IRC log for #asterisk on 20160822

00:04.24*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
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00:16.24*** join/#asterisk bhans (ddfd4592@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:08.27*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
01:16.34*** join/#asterisk netman (~netman@
02:13.49*** join/#asterisk celer (~celer@
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02:54.32*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
03:58.21*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
04:22.33*** join/#asterisk FarhaadN (~Farhad@
04:23.18FarhaadNwhy my extention show me status InUse?
04:23.37FarhaadNin core show channels, there is no channel for this extention
04:34.47*** join/#asterisk UncleKiwi (~UncleKiwi@unaffiliated/unclekiwi)
04:40.00*** part/#asterisk FarhaadN (~Farhad@
04:43.23UncleKiwihi, whats the best way to put in place a pin code required to make a call
05:01.13*** join/#asterisk FarhaadN (~Farhad@
05:01.55FarhaadNno one can't help me?
05:02.58voipmonktry during the day , use Pacific or Eastern time as a base
05:04.00FarhaadNvoipmonk: me?
05:04.17voipmonkyour lovely light issue
05:04.20FarhaadNnot for all extensions
05:04.39FarhaadNsome extension ,random time , change status to InUse
05:05.28FarhaadNbut no channel for this
05:06.15FarhaadNre register , solved problem
05:07.45*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
05:08.25*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
05:11.07FarhaadNvoipmonk: no idia?
05:14.38FarhaadNhelpm me please?
05:25.03Penguinunclekiwi: You can use Read(), GotoIf(), and DISA().
05:26.04PenguinOr simply Read() and GotoIf().  Forget about DISA() -- it isn't needed for that.
05:28.28FarhaadNPenguin: can u help me?
05:29.31Penguinunclekiwi: There is also Authenticate() if you like it.
05:34.04UncleKiwiPenguin: thank you
05:45.45*** join/#asterisk KValchev (
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06:04.51*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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07:03.45*** join/#asterisk AviiNL (~AviiNL@
07:08.55*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
07:09.00*** join/#asterisk bof23 (~Thunderbi@
07:12.35*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
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07:28.50*** part/#asterisk FarhaadN (~Farhad@
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07:42.38*** join/#asterisk apb1963 (
07:52.42apb1963First, I get these endless messages: "[2016-08-22 00:48:28] WARNING[1589]: res_xmpp.c:3633 xmpp_client_thread: JABBER: socket read error".  So I guess GV is dead, since I've been getting those for at least 6 weeks now.  However, rumor has it (according to the pidgin mailing list) that google hangouts uses XMPP.  Anyone know how to setup asterisk to use hangouts in place of GV?
07:53.39*** join/#asterisk Haris (~haris@unaffiliated/haris)
07:54.15apb1963This is the the message I saw:  If you want to use Hangouts over XMPP, you'll need to enable "less-secure apps" settings in your Google security settings, otherwise you can switch to the Hangouts plugin at which uses OAuth to login.
08:02.01apb1963Oh and if anyone knows how to shutoff those warnings, I'd appreciate it.  I've tried both core set debug 0 and core set verbose 0, as well as xmpp in place of core.  No joy.
08:04.22*** join/#asterisk tsia (~Thunderbi@2001:a61:4017:1001:1874:6b4:9826:7463)
08:04.29Harisis there a way to check syntax ?
08:08.12HarisI added tlsenable=yes, tlsbindaddr=, tlscertfile=<path/to/file.crt>, tlsprivatekey=</path/to/file.key>, yet when I run asterisk -rvvvv http show status, asterisk is not listening on tls port. what did I miss ?
08:08.29Haristhis is in http.conf for version 13
08:12.00*** join/#asterisk sekil (
08:20.40SamotWhy are you putting that information in http.conf?
08:21.56SamotOh that's right..
08:24.01*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
08:24.05SamotHaris: Show your actual httpd.conf file
08:24.24SamotHaris: Show what is listening: netstat -nl
08:24.26infobotfrom memory, pastebin is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
08:26.35*** join/#asterisk cranq (~crank@
08:50.59*** join/#asterisk frvalent (
09:08.11*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
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09:18.15SamotOf course.
09:23.24*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
09:35.34*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
09:43.59*** join/#asterisk friedrich (
09:44.14Harisis there a keyword to add ca-bundle cert to ssl cert in asterisk http.conf ?
09:44.18HarisI don't know the keyword
09:44.34Haristlscacertfile ?
09:44.39TandyUKasterisk http conf?
09:44.46TandyUKyou mean apache http conf?
09:46.37TandyUKcheck out /usr/share/doc/asterisk<ver>/configs/http.conf.sample
09:47.44*** join/#asterisk u0m3 (
09:48.59*** join/#asterisk Svedrin (
09:51.03*** join/#asterisk Rasputin3711 (~Rasputin3@
09:56.06SamotYou're missing a setting.
09:57.54SamotYou might want enablestatic=yes
10:03.21*** join/#asterisk eofster (~eofster@
10:04.52*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
10:07.46HarisI left this one out actually
10:08.45Harisadded this setting. restarted asterisk. its still only listening on http port
10:09.17HarisI don't understand why its giving this error ----> [Aug 22 15:05:03] ERROR[2831] tcptls.c: TLS/SSL error loading cert file. <</etc/asterisk/ssl/>
10:10.01SamotThat would be why
10:10.06SamotYou have < in both settings.
