IRC log for #asterisk on 20160823

00:00.26bkuhnwyoung: no, I have all of them set to the same codec (both in the case where I get the strange breakup and when I don't)
00:00.52bkuhn(and I confirmed all the channels report the same codec)
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00:11.52Ellenorhugs wyoung and bkuhn
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06:59.58_boothi all, does anyone know why Asterisk might refuse SRTP calls with a 488 Not acceptable here? I've got the phone set up with mandatory SRTP, and encryption=yes in sip.conf, and Asterisk can successfully call the phone... It's just the phone can't make outbound calls
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07:30.55_bootI've got the debug logs of an inbound call (successful) and an outbound call (failed, 488 Not Acceptable Here) at - 2001 is the extension which i'm trying to enable srtp for
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08:12.09stefan27before my channel SIP_B_0 executes Dial(SIP/A) I want to manipulate the From header ( in the outgoing invite to A. However I don't want to do Set(CALLERID(num)=44) on channel B because I don't want consumers of AMI channel events to know about the callerid 44... is it bad to tamper the from header directly without using CALLERID?
09:02.34*** join/#asterisk tsia (~Thunderbi@2001:a61:4074:4601:f0d8:b6f2:27d3:431b)
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09:58.53Samot_boot: FIx your baresip client codec settings
09:59.36_bootfix how, what is wrong with them?
09:59.43_boot(it works on calls from Asterisk -> baresip)
09:59.51SamotYour presenting a ton of codecs you don't need.
10:00.12SamotYou're not using G722 or g726 I'm pretty sure.
10:01.20SamotLimit baresip to use g711 and see what happens.
10:05.07_bootstill hitting a Not Acceptable Here
10:07.28Samot_boot: set the verbose to 10 so show how the call is being handled.
10:07.40_bootcore set debug 10 right?
10:08.29_bootoh wait no theres a separate one for verbose :)
10:10.17Samotcore set verbose 10
10:11.29_boot - i set both debug and verbose to 10 but the only difference i notice is 'Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5'
10:12.21SamotThat's not even a complete call with sip debug let along verbosity
10:12.27SamotThat's not even a complete call with sip debug let alone verbosity
10:12.40_bootbut that's all i'm getting
10:30.05SamotDo you have this setup right for TLS?
10:30.35_booti believe so, tls signalling seems to be working and asterisk is able to call baresip with tls + srtp
10:31.18_bootif i turn off srtp completely tls still works and calls can be made from baresip
10:32.05SamotIs the TLS cert public or private? Ie did you self gen?
10:32.52_bootits not self-signed
10:33.50SamotWhat was the common name used on the cert?
10:35.53SamotIs that the real FQDN?
10:36.12_booti believe everything is in order, openssl s_connect doesn't throw any nasty surprises
10:37.14_boots_client *whoops
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10:39.43SamotThen show an unsanitized call.
10:39.54_bootsure thing
10:56.48SamotSo have you tried this on something else beside baresip?
10:57.04SamotCould be something baresip is sending that Asterisk doesn't like when it's using TLS.
10:57.43_booti don't have anything else to try it on here, i'll have to find something
11:01.33_bootokay, i'll come back later and try setting it up on a hardware phone, thanks for your time :)
11:03.16Samot_boot: So you're securing internal calls for a reason right?
11:04.37_bootsrtp and tls is for the stuff outside the LAN
11:04.56SamotSo just for endpoints that are remote.
11:05.17_bootyep, just testing between 1001 and 2001 at the moment
11:07.30SamotOK. Just making sure. Some will think that TLS is a 100% secure thing for calls.
11:07.49SamotThey don't get it's endpoint <--> PBX
11:22.34*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
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12:00.10wyoungendpoint <--> sneaky server <--> PBX
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13:56.38*** join/#asterisk Ahmadi (02b17356@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:57.56AhmadiI have multiple lines(all are incoming calls), after conference them, they can't talk together . seems that conference is muted.
