: sched.c:489 sched_settime: Bug likely: Negative time interval -49646 (interpreted as 4294917650 ms) requested!
07:02.23st2any ideas how it could be fixed?
07:04.52Vamp898st2: Just guessing but is the time on the server correct?
07:05.29st2you mean ntp missmatching?
07:06.13Vamp898st2: something like that, yes
07:07.19*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
07:17.33*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
07:19.17*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
07:20.31st2but i have no idea with what should match time on server? date return correct value in my timezone
07:21.08st2and 49646ms really strange difference
07:24.22stefan27st2 which version
07:24.24stefan27of asterisk
07:24.53*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
07:26.11st2sorry, I should start from it ) 11.23.0
07:26.42st2in 11.20.0 it's work fine. i guess such warning was added in new version
07:35.46*** join/#asterisk DanB (~DanB@
07:41.06stefan27asterisk 13.9.0 had similar issue I think, then they quickly patched it to 13.9.1... That bug was due to using floating points to represent large integers
07:41.26stefan27when the developers wake up you can ask what happend between 11.20 and 11.23
07:41.45stefan27It might be something entirely different of course; I have only used asterisk 13-13.5
07:52.58*** join/#asterisk hehol (
08:00.27*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
08:06.16*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
08:08.19st2stefan27 ok. thanks
08:08.44st2i'll try to find out
08:24.35*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~puzzled@2001:982:1097:1::1:3)
08:30.53*** join/#asterisk clopez (~tau@
08:50.07*** join/#asterisk SunGod (~SunGod@
09:04.06*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
09:38.43*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (
09:40.21*** join/#asterisk KValchev (
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11:19.16*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
11:21.57*** join/#asterisk salz212 (272a04f4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:22.42salz212Hi guys, is there something wrong with asterisk mailing list? I don't see any new email since Aug 24th.
11:22.53*** join/#asterisk camerin (
11:25.50filenope, nothing wrong
11:48.53*** join/#asterisk boris_t (
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12:24.44*** join/#asterisk Vamp898 (511b7bb0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
12:25.34*** join/#asterisk Tenhi (
12:25.42*** join/#asterisk Penguin (~xwQ5kwYl6@2001:4978:202:beef:20c:29ff:fe62:be33)
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12:39.05st2hello, is there anybody of asterisk developers? i guess it is early morning now in your timezone)
12:39.54filesome exist
12:40.14fileyour problem is different than stefan27 mentioned
12:40.55filenothing really comes to mind for what would cause it
12:41.01st2morning) no the same problem. i've ask before it
12:41.59st2asterisk will not produse outbound registration after "Negative time interval" log message
12:42.55st2i didn't see such message on 11.20.0 asterisk. and haven't faced with this problem
12:44.03*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
12:44.50st2should i send bugreport about this issue?
12:45.08fileyes - configuration, console output, everything you can
12:48.28*** join/#asterisk newtonr (RustyNewto@nat/digium/x-eoarsftkvynaqyvr)
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12:51.21*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~puzzled@2001:982:1097:1::1:3)
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13:13.48st2ok, thanks
13:18.18*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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13:21.40*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (~simplydre@unaffiliated/simplydrew)
13:29.32*** join/#asterisk Haris (~haris@unaffiliated/haris)
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13:37.56*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (
14:01.07*** join/#asterisk kchehab (~kchehab@
14:02.14kchehabhi ppl ,i have asterisk server running using tls :5161  , i buy a domain ,what to do to let my client register with domain name instead of my public ip
14:02.56*** join/#asterisk garygraham (
14:04.29TandyUKsetup dns?
14:04.47TandyUKalso youll probably need a valud SSL cert
14:05.23kchehabTandyUK what do you mean by setup dns ,do you mean add domain to /etc/hosts ?
14:06.16kchehabin asterisk shell sip show settings  From: Domain:            Use domains as realms:  No
14:08.21*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
14:19.40*** join/#asterisk kchehab (~kchehab@
14:24.07*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-jgypynazfxulzqoo)
14:24.39TandyUKno as in setup dns with your domain provider / web host / whatever
14:24.51TandyUKso resolves to your asterisk servers IP
14:25.35TandyUKyou need a dns A record at minimum, and probably some SRV records as well for eaxmple
14:30.26kchehabTandyUK yes my dns server ensure me this server
14:30.43kchehabbut what should i configure in my asterisk
14:37.28*** join/#asterisk krzyzaq (
14:37.48krzyzaqhi all
14:38.17krzyzaqi have two quetions - can I post them?
14:39.37*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-ihzupwvuknfeenqo)
14:41.19WIMPyWe don't know about your abilities to ask, but
14:41.24infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
14:48.16krzyzaqq1: where can I find a good tutorial how to set up asterisk with cisco cp-7961g phones and sip gateway?
14:49.53krzyzaqq2: is there a tutorial how to change the firmware of the cp-7961g? already tried some but the phone does'n want to read the files from tftp - something seeams to be missing.
14:50.56[TK]D-Fender<kchehab> <- no need
14:51.21WIMPyFor Cisco 79xx the S&M channel might be appropriate.