10:11.12HarisI saw it in sample config in comments in http.conf
10:11.20SamotThat's wrong.
10:11.36SamotYou're telling it the path to the cert is </etc/asterisk/ssl
10:11.41Harisgreat. that was the thing. now its also listening on tls port
10:12.30SamotDo you actually have ws calls working?
10:14.00Harisnot tested yet
10:16.55*** part/#asterisk creativx (
10:18.14SamotI thought thats what you were doing like a week ago?
10:20.47Harisnope. been working on other stuff in between
10:21.09Harisstupid Q: is http/https port for ws to be accessed over tcp or udp
10:22.24SamotWell considering that HTTP and HTTPS is TCP.
10:22.52SamotBut WSS is TCP as well.
10:26.01*** join/#asterisk Haris (~haris@unaffiliated/haris)
10:30.37Harishow does one add ca-cert to the ssl file in config ?
10:30.51Haris[Aug 22 15:30:17] ERROR[3230]: tcptls.c:609 handle_tcptls_connection: Problem setting up ssl connection: error:1407609C:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:http request
10:30.51Haris[Aug 22 15:30:17] WARNING[3230]: tcptls.c:684 handle_tcptls_connection: FILE * open failed!
10:34.37SamotSame as always, tlscafile=
10:36.34SamotYou have all the TLS stuff setup in sip.conf, correct?
10:48.19Harisdon't think so
10:48.29HarisI still have to config this box largely
10:48.50HarisCorrection: Largely, I still have to config this box
10:50.49Haris[Aug 22 15:49:56] WARNING[3294] http.c: Ignoring unknown option 'tlscafile' in http.conf
10:53.38SamotWell I thought that might work.
10:55.46SamotThe mini HTTP server only wants .pem files.
10:55.52SamotNot .crt or .key files.
10:56.01SamotSo you would generate the crt and the ca in the .pem file.
10:56.40SamotDid you even look at the sample file as the Wiki suggested?
10:57.00TandyUKi even told him where to find it
11:03.34*** join/#asterisk _boot (~boot@unaffiliated/boot/x-1140682)
11:07.26Harisnot yet
11:08.03Harispath /usr/share/doc/asteri... does not exist
11:08.08Harison centos 6.8
11:10.24SamotLuckily it hasn't changed much over versions.
11:10.35TandyUKHaris: /usr/local/share/....?
11:10.48TandyUKnot sure where centos puts its docs
11:10.59Haristhis asterisk 13 install is from source
11:11.08TandyUKwell its in your source dir then
11:11.20Haristhis url is showing what I have in /etc/asterisk/http.conf
11:11.42TandyUKyeah same file then
11:12.14TandyUKit shows you needing to use a .pem file and how to create one
11:12.26TandyUKyou need to convertyour existing cert, key and cabundle into a .pem file
11:12.42TandyUKthen give that file to asterisk
11:13.28SamotHaris: No.
11:13.35SamotHaris: You do not have .pem files.
11:13.47Harisyep, I know
11:13.47SamotWhich is the only format the Mini-HTTP server will accept.
11:14.03HarisI'm checking on how to create it
11:14.03SamotAs explained in that sample document.
11:15.09*** join/#asterisk newtonr (
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11:15.41*** join/#asterisk chuckf_ (
11:18.16Harisis this ( ) correct method for pem file creation ?
11:18.34TandyUKat a guess, yes
11:25.45_bootHi all, I've got TLS working for SIP but I'm trying to enable SRTP, got encryption=yes on asterisk and I'm using baresip with mediaenc set to SRTP. Whenever I try to make a call I get a 488 Not Acceptable Here. i see some kind of crypto stuff in the sdp message, but i don't know what's going on. Can anyone see my mistake? sip debug log at
11:26.25*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
11:35.12SamotThat generally means there were no matching codecs between the two endpoints.
11:35.22SamotI.e. Asterisk and your softphone.
11:41.35Haris[Aug 22 16:40:55] ERROR[4292] tcptls.c: TLS/SSL error loading private key file. </etc/asterisk/ssl/>
11:43.27file_boot, that is optional SRTP which is not supported by chan_sip
11:52.24Haris[Aug 22 16:52:03] ERROR[4448] tcptls.c: TLS/SSL error loading private key file. </etc/asterisk/ssl/>
12:06.24TandyUKHaris: thats an error with your cert/pem file
12:16.03_bootSamot: but it works with encryption off
12:16.30SamotOK. Do you have it set to do SRTP?
12:17.03_bootfile: ...i'm not sure i follow, why doesn't chan_sip support srtp with encryption=yes?
12:17.13fileit supports required SRTP
12:17.20filebut the offer it received was for OPTIONAL SRTP
12:17.26_bootoh right, okay
12:17.30filewhich is not supported in chan_sip, it is however supported in chan_pjsip
12:17.33_bootwhy is that even a thing
12:17.34SamotHaris: Why are you showing us something that we told you to fix already?