13:58.01AhmadiAnyone can help me?
13:58.34AhmadiIs there any option or setting that cause the problem?
13:59.12AhmadiTransfer,Call-In, Call-Out of PBX work correctly, just conference is muted
14:01.22wyoungcould be a firewall issue
14:01.31wyoungdo you have directmedia enabled?
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14:01.54Ahmadiwyoung, what is directmedia?
14:03.22AhmadiWhen i transfer CallA to a number, voice work. but in conference all things is silent. If its firewall. must block all voices not only conference
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14:08.24Ahmadiwyoung, Got it, I'm checking "reinvite"
14:26.38wyoungAhmadi: it may block when adding to the conference as the media path may change
14:26.47wyoungunless you specific that is doesn't in your config :)
14:27.47Ahmadiafter adding "canreinvite = yes" to my "sip.conf" and rebooting , also audio stream dont work
14:28.11wyoungchange it to no
14:28.30wyoungare you behind NAT / firewall?
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14:28.56wyoungif so you may need to set the localnet and externip as well
14:29.05Ahmadii disabled firewall . don't solve the problem
14:29.24wyoungare you using NAT? or does your asterisk box have a valid IP?
14:29.30wyoungvalid external IP even
14:30.00Ahmadiwyoung, no, i don't using NAT. asterisk and client(extension) both are in local network
14:30.05Ahmadiwithout any firewall
14:31.05wyoungAhmadi: and all parties in the conference are in your local network too?
14:31.43wyoungis it all SIP? or are you using DAHDI, IAX or something else?
14:32.58bkuhnwyoung: any more thoughts about that problem I was asking about last night?
14:32.59Ahmadiwyoung, parties come from mobile network, i make call to parties with my sip client(extension). when both answer the call. make conference them. after conference them, they can't talk together
14:33.54Ahmadiwyoung, My client is a SIP Client. just SIP protocol
14:33.54wyoungbkuhn: My memory doesn't extend past 12 hrs ago
14:34.39wyoungAhmadi: ok but you are going outside of your local network to contact your ISTP
14:34.57bkuhnSo, my problem is I have two SIP calls, this particular SIP client has a lot of breakup, it's very regular sounding, like timing.  However, on calls where it says : " "Locally bridging <bad_Channel> and <channel>"" the bad_channel no longer has breakup.
14:35.08bkuhnI was wondering if there's a way to force Asterisk to do that "Locally bridging"
14:35.15wyoungbkuhn: which was lunch time, I had chicken pho noodle soup, it was nom.
14:35.41wyoungbkuhn: hmmm, no idea
14:35.50bkuhnyou asked if I was trascoding, but I'm not
14:35.57wyoungah ok
14:36.02wyoungyes I did ask that
14:36.37wyoungAhmadi: have you set localnet and externip?
14:36.39Ahmadiwyoung, Sure. the GSM Mobile Network is out of my network. I call with my out-going trink
14:37.17wyoungAhmadi: and your outgoing trunk is not in your local network, so when you setup a conference it is possible that the media is being sent to a stupid IP address instead of your actual external IP address
14:37.41wyoungAhmadi: what devices are you using to initialise the conference call/.
14:37.54Ahmadiwyoung, Then why transfer call work correctly? im confused
14:38.27Ahmadiwyoung, When i transfer a call, all media work correctly , both parties call talk together
14:38.30wyoungAhmadi: *shrugs*
14:38.46wyounganything logged in asterisk -rvvvvvvvvdddddddd
14:38.54AhmadiWhat is different between transfer and conference
14:39.43wyoungdepends on the phone you are using
14:40.23Ahmadiwyoung, Can't debug it on asterisk log?
14:40.49wyounga phone will usually do a transfer by asking the asterisk server to do it.  some phones may try to call the party directly and join the call directly when using 3 way conferencing
14:40.53AhmadiCan i debug it on asterisk log?