14:51.49[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, They're wired phones... that implies bondage too....
14:51.59*** join/#asterisk freakyfrank12 (~freakyfra@
14:52.31*** join/#asterisk thiagoc (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc)
14:53.36*** part/#asterisk freakyfrank12 (~freakyfra@
14:53.44[TK]D-Fenderkrzyzaq, " and sip gateway" <- you'll have to be more specific
14:53.50WIMPyAnd to make things even worse the firmwae version can make quite some differences.
14:54.59krzyzaqso what is the recommended fw for those?
14:56.11Chainsawkrzyzaq: Well you're in the interesting situation that Asterisk supports SIP a lot better than SCCP.
14:56.19Chainsawkrzyzaq: And your chosen handset supports SCCP a lot better than SIP.
14:57.24krzyzaqChainsaw: fortunately, just for now I don't have no need to use any sophisticated functions, just calling and receiving calls
14:58.03Chainsawkrzyzaq: You're still going to be using either SIP or SCCP to control those calls.
14:58.07krzyzaqby the sip gateway I understang a service that I bought from a local provider
14:58.14WIMPyThat can be rather sophisticated already in that case.
14:58.38krzyzaqthe provider is if it helps
15:02.25[TK]D-FenderIt'll be 99% like any other provider
15:02.27[TK]D-FenderSIP is SIP
15:02.56[TK]D-Fenderusername, passwords, possibly"fromdomain" as required.  Standard reg string, etc
15:03.42krzyzaq[TK]D-Fender: but is there any good explained tutorial? where, what, why?
15:04.10[TK]D-FenderThe basics are just that...
15:04.16[TK]D-Fenderthe sample config explains each parameter.
15:04.25[TK]D-Fenderthat's the first thing.  then to look at some real-world samples
15:04.36infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
15:04.44[TK]D-Fenderas well as samples from OTHER providers
15:04.48[TK]D-Fenderas a point of reference
15:09.14*** join/#asterisk SunGod (~SunGod@
15:13.32krzyzaqill check the book
15:13.40krzyzaqand about the fw?
15:19.20[TK]D-FenderPlenty of people offering blog posts etc for setting that phone up with *
15:22.12*** part/#asterisk Haris (~haris@unaffiliated/haris)
15:29.09*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
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15:48.27*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
15:52.14*** join/#asterisk skyroveRR (~skyroveRR@unaffiliated/skyroverr)
15:53.06skyroveRRIs the configuration for asterisk version 13.3.2 compatible for asterisk version 13.9.1?
15:57.14*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
15:57.42*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
15:58.25skyroveRR[TK]D-Fender: Hmm. I'm getting these notices on startup: ; also my 13.3.2 loaded the least amount of modules, but it seems this one loads ALL the modules that are there.
15:59.31*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
15:59.58skyroveRR[TK]D-Fender: may you please have a look?
16:01.59[TK]D-FenderWhy are you starting * as ROOT?
16:02.30[TK]D-FenderYou're also only running at verbose 1 who is low
16:02.32skyroveRRWhy shouldn't I? It complains about "permission denied" errors..
16:02.45[TK]D-Fenderand we aren't looking at your configs folder here when we should be
16:02.49[TK]D-Fenderesp as it says some are missing
16:03.02*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
16:03.06[TK]D-FenderYou should not be running * as root
16:04.18skyroveRRUh, ok. I'll fix that. :)
16:06.42*** part/#asterisk luxio (~luxio@unaffiliated/luxio)
16:07.58*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
16:14.07*** part/#asterisk skyroveRR (~skyroveRR@unaffiliated/skyroverr)
16:28.05*** join/#asterisk kchehab (~kchehab@
16:29.09kchehabanyone try asterisk with linphone chat jaber Xmpp
16:31.52wyounghey gang
16:32.47*** join/#asterisk karelk (~karel@
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17:28.07*** join/#asterisk salz212 (272e5640@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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17:29.29salz212Hi guys, I was wondering if we can use extension-states with hints mapped to and externally registered SIP device. So instead of asterisk own device we map to some other SIP endpoint e.g. 100@NON-Asterisk-IP
17:31.09[TK]D-FenderAnd what is managing that end?
17:31.50salz212just SIP registrations let say registration are on some other sip server not asterisk.
17:36.55salz212does that make sense?
17:46.55[TK]D-Fender* doesn't just do distributed service to other random servers.
17:47.08[TK]D-FenderIt CAN do to another * via XMPP, but that's not "phone-based:"
17:49.29salz212right but the subscription of device states is based on SIP so instead of send PUB/SUB/NOTify to asterisk can it not send it to sip/{EXTEN}@SIP-Server ?
17:50.27salz212so basically what I am trying to achieve is have sip registerations on SIP server like SER and use asterisk queues scaling to multiple asterisk servers.
17:54.00*** join/#asterisk SunGod (~SunGod@
17:54.33*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
17:59.07*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
18:02.01scvon the topic of shared state to another asterisk server
18:02.05scvis xmpp the only option still
18:03.24*** join/#asterisk K0HAX (
18:05.07fileAsterisk can exchange device and MWI state using XMPP, SIP, or Corosync
18:05.21filein 14 it can also publish extension state to another SIP server using PUBLISH
18:05.30fileit does not allow monitoring of stuff elsewhere
18:08.04*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
18:25.19*** join/#asterisk BeachBall (~Death_BuB@unaffiliated/beachball)
18:25.35BeachBallcan i get help with asteriskNOW in here?