12:18.05*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:18.08SamotHaris: Show your http.conf file.
12:18.10infobotpastebin is, like, a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
12:18.31_bootfile: how do you tell from the logs that it is optional srtp and not required?
12:18.44file_boot, it is using "RTP/AVP" instead of "RTP/SAVP"
12:18.57_bootah okay, cheers I'll take a look at my client config
12:19.02fileRTP/AVP + crypto = optional, RTP/SAVP + crypto = required
12:22.30_bootokay, so I found the option to use required srtp and I'm now seeing m=audio 41836 RTP/SAVP 9 0 8 3 101
12:23.40_boot...but still getting the 488 Not Acceptable Here, - is sip debug log all i should be looking at here or should I be enabling something more?
12:24.29*** join/#asterisk SeiGGy (~zway@
12:30.03filethat's the extent of what chan_sip would tell you, nothing else springs to mind over why it wouldn't be accepting it
12:31.54_booti'm gonna restart asterisk again just to be safe
12:38.37Harishold please
12:39.37_bootcould it be Asterisk not supporting the cipher?
12:54.06*** join/#asterisk Khronos (
12:55.24Harismy http.conf is unchanged, accept for the filename for tlscertfile and tlsprivatekey
12:56.06Harisaccept = except
12:56.22Haristried to create .pem file manually
12:56.34Harisperhaps I miss-ordered content in the .pem file
13:02.10*** join/#asterisk acidfu_ (
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13:38.35*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
13:41.48*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
13:41.52*** join/#asterisk tirej (~errorist_@
13:41.56tirejhi everyone
13:42.36tirejguys , do you know mirtapbx ?
13:42.44tirejwhat is this mirtapbx exactly ?
13:43.11tirejcan i develop such as system with asterisk ? and how ?
13:45.37tirejis there any open source interface for asterisk ?
13:48.02TandyUKi thought asterisk was open source
13:48.09TandyUKyou doewnload the source, and off you go
13:48.41tirejyeah, it's
13:48.54tirejbut i am looking for an interface for it
13:49.05_bootis freepbx or something an Asterisk frontend?
13:49.06tireji've no experience with asterisk
13:49.15tirej_boot, yeah
13:49.20TandyUKthere are many interfaces whcih just wrap around asterisk
13:49.27TandyUKfreepbx is an example
13:49.45TandyUKall they do is build config files for you
13:49.54_bootmy interface is vim + head slamming on the desk
13:50.09TandyUKmaybe wanna replace that last part :P
13:50.19TandyUKi use but thats definitely not free
13:50.25_boothead hurt good
13:50.39TandyUKtbf, vim causes that for me on its own
13:50.43TandyUKno need to bang head on desk
13:51.27tireji see, but i need to provide an interface for end user
13:51.42tireja web gui
13:52.45tirejhas anyone used freepbx ?
13:54.20TandyUKi dont think free ones of those exist
13:54.31TandyUKall the guis we are talking about are for the pbx server admin to use, not lusers
13:54.54TandyUKscopserv has components which und users can use, but certainly not all of it
13:55.05TandyUKall they get are the stats/cdr reporting
13:55.11wyounghey gang!
13:55.25TandyUKand basic management (agent login/off, hotdesking, call pickup, etc)
13:56.15tirejTandyUK, by end-user i mean the administrator not the system administrator
13:57.16craigifytirej, I know freePBX, yes
13:57.32craigifytirej, I've also talked to the creator of MirthaPBX looking to use it for a project
13:57.58tirejcraigify, yeah ?
13:58.27craigifyasterisk is a software platform for making PBXs
13:58.41craigifythere are other products that are ready to use PBXes
13:58.44craigifybased on asterisk
13:59.09craigifyfreepbx is open source, has their own support system, and web user interface
13:59.56tireji see, so asterisk has an DB or config files and these interfaces (mirtapbx, freepbx ) are just manager?
13:59.57tirejright ?
13:59.59craigifyMirtaPBX is a modern development. It's multi tenant, where FreePBX is not, plus internally without getting into implementation details, it is designed completely different
14:00.27craigifythat's basically correct
14:00.32somepoortechsangoma is also working on making the free parts of freepbx less free
14:00.39tirejcraigify, i see
14:00.42*** join/#asterisk KaliLinuxGR (~alexandro@unaffiliated/kalilinuxgr)
14:01.11tirejcraigify, we are using mirtapbx at the company currently but we'd like to built our own
14:02.22craigifytirej, start learning then :)
14:02.40tirejcraigify, of course, that's why i am here : )
14:02.46craigifywhat are you doing to do with it?