14:41.22wyoungAhmadi: it would be easier to do it using the console, but yeah you can do it on the log you just need to increase verbose and debug levels
14:42.00wyoungAhmadi: if you set localnet and externip then the asterisk server will rewrite the SIP packets leaving the localnetwork with the correct external IP
14:42.34AhmadiIm not familiar with localnet/externip
14:43.08AhmadiOK. Thanks
14:43.19wyoungit tells asterisk when to do rewriting of sip packets
14:43.29wyoungof course address that is
14:43.43AhmadiIs audio media also a sip packet?
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14:44.47wyoungSIP sets up where to send the RTP, if you are behind NAT and you don't set externip and localnet then SIP can tell RTP to connect to your local IP address isntead of your Internet IP address
14:45.23wyoungwhich wont work unless you have setup a VPN between the two sites ;)
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15:17.22xphereshello, will be ever see video negotiation capability in asterisk?
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15:30.48ruiedHi. I'm configuring queues.conf and I have "number sip/22,1" and "number sip/23,2" . When sip/22 is on a call it receives also the second call that I would like to go to sip 23. My strategy = ringall , but it goes always to sip/22
15:32.01ruiedsip sho queue shows sip/22 (Ring+InUse) when the second call starts, but I would like that it goes to sip/23 with a penalty 2
15:32.04[TK]D-Fenderif it's ringall it'll always go to both
15:32.14[TK]D-Fenderunless you tell it NOT to ring the busy one
15:32.48ruiedit just rings sip/22
15:33.47[TK]D-Fenderwell you've assigned a penalty to them....
15:33.51[TK]D-Fenderso they are not the same...
15:34.08[TK]D-FenderWhy would you think that the the 2nd one would get chosen?
15:36.25ruiedhmm, because the first one was In use, I thought than it jumped to he second penalty... thats what I was thinking....
15:37.11[TK]D-FenderThere is another file that controls changing penalty levels....
15:37.20filecontrols everything
15:38.03[TK]D-Fender"One file to control them all, and in the compiler bind them."
15:40.48ruiedqueuerules right?
15:42.05[TK]D-FenderThe name was pretty clear, wasn't it?
15:42.19[TK]D-Fender... and the description from the sample config....
15:42.34ruiedyep :)
15:47.03[TK]D-FenderYou could also look at telling * to NOT call that first one when busy....
15:47.24[TK]D-FenderThe sample configs give you some pretty big hints on that
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15:48.48ruiedyes, but I would like that the first one to notice that there is another incoming call...
15:49.48[TK]D-FenderSo what is your actuall full targeted scenario?
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15:53.42wyoungwoooo!!! [TK]D-Fender!!!!!
15:54.37ruiedThe call must be always answered with moh.... two extensions answering with penalty 1 (the one that is available should ring), if both are busy, it should go to another twopenalty 2 extensions (to help the penalty 1 when needed). The penalty one should notice that there are entering calls.  Penalty 2 should just be taking calls if bothe penalty1 users are on a call each...
15:55.48[TK]D-FenderThere is no "notice entering calls" without them ringing as well.
15:56.01[TK]D-Fender(by * means)
15:56.28[TK]D-Fenderpenalty levels tend to increase the # of people included.
15:56.58[TK]D-FenderIf you wan to cascade to a 2nd group, then you should not ring inuse and then failover to another queue
15:57.18[TK]D-Fenderbut as long as it has people to ring it shouldn't increment except based on time.
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16:03.06ruiedhmm, ok, getting the picture...
16:09.49ruiedIt seems that the best option is to stop ringing inuse extensions. Two penaly1 users and Two penalty2 users, if both penalty1 are busy the it will try penalty2 users, meantime if one penalty1 is free than it goes again to the panalty1 priority users to pickup the calls...