18:25.41BeachBallor do they have their own chan?
18:26.04WIMPyNot for the GUI. Otherwise
18:26.06infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
18:26.42BeachBallMy problem is I had to rebuild an asterisk system from 2011 - I installed asterisknow - and can't find where to put my context's in
18:27.07BeachBallit's a very basic config, should I just install as normal and edit the files ?
18:27.35WIMPyThe basic structure hasn't changed.
18:28.23WIMPyIt depends if you installed with or without FreePBX. If you installed that as well, then hand editing is rather special.
18:28.28salz212@file: thanks for your valuable input. By not allowing monitoring of stuff else where may I conclude following use-case not possible =>  an agent in an asterisk queue is not registered on asterisk server itself instead it is registered on another SIP server say kamailio/opensips  would asterisk not load-balance queue calls to them based on some presence?
18:29.13fileAsterisk would not have any knowledge of it, it would assume it is not in use and would only go in use on the server it is called on
18:32.32[TK]D-FenderDepends what GUI it's running if any
18:33.04salz212@file: so in that case if we have only 1 such agent in queue, asterisk queue will keep on handing calls to the same external agent not knowing it's state, correct ? or would asterisk queue internals would keep a channel of such external call and won't send it more calls?
18:33.26filethat _Asterisk_ wouldn't send calls if it is in use
18:38.09salz212@file: great so that Queue-Asterisk server will keep state of it's calls / queue to make that decision. Considering that if I have another Queue-Asterisk-2 where I want to force-set such state lets say in-use that queue would also not send call to that external extension.
18:38.39salz212@file: But since it is not a registration or an extension how can I set it's state on Queue-Asterisk-2
18:38.54WIMPyWell, the queue does not keep state. The channel dialled, might.
18:40.20filethe queue keeps some state - it knows if a channel is in use/not in use and if it's dialed and such
18:40.35fileexchanging that needed information is either done like I mentioned with XMPP/PJSIP/etc, or up to you to do somehow
18:40.51WIMPyErr. That's not what I found so far.
18:42.00fileit does, if stuff is configured right and device state is such that the state has changed
18:42.13fileand recent versions do keep track of whether a channel is dialed or not to stop other queues
18:42.32WIMPyThat's what I say. It's device state, if available.
18:43.50salz212@file: right, I did that with XMPP earlier using tigas as a presence server it was okay but in that scenario I was distributing device states of sip end-point registered at Asterisk. And queues worked fine. But now I am discussing the possibility of doing the same but with external SIP registrations at kamailio/opensips, what would it be distributing in this case as we do not have devices attached.
18:44.10fileyou would need to have devices in Asterisk as well
18:44.21fileif not, then you would have to design something yourself
18:44.31fileperhaps using custom device states or something else
18:46.31salz212@file: sure, just brainstorming to get ideas and getting validated.
18:49.28*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
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18:51.38*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
19:03.36*** part/#asterisk BeachBall (~Death_BuB@unaffiliated/beachball)
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20:49.55*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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21:34.45apb1963_The install_prereq script in ../contrib/scripts uses awk to select the line beginning with "p" in ubuntu.  p stands for purged.  Can someone tell me why it seeks to install purged packages?  The only reason I really care is because it aborts and I'm unable to resolve the issue.
21:35.59apb1963_That is, other than removing it as a pre-req, or selecting a different package manager and modifying the script in a variety of ways.
21:43.57apb1963_I found this note on the wiki:You should always use your operating system's package management tools to ensure that your system is running the latest software before running install_prereq. Ubuntu 14's libsnmp-dev package, for instance, has an issue where it will attempt to remove critical system packages if the system isn't updated before an attempt is made to install that package
21:44.09apb1963_That happens to be the exact package in question.
21:44.32apb1963_And yes... everything was up to date
21:45.02apb1963_Which is why I ask the question about purge.  If the script looked for "i", it would know that the package was already installed.
21:46.22apb1963_well... it's actually trying to resolve between:
21:46.24apb1963_i libsnmp-dev
21:46.25apb1963_p libsnmp-dev:i386
21:47.06apb1963_So, it's perplexing why a purged package would be favored over an installed one.
22:42.04lanningx86_64 vs. i386?
22:49.18apb1963_it would seem
22:51.13apb1963_lanning:  yes...but I've just done discussing with the ubuntu guys and they think the script is "terrible".  My own opinion is someone didn't test... or understand exactly what they were doing.  It's not terrible... but does need some rewriting.
23:03.21*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (
23:05.24*** join/#asterisk Tamo (~x@
23:14.32scvapb1963_: its in contrib
23:14.41scvso, not official or supported
23:16.17apb1963_it would be nice if people tested it before distributing it as if it worked.
23:16.24apb1963_My system is now hosed.
23:19.06*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-jgypynazfxulzqoo)

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