14:03.12*** join/#asterisk mjordan (mjordan@nat/digium/x-cdvreuyumiqnkxrw)
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14:03.25tirejTandyUK, not me but my firm yeah
14:03.30TandyUKand there was me thinking asterisk was for desktop publishing :P
14:03.31tirej: )
14:03.39craigifyI thought you'd build a horse race prediction algorithym
14:04.18_bootmine functions as a fart machine
14:04.20TandyUKor build a coffee machine
14:04.28TandyUKdial 3 to add sugar ;)
14:04.32wyoungcraigify: $100 on farlap
14:06.05wyoungI never said my prediction algorithm was any good :P
14:06.59craigifytirej, look into Adhearsion.  Or you could even roll your own with nodeJS and some libraries
14:07.15craigifyor you could go with asterisk dialplan plus AGI scripts
14:07.42craigifykind of depends on the scope of what you're doing
14:07.58craigifydialplan plus AGI scripts might get a bit unruly for large projects
14:09.01craigifyif you don't know shit about Asterisk, get Asterisk: The Definitive Guide, third edition.  I think that's the latest edition
14:09.08craigifyit doesn't cover new stuff in Asterisk 13
14:09.15craigifylike PJSIP
14:09.47tireji see
14:10.11craigifyI just started working on PJSIP
14:10.45craigifynot working on it, working on getting it set up to eventually move to it
14:11.26tirejcraigify, actually i'd like to build similar to mirtapbx
14:11.42tirejto be honest the company wants me to build one like mirtapbx
14:12.08*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-zytitxnezmzediao)
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14:15.53tirejcraigify, having issues with mirtapbx and it's support and to be more flexible about changes
14:16.15tirejand also to have their own brand shiny precious pbx interface i guess : )
14:16.49craigifylook at freepbx or asterisknow
14:17.16*** join/#asterisk tsia (~Thunderbi@2001:a61:4017:1001:1874:6b4:9826:7463)
14:18.11tirejcraigify, asterisknow comes with freepbx gui right ?
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14:21.28tirejcraigify, thanks for the guidance
14:21.29craigifythink about the task of writing a complete pbx.....
14:21.42*** join/#asterisk u0m3_ (~u0m3@
14:21.50craigifyunless you have a specific reason to do so
14:21.50tirejreally heplful it was
14:21.55*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-adqianqzyugcnlha)
14:22.42tireji guess, we'll write from scratch base on asterisk
14:23.06tirejthats what i can predict from now
14:23.40*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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14:26.29*** join/#asterisk tsia (~Thunderbi@2001:a61:4017:1001:1874:6b4:9826:7463)
14:27.02tirejcraigify, adhearsion is looks good !
14:28.34TandyUKnot asterisk, but check out kazoo too
14:28.42TandyUKwhistle / kazoo
14:28.48TandyUKwhatever theyre callign it now
14:29.01TandyUKits a clustered freeswitch/kamalio based setup
14:29.14TandyUKmuch more resiliant than a single asterisk node, and what im planning to move to long term
14:30.17tirejTandyUK, would be awesome to have clustered structure
14:30.47TandyUKthats my biggest problem with asterisk tbh
14:31.06TandyUKa server dying mid call should not cut off the call, it should just automagically reroute t oa different node
14:31.26TandyUKcompletely transparently to the caller/callee, as happens in a freeswitch cluster
14:31.46TandyUKcurrently we just have active/passive asterisk nodes
14:31.58tireji hate php
14:32.14TandyUKanythign thats not active/active isnt good for a HA setup
14:32.24TandyUKphp rocks
14:32.43KobazTandyUK: you can do survivable units with asterisk. use reinvites
14:32.48tirejTandyUK, you are right about everything that you said except php : )
14:33.12KobazTandyUK: but anything that involves actually handling the call directly, like call recording and/or bridging, you'll be out of luck with just about any system
14:33.41Kobazyou could get away with call recording via traffic sniffing and have that part be passive, but you're still left with bridging
14:34.24TandyUKwhy do you need to bridge?
14:34.31Kobazmeetme or etc
14:35.00Kobazand then if you're using any kind of application server, short of having something like vmware with full system mirroring, then that'll be an issue as well
14:35.16TandyUKwe do use vmware, with fault tolerant nodes
14:35.24TandyUKso hardware failure is a non issue
14:36.41tirejTandyUK, so how do you manage incoming calls if the active node goes down ?
14:40.19tireji'll be back in 12h-16h,see you guys,
14:45.23TandyUKtirej: thats the point, they die
14:45.31TandyUKpassive node takes over, for when they retry
14:51.35edong23Kobaz: yeah, i do that with kvm
14:51.40edong23the system mirroring thing
14:51.50edong23there is a blip when a server goes down, the the call stays up
14:56.01edong23i have a question that does involve asterisk... but i suspect might end up being a sysadmin question. but thus far seems to only affect my asterisk installation.  A while back i asked a question about audio dropping out on my installation. i finally was able to debug it in a maintenance window with no other traffic.. and, it is odd.  The rtp stream in tcpdump just stops. the server still receives arps from other systems on the network, but..
14:56.13edong23putting entries in the host files fixes the issue
14:56.38edong23but im trying to figure out why that is even an issue...  the server is defined in sip.conf with the ip and name... why would the rtp stream care?
14:58.38filethe RTCP code was doing a lookup needlessly instead of caching the result, so if the local hostname was not in /etc/hosts it could impact media
14:58.48filea fix has gone in and will be in the next release to resolve it
14:59.14edong23file: that is a fair answer..
14:59.19edong23can i ask how long that code has been in there?