16:11.21[TK]D-FenderSttarting to sound reasonable
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18:22.29_bootSamot: just tried SRTP on a Grandstream hardware phone and it seems to work. I guess baresip does something wrong when srtp gets involved :|
18:26.10nnyHave a provider not working with call forward due to a diversion header. In which version of Asterisk was diversion_header=no implemented?
18:26.32nnyer send_diversion=no
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18:52.29adeelnanyone live in the GTA area looking for a job doing * dialplan work?
18:53.49[TK]D-FenderPhysical presence required?
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19:06.31adeeln[TK]D-Fender: possibly negotiable
19:06.49adeelndepends upon how reliable the candidate is
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19:32.12_bootargh, why does the world of voip have it in for me
19:41.16_bootdecided to enable tls on a hardware phone, it calls outbound fine but when asterisk calls it, it fails but without any error - the last thing I get is 'SSL certificate ok' before a long wait and  then a 503 Service Unavailable. has anyone else experienced this?
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20:17.57adeeln_boot: depending upon the phone, it might be doing mutual auth, so asterisk also needs to present a cert. if that cert doesn't have the right fields (e.g. CRL, signed by public CA, etc) then that could cause it
20:18.06adeeln_boot: wireshark is your friend here
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20:22.59_bootseems to be fixed by enabling a setting to use the ephemeral port for more than just registration or something - i guess if it happens again I'll pop out wireshark :V thanks
20:23.23_booti wish the options on these horrible phone web UIs had a little more information beside them
20:36.06adeeln_boot: you mean on * to set the insecure=port,invite ?
20:38.46_bootno it was some obscure-ish option on the phone itself
20:41.22_boot"Use Actual Ephemeral Port in Contact with TCP/TLS" probably just sidestepping the issue here but its working for now haha
20:42.45_bootanyway, i'm off - later!
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20:58.37cmendes0101Whats up with the spam calls for Astricon this year. Told them 3 times I'm not going
20:58.56freebsjust go
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23:25.05nnywhat version was send_diversion added to asterisk?
23:25.13nnyunder sip.conf
23:26.30WIMPyonly knows that it exists in 11.
23:27.09nnyI may update specifically to enable it then. Level3 is not allowing us to forward calls because it is using the 4 digit extension shown in the diversion header as the CID and failing :\
23:28.01WIMPyWhy are you sending a 4 digits number then?
23:28.32WIMPyDoesn't sound like somethign that should leave your network.
23:30.24nnyCall forward from Cisco 79XX phones
23:31.09nnyIf someone calls into the phone, and then it dials out to connect to the cfwd set, it sends the 4 digit of the cfwd phone as a diversion header
23:31.13WIMPyCorrect it in your dialplan.
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23:31.39nnyI am setting CallerID(num) and (name) there before the call
23:32.04nnyoddly this is only an issue with this type of dialplan with level3
23:32.28nnyer yeah, the diversion header should be the callee
23:32.41nnymaybe I can just set it there and match the channel variable for the caller
23:32.44nnynot callee
23:33.13WIMPyOr use propper dialplan based forwarding.
23:33.24nnytell that to the users lol
23:33.30nnythey want the phone to do it, not my bag
23:34.24nnyI could do a * code and have the dialplan do it, but they like the phone interface for it. And they are using old Cisco phones in SIP mode which I don't usually recommend over SPA or modern SIP phones
23:34.44WIMPyWhy do I have that feeling that it would work in a sensible way if it used SCCP?
23:35.42nnyor just use sensible SPA5X4G models.. or Polycomm.. or anything
23:36.17nnyI am gonna do some more testing and whatnot, thanks
23:40.08nny@WIMPy how does a proper phone handle it, does the phone send the header to replace Callerid(num)? On other systems even when those are set the phone sends the proper callerid on a forward.
23:43.33WIMPyForwarding is a switch/server based service. Te phone only sends a request to enable/disable it.
23:44.37WIMPyTerminal base diversion would be called deflection.
23:56.24nnyWIMPy: since the phone stores the number forwarded to I assume this is deflection
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