14:59.33edong23because this affected me in asterisk 11.2 and now in current
14:59.38fileawhile, but it's only applicable to 13+
14:59.51filethat specific case at least
15:00.09edong23hm... i will say my issue got worse after upgrading to 13.x
15:00.21edong23but it was indeed doing this on my 11.2 installs...
15:00.40fileit was likely a different path
15:01.26edong23a different path/
15:01.50filethe code which was just fixed doesn't exist in 11, so if the same issue occurred it was likely caused by something else
15:01.53filethus a different path
15:02.13edong23file: most likely
15:02.38edong23i didnt debug the 11 version when the issue occured
15:04.48edong23file:  here is the full birdseye view
15:05.20filea birdseye doesn't really help for this, it'd need a backtrace from the running process to see where it is stuck
15:06.15edong23i had a sangoma card that started throwing an error on the echo canceller module. i had some issues with audio then on 11.2, but it was random at best. So i bought a new card, and replaced that server with a new server ( for other reasons) and also upgraded to 13. Then the problem was worse. and then i debuged and found the rtp stream lockup waiting for dns.
15:06.36edong23so maybe i had a different problem in 11, possibly related to that card.  and now im on 13 and have this issue
15:08.42edong23file: true, but either way, you described exactly what im seeing in this situation, and a hostfile entry works. i just didnt want to bandaid somethign without knowing what was causeing it.   the most important question is why did my dns server take so long to respond. but ill dig into that. for now, the host file entry will do. and ill upgrade later when the fix is in current/stable
15:08.49edong23file: thank you very much
15:09.01fileslow DNS be bad yo
15:09.12filethat being said - we're getting better at tolerating DNS in the newer stuff
15:09.19filebut there's still cases where we can only do so much
15:09.19edong23i might have been able to find that in the my googles if i could have worded it in some way. do you have the bug id?
15:09.51edong23file: i suspect an issue with my virtual environment storage. I am waiting for 20 SSDs right now to solve the intermittent storage speed.
15:10.08edong23file: perfect, thank you. Ill keep an eye on this.
15:12.33wyoungfile: a birdseye? as in a type of chili?
15:13.10filewyoung, O.o
15:13.12edong23wyoung: a type of maple wood
15:13.30wyoungedong23: I thought maple wood wasa type
15:14.47edong23it is. and birdseye maple is a pattern made by the grain that looks like crap but people build stuff out of it because they think it is pretty. but it really looks like acne
15:15.06stefan27regarding the of matching INVITEs to sip.conf peer entries... if I receive an INVITE from ip X with From-header: <sip:A@B>;tag=as0c311c9c are only the values of X and A significant when matching to peers? domain B never matters?
15:15.14edong23file: again, i appreciate it. i like knowing why something was happening. and this one had be hung up.
15:15.28fileyup yup
15:19.23wyoung@file uses perl
15:22.27[TK]D-Fenderstefan27, peer matches the literal source IP, not the reported origin
15:23.09stefan27and friend only the user-part of the From-header (A in my case)?
15:24.50[TK]D-Fenderfriend = user + peer
15:25.04[TK]D-Fenderit'll try on both and the 1st it htinks can match it'll try to auth against
15:25.31wyoungfile: but you have @ in the name
15:25.39wyoungfile: so you must use perl
15:26.01wyoungedong23: hwy biud
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15:32.00jdcamacho92is anybody here?
15:32.09wyoungjdcamacho92: I am somewhat here
15:32.25wyoungjdcamacho92: depending on your definition of here
15:32.39wyoungfile: shut up and code in per
15:32.49jdcamacho92i was bored with awayers
15:32.57jdcamacho92leavers and afks guys
15:33.00wyoungjdcamacho92: I knoew right
15:34.14jdcamacho92ok, i have a question, is there any script or something like that to rotate caller id numbers? (similar to caller id spoofing). I need this to my trunk, they provided us 150 caller ids but idk how to rotate it. :S
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15:35.33jdcamacho92usually i use elastix, freepbx tribox.. if is there any module it would be great, but if there is not, im open to use a framework.
15:36.17[TK]D-FenderThere is no magic framework. Setting a callerid is 1 line of dialplan
15:36.26[TK]D-FenderWhat logic you put behind the selction of that is up to you
15:36.45[TK]D-FenderAnd asking in here should imply that you understand * enouggh to understand that fact.  Thus you'd just have to choose your method
15:37.24[TK]D-FenderThere is no module for anything but a limited GUI for this./  It's too small a thing for it to be a ready-made plug--in thing of any kind for a DIY install
15:37.33edong23jdcamacho92: if you are asking ^
15:37.47edong23he beat me to it.. but it is very simple to do
15:37.56edong23im curious why you would need to rotate them in such a way
15:38.11jdcamacho92ok, i just came here to ask it, i dont want to code it if it already exists
15:38.17[TK]D-FenderIt doesn't
15:38.21jdcamacho92thx for ur help :)
15:38.33[TK]D-FenderNot that it's HARD to do
15:39.05edong23jdcamacho92: if it is a block of 150 callerids and they are consecutive, yuou could possibly use a built in rand function
15:39.12[TK]D-FenderPut them in numbered in into a DB, use AstDB value to track the last one used, increment, then take that record #
15:39.12edong23for the say, last few digits
15:39.37[TK]D-FenderOr pumpt them al into astDB, or grep out using SHELL,, or.... XYZ
15:39.40[TK]D-Fender100 different ways
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15:39.47jdcamacho92edong23: no, they are not random. they are established and allowed by Colombian government
15:40.26jdcamacho92ok fender, that is what im talking about.
15:55.24HarisI'm stuck at making .pem for pvt key
15:56.43Harisits not picking simple pvt key
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16:03.04[TK]D-FenderHaris, You've done nothing to prove your files are there, or in the right condition, nor are you showing the steps in their creation.  You've showed nothing of value.
16:03.30Hariswhat files ?
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16:03.34Harisssl cert ?
16:03.50Harisor the .pem ones
16:06.12[TK]D-FenderALL OF THEM
16:06.34[TK]D-Fenderstarting with the one it gives you a very clear message about
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16:14.39nnyHi channel, quick question. I am working on project that will be pulling (somehow) data from a MongoDB based database. In the past we had a separate db in mysql, but it would get unwieldy and slow as the records hit high numbers (mysql limits). The source data is in MongoDB, and I found this github project using a Mongodb connector https://github.c
16:14.39nnyom/FlaPer87/cdr_mongodb I am still reviewing it but just based on the premise and not that idea, is there other suggestions for this goal? Does ODBC support Mongodb? I am currently using the deprecated application
16:14.52nnyI thought about querying an external script as well, but trying to avoid a mess
16:15.27nnydeprecated application app_mysql*
16:16.15HarisI'v shown my http.conf
16:16.38Harismy ssl cert and its key are valid. I did configure asterisk a few hours ago to listen to ws https port
16:17.10Hariseverything is ok. problem starts when I haven't given it a .pem file where it expects one
16:17.46HarisI'v created normal text files for ssl cert, pvt key, ca bundle. I don't have a .pem
16:18.08Haris <--- my http.conf
16:18.16Hariswhat other files have I not shown ?
16:18.24Harisrelevant ones please
16:18.49HarisI can't paste 113 asterisk config files. they aren't envolved for this case
16:19.10[TK]D-FenderHaris> everything is ok. problem starts when I haven't given it a .pem file where it expects one <- GIVE IT THE FILE IT IS ASKING FOR
16:19.28[TK]D-Fender[Aug 22 20:45:38] ERROR[4903] tcptls.c: TLS/SSL error loading private key file. </etc/asterisk/ssl/>
16:20.08Haristhis file contains rsa pvt key. I'm not why asterisk is not loading it
16:20.24Haristhe file exists on that path
16:20.45[TK]D-Fenderit is bad
16:20.55[TK]D-FenderHOW you screwed it up is what you need to prove
16:21.27edong23or maybe ownership
16:21.33stefan27We have a sip friend C (dynamic host) and a sip peer D (static host) where parameter callerid is not set on either of them in sip.conf... When we receive SIP INVITES from C or D, we execute dialplan in which the value of CALLERID(num) seem to have been set to the value of the user in the From-header... but is this always the case or does the value of CALLERID(num) depend on other headers,
16:21.33stefan27say RPID or P-Asserted-Identity headers... depending on settings?
16:22.56stefan27From reading sip.conf and the documentation for function CALLERID all I could find was that if one sets callerid statically it overrides that
16:23.05Haristhe md5 hash for the key and the csr match. is that good enough ?
16:23.14Haristhis from openssl output
16:23.59[TK]D-Fenderisn't wasting time on half-assed debugging attempts
16:24.11Hariswhat's the right way to do it ?
16:24.30WIMPystefan27: It depends on trustrpid=.
16:24.49Harislet's see how much time I'll have to waste in proving that files are ok as they are
16:25.19stefan27thanks Wimpy
16:25.46TandyUKHaris: can you load that pem on another system?
16:25.49edong23Haris: the point is, there is a reason it isnt loading it. either the file is bunk, or the file cant be read by your asterisk user...
16:25.56HarisI don't have a .pem. I'm trying to create one manually
16:25.59edong23or it isnt in that directory
16:26.17TandyUKso what is /etc/asterisk/ssl/ then?
16:26.37Harisits contains the normal rsa key used to generate the csr, against which I have the still valid ssl cert
16:27.02edong23and that is what [TK]D-Fender is getting at. you have only showed the console output. not how you created the file, or a simple ls -lh on the directory /etc/asterisk/ssl/
16:27.05TandyUKok, well you need to use openssl to combine the key, crt and ny cabundle int oa .pem (PKCS9??) Key file
16:27.28Harisedong23: files are there. asterisk may not be able to read them. but file/folder ownership is asterisk:asterisk
16:27.34Harisfor entire /etc/asterisk tree
16:28.08edong23what is this pem file you defined in your http.conf?
16:28.10Harisedong23: contents of folder are in paste --->
16:28.54edong23thought you didnt have a pem file?
16:29.00HarisTandyUK: I tried to do it. (1) cat pvt key in file1 (2) cat >> crt in file1 (3) cat >> ca bundle in file1
16:29.10Haristhat's the steps with which I tried to manually create this .pem file
16:29.39Hariscreated file1.pem, but asterisk doesn't like it
16:29.52Hariscreated file1.pem in above mentioned way
16:29.53TandyUKuse openssl to convert iy
16:30.00TandyUKyou cant just cat it lol
16:30.00Harisah ok
16:30.07TandyUKand LOL
16:30.23TandyUKsave the hassle of converting your ssl cert, BY GIVING THEM TO US!
16:30.32TandyUKffs dont do that ;)
16:30.39edong23let me just upload this
16:30.44edong23to some shady looking site
16:31.12Harischecking this site
16:31.24edong23however, they do have the commands you need down there
16:31.46edong23Haris: the first link TandyUK posted
16:32.01Haris <--- this one ?
16:32.15TandyUKtbf, on the second one and scroll down
16:33.04edong23yeah, but justl.... stay off that site
16:33.12edong23stick with that one Haris   yes
16:33.13TandyUKdont be uploading shit though!
16:35.26Haris <--- how about this
16:37.47TandyUKOnce you have the library installed, the command you need to issue is:
16:37.48TandyUKopenssl x509 -in mycert.crt -out mycert.pem -outform PEM
16:38.09TandyUKnow if it needs the key too, which im sure asterisk will tell you,
16:38.21TandyUKopenssl x509 -in mycert.crt -inkey mykey.key -out mycert.pem -outform PEM
16:39.23Harisunknown option -inkey
16:39.34Harison centos 6.8
16:40.31edong23maybe just -in
16:40.51edong23could be -key
16:40.54edong23this is what man is for
16:41.02TandyUKor -? ;)
16:51.23nnyAnyone here used Mongodb and asterisk in some way?
16:52.18Harisworking on it
16:53.42Harisok. my .crt and .key files are already in PEM format
16:54.09Harisby configuring them "as is" in http.conf, asterisk -rx 'http show status' shows that asterisk is listening on 8089 port
16:55.23*** join/#asterisk acidfu_ (
16:55.28Haristhe files are not named .pem. they are individual cert, pvt key, ca bundle files, but they are in pem format
16:55.58Haristesting asterisk on ssl port with wscat
16:59.26Hariswhat files can't it open ?
17:00.28Harisu/g: asterisk owns all config files
17:01.06Harisnon-ssl ws port connection is working ok with wscat
17:01.12Hariswith ssl port, I'm getting this error
17:01.19Harisnot sure if wscat can do ssl port
17:01.44SamotWhat part of the TLS files being a .pem format is hard to understand?
17:01.53SamotLike they need to be named .pem as well.
17:02.03SamotNothing lists a .pem in your SSL directory.
17:03.43Haristhat I was trying to do
17:04.34SamotThen were are the .pem files you generated?
17:05.44Harisasterisk didn't like them. I removed them
17:08.38Harisretrying to generate again
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17:35.41pilinghi everyone
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17:36.07stefan27other than ${CUT(CUT(SIP_HEADER(from),@,1),:,2)} how do I get the value of the user portion of the SIP header From?
17:36.42stefan27I have to parse it like that myself?
18:07.54TandyUKany idea how i stop my voip calls showing up as "" or "07956....@" when using the voip client built into android?
18:10.36_boothi all, does anyone know why Asterisk might refuse SRTP calls with a 488 Not acceptable here? I've got the phone set up with mandatory SRTP, and encryption=yes in sip.conf, and Asterisk can successfully call the phone... It's just the phone can't make outbound calls
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18:31.19hdonhi all :) why do people use ulaw? can't you achieve better voice quality at lower bandwidth with other codecs?
18:40.35dadrcbecause everybody uses ulaw
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18:53.05||cwcompatibility.  saving the processing power in not transcoding is pretty valuable
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19:03.44Hariswhat's the keyword for ca cert in tls config in http.conf ?
19:03.50Harisits not tlscafile
19:03.57Haris[Aug 23 00:03:12] WARNING[5438] http.c: Ignoring unknown option 'tlscafile' in http.conf
19:04.31Haristhe error I'm getting is most probably related to ca cert not having been included in already present config
19:05.30Harisdoes it go in http.conf or sip.conf ?
19:08.53hdon||cw, well i wouldn't recommend transcoding the same signal a bunch of times, but i mean, surely close to both ends of the call, you can afford one transcode. there must even be asics out there that make transcoding really cheap.
19:09.47||cwhdon: you talk SIP providers into using something else and then you'll have a case.
19:10.34hdonHaris, i see nothing about it here maybe you should put nginx in front of asterisk if you want encryption
19:10.50hdon||cw, they all use ulaw? anyone using anything else?
19:11.49||cwyes, and I'm sure some offer others too, in which case you can make that change
19:12.05||cwmy point is that it works best if it's the same end to end
19:12.11hdonHaris, also you don't need a certificate authority certificate, per se. to use ssl/tls on a server, you'll need one file with your private key, and ideally a second file with each certificate in your certificate chain, beginning with the certificate corresponding to your private key, and ending with your root certificate authority certificate
19:12.25hdon||cw, hmm.. ok
19:13.00Haris==> messages <==
19:13.00Haris[Aug 22 21:56:07] ERROR[5272] tcptls.c: Problem setting up ssl connection: error:1407609C:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:http request
19:13.00Haris[Aug 22 21:56:07] WARNING[5272] tcptls.c: FILE * open failed!
19:13.13HarisI'm getting this when I login to https port with wscat
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19:13.34Harisasterisk restart doesn't show any tls related errors
19:13.48HarisI don't have tls configured in sip.conf. only in http.conf
19:14.33hdonHaris, well maybe this doc is out of date but i don't see anything about encryption here
19:15.18HarisI googled this error. the first few result(s) was a forum on which it said something about a ca cert
19:19.43hdonHaris, i would use openssl(1) to test first before wscat
19:21.04hdonHaris, or curl to HTTP GET
19:21.36hdonHaris, to establish websocket connection, first ssl/tls must be negotiated, then http request can be sent, then http can be upgraded to websocket
19:22.01hdonbut i've never used wscat so idk how good it is to debug problems in the earlier stages
19:22.34Haristhere's no other good tools, which exist or are .. relatively easier to use
19:23.58hdonHaris, openssl s_client -connect <host>:<port> # see "man s_client" for more options like -debug
19:24.54HarisVerify return code: 21 (unable to verify the first certificate)
19:28.50HarisI need to convert my x509/pem cert into .pem cert
19:28.55Harisand the pvt key
19:28.55Harisdon't know how to do that
19:30.01Hariseither I haven't configured to ssl cert right or its demanding/missing the ca cert
19:31.59Hariswhen I give it the ca-bundle file as tlscerfile, it gives error about pvt key. which is puzzling
19:35.31alfabitHaris: have you tried concatenating all the keys together into one file and name it .pem?
19:35.45Haristhere's just one pvt key
19:35.53Hariswhat all keys ?
19:37.22alfabit.key, .crt, intermediate.crt, root.crt
19:37.58HarisI have .key .crt .ca-bundle. three files. is there specific order I need to put them in ?
19:38.20alfabitthe order i just posted
19:38.27Harisi tried with cat earlier
19:38.32alfabitthen save the file as  yourdomain.pem
19:39.02alfabit near the bottom
19:45.11Haristhis helped
19:45.33Harislooks like asterisk accepted this one
19:46.15Harisnope. same error with wscat
19:46.17Haris==> messages <==
19:46.17Haris[Aug 23 00:45:53] ERROR[6003] tcptls.c: Problem setting up ssl connection: error:1407609C:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:http request
19:46.17Haris[Aug 23 00:45:53] WARNING[6003] tcptls.c: FILE * open failed!
19:47.26alfabitthat i'm not sure on.  i knew about the pem from working with webrtc setup but not familiar with the tcptls seen here
19:50.22KNERDwow..been on this for hours. Seems OpenVPN is a lot easier (if the phone supports it)
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20:09.03_booti still cant understand why asterisk won't accept srtp-encrypted calls :( i've got sip logs where asterisk successfully calls out to a phone using srtp encryption ( and when it won't accept a call from the phone ( - i don't see anything obvious, it looks like everything is going fine and it gets to 'Found audio description format telephone-event for
20:09.58rwbHi, Anybody know of a good solution for old pulse phone support?  I'm looking to build a custom system to connect 12 - 16 old analog rotary phones internally (12 - 16 FXS ports that support pulse)  Any ideas?  maybe old used equipment?
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20:11.31_bootcan you get pulse->dtmf in-line converters? i was thinking of trying to make something like that a while back
20:12.06rwbthat may be my only option, but I would rather not if I can.
20:12.25TandyUKwouldnt a better question be 'why?;
20:12.34_bootrotary phones with proper bell ringers are awesome
20:12.49rwbIt's mostly an art installation as well. so vintage is the thing
20:13.03TandyUKi know you can get kits to replace the innards
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20:13.29TandyUKso it becomes a moddern phone, in a vintage chassis
20:13.56rwbtrying to avoid that if I can.  Not sure I will be able to though.
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21:04.29alfabitrwb: channelbank?
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21:26.07KNERDrwb: yes, it's called a "switch board"..
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21:31.01rwbDoes anyone know if there even is such a thing as a 16+ FXS port pci card that can support pulse?
21:32.11WIMPyUse a big ATA, a channel bank or an old PBX.
21:32.28KNERDmaybe some of these will
21:35.01KNERDI have an a200, but no FXS interface on it ti test..only FXO that backwards
21:39.48KNERDrwb: this is intertestig
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23:17.41bkuhnI have a sip client that's having some strange audio issues (a rather consistent breakup), but the problems do not appear when I see the message "Locally bridging <Channel> and <channel>"
23:18.27bkuhnI was wondering how to force that local bridging to occur every time this sip client connects.  I tried various settings with directrtpsetup / directmedia to no avail.
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23:30.13Ellenoris there a number (name@domain sip id, that is) i can call if I'm super bored, that either has a person who answers calls from strangers at the other end or a conference call that's relatively active all through North America daytime?
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23:59.49wyoungbkuhn: are you transcoding at all?